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Pakistan Embassy School & College

Final Term Syllabus of Islamiyat for Class III (Morning)

Unit : 16

Thus Taught Our Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)



Ways To Remember ALLAH

Unit :18

Islam And Iman


Match the following .

(1-4) , (2-5) ,(3-1) ,(4-2) , (5-3)


Answer these questions:

Q1: What did the man ask the prophet?

A: The man asked the Prophet about Iman and Islam.

Q2: What is Islam?

A: Islam is to testify that there is no GOD but ALLAH and Muhammad (P.B.U.H)is the messenger
of Allah.

Q3: What is Iman?

A: Iman is ….

(a). To have faith in Allah.

(b). His angels

(c). His Books

(d). His Messengers

(e). The last Day

(f). To believe in Fate, good or evil.

Q4. What does believing in Fate good or evil mean?

A: It means everything that happens in this world is a part of Allah’s Plan. Nothing happens by

Q5. If something goes wrong what should we do?

A: We should not lose hope and place our trust in Allah.

Q6. Complete the following:

A Muslim believes in:

1: Allah

2: His Messengers

3: His Angels

4: His Books

5: The last Day of Judgment

6: And Fate, Good or Evil.

Unit: 19




Activity: A

Filling the missing words:

1). Die, World. (2) Short. (3) Death. (4) Beginning. (5) The Day of Judgment.

Activity B

Answer the Questions:

Q1. What will happen to this world one day?

A: The World will also end one day.

Q2.At the end of the world will happen to all the people?

A: All the people will stand before Allah to be judged.

Q3: Who will be welcome into the joy of heaven?

A: Those who believe In ALLAH and did good acts will be welcomed into the joys of Heaven.

Q4: who do you think will be punished?

A: Those who lived far from ALLAH during their life will be punished.

Q5: What is Hell?

A: Hell is the place of great pain and suffering.

Q6: What is the importance of the belief in the Day of Judgment? What is its effect on your

A:This belief urges us towards good and noble deeds and stop us from doing sins.

Unit 21

Performing Salah Is An Act full Of Virtues

Activity A:

Match the Following:

(1-3), (2-1), (3-2)

Activity B:

Three persons remain particularly in the shelter of Allah. Who are they?

Ans: They are:

1: The soldier, who fights in the way of Allah.

2: One who goes to masjid to offer Salah.

3: And that Muslim who enters his house says ‘Salam’.




Activity A:

1:Right hand, (2) his left hand, (3) Wash –hands, (4) stomach alone, (5) test –fault , (6) tread.

Activity B:

Join the following:

(1-2 ), (2-1 ), (3-2) , (4-3) , (5-4) , (6-5).

Activity C:

True and False:

1 (F)- 2 (F) - 3(F) -4(T) - 5 (T) – 6(T) – 7(T)

Activity: D: learn the Du’as mentioned in this lesson.

Unit 25:


Activity A:

Answers these Questions:

Q1: What care should we take while talking to others?

Ans: We should take care that everything we speak is true.

Q2: Is it bad to make mistakes?

A: No, it is not, but it is bad to conceal them by telling lies.

Q3: What does the story of the shepherd boy teach us?

A: It teaches us that we should not lie.

Activity: B

Join the following:

(1-4) (2-1) (3-2) (4-3)

Unit: 26


Unit: 27


Activity A:

Answers these Questions:

Q1: Where was Prophet Musa born?

A: Prophet Musa was born in Egypt.

Q2: Who ruled Egypt at the time of his birth?

A: At the time of His birth, Egypt was ruled by Pharoah.

Q3: What kind of king was he?

A: He was very cruel and proud king.

Q4: How did he treat his people?

A: He treated his people very cruelly.

Q5: What did he think of the people, called Israelites?

A: He considered them very low.

Q6: Why did the king slay their sons and daughters?

A: Because, he was afraid of them and of their rapidly increased number.

Q7 : What did MUSA ‘s mother do to save the life of her son?

A: She put him into a basket and floated him on the river Nile.

Q8: Why did Pharaoh’s wife ask him not to kill the baby- boy?

A: Because she had no son and wanted to take him as her son.

Q9: How did Musa return to his mother?

A: He returned to his mother for take care of him.


Activity: A

Join the followings:-

(1-5) (2-1) (3-4) (4-2) (5-3)

Unit: 29


Activity A:-

Fill in the missing words:

1 ) Khadijah --Muslim

2 ) Khuwailid

3 ) Fatimah bint zaidah

4 ) 40 and ---25

5 ) six - two - four

6 ) 65

7 ) Jibra’ il -- Salam --- Allah

Unit 30:-


Activity A: -

1)- Abi - Waqqas ---- Muslim -----period of Islam

2)- Islam -----Nineteen

3)- Prophet.

4)- town of Kufah

5)- Governor ----- Iraq.

6)- Prophet’s battles

7)- to keep together

8)- Castle --- Al-Atiq, -------Madinah.

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