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It’s Zoomustahan Time!

“Meeting link na naman?”

With the world becoming virtual nowadays, PSALMISTA is not an exemption.

It is indeed true that we may be lethargic with endless virtual meetings in the secular aspect but this
must not hinder our desire to grow more spiritually.

Having this in thoughts and prayers, PSALM Koronadal has launched its first ever ZOOMUSTAHAN on
July 9 where its main goal is to reconnect and strengthen the lays situated in different parts of the
world. It has been a surprising moment wherein a number of lays are gathered on their most
comfortable seats, worshipping and giving thanks to God.

The Zoomustahan which occurs twice a month, every other Friday, has been a great avenue to rekindle
the passion in every lay to commit in intentional and genuine evangelism and discipleship remembering
the good old days when everyone was still in college. This has also been an inspiring platform where
every lay can take a pause from seemingly unstoppable demands from work and find time to develop
one’s intimate relationship with the Lord as each meeting comes a fresh meditation of God’s word and
exciting topics discuss in every breakout rooms.

Thus, what are we waiting for? Come and don’t forget to invite a lay that you know!

It’ Zoomustahan time!

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