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2009; 31: 685–695


The use of reflection in medical education:

AMEE Guide No. 44
The University of Leeds, UK

Reflection is a metacognitive process that creates a greater understanding of both the self and the situation so that future actions
can be informed by this understanding. Self-regulated and lifelong learning have reflection as an essential aspect, and it is also
required to develop both a therapeutic relationship and professional expertise. There are a variety of educational approaches in
undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing medical education that can be used to facilitate reflection, from text based reflective
journals and critical incident reports to the creative use of digital media and storytelling. The choice of approach varies with the
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intended outcomes, but it should also be determined by the user since everyone has a preferred style. Guided reflection, with
supportive challenge from a mentor or facilitator, is important so that underlying assumptions can be challenged and new
perspectives considered. Feedback also has an important role to enhance reflection. There is little research evidence to suggest
that reflection improves quality of care but the process of care can be enhanced.

Introduction Practice points

There is increasing emphasis on the use of reflection in both . Reflection is a metacognitive process that creates greater
undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing medical educa-
For personal use only.

understanding of self and situations to inform future

tion, but often the nature and intentions of reflection are action.
nebulous. An understanding of the educational benefits of . Reflection has a variety of intended outcomes. Self-
reflection requires an appreciation of both its theoretical and regulated and lifelong learning have reflection as an
practical aspects. essential aspect, and it is also required to develop both
The word ‘reflection’ is widely used in a variety of different a therapeutic relationship and professional expertise.
contexts, from physics to education, but all remain true to its . There are a variety of educational approaches in
Latin origins: ‘to bend’ or ‘to turn back’. Reflection in the undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing medical
education context can be considered as a process in which education that can be used to facilitate reflection but
thoughts are ‘turned back’ so that they can be interpreted or these should be determined by the user.
analysed. The trigger to this sense-making process is usually . Guided reflection and feedback are important for
an event or situation and the outcome of the process is effective reflection.
increased understanding or awareness. These insights can then . Although there is no evidence to suggest that reflection
be used in the future when faced with a similar event or actually does improve patient care it seems logical and
situation. There are several definitions of ‘reflection’ that likely since the process of care can be influenced.
include these essential dimensions (Box 1).
Without reflection, it would be unlikely that the human race
would have survived. A simple example is our caveman
A wider definition of reflection is proposed for use in this
ancestors who quickly became aware that sabre-tooth tigers can
Guide so that it includes a spectrum of possible uses,
bite and must be avoided in the future! The process of reflection
approaches and intended outcomes:
can be summarised as a simple three-stage model that involves
three components: planning, doing and review (Figure 1). Reflection is a metacognitive process that occurs
The concept of ‘reflection’ is widely mentioned in medical before, during and after situations with the purpose
education literature but often different terms are used to of developing greater understanding of both the self
describe similar processes. Reflection is an essential component and the situation so that future encounters with the
of reflective learning and reflective practice. Reflective learning situation are informed from previous encounters.
has the intention of improving learning and when this happens
This definition has several important aspects:
in the context of working with the ill-defined problems of
professional practice it is often called reflective practice. The . A metacognitive process suggests that metacognition, or
intended ‘learning’ is also often not clearly defined. ‘thinking about thinking’, is essential for effective

Correspondence: John Sandars, Medical Education Unit, Leeds Institute of Medical Education, Worsley Building, The University of Leeds, Leeds,
LS2 9JT, UK. Tel: 0113 343 4193; fax: 0113 343 4181; email:
ISSN 0142–159X print/ISSN 1466–187X online/09/080685–11 ß 2009 Informa Healthcare Ltd. 685
DOI: 10.1080/01421590903050374
J. Sandars

Box 1. Some definitions of reflection. and continuing medical education. Most definitions of what it
means to be a professional also include statements about
Reflection (Dewey 1938): reflection or lifelong learning. However, these statements
‘an active, persistent and careful consideration of any belief or supposed usually provide little discussion of the approaches to be used
form of knowledge in the light of the grounds that support it and the further and the intended outcomes.
conclusion to which it tends’.
Reflection (Boud et al. 1985):
‘a generic term for those intellectual and affective activities in which Aim/objectives of the guide
individuals engage to explore their experiences in order to lead to a new
understanding and appreciation’. The aim of this Guide on ‘Reflection’, in medical education
Reflection (Moon 2004): is to provide an overview of the concept and also to provide
‘a form of mental processing with a purpose and/or anticipated outcome practical advice for the effective implementation and assess-
that is applied to relatively complex or unstructured ideas for which there is
no obvious solution’.
ment of reflection in undergraduate, postgraduate and
continuing medical education.

The main approaches to reflection

in medical education
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The use of reflection in medical education has developed

through several paths that have been informed by different
educational intentions and expected outcomes. There is a
large overlap but three main approaches can be considered:
Figure 1. The basic three stage model of reflection.

Reflection for learning

reflection. Metacognition is a self-regulatory process that
Experiential learning is a process by which learning occurs
selects, monitors and evaluates a cognitive process (Flavell
by having an experience. However, experience alone is not
1979). In this case, the cognitive process is the approach to
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sufficient for learning to occur. The experience must be

reflection. This concept is important since it highlights that
interpreted and integrated into existing knowledge structures
reflection is a process that can be controlled and it also
to become new or expanded knowledge. Reflection is crucial
allows various training strategies to be developed so that
for this active process of learning. The concept of experiential
reflection can be enhanced. can be easily understood by considering how we all learn from
. Reflection can occur at all stages of an encounter: before, the vast range of different events and situations that we all
during and after. Often reflection is only performed after experience in our daily personal and professional lives. For
an event or situation but reflection before an action has the example, we can learn about the side-effects of a drug by
advantage of approaching situations with a particular observing the reactions of a patient who is prescribed a drug or
learning goal or perception that can be challenged. This we can develop a clinical skill by ineffectively using this skill.
has the potential for greater personal growth and learning. The widely quoted ‘experiential learning cycle’ approach
. Understanding of both the self and the situation has a wider has four main phases (Figure 2) (Kolb 1984). In the first phase,
impact on lifelong learning than simply identifying the the learner has an experience. A second phase of reflection
acquisition of new knowledge and skills, such as how to follows and this leads to a third phase of ‘abstract conceptua-
perform a particular clinical procedure. An essential lisation’. This is a time when the learner makes attempts to
component of medical professional practice is the ‘ther- understand their actions or reactions to the experience. There
apeutic self’, that recognises the underlying personal values is often an emphasis on the identification of any learning
and beliefs that are represented as professional attitudes, needs, such as new information that has to be obtained or new
such as empathy and caring. Understanding the ‘self’ is also skills that need to be acquired before facing a similar situation
required to develop the important self-efficacy component in the future. Application of the new knowledge and skills
that is required to become a self-regulated lifelong learner. occurs in the fourth phase. This can be a cyclical process and
. Informing future action suggests that reflection is a process be repeated several times, with increased learning obtained
with a definite purpose. Making sense of a situation will not through each cycle.
improve practice unless these insights can change future The Kolb experiential learning cycle can be applied to
responses to situations. a wide range of learning situations in undergraduate,
postgraduate and continuing medical education.

Importance of the topic in Reflection to develop a therapeutic relationship

international medical education
Being a ‘good’ clinician requires having appropriate knowl-
The concept of reflection has become enshrined within the edge and skills but there is also a need to establish and
plethora of various national and international statements of maintain a therapeutic relationship with patients and their
the desired outcomes for medical undergraduate, postgraduate carers (Freshwater 2002). This concept implies that a
Reflection in medical education

Although the three approaches have different intended

outcome, they all share an essential aspect. A deliberate
process used to develop an understanding, or making sense,
of a situation so that future actions can be informed. This is the
essence of reflection.

Figure 2. The experiential learning cycle (after Kolb). Self-regulated learning and
relationship has a beneficial effect on patient wellbeing. The There has been increasing interest in the concept of self-
importance of a therapeutic relationship has long been regulated learning. An essential attribute of every healthcare
recognised in psychotherapy but recent interest in patient- professional is that they will become masters of their own
centred care has highlighted that there are improved out- lifelong learning. Self-regulated learners use metacognitive
comes, including patient satisfaction, improved chronic processes to select, monitor and evaluate their approach to
disease care and concordance (Stewart et al. 2000). a task (Zimmerman & Schunk 2001). Research into self-
An essential aspect of the therapeutic relationship is the regulated learners in academic contexts highlights that a
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recognition and understanding of the personal belief and deeper approach to learning occurs and this is associated with
value systems of the involved individuals, whether clinician or improved academic performance. The same self-regulated
patient. There may be differences between these systems and approach has also been noted across a wider range of contexts
this can produce a strong emotional reaction in the clinician, with improved psychological well being and personal effec-
which in turn can influence their decision making and tiveness (Baumeister & Vohs 2004).
subsequent actions. Recent neurocognitive research suggests Reflection can be considered as a self-regulated learning
effective reasoning is a mainly subconscious process in which activity. An appreciation of this relationship offers useful
there is modulation of logical information processing by insights into how reflection can be developed and made
emotions. For example, anger towards the patient may result widely applicable to the variety of experiences that make up
in a response that would be different if the individual was everyone’s daily personal and professional lives.
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Building a therapeutic relationship is an essential compo-
nent of professional practice and is a key attribute of being The process of developing
a professional. Guided reflection with a supervisor or mentor an understanding
is particularly useful for this approach to reflection since Everyone tries to make sense and understand their experi-
underlying beliefs and assumptions can be identified and ences. This is achieved through the creation of a mental model
challenged. or personal theory. These models or theories are actively
Reflection to develop a therapeutic relationship is particu- created and are informed by previous encounters with similar
larly important for postgraduate and continuing medical situations. For example, an individual will have certain beliefs
education but is also applicable to undergraduate education, that a particular skill or piece of information will be helpful to
especially in the clinical years. them in dealing with a problem. There may also be certain
beliefs that these individuals have about themselves or about
others. These beliefs and assumptions are challenged when-
Reflection to develop professional practice
ever a situation is subsequently encountered. The outcome of
Clinicians often have to respond to a wide variety of situations this process is that the beliefs and assumptions may need to be
that are complex and poorly defined. This ‘messiness’ of revised as a result of the experience. Sometimes this process
professional practice is at the heart of professional expertise can be quite dramatic and this results in a major shift in
(Schon 1983). Expert professionals appear to quickly make perspective. In such circumstances, ‘transformative learning’
decisions that are appropriate to these complex circumstances is said to have occurred (Mezirow 1981). The most powerful
and an explanation is that through a process of reflection-on- learning, or shift in perspective, occurs when fundamental
action, they are able to build up a collection of mental models beliefs are challenged, such as those related to a view of the
that can be quickly mobilised to effectively address the self or the world. This shift is usually accompanied by strong
situation through reflection-in-action. feelings and an emotional reaction, such as sadness, shame or
The development of professional expertise requires more anger.
than a collection of knowledge and skills (Eraut 1994). Expert An essential step before the process of developing under-
performance is a complex integration of knowledge and skills standing is ‘noticing’. Mezirow (1981) describes the ‘disor-
that are appropriate to the unique situation that they face. ientating dilemma’ when the individual begins to realise that
Repeated exposure to the complexities of professional life is there is a discrepancy between their current actions (based on
essential and guided reflection can maximise the learning existing mental models or personal theories) and the actions
opportunity for this approach to reflection. required for effective resolution of the situation that they face.
Reflection to develop professional practice is essential for This may be immediately obvious to the individual but may
postgraduate and continuing medical education. require the use of prompts, such as feedback from others or
J. Sandars

a critical incident review. Noticing can occur at any stage of a specific role, such as a supervisor or mentor (Hawkins &
reflection, that is, before, during or after a situation. Shohet 1989). The role of this person is to facilitate reflection
The importance of an appreciation that reflection is a and for this to be effective it requires a skilful mix of support
metacognitive process is that an individual has to be aware and challenge.
of the need to reflect and this requires the ability to notice the At the heart of reflection is the challenge, and subsequent
‘disorientating dilemma’ or prompt to reflect. Often this will be change, in perspective that can inform future action. The most
emotional, with a feeling of discomfort or apprehension significant experiences that result in the greatest challenge and
associated with a situation. This awareness can be developed change are usually those that are associated with the presence
though ‘mindful practice’ in which there is heightened of strong emotions. There are several consequences of these
moment-to-moment awareness during situations (Epstein types of experiences. First, an individual may consciously, or
1999). more likely unconsciously, block the noticing of this important
Another essential step is the application of the new experience. Second, there is often a reluctance to discuss the
understanding to further situations (Johns & Freshwater experience and to consider change. A facilitator can provide
1998). Reflection is an ongoing process and its value depends the necessary supportive environment to enable the individual
on repeated cycles of action, reflection and action. During to notice and make sense of their experience. The facilitator
each action, especially if they are similar, there are opportu- can provide this support through key counselling and
nities to increase the depth of understanding. This approach mentoring skills, such as non-judgmental questioning and
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is similar to action research and practitioner research which acceptance of differences. Attention to the physical environ-
has been extensively used for teacher continuing professional ment is also important, ensuring that the discussion can occur
development, but rarely used in the continuing medical in privacy and is free from interruption. More detailed
education context. description and discussion of facilitation is provided in
The depth of understanding can also be increased by Further Reading.
adopting a critical reflective stance and the application of Guided reflection is particularly useful for reflection that
double loop and triple loop learning. Argyris and Schön (1994) has the intention of improving the therapeutic relationship and
first introduced the concept of single loop and double loop professional practice. Supervision has long been recognised as
learning. The first loop of learning occurs when an outcome essential for psychotherapy and counselling. The descriptions
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unexpectedly occurs and the individual looks for another of reflective learning by Schön (1987) also highlight the role
strategy to deal with it. Double loop learning occurs when there of a mentor.
is a more questioning approach that seeks to identify the Students appear to appreciate the help of a supervisor or
reasons behind why the outcome unexpectedly happened in mentor to facilitate their reflection. This was a consistent theme
the first place. For example, a clinician may be uncertain about throughout all of the studies identified in a limited literature
the most effective treatment for a common condition. Single review for this Guide. There are significant workload implica-
loop learning would identify a learning need and the obvious tions for the introduction of guided reflection in any
response would be to seek information about effective curriculum but effective alternatives include group supervision
treatment, such as looking it up in a textbook or asking a (with one supervisor and a group of learners) or peer co-
colleague. The specific learning need has been met but supervision (with students mutually facilitating one another in
consideration of double loop learning would reveal the a reciprocal manner so that each takes a turn as a presenter
underlying reason for the clinician being uncertain about the and a facilitator). Peer supervision also has the advantage of
treatment. This may be because there is an over dependence on individual development of skills that can be more widely used,
opportunistic learning rather than systematically identifying such as in clinical encounters.
their learning needs. The consequences of the clinician’s
approach to learning are far beyond the initial superficial
learning need. Consideration of further triple loop learning is Ethical aspects of reflection
related to the critical aspects of the situation (Carr & Kemmis Making sense of an experience can be associated with strong
1986). This concerns the underlying system of power and emotions (Boud et al. 1985). This may be obvious when an
control that influences all actions. The specific question to be individual reflects on their contribution to an adverse event,
asked is ‘Why should we do it that way?’ There is the possibility such as the death of a patient, but there can also be profound
of conflict over what is considered to be ‘the right’ way of doing emotions associated when considering a simple information
things but it is only by discussing the underlying purposes and need, such as when a particular fact cannot be recalled.
intentions of actions that the present approaches can be Previous experiences, and the associated feelings, may be
challenged and the possibility of new approaches considered. vividly remembered, such as when previously ridiculed as a
This type of learning can be highly transformative and has the student for not remembering a fact. It is essential to create a
potential to change both individuals and the wider society. safe overall environment within which personal reflection can
take place. This is particularly important if reflection is to be in
a group setting or with a facilitator but is also important for all
Guided reflection
reflection, including written reflective journals (Henderson
The potential of reflection for individuals may not be fully et al. 2003).
realised without the help and support of another person. This It is often assumed that increased self-awareness through
‘other’ person may be a peer group member or someone with reflection will be useful to individuals but there is the
Reflection in medical education

possibility that some individuals can increase their self- both self-reported and objective outcomes on learning and
rumination behaviour where they are not able to shut off professional development.
thoughts about themselves. This is an anxious attention to self
and they may constantly question their motives and become
unsure about their actions.
How to implement reflection in
Important ethical considerations about confidentiality medical education
include who has access to the reflection and for what There are a wide variety of different approaches to implement
purpose. Many educational programmes and professional reflection in medical education and these will depend on the
revalidation schemes insist on individuals keeping a reflective intended outcome but also on the constraints of the environ-
diary and often the entries are used for assessment. There is ment within which reflection takes place, such as the
a tension in these circumstances since assessment usually requirements of an academic course.
requires evidence of ‘deep’ reflection but it is this type of
significant experience that exposes the vulnerability of the
individual. This is particularly important when the assessor is Educational strategies to
also the facilitator or mentor. develop reflection
There are no easy answers to these problems but the issues
The self-regulated learning model (Zimmerman & Schunk
require careful consideration. It has to be expected that some
2001) provides a useful framework to guide educational
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individuals may require emotional and psychological support

strategies that can be used to develop reflection. This model
beyond the initial reaction. It is good practice to provide
also helps educators to understand the potential barriers and
support service contact numbers to individuals and for
how they can be overcome.
facilitators to be aware of the available support services.

a) Motivation for reflection

The educational impact of
reflection in medical education Successful reflection requires the individual to recognise the
importance of reflection for both personal growth and
A recent systematic review of reflection and reflective practice professional development. Motivation is dependent on setting
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in health care professional education and practice highlighted clear goals, internal factors and external factors. Goal setting
that, to date, there was no convincing evidence that reflection may be difficult if the intended outcome of reflection is not
enhanced competence through a change in clinical practice explicit. Often the learner is instructed ‘to reflect’ but with little
or improved patient care (Mann et al. 2007). However, the or no explanation of the purpose. It is helpful to initially
authors noted that there was a plausible potential benefit. provide information about the nature and outcomes of
There was evidence that reflection was associated with a reflection, including its importance for professional practice
deeper approach to learning that allowed new learning to be and lifelong learning.
integrated with existing knowledge and skills. An important The main internal motivation factors are self-efficacy and
outcome that they identified was that diagnostic reasoning of the perceived ease of the task. These factors are essential to
complex and unusual cases could be improved by reflection. consider, especially when reflection is initially introduced to
A limited literature review of reflection in undergraduate learners. Motivation can be increased by encouragement and
medical education was performed for this Guide and 21 by gradually increasing the reflective tasks, such as beginning
articles were identified that were relevant to the purpose of the with only noticing and then introducing the complete
review. A variety of methods to foster reflection were reflective process.
identified but only one study compared different approaches The overall external educational environment within which
(Baernstein & Fryer-Edwards 2003). This study had the aim of reflection is expected to occur is an important motivation
identifying whether writing a critical incident report, a one-to- factor. Assessment appears to drive learning, from examina-
one interview, or a combination, was more effective in eliciting tions in undergraduate students to certification and revalida-
reflection. The conclusion was that an interview with a tutor tion in postgraduates and continuing medical education. The
was the most effective for reflection on professionalism. There use of an assessed portfolio for personal and professional
have been no longitudinal studies during the medical school reflective learning will be different to an informal journal or
experience and there is no evidence of the benefits of diary.
reflection on their long-term development, especially in their
subsequent clinical care. Reflection by undergraduate medical
students increased self-reported measures of self-awareness,
b) Metacognitive skills for reflection
professional thinking skills and the skills required for intimate It is essential that an individual can develop their metacogni-
examinations. Four studies described positive objective out- tive skills to monitor and evaluate the key aspects of reflection:
comes, with increased skills in reflection and diagnostic noticing, processing and altered action.
thinking (Sobral 2000), professional identity (Niemi 1997),
scores in medical-humanism aptitude (Wiecha et al. 2002) and
final examination results for obstetrics and gynaecology
(Lonka et al. 2001). In conclusion, students found reflection An essential first step for an individual is the recognition of
was useful and the implementation of reflection increased when their existing mental models and personal theories are
J. Sandars

being challenged by the experience of a particular event or by others (Gordon 1994). An effective, reflective learner or
situation. This can occur at any time related to an event or practitioner will actively seek out sources of feedback.
situation: before, during or after. Without an initial awareness
no reflection can occur. Noticing can be developed by using (iii) Critical incidents and significant event analysis. Most
several techniques. individuals have ‘moments of surprise’ when an action
unexpectedly goes to plan or not. These moments provide a
valuable opportunity for reflection, especially in postgraduate
(i) Self monitoring. Increased awareness can be developed
and continuing medical education. These can be personally
by constant self-monitoring of thoughts and emotions. Most
noted, such as in a reflective diary or log, or as part of an
individuals do not find this easy to achieve but it can be
organisational tool, such as significant or sentinel event audit.
developed by participating in mindful practice (Epstein 1999).
The approach has also been used in undergraduate medical
Mindfulness has its roots in Eastern philosophical-religious
education (Henderson et al. 2002).
traditions in which emotion, memory and action are inter-
dependent. In mindful practice, the individual is not only
aware of the moment to moment changes in thoughts and Processing
emotions that they experience but also they are able to make
The main value of reflection is to develop an understanding of
sense of these components and to make use of these insights
both the self and the situation. It is only through this sense
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to inform their actions. making process that future actions can be altered. There are
Becoming mindful requires deliberate and non-judgemen- several techniques and these depend on the intention of
tal attention to the immediate thoughts and emotions that an reflection.
individual experiences. This can be developed by regular self-
recording, such as by the use of written or audio diaries and (i) Reflection for learning. The main process with this
logs. Small paper notepads are useful but with the advent of intention is to identify learning needs, especially about
mobile devices it is possible to easily record verbal comments information to be obtained or new skills that need to be
by using digital dictaphones or the voice recording function developed. The learner can ask themselves a variety of simple
that is present on many mobile phones or iPods. It is questions, such as
particularly helpful to make a record at the time of the event
For personal use only.

happening, a so called ‘thought catching’ approach, but often . Does anything surprise me about the situation?
this may not be possible. In these circumstances, the record . Do I have the information or skills to deal with this
should be made as soon as possible after the event. Immediate situation?
recording of thoughts is likely to be a closer reflection of . Do I need to have further information or skills to deal with
underlying beliefs since later mental organisation for recording this situation, either now or in the future?
is likely to include attributions that may, or not, be an accurate This approach is typical of most personal and professional
reflection. The consequence is hindsight bias and often this development plans. There is the possibility that the approach
will reveal a more positive view of the self. Increased can become superficial and not address major underlying
awareness can be triggered by a wide variety of events, from problems, such as why the doctor did not keep up to date
direct contact with patients and colleagues to watching films or about the latest antibiotics. Addressing this type of issue, which
reading literature (Hampshire & Avery 2001). This is the is often related to underlying beliefs, requires double loop
important role of humanities in medical education and learning in which further questioning is required. Typical
exposure to a wide variety of experiences through the eyes further questions include
of others is to be encouraged.
. Is the lack of information or skill due to having insufficient
The self-monitoring techniques may feel artificial and
information or skill on how to address this lack?
contrived at the beginning but most individuals rapidly adapt
This question seeks to identify the learner’s information
so that it becomes a routine and subconscious process. This is
seeking and personal development skills.
typical of most cognitive instruction strategies.
. What is the underlying reason why the identified issue was
not resolved?
(ii) Feedback from others. An individual’s reaction to events This question seeks to identify beliefs about self, such as
may not be readily apparent to them but it can often be more self-efficacy, and moves reflection to a deeper level.
apparent to others. Behaviour can be readily observed that
represents underlying beliefs, such as a sarcastic comment, but (ii) Reflection to develop a therapeutic relationship. A
non-verbal behaviour, such as the tone of voice or facial therapeutic relationship is fundamental to medical profession-
expression, is often a more powerful indicator of these beliefs alism and combines the communicative doctor-patient rela-
and this can be readily observed by others. Feedback can be tionship with an active giving of self that is expressed through
obtained from a variety of sources, including colleagues and compassion and care. This aspect is at the heart of medical
patients. Feedback is usually provided anonymously but a practice and is determined by the beliefs and values of the
disadvantage is that clarification of comments is not possible. A individual. It is also dependent on a deep appreciation of how
supervisor or mentor can also provide useful feedback. the other person is thinking and feeling. The topic is closely
Research has consistently shown that individuals self-rate aligned to emotional intelligence which has been associated
themselves higher and in a more positive light than when rated with individual well being and satisfaction.
Reflection in medical education

Reflection with this intention seeks to identify and requires the teller to notice and make sense of an experience.
challenge current belief systems and assumptions. Often The presentation of the story, either private or within a group
there is an awareness of strong feelings associated with a appears to have an important therapeutic aspect which allows
particular experience and this can lead to deeper questioning. the learner to release emotion, an essential part of the
These questions include reflective process (Gersie 1997).
Storytelling has been used to effectively engage students
. What am I feeling and what are my emotions?
and healthcare professionals in reflection and reflective
. Why do I feel like this?
practice (McDrury & Alterio 2003). Individuals often require
. Are there other situations in my life or my encounters with
initial training to develop their storytelling skills and a
others when I feel the same?
structured approach is useful. A typical sequence for a story
. Can I explain why I feel this way?
is a beginning, middle and an end. Usually the beginning sets
. What are the consequences of these emotions for me and
the scene and this is followed by a middle component in
for others?
which the ‘drama unfolds’ and the main aspects of the story are
presented and discussed. The end of the story usually contains
(iii) Reflection to develop professional practice. The intention
an important message that the storyteller wishes to convey to
of this approach to reflection is to develop professional
the audience. There are close parallels of these stages with
expertise. Research into the nature of expertise identifies that
the phases required for effective reflection.
experts have more elaborate mental models than novices. This
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The use of reflective writing for reflection in undergraduate

allows experts to quickly mobilise these models when they
medical students has been described (DasGupta & Charon
encounter a situation. The elaborate models are created by
2004) and also in continuing medical education (Bolton 1999).
repeated exposure to a wide variety of experiences and they
For an example of instructions to use digital storytelling
are also closely interconnected. Development of these models
for reflective learning, please see Appendix 2, available at
has not occurred by a random phenomenon but through
repeated exposure to situations. This is the key to professional
Professional expertise can be developed by encouraging Personal development plans and portfolios
repeated exposure to the field of practice and by widening this
There has been increasing use of structured approaches to
For personal use only.

field with further experiences from related films and literature.

both encourage and assess reflective learning in postgraduate
A process of constant reflection-on-action is an essential
and continuing medical education (Rughani 2001). Often these
requirement for professional expertise and is typical of the
approaches are essential components of training, certification
‘enquiring mind’ that explores and tries to obtain multiple
or revalidation. The approach requires that learning needs are
perspectives to enrich their view of the world. Often there is
initially identified and then decisions are made as to how these
little in the way of written reflection but there may be wide
needs can be met. Reflection is an essential aspect of the
ranging discussions with colleagues, such as journal clubs and
process and this can be included in the structured approach.
at conference. Some doctors try and make sense by the use of
For example, there can be several questions that can prompt
written reflection, either as reflective diaries, reflective story-
reflection on current knowledge or skills.
telling or poems.
(i) Identification of learning needs. Most professionals will
Future action have a wide range of experiences that will enable them to
identify their learning needs. These include self-awareness of
It can be easy to assume that reflection is only introspection
how they respond to situations, such as thoughts about what
with little outside application. However, the aim of reflection is
situations they find challenging, significant events, feedback
to inform future actions so that they can be more purposive
from colleagues and patients, prescribing and referral audits,
and deliberate. An important aspect is to ensure that actions
and quizzes.
respect the context to which they are being applied, such as
when evidence based clinical guidelines are not followed
(ii) Developing a plan to meet the identified learning
because the patient is different to the population in which the
needs. Several educational interventions are chosen and
original research was conducted. This often results in further
these are usually prioritised. For example, an identified learning
cycles of reflection and action when the consequences of this
need of not having knowledge about the latest treatment for
decision making are considered.
diabetes would prompt the learner to seek further information,
such as by attending a training course or reading an article.
c) Reflective storytelling and writing
A portfolio provides a collection of the various pieces of
There is a long and ancient history of storytelling in most evidence to prove to an assessor that learning needs have
civilisations. Individuals tell stories to convey their experiences been identified but, more importantly, have been met by
to others and these stories include information, opinions and appropriate educational approaches (Moon 1999). It is useful
emotions. It is a natural step for storytelling to be used for to have all of this information in one place but it is also easy to
reflective learning since an integral aspect of many stories is regard a portfolio as not helping the learner. The advent of
reflection on an experience with the development of new e-portfolios has enabled a more flexible and user-friendly
insights. The process of telling a story, whether written or oral, approach to collection of evidence. It is now easier to upload a
J. Sandars

wide range of materials to stimulate reflection, such as Box 2. Categorising reflective material based on stages in
professional development (after Niemi 1997).
photographs or audit reports, to record the reflections and to
keep a dynamic record of how these reflections have
Committed reflection. There is a discussion of what has been learned, how
influenced professional practice.
it has affected the individual and how they feel that they have changed.
For examples of templates to structure reflection and Some presentation of evidence to back this up should be provided.
questions to develop deeper reflection please see Appendix 1, Emotional exploration. There is evidence of the emotional impact of an
available at experience and this includes insights and discussion about their own
beliefs and values, including how these have been challenged.

Objective reporting. There is only a descriptive account of what happened

Assessment of reflection during the experience with no evidence of reflection, or how the experience
has affected them.
Assessment is a process that requires a judgment to be made Diffuse reporting. The description is unfocused or disorganised and
about the standard of an outcome and has relevance for contains only a description of the experience.

reflection in medical education. Formative assessment is an

integral aspect of giving feedback and it also offers the
identification of further learning needs. Summative assessment Box 3. A pragmatic approach to categorising reflective material
(after Moon 2004).
occurs after a period of study and this may be required for
reflection, such as in undergraduate course curricula. Students
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Grade A: Experiencing an event(s) has changed, or confirmed, how you

dislike the notion of assessment of their reflective activities,
experience an event(s). You may wish to change how you respond to
regarding their entries as private but also they are sceptical similar event(s in the future. You provide an explanation, including
about whether the assessment approach can be valid and references to other literature, eg articles or books.
Grade B: Involves judgement – what went well, or less well and why.
reliable. Validity considers whether the assessment is measur-
Grade C: Describing an event – recognising how it affects your feelings,
ing what it is intended to measure and reliability that the result attitudes and beliefs and/or questioning what has been learnt and
of the assessment is consistent between markers and time. comparing it to previous experience.
Grade D: Describing an event – recognising that something is important
Students readily recognise that written reflection, such as in
but not explaining why.
reflective diaries, may not be an accurate account of the Grade E: Describing an event – repeating the details of an event without
thoughts and emotions of the writer. offering any interpretation.
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Grade F: Describing an event – poor description of an event.

Despite the concerns of students, assessment of reflection
may be required for a variety of purposes and an overall
framework can be useful. Most assessments will incorporate
‘levels of reflection’ and this hierarchical model is based on the
Individuals may not be clear of the overall goal of their
concept of depth of reflection. Superficial reflection is
reflection and this is made worse if their supervisors are also
considered to occur when there is only description of events
uncertain. Unfortunately, reflection is often seen as a ‘bolt on’
but deeper reflection includes a ‘stepping back’ from events
extra and something that has ‘to be done’, especially for the
and actions with evidence of challenge, and possibly change,
purpose of assessment. The process and outcomes of
to existing beliefs and perspectives. This deeper level is
reflection that has the goal of identifying knowledge learning
equivalent to when ‘transformative learning’ takes place.
needs will be different to that required to develop a
Two approaches to categorising reflective material are
therapeutic relationship.
provided as illustrative examples. The first approach is based
Motivation is complex and includes both internal and
on the observed stages in professional development (Box 2)
external factors. Internal motivation includes intrinsic interest
and the second a more pragmatic approach (Box 3).
in the activity, self-efficacy (a self-belief in being able to
achieve the task) and the perceived difficulty of the task. The
Common problems encountered ability to reflect appears to be developmental and usually most
individuals find it difficult without regular practice. There is
with reflection in medical education
also a maturational effect in which there is a tendency for
The use of reflection in medical education is associated with younger learners to reflect on events in more absolute terms
several problems and these will be discussed with an emphasis rather than consider the wider context and the possible
on practical solutions. implications. External factors include the support and encour-
agement by the organisation within which the individual is
learning and working. This aspect also includes the role of
Low engagement in reflection
facilitators and confidentiality.
How to engage individuals in reflection appears to be a Strategies for self-monitoring require individuals to take an
persistent challenge to all educators. The model of self- ‘executive function’ that ensures that the key aspects of
regulated learning provides a useful overall framework to noticing, processing and future action are considered.
understand low engagement. Effective reflection will only Research into the conscious use of metacognition by students
occur when there is alignment between the various compo- has identified similar difficulties when they try to increase
nents. The main components of the self-regulated learning awareness of the process. This has been addressed by specific
model are the goal, the ‘will’ (the motivation) and the ‘skill’ training that progressively introduces learners to the use of
(the monitoring of strategies). metacognitive monitoring. These strategies have the aim of
Reflection in medical education

making the metacognitive process explicit and include event. There is no simple answer to this dilemma since all
encouraging learners to talk aloud about the phases of reflection is based on a constructed view of the world.
reflection whilst reflecting and keeping a ‘thinking’ journal so A structured process to reflection can be very useful and
that the various phases can be identified and discussed. An there are several frameworks. These frameworks allow a
initial briefing of the metacognitive process of reflection may progressive deepening of reflection by the use of prompts.
provide a useful template and prompt. A facilitator or mentor Although reflection may lead to increased understanding of
is also invaluable if they are able to encourage the learner to a situation, it is essential that these insights can inform future
model their own metacognitive processing approach. encounters with similar situations. A particularly powerful part
Although several authors have noted low engagement in of the reflection process is when the insights inform a future
reflection, students state that they perceive that they are action and there is reflection of the consequences of this
already doing it and that the written process does not align to action. This is the beginning of a cyclical process and deeper
their learning preferences (Grant et al. 2006). A recent study reflection can occur. Action or practitioner research involves
of first year medical students has highlighted that ‘Net a cyclical process in which greater understanding (and the
Generation’ learners have a preference for group based and development of personal theory) can be iteratively developed
creative activities rather than using written text based through action. The ultimate aim of this process is to improve
approaches (Sandars & Homer 2008). Experience with the professional practice but other intentions can also be met, such
use of multimedia (audio, photographs and video) and its as when learning needs have been identified, new information
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creative use for reflection, such as in digital storytelling, or skills have been acquired and then applied to the real life
appears to not only increase student engagement but also situation. There is often a difference between what is taught in
increases the depth of reflection (Sandars et al. 2008). a classroom situation and then applied to another context.
Individuals have a variety of preferred ways to present
thoughts and emotions. These include drawing, painting,
photographs and sculpture (Gauntlett 2007). Being creative Lack of integration of reflection in overall teaching
can liberate many learners and it transcends barriers due to and learning approach
language, such as cultural meanings and difficulty in putting
Reflection is often a ‘bolt on’ extra to a teaching session or
thoughts into words. This is particularly important when the
a curriculum. The effect is that both tutors and learners begin
For personal use only.

topic is associated with strong emotions.

to regard reflection as a process that is disconnected from the
educational process. There is not only poor engagement but a
Difficulties with the phases of reflection culture, often called a hidden curriculum, can quickly develop
that devalues reflection. It is important that reflection becomes
There may be difficulties in the various phases of the reflection an integral part of each session and the overall curriculum. The
process. Difficulties in the noticing phase can often be related curriculum includes the underlying philosophy about what
to the lack of adequate feedback. Although students state that type of learner it intends to develop, the various approaches
they wish to receive feedback from others there is a reluctance to delivery and the assessment strategy. This has implications
to give feedback. This may result in students either not for tutor development and course developers. In healthcare
receiving feedback, or receiving it in a form that does not help education, reflection is also often regarded as only related to
the learner to reflect. Effective techniques in providing certain aspects of the curriculum, such as communication skills
feedback include providing specific examples using a non- or clinical attachments, but there are opportunities for
judgmental way (Westberg & Jason 2001). Failure to do this integration into preclinical teaching.
may result in the creation of strong emotions that may block
the rest of the reflection process.
There may be difficulties with the processing phase of Further development of reflection
reflection. A common difficulty is the presence of strong
in medical education
emotions that the event has produced in the learner. Often the
most important events, such as a missed diagnosis, that can Further research is recommended to compare different
stimulate reflection are also those that are associated with the approaches for reflection, including facilitator supported and
most powerful emotions, such as anger or sadness. An the use of new technologies. It is also important to evaluate the
essential step is to recognise and release these emotions impact, both subjective and objective, on attitudes and
since they can block further reflection (Boud et al. 1985). This behaviour, but first it will be essential for educators to clarify
process can lead to defensiveness in the learner and important the intended purpose of reflection to enable appropriate
underlying issues may not be addressed, such as fear of saying outcome measures to be used or developed.
‘no’ to patients. A trained supervisor or mentor can be The impact of healthcare educational interventions on
invaluable. Hindsight bias has been noted to be a possible clinical care is of increasing interest both to educators and
difficulty but this is related to the wider issue of retrospectively funding agencies. There appears to be little evidence
trying to make sense of previous situations and events (Jones generated that has attempted to answer this important
1995). Experimental evidence highlights that often there is question. Further research is recommended since failure to
poor memory recall of past events and this may be further address this issue will result in an increase in the scepticism of
altered by the presence of powerful emotions. In addition, clinicians and this, in turn, can produce a culture where the
attribution of events is constantly mentally processed after an role of reflection in medical education is not valued.
J. Sandars

Engaging undergraduate students in reflection is a major Baumeister RR, Vohs KD. (ed) 2004. Handbook of self-regulation:
Research, theory, and applications. New York: Guilford Press.
challenge and the use of digital multimedia (audio, photo-
Bolton G. 1999. Reflections through the looking-glass: The story of a course
graphs and video) combined with new technologies, such as of writing as a reflexive practitioner. Teach High Educ 4(2):193–212.
blogs, social networking sites and podcasts, has the potential Boud D, Keogh R, Walker D. 1985. Reflection: Turning experience into
to not only increase motivation by this group of learners but to learning. London: Kogan Page.
facilitate deeper reflection. Further research is recommended. Carr W, Kemmis S. 1986. Becoming critical. Education, knowledge and
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strategies to consciously slow down their learning. Closely Freshwater D (ed) (2002) Therapeutic nursing: Improving patient care
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Gauntlett D. 2007. Creative explorations. Abingdon: Routledge.

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Reflection is an essential component of medical education and Henderson E, Berlin A, Freeman G, Fuller J. 2002. Twelve tips for
promoting significant event analysis to enhance reflection in under-
it has a variety of intended outcomes and approaches.
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and after experiences. Reflection can be developed by strategies: A qualitative study of student attitudes to significant event
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are different preferred approaches, especially in medical Jones PR. 1995. Hindsight bias in reflective practice: An empirical
students. Although there is no evidence to suggest that investigation. J Adv Nurs 21(4):783–788.
reflection actually does improve patient care it seems logical Kolb DA. 1984. Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning
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Palliative Medicine, Diploma in Counselling, Certificate in Education, is a McDrury J, Alterio M. 2003. Learning through storytelling in higher
Senior Lecturer in Community Based Education in the School of Medicine education: Using reflection and experience to improve learning.
at the University of Leeds. He is manager of the Personal and Professional London: Kogan Page.
Development strand in the undergraduate course and he is also academic Mezirow J. 1981. A critical theory of adult learning and education. Adult
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Westberg J, Jason H. 2001. Fostering reflection and providing feedback:
Helping others learn from experience. New York: Springer Publishing
Further reading
Company. The Encyclopedia of Informal Education is a non-profit on
Wiecha JM, Vanderschmidt H, Schilling K. 2002. HEAL: An instructional informal learning theory. There are excellent articles on the key aspects
design model applied to an online clerkship in family medicine. of reflection in education and the major thinkers.
Acad Med 77:925–926.
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