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Estanislao, Sara Ces S.

BSEd- English 2A
Activity #1

Directions: Give a comprehensive answer to the following questions. Be sure to

indicate the source of your answer.

A. What are cyber protocols?

➢ Cyber security protocols are plans, protocols, actions and measures that
aim to keep your organization safe from malicious attacks, data
breaches and other security incidents. In order to make sure that your
organization is protected, you need to employ various protocols and
software that work well together. Since there are multiple ways through
which an attacker can gain access to your networks, systems and
sensitive data, you need to employ more than one security measure.
Moreover, you must review and update these measures regularly.



B. What is digital literacy?

➢ Digital literacy means having the skills you need to live, learn, and work in
a society where communication and access to information is increasingly
through digital technologies like internet platforms, social media, and
mobile devices. It also about being able to understand and use
technology. It relates to the ability to find, use and create information
online in a beneficial and useful way. Digital literacy also means knowing
the limitations of technology and understanding the dangers and
precautions that the use of technology requires.



Estanislao, Sara Ces S.
BSEd- English 2A
Activity #2

Directions: List down the steps you as a future teacher will undertake to become

cyber or digital literate. Use the acronym L-I-T-E-R-A-T-E.

Literate; I, myself, should be cyber or digital literate to share my knowledge.

Innovate; I must learn how to use my resources in teaching.

Teachable; since technology is also growing, I should be teachable to acquire

new knowledge.

Entertain the ideas of your students, you can also learn through their ideas.

Respect other people’s opinion even though it contradicts yours.

Assess the validity of the information that I share.

To explore different strategies in implementing a good quality of education.

Experience is a good teacher specially if it is firsthand, share your experience.

Estanislao, Sara Ces S.
BSEd- English 2A
Activity #3

Directions: Write a reflection for Module 6.

This module simply made me realized that I should be aware and responsible for
every action that I chose to take inside the online community. Since I am using
the online community and different social media platforms to market my
business and products. This simply reminds me that I should be responsible for
what I post and who I wanted to have transaction with. Since the technology is
continuously developing and goes extensive as it increases its quality, as an
individual who uses it, I should be responsible and obligated to follow the
protocol as I can also have and apply my own rules in the pages or website that
I uses. Although, I cannot control the online community, we will maximize
our security by actualizing rules and conventions as our way to let
the individuals in our said page be mindful. That's fair a case of being
a mindful client of our modern technology.

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