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CRU EmergencY Handling

1. 4-301trip
Cause: High Vibration, Motor problem
K-301 discharge flow (F10102)will
consequence: Discharge temp of K-301 will increase sharply,
increase, plc 0601 pressure will increase, K301 will trip
at high discharge temperature, CRU Rx

Section shutdown take Place.

SteP to be taken:
a. First of all try to restart the A-301 if fails then
Try to decrease feed rate, compressor load, change cooling
water and decrease heater
i. BYPass the cru reaction section
\a/ ii. StoP CCla & DM water PumP
iii. ln this moment H201 temperature will suddenly raise, so glo;e the valve opening of

r^hr^ -nnl A-?r-r1 ran <t:rt chortlv then continua *ra unit and line up T-006 then,
i. Take H2 storage tank on llne and start H, generator'
d. lf LpG is not available and A-3O1can't start shortly then Try to shut the NHT unit in a control
way with DSN from T006
i. Take H2 storage tank on line and start H2 generator'
ii. Decrease the H201 outlet
iv. lf any sound observe in heater blower then try to adjust VFD accordingly
v. Finally cool down reactor bed by sweeping with H2
again start
vi. lf A-301is readyto run then again line up DSN to C201-D305-C-301and
uP the CRU section.
2. K-301trip
High or Motor Vibration High,
Causes: Discharge temperature high or Crankcase Vibration
pressure, Very high discharge pressure' Very
Separator drum (D301) level high, Very low suction
low lube oil pressure, uv 601- in close position , uv 602 in close
a. StoP CClo & DM water PumP
generator to back up NHT
b. Try to start K301 again, Line up H2 storage tank and start H2

reaction section'
c. lf K301 can start then follow normal procedure to increase the heaters
d" lf fail to start K-301- and lf LPG is available then,
l. Continue NHT unit and line up T-006 then,
ii. Take Hz storage tank on line and start H2 generator'
e. If failto start K-301 and lf LPG is not available then

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