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Mini Report 3

Group member 3: Ishan Malviya

Personality trait he was assessed for Extraversion
The extraversion dimension captures our relational approach toward the social world. Extraverts
tend to be gregarious, assertive, and sociable. They experience more positive emotions than do
introverts, and they more freely express these feelings. On the other hand, introverts (low
extraversion) tend to be more thoughtful, reserved, timid, and quiet. Quantity and intensity of
energy are directed outwards into the social world. A personality dimension is describing
someone sociable, gregarious, assertive, and excitement seeking.

Assessment- He is moderate on Extraversion

He is interested in helping others and is very friendly. He is always there to help others. He takes
the initiative to talk to others and help them. He has a small number of friends, but he hangouts
with them quite often. He likes to interact but only with the people he is comfortable with and
can talk or listen for days without getting bored. He wants people to remember him as a person
who helped him when they thought there was nothing they could do. He wants to be the light in
the dark.
Yes, he likes to work in a group because he believes in working as a team as it saves time and
helps to get a different perspective. He has learned many new things and a different approach to
solving a problem. Also, it helps him be efficient and be motivated throughout. He believes
working in a group would sharpen his leadership skills along negotiating skills.
He thinks that forcefulness isn't the right word it is just about how good your convincing skills
are. Along with it, he thinks that if the other person has a better idea than him, he would happily
give in because he wants what is best for everyone and not let his ego get the best of him.
He is open to every new experience that comes his way and wants to explore as much as possible
so that he doesn't regret that he missed opportunities in the future. He knows that MBA requires
him to be active every second of his life, and he didn't shy away from it; he is ready for it.

Excitement Seeking:
As he believes in working with a group because it keeps him passionate, dedicated, and
motivated to work., so he seeks excitement and keeps his by working in a group because for him,
he wants something to keep him going on, and he has his ways of keeping it.

Positive Emotions
He is more of an optimistic person because he believes that seeing the optimistic side increases
productivity and efficiency. However, keeping in mind the negative sides and taking care of
them. He believes in a motto that "we have to choose to be happy". That means it is upon us to
be happy or be sad about what needs to be done, and it is better to be happy and enjoy it rather
than being sad and not giving our best to it.

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