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Let’s celebrate

Actividad N°3: Do it yourself!
Escribe diversos tipos de textos en inglés como lengua extranjera.

Redactar un pequeño artículo en inglés sobre las habilidades de los miembros de mi familia para participar en
un concurso nacional representando a Lima.

GRADO: 1ro y 2do
SEMANA: 18° - agosto

AÑO: 2021

APELLIDOS Y NOMBRES: Rodriguez Vasquez Kamila


Look at the pictures below and choose the correct answer.

What can this person do?

He can cooks picante.
He cans cook picante.
He can cook picante.
Where can they dance?
They can dancing polka.
They can dance polka.
They cans dance polka.

Kamisaraki jilatanaka kullakanaka

What can she do?

She can speak Ashaninka.
She can speak Quechua.
She can speak Aymara.

What can she do?

She can sing.
She can do breakdance.
She can heal a person.

Perú La Victoria

Family Mother Ruth

Father’s Moises

Read the questions below and answer.

What’s your father ‘s name?

My father name is Moises _

What’s your mother’s name?

My mother name is Ruth

How many brothers do you have?

I have one brother

How many sisters do you have?

I have don’t sisters

Which sentece describe your family?

a) My family has different Peruvian abilities.
b) We are talented International family.
c) My family expresses the culture of Lima in different ways.
What can your mother do?
She can cook Pachamanca

What can your father do?

He can cook papa rellena

What can your brother / sister do?

My brother / sister can play soccer

What can you do?

I can play piano

Which sentence describes your family?

A) My family rocks
B) We are Peruvian and we are proud!
C) We love Peru!
Now write your paragraph about your abilities and your family’s abilities. Use the information to help
you complete the paragraph.

Hello, my name is Kamila Rodriguez. I am Peruvian, I am from La Victoria in Lima. I

live with my mother, my father and my brother. My mother's name is Ruth, my
father's name is Moises, and my brother's is Emerson. I do not have sisters. My
family is Peruvian, we all speak Spanish, my father speaks Quechua, my mother
cooks Pachamanca, my brother plays the drums, I play the piano and sing, I don't
speak Quechua. we are peruvian and we are proud

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