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Introduction of Fans and Blowers

Fans and Blowers use air for ventilation and

industrial process requirements. It generates
pressure to move air through ducts, dampers and
other components of the fan system.
Difference of Fans and blowers
Fan is mechanical device is used to create a
continuous flow of air through the system. In any
cooling system which uses gas such as air as its
main fluid, fan is a compulsory unit for the system.
When higher pressure is required, blowers are used
instead of fans.
ASME differentiated fans blowers and air
compressor by getting the specific ration of
discharging pressure over suction pressure.
Fan Laws
There are several fan laws that shows the
relationship between pressure, capacity, speed,
and power. Some of the most useful fan laws are:
1.Capacity directly proportional to speed
2.Pressure directly proportional to speed2
3.Power directly proportional to speed3
Centrifugal Fan
Also known as squirrel cage for it resembles to an
exercise cage of a squirrel. It produces air flow in
radial- or perpendicular – direction relative to the
shaft. Centrifugal Fans are used in many industrial
processes and in air pollution control system.

Centrifugal fans are used in many industrial

processes because they are able to produce large
increases in air pressure. They are often used in
grain drying and greenhouse ventilation. These are
also common in air pollution control system as well
as HVAC.
Alexander Sablukov, 1832 a Russian Lieutenant
General discovered and contributed a lot to the
invention of centrifugal Fan.
Air compressor
is anything that increases the amount of air that is
contained within a particular space. By packing in
the air, the air pressure is increased.
The first air compressor was not a machine but it
was our lungs. Our ancestors made use of their
lungs by creating fire through blowing.
As people began to melt metals a more powerful
compressor was required.
Egyptians and Sumerian metallurgist first used
wind, then blowpipes for their work. The first
mechanical compressor, was the hand-operated
bellows. After 1500B.C. more efficient foot bellows
came into use.
Ctesibius. Discovered the elasticity of air and
invention of several devices using compressed air,
including force pumps and an air-powered catapult.
Heron designed and automatic temple door
opener, which used heat and pneumatics to open a
set of temple doors.
In 1762, John Smeaton, the first professional
engineer, built a water wheel-driven blowing
cylinder that began to replace the bellows.
In 1776, John Wilkinson introduced an efficient
blasting machine in England. The machine was an
early prototype for all mechanical compressors.
In the past only human and animal power was
possible to power crude air compressors and this
severely limited the utility of these primitive
devices. With the industrial revolution, the
mechanical compressor was born.
Due to the poor efficiency of the early axial
compressors, papers in 1920’s said that a practical
jet engine would be impossible to construct.
Things changed after Alan Arnold Griffin published
a seminal paper noting that the reason because of
the existing compressors used flat blades and were
essentially flying stalled.
Flying stalled= reduction in the life coefficient
generated by a foil as angle of attack increases.
He showed that the use of airfoils instead of flat
blades would increase efficiency to the point where
a practical jet was a possibility.
Air Compressor
Is a device that converts power (using an electric
motor, diesel or gasoline engine, etc.) into
potential energy stored in pressurized air.

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