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10 /In the Shadow of the Shaman

relationship we wish to develop with our totems. A totemic relationship

with an object is one in which you work with the vibration and the
energy that it represents to you.
T he first place to start looking for totems is in your own home.
Take some time with all of the treasures from Nature that you
already have.

Consider why you collected them.

Consider what they represent to you.
Consider what they reflect in you.

This is the beginning of a totemic relationship.

Another clue to finding totems is to explore the environment
around you.

Where do you choose to live?

Where do you choose to visit?
What places in Nature give you the deepest sense
of connection?

Answering these questions will direct you to the areas that are
already points of connection and places of power for you. You probably
already have items from special places in Nature that you can begin a
totemic relationship with. Take the time to feel the vibration and
energy of some of the items you have collected. This will increase
your sensitivity and your shamanic awareness as well.
Part of being on the shamanic path is recognizing, and conn••cting

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