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Trung tâm Nhung Phạm |Class: 9A7 |Lesson: Q1 L10 |Date: 20/08/2021

STT Từ mới Nghĩa Ví dụ
Take strong measures against Thực hiện các biện pháp để xử lý The government must be seen to be taking strong measures
sth/Ving vấn đề gì against crime.
Sometimes the reason why we have a hard time getting
2 A clash of personalities Sự đối lập về tính cách along with certain people is simple because there is a clash of
If you find yourself having a hard time getting along with
someone at work that has a strong personalities, remember
3 Give in (to sb) Đầu hàng trước ai
that blaming the other person will only result in a dangerous
circle, with each individual not giving in.
4 Back down Nhún nhường (nhận sai/thua)
Thể hiện sự khiêm nhường (mình The best thing to do is to realize that it takes the stronger
5 Show humility đang chưa đúng lắm, mình sẵn person to back down and show humility.
sàng nhận sai)
Likewise (adv) Just water these plants twice a week, and likewise the ones
6 Tương tự
= Similarly (adv) in the bedroom.
7 Sb to be about to V Ai đó chuẩn bị làm gì
So likewise if you find yourself about to explode with angry
Bùng nổ và dùng những từ ngữ
8 Explode with angry words words, it would be best for you to physically walk away.
đầy tức giận
9 At times = Sometimes Thi thoảng You can be really annoying at times, you know.
10 Exterminate (v) sth/sb Giết con gì/ai (theo tập thể)
The pest was exterminated by insecticide.
11 Insecticide (n) Thuốc diệt côn trùng
12 Inflated prices Giá lạm phát I have no intention of paying such inflated prices.
Thuyết phục được mọi người cho
13 Get one’s own way Jim always gets very annoyed if he can’t get his own way.
mình làm theo ý mình
14 Stand sb up Cho ai leo cây If someone stands you up, he fails to meet you as planned.
A good background in physics is a prerequisite for a job in
15 A to be a prerequisite for B A là tiền đề cho B
Trung tâm Nhung Phạm |Class: 9A7 |Lesson: Q1 L10 |Date: 20/08/2021

Bị đuổi khỏi đâu (trường/công

16 To be expelled (from swh) He was expelled because of his poor work.
ty/đất nước)
A break-down of statistical
17 Sự chia nhỏ của dữ liệu thống kê A survey presents a useful break-down of statistical data.
To be positioned in readiness
18 Vào vị trí để sẵn sàng hành động The troops were positioned in readiness for action.
for action
Ngắn hạn (Lasting for only a
19 Transient (adj) The rise in stock prices was transient as it fell the next day.
short time)
Làm “méo mó” cái gì (nghĩa
20 Tarnish (v) sth
bóng) One phenomenon that tarnish or even destroy the dynamics
21 The dynamics of a friendship Sự khăng khít của tình bạn of a friendship between two people is the entrance into a
22 The entrance into sth Sự bước vào cái gì pecuniary relationship; that is, one friend lending money to
Mối quan hệ có liên quan tới tiền the other.
23 A pecuniary relationship
24 Admirable (adj) Đáng ngưỡng mộ While it may be admirable for a one friend to be concerned
25 To be concerned about sth Quan tâm tới điều gì about the financial welfare of the other, a detailed schedule
for remuneration should be made before any money changes
26 Financial welfare Phúc lợi tài chính
Thực hiện một cuộc trò
27 Undertake a discourse on sth chuyện/thảo luận nghiêm túc về Beforehand, it is wise for the two friends to undertake a
vấn đề gì lengthy, detailed discourse on the subject, discussing the
28 Payable (adj) = That should be paid dates and amounts to be payable and any penalties that
29 Lengthy (adj) Dài lê thê occur if this schedule is not met.
30 Penalty (n) Hình phạt
31 To be exempt from sth Được miễn trừ không phải làm gì
Many friends believe their relationships to be exempt from
32 Money matter (n) Vấn đề tiền bạc
the stress of lending and borrowing; however, many money
Một vấn đề nhạy cảm (cần xử lý
33 A touchy subject matters are generally a very touchy subject.
khéo léo, cẩn thận)
34 Outstanding debt (n) Khoản nợ lớn Outstanding debt between friends can become an overdue
An overdue burden and strain Gánh nặng chưa trả xong và sự burden and strain on the friendship. It is best, therefore, to
on sth căng thẳng đối với cái gì avoid lending or borrowing if at all possible.
Trung tâm Nhung Phạm |Class: 9A7 |Lesson: Q1 L10 |Date: 20/08/2021

36 All of a sudden = Suddenly Đột nhiên All of a sudden, your MP3 stops working and you realize that
37 (Battery) run out Hết pin the batteries have run out.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could simply recharge the
38 Recharge the battery Sạc pin
batteries wherever you are?
This might be possible in a few years’ time as scientists are
39 Work on sth Cải tiến/Sửa chữa cái gì
now working on a bag that makes electricity.
When the men had been fighting for a few minutes, we
Bystander (n)
40 Người ngoài cuộc (đứng xem) realized there were about a dozen bystanders/onlookers
= Onlooker (n)
watching them.
41 Benefit from sth Hưởng lợi từ cái gì Most people would benefit from a reduction in the intake of
42 Intake (n) Sự tiếp nhận vào bên trong salt in their diet.
43 Climbdown (n) Việc nhún mình nhận sai Saying she was wrong was a difficult climbdown for Sarah.
Security cameras showed that during the prison breakout,
44 Prison breakout (n) Sự vượt ngục (tẩu thoát)
the guards did nothing.
The party was really boring; we made a quick getaway and
45 Make a getaway Bỏ trốn
went to a club instead.
If Marianne can’t look after the dog this weekend, I’ve got my
46 Backup (n) Người/vật/kế hoạch dự bị
uncle as backup.
The authorities are extremely worried about the threatened
47 The outbreak of a disease (n) Sự bùng nổ của dịch bệnh
outbreak of flu this winter.
48 Passer-by (n) Người qua đường I stopped a passer-by and asked him to call the police.
The government tried to hide their mistakes, didn’t they? ~
49 Cover-up (n) Sự che đậy, bưng bít
Yes, there was a cover-up.
Bản tổng hợp các vấn đề chính The judge referred to this point several times in his summing-
50 Summing-up (n)
cần xem xét khi xử tội ai up.
51 Bide one’s time Chờ đợi cơ hội tới
Nhận được tỉ lệ lãi trên vốn cao If you bide your time until the market improves, you’ll get a
Get a good return on one’s
52 (return on investment: tỷ suất better return on your investment.
hoàn vốn = profit/cost)
Tìm ra/Làm ra một thứ hoàn Doctors in World War II blazed a trail in plastic surgery
53 Blaze a trail in sth
toàn mới, chưa ai làm bao giờ techniques.
Trung tâm Nhung Phạm |Class: 9A7 |Lesson: Q1 L10 |Date: 20/08/2021

Ben’s dreams of a university education went by the board

54 Go by the board Cái gì đó bị lãng quên
when his father died and he was forced to earn a living.
Nơi nào bị cấm không cho ai vào The swimming pool is out of bounds to all pupils unless
55 To be out of bounds to sb
trong accompanied by a teacher.
56 Cost an arm and a leg Cực kỳ đắt đỏ A holiday in Vietnam costs an arm and a leg these days.
Đang không hoạt động bình My TV has been on the blink all week. I’ll have to call a
57 Sth to be on the blink
thường repairman.
Households that are more than six months in arrears with
58 In arrears with sth Còn nợ nần tiền nong gì their mortgage repayments will face repossession of their
(Rash) clear up of its own (Mẩn) tự khỏi
You don’t need to worry. This kind of rash will usually clear
59 *Tự làm không ai bắt (She came
up of its own record.
of her own accord. No one asked
*Do sth of one’s own accord her to come.)
(Chi phí) bị giảm xuống mức tối Costs must be cut to the bone if the company is to survive
60 (Cost) to be cut to the bone
thiểu the economic downturn.
Trở lại bình thường (= active;
61 To be out and about It’s nice to see him out and about again after his illness.
doing the things you usually do)
We could just discern the building through the fog.
62 Make out sth = Discern sth Nhận ra cái gì
= We could just make out the building through the fog.
My daughter has grown out of the jumper you knitted for
63 Grow out of sth Lớn lên không còn mặc vừa cái gì
64 To be indebted to sb for sth Rất biết ơn ai vì điều gì He was indebted to a passer-by for his rescue.
(Money) count for little
65 Có ít giá trị Money counts for little on a dessert island.
= To be of little value
Chấp nhận việc gì dù mình không Some people resigned themselves to the inevitability of
66 Resign oneself to sth
thích nuclear war.
Take notice of sth
67 Chú ý tới điều gì Don’t take any notice of what she says.
= Pay attention to sth
68 To be cut out to be sb Sinh ra là dành cho công việc gì William decided that he was not cut out to be an actor.
Trung tâm Nhung Phạm |Class: 9A7 |Lesson: Q1 L10 |Date: 20/08/2021

69 A tie in with B A liên quan chặt chẽ tới B Your story does not tie in with the facts.
To be on good terms with sb
70 = Have a good relationship Có mối quan hệ tốt với ai Are you on good terms with your boss?
with sb
Thể hiện sự không đồng tình với Local residents showed disapproval of the new traffic
71 Show disapproval of sth
cái gì scheme.
Thể hiện sự chống đối lại điều gì
72 Object to Ving I object to being criticized unfairly.
đó vì không thích
Dù đã cố gắng hết sức (nhưng
73 Try as S might Try as I might, I couldn’t solve that problem
vẫn không thể làm gì)
I’d rather you hadn’t breathed a word about his private life
74 Breathe a word about sth Tiết lộ một bí mật về điều gì
to anyone.
Cái gì đó chưa chắc sẽ xảy
75 Sth to be in doubt The result of the competition was never in doubt.
ra/chưa chắc sẽ thành công
76 At one’s/the second attempt Ở lần thử thứ 2 He broke the world record at his second attempt.
Có tin đồn thổi rằng/ Nghe nói Rumor has it that we will have a new boss.
77 Rumor has it that + Clause
rằng = It is rumored that we will have a new boss.
To be let off with a Được thả đi, chỉ bị cảnh cáo/phạt Sarah was let off with a warning because it was her first
warning/fine tiền thôi offence.
79 Insist on Ving Khăng khăng làm gì Peter insisted on being told the complete sorry.

1. Học thuộc từ mới buổi L10 hôm nay. (30 phút)
2. Đặt câu với 40 từ mới tự chọn (gạch chân/highlight + đánh số các từ mới). (60 phút)
3. Chép lại cả đề bài + đáp án bài Viết lại câu (câu 61-80) đề L10. (15 phút)
4. Làm phiếu Homework Q1 L10 & phiếu trên lớp Q2 L1 (đánh dấu lại các câu mà bản thân cảm thấy chưa chắc chắn) (60 phút)
5. Ôn tập cho bài Grammar Test và Vocab Test như kế hoạch đã đề ra. (60 phút)

*LƯU Ý: Buổi học tuần tới (27/08/2021) lớp mình vẫn học từ 18h-20h30 nhé!

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