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CONTENTS: 1) Aa Introduction to Crime 35 Smugglers inthe Night 12.0 the Watertront, Vanguard Warehouse Extetior Map 1.3 Key to the Vanguard Worenouse Map Vonguard Warehouse interior Map 1.4 The Use of the Warehouse 2, Diamonds a Farevee lstlry Store tap 2.2°The Ambush 2.3 The Outcome 2, Money fr the Taking 3.2 The Appearance 3.3 Key 10 the Bank 4, The Sea Dragon 4.1 Sea Hunt, 4.2 Thug Locations The Sea Dragon Mop 44.3 Key 10 the Sea Dragon Mop 5, The Staten Island Base 5.1 Levelt Level Map 6.2 Level 2 Level 2a 8. Levels. Level 3 ap 5.5 The Cort. ‘The Mignigh Mon hug Lists i PART TWO 1A Pictures Worth a Thousand Words 1 1.1 Who is that Masked Man? : 6 1:2 Rol the Prosar, 6 113 Translating the Tale % 2, The Master Pla : 16 3. The Manhunt 6 2.1 The Ware Begin 1% 32 Tevern Tussle, 1... nt v7 ‘ita’ Bar Map, 8 3.3 The Seup 13 13.4 Par Prassure 8 Pier 17 Map 19 4. The Revenge of Apolo, 19 PART THREE 1. The Thee Rings of Crime 19 ‘ig Top Mon. 20 1.1 Key to the Cireus Mop 20 Circus Map. 20 2, The Cirque Priormers 2 The Organizer 24 In Conclusion 24 US. coPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyright 1985 by Ken Clife All rights to this Book are reserved. No part of thi book may be used or fepreduced in any manner wbatioever without permission, ‘except in the cave of brief quotations embodied in critial articles ‘Cover art and interior illustrations are copyright 1986 by Patrick ircher All rights reserved For information contact Fantasy Games Unlimited Ine 182, Roslyn, N.Y. 11876, USA, P.0. Box AUTHOR’S INTRODUCTION ‘After weiting and pleytesting this adventure pack, it was found that tne contents heroin best suit 8 Villins and Vigilantes compaign which {evolves around three to six player charecters, ranging from second to Now York City and the finth levels This adventure, although bared furrounding reo could be adapted to Gevron This would entail a fery large amount of master. It-might also be impoctant to meation builds sort of mood based around the dark and possibly dirty realm Of the streets, To help incorporate this into actual play, the GM couls ead detcriptions written here as direct quotes to the players, adding fn extra cimension to the enjoymant of the some ‘Goad luck and happy heroin With special thanks to Canadien Shield, Meteor, Lord Range, Haier, Pleurde-Lis, and Northern Lights: without whom mony & mistake would have been overlooked, Ken Cliffe ORGANIZED CRIMES ADVENTURE PART ONE 1. AN INTRODUCTION TO CRIME 1.1 SMUGGLERS IN THE NIGHT “The night & dark and quiet. Suddenly, the sereech of roaring ties spproaches the heroes in their Vigil over the ety. black sedan. A pos {anger teome cicontented as he fires out s window at a pursuing police cruiser, What is this? Opposars of the law? Diruptors of the "At the wheel of the sedan ie Thug No. 1, His cohorts in erime are “Thugs Number 2 through 4, The car bea no license plates and travels top speed. An accident veo inevitable asthe night's earlier ans se made the road slick, Paderrians scream as they flee the dangerous blacktop and motorists swore in desperation ‘Look out, they'o going to erashl Tho sound of metal on conere is like nails on @ chalkboard, Three thugs wrigle and climb from the ‘wreckage (Numbers 2 through 4). They seem to stl have some fight lettin them, The heroet arrive onthe sane fire. “Thus ate the events in the typical night of erimatighter, or soit Inspection ofthe automobile revesl large cache of jewelry. "Thieves" "No," replies 2 senioe officer. "We recognized the diver as Lovie Sendai, 9 hired thug for the mab and block market. They're probably fon smuggling run wath the jewels for their bos. FRoll a Detect Hidden percentage foreach player-caracter. If none se successful in this ell, «poles officer wil find a mstenbook cari by one of the criminal It is lsbeled “VANGUARD SHIPPING AND STORAGE.’ The adress, a¢ ell ae the telaphone number, i prevent fn the packet. However, i is fecalled By ane of the heroes (or a police ‘officer who ie loca resident that Vanguard Shipping wis shut down 8 for years back due to an inspection by the Board of Heslth. Judging from the heavy nicotine eaine on the hange of the matches’ owner land the large Supply of cigarettes he caries, this book of matches ‘must have been recently acquired. Not one match hes yet been sec {and this Book makes up the culorit’s entire supply. ‘A sergeant proceeds t6 call n backup units. A raid on this Venguare ‘Shipping seems 10 be in order. The players could leave this JOB 0 the police, but if their suspicions are correct, many good men could be Injured or worse, killed! A quiet, wellprepored group of attackers ‘might fare better than an unruly mob. That, however, is Up to the Players to decide (true heroes would volunteer themselves In an in antl 1.2.0N THE WATERFRONT (Outside of the Vanguerd warehouse, nothing seems unusual except {or tne presence of two parked vehicles [a ved Buick ond o black von, both of which lack any license plates). Roughly fifteen fest above the ‘round is a series of boarded up windows which wind ell the way round the werehouse section of the building, In fact, every window ‘on the apparently abendoned building is bosrded up (ee Map 1, Var ‘ord Warehouse, Exterior). All doors ate locked but thove characters with: Xeay wion or Heightened Hearing, ete, would perceive the ‘movement of peepe inside the building, "Al walls ara rade of conerete (8 Structural points) and the doors ace steel (17 Structural points. Presently no ships are docked alongside ‘the warehouse ‘Al surrounding buildings ere either privtely ered or belong to voriousincitferent companies ‘SHIPPING WAREHOUSE, HUDSON RIVER 1 equate = 10 feet 1.3 KEY TO THE VANGUARD WAREHOUSE MAP. ‘See Map 2, Vanguard Warehouse, Interior. Wiarehouse: Shown here are piles of boxes and erates which, inthe cantor, are packed full oF stolen goods such as guns, jewry, an druse Packed around these articles is white stfing, Inthe south-west commer of the room are two parked forlits Uohich ean travel at cate of twenty inches per turn, Working inthe \warahouse are Thugs Numbor 5 1015, The ceiling ofthe building is tweniy feet high Olea: This room has ten foot high surpanded citing and i quite well furnisheg with thre chair, coffee table, desk, armenair, of ‘machine, and a Tiling cabinet, The floor is carpeted, but has now bee ome *rocden and ior. Present in the room i Vince Caletti, wh is ‘on the phone demanding help from the Organizer ae the heroes attack Ins warehouse (the response he s getting is negtivel. Colt is arut\~ lees foreman and hae 2 concealed rifle under ie desk loaded with to ‘A saarch of the office will only produce a datebook found! in the filing cabinet. The book lists many past robberies which have taken place in Now York, os wal ae theeb congecutve robberies over the course of the next three days. The first of these is to take place at 3 Sasha's Jewelry Emporium; the second at a branch ofthe Bank of New York: and the lart is £0 occur at store calles Furtetic, Exact times ofthese planned robberies ae also listed ‘Should this datebook fol nto the hands of the heroes, they should be Renor bouna to ambush and apprehend the eriminals that are going to fob these locations. If the polie get the book, they wil slice the MAP2. ansistance of the heroes one arrange for the presance of the players at the planned heist locations, as desribed sbove Lounge/Weshrooms: This large room as been sectioned off to create 1 Mon's Bethroom, a Women's Bathroom, and a Lounge. All three rooms have been poorly cared for and show signs of minor vandalism, Nothing of significance can be found here. 1.4 THE USE OF THE WAREHOUSE ‘Once 8 erime had bean committec, the perpetrators had orders from the Orgirizer to deliver the goods to the warehouse. Hero it would be packed and stored auay ntl ship would load the "Ror fargo. This ship would then deliver the stolen merchandise Into the hanes of the Organizer. In other words, the warenouse wes merely 2 sation point for stolen poods However, the Oreanizar had foreseen the event of supathero or police intrusion in he plan. He wil slow the frst robbery planned in the datebook to take place, Instead of hoving his men deliver the goods ‘0 another location, the Organizer will have tham take to to the now, ho doubt, ransacked warehoure. There Re will postion the Midnight Men, wero will spose of any who follow his hired thugs. If nothing jceurs at all, ne wil proceed with a plan outlined below. TH the heroes attack the thieves outright ot the first robbery listed {see ‘Diamonds are Forever), the Organizer wil use the Midnight Men at the second planned robbery (abe ‘Maney for the Taking). Its the (rconizer’s plan to gt the heroes out oF the may. “The lat robbery listed in the datebook will nat take plocs as the Fisk at hand has been ceereod to be 100 grt. OOF {| Tsquere™ 5 foot 2. DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER ‘As explained In the preceding section, the ‘hit’ on Sasha's Jewry Emporium wil be made. The police have mase arrangements with the proprietors allowing the heroes access tothe entire store, The Owners Go, of course, want damages Kept to a minimum. Should the cost of ‘any domagoe be extcomaly high [atthe GM's cecretion|, the Owners wl ask the heroes to pay for ther recklessness. Procgely at midnight 8 rod Ford (vith licen plates missing) wil pull up in front of the shop. Thug Number 16 will be at the wee tile Thugs 17 through 20 pick the lock an the front dooe. When no ural alorm gore of, the thiover will all be more alert to the poe Siblity ofa superhero ambush. The four thiaves will proceed to smash laspioy eases [see Map 3, The Jewelry Store, taking the contents and Geparting eres more attr a period of two minutes (ample opportunity for the playerharoes to make their move and apprehend the croak IF they 80 desir) 2.1 KEY TO THE JEWELRY STORE 1, Cashier, Sales Stand: This area is used by store personne only Present on shelves under the counter are bags and stationery supplies. ‘The cash regirter holds S482. Encivcing this area is @ eplay case (ich is identical to areus Number and 2. Storage Room: This room contains many articles of store dis play and eneliy decoration, but nothing af any real valve. ‘2-8 4, Display Cates: Those case ting almost the entice store's in- terior and contain beoutful and expensive pieces of jewelry. The tots! price ofthis jewelry ranges into the two hundred thousand dollar area. 1 square =5 feet ‘The calling on the shop i ten foot high. All walls have wooden ‘paneling with conerste behind the wood the exling is also conerete) "Thi randere a Structural strangth of 7 to there arees. Doors are wooden and have 2 Structure points with ded bolt lacks. The window to the ‘store, a: well 9s tho display cages, have 1 Structural point, Floors are tiled and made of voncrete (6 Structral points). There is no basement to he shop. “The store does have a burslar slo, but due to the hero involve: sent it hae bean shutoff forthe nigh 2.2 THE AMBUSH the heroas decide ro allow the this to rob the shop and then follow them back t0 thei leader, they wil fing the thieves Feturn to ‘the Vanguard warehouse, Police tale on the building sppear to have already been broken. Insie wait the Midnight Men, who plan to ambush the heroes (allo the pleyers thelr Deteet Danger rolls). The thugs will wait until they ‘are attackea before fighting the heroes, clving the IMdnight Mon the time they need to get in whetever pasitions they desire before at tacking Before a fight breaks out involving the Michiaht Men, Apollo will ive the heroes a ehenea to surrender fis, saying: “Greetings champions. | admire your persistance in coming here, ‘but now | must ask you to Ise here in peace and stay out of hture ‘busines of the Organization However, if you refuse ths offer, my ‘iiends and | will have te thoroughly pummel you into the earth” 3. MONEY FOR THE TAKING GM's NOTE '¥ the previous robbery of the jnwelry store led to the ambush of the superheroes at the Vanguard warehouse, this section should be ‘ieted from your version of this adventure 98 it would nat take place “The Organizer nas aborted this robbery 25 wall asthe las. 3.1 THE ACTUAL INTENT “The Organizer has set a second trap for the heroes since his fist planned ambush failed, The cey after the robbery ot Seshe's Jewelry Emporium, the Midnight Men will appear at the Bank of New York as stated in the datebooks found ot the Vanguard varanouse, However, this appesrance is not intended t0 be profitable, only successful a ‘eteating ay interfaring heroes. Exch supers will act a8 he oF she ‘would have inthe original embush (see 2.2, The Ambush) 3.2 THE APPEARANCE ‘AL precisely 12:30 PM the Midnight Mon will appear outsise the If the players are true heroes, they wil of course, have to refuse ‘Apollo's generous oer. 2.3 THE OUTCOME ‘Atar the Date is over, the location of this “Orgonzation' lease can be determined in many ways. I either the Noose or the Detonator are captured, they will eves the Organizers location, but only if all charges aginst them are to bbe droped. No negotiations can be made with either of the two, it ig all chorgee dropped or nothing, Should Apollo be captured, he wl faveal nothing as this is hie most honorable course of scion. However, it his Secret abot body) is revealed, Apollo will tlk without con fence ar he pleads that hi I support system be dtconnacted (se ‘polio's weakness. Neither the Stormstress or the Black Empress wil “pill the beans’ about the Organizer unless they see Apollo detested ‘and are defeated themselves. In such a case, they would say anything te see thet love, Apolo, saved, If none of the above should occur, one of the thuss could be made 1 talk, but will probably make the some list of demands asthe Noose and the Detonator (all previous thugs apprehended have not yet been ‘made to talk on anything to do with the Organize) IH the bette has been going aginst them, the thus, the Noose and the Detonator should make 9 loyalty check to Apoli, Neither the Stormstress or the Black Empress will reveat unless their love falls. In-tuch 3 eae, the two mould attempt 10 get Apollo's body back and fee or fight with @ passion if a morale roll so decroos (one roll cach). Apollo's will is never to be questioned, unless his secret has. been revealed. VW the situation arises that the heroes are defeated, the Midnight Men will depart, carting anay any downed or injured como ‘Once the characters have recovered from such a defeat, shey will scover that they have attracted the attontion of a group of dock workers. The five men who now stare at the owed heroes loed boats wich dock here at night, They were working nearby and hed been watching the fight from a tafe distance, If quertioned a 0 here ‘he Minight en have gone, the reply will be "Al, dey want away afta Gis big block cloud covered da warehouse ‘Youll never find dem now “The worker speaks the truth as the night and the powers of the flack Empress made for an easy escape, ‘Should the characters inquire a4 to where the crates from the Van. tard warehouse be shipped, only one worker wil speak: "wanna be in da paper and on de TV if what | tell yo is what ya He wll continue to say: “On account dat I ork at nigh, | ae as ‘hip come in Mere. I think i was ealea da Sea Dragon. Anywsy, cis ship ‘ould come in and load up wit stuf from ois warehouse, but Van hurd was supposed to be closed up. Da ship eame at night 30 ca doc ing office never Knew i cme, only me an some oder guys ‘Dere was cis one time when 2 fight started berwaen two loaders nd der captin sid dat dey could tlk to da boss about it et da base, Dat’ all know. ‘Should the heroes cheek out the worker's story, thay wil find it ‘rue thot no ship ealled the Sea Dragon had ever signed in with the locking office. Further pressing will reveal the location of the ship information from the Coast Guard and sightings er other ship or dock workers). The vessel fs presently heading towards the southern ‘moet point of Staten Island [se the Sea Dragon). bank (thanks to the Black Empress) and demand « meeting with the heroes lit they are not already there). Refusl of this demand wil result in the completa destruction of the bank and ts occupants. This Will be made clear by Apolo, but he wl of couse, not go through twith such a threat [though the heroes could not know this). Should the characters wait longer than thirty minutes to appear, Apollo wil ‘order everyone from the bank and the surrounding ora. He will then bia the Detonator destroy the. bullding (one biat). The Reroes wl now find that they have na leads to the Organization’ lesder anc the IMldnight Men are now departing ina cloud of darkness (again, thanks 10 the povers of the Black Empras). Uniess something is done inthe ‘nent fem moments the aeventure vl end neve forthe players Ifthe players hove acted ab true Beroes, they wil MEBE The Mi. right Men's challenge. Apolio wil gallantly bow and say: "We only with you to remain out of the way of any further Or ganization business If you refuse, speak now, £0 we can batter this ‘aea of cooperation into your thick skulls” “The ensuing bettle should be handled in much the same feshion ss that which would have occured at the Vanguard Warehoure lee fections 2.2 and 2.3). A tow minor changes will be necesary ae the battle will be oUt of doors and at mid-day. Mony pedestrians and passing motoriss will be in grave denger, especially at the hands of tho Dotonater, who will take hostage, if required. Furthermore, the Black Emorese wil ute her darkness powers to enter the tight If nat fneugh actions come her way in the shadows. In time, pole will Brive at te ene, but wil remain ot a distance tying tO keep the rows under control for tie own safety. ‘Should the heroes be victorious, information as to the Organizers location gould be found in the same monner at Seeribed in the des. tription of the original ambush at the Vanguard warehouse. Ife should fceur that none of the Midnight Men reveals the Organizers oration, than a previously apprehended thug will be made t0 tlk by the police foniy. the warehouse entrance will be revesad, regards of ho turns informa, Ii the event of ero falure, Apotio will be heard to say jst before “If you wish, | il shed some light upon your storm Should the ‘Sea Dragon have boon docked at Vanguard during your Intrusion, the Organizer would have ordered your w eeution I would not have liked twearry out such orders, but maybe Iwill have to 38 Staton’ “The Organizer gave no order for Apolo to deliver such 3 ride, but he has enjoyed the thrill of the fight and does nat wish to see the heroes’ resolve and determination go to waste. If Apollo’ secret wos Faveated inthe fight, he will iva this rien hopes ot geting revenge “Translated, thi riddle means: The light in the storm is the light houston Staten Island. The Sea Dragan is, of Course, the ship. 3.3 KEY TO THE BANK ‘See Mp 3, The Bonk. 18 2, Check Tables: Those tabies ae where deposit slips are written and were the varying bank forms are kept. The tables have 2 Struc tural porns. ‘2. Guide Ropes: This is a red velvet rope which direct bank cus. “4. Tells’ Windows; This counter is where the pubic can cary out their business with the bank, The counter hat 6 Structural point, ', Safety Doporit Boxes: This room is whore the sxfety deposit boxge are kept. Behind a door ate steel bars. Inside the room isa total at rouchly ane million dallas in bonds, jewels, ee ‘6 Veult: This i tha bank vault. In i Is roughly ene hundred or so thousand dollars in eah, The daor to the vault has 15 Structural points {and tie nalis have 10 Structural pointe, The vault ix currently open 7. Loungerwathroome: This room has been sectioned off into a [Men's and Women's washroom and a lounge ares forthe bank sat, '& Manager's Office: This wellfurished office is that of the bank's “This area houses quite afew dasks where bank employees carry out te base paper work of the day, “Yo. Aasiatance Desk: This ceak is where speci activites ore cated ‘out which may be required by bank curtomers. These would include buying bonds, opening accounts, Purchasing travelers checks, ste. ‘The desk Ros 3 Structural points 11. Waiting Area: It is here that customers ewait srvee rom bank cmployeos in special matters, uch as loan applications, etc. In this fron ea leather couen, 4. THE SEA DRAGON 4.1 SEA HUNT Ie should not be eificult to locate the Sea Dragan os It heads for ‘Staten Inland and its base. It caries a partially full hold of stolen ‘00d [packed in th same manner a In the Vanguard warehouse, [None of the thirty one erew member ig on sar, soon etack upon ‘thom is unexpected [detect danger should be rolled were the GM decree) 4.2 THUG LOCATIONS ‘Thugs Number 21-30 wil be on the deck of the ship. ‘Thugs Number 31-37 wll bain C3 10 C15, respectively ‘Thugs Number 36-41 wil bein EF ‘Taupe Number 82-3 wil ba in CM ‘Thup Number 44 wil bein OM, Thug Number 8 wil ben. 1 squat Stout “The calling of the Benk i ton f608 high. All ofthe walls have wood paneling with a concrete base (like tho ealing]. This renders a Struc fuel stength of 6 for these areas. Doors are made of wood and have 3 Structural points, The front of the bank is completely windowed, having 1 Structural point. The floor is tiled with a conerote sub flor fd, thus, has 6 Structural points, “The police have made contact with the bank manager, warning him of the impending doom thet is to befall his institution, However, ‘the manager has refused to clog the bank ad i running itt he sould ‘on any other day af the weak, ‘Thug Number 46 il bein C-17, Thug Number 47 wil bein OL. ‘Thugs Number 48°51 will be on the bridge, With only 9 litle encouragement, any of these men could be used ‘a9 source of information. He wil reveal the location ofthe Organize's bite and anything ess the GM sses ft to revel to the player. The crew could also be ordered to deliver the Herces to the base, but not without 1 fight fit, Instead of contacting the Organizer by radio and warning himof the attack, the erw wil fist atack the heroes "A fight begun on any level will drow the entire crew into action within 106 toa 23d AAA dnV 3d 1vOE h ONY & 13A31 9 dvW WIS FUSvrIWOs ANY 193d dood = TTSATT = S dv 934-«E13A31 oh AV ‘cape before the ship arrives atthe base 4.3 KEY TO THE SEA DRAGON ‘te Maps 4, 8, and 6 of The Seo Oragon APS Air Purp: 8: Bathroom 8R:_ Batiry Room h-27:Cabine CGM: Crew's mess 65: Cols Storage EGS: Emergency Generating Station ER: Engine Room ES: Engine Storage G: Galley LOR: Locker Room LAS Lamp Room US: Legge Storage IR: Incinerator Room ©: Otice 5. THE STATEN ISLAND BASE 5.1 LEVEL ONE ‘See Map 7, The Staten Islnd Base (On the surface, the base appears to be ony 2 lighthouse ona hioh cliff, However, even closer inspection of the house will produce no buisonce thatthe bas ie present. The lighthout ie fully-automsted ‘At the base of the elif is 8 rocky shore that stretcher about fenty feet belore it hits the water. A. Detect Midden roll wil roves! 3 argo ‘avo opening which is concealed by a large boulder (weighing about fone thousand pounds. At the side of the rock ie a erack which fs oughly large enough for a person to squeeze through into the cave ‘The sound of movement io the cave turns on large overhead lam. ‘The cave is actually a storage area for crates and boxes that would, apparenly. be wansported here by ship. On the wall isa lever which ‘eenoniealiy sider the boulder to. one sie, Hidden amonstt. the ling rafters are three surveliance cameras, which have ¢ total ew ‘of tho eave (a Detect Hiddon roll might notice each eames). The Contents of the crates in the cove are similar to those found in the Vanguard warehouse ‘From this point, all the “hot! contents of the erates are smugaled to other countries, s well as being circulated into the ety and the rest of the country. From all of these, the Organizer hat generated tightly more than 9 sgenble amount of money. 'At present no one inhabits the cave/storepe warehouse, Key 'BR, Bathroom: This are is divided into two rooms, a Men's and {8 Women's washroom, Guard No, 3 isin the Men's Weehroom, But it Dreseniy indisposed. and will always be surprised (he le leo tem povarly unarmed). OL: Officers’ Lounge Ott: Officers’ Mos Ps Pantry PR: Paint Storage Room Ri Recreation Room S! Storege| G8: Generator Station G Launaey 8012: Soare Cabins SR! Store Room All csitings (bulkheads) on the ship ore eight fet high, except for the exling in tho. Engine Room, which hae @ height of twenty-four feet. All wals (bulkheads) aro of steel and have 9 Structural points, 435 do callings and floors (docks). Doors and hetehes hove 8 Structural points. Al windows (ports) are reinforced and have 2 Structural points “The Cargo Hold i found under the deck and ie partllly filed wath stolen goods. The esling is twenty foot high. CL, Chemical Lab: This room ie where various drug tering go on “Thore is 3 wide variety of test tubes and other paraphernalia Bbaut, 25 ws as Technicians Number 4 and 5, COL, Computer Lad: In this lab, different straine of droge are being dtsigned. Base operations and income accounts, tc. ae also recorded here. A charecter with computer progremming skis or back found could learn slmost anything about the orgoniation that the Git seer fit to reveal, Present in the lab are Technicians Number 6 10 8, slong with « widevarety of computer software and! hardware COR, Conference Room: In this large room sts ong, broad table with many chairs around it It ig here that all briefing and debrieting of agents takes place, Present are guards No. 410.6, Et, Elevator No. 1: This slvstor caries pastengors down co the two lower floore as do the stare, Outside the dovor fa ingle button In side are two buttons labelled "2" and’. The elevator ean carry 2000 pounds, and weights 2000 poundr itself. The walls, celing and floor have 6 structural points each, The wo edbls whieh ower and rate the elevator have 3 structural points each. No one fs present in the eleva 2, Elevator No. 2: Tht elevator eueies oceuponts up tothe lshthouee ia’ a trap door in the lightfloor floor. This tap door is completly Undetectabe from inside the hous. ‘Outside the elevator door isa single button with none inside. The elevator only ris up end gost down ones asin after tan eeconde on the surface have passed. The elevator can earry 4000 pounds. The walls, ‘loor and exiting have 6 structua! points each, The pole the elevator rises on has structural points. In total, the whole thing weighe 3000 pounds. No one i provent inthe elevator. GR1, Guard Room No. 1: This sparsely furnished room isthe location fof guards Number 1 and 2. From this point thay patrol the level 7 a rT oO} | 4 rm a TF eel | { Ltd wacetoure| | f! _ b Br o Te e MAP LEVEL 1 SCALE 1 SQUARE = 10% (GR2, Guard Room No. 2: This room is identical to GRY excent that guards Number 7 and 8 are present 01-3, Offices No. 1-3: Present in these rooms a filing abinets anc ‘ks ote, Thi is where the bar's paper work taket place, In 03 ie Gard Number 10, The other rooms are empty 55, Store Room: In these smell rooms are materials which ace kept in storage For their connecting labs SR, Survullanee Room: This room contains ten television serans and 4 large control board, On the board isthe equioment which will operate the surveillance screens ar well 2s shut off the One slarm, A teleghone ishere which can call the Orgonie’s library, 38 well a the vest ofthe world. The number of cil to call the Organizer ie “CREME. With ‘he correct operation sha base could be viewed va the hidden esmeras, Present here is guard number 8. TL, Technical Laboratory: This lab contains a wide varity of mechan: al instruments, Technicians Number 10° are prevent, Ws, Weapons Storage: This room is used to store the base's weapon supply. Acces is only possible for the Organizer and guards number 1 2,7, and 8. & panel beside the door i pressed by the palm of the hand nly those listed above are programmed into the security system and are the only ones tho can open the door. Inside the room ace swonty rifles, ton pistol, and ten aster lets, Rife: +4 to hit, 1410 damaee, range ~ 180 inches. Pistol: 3 to hit, 148 damage, range = 4 inches, Blaster Pistol; +2 to hit, 1410 damage, range = 6 inches, 10 “There are alto boxes and boxes of ammunition in the room. 5.2 LEVEL2 ‘See Map No, 8, The Staten Island Base 8B, Barracks: These rooms contain five cots each ae wel ab 2 smal closet land footiockar Yor each cot. Thare rooms labellad 1-10 are for the male personnel on the base, while thoes marked 11-18 ere forthe female Dersonnel, Present in 86 i guard number 11 and in B15 fs Guard No, 2 'BR1, Bathroom No.1: Ths bathroom is exactly the same asthe one on the frst level (BRI. Its for meles only and no one is present. MAP 8B LeveL 2 Teng. uta va 'BR2, Bathroom No, 2: This room is for females only andi also unoe cupie. {CCafeteria: In this huge room ore wo large tebles and roughly one hundred chars. The tables weigh four hundred pounds each and the chair welgh twenty pounce each, Prcently aging here (ut only if not fn alert are quards number 13-18, I on ler, the guards wil remain here, waiting for orders 3, Elevator No. 3: Outside the door is an up and down button. Inside fare the buttons marked "1", 2", ana 3. The elevator i identical tothe ‘ne scribed at In fact the two savators ae the sam). {GR3, Guard Room No, 3: This room is Identical to G1 and 2 (ste Level 1), except that guerds aumber 19 anc 20 are presen, GRA, Guard Floom No, 4: See GR. Present are guards number 27 and 2 GYM: This gymnasium has a twenty foot high xiling and fll ofthe latest in recreational and physical fitness easipment. The roam is void K, Kitchen: This is where the food is prepared ond served forthe co: simption of bite members i has @ wide varety of cooking utensils Pretent it guard number 23, sho ie being punished with KP city for his disobedient actions. His guns rest across the room so he will attack Intruders witha mea clase, {ieaver: +2 0 ht, HTH+163 damose, 1 alert stats is sounded, he will jin those guards inthe eafereria and wait for orders. Ifa fight erupts In the cafeteria, he wil rush out Te join it. {E, Lounge: This is the reeroation room for the bate mambers. It com tains a television, two large couches, three easy chars, a juke Dox, Atal fame system etc. If they have not Been previously defeated or aren't patrolling the base, che Micight Men will be her. §, Storage: Both of theee rooms contain mundane living esxentiale such 6 tow, tole paper, ee. SHI, Shower No.1: This isthe male shower and ehange room, SH2, Shower No.2: This isthe female shower and enengp oom. 53 LEVEL 3 ‘Soe Map Number 9, The Staton Island Base. B/L, Bar/Lounge: This luxurious room isthe private bar and founge of the ‘Organizer. It contains plush wall to wall carpeting, 9 bar tuly equipped). leather couch,» slant TV (Golby stor, 2 VCR, ete. At BER, Bedroom: This room is furnished just o¢ luxuriously a¢ the lounge, inelusing saree bed with a canopy. Ae the head Board ie & mass fof butions and dials which operate streo, light, bed viberator, et, For each button presd rll 1410, A fll of 1 wl ignite the exeope tun nel mechanism (ee ET2, below). BBR, Bathroom: This is the Organizers privat bathroom. In it ie & round bathtub with imported tile, The room has no orcupan, 4, Elevator No. 4: Outside the door is ¢ single button, For further stalistics soe Et (Level 1). EET1, Escape Tunnel No, 1: This tunnel is right beneath the chair in the Organizer’ liorary (Gee L, below. With the flick of a suite, the MAP 9 LEVEL3 vt (not the same submarine as NS, zee below. The hatch to the tunnel loses immeciately and has 25 strveturalpoins. BY) z ‘The Submarine Weight Passengers Cargo Cap. Speed Disable Demolish 3500ibs, oomph 18 70 [A disabled sub will sink to the bottom of the Huskom River and slowly leak to the point of bursting, Repairs can be made internally however. but not t externa rea ‘Once the Organizer ezcapes, he will flee to the Bronx where his ‘zcape. ond further plans have sready buen arranged (see PART THO}, ET2, Escape Tunnel No, 2: Ths eseepe tunnel setvaes vin te presing a 9 button on the headbosrd of the Organizers bed. The whole bed Tesracte into the wall, What occure next i the duplicate of how ETT ‘Operates (se above) Library: Here the Organizer has collated avast numberof texts and novels, The room is extremely well furnished, Presenty, the Organizer Sits behind his desk read» Hook with a phone beside hr, He will most ertainly be avare of the herons’ aval. When the characters brea into ‘he library, the Organizer vail say You know, you have been a very uncomfortable thorn in my side, and now, se secns that you have wom Wil, | think its time now to soy farcwelt” [At ths point he will activate his escape tunnel (ate ETY above) (GS, Generator Station: This lous, beskelooking room contains all the feqipement and electrical generators which supply the base, Present ate {ards number 2410.27 and technicians number 9 to 11 INS, Nuclear Submarine: This sub is fully self automated and only ro {quiver the conte of one person. The Organizer keeps tin case he can ‘ot resem his eeape tunne in time in the event of 8 aid Pesony, i ir in this manmade, underwater eave ond requires @ skied pilot tO ‘The Nuclear Submarine it Poss Cargo Cap. Speed Disable Demolish 2000's. 100"mph 50. "200 Woight 10000 Ibs, Passengers T#10 S, Secret Door: This door can only be found on a successful Detect, Hidden roll, To dete, the door her never bean discovered and the Or: fanizer has achiev 8 mysterious ability 4 just sppear. On the other Side of the door is what the Organiza considers to be his own private SSA, Sauna; Just 9 it toys, The private sauna includes benches and het ‘SP, Swimming Pool: This & the Organizer’s private swimming p00) “Theve isa fe foot deck all around the pool SU, Supply Room: In here are all she tools required for the service ond ‘maintenance of the machinory in the generator sation (GS 5.4 NOTES. “The walls of the bate are made of reinforced conerate and have 9 structural points, Doors are reinforced wood and have 6 structural points, Ceilings in the bote ere ten feat high, except forthe warehoure frhich har 9 twenty foot high eeling, The rack wall of Uie warehouse Ja secimentary and, therefore, hae 6 structural points, Floors and clings have 9 strvctual points, ike wal ‘F Seeurity Alarm: Thi symbol reprsercs the presenes of a security tisrm. The pulling of an alarm wil put the whole bare on alert ab an Slsrm sounds, In euch a situation, no quard will be found without fall, ‘wesponry. It should be noted that techniciane rarely fight and are Unarmed! ©, Surveillance Comers: Ths symbol represents tho presence ofa cam fa, These cameras are hidden and wil only be found if 3 Detect Hiedon rol fe made During nonalert situations, there i a one in four chance per wn, winen the Reroes are in hainays or on stairs, that they wil encounter 1-4 guarcs 603 ofthe time or 1-2 tohnleians 40% ofthe time, In alere conditions,» guard patrol will be encountered on a roll of 1 on 4-63 per turn then the heroes travel on stirs or In hallways) 70% of the timo, Tho Midnight Men will be encountered 30% of the time, Unies thoy have been previously defeated, There are only thre (944 patos in the base. ‘Once 2 fight begins on a level, all the guards prosent on that love will join in 124 turns (rol once with normal chances 10 determine If 4 gusrd patrol wll arrive, This is due to the sound of the battle (ot Course, if the GM decides that the round of she battle is not loud ‘enough, oF does not last long enough, the guards will not ave 5.5 THE CAST “The Midnight hen APOLLO. Teentity: Troy Harrow 1 Side Nowtral (Evil Tendoncie] ‘Age: 27 Sex: Male Level: 2 Training: — Powers: 4, Robotic Body: Human Appearance - 100%, Weight Factor = 2, Heightaned Sength = +12, 455 internal repair in 3 turns, once per ay. {Al Life Support: PR = 1 per hour (for Troy's brain), 2. Special Weapion: Long Bow: +4 to hit, HTH+1 damage, Range ARROWS, A Incinerary Arrow: Additional 1412 flame damage trom earier atti 2) Sleep Aerow: Endurance save 1020, Causes 16 tur sleep with ut wake-up roll ©) AntiGravity Arrow: Gravity control esrier attack, Multiply vie tims weight by -10 Ibs, Duration = 8 turns, 1 Paralyre Arrow: Carrier attack of paralysis ray (ee cules, p18) 3, Helghtened Cherima: +76 44. Mind Control All woman with charismas above 15 must make 2 ‘hariems s¥0 ofall opetesy in love with Apaio, PR= 0, Range = 8, Phobia: Apollo terrified of the world dtcovering he is setoally 8 robot, Hi this i¢ discovered (interal damage, see rules p. 16) By the heroes, Apolo will shoot to kil and try to escape as soon a8 pose ible apprehended he will sttampt to disconnect the life support system to his brain and reliowe the anguish of publie exposure, Instead, he could crave revenge upon the here or heroes doing zis te him. sy Wight: 520 I. Basie Hite: 14 ality Mod.:-4 ‘Surength: 29 Endurance: 17 ‘Aaiity: 17 Inteligence: 17 Charisma: 30 Factions ftom Good: 5 Evi 45 Hit Mod. 7.6 Hit Pointe: 84 ‘Damage Nod. +2 Healing Rate: 4.4 ‘Accuracy: +2 Power: &0 Carrying Cap: 6,703 Ios Basie HTH: 248, Movement Fate: 63" ground Det. Hiaden: 12% Inventing Points: 3. Det. Danger: 16% Inventing! 51% Battle Tactcs/M,0,; Apollo will ct very gallantly, allowing an appe nent to surrender without a fight. If 2 female opponent Is present, he Wil ttempe to seduce er into nis ad she must Reve 9. 16+ Chasm). However, Apollo does not enjoy killing nd wil refrain from doing 9 nls his sever has been revealed (se abovel ‘Origin/ Background: All is life Troy Harrow II wanted 19 be @ Robin Hoods hero {his personal hero), His fener, however, successful millionaire, ridievled Troy's dreams and tied to convince him #0 join inthe famiy busines (On a fateful ay, only a few years ago, Troy wa out jovriing in his Porche and lost control. The car went plummeting over the ed of a sher elif Lote compitsly paralysed, Troy had ven up on life and asked ‘that his life support system be disconnected. Hs father, desperate to keep Troy alive, hired e top American robotics expert Soon 2 com plete replica of Troy wae constructed along with all the abilities ‘Troy had sluays dreamt of having. With hie brsin implanted in the mechanization, Troy now hed the desire to survive and live for advan: To date, only the three know of Apollo's secret, The scientist Femains in his father’s employ in ease Troy's body should become omaged “Troy enjoys his new life, but with propar motivation, could turn tothe aide of good The scentist's inventing percentage is 54%, STORMSTRESS Idantity: Linda Davidson Side: Neutral (Evil Tendencies) Sex: Female Age: 25 Levels Powers: 1, Weather Control: see rules, p. 18:19, 2 invulnerability: 16 points. Only when weather control i used Weight: 100 tos, asic Hite:2 Agity Mod: +2 Strength: 12 Enourenee: 13 Agility: 20 Iotelignce: 13, Charisma: 17 Reactions ftom Good:-2 vil: #2 Hit Mos: 3'5 Hit Points: 7 Damage Mod: +2 Healing Rave: 08 Accuracy: +2 Power: 59 Carrying Gap: 151 tbs. Basie HTH: 104 Movement Rate: 45” ground, flight speed equals dosived wing speed Det Haden: 10% be % Inventing Points: 1.4 venting 42% Battle Tacties/M.O.: The Stormatess prefer to fight out of doors where her powers can be best utilizes, Her most common form of attack i with lightning Bo. Origin/Background: Lincs and her fomiy were on thei boat, taking 8 trip on the Pacific Ocean, Without notice, @ violent storm swept the boat out of control, Graboing @ ieee of wraakage, Linda driftes t0 the eye ofthe storm where he was struck by Hghtning. Surviving the night, a passing sip rescued her. Soon Lind realized ine nad developed some strange powers. Unsure of shat to 0 with herslf, Linda was soon clscovared by Apollo and instantly fell in love ‘To cate, the two have formed strong romance with Lines ungues tioninaly following Apollo's leadership. However, the Stormstress and the Black Empress often squabble about which of the two Apolo loves THE BLACK EMPRESS Identity: Sylva Shasta Side: Noutral (Evil Tendencies) Sox: Female Age: 23 Level: Training: ~ 1. Darkness Control: Range * 108", PR = 2 for Ing See rules p11, 2, Vibratory Powers: Range = touch, 268 aamase, 22% breakage, PR = S per attack, 2 te detond or pass through matter Telleporation: Portal, the Black Empress closes it at wil tleporta tion only from shadow to shadow, he rules p17 Heightened Agility: +17 Heightened Senses: Night visio, ‘Vulnerability: Contoct with erst sunioht cause 1420 damoae pe turn. The Black Empress will also be tomporaily blinded for 128 turns unless a ave va. endurance is made on 16100 Light contol attacks do" double damage, requiring the some soving vow ar above vnen a blinding flash is used aginst her Weight: 120 ts Boric Hite: Aglity Moc. +2 Strength: 11 Endurance: 11 Agiity:36 Tnweltigenee: 16 (Charinma: 16 Reectians from Good: -2 evils 22 Hit Mod: 4. Hit Pains: 14 Damage Mod: +6 Healing ste: 0.75, curacy: +6 Power: 74 Cereying Cap: 148 bs Basie HTH: 148 Movement Rete. 58" ground Ioventing Points: 8 Det Danger: 16% Inventing: 485 ttle Tocties.0.: The Black Empress prafors to walt in shadows fand attack an unwary hero, If she har no choice, the Empress wil frente darkness about herself and move into the Bette, If things 90 [ore herself as wall at her group memtarsamay Origin/Bockground: Sylvia Shasta wos born an albino end spent her nti childhood in seclusion due to ber revere allergic ceaction to ‘he light. It wasn’t ntl er mic-teene tht she could do inerecibie things ihe tipped and fell right through a wall nd covered her body in darkness ta hide from the light), Sylvie's life continued in eolitude Until she sw Apolo on television and immediately sought him out. polio asked her 10 join him, learning at Sylvia's powers. The Em prose now stays with Apolo with a feeling of fulfillment in her lit, THE DETONATOR Identity: Brutus Hanover Side: Evi Sex: Male age 24 Levels Powers: 1 Atmor: Type 8, ADR 1A) Matter" Detonator 128, Charges = 150 (ee rules, p. 10), nergy) and his right hand (postive eneray) make contact, fn explosion ie ereated. Radius = 2", PR = 80, 2620 damage sttacks as poner Das seh guantlet can ire © boom individually. Range age = 2d8, attacks as power blast. Life Support: This System protects the Detonator from his own blasts only, PR = 0 2. Vulnerability The Detonator’s armor hat the seme chance of losing an ably a5 cutined in the rules (se p. 10). Should tho Life Sup port system fail, he sull of ours retrain from using the blar. Should wither gauntet fll to operate through damage taken by sult, the Detonator iil have one turn to disconnect It before an explosion erupts, Ragivs~ 5 inches, Oamage = 3220. ‘Any interference in his attempt to disconnect the gauntlet wil cause Ft to explode, Weight: 230 bs Bosie Hits: 5 Agility No. Strength: 18, Endurance: 17 Agility: 14 Inteligonee: 11 Chara: 9 FResctions from Good: — Evils Hit Mod: 3.7 Hit Points: 19 Damage Mod: +1 Healing Rate: 2 Accuraey +1 Power 60 Cerrying Cap.: 866 Is. Movement Rate: 49" ground Det Hidden: 8% Inventing Points: 5.5 Basie HTH: 138 Det. Danger: 12% Inverting 33% Battle TactiesM.O.: Tho Detonator wil attempt to lead any opponents he ean out into an open area, away from his teammates snd use his fxplosive blast, I such an getion cannot be made, the Detonator will Uso the Dasters in his gauntlet to attack ‘Should a fight go against the Detonet sbout taking hortagest9 escape (nigin/Background: Brutus Hanover wos a hired thug for 8 well known terrorist organization who were atthe time, developing 2 new ype of battle armor. While taneporting the amar, Brutus and the others with him were attacked by the Canturian (or any other hero that the Git ‘estes to se. While bis friends were dropping tke flies, Hanover ‘onned the armor and defeated the supernero, ‘Making aood his eszape, Hanover wos aaproeched by Apolo, who required some heavy-duty fice poner in a supergroup he was forming. Hanover greed and took the name the Detonator, However, ABOllO ow wishes he had never confronted Hanover as the Detonator wishes Tobe the group's leader ‘THE Noose Identity: Charles Duan Side: i Sex: Male Age: 29 Livel:3 Training: — Powers 1. "Special Weapon: Leto +1 to nit, HTH+1 damage, § struct (n'a secesful hit the vietim is entangled in the lato. A roll of 110 is then made to determine exactly how the victim ie entansled or by the GM's ciseretion. (See Special Attacks, VV. p. 26) 1 Neck 2. Tore 5. Lett arm 4 Right Arm 5. Loft Leg 8. Right Leg 7, Both Lage 8.10._ Both are and Torso ‘A special hit must be mage to hit a desired part of an opponent ‘Once a hit has been made the Noote can loop more cable sround the victim, Remember, the rope has 8 structural pointe £0 each new loop will produce another 5 points 0 be broken by the victim for im to ‘seape, One loch of movernent ade ont loop t 8 victim “The Noose carries 100 foot of cable and the tying of a new lasso costs only movement (this will be done ifthe old lasso is broken 2. Heightened Expertise: r4 to hit with special wespon, 3. Heightened Strngth: +74 44 Heightaned Defense: to be hit 5. Natural Weaponry: +2 to hit, +4 damage, Weight: 190 tbs, Basic Hite: 4 Agility Mod: ~ Strength: 30, Endurance: 16 ‘ality: 18 Intelignce: 14 Chariamas 15 Reactions from Good: 2 vil #2 Hit Mod.: 9 Hit Points: 36 Damage Mou. Healing Rate: 1.6 Accuracy: +3 Power 78 Carrying Cap.: 2431 Ibs Basie HTH: 1612 Movement Pato: 68" ground, 365" swinging Det Hidden: 10% Det Danger: 14% Inventing Points: 42 venting: 42% Battle Tacties/.0.: The Noose's favorite tactic isto lasso an oppo ‘ent with a8 many coils as he can. He will then proceed to pummel ‘nay atthe immobilized vietim until ha orth i incapacitate Origin/Baekground: The Noose wae the last vilain to joln the Wis ight Men. It was during a simultaneous raid on 9 bonk thet the two parties first met. After 8 devstating battle [thanks to the Detonstor! ‘Apollo asked the Noose if he would wish to Join them. Summing UB his chances in further conflit wath the ‘exploding men’, the Noose acegpied. He soon found the Income quite suafying, But hs plane to eave the aroup inthe near future, rr ‘THUG LISTS No, Sex Weight ST EN AG IN CR Hits Power Damaoe Accrey Carry HTH oro Mm 130° 08 Og 10 11 OF Gs se HD 2 Ff 110 10 13 12:08 12 05 4 att 08 M200 11 14 08 09 13 OF 422816 Ob M120 08 os O7 13 8 oo 3B 05 M «140 08 10 10 14 14 03 az 06a 06M © 200 05 10 11 09 12 03 38 a OM «20 13 14 0 11 13 09 #880818 co M «180 «19 14:13:13 of 10 FH Sk 09M «240 08 18 12 07 OB Oo 42H 282108 10 M 210 08 09 10 13 oF 0 #1 tae 1 oM «240 08 18 12:17:12: 100 GH 2M 170 10 12 12 7 1 OP ai 1081 13M «170 08 12:11 «07 14 05 BB 34 M200 13:10 15 09 13 08 471232015 1M 240 13:12:19 10 BH 408108 6 F «40 10 09 08 11:17 8 2133 tet 7M 250 10 12 07 15 11 06 at 2 33 18 OM 170 12:18 18 11 1S 4 HHS 18 19M «20 «13 1009 12:11 «OF SG te 2 F 120 10 06 08 09 10 o2 38 128 2) M 100 16 17 08 11 09 Of 2 2 20 146 20M «160 11 08 17 10 09 03 40 Tt 2M 140 13 09 10 08 09 oO «381 7st 2% M 230 08 16 10 10 12 09 45 = 268 146 2M «m0 12 12 4 10 04 11 48 85D 2% M 130 14 10 o7 10 09 os at 2 24 106 2 M200 08 06 12:10 4 OF 873d 2% M 140 13 13 18 10 12 09 822K 108 2 M100 11 09 09 08 17 G2 a7) 20M 160 10 09 14 O7 10 05 40)|0 a5 tat 31 M210 13 10 11 (09 12 0 as 336168 mM 20 14 11 1 10 11 6 e108 BoM 250 11 15 09 15 1 50H 388108 S4 M180 16 09 OB 11 09 OF 44 2 980 198 35 M200 16 09 09 08 14 05 42 = so 108 2M 20 14 14 10 12 13:1 80 BB 37 M200 07 11 13 08 10 OF «38 48108 Be oM «220 14 «09:12:10 13 0B HI 39M © 200 15 (09 12 09 09 OB 4B 40M 190 34 10 09 13 07 05 aa 82148 41 M160 10 08 12 12 13 OF 42 taka 42 M 140 10 09 09 8 9 Os 38 tt 4 M160 12 13:10 06 12 07 243158 4¢ 0M 140 os 14 o7 11 158 os go tka 4M © 200 8 10 09 10 12 08 «37 52a 46 0M 180 14 12:12 10 G8 09 41186 47 M160 14 12 12 10 of 09 48 HH 08, 40M 170 09 11 12 10 12 06 a? 56 tat 49M © 190 09 09 12 09 09 06 «39H 185 tad SO M 18 12:12 4 12 4 10 80) HH 2688 51M 19 12:13:19 :12 07 10502888 THUG WEAPONS LISTS. WEAPONS STATISTICS LISTS ‘Weapon Type Thug Number" Pistoh 48 to hit, Damago=148, Fango-B6" sto! +. 14,79, 1620, 34,43 Knife : LITT at to hit, DamanesHTH91d2 ite saa 11 40,20-28;33,9837,42 Grain i 1 4120 ie, DamogoHTHe142 None 115,11.44/21'23, 0:32, 39.411 44,4651 gutehers Knife, 14210 hit, Damoge=HTHe1e Chain = 8,18, 24, 25, 38 Butcher's Knifes. eels ee Vinee Collett Sen Weight ST EN AG IN CR Hits Power Damage Accrcy Carry HTH Move Level M feo 1015 19:10:11 108 200) dd" tle +4 tohit, Damage=110, Range=120" 4 GUARD LISTS No. Sex Weight ST EN AG IN CR Hits Power Damage Accrey Carry HTH Move Level or 180. 12 «08 16 13:17 05 4B) 2) 228 tot 30" 02 F 130 11-11 «12 OB OB OF 2189 tuk a” 03 M «160 16 12 15 13 OF 12 SG Ht 2 amt aa" 2 of M «170 13:17: 13:13:12: 158392 ta" 0 F 130 10 17:15 1 OF 08 47H 237 1 06 M «130 «15 12 14 18 10 09 SG HH 20818 4 O7 F 90 14 10 07 08 12 02 37 1218948 1 0 M «170 17 07 08 12 05 05 4201 22108 1 09 M «190 08 11 08 10 O8 a3 380 = 2 V8 tt 1 10 F M0 M1 12 10:11:12 «05 a8 ta tat 1 MoM 20 19:11 16 oo 10 St BD 108 2 12 F 14012-1412 09 10 OF a? wt 219 tat 5 12M 190 12 10 19 10 08 08 480 260108 4 8 M710 1019 12 11:18 10 46D? 106 1 15 M 160 13 10 09 14 10 08 46 28108 2 16 M 130 09 17 10 15 13 O85 te. 3 17 F 140 11 09 09 09 Of 03 380 87a 1 18 F 120 16 12:09 13 06 OF Si 106 3 19 M 220 18 11 13 10:09 17 520763108 1 2 F 190 11 12:08 12 16 05 at 85 1 2M 150 12 11:17:12 Oe OF et 1 2M 2041211 1 8 188 1 2M «180 15 11 08 11 16 03s 2 36 16 1 2 F 40 06 12 09 12:12 OF 0390 00s 2 25 M «190 08 10 15 05 12 OF 390 218548 1 2% M «20 09 10 12 04 12 05 35 491 a8 1 2 M20 13 10 11 0G 11 05 40 = 20 106 1 All guards carry a rifle lrange*t40") and 9 pistolirange~102") (Guerds Wer Back Jump sults. ‘TECHNICIANS LISTS No, Sex Weight ST EN AG IN CR Hits Power Damage Accrey Carry HTH Move Level orm 200 12:12:17 «16 8 PT 203 16S OM 20 12 14 1 16 8 1) 82H = 329 a8 7” OF 0 14 11 07 4 6 oS 48 tae 2" of F «140 OF 09 10 15 1h O38 at Bas 38” 0§ M © 200 09 09 09 14 9 oF 4 ies 144 37" 1 06 F100 16 OB O7 15 6 02 46 2 Stas” 7 M 170 10 09 16 14 10 08 49 «© 142162 tae 35" 8 M «190 09 07 15 17 5 OF 48 «22931312 09 M0170 7 11:12:17: S47 2H 123 ta G0" 10 F 130 11 10 11 14 09 08 48) a2 tt 2" MoM «160 13 10-14 16 11 08 SSR 28818 BT” 2 Techniclas ave always unarmed and will nelly never put up 2 fight. However, sf they are attacked @ technician wil not think tee ‘bout defending him or herself. Technicians wear laboratory socks RANDOM ENCOUNTERS LISTS Guard Lists No. ST EN AG IN CR Hits Power Demige Accrey Carry HTH Move Level or Oe 07 12:16 07 039 4} 2 Go) dd 28" 2 02 08 14 15 06 OF 05 430 2198137” 03 13 14 07 09 09 08 43 2 282 145 34" 2 7 we 1 12 10 08 1 490 HT BAB B39” 05 1209 10 13 4 04 a6 | tg8 tgs 31" 06 1216 12 11 09 09 49028) 53” 0 1312 08 12 12 08 43 2 8 id 3” 1 08 10 07 09 11 os 7 20175 1a 2" 1 0 07 07 10 08 12 02 32 40 58 tga 28” 10 1308 12 8 10 02 410 = 20k” echncians Lists No, Sex Weight ST EN AG IN CR Hits Power Damage Accicy Carry HTH Move Level or F130 13 10 13:16 09 08 «22H. 208 tea 36" 2 M «180 12 14 13 14 09 10 S20 HH 282 tas 3" OF F «140 12 05 13 14 OF OF 4H Ht tas Tt of M170 08 09 12 14:1) OS 4H Has 29" 0S M «220 10:17 12:15 «12:«1S Bh 2H 207 tS 99" 2 06 F 6190 09 13:12:14 11 wet 8” OF M «200 15 09 13 17 10 09 4 © 2H AMG” 08 F «100 16 07 07 16 OF 02 46 + «2-240 to 90" 2 Wen @ single oF group of guards or technicians is encountered used up no mare encounters can be made with that type of personal. In ceneck him or her off the appropriate list. Once either lit is completely such 2 case the st still having unused members i substituted

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