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Directorate of Education GNCT of Delhi

Subject: Mathematics Worksheet: 21 Date: 25/08/21

Class:9 th
Name of Student……………………… Name of Class Teacher…...……………..


see graphical representation of few more equations.
If we consider x = 4 as linear equation in two
Let's take an equation x = 4. If we consider it as an variables then it can be written in the form -
equation in only one variable, then it will have a unique (1) × (x) + (0) × (y) = 4 (coefficient of y is ‘0’)
solution as x = 4, which will represent a point on number You know that above equation will have infinitely
line- many solutions.
Let's find three solutions for this equation.
If we put y = 1,
Similarly if we put value of y as ‘0’ ,‘– 1’or any
other real number, we always get value of ‘x’ as
4. Therefore, three solutions of given equation can
be taken as-
x 4 4 4
y 1 0 –1
(x, y) (4, 1) (4, 0) (4, – 1)

Plotting these three solutions on graph paper we get a

straight line parallel to y - axis as graph of equation
x = 4. This line intersects x - axis at point D (at this
point value of ‘x’ is ‘4’ and ‘y’ is ‘0’). At each point
of x - axis, ‘y’ coordinate is ‘0’ i.e. y = 0. Therefore,
So, any equation of the type x=a represents a line equation y = 0 represents x – axis. Similarly, at each
parallel to y-axis and any equation of the type y=b point of y - axis, ‘x’ coordinate is ‘0’ i.e. x = 0.
represents a line parallel to x-axis. Therefore, equation x=0 represents y- axis.

Let’s plot another equation which has two

variables, both with non-zero coefficients-
3x – 4y = 12

x 0 4 8
y -3 0 3
(x, y) (0, -3) (4, 0) (8, 3)

Such a line intersects both the axis. X-axis at

point having coordinates like (r, 0) and Y-axis
at point having coordinates like (0, t)

Represent the following equations on graph paper-

① y=0 ② y=–5 ③ 2x – 3 = 0 ④ x=–3 ⑤ 2x – 5y = 10

COVID appropriate behaviour (CAB) message:

Keep maintaining physical distance of 6 feet or 2 yards.
शशक्षा ननदे शालय, राष्ट्रीय राजधानी क्षेत्र, ददल्ली
विषय : ह द
िं ी ,( दो बैलों की कथा) कायभपत्रक : 21 नतचथ:25/8/2021
कक्षा : 9 विद्याथी का नाम ……………………… कक्षाध्यापक का नाम…...……………..
प्यारे बच्चो, दो बैलों की कथा पाठ के अगले अिंश को पढ़कर नीचे हदए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए।

आि दोनों के सामने फिर व ी सख

ू ा भस
ू ा लाया गया। दोनों
ु चाप खडे र े। घर के लोग भोिन करने लगे। उस वक्त
छोटी-सी लडकी दो रोहटयााँ ललए ननकली, और दोनों के माँु
में दे कर चली गई। उस एक रोटी से इनकी भख
ू तो क्या
शािंत ोती; पर दोनों के दय को मानो भोिन लमल गया।
य ााँ भी फकसी सज्िन का वास ै। लडकी भैरों की थी।
उसकी मााँ मर चक
ु ी थी। सौतेली मााँ उसे मारती र ती थी,
इसललए इन बैलों से उसे एक प्रकार की आत्मीयता ो गई
थी। दोनों हदन-भर िोते िाते, डिंडे खाते, अडते। शाम को
थान पर बााँध हदए िाते और रात को व ी बाललका उन् ें दो
राहटयााँ खखला िाती।
प्रेम के इस प्रसाद की य बरकत थी फक दो-दो गाल सख
ू ा
ू ा खाकर भी दोनों दब
ु बल न ोते थे, मगर दोनों की आाँखों
में रोम-रोम में ववद्रो भरा ु आ था।

प्रश्न 1. फकनके सामने, कैसा भूसा लाया गया?

प्रश्न 2. िब घर के लोग भोिन करने लगे तब क्या घटना घटी?

प्रश्न 3. व लडकी कौन थी? क) व भैरों की लडकी थी। ख) व गया की लडकी थी। ग) व पडोसी की लडकी थी।

प्रश्न 4. बाललका की दो रोहटयााँ खाकर बैलों की क्या दशा ो र ी थी?

प्रश्न 5. उपसगब और मूल शब्द को अलग कर के बताइए।

क) वव+द्रो ख) ववद्रो+ ग) ववद्र + ओ घ) ववद+ रो

कोविड के सन्दर्भ में उचित व्यिहार संबंधी (CAB) संदेश :

2 ग़ज अथिा 6 फीट की शारीररक दरू ी का पालन करें l
Directorate of Education, GNCT of Delhi
Subject: Science Worksheet:21 Date: 25/08/2021
Class: IX Name of Student _______________ Name of Class Teacher _______________

The Fundamental unit of life (Cell organelles)

Jigyasa didi , what is Protoplasm? and how does a cell perform various life processes?

Gyan, as we know that every cell has at least three features/part in it— Plasma Membrane,
Nucleus and cytoplasm. The fluid inside the cell that is covered by plasma membrane is called
Cytoplasm. Apart from nucleus there are specialized very minute structures present in the
cytoplasm called Cell Organelles. The main cell organelles present in a eukaryotic cell are
Endoplasmic reticulum(ER), Golgi apparatus, Lysosomes, Plastids, Vacuole and Mitochondria.
Each Cell Organelle carries out some very crucial and specific functions in the cells like
production and storage of proteins, lipids and energy, waste disposal etc. The living part of a cell,
including the cytoplasm, nucleus, and other organelles is known Protoplasm.

Didi, what are Metabolic Processes?

Gyan, to perform various life processes by living being, different types of chemical reactions
are taking place inside the cell. In these chemical reactions either some substance is formed
(like synthesis of Protein) or a substance is broken down to form another compound (like break
down of glucose to produce energy).All these chemical reactions occuring inside the cell are
known as Metabolic processes. These are constantly taking place in the body. Metabolism is a
general term that is used to describe all chemical reactions involved in maintaining the living
state of the cells and the organism.
Cell organelles in Animal cell Cell organelles in a Plant cell

Now answer the following Question:

1. Draw a neat diagram of Plant and Animal cell and label its important cell organelles.
2. What are metabolic processes? Give one example?
3. Differentiate between plant and animal cell
4. Where is cytoplasm located?

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