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1. Find the next term in the following sequence : 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 33, .....

a. 44
b. 46
c. 54
d. 55

2. At a dinner party, 324 people arrange themselves in 9 equal rows. How many
people are seated in each row?

3. Look at this picture! Four houses is made from matchstick. How many
matchstick is needed to make 13 houses?

4. What is the sum of the smallest and the greatest 4-digit numbers can be formed
from digits 3,5,8,7 ?

5. Compute 7 x 6 + 5 = ?

6. Six times 9 is how many times of 9 more than twice of 9?

7. Sello has 22 chocolate candies. He want to share the candies to 5 friends equally.
If Sello get the chocolate candies as many as his friend's, how many chocolate
candies will each his friend get?

8. There are 20 children in the field.

Each girl get 2 balls and each boy get 1 ball. 28 balls are given out in all. How
many boys are there in the field?

9. The place value of 8 in 9834 is ...........

a. 8 x 1
b. 8 x 10
c. 8 x 100
d. 8 x 1000

10. If a month ends on a Wednesday, on what does the next month begin?

11. Adele wrote on her note.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 … 50
How many digits did she write altogether?
12. Find the area of shaded region

13. Find the average of 59, 65, 72, 80, 89

14. Find the day of the week that is 65 days from a Thursday.
15. Consider the time below, what time will it be 1 hour and 15 minutes?

16. In the series below.

What is the 33rd number?
17. Compute the expression on the right. Find - =?
9 7

18. Laura has 12 candies. After Laura gives 2 of her candies to her sister, the
number of her sister’s candies is twice the number of Laura’s candies at the
moment. How many candies does Laura’s sister have originally?

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