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Topics to prepare for the final test

A. Effective Meetings:
1. Practice opening two different kinds of meeting, one informal and one formal. Use
the notes below to help you.
a. Informal meeting:
- Start the meeting
- Welcome the participants
- State the objectives- to discuss a possible joint venture
- Suggest the procedure
- Finish by 4.00
- Ask someone to begin
b. Formal meeting:
- Start the meeting
- Welcome the participants
- State the purpose- to discuss a possible joint venture.
- Mention agenda
- Timing- approximately 30 minutes per item
- Introduce the first item.
2. What makes a good meeting? What are the role of a chairman in a meeting?
3. Work in groups of 3 or 4. Choose ONE of the subjects below:
- Smoking should be banned in all offices
- Everybody should be paid according to their performance
- You can’t achieve anything worthwhile without stress.
Discuss the subject for FIVE minutes in your group. Try to ensure that you make your
views heard.
B. Effective Socializing:
1. Imagine you are all invited to a formal business reception. At this reception, you
have the following objectives:
-to introduce yourself to everyone
-to engage in a minimum of one minute’s small talk
-to learn something about each person you meet.
Prepare yourself by:
-giving yourself an identity- name, job, background
- establishing your current situation- live here/ visiting/ working, etc.
-preparing some small talk-weather, travel, etc.
(Group work)
2. You are the host. Imagine you are in a restaurant with a business colleague. Make up
a dialogue.
3. Working in groups of three participants, imagine that you have all met for the first
time. You are all waiting for a taxi to take you to a conference hotel. Use the time to
get to know each other.
4. Student A: You are visiting Student B’s country for a training course. You will be
invited out to dinner. You only have one evening free (Thursday). Respond to the
invitation positively and politely. Make sure you understand the arrangements.
Student B: You are responsible for looking after Student A. You would like to invite
him/her to dinner at your home, if possible on Wednesday evening. Other evenings
are possible but not so ideal. If you can, organize the dinner and make all the
arrangements, including picking him/her up, etc.

C. Effective Telephoning:
1. Student A : Your company, ACTO Alarms, recently installed a new burglar alarm
system for a local firm called SKT Ltd. You will receive a call from them.
Student B : Your company, SKT Ltd., recently had a new burglar alarm system fitted.
The alarm keeps on going off for no apparent reason. Phone the supplier, ACTO
Alarm , to complain.
2. Student A : You are Suzanna Warren. You will receive a call concerning an
Student B : You recently made an appointment to see Suzanna Warren concerning
the shipment number 7741. You are unable to keep the appointment. Phone her to
arrange another time.
3. You work at Bath College of Higher Education. Your colleague, Robert Snell, is out of
the office. Take a message.

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