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K. 3. Al.

"" ""
AH r n lll lllCKlll lll

HA <<OTnMllHO>>
K. 3. ALlacoea
w w

(HA «OTnH'l_HO'

OcHOBHa.H u;eJih .n;aHHoro rroco6R.H - rroMffqh yqeHRKaM HaqaJihHOH
IIIKOJihI B OCBOeHlili rrpaBRJI "tJTeHR.H li rpaMMaTRKli aHrJIRHCKOrO .H3hIKa, rro-
MO"t!h RM pa3BliTh li aBTOMaTR3liPOBaTh HaBhIKli "tJTeHR.H li yMeHR.H rrpaBRJih-
HOro yrroTpe6JieHR.H rpaMMaTli"tJeCKRX <t>opM B ycTHoii: R IIRChMeHHoii: pe"t!R.
,Il;aHHOe rroco6Re MO»CeT CJiy»eRTh ,ZJ;OIIOJIHeHReM K yqe6HRKaM ,ZJ;JI.H Ha"tJaJih-
HOH IIIKOJihI (3-4 KJiaCCbI) li liCIIOJih30BaTbC.H KaK Ha ypoKaX li <t>aKyJihTaTR-
Bax, TaK R ,ZJ;JI.H caMOCTO.HTeJihHoii: pa6o'rhI .n;oMa. B KOHD;e KHRrR .n;aHhI
JleKCR"tJeCKliH MaTepliaJI B rroco6Rli crpyrrrrRpOBaH ITO TeMaM (Units). B Ha-
"tJaJie TeMhI .n;aHhI TpeHRpOBO"t!Hbie TeKCThI, 3HaKOM.HID;lie c HOBhIMli JieKCR"tJe-
CKliMli ep;RHRD;aMR. 3aTe-M rrpe.n;JiaralOTC.H TeKCThI, HarrpaBJieHHhie Ha
3aKperrJieHRe R3yqaeMoii: JieKcRKR. B 3TOM .n;eT.HM rroMoryT R 3ap;aHR.H, pac-
rroJio»eeHHhie IIOCJie TeKCTOB.
Kam.n;hIH rpaMMaTR"tJeCKRH pa3p;eJI co.n;ep»eRT KpaTKYIO TeopeTR"tJeCKYIO
:qaCTh, rrpe.n;cTaBJieHHYIO B Bli,ZJ;e cxeM li Ta6JIRD; c rrpRMepaMR, l i TpeHlipOBO"tJ-
Hhie yrrpamHeHR.H ,ZJ;JI.H pa3BliTli.H li COBepIIIeHCTBOBaHR.H rpaMMaTR"tJeCKliX
IlpliCTyrra.H K pa6oTe, yqeHRK ,ZJ;OJI»eeH BHRMaTeJihHO rrpO"t!RTaTh 3a,ZJ;aHRe
K yrrpamHeHRIO li rrpRMep ero BhIIIOJIHeHR.H. :IKeJiaTeJihHO He TOJihKO BhIIIOJI-
HliTh yrrpamHeHRe IIliChMeHHO, HO li rrporOBOpliTh Bee BCJiyx.
Y crrexoB B R3yqeHRR aHrJIMHCKoro .H3hIKa!
.· :·. ·. .·The ABC·
• ', • I i' ' -- - ' ' ' • :. •
· · •
· •

Ast JBlb . C~
Dcdl : .· .· JEe ..·.·JFf
' ,I·

- ' :_ ., -.. ; . - :.. -

CG~ · • IHih Tii J j

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· IL - li
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. . , . . .·. . ·,.·.,·.·_.. ·- m -

; ' ~ ; '.

' :

· ·- -

. :
. .

- .

- .


. - :·--

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, ...•. ·. . 0 -· · . - - ·- - - -- - .

N JIJl ··. •· ,«](()) , JP IP

Gq RJr s~ T\t
Uu YV w
Xx Yy z~
Oco61>1e 3Ha11KH TpaHcKpun:u;uu

rnacHbie ,[(ByrnacHbre
i: ,ZJ;OJII'Oe If ei SM
i KpaTKOe If OU OY
e E ( KaK rnEpcTb) ai AM
re . 8 OTKpbITOe au AY
a: ,n;onroe A Ji OM
A KpaTKoeA fa lf(a)
J KpaTKOeO E'1 8(a)
J: ,ZJ;OJII'Oe 0 U'1 Y(a)
u KpaTKOe y
u: ,ZJ;OJII'Oe °Y
;} He.HCHbIH 6eay,n;apHbIH I'JiaCHbIH
'1: ,n;onroe E (KaK cBEKna)

w KpaTKOe y
9 Mem.ay6Hoe C
cl Mem.ay6Hoe 3
J M.HI'KOe ill

tJ l:J
j cna6oe M

IJ n c rrpM3BYKOM g
English 3
YpoK 1

1. HaaoBH 6yKB~~
\ ·-
H 3BYKH, KOTOpLie OHH o6oaHa'llaJOT. Hanumu ux.

Ll [l] ' Mm [m] Nn [n] _ __

2. HanHmH nepByio 6yKBY CJIOBa-KapTHHKH.

, -

3. ,Zl;onHmH K 60JILmoii 6yKBe MaJieHLKyJO.

4. ,Zl;onHmH K MaJieHLKOH 6yKBe 60JILmyio.
m n 1

5. Hanumu TpaHCKDHilIIHIO (aByK, KOTOpb1ft o6oaaaqaeT 6yKBa).

Nn[ _ _ ] Mm[ _ _ ] Ll[ _ _ ]

6. PacKpacL.


7. HaaoBH 6yitBLI H 3BYJtH, KOTOpLie OHH 06oauaqa10T. HanHmH Hx.

Bb[b] Dd[d] Vv[v] _ __
8. HanHmH nepByro 6YKBY cJioBa-KapTHHKH.

9. ,ll;onHmH K 60JILmoii 6yitBe MaJieHLKYJO.

10. ,ll;onHmH K MaJieHLKoii 6yitBe 60J11>myio.
1 b m d n v
11. HanHmH TpaucKpHn~HIO (aByK, KOTOphIH o6o3HaqaeT 6yKBa).
Bb[ _ _ ] Dd[ _ _ ] · Vv [ _ _ ]

12. PacKpacL.

Dcdl Vv
13.,HaaOBH 6yKBbl H 3BYKH, KOTOpble OHH o6oaHaqaroT. HanHmH HX.
Pp tvl Tt [t] Kk [k] _ __

14. Hanumu nepByro 6yRBy cJioBa-KapTHHKH.

15. Hanumu TpaHcKpunu;u10 (aByK, KOTOpbrii o6oaHacrneT 6yKBa).

Pp[_] Tt[_] Kk[_]

16. Coe,n;uuu 6oJILmyro H MaJieHLKYJO 6yRBLI.


1 m n b d k
v p
17. 3aqepKHH JIHWHHe 3BYKH.
B [d][b][p] P [n][p][t] L [v][l][k]
M [m][n][l] T [m][k][t] N [m] [b] [n]

18. PacKpacL.

YpoK 4

19. HaaoBH 6yKBhI M 3BYKM, KOTOphie OHM o6oaHaqaroT. HanHmH nx.

Zz [z] Ss [s][z] Cc [s][k] _ __

20. HanHmH nepByro 6y1rny cJioBa-KapTHHKH.

21. HanHmH TpaucKpHnn;Hro (aByK, KOTop1>1ii: o6oaHaqaeT 6yKBa).

Zz[_] Ss[ _ _ ][ _ _ ] Cc[ _ _ ][ _ _ ]

22.Coe,n;HHH OOJILmyro H MaJieH:bKYIO oyKBhi.

S T Z L K N C M B p D

z t s 1 c n k m d p b

23. 3aqepKHH JIHIDHHe 3BYKH.

D [d][b][p] Z [z][s][k] S [s][z][k]
N [m] [n] [l] T [m] [k] [t] C [s][z][k]

24. Ilo,n;nHmH nepBylO OYKBY n;ml>pLI.

6 2 7 9 10

YpolC 5

25. HaaoBH 6yKBbI H 3BYKH, KOTOpbie OHH o6o3Ha'tlaIOT. Hanumu HX.

Hh[h] Ff[f] Xx[ks] _ __

26. Hanumu nepnyro 6yKny CJIOBa-KapTHHKH.

27. llanHmH TpaHCKPHIID;HIO (3ByK, KOTOpbIH o603HaqaeT 6yKBa).

Ff[_] Hh[_] Kk[_] Xx[_]
Zz [ _ ] Ss [ _. _. . ], L_ ] Cc [ _ ], [ _ ]

28.Coe,z:i;HHH 60JILillyJO H M:aJieHLKyJO 6yKBLI.

B D K H M N F/ c x s

d kb nm h v t f x s c
29. PacKpaci. KpyatKH H no,z:i;numu nepnyro 6yKny ~BeTa.
P030Bb1Vl KOpltlYHeBblVl opaH:>1<eeb1~ YepHblVl <f>1t10JleTOBblVl Clt1Hlt1Vl

0 0 0 0 0 0
30. PacKpaci..

31. Ha30BH 6yR:B:bt<t:l 3BYKH, KOTOpble OHM0603Ha-ciaroT .. HarrHmH HX.
Jj [d3] Gg[d3], [g] _ _~
32. HarrumH rrepByro 6y1rny CJIO:Ba:..;RapTRHKHF ' ;:c ' ' ' :

< - - -~ ' ~' ~. ·_)

33. HarrHmH TpaHCKPHIID;HIO (aByK, KOTOpbIH o6oaaa-ctaeT6yK':Ba).

Jj [ _ ] Gg[ _ _ ], [_ .,.__ ] , ~X,t. :~. : , .. .l ,
Ss [ - ..- ] , [ -. - - ] '
·Cc [ -·:r- ] , [ .-
, -]

34. Harrumu, KaRHe 6yKBhI MOcyT rrepe,n;aTh ,n;auu1>ie 3BYKH.

[k] [d3] _ _
[s] _ _ _ _ [z] _ _

35. Coe,n;uuu 60JI1>myro H MaJieu1>Ryro 6yRBhl:

B D G J H M N F Z T C P s

d g b j nm
z ht f p s c
36. PacRpach RpyatKH H rro,n;rrumH rrepByro 6yRBY :u;neTa.
38JleHblVi K.OPl-1llH8BblVi Cl-1Hl-1Vi' opaH>K813blVi 'lepi:JblVi ¢ cepblVi R0308plVi

!o ' '
Q ... 0
·.. \ \ I
''JJ- "' -~
01·1 • .tta30BH OyKBhI H 3BYKH, KOTOphie OHM 0003HaqaJOT. nanHmH HX.
Rr[r] Ww[w] Qq _ __

38. HanHmH nepByro OyKBy cJioBa"".KapTHHKH.

39. HanHmH p.a,n;oM cTp0t1BLie (MaJieHLKHe) OyKBLI.

B_, C D F G
H_, J_, K __ , L M

40. HanHmH p.H,IJ;OM aarJiaBBLie (6oJILmHe) OyKBLI.

n __ , p _ _ ,. _q _ _ , r __ , s __ ,
t __ , v _._ , w x z ---
41. Ilo,n;nHmH nepsyro OyKBy :o;Hcl>PLI.
2 4 5 6 7 9 10

42. PacKpacL KpymKH H no,n;nHmH nepByro 6yKBY :o;BeTa.

Kop~YHesb1VI 3e11eHb1VI 6e11b1VI c~H~VI po3osb1VI YepHb1VI qrno11eTOBb1VI cepblVI KpacHblVI

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

43. HanHmH TpaucKpHIID;HIO ( aByK, KOTOphIH o6oaHaqaeT 6y-KBa).

Bb[_] Cc[_],[_] Dd[_] Ff[_] Gg[_ ] , [ _ ]
Hh[_] Jj [ _ ] Kk[_] L l [ _ ] Mm[_ ] n [_]
Pp[_] Rr[_] Ss[_],[_] Tt[_] v[ _ ]
Ww[_] Xx[_] Zz[_]
44. II0,zi;11umu 11epsyio 6yicsy cJiona.

45.HaIIHmH, KaKHe 6yKBld MOryT 11epe,zi;aTL ,zi;aBBLie 3ByKH.

[b] [d] [f] [d3] _ _
[h] [k] [l] [m] _ _
[n] [p] [r] [s] _ _
[t] [v] [w] [ks] _ ___;
[z] _ _

46. IlpoqHTaii.
[ou] [o] [A]
no dog son ( CbtH)
go frog London
doll lov~ ( Jtro6umb)
47. IlpoqHTaii.
Frog, go, doll, London, dog, fox, son, no, love.
48. IlpoqHTaii HMeaa ,z:i;eTeii.
Tom, Bob, Jo~, Rob, Doh.
49. BcTaBL 6yKBbI.
L_ndon, g_, f_og, dol_, n_, do_, s_n, _ox, lov_.
50. CocTaBb CJIOBO H3 6y1rn.
l)g,d,o, _ _ _ _~ 3) l, d, l, 0 - - - - -
2)r,o,f,g _ _ _ __ 4) v, l, e, o _ _ _ __

51. Ilo,z:i;nHIIIH nepByro 6y1rny u;m1>p1i.1.

2 4 5 6 7 9 10

52. Ilo,z:i;nHIIIH nepByro 6y1rny u;BeTa.

c111H111171 po30Bbllll '-lepHbllll opaH)l(eBbllll qmoneT0Bb1lll cepb1lll KpacHbllll 3eneHbllll 6enb1lll

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

53. IlpoqHTaii.
[ai] [i]
Hi! pink
I six (6)
fi-n~ is ( 6CllOMOZameJtbHblU ZJlaZOJl)
ni-n~ (9) his ( ezo)
fi-v~ (5) Britain
54. IlpO"llHT3H.
No, I, dog, six, fox, five, go, pink, frog, nine, London, is, son, fine, his,
doll, love, Hi ! Britain

55. Ilpo"llHTaii: HMeea ,IJ;eTeii:.

Tib, Liz, Bill, Tim Mik~, Ik~,
Bob, Bill, Ike, Tom, Tim, Mike, Rob, Tib, Jo~, Liz, Doh

56. Ilp0"11HT3H.
Hi! I'm Tom. Bob is five. Mike is from Britain.
Hi ! I'm Mike. Tim is nine. His son is fine.
Hi! I'm Liz. Rob is six. I love Britain.

57. CocTaBL npe,IJ;JiomeeHn Ha CJIOB. HanHmH HX B TeTpa,IJ;H.

1) is, Tom, fine
2) His, son, from, is, Britain
3) from, Bob~ London, is
4) is, Liz, five

58. IlpO"llHTaii: TeKCTLI.

Hi ! I'm Bill. I'm nine. I'm from Britain, from London. I'm fine.
Hi! I'm Nina. I'm six. I'm from Minsk. I'm fine.

59. BcTaBL cBoe HMH. CnHmH TeKcT B TeTpa,IJ;L.

Hi ! I'm . I'm nine.
I'm from Minsk. I'm fine.

60. HanHmH u;ml>PLI CJIOBaMH.

5 6 ------ , 9 ------

YpoK 11

61. IlpO"llHT3H.
[ai] [i]
ni-ce ( 1Cpacu6blU) it (amo)
li-on pig
li-ke ( .7t106umb, npaBumbcH) swim
big :r,

62. IlpoqHTaii:.
No, swim, I, Ike, it, dog, Joe, six, like, fox, Tom, five, pig, go, Bill, pink,
frog, Mike, nine, Tib, big, London, nice, Bob, is, lion, son, Tim, fine, Liz,
little, his, Rob, doll, kitten, Doh, Britain, love, Hi !

63. IlpoqHTail.
Hi! I'm Bob. I'm from Britain. I like London. I'm fine.
Hi! I'm Mike. I'm six. I'm.from Minsk. I like it. I'm O.K.

His lion is big. His dog is big . . I swim.

His pig is pink. His son is fine. I go.
His kitten is little. His doll is nice. I hop.

64. BcTaBL 6y&BLI.

Br_tain, _ig, _ig, lit_le, ni_e, k_tten, lik_, s_im, f _ne, li_n, _ink.

65. HanHmH ~H<l>PY·

five nine six- - -

66. CocTaBL npe,IJ;JIOateHHH H3 CJIOB. HanHmH HX B TeTpa,IJ;H.

1) is, five, Tom
2) His son, nice, is
3) little, His, frog, is
4) Minsk, like, I

Ypoit 12
67. IlpoqHTaii:.
a dog-dogs a pig-pigs
a lion - lions a kitten - kittens
a frog - frogs a son- sons
a doll - dolls a robot - robots

68. IlpoqHTail.
six pigs nine big lions five nice pigs
nine dogs five pink dolls six little sons
five kittens six little frogs nine big dolls

It is a pig. It is little. It is a dog. It is big. I like nice dolls.

It is a lion. It is big. It is a kitten. It is fine. I like little frogs.
It is a doll. It is pink. It is a frog. It is little. I like big dogs.
69. HanHmH Bo MeomecTBeeeoM 'llHCJie.
adoll -(9) ninedolls ason-(5) _ _ __
apig -(6) akitten-(9) _ _ __
a lion -(5) arobot-(6) _ _ __

70. BcTaBL cnoBa.

I'm Liz. I'm - - - - - London. 'm six. I like - - - - - - dolls. I
71. IlepeBe,n;H.
1) 11.HTb KpaCHBbIX KYKOJI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2) ,n;eB.HTb MaJieHbKHX JI.HryrneK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3) rneCTb P030BbIX CBHHOK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

72. HanHmH :u;H(l>PLI cnoBaMH.

5 6 9 -----

YpoK 13

73. Ilpo'llHTa:ii 6LICTpo.

a doll a dog I like little frogs.
a pink doll a nice dog I like big lions.
a little pink doll a big nice dog I like nice robots.
five little pink dolls nine big nice dogs I like pink pigs.
74. IlpO'llHT3H.
Hi! I'm Liz. I'm six. I'm from Britain. I'm fine.
I like little kittens. I like little pink dolls.
Hi ! I'm Tim. I'm five. I'm from Minsk. I'm O.K.
I like big dogs, big lions, big robots.
75. BcTaBL 6YKBLI.
N_, s_im, s_x, li_e, fo_, fiv_, ni_e, ni_e, s_n, _ine, lit_le,
_oll, kit_en, B_itain, lo_e, H_!
76. CocTaBL npe,n;nomeeHs H3 cnoB. HanHmH HX B TeTpa,n;H.
1) like, big, I, dogs
2) is, It, kitten, a
3) from, is, Bill, London
4) little, robot, is, His
77. IlepeBe,n;H.
1) .H JI106JIIO 60JihlliHX co6aK.

78. IlpoqHTaii.
[ei] [re]
na-me (uMH) cat am ( BcnoMozame.nbHbtu z.nazo.n)
sna-ke . and (u) have ·
Africa has
79. IlpoqHTaii HMeua ,n;eTeii.
Ann, Sam, Alf, Nan, Pam Jake, Kate, Dave, Jane
I'm Ann. I'm Nan. I'm Jane. His name is.Alf.
lam Ann. I am Pam. I am Kate. His name is Jake.
80. IlpoqHTaii.
Name-, am, Ann, dog, Joe, and, six, like, snake, Sam, five, have, Kate,,. ,
Mike, go, nine, Dave, nice, has, son, fine, Jake, hop, Jane, love, Hit .
81. IlpoqHTaii 6:&ICTpo.
I have Sam has
I have got Sam has got
I have got a snake. Sam has got a pig
I have got a little snake. Sam has got a pink pig .

Kate has Mike and Dave have

Kate has got Mike and Dave have got
Kate has got a doll. Mike and Dave have got a dog
Kate has got a nice doll. Mike and Dave have got a big dog
82. IlpoqHTaii.
a) His name is Torri. Tom has got a snake. His snake is from Africa. His
snake is big. Tom like§ his snake.
b) I am Kate. I like cats and kittens. I have got a cat, Nan. Nan has got five
little kittens.

83. Ilo,n;nHmH nepByio OyKBY :o;ml>p:&1 HJIH Bee cJioBo. i

2 4 5< 6 7 9 10'

( C.TtOBO) ( C.TtOBO) (c.noBo)


84. IloauaKOMLCH c 6yKBocoqeTaHHeM.

ck [k] black Nick

85. IlpoqHTaii.
[ei] [re]
name Kate bl~ck dad Ann have can ( M01lb, yMemb)
snake Jake parrot grandad Sam haven't.
Dave rat orange Pam has can't ( ne M01lb,
Jane rabbit Nan hasn't ne yMemb)

86. IlpoqHTaii.
a cat and a dog Jake and Nick a parrot and a lion
a snake and a frog Mike and Dave a rabbit and a fox
a kitten and a pig. Bill and Kate a rat and a snake

87. IlpoqHTaii.
I have got a dog. Jane has got a doll. Jake hasn't got a pig.
I haven't got a snake. Alf hasn't got a rat. Nick hasn't got a rabbit.
I haven't got a lion. Dave hasn't got a parrot. Nan hasn't got a kitten.

88 .. IlpoqHTaii.
a) His name is Dave. Dave has got six dogs, five cats and nine parrots.
Dave hasn't got a rabbit. Dave hasn't got a fox.
b) I am Sam. I'm fine. I am from Africa. I have got a dad. His name is-Bob.
I have got a grandad. His name is Tom. I haven't got a son.
c) His name is Mike. Mike has got a pig. It is big. It is pink. Mike like~ his
pig. Mike hasn't got a rat. Mike hasn't got a snake.

89. Ilo,D;nHmH nepByro 6yKBY u;BeTa.

cp111011eTOBblH cepblH KpaCHblH Cll1Hll1H p030BblH

0 0 0 0 0
'-lepHblH opaH>KeBblH 3e11eHb1H 6e11b1H KOpll1'-IHeBblH

0 0 0 0 0

Ypo"JC 16
90. IIpoquTail.
[ai] [I]
my family boy
fly granny play ( uzpamb)
Bye! happy ( C1laCm.nU6blU)
91. IIpoquTail HMeHa ,IJ;eTeil.
Billy, Abby, Kitty, Willy, Andy, Polly
92. IIpoquTail.
Family, name, my, Billy, boy, six, like, snake, Abby, five, have, fly, ha-
ven't, granny, Mike, happy, nine, Kitty; nice, has, play, ·son, fine, Jake,
hasn't, love. Hi! Bye!
93. IIpoquTail ,IJ;HaJioru.
- Hi! My name is Billy. - Hi! My name is Willy.
- Hi! My name is Kitty. - Hi! My name is Jane.
- I'm fine. - I have got a dog. My dog is big.
- And I'm fine. - I have got a kitten. My kitten is nice.
- Bye, Kitty! -Bye, Jane!
- Bye, Billy! - Bye, Willy!

94. IIpoquTaH H BCTaBL: to [tu].

a) I swim. I like to swim.
b) I go. I like to go.
c) My parrots fly. My parrots like to fly.
d) His boys play. His boys like to play.
e) My dogs hop. My dogs like to hop.
f) I play. I like play.
g) His sons swim. His sons like - - - - swim.
95. IIpoquTail nuc1>Mo JJ:ailua. Cnumu no,IJ;qepKHYTLie npe,IJ;JioaceHHH.
· Hi! My name is Dave. I'm a little boy - I am five. I have got a big lion
and a little frog. I have got a pink pig and a nice snake. I like to play. I like
to swim. I'm fine. My family is happy. Bye !

96. IIo3HaKOMLCH c 6yKuocoqeTaHHeM.

sh [f] fish (pbt6a), Masha, Dasha, Sasha, Pasha
97. IlpoquTaii.
[i:] [e]
he (on) red seven (7) yes
we (Mbt) America ten (10) yellow
she (ona) friend ( iJpyz, Ted grey
noiJpyza) Peg
Ted is my friend. Kitty is his friend.
And Liz is my friend And Mike is his friend.
We, family, Meg, my, he, America, Billy, boy, like, ten, snake, red, Abby,
fly, yes, Africa,-Ted, grey, fish, granny, seven, can, happy, she, Kitty, nice",
yellow, Peg, play, son, fine, love, friend. Hi! Bye!

98. 3aMeHH ~aHHl>Ie CJIOBa Ha he, she, it HJIH we.

a) Kitty- she e) my dad and I - i) Mas11:a- _ __
b) Tom - f) his granny - j) my friend and I - -~-
c) a doll - g) his son - k) a robot - _ __
d) a boy - h) a dog - 1) his dad - _ __
m) my friend - __________

MecTonMeHHH / Pronouns
JIH"tJHbie (Personal) IIpHT.HmaTeJibHhle (Possessive)
KTo? qTo? qeli? qb.H? qbH?
I .H my MOH
you ThI your TBOH
he OH his ero
she OHa her ee
it ( ne 11,eJt.) OH,OHa,OHO its* ero, ee ( ne 1leJl.)
we MhI our* Halli
you Bbl your Balli
they OHM their* HX
no,n;Jiemam;ee ynoTpe6JI.HeTC.H c cym;eCTBHTeJibHbIM
(* - Mecmou.wenua, Komopbte u3yttaKJmca 6 4-M KJtacce)

!!! 3anOMHH its - ero, ee

it's= it is
B npe,n;JiomeHH.HX It is (It's) nepeBo,n;HTC.H KaK amo
It is a dog. amo co6mca.
It's an apple. 8mo .H6JlOH:O.
99. Ilpo~aii nHCLMO IloJIJIH. CnHmH no,z:i;qepKHYTLie npe,z:i;noaceHHSI.
Hi! My name is Polly. I am seven. I am fine. I am from Britain, from
London. I have got a family. My family is happy. I love my family.
I have got a friend. His name is Nick. He has got a nice black dog and five
little grey kittens. We like to play. Bye!

100. HanHmH ~H<l>PY·

five _ _ , six _ _ , seven _ _ , :mne_ _ , ten


10 6 9- - - - 5- - - - 7- - - - -

101. PacKpaci. KpyacoK uymHLIM ~BeToM.

pink 0 orange 0 grey 0 yellow 0 redo black 0

YpoK 18

102. Ilo3H3KOMLCSI c 6YKBOcoqe'raHHSIMH.

er[~:] or [J:] Ee [e]
her ( ee) horse ( JlOutaob) pet
er [~] tortoise ( 11,epenaxa) ( Jtro6u~we iJoMautnee :>1Cueomnoe)
hamster ( xoMHK)

103. 06Be,ll;H KpaCHLIM KapaH,11;amoM qJieHOB ceMLH, a CHHHM - acHBOTHLIX.

snake, dad, cat, rat, parrot, rabbit, granny, fish, sister, hamster, horse,
grandad, tortoise, dog, kitten, son, lion, fox, pig, frog

104. IlpoqHTaii. CnHmH 2-ii H 3-ii CTOJI6HKH.

My sister is ten. His horse is grey. My parrots like to fly.
His dad is fine. Her hamster is red. Her tortoise likes to go~
Her granny is niCe. My tortoise is yellow. His horses like to swim.

105. IlpoqHTaii nHCLMO MonJIH. CnHmH no,z:i;qepKHYTLie npe,11;noaceuH11.

Hi! My name is Molly. I am fine. I am from Britain, from London. I have
got a family. My family is happy. I love my family.
I have got a granny. Her name is Ann. My granny has got pets. She has
got a big horse and a little hamster. She has got six pink pigs, five grey rab-
bits and seven red cats. She has got nine orange parrots, ten grey rats and a
yellow tortoise. We like pets. Bye!
106. HanHmH H aanoMHH.
1 one ~------------~-------------~
5+1=6 1+6=7
five and one is six one and six is seven

107. HanHmH n;Hcl>py.

five _ _ , six _ _ , seven_ _ , nine_ _ , one_ _ , ten


108. Ilpo"'IHTaii. CnHmH no~epKHYTLie npe)J;JiomeHHH.

Hi! My name is Kitty. I am ten. I am from Britain, from London. I have
got a family. My family is happy. I love my family.
I have got a sister. She is nice. My sister has got a parrot. It is black and
orange. Her parrot likes to fly.
- I have got a grandad. He is fine. My grandad has got a big horse. His horse
is grey. His horse likes to swim.
I have got a granny. Her name is Ann. My granny has got a little tortoise.
It is yellow. Her tortoise like~ to go.
We like pets. Bye!
109. HanHmH H aanoMHH.
2two ~--------------------------~


1 7 ----- 9 ----- 5 ----- 2 -----
10 _ _ _ _ 6 _ _ __

110. IlpO"'IHTail H HanHmH npHMepLI D;Hcl>paMH.

a) two and five is seven 2+5=7 d) seven and two is nine - - - - -
b) five and one is six e) five and five is ten - - - - -
c) nine and one is ten f) one and six is seven - - - - -
111. IlepeBe,ll;H.
1) o,n;Ha p030BaH CBHHKa
2) ,n;Be cepb1e co6aKH
3) IiHTb "llepHbIX Jioma,n;eli
4) ceMb .meJITbIX rrorryraeB
112 . PacKpacL KpymoK HymHLIM n;BeToM.
pink 0 black 0 orange 0 grey 0 yellowO redo
I'JiaroJI-CBH3Ka to be
IlOJIHaH <}>opMa CoKpa~eHHasi: <}>opMa
lam I'm
He is He's
She is She's
It is It's

113. Harrumu rroJIHyi<> 4JopMy.

a) He's from Africa. - He is from Africa.
b) I'm fine. - fine.
c) It's a cat. - a cat.
d) She's seven. - seven.
114. Harrumu coKpa~euuyio 4JopMy.
a) She is my sister. - She's my sister.
b) I am from America. - - - - - - - - from America.
c) He is my friend. - my friend.
d) It is a dog. - a dog.
115. CocTaBL rrpe~JioateHHH ua CJIOB. Harrumu ux B TeTpa~u.
1) is, my, She, sister.
2) grandad, is, fine, His
3) little, like, I, kittens
4) to, We, play, like

YpoK 20

116. IlpoquTail.

[u] [A] you - ThI, Bbl

blue mum your - TBoli, Barn
[ju:] puppy
you uncle ( OHOH)
pupil (y11enwc, run ( 6ezamb)
y11enuqa) . jump (npbtzamb)
computer funny ( cMewnou, 3a6a6nbtu)

117. IIpo'IHTaii. CnHmH no,11;qepKHYTLie npe,11;JiomeHHH.
- Have you got a family?
Yes, I have got a mum, a dad and a sister.
- Have you got a computer?
Yes, I have. I like to play computer games.
- Has your uncle got a pet?
Yes, he has got a nice black puppy.
- His puppy likes to run and jump.
- Is your rabbit blue?
No, it isn't. My rabbit is grey.
118. 0TBeTb Ha BOilpOCbl 0 ceoe:
Yes, I have./ No, I haven't.
Have you got a cat? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Have you got a t ortoise? ------~-------------­
Have you got a dog?
Have you got a fish? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Have you got a parrot? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I'Jial'OJI-CB.H3Ka to be (OTpHIJ;aHHe)

IloJIHa.a cpopMa CoKpaw;eHHa.a cpopMa

I am not I'm not
He is not He isn't
She is not She isn't
It is not It isn't

119. HanHmH noJIHyro «J.>opMy.

a) It isn't a puppy. - It is not a puppy.
b) I'm not six. - - - - - - - - - - - six .
c) He isn't my uncle . - ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ my uncle.
d) She isn't fine. - fine .
120. HanHmH coKp am;eHHyro «J.>opMy.
a) He is not from Belarus. - He isn't from Belarus.
b) It is not a kitten. - a kitten.
c) She is not his friend . - his frie nd.
d) I am not little. - little.

121. Ilpoq]{Taii:. YcTHO OTBeTL ua uonpocLI no TeKCTY. ·
Hello! My name is Sam. I am not from Belarus. I am from America. I am a
big boy - I'm seven. I am a pupil. I like to play computer games. I have got
a mum, a dad, a granny, agrandadandalittlesister. Mysisterisn'tapupil.
She is one. She is funny. I love my family. We are happy.
And I have got an uncle. His name is Willy. He has got a puppy, Rex. Rex
is black and grey. Rex can run and jump. Rex is nice and funny. I love my
uncle and I like his puppy.

a) Is Sam from Belarus? e) Is his sister a pupil?

b) Is he seven? f) Has Sam got an uncle?
c) Is Sam a pupil? g) Has his uncle got a puppy?
d) Has Sam got a sister? h) Is his puppy red?

122. HanHmH H aanoMHH.

123. IlpO'IHT3H H HanHmH npHMepLI D;H<}>paMH.
a) two and four is six c) four and six is ten - - - - - -
b) five and four is nine d) four and one is five - - - - - -

124. PacKpaci, KpyatKH H no,11;nHmH u;ueTa.

0 .0 .O _ _.O _ _
0 .0 . O__

125. Ilpo'IHTaii: CJIOBO c OYKBOCO'lleTaHHeM.

ee [i:] green

126. IlpO'IHTaH.
th [oJ th [0]
this (amom, ama) three (3)
they(onu) thanks ( cnacu6o)
father thank you ( cnacu6o me6e)
127. CKaatH aTo no-~pyroMy.
.• 1.
granny - ________
- - - - - - - - -

daq - ________ grandad- - - - - - - -

128~ 3-aMeHH .z:l;auei.rn cJioBa ea he, she. we HJIH they.
a) her brother - he' g) his uncle - - - -
b} my grandmother)and I - - - - h) her mother - - - -
c) three ~sons - ( i) this boy - - - -
d) her grandfather and grandmother-
"' _ __
e) his sister - j) my father and I - - - -
f) my mother and my father - k) this pupil - . - - -
129. Hanumu :u;m}>py CJIOBOM.
1 7 2 ---- 9---- 5----
3 10 6~~~ 4 ---~

130. PacKpaci. KpyacoK eyacei.1M :o;BeToM.

blue 0 orange 0 grey 0 yellow 0 black 0 red Q green 0 pink 0
I'JiaroJI-CBH3Ka to be (MHO.iKeCTBeHHOe 'l!HCJIO)

IIoJIHaH <t>opMa CoKpam;eHHaH <t>opMa

Weare We're
You are You're
They are They're

131. HanHmH noneyro <l>opMy.

a) We're pupils. - We are pupils.
b) You're nice.-.
- - - - - - - - - - nice.
c) They're from Britain. - __________ from Britain.

132. HanHmu coKpai:u;eeeyro <l>opMy.

a) They are friends. - They're friends.
b) We are from Belarus. - - - - - - - - - from Belarus.
c) You are fine. - fine.

133. IIpoquTaii.
- Have you got a mother?
-Yes, I have. Her name is Helen. She is nice.
-Have you got a father?
-Yes, I have. His name is Jack. He is fine.
- Have you got a sister?
-No, I haven't. But (no) I have got a brother. His name is Nick.
- Is he a big boy?
- Yes, he is. He is ten. He is a pupil.
- Has Nick got many ( Mnozo) friends?
- Yes, he has. They like to run, jump and play computer games.
134. IlpoqHTail H CDHmH. .
I have got a mother. She is nice. I have got a father. He is O.K.
I have got a grandmother and a grandfather. They are fine.

YpoK 22

135. IlpoqHT3H CJIOBa c 6y1rnocoqeTaHHeM.

ow [au]
how (KaK) How are you? I'm fine, thanks.
how old ( CKOJlbKO Jtem) How old is she? She is seven.
brown This is a brown hamster.
COW ( KOp06a) They have got a cow.
sit down Sit down, pupils.
136. Coe~HHH uonpoc H OTBeT.
How are you? /Yes, he has.
Has your uncle got a cow? I am fine, thank you.
How old are you? No, her cat is red.
Is her cat brown? I'm nine.
137. IlpoqHT3H.
-Hello, Mike! How are you?
-Hi, Liz! I am fine. And how are you?
- I'm O.K. I have got a granny. Her name is Nina.
-How is your grandmother?
-She is fine, thank you. She has got a brown cow.
- I haven't got a granny, but I have got a grandad. His name is Billy.
-How is your grandfather?
-He is fine, thanks . He has got a brown horse.
138. 0TBeTb Ha BODpOCbl.
1) How are you? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

2) How old are you? ~~~~~~~--,-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

139. PacitpacL KpymoK uyatHLIM u;BeToM.
pink0 black0 orange 0 grey 0 green 0 yellowO

brown 0 red 0 blue 0

I'JiaroJI-CBH3Ka to be (MHO.meCTBeHHOe q11CJIO, OTpH~aHHe)

IlOJIHaH cpopMa CoKpaw;eHHaH c}>opMa

We are not We aren't
You are not You aren't
They are not They aren't

140. HanHmH noJIHyio 4JopMy.

a) We aren't from Britain. - We are not from Britain.
b) You aren't three. - three.
c) They aren't funny. - funny.
141. HanHmH coKpaiu;euuyio 4JopMy.
a) They are not happy.- . They aren't happy.
b) We are not from America. - ________ from America.
c) You are not friends . - friends.
142. HanHmH H aanoMHH.
8eight _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
143. PemH npHMepLI H aanHmH OTBeT1>1 cJioBaMH.
a) five and three is eight e) seven and one is _ _ _ __
b) eight and two is f) four and five is - - - - -
c) seven and three is g) two and six is - - - - -
d) two and four is h) one and nine is _ _ _ __
144. CocTaB1> npe~JioateHHJI H3 CJIOB H uanHmH HX B TeTpa~H.
a) are, from, We, Belarus d) my, I, brother, little, love
b) you, How, are, old? e) puppy, jump, to, His, likes
c) got, She, a, has, hamster, brown f) a, This, yellow, is, tortoise

YpoK 23

145. IlpoqHTait:.
[w] [h]
what ( 1lmo? Ka-,cou?) who (Kmo?)
where ( I'ae? Kyaa? OmKyaa?)
a) What is your name? - My name is Mike.
How old are you? - . I'm seven.
Where are you from? - I am from Britain.
How are you? - I'm fine, thanks.
b) Who is he? -· He is my father.
What is his name? - His name is Nick.
Where is he from? - He is from Minsk.
How is your father? - He is fine, thank you.
c) Who is she? - She is my sister.
What is her name? - Her name is Kate.
Where is she from? - She is from London.
How is your sister? - She is fine, thank you.
146. CocTaBL npe,ll;JIOateHHH H aanumH ux.
Who he from? ~-----------------,-------~

How lisl he?~---------------------~

What yourname? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~
Where she? ~---------------------~

r JiaI'OJI-CB.H3Ka be
YTBepm,n;eHne Bonpoc 0Tpnn;aHne
I am fine. Am I fine? I am not fine.
He is fine. Is he fine? He isn't fine.
She is fine. Is she fine? She isn't fine.
It is fine . Is it fine? It isn't fine.
We are fine. Are we fine? We aren't fine.
You are fine. Are you fine? You aren't fine.
They are fine. Are they fine? They aren't fine.

147. BcTaBL am, is HJIH are.

a) He is nice. f) They from America.
b) You pupils. g) We from school 30.
c) I your friend. h) I nine.
d) His sister little. i) Her mum and dad - - - fine.
e) My brother and I happy. j) This puppy funny.
Tom has got many ( .Mnozo) pets: (3) three Qdogs,
(9) red kittens, (4) blue rats, (5) green frogs,
(7) _____ grey rabbits, (6) _____ brown cows,
(2) orange parrots, (8) yellow tortoises and
(1) little puppy.
149. CocTaBL npe,zviomeHHH H3 CJIOB. Hanumu ux B TeTpa,IJ;H.
1) like, swim, to, I
2) from, are, America, They
3) have, We, a friend, got
4) is, mother, This, my
5) green, Her, are, frogs
6) he, from, Where, is?

.... . ...... . . . . . . . . . ~P..'!.~. ~~. . . .. .... . ... . . . ... .

150. IIpoquTail cJioBa c 6y1rnocoqeTaHHeM.
lool [u]
book ( Knuia) This book is nice.
school ( utKOJla) I go to school. I like my school.
good ( xopowuu) I have got a good friend .
Look! (CJ1wmpu!) Look! This boy is happy.
too (mo:HCe) I am happy at school, too.
151. Coe,IJ;HHH Bonpoc H OTBeT.
What is your name? I'm nine.
How old are you? ---------. My name is Tim.
Where are you from? I am fine, thanks.
How are you? I am from London.
152. IIpoquTail ,IJ;HaJioru.
- Look! Who is she? - Look! Who is he?
- She is my mother. - He is my friend.
- What is her name? - How old is he?
- Her name is Kate. - He is eight. He is a pupil.
- How is your mother? - Is he a good friend?
- She is fine, thanks. - Oh, yes! He is a good friend.
153. IIpoqHTail H OTBeTL ua Bonpoc IlaM.
Hi! My name is Pam. I'm from America. I am ten. I go to school. Look! 'i
have got a brown and white bag. I have got a book, too. I am a good pupil. I
like my school.
I have got two friends at school. Kate is eight. She is nice. She likes books.
Billy is nine. He is funny. My friends and I like to play. We are good friends.
Are you happy at school? Bye!
2 3aK. 2775 33
I' JiaroJI-CBJl3Ka be
Y TBep.m,n;ea1rn Borrpoc 0TpH:a;aHHe
I am fine. Am I fine? I am not fine.
He is fine. Is he fine? He isn't fine.
She is fine. Is she fine? She isn't fine.
It is fine. Is it fine? It isn't fine.
We are fine. ( Are we fine? We aren't fine.
You are fine. Are you fine? You aren't fine.
They are fine. Are they fine? They aren't fine.

154. BcTaBL am not, isn't HJIH aren't.

a) She isn,t fine. f) His sons _ _ _ _ pupils.
b) I from Africa. g) Her parrot yellow.
c) My dolls brown. h) We friends.
d) His snake nice. i) Nick and Sam brothers.
e) You from London. j) I six.
155. IIepeBe,11;H. OoBe,zi;H rJiaroJI-CBJI3KY (am/ is/ are).
a)OaMoli,n;pyr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~
b) M1>1 H3 MHHCKa.
c) Mae ceMh JieT.
156. IIpo"'IHTail H pacKpacL u;ml>pLI.
One is yellow. Seven is blue. Two is green.
Five is black. Six is orange. Ten is red.
Eight is white. Nine is pink. Three is grey. Four is brown.

YpoK 25

157. HanHmH H aanoMBH.

11 eleven
12 twelve
158. PemH npHMepLI H uanHmH OTBeTLI CJIOBaMH.
a) eight and three is eleven d) one and three is - - - - - -
b) four and six is e) five and seven is - - - - - -
c) eleven and one is f) nine and two is _ _ _ _ __
159. IIpoquTa:H cJioBa c 6y1rnocoqeTaHHHMH.
ea [i:] read (1lumamb), please (no:HCaJtyucma)
ch [tf] children (aemu), teacher (y1lumeJtb)
[)] whf!t (1lmo? KaJcou? ), Wf!nt ( xomemb)
My mother and father like to read. I like to read, too. We have got eleven
books. Mum, please! Read me a book. Children like to read. I Wf!nt to read
this nice brown book. Is this book good?
This teacher has got twelve pupils. She says ( zoBopum ): «Please, sit
down, children!» They want to read English books.
I like my school. I like my teacher - she is good and nice. My teacher like§.
Children want
Children want to read
Children want to read books
Children want to read good books
My teacher
My teacher says
My teacher says «Sit down!»
My teacher says «Sit down, please!»

I' JiaI'OJI-CBH3Ka be
Y TBepm,n;eHHe Borrpoc 0Tpliu;aHHe
I am fine. Am I fine? I am not fine.
He is fine. · Is he fine? He isn't fine.
She is fine. Is she fine? She isn't fine.
It is fine. Is it fine? It isn't fine.
We are fine. Are we fine? We aren't fine.
You are fine. Are you fine? You aren't fine.
They are fine. Are they fine? They aren't fine.
160. BcTaBL Am. Is HJIH Are B &aqaJio Borrpoca.
a) Is he a pupil? f) - - - - Bob and Tom friends?
b) we from Belarus? g) she nice?
c) it a brown lion? h) I a good pupil?
d) you fine? i) his sons funny?
e) they from Africa? j) Liz happy?
161.06Be,ZJ;H rJiaroJI-CBH3Ky. IIocTaBL BOnpoc.
a). She is funny.
b). We are good friends. -------------------~
c). I am fine.
162. HarrHmH H aarroMHH.
0 purple

163. PacKpacL KpymKH H rro,ZJ;rrHmH :u;seTa.

O _ _, O _ _, O _ _
0 .0 .0 - - - - - -
0 0 0 ------
0 .O _ _
164. 0TBeTh Ha BOIIpOCLI.
a) Is he a pupil? Yes, he is.
b) Is Bob a pupil? No, he isn't.
c) Are they friends? Yes, they _ _ _ __
d) Are Bob and Tom friends? No, they - - - - -
e) Is she nice? Yes, she _ _ _ __
f) Is Liz happy? No, she _ _ __
g) Are we from Belarus? Yes, we _ _ _ __
h) Are his sons from Belarus? No, they - - - - -
165. IlpoqHTaii. (3aIIOMHH: ph= f)
I am Jack. I'm fine. I am from America, from Boston. I'm eight. I have
got a nice white and black cat. It is funny. My cat likes children.
I have got a friend. His name is Henry. He is from Boston, too. He is
twelve. His telen.hone number is 915-84-67. We like to read books. We like
to run and jump. My friend and I like to play. We are happy.
1) Where is Jack from?
2) How old is he?
3) What colour is his cat?
4) Is his cat funny?
5) Where is Henry from?
6) What is his telephone number?
7) How old is Henry?
8) Are Jack and Henry happy?

166. CocTaBL rrpe,ZJ;JiomeHHH Ha CJIOB. HarrHmH HX B TeTpa,ZJ;H.

1) is, friend, She, my 4) little, robot, is, His
2) from, isn't, Bill, London 5) from, are, America, They
3) fine, am, I 6) it, Is, kitten, a?
167. HanHIIIH n;H<l>p1t1 cJioBaMH. 06Be,u;H cJioBa-u;BeTa KapaH,u;amoM.
Nick has got many pets : (6) six ~cats, (7) red lions ,
(3) brown hamsters, (5) green tortoises, (4) yellow
snakes, (11) white horses, (8) pink pigs, (2) - - - -
orange parrots, (12) blue dogs and (1) grey puppy.

168. BcTaB1> My I Your I His I Her.

Model. Liz has got a doll. Her doll is nice.
a) I have got a dog. dog is big.
b) He has got an uncle. uncle is from America.
c) She has got a brother. brother is five.
d) You have got a friend. friend is good.
e) Mary has got a mother. mother is a nice.
f) Mike has got a father. father is fine .

YpoK 26

169. IIpo'llHTan.
- Hello! What is your name?
- Hi! My name is Alex. And what is your name?
- My name is Kate. How old are you?
- I'm nine. And how old are you, Kate?
- I am eight. Where are you from, Alex?
- I'm from Britain, from London. London is very nice. It is old. And where
are you from, Kate?
- I am from America. America is very big. Alex, have you got a family?
- Yes, I have. I have got a mum. Her name is Nell. She is nice. I've got a
dad. His name is Dave. He's fine. And I've got a baby sister. She is funny.
- How is your sister?
- She is fine, thanks.

170. 0TBeTb Ha BOilpOCbl ce6e.

1) What is your name?

2) How old are you?

3) Where are you from?

4) Have you got a mother?

5) What is her name?

6) Have you got a sister or a brother?

7) {low old is she.(he)?

171. HanHmH, qTo aTo He TaR.

06pa3e~. It is a big dog.
It isn't a big dog.
a) I am from London.
I from London.
b) This snake is nice.
This snake nice.
c) They are good pupils.
They good pupils. ·
d) This frog is blue.
This frog blue.
e) His sons are funny.
His sons _ _____ funny. ~--

172. IlocTaBi. Bonpoc.

06pa3e~. She is from America.
Is she from America?
a) This school is big.
b) We are happy.

c) I am a good friend.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _a good friend?
d) Your doll is little.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -little?
e) Her snakes are yellow.
173. Hanumu OTBeTi.1 npHMepoB cJioBaMH.
a) nine and three is twelve d) one and three is - - - - - - -
b) six and four is e) five and seven is - - - - - - -
c) eight and three is f) eight and two is - - - - - - -

174. IlpoqHTaii.
Hello! My name is Vova. I am eight. I've got a big family. We are from
Belarus, from Brest. It is nice and green.
I've got a father and a mother. My father is fine. His name is Nick. My
mother is a teacher. Her name is Anna Ivanovna. She is a teacher of English.
She likes her pupils and the pupils love her too.
My sister Lena isn't a pupil - she is three. She has got twelve dolls. Lena
likes to play.
I have got an uncle. My uncle is a pilot. He has got a son, Alex. We are
friends.we like to run, jump and play computer games.
I love my family very much ( Ol.{eHb).
Bye. Vova.
0TBeTL ea BOilpOCLI.
1) Where is Vova from? 6) Has Vova got a mother?
2) Is Brest nice? 7) What is he~ name?
3) Has Vova got a father? 8) Is his mother a teacher?
4) What is his name? 9) Has Vova got an uncle?
5) Is his father fine? 10) Are Vova and Alex friends?

175. IlpoqHTaii H pacKpacL u;ml>PLI. ~-

One is green. Seven is white. Two is yellow.
Five is brown. Six is orange. Eight is pink.
Nine is blue. Three is grey. Four is red.
Twelve is black. Ten is red. Eleven is purple.

~ Jl(Q) Jl Jl Jl2
176. HcnpaBL omH6KH.
1) She are from America.
2) We is pupils.
3) How is you?
4) He's got fine.
5) They are friends?


YpoK 27

177. Coe~HHH Bonpoc H OTBeT.

How are you? He is fine, thanks.
How is his sister? I am fine, thanks.
How are her sons? She is fine, thanks.
How is your father? They are fine, thanks.

178. IlpoqHTaii. Ilo~nHmH pHCYHOK.

hair ( BOJlOCbt, wepcmb) my hair, his hair, her hair, your hair 0 My hair
is good. Kitty has got brown hair. Her uncle has got black hair. His cat has
got white hair. Frogs haven't got hair.
eye ( ZJla3 ), an eye - eyes, one eye - two eyes, blue eyes, brown eyes
0 His mum has got brown hair and grey eyes. Her cat has got green eyes.
Look! My sister is nice. Her eyes are big and blue.
ear ( yxo), an ear - ears, one ear - two ears, big ears, little ears 0 A mouse
has got little ears. Rabbits have got big ears. Snakes haven't got ears. Look!
His funny puppy has got one black ear and one white ear.
nose (noc ), a nose - noses, my nose, his nose, her nose, your nose O My
nose is little. Is your nose big? His pig has got a little pink nose.
mouth (pom), a red mouth, a big mouth O A frog has got a big mouth.
Has your hamster got a little mouth?
I'JiaroJI have (uMemb)

IloJIHa.H <t>opMa Cm\.paru;eHHa.H <t>opMa

I have got =I've got

You have got =You've got
We have got =We've got
They have got = They've got
He has got ~e's got
She has got he's got
It has got =It's got

179 . HanumH coKpam;eeeyro <lJopMy.

a) She has got a good friend.
She, s got a good friend.
b) I have got a nice sister.
- - - - - - - - - - - a nice sister.
c) We have got a happy family.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a happy family.
d) He has got little ears.

e) They have got a big dog.

~----------a big dog.

180. Hanumu noJieyro <I>opMy.

a) I've got a funny kitten.
I have got a funny kitten.
b) He's got a little brother.
a little brother.
c) They've got a brown puppy.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a brown puppy . .
d) She's got five dolls.
five dolls.
- - - - - - - - - -
e) You've got a pink mouth.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a pink mouth.

181. f,zi;e cnpsTaJioc1> is, a r,zi;e - has?

a) She's beautiful. c) His name's Tom.
She is beautiful. His name Tom.
b) She's got a black cat. d) She's got a good teacher.
She has@a black cat. got a good teacher
e) He's from America. g) What's this?
- - - - - - from America. What - - - - - - this?
f) He's got a funny dog. h) What's your name?
_ _ _ _ _ _ got a funny dog. What your name?

) 28
.................................. . .................................................. ..

182. Coe,z:J;HBH aerJIHHcKoe CJIOBO H nepeBo,z:J;. .

hair POT
eyes BOJIOChl
mouth rJiaaa
ears HOC
nose ymH

183. IlpO'IHTaH.
long ( iJJlu1utblU ) , long ears, long hair, a long nose, a long snake 0 Her
grandmother has got long hair. Boys haven't got long hair. Rabbits have
got long ears.
short ( KopomKuu), short hair, short ears 0 His father has got short
brown hair. This dog has got short ears. This pig has got a short nose.
fair ( ceemJlble ), fair hair O Polly has got fair hair and blue eyes. My
mother has got short fair hair. Her sister has got long fair hair.
beautiful ( Kpacueaa) my beautiful mother, his beautiful granny O Is your
sister beautiful? Yes, she is. She has got long fair hair and green eyes. Her
friend Liz is beautiful.
184. IlpO'IHTaH H OTBeTL.
r'l SQn, LQndon, lQve, c2lour (4eem)
What colour is your hair?
My hair is
- -- - - -- - - - - - - -
What colour are your eyes?
My eyes are
What colour 1s your nose?
My nose is
What colour is your mouth?
My mouth is

I'JiaroJI have (uMemb)
have not = haven't has not = hasn't
Y TBepm~eHHe Bonpoc 0TpH:a;aHHe
I have got a dog. Have I got a dog? I haven't got a dog.
We have got a dog. Have w~ot a dog? We haven't got a dog.
You have got a dog. Have yo got a dog? You haven't got a dog.
They have got a dog. Have they got a dog They haven't got a dog.

He has got a dog. Has he got a dog? He hasn't got a dog.

She has got a dog. Has she got a dog? She hasn't got a dog.
It has got a dog. Has it got a dog? It hasn't got a dog.

185. BcTaBL have uJiu has.

a) I have got brown eyes. f) Her puppy _ _ _ got long hair.
b) She got fair hair. g) His dogs got a puppy.
c) We got three pets .. h) My cat got green eyes.
d) You got a white nose. i) Hamsters got little ears.
e) They got short hair. j) Sam got a big mouth.

186. BcTaBL Have uJiu Has.

a) Has it got short ~~rs? f) your sister got black hair?
b) you got a cat? g) her dog got black eyes?
c) he got a good friend? h) Sam and Tim got a pig?
d) we got seven books? i) his robot got a nose? .
e) they got beautiful children? j)_ _ your brothers got a computer?

187. BcTaBL haven't nJiu hasn't .

a) We haven't got red eyes. f) Her son got a robot.
b) You got a big nose. g) His children got fair hair.
c) She got a yellow doll. h) I got a big mouth.
d) I got a son. i) My dad got long hair.
e) They got a nice school. j) Nan and Pam an uncle.
188. 0TBeTL Ha BOilpOCLI.
a) Have you got a little nose? - Yes, I have.
b) Have you got a big mouth? - No, I haven't.
c) Have they got brown hair? -Yes, they _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
d) Have they got big ears? - No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
e) Has Nick got a beautiful sister? -Yes, he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
f) Has your dad got long hair? - No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
g) Has Nelly got fair hair? - Yes, she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
h) Has your mum got blue eyes? - No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
YpoK 29

189. Ilpo'IHTaii nHCLMO. BL1noJIHH aa.zi;auHs.

Hi, my friend! My nam1. is Tom. I am twelve. I have got a big happy family.
We are not from Britai . We are from Africa.
I have got a mother. er name is Liz. She is nice. I have got a father. His
name is Robin. He is a fine.
I have got a grandmother and a' grandfather. They are from America.
They are very well.
I haven't got a brother, but I've got two sisters. My sister Polly isn't a
pupil. She is a model. Polly is very ( Ol{enb) nice. My sister Dolly is eleven.
She is a good pupil. She likes to read.
We haven't got a cat, but we've got a dog. We like to play.
Bye. Tom.
1). KTo ecTL B ceMLe y ToMa'? Ilo.zi;qepKHH.
granny, grandfather, cat, sister, brother, mother, father, uncle, dog
2).TipaB.zi;a HJIH uenpaB.zi;a'? True(+)/ False(-):
1. Tom is from Britain.
2. He is 11.
3. Tom has got a mum and a dad.
4. He has got a brother.
5. His sister Polly isn't nice.
6. His granny and grandad are fine.
7. They are from Africa.
3) 0TBeTL Ha BOilpOCLI.
a) Has Tom got a family? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
b) Is his mum nice?
c) Is his dad fine?
d) Has Tom got an uncle?
e) Are his granny and grandad from America?

f) Has Tom got two sisters?

g) Have they got a pet? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
190. 3a.zi;aii BOilpOCLI.
06paae"1. She has got a red cat.
Has she got a red cat?
1) Joe has got short hair.

2) Joe and Rob have got big ears.

3) She has got a red mouth.

4) You have got fair hair.

________________ fair hair?
5) Her sons have got blue eyes.
191. Hanumu oTpu:u;aHHH.
06pa3elf. She has got a pink pig.
She hasn't got a pink pig.
1) Sam and I have got long hair.
Sam and I long hair.
2) Tom has got a beautiful sister.
Tom a beautiful sister.
3) Nelly has got fair hair.
Nelly fair hair.
4) His dogs have got short ears.
His dogs short ears.
5) My sister has got brown eyes.
My sister brown eyes.

192. CocTaB:& npe,zvmmeHHH H uanumu ux B TeTpa,IJ;H.

a) have, We, fair, got, hair
b) got, My, hasn't, brother, a, long, nose
c) Tom, have, and Ann, blue, got, eyes
d) she, got, Has, a, doll, beautiful?

YpoK 30

193. Ilpo'llHTail. B1>1noJIHH aa,IJ;aHHH no TeKcTy.

Hi! My name is Henry. I'm from Britain. I'm nine. I've got short brown
hair, grey eyes, a little nose and a pink mouth. But I've got big ears! I don't
like my ears!
My family is big and happy. My mother is beautiful. Her name is Ann.
She has got long fair hair, big blue eyes, a little red mouth and little ears. I
like her ears!
My father is fine. His name is Jerry. He is nice. He's got short black hair,
brown eyes, a little nose and nice ears. I like his ears!
My sister Liz is very beautiful. She is ten. She is fine. She has got long
red hair, big green eyes, a nice red mouth and little ears. I like her ears!
My granny Polly is old, but she is beautiful, too. She has got short grey
hair, green eyes, a little mouth, a little nose and little ears. I like her ears!
We have got a dog. His name is Spot. He is funny! He has got white hair,
brown eyes, a black nose and short ears. I like his ears!
1) PacKpac& npaMoyzon&nuKu 6 ny31Cn&ie lfBema.

His mum His dad His sister His His dog

Ann Jerry Liz granny Spot

2) True(+) or False(-).
1. Henry has got short hair. _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2. Henry has go\ big ears. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3. His mother isn't beautiful. - - - - - - - -
4. His father has got long hair. _ _ _ _ _ __
5. His sister has got a red mouth. _ _ _ _ __
6. His grandmother is old. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
7. Henry likes his ears. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3) /( aii KpamKue omBemO£.
1. Has Henry got grey eyes? _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2. Has Henry got little ears? _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3. Is his mother beautiful? - - - - - - - - -
4. Is his sister 12? - - - - - - - - - - - -
5. Are they happy? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6. Are they from Belarus?
7.Havetheygotadog? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
8. Have they got a cat? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4) OmBem& na Bonpoc&i no meKcmy.
1. Where is Henry from?

2. How old is he?

3. What colour is his hair?

4. Has Henry got a sister?

5. What is her name?

6. Has she got long or ( uJtu) short hair?

7. What colour are her eyes?

8. How is his sister?

5) Onumu c6010 Bnemnocm&. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

194. IlpO"llHTaH.
- Hi, Bob! How are you?
- Hello, Nick! I'm fine! Have you got a sister?
-Yes, I have.
- What is her name?
- Her name is Mary.
- Is she beautiful?
- Oh, yes, she is! She has got long fair hair, little ears, a nice nose and a
pink mouth.
- What colour are her eyes?
- Her eyes are green. They are big and beautiful. I love my sister.

195. 06Be,11;H rnaroJI-CBH3Ky. Hanumu, qTo 3TO He TaK.

1) I have got grey hair.
I grey hair.
2) This frog is beautiful.
This frog beautiful.
3) His ears are long.
His ears long.
4) Sally has got a big mouth.
Sally a big mouth.

196. 06Be,11;H rnaroJI-CBH3Ky. IlocTaBL Bonpoc.

1) Your nose is short.
2) Her eyes are blue.
3) This dog has got long ears.
long ears?
4) Her brothers have got fair hair.
fair hair?
197. IlepeBe,zi;H.
1. y MemI p030Bblll POT. (H U.Me10 p0306blU pom.)

2. Yee CeCTpbI ,lJ;.lIHHH.bie CBeTJI.bie BOJIOCbI.

(Ee cecmpa u.Meem OJtUHHbte cBemJtbte BOJtOCbt.)

3. Yero co6a1rn: RopoT1rn:e ymn? (H.Meem ezo co6a7ca 1wpomKue ywu?)

4. Mo.H MaMa RpacnBa.H.

5. Mon rJiaaa roJiy6hie.

198. BcTaBL My I Your I His I Her I I ts.

a) I have got a nose. nose is little.
b) This cat is nice. hair is white.
c) You have got a mouth. mouth is red.
d) My mother has got long hair. hair is fair.
e) My father has got short hair. hair is black.
199. HanHmH H aanoMBH.
3 three ~~~~~~~~
13 thirteen ~~~~~~~~-

4 four 14 fourteen ~~~~~~~~-

5 fiye 15 fifteen ~~~~~~~~~-

6 six 16 sixteen ~~~~~~~~~-

7 seven 1 7 seven teen ~~~~~~~-

8 eight 18 eighteen _ _ _ _ _ _ __
9 nine 19 nineteen ~~~~~~~~-

200. HanHmH npHMep1>1 u;ml>paMH.

a) eleven and three is fourteen 11+3=14
b) thirteen and five is eighteen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

c) fifteen and two is seventeen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

d) six and thirteen is nineteen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

201. HcnpaBL omH6KH.

1) Tom have got a family.
2) They has got fair hair.
3) Have you got a sister? - No, I have.
4) She's got from Minsk.
5) Is her nose long? - No, she isn't.


202. flpO'IHT3H.
[A] run, jump, funny, puppy, budgie ( eoJinucmbtU nonyzau), a budgie -
budgies, my blue budgie, his yellow budgie, her green budgie, your little
budgie <> My friend has got a nice little budgie. What colour is his budgie?
It is green and black. Have you got a budgie? No, I haven't.
[f] she, fish, goldfish ( 30JlomaH pbt6Ka ), one goldfish - two goldfishes,
twelve yellow goldfishes <> Mary has got eleven goldfishes. What colour are
her goldfishes? They are yellow and red. Has Bob got goldfishes? Yes, he
has. How many? (CKOJlbKo?) He has got fifteen goldfishes.
a guinea-pig (.MopcKaH ceunKa), one guinea-pig - three guinea-pigs,
eleven guinea-pigs <> My granny has got a little guinea-pig. Her guinea-pig
has got white and brown hair, black eyes and a pink nose. It is nice and
funny. My granny likes her guinea-pig.

203. IlpO'IHTaii H HanHmH COOTBeTCTByrow;yro u;ml>py.

one hamster eleven rat§ _ _ one puppy
two hamster§.. twelve rat§ _ _ eight tortoises
three hamster§ thirteen rat§ _ _ fourteen budgies
_ _four hamster§ fourteen rats _ _ twelve goldfishes
five hamster§ fifteen rat§ seven teen·kittens
six hamster§ sixteen rat§ _ _ two guinea-pigs
seven hamster§ seventeen rat§ nineteen snakes
_ _ eight hamster§ _ _ eighteen rat§ ten rabbits
nine hamster§ nineteen rat§ _ _thirteen parrots
204. HanHmH napLI.
e.n; . qHCJIO - MH. qHCJIO: e.n;. qHCJIO - MH. qHCJIO:
Model: a frog - frog§., !!_dog- dogs
a) a rat - _________ f) _______ - parrots
b) a hamster- g) - pets
c) a budgie - h) - snakes
d) a kitten - i) - rabbits
e) a guinea-pig -
205. IlepeBe,ll;H. :QH<l>pi.1 IlHillH CJIOB3MH.
a) O'AHH 6eJihIH ~eHOK
b) 8 cepbIX KpbIC _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
c) 12 aeJieHhIX rrorryraeB _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
d) 16 pbDKliX K O T . H T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
206. BcTaBL have HJIH has.
a) My cat got green eyes. e) Sam _ _ _ _ got a budgie.
b) Her puppy got long hair. f) His dogs got a puppy.
c) Hamsters got little ears. g) I got a goldfish.
d) They got eleven rats. h) You got a guinea-pig.

207. 06Be,n;H BCIIOMOI'aTeJILHLIH I'JiaI'OJI. 3a,n;a:H: BOIIpOCLI.

06paaeit. She has got a red mouth.
Has she got a red mouth?
1) This dog has got black hair. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _black hair?
2) Frogs have got big eyes. big eyes?
3) He has got a snake. a snake?
4) You have got a budgie. a budgie?
5) Her sons have got a horse. a horse?
208. 3aIIHIIIH OTpH:u;aHHSI.
06paaeit. She has a pink nose.
She hasn't got a pink nose.
1) Snakes have got hair. Snakes __________hair.
2) Tom has got a tortoise. Tom a tortoise.
3) A goldfish has got ears. A goldfish ears.
4) Guinea-pigs have got yellow eyes. Guinea-pigs yellow eyes.
5) My sister has got long hair. My sister long hair.

YpoK 32

209. IIpoquTaH 06 HrpymKax (toys) H HaIIHIIIH CKOJILKO HX.

My name is Sally. I have got a pet. It is a goldfish. It is big and orange.
I have got many toys (.Mnozo uzpyweK). I have got sixteen kittens. They
are black, white and grey. I've got eleven tortoises. They are green and
brown. I have got eight little budgies. They are red, blue and yellow. I've
got twelve funny hamsters. They are brown. I have got fourteen big guinea-
pigs. They are black and white. I have got nineteen puppies. They are nice.
I love my pet and my toys.

D tortoises D hamsters D guinea-pigs

D puppies D budgies D goldfish
True(+)/ False(-):
1. Sally hasn't got a pet. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2. Sally has got one goldfish. _ _ _ _ _ __
3. Her goldfish is a toy.
4. Sally ha.s got many toys. _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5. Her tortoises are yellow.
6. Her budgies are little.
7. Her guinea-pigs are green and brown. _ __
8. Her hamsters are funny.
9. Her puppies are nice .

210. IIepeue,ZJ;H. 1.J;u<l>pLI nHmH cJioBaMH.

a)llXOMHKOB _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~
b) 16 nonyraeB
c) 19 qepenax
d) 12 KOTHT

e) 18 Kp On HK OB~---------------------~
f)13MOpCKHXCBHHOK ~-------------------~

211. fipO'IHTaH.
a+l = [:J :] ball ( MH1l ), walk ( zyJtamb, xooumb ), they walk, you walk, we
walk, he walks, she walks, it walks O Children like to walk. His granny walks
in Minsk.
[~]want ( xomemb) O I want to walk. We want to play. You want to swim.
They want to read . She wants to have a cat. He wants a dog.
[A] jump (npbtzamb), rtin (6ezamb) O His cat likes to jump. Her dog
wants to run. My horse runs and jumps.
[i] pink, milk, swim (nJlaBamb), sing [IJ] (nemb) O I like to swim. Dogs
swim. My mother likes to sing. They want to sing.
dance( man4eBam.b ) O Ann and Bob dance. My sister dances and sings.
[ai] like, hide (npamambca)I hide, we hide, he hide§, she hides, it hides,
they hide. 0 Ra ts hide. His hamster hides.
[i:] tree ( oepe60 ), a green tree, a big tree, climb. a tree ( 3aJle3amb na oe-
pe60) O Boys like to climb a tree. His cat climbs a tree.
fly ( Jlemamb) 0 Parrots fly. Budgies fly. I want to fly.

I want My cat
I want to have My cat wants
I want to have a dog My cat wants to climb
I want to have a little dog My cat wants to climb a tree
I want to have a little black dog My cat wants to climb a big tree
212. 0TBeTL Ha BOilpOCLI.
1) Have you got a cat? - Yes, I _________________
2) Have you got a mouse? - No, _________________
3) Have they got a rabbit? - Yes, they _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4) Have his brothers got a rat? - No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5) Has Nick got a budgie? - Yes, he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6) Has your grandad got a horse? - No,------------~
7) Has Nina got a hamster? - Yes, she ______________
8) Has your friend got a pet? - No,

YpoK 33

213. IlpoquTan.
can ( M01lb, yMemb) - can't (He M01lb, He yMemb)
I can walk I can't walk
We can read We can't fly
You can dance You can't dance
They can sing They can't sing
He can run He can't run
She can jump She can't jump
It can climb It can't climb
can <> I can run and jump. A goldfish can swim. Parrots can fly.
can't <> Hamsters can't fly. Tortoises can't run. Rats can't swim. Can you
swim? - No, I can't. Can you run? -Yes, I can.
too ( moJJCe) <> My dad can swim. I can swim too. My brother can jump.
I can jump too. Her parrot can fly. His budgie can fly, too.
sing, can sing, can't sing <> My friend can sing. Parrots can sing.
Tortoises can't sing. Can your sister sing? - Yes, she can.
hide <> A rat can hide. My little brother can't hide. Can your puppy
hide? -Yes, it can.
climb, climb a tree I climb a tree <> My cat can climb a tree. Dogs can't
climb a tree. Can you climb a tree? -Yes, I can.
dance, can dance <> She can dance. Fred can't dance. Dogs can dance.
walk, you walk, he walks <> Cows can walk. Snakes can't walk.
but (HO)<> Rabbits can run, but they can't walk. Budgies can fly, but they
can't swim. His puppy can run, but it can't climb a tree.
214. BcTaBL I can nJiu I can't TaK, qT06L1 noJiyquJincL npe,z:i;Jioaceum1o1'e6e':
a) I can run. c) jump.
b) I can,t fly. d) read.
e) - - - - - walk. h) _____ climb a tree.
f) hide. i) dance.
g) swim. j) sing.

The verb can (z.riazoJt MO"l£b, yMemb)

cannot-:-- can't
YTBepm,z:i;eHne Borrpoc 0Tpn:a;aHne

I can play Can I play? I can't play

We can play Can we play? We can't play
You can play Can you play? You can't play
They can play Can they play? They can't play
He can play Can he play? He can't play
She can play Can she play? She can't play
It can play Can it play? It can't play

215. 3a,D;aii BOilpOCLI.

06paaelf. Sam can run well.
Can Sam run well?
1. She can dance. - dance?
2. Frogs can swim. - swim?
3. Theycansing. - ___________ sing?
4. Parrots can fly. - fly?
5. His hamster can hide. -

216. HanHmH OTpHu;aHHH.
06pa3elf. Cats can fly.
Cats can't fly.
1. Liz can climb a tree. - Liz climb a tree.
2. Tortoises can run. - Tortoises run.
3. Guinea-pigs can swim. - Guinea-pigs swim.
4~ Snakes can walk. - Snakes walk.
5. My rabbit can dance. -My rabbit dance.
6. Her horse can sing. - Her horse sing.

Ypo"K 34

217. 0Tra,D;aii aara,D;KH.

1. It is green. It is little. It has got big eyes. It can jump and swim. It can't
run and walk. It is a-------~

2. It is little. It has got short grey hair. It has got a little nose. It has got
long ears. It has got a little mouth. It can run and hide. It can't swim and

fly. It's a - - - - - - - -
3. It is little. It has got big eyes. It hasn't got ears. It hasn't got hair. It can
swim. It can't run, walk and jump. It is a - - - - - - - -
4. It is little. It is blue, red and yellow. It can fly and sing. It can't swim. It
is a , ,
5. It is big. It has got long hair. It has got green eyes. lt can climb trees. It
can't swim and fly. It is a - - - - - - - -

218. 0TBeTb Ha BOilpOCbl.

1) Can your mum swim?- .. Yes, she can.
2) Can Linda climb a tree? - No, she can,t.
3) Can you run? - Yes, I
4) Can you fly? - No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5) Can your budgie fly? - Yes, it _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6) Can his hamster swim? - No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
7) Can Tom dance? -Yes, he
8) Can your uncle sing?- . No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
9) Can guinea-pigs hide?- Yes, they -------~
10) Can tortoises jump? - No,

219. CocTaBL npe,11;Jio~euu.11 ua cJioB H uanumu ux B TeTpa,11;u.

1) hamster, My, can, hide.
2) can, and, jump, Budgies, fly
3)can't, tortoise, A, jump.
4) mum, can't, Her, a tree, climb.
6) pet, his, Can, swim?

220. Coe,11;HHH Bonpoc H OTBeT.

Have you got a mum?~· He is eight.
How old is Nick? · She is very well.
Where is Kate from? It is blue.
What colour is your fish? . . Yes, I have.
How is your granny? She is from Minsk.

221. Hanumu CJIOBO.

10 ten 1 7
6 9 2
4 3 8
5 ------
HanHmH n;ml>py:
d) seventeen _ _ _ _ g) thirteen_ _ _ __
a) eighteen __1fi_
b) twelve ____ e) eleven h) nineteen _ _ _ __
c) fifteen ____ f) fourteen i) sixteen _ _ _ _ __
222. IlepeBe,z:i;H.
a) H yMero TaH:a;eBaTh. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
b) Ilorryran MoryT JieTaTh.
c) XoMSIKH MoryT rrpSITaThCSI.
d) OH He yMeeT rrJiaBaTh. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
e) Kpo.JIHKH He MoryT 6eraTh.
f) YMeeT ero :w;eHoK rrph1raTh?
223. BcTaBL MeCTOHMeHHH My I Your I His I Her.
Model. Liz has got a doll. Her doll is nice.
a) I have got a cat. cat is little.
b) He has got a hamster. hamster is brown.
c) She has got a puppy. puppy is funny.
d) You have got a tortoise. tortoise can hide.
e) His sister has got a budgie. budgie likes to fly.
f) Her brother has got a guinea-pig. guinea-pig can't swim.

YpoK 35
224. Ilpoq11Taii: nHCLMo. B1>1noJIHH 3a,z:i;aHHH.
Hi! My name is Kevin. I am thirteen. I have got a big happy family. We
are from America.
I have got two pets: a puppy and a rabbit.
This is my puppy. Its name is Jimmy. It is little. It has got brown hair.
Jimmy has got big white ears, little grey eyes and a black nose. It can run,
jump and hide. It can't fly and climb a tree.
This is my rabbit, Pit. It is a big grey rabbit. It has got long ears, red eyes
and a pink nose. Pit can jump but it can't run.
I love my pets. They are nice.
1) Pacicpac1> n11ToMn;eB KeBHHa B HyacHLie n;BeTa.
2) True ( +) or False(-):
1. Kevin is a boy from America.
2. He is fifteen.
3. Kevin has got four pets. _ _
4. Jimmy is a little grey puppy. _ _
5. It has got big ears.
6. Jimmy can't climb a tree. _ _
7. Pit can run.
8. It has got short ears. _. _
1. Is Kevin 13?- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2. Is Kevin from Africa? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3. Has Kevin got two pets? - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4. Has Jimmy got red eyes? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5. Is Pit black? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
6. Can Jimmy hide? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
7. Can Pit run? ----------------------~
8. Are his pets nice?
225. BcTaBL am I is I are.
a) His puppy __ nice. e) They __ from America.
b) You_ pupils. f) His budgies_ big. ·
c) I __ your friend. g) Her goldfish_ yellow.
d) Her frogs __ green. h) My dog and cat_ white.
226. BcTaBL have I has.
a) A cat got green eyes. e) You - - - got a puppy.
b) Rabbits got long ears. f) Frogs got big eyes.
c) Tom got fair hair. g) My cat got a pink nose.
d) Tom and I got a pet. h) Her dogs got short hair.
227. 06Be,ZJ;H BCDOMOraTeJILHLIH rJiaroJI. IlocTaBL BOnpoc.
Oopaaeu;. We have got a dog.
Have we got a dog?
a) You have got a cat.
b) Her dog is red.
c) Afro g cansw i m. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
d)Lindahasgotarat. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~
e) His parrots are blue.
f) My hamster can hide.
228. Coe,ZJ;nHn.
10 fourteen 15 seventeen
11 twelve 16 sixteen
12 ten 17 nineteen
13 eleven 18 fifteen
14 thirteen 19 eighteen
229. fipO"':IHTaH.
Santa Claus: What's your name?
Liz: My name is Liz.
Santa Claus: How old are you?
Liz: I am twelve.
Santa Claus: Where are you from?
Liz: I am from Britain.
Santa Claus: Can you dance?
Liz: Yes, I can.
Santa Claus: Can you sing?
Liz: No, I can't.
Santa Claus: Have you got a pet?
Liz: No, I haven't.
Santa Claus: What pet do you want?
Liz: I want a yellow _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
230. IlpoqHTaii.
Santa Claus: What's your name?
Mike: My name is Mike
Santa Claus: How old are you?
Mike: I am eleven.
Santa Claus: Where are you from?
Mike: I am from America.
Santa Claus: Can you dance?
Mike: No, I can't. But I can sing.
Santa Claus: Have you got a goldfish?
Mike: No, I haven't. I have got two--------~

They are little. They are brown and green.

Santa Claus: Can snakes climb?
Mike: Yes, they can.
1). Is Mike from America?
2). Is he 12?
3). Can Mike sing?
4). Can he dance?
5). Has Mike got two snakes?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
6). Are his snakes little? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
7). Can they climb? - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -
232. CocTaBL rrpe,n;nomeHHH Ha CJIOB H HarrHmH HX B TeTpa,n;H.
1) got, My, has, brother, a goldfish.
2) is, His, Africa, from, budgie
3) can, and, sing, Parrots, fly
4) haven't, big, Snakes, got, ears
5) can't, horse, A, hide
6) and, Her, brown, guinea-pigs, are, white

233. IlepeBe~H.
1) y MemI eCTb KOTeHOK. ~~-----~-----------~

2) OH Ma.JieHLKHH. ~-------""--------------~
3) Moii KoTeHoK yMeeT 6eraTL.
4) y JIH3bl eCTb ,n;Be KpblCbl.
5) Ee Kphlchl cepLie.
6) KpLIChI yMeIOT rrpSITaTLCH. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~

234. II poqHTaii: H pacKpac:r:..

Jl5 Jl Jl Jl~ Jl1 Jl2

Jl(6) Jl(Q)
ten is red
fifteen is purple
Jl4 Jl§
eleven is green sixteen is grey
twelve is blue seven teen is orange
thirteen is brown eighteen is black
fourteen is yellow nineteen is pink
235. HcnpaB:r:. omH6KH.
1) Can Liz swim? - No, she can.
2) His sister can climb a tree?
3) I have got two budgie.
4) Tom has got a hamster. Her hamster is brown.
5) My cats is white.


YpoK 36

236. IIpoquTa:H.
[A] puppy, funny, hungry (zo.1wanbtu) yummy (mcycno), yuck (neBKyc-
no) O I'm hungry. I want a hot dog! Yummy! I don't want fish. Yuck! My
dog is hungry.
[ei] snake, Kate, cake (nupoJ1Cnoe) O I like this cake. Do you like it? -
Yes, I do.
[~] wh!!t (1lmo? KaKou? ), w!,!nt (xomemb) w~ter (Bova)
[i] pink, milk (MO.llOKo), drink (numb) 0 Little children drink milk. My
dog drink§. water. Do you want water? - No, I don't.
[re] cat, apple (H6.llo1Co) [d3] jam, juice (coK), apple juice, jelly (J1Ce.lle)
0 Liz likes jam and jelly. Her sister doesn't like jelly. Yuck!
[i:] green, three, coffee, sweet (1wmpeTa, cJia,n;1udi) 0 We've got three
sweets. Yummy! My apple is sweet. Yummy! His apple isn't sweet. Yuck!
[i:] read, tea(1lau), eat (ecmb, Kywamb), please (noJICa.llyucma), meat
( M.Rco), ice-cream ( MopoJ1Cenoe) 0 We eat apples. Sam eat§. apples. Does his
hamster eat apples? - Yes, it does. /
My granny drinks green tea. His dog likes to eat meat. Do you like ice-
cream? -Yes, I do. Yummy!
[j] yellow, yoghurt (uozypm), yummy (BKycno), yuck (neBKycno) O Do
· you like yoghurt? - No, I don't. Yuck!
m[e] bread ( X.lle6) <)I like white bread. My mum like§. brown bread.
[ J] she, Masha, fish, goldfish 0 Masha likes meat, but she doesn't like
fish. Does your cat like to eat fish? - Yes, it does.
[tf] children, teacher, chocolate (woKo.llaa) O Children like ice-cream. His
little brother wants to eat chocolate. Does his teacher eat jam?
[u] good, book, school, too (moJ1Ce), food (nuw,.a, eaa) O Tom likes juice.
His friend likes juice, too. This food is yummy!
237. Coe;:i;uHu cooTBeTCTBYIDIIJ;JiMH n;BeTHhIMH KapaH,n;aIIIaMH.
brown milk
white bread
g r e e n - - - - - - - - juice
black coffee
yellow tea
red water
blue jam

Present Indefinite
do not = don't, does not = doesn't
YTBepm,n;eHHe Borrpoc 0TpHn;aHHe
I like to play. Do I like to play? I don't like to play.
We like to play. Do we like to play? We don't like to play. ,
You like to play. Do you like to play? You don't like to play.
They like to play. Do they like to play? They don't like to play.

She like~ to play. Does she like to play? She doesn't like to play.
He like~ to play. Does he like to play? He doesn't like to play.
It like~ to play. Does it like to play? It doesn't like to play.

238. BcTaBL
like HJIH likes drink HJIH drinks
a) I like brown bread. f) We drink tea.
b) My mum white bread . g) Her uncle _ _ _ _ coffee.
• h) She _ _ _ _ mineral water.
c) Her parrot water.
d) Ted and Peg cheese. i) His sisters apple juice.
e) His aunt jam j) Children milk.
eat HJIH eats want HJIH wants
k) You eat pizza. p) This teacher wants to read.
1) Your friend yoghurt. q) His sons - - - - to play.
m) I ice-cream. r) Tigers meat.
n) His sister jelly. s)It _ _ _~water.
o) Tom and Sam sweets. t) They bananas.
239.Bi,16epH H o6Be~H npaBHJILHLIH BapHaHT.
a) Her tortoise drink /~ater.
b) His sons run/ runs at school.
c) My dog jump /jumps in the park.
d) Mary dance/ dances in the cafe.
e) Nan and Sam sing/ sings very well.
f) I go / goes to school.
g) My friend swim/ swims well.
h) Rats hide/ hides very well.

Heonpe,z:i;eJieHH1>1H: apTHKJIL.

a CJie,z:i;yrow;ee cJioBo HatIHHaeTc.a c corJiaCHOH: a dog,

a cake
an CJie,z:i;yrow;ee cJioBo HatIHHaeTc.a c rJiacHoii:. an uncle,
an apple

rrepe,z:i; HCtIHCJI.HeMblMH cyw;ecTBHTeJibHbIMH B e,z:i;. "llHCJie
_a lemon
an apple
- water ( neuc1luc;uie.Moe cy14.)
B 3Ha"lleHHH O,ll;HH, JII06oft, rrpH yrroMHHaHHH rrepBblH pa3
Nan has got .a cat.
Y Han ecmb ( oaun) Kam.
Give me .a pen, please.
Jrau .Mne ( Jl1o6yro) py1lKy, no:HCa.nyucma.
rrepe,z:i; CJIOBOCOtieTaHHeM
npHJiaraTeJILHOe + cym;eCTBHT0JibHOe
.a nice kitten
an orange pencil

He ynoTpeoJISieTCH
Ilepe,z:i; 1£eUC1£UCJl,J£eMbtMU cyw;ecTBHTeJibHbIMH
butter, milk, water, meat, etc. .

Ilepe,z:i; uMeKaMu co6cmBeKKMMU.

Liz is from London.
Ilepe,z:i; Ha3BaHHHMH BuiJoB cnopma, uip
Can you play football?
Ilepe,z:i; MecmouMeKuaM.u.
This is my book.
Take that ball, please.

240. IlocTaBb nepe,z:i; CJIOBOM apTHKJlb .a HJIH an.

a) __J!_ cat c) green frog e) nose g) _ _ apple
b) _pig d) orange parrot f) ear h) _ _ sweet


241. IIpo'IHTaii.
[re] rat, cat, carrot ( Mop'fcoeb ), apple ( R6JloKo) <> Rabbits like carrots. Do
her little children eat apples? - Yes, they do. Yummy! Do they drink apple
juice? - Yes, they do. Sam has got four carrots. Does he drink carrot
juice? - No, he doesn't. Yuck!
[~]orange (aneJlbcun), an orange - oranges <> We've got two oranges.
Yummy! Does his aunt drink orange juice? - Yes, she does. Does Ted like
oranges? - No, he doesn't.
[ju:] computer, cucumber (02ype4), a cucumber - cucumber s <> My fa-
ther likes to eat meat and cucumbers. Cats don't eat cucumbers. Do tortoises
eat cucumbers? -Yes, they do.
[e] egg ( Ru40 ), an egg - eggs, lemon ( JlUMOH) <> Do her brothers eat
eggs? -Yes, they do. Does your sister eat lemons? -:-- No, she doesn't. Yuck!
My sister likes oranges but she doesn't like lemons.
[~u] no, go, potato ( Kapmowxa), tomato ( noMuaop ) , a potato - potatoes,
a tomato - tomatoes <> My mother likes cucumbers and tomatoes. My dad
eats fish and potatoes. We are hungry. We have got three carrots, two cu-
cumbers, eight tomatoes and twelve potatoes. Let ' s eat and drink!
242. IIocTaBL nepe,D; CJIOBOM apTHKJIL a HJIH an, 3aTeM oopaayii MBO:JK. 'IHC-
JIO. Bo MHO:J/CecmeeHHOM ttucJle apmuKJlb a ( an) n e ynompe6JlRemcR.
+ s. +es.
a)_!!__ lemon - lemons e) __ banana - __ _ _ _ __
b)_,_apple- f)_fox- _ _ _ _ __
c) __ sausage - g) tomato - - - ----'---
d) _carrot - h) _potato - _ _ _ _ _ __

243. HanHmH OTBeTLI npHMepoB cJioBaMH.

a) twelve and three is
b) two and sixteen is - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - -
c) eight and eleven is - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -
d) nine and four is ----------------------~

e) ten and seven is - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - -

244. IIepeBe,D;H. U:ml>PLI nHmH CJIOBaMH.

a) 13 meJITbIX JIHMOHOB - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
b) 15 KpaCHbIX IIOMH,ZJ;OpOB ___~-----~----------
c) 18 KOpH'IHeBbIX KapTOIIIeK ___________ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


MecTOHMeHHH some, any

c HC't!HCJUieMhIMH cym;. BO MH. 't!HCJie
HeMHOI'O, some sweets
CK0.1IhKO-HH6y,z:t;h c HeHC't!HCJI.HeMhIMH cym;.
some jam

245. BcTaB1> a/an HJIH some.

[A ] love, son, some ( ue1wmopoe KOJlU1lecmeo)
Some tea, some chocolate, some jam, some ice-cream, some sweets, some
apples, some cats
a) I have got ___fJ__ sweet. f) Her dog has got _ _ _ meat.
b) We have got some water. g) Her friend has got bread.
c) His cat has got ____ milk. h) My aunt has got hot dog.
e) My friend has got apple. i) They have got bananas.

Present Indefinite
do not= don't, does not= doesn't
YTBepm,n;eHne Bonpoc 0TpH:a;aHHe
I like to play. Do I like to play? I don't like to play.
We like to play. Do we like to play? We don't like to play.
You like to play. Do you like to play? You don't like to play.
They like to play. Do they like to play? They don't play.
She like~ to play. Does she like to play? She doesn't like to play.
He like~ to play. Does he like to play? He doesn't like to play.
It like~ to play. Does it like to play? It doesn't like to play.

246. CpaBHH.
Sam drink~ coffee. Pam want~ pizza.
Does Sam drink_coffee? Does Pam want_pizza?

247. BcTaB1> Do HJIH Does

a) Do we like sweets? e) - - - - children drink milk?
b) she want an apple? f) his cat want a cucumber?
c) you eat tomatoes? g) Mary eat fish?
d) this girl like lemons? h) Mary and Liz drink juice?

248. CpaBHH.
Tom like~ jam. Bob eat~ fish.
Tom doesn't like_ jam. Bob doesn't eat_ fish.
249. BcTaB:L don't HJIH doesn't.
a) She doesn't eat jam.
b) They like eggs.
c) It drink tea.
d) My hamster want bread.
e) My father and my uncle eat chocolate.
f) His sisters like pizza.
g) This boy drink juice.
h) His dogs want meat.

250. fipO'IHTaH.
[d3] orange, sausage, a sausage- sausage§, three sausages <> I like sausa-
ges. My father likes sausages, too. We are hungry. We have got some sau-
sages. We eat them (ux). We like them. Yummy! Does your brother eat
sausages? - Yes, he does·. He likes them.
[tf] chocolate, chicken (Kypw.'1a), cheese (cbtp) <> Little Ann likes choco-
late. Her friend Helen likes chocolate, too. Do you like chocolate? - Yes,
I do. I like it ( ezo ). Yummy! Do you like chicken? - No, I don't. Yuck! Does
your granny like cheese? - No, she doesn't. Have you got an egg? - No,
I haven't. I've got some chicken.
[u :] blue, soup ( cyn) <> Does your brother eat soup? Yes, he does. He likes
it. My father eats soup, too. And they like cheese. Her uncle likes fish soup
but he doesn't like meat soup.
Onpe,zi;eJieuui,1iJ a pTHKJIL.
nepe,n; cym;ecTBHTeJihHhlMH B e,zJ;. H MH. "lJHCJie
the dog, the dog§
B 3Ha"tJeHHH amom / mom, amu / me
(the= this/ that, these/ those)
Nan has got a cat. The cat is grey.
Y Han ecmb Kom. 3mom Kom cepbtu.

251. CpaBHH.
a) He has got !!_cat. The cat is black.
b) It is an apple. The apple is red.
c) I've got two dolls. The dolls are big.
d) The boys are good friends.
252. BcT3BL apTHKJIH a. an HJIH the , ecJIH ey~eo.
a). It's an orange. The orange is little.
b). lion wants some meat.
c). His rabbit has got carrot. carrot is long.
d). Jack likes sweets.
e). I've got cake. cake is big.
f). boy is my brother.
g). It's apple. apple is little.
h). tiger doesn't want fish.

MecTOHMeHHH some, any

HeMHOrO, some sweets
CKOJihKO-HH6yp;h c HeHC1IHCJIHeMhIMH cym;.
some jam

Y TBepm,n;eHHe ( +) 0Tp11:u;aa11e (-), Borrpoc (?)

some any

253. CpaueH.
a) Mum has got some jam.
Y .Ma.Mbl ecmb Ke.Mnozo eapenb.R.
b) Mum hasn't got any jam.
Y .Ma.Mbl nem ( KUKaKozo) eapenb.R.
c) His sons have got some sweets.
Ezo Cbtnoeb.R u.MeKJm 11,ecKOJ£bKO 1wn<jJem.
d) His sons haven't got any sweets.
Y ezo Cbtnoeeu nem KUKaKux Kon<jJem.

254. IlocTaB1> apTHKJIL a I an (ecJIH O,D;HH)

HJIH some (eCJIH eeKOTOpoe KOJIH'leCTBO ).
a) cake c) lemons e) ____ tea g) ____ oranges
b) sweets d) apple f) egg h) carrot
255. BcTaBL some HJIH any.
a) Mum has got some fish soup.
b) The lions haven't got any meat.
c) Has your granny got chicken?
d) The teacher hasn't got _ _ _ _ _ juice.
e) Dad has got ice-cream for children.
3 3aK. 2775 65
f) Have you got _ _ _ _ _ cheese?
g) The dogs have got meat.
h) The cats haven't got milk.
256. 0TBeTL Ha BOilpOCLI.
1) Does Tim eat lemons? - Yes, he does .
2) Does your dad eat jam? - No, he doesn,t
3) Do you like sweets? - Yes, I
· 4) Do you like cheese? - No,
5) Does she drink tea? - Yes, she
6) Does his sister drink coffee? - No,
7) Do they want any apples? - Yes, they _ _ _ _ __
8) Do the lions want any fish? - No,

257. q To TLI JII06HmL? 0TBeTL Yes. I do. HJIH

No. I don't.
Do you like sweets? ________________
Do you like fish? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Do you like jelly?
qTo JII06HT TBOH MaMa? 0TBeTL Yes, she does. HJIH No. she doesn't.
Does your mum like coffee?
Does your mum like meat?
Does your mum like bread?
258. CocTaBL npe,zJ;nomeuun.
a) drinks, tea, green, Liz
b) sister, doesn't, My, fish, eat __________________
c) sweets, sons, like, His
d) milk, drink, don't, Tigers
e) eat, rats, Do, cheese?
f) your, Does, mum, like, oranges?
259. IlepeBe,lJ;H. :Qu<l>pLI IlHWH CJIOBaMH.
a) 12 6eJibIX HHD;
b) 14 p030BbIX COCHCOK
c) 15 CHHHX KOHcpeT
d) 17 aeJieHbIX oryp:u;oB
YpoK 39
260. IlpoqHTaH.
Ted: Hi, mum! I'm hungry!
Mum: O.K. Do you want tomatoes and cucumbers?
Ted: No, I don't.
Mum: Do you want eggs and bread?
Ted: No, I don't. I don't like eggs. I don't like bread. Yuck!
Mum: What do you want, Ted?
Ted: I want apples, bananas and oranges! Please!
Mum: Here you are. ( Bom.)
Ted: Yummy! Thank you, mum.


tea, a cucumber, coffee, juice, jelly, bread, yoghurt, water, fish, meat, ice-
cream, cheese, milk, a sausage, an egg
We drink We eat

262. BcTaBL is HJIH are. BcTaBL have HJIH has.

1) The lion hungry. 4) The boy got some cheese.
2) The sausages big. 5) Mum got some soup.
3) The pizza yummy. 6) My friends got 5 sweets.
BcTaBL drink HJIH drinks. BcTaBL like HJIH likes.
7) Her parrot ______ water. 10) Tom chocolate.
8) His sisters apple juice. 11) Ann and I jam.
9) My aunt tea. 12) They cucumbers.
263. BcTaBL apTHKJIL a I an ( ecnu ooun)
ecnu neKomopoe Konu..,,ecmBo)
HJIH some (
1) cucumber 4) - - - - - soup
2) chocolate 5) apple
3) sausage 6) apple juice
264. BcTaBL don't HJIH doesn't.
1) His aunt eat tomatoes.
2) Her sons like meat.
3) Liz drink lemon juice.
4) Liz and I want fish.
5) My mother eat jam.
6) Her brothers like eggs.
7) His grandfather drink tea.
8) My hamster want bread.
265. 06Be,ll;H BcnoMoraTeJILHLIH rJiaroJI. HanHmH, qTo aTo ue TaK.
1) I have got two sweets.
I two sweets.
2) This tea is sweet ( c.naihcuu ).
This tea - - - - - - - - - - - sweet.
3) His carrots are long.
His carrots long.
4) Sally has got a big orange.
Sally a big orange.
5) My granny can drink lemon juice.
My granny lemon juice.
266. BcTaBL My I Your I His I Herl Its.
1) I have got an orange. I want to eat orange.
2) He has got an uncle. uncle drinks black coffee.
3) She has got a brother. brother like·s ice-cream.
4) Mike has got some apples. apples are big and red.
5) You have got an egg. egg is white.
6) My mother has got some soup.· soup is yummy.
7) I have got a dog. puppy drinks milk.

267. IlepeBe)l;H.
a).Hrono)l;HhlH. -------.-'--'----~-------------__.._._
b) Mhl mo6HM KapTOIIIKY. BKycHo!
c) AHHa n106HT KpacHhie H6noKH. ------~---------
d) Ero KponHKH e,ll;HT MOpKOBKY.
e) Ee ,ll;H,ll;H IIbeT qepHbIH KOcpe.
f) Moli 6paT He n106HT Cbip. HeBKycHo! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
g) Co6aKH He IIhIOT qali.
h) KoThl e)l;HT phl6y?

YpoK 40

268. IlpoquTa:H. OmBemb na Bonpoc:Who is hungry?

Mary: Mum, I want to be a cook.
Mother: O.K. What's for lunch?
Mary: Soup. Can I have some meat and potatoes?
Mother: Here you are.
Mary: I haven't got a.ny carrots.
Mother: Here you are.
Mary: And some tomatoes, plea~e.~
Mother: Here you are.
Mary: Thanks. Where is my big cheese sandwich?
Mother: What?! A cheese sandwich for soup?
Mary: Oh, no! Your cook is hungry, mum.
?69. HanHmH oTpHu;aHHe
· (BcTaBL don't uau doesn't ).
a) My friend - - - - - - - eat fish.
b) His sons drink tea.
c) The dogs want meat.
d) The girl like chocolate.
e) My uncle eat chicken.
f) His friends drink juice.
g) The children want ice-cream.
h) Steve like potatoes.

270. HanHmH nonpoc. ( Ha1£nu c Do uau Does)

a) the children like sweets?
b) the rabbit want eight carrots?
c) your parrot eat white bread?
d) Mike and Nick drink juice?
e) her sons like cheese?
f) your mother want two carrots for soup?
g) the puppy eat sausages?
h) mum and dad drink mineral water?

271. BcTaBL some HJIH any.


YTBepmp;eHHe (+) 0TpH:a;aHHe (-), BOrrpoc (?)

some any

a) Mum has got some tea. f) The kittens haven't got _ _ _ milk.
b) The boy hasn't got · any fish. g) His granny has got potatoes.
c) Have you got sweets? h) Has your aunt got jam?
d) Sam has got apples. i) The dogs have got meat.
e) We have got books. j) They have got _ _ _ carrots.

272. BcTaBL I can HJIH I can't TaK, qT06L1 noJiyqHJIHCL npe~JiomeHHH o Teoe.
_____ see my friend read English books. •,
_____ fly. drink carrot juice.
- - - - - help my mum eat thirteen bananas.
273. BcTaBL apTHKJIH a. an HJIH the, ecJIH eymeo.
a). It's apple. apple is little.
b). tiger doesn't want fish.
c). His cat has got kitten. kitten is white.
d). Nick likes lemons.
274. 06Be,11;u BcnoMoraTeJI1>e1>1u rJiaroJI. IlocTaBL Bonpoc.
1). They have got a family. --~----------------
2). She is from Minsk.
3). Cats can climb a t r e e . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4). Tim has got a puppy.------------------~
5). The apples are red.
275. BcTaBL is HJIH are. BcTaB1> have HJIH has.
1) The dog hungry. 4) The boy got two apples.
2) The cucumbers long. 5) The girls · got some jelly.
3) The cake yummy. 6) The pupil got a book.
276. BcTaBL eat HJIH eats. BcTaBL drink HJIH drinks.
1) We oranges. 4) Her uncle coffee.
2) His father potatoes. 5) His sons juice.
3) My aunt apples. 6) My cat ·;· milk~

277. IlpoquTa:H.
John: What's for dinner, mum?
Mother: Fish soup and bread.
John: I like fish soup very much.
Ann: I don't like it!
John: She doesn't like anything (nu1lezo).
Mother: Meat and potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes.
John: I like meat and potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes.
Ann: I don't like it!
John: She doesn't like anything.
Mother: Apple juice and jelly.
John: Yummy!
Ann: I don't like apple juice. I don't like jelly.
John: She doesn't like anything.
Ann: I like ice-cream, chocolate cake and sweets.

278. IlpoqHTaii H pacKpac:&.
ten is pink fifteen is yellow
eleven is black sixteen is brown
twelve is orange seventeen is blue
thirteen is grey eighteen is green
fourteen is purple nineteen is red

Jl5 JlJl Jl~ Jl 1 Jl2

Jl(6) Jl(Q) Jl3 Jl4 Jl§
279. HcnpaB:& omH6KH.
1) Sam has got a apple.
2) My dog hasn't got some meat.
3) We've got a water.
4) His sister don't like jelly.
5) The children doesn't drink coffee.


YpoK 41

280. IlpO'IHTaH.
house ( ooM), a house - houses, one house - five houses, my house, his
house, her house, your house <> My granny has got a big house.
new ( noBblU) a new house, a new pupil, a new teacher, a new friend <> His
family has got a new house.
[tf] children, teacher, cheese, chicken, chocolate
[ i::~] fair hair, chair ( cmyll), a chair - chairs, a little chair, a brown chair,
a new chair, one chair - two chairs <> Look! It is a big chair! Sit down,
please. Do you like this chair? Yes, I do.
[a:] armchair ( Kpec!lo), an armchair - armchairs, a new arm-chair, three
blue armchairs <> His family has got four new armchairs.
sofa ( ouBau), a sofa - sofas, a nice sofa, a new sofa <> We have got a nice
green sofa and two green armchairs in the house.
bed (KpoBamb ), a bed - beds, a new bed; my bed, his bed, her bed, your
bed <> They have got three new beds in the house.
[ei] cake, snake, table ( cmo!l ), a table - tables, a new table, a white table
<> We have got four chairs, but we haven't got a table.
oo = [u] good, a book, a bookcase (KHUJICHblU wKa<j> ), one bookcase - two
bookcases <> They have got fourteen bookcases. Has your teacher got a new
bookcase? Yes, she has. She likes books.
[a:] carpet (KoBep ), a new carpet, a yellow carpet, a beautiful carpet
<> What colour is the carpet? The carpet is purple.

281. ,ll;a:H KpaTKHH OTBeT.

1) Have you got a big house? Yes,
2) Is your house new? No,
3) Has your teacher got a chair? Yes, ~-------------~

4) Can your teacher see her chair? Yes,

5) Does your grandad like his sofa? Yes,
6) Do you like your table? Yes,

282. BcTaBL are HJIH is. BcTaBL have HJIH has.

1) The carpet _ _ _ _ blue. 4) His uncle _ _ _ _ got a new house.
2) The chairs big. 5) Mum got a nice armchair.
3) The bookcase new. 6) My dogs got a carpet.
BcTaBL like HJIH likes.
7) Her father - - - - the table.
8) His sisters the purple sofa.
9) My aunt her big bed.
283. Ilo~nHmH KapTHHKH. PacKpacL HX.
What's this? (C/mo amo?)

It is a - - - - - - It is a - - - - - - It is a - - - - - -

It is a - - - - - - It is a - - - - - -

284. IIOCMOTPH Ha pHCYHKH B ynp. 283 H OTBeTL.

What colour? ( KaICozo 4Bema?)
1) What colour is the bed? It i s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2) What colour is the bookcase? It is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4) What colour is-the table? It is ----~-----------~
5)Whatcolouristhesofa?Itis_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~

285. BcTaBL apTHKJIH a. an HJIH the , ecJIH HYatHO.

1) I can see carpet. carpet is green.
2) My granny has got armchair. armchair is brown.
3) We have got many books in bookcase.
286. IlepeBe,n;H. II;u<)>pbl nHmH CJIOBaMH.
a) 4 aeJieHblX ,n;1rnaaa ______________________
b) 8 KOplltIHeBbIX KOBpOB
c)ll6eJihlXCTOJIOB - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
d)l2CHHHXCTYJiheB - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
e) 13 KpaCHbIX KpeceJI - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
287. Paara,n;ail KpoccBop,n; ( cJioBa - uaaBaHHH MeoeJIH).

YpoK 42

288. IlpoquTail.
room (1CoMnama), a room - rooms, one room, two rooms, three rooms
<> Bob has got five rooms in his house. His dad has got a new bookcase in his
room. Have you got a nice room? Yes, I have. I have got a chair but I haven't
got an armchair in my room.
lamp ( JtaMna), one lamp - twelve lamps, a green lamp, a big lamp
<> I have got a new lamp on my table. Her uncle has got thirteen lamps in his
house. Has she got a red lamp in her room? No, she hasn't. Liz has got a
yellow lamp and a yellow carpet in her room.
a mirror ( 3ep1CaJto), a big mirror, a new mirror, her mirror <> My mother
has got a nice mirror in her room. Does she like her mirror? Yes, she does.
a computer, a new computer <> !'have got a computer in my room. Do you
want to have a computer? Yes, I do. I like to pl;,i.y computer games. Does your
father play computer games? No, he doesn't.
a TV ( meJteBu3op) <> We have got a big TV in the room. We like TV. My
aunt has got a new TV and a new sofa in her house.

289. BcTaBL are HJIH is. BcTaBL have HJIH has.

1) The mirror white. 4) His brother - - - - got a brown table.
2) The lamps little. 5) Dad got a new TV.
3) The computer new. 6) The children got two beds.
BcTaBL like HJIH likes.
7) Her mother - - -- her new mirror.
8) His friends the big bookcase.
9) My granny her armchair.

,.----- 09w;11ii Borrpoc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ,

rro,D;Jiemaw;ee cKaayeMoe tIJieHbI


290. 06Be)l;H BCIIOMOI'aTeJILHbIH I'JI3I'OJI. IlocTaBL BOrrpoc.

a) They have got a oighouse. · Have they got a big house?
b) The table is new.' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ new?
c) Liz can see a mirror. . a mirror?
d) Tim has got a nice room. a nice room? .
'e)--The chairs are yellow. yellow?
291. 06Be)l;H rrpaBHJlbHbIH BapuaHT.
a) Do I Does Tom like apple juice?
b) Do I Does his friends read English books?
c) Do I Does the boys want to play computer games?
d) Do I Does the girl dance at school?
e) Do /Does you help your mum? ·
f) Do I Does her aunt eat fish soup?
292. Harrumu Borrpoc. ( Ha'IHH c Do HJIH Does )
CMompu ma6Jluu,.y «Present Simple)> 6 Unit 5 na c. 63.
06paaeq.. His brother run~near the house.
Does his brother run_near the house?
a) The pupils like big chairs. big chairs?' ~" '

b) His teacher wants a new computer, a new

c) The children play in the room. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the room?
d) Your dog sits on the carpet. on the carpet?

293. IIpe.ri;cTaBb, "llTO KOMHaTa Ha pHCYHKe ynp. 304 TBOH.

0TBeTL,lfa, y .MeH.H ecmb.(Yes. I have.) HJIH
Hem, y .MeH.H nemy. (No. I haven't)
1) Have you got a bed? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2) Have you got a sofa? _ _ _ _~-------
3) Have you got two chairs? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4) Have you got two armchairs? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5) Have you got a carpet? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6) Have you got a mirror? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

YpoK 43
294. IlpO"llHTaii.
[:) :] door ( aBepb), a big door, a brown door, a black door, a new door
O Look at the door! What colour is the door? It's white. Tom has got two
doors in his new house. Can you see the door? -No, we can't.
[:) :] floor ( noJl), the yellow floor, the brown floor O The carpet is on the
floor. What colour is the floor? It's grey. Where is her doll? It is on the
floor. Are the books on the floor? No, they are not. The books are in the bo-
okcase. Do you like to read? - Yes, I do. Does your friend want to read this
boo~? - No, he doesn't.
[w] want, we, window (mcno) 0 We have got three big windows in the
classroom. What colour are the windows? They are white. Can his cat sit on
the window?-Yes, it can.
[re] cat, lamp, bag ( cy.MKa), a bag-bags, one bag - three bags, my bag,
her bag, his bag, your bag 0 My mother has got a new green bag. Does she
like it? - Yes, she does.
[e] p~t, r~d, bed, d~sk ( nucb.MeHHblU cmoJl, napma) a desk - desks, a big
desk, a yellow desk 0 Look! Your desk is new and nice! Do you like it? - Yes,
x =[ks] six, fo~, ho~ (Kopo6Ka) a box - boxes, one box - two boxes,
twelve boxes, thirteen boxes 0 Mary has got a nice doll in the box.

295. 06Be.ri;u BcnoMoraTeJILHhlii rJiaroJI. IIocTaBL Bonpoc.

a) They9got a big house. Have they got a big house?
b) The door is brown.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - brown?
c) Bob can see a window.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - a window?
d) Ann has got a nice bag.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - a nice bag?
e) The boxes are red.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - red?
296. HanHmH Bonpoc. ( Ha"'IBH c Do HJIH Does)
Cinompu ma6Jtuqy <(Present Simple» 6 Unit 5 na c. 63.
06pa3elf. His brother run~near the house.
Does his brother run_near the house?
a) The boys play computer games.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ computer games?
b) His sister wants a new mirror.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -a new mirror?
c) Your friend draws robots.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -robots?
d) The kittens walk on the floor.
on the floor?

297. 06Be~H npaBHJILBLIH BapHaHT.

a) My desk is I are near the door.
b) My friend and I has I have got new bags.
c) His armchairs is I are in the room.
d) This carpet is I are on the floor.
e) Her sister has I have got a nice mirror.
f) I go I goes to school.
g) His sons drink I drinks mineral water.
h) My friend swim/ swims at school.
i) The girls dance /dances at school.
j) His brother go I goes to bed at 9.
k) Tom like / likes his room.
298. BcTaBL apTHKJIH a, an HJIH the, ecJIH eyzuo.
a) I read book. book is funny.
b) She's got orange. orange is big.
c) They've got house. house is new.
d) family is happy.
e) He has got uncle. uncle is a teacher.
f) We have got twelve books. books are in the bookcase.

Yes. I can. (!{a, Mozy yBuoemb.)
No. I can't. (Hem, ne Mozy.)
1) Can you see a window? ----------~

2) Can you see three chairs? ~~-~-~---~

3) .Can you see a desk?
4) Can you see a lamp? ~-~-~------~

5) Can you see a sofa? - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6) Can you see a mirror? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
7) Can you see a computer?

300. Hanumu OTBeTLI npHMepoB CJIOBaMH.

a) twelve and three is - - - - - - - - - - - - -
b) thirteen and five is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
c) eight and eleven is
d) two and fifteen is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

YpoK 44

301. flpO'l:IHTaH.
[ ~] not, from, on, on the desk, on the sofa, on the floor, on the bed <> His
book is on the table. Where is your book? My book is on the table, too. Her
two bags are on the floor.
[i] is, it, in, in the bag, in the bookcase, in the house <> Your apple is in
the bag. Where is her computer? It is in her room. Sam has got fifteen wind-
ows in his house.
[A] puppy, uncle, under, under the table, under the bed, under the sofa
<> His dog is under the table. Where is his bag? It is under the desk. What is
under your desk? - Look! A book!
[ i~] near near the table, near the desk, near the house <> Is your desk near
the door? - Yes, it is. Is his bag near the chair? - No, it isn't. Can he see
( Buaemb) it? - Yes, he can. He can see his bag near the table.
302. HaqHH Bonpoc c Do • •? HJIH Does • •?
a) The children play on the carpet.
_____________ on the carpet?
b) His mum wants a new house.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - a new house?
c) Liz likes this armchair.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - this armchair?
d) The kittens drink milk.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - milk?
e) The rabbit eats carrots.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - carrots?
303. CocTaBL npe,ZJ;JIOateHHH.
a) on, The carpet, the floor, is
b) dog, is, His, the bed, under
c) the bookcase, book, is, My, in
d) near, The armchair, is, the sofa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
e)bag,your,is,VVhere? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

304. Hanumu, 'ITO r.zi;e uaxo,z:i;HTCH.

-- -
(_ ··· ··-··- --

on {1ta)
in (B)
under (noo)

a) The lamp is _ _ _ _ _ the desk.

b) The chairs are _____ the desk .
c) The desk is _ _ _ _ _ _ the window .
d) The computer is the desk.
e) The cat is the desk.
f) The bookcase is the desk.
g) The books are the bookcase .
h) The bed is the door.
i) The armchair is the bed.
j) The carpet is the armchair.
k) The carpet is the floor.
305. Ilepese.zi;u. He aaoy.zi;i. BCilOMOraTeJILHLIH rJiaroJI (am/ is I are).
a) Moii KOMIIbIOTep Ha CTOJie. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
b) MoH JiaMIIbl B03Jie MOero KOMIIbIOTepa.------------~
c) Ee KYKJia B KHH:>«HoM mKa$y. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
d) Ero Kph1ca rro,n; KpecJioM. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
306. 06Be;zi;H rrpaBHJILHLIH BapHaHT.
1. The sofas is I are green.
2. Ann like/ likes her desk.
3. My friends have I has got two bags.
4. Do I Does he play computer games?
5. Mary dance I dances very well.
6. His dogs hide I hides under the table.
7. Do I Does your friends read books?
8. Are I Is his house big?
9. Do I Does you swim at school?
10 I jump I jumps on the carpet.
1. Do you like your room? - Yes, I do .
2. Do you like his armchair? - No, I don't .
3. Does she dance on the floor? - Yes, she .
4. Does his sister dance on the carpet? - No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5. Does Lucky run near the house? - Yes, it _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6. Does your dog jump on the bed? - No,
7. Do they sit on the sofa?-. Yes, they _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
8. Do the boys sit on the bookcase? - No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


308. Harrumu, 'ITO r;zi;e uaxo;zi;HTCSI.

1. The cat is the bookcase.
2. The chair is - - - - - -the bookcase.
3. The dog is the sofa. · ·
4. The rat is the armchair.
5. The armchair is the sofa.
6. The hamster is the bed.
7. The rabbit is . the table.
8. The book is the carpet.

309. IloCMOTpH Ha pHCYHOK yrrp. 308 H OTBeTL, r.n;e HaXO)J;HTCH '1CHBOTHLie.
a) Where is the dog? The dog is on the sofa.
b) Where is the cat?
c)Whereistherabbit? ~~~~~~--------------
d) Where is the hamster?
e) Where is the rat?

310. 06Be,ZJ;H BCIIOMOraTeJILHLIH rJiar9JI. Ha'IHH c Hero BOrrpoc.

1) Polly can see a cat under the table.

2) His father has got a

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a new computer?
3) The desks are in the classroom.
in the classroom?
311. Ha'IHH Borrpoc c Do . . ? HJIH Does . . ?
1) Tom runs near the house.
near the house?
2) They like purple carpets.
----------~---purple carpets?
3) The pupils eat in the classroom.
in the classroom?
4) Your teacher sits on the brown chair.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - on the brown chair?
5) Ann wants a big bookcase.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - a big bookcase?
6) My mum and dad read on the sofa.
-------------- on the sofa?

312. 00Be,n;H npaBHJILHLIH BapHaHT.

1. The carpets is I are blue.
2. My grandad like / likes his armchair.
3. The pupils have I has twelve books.
4. Do I Does he go to school?
5. Bob sing I sings very well.

313. 3a.n;a:H BOIIpOCLI K rrpe.n;JioaceHHHM.

a) The table is brown. Is the table brown?
b) Nancy can eee her friends at school.
her friends at school?
c) The carpets are long.
d) His friends have got a new house.
a new house?
e) Ann has got a nice mirror.

f) My cat jumps on the table.

g) We read at home.

314. CocTaBL BonpocuTeJI1>H1>1e npe.zi;Jiomeuus H uanumu ux B TeTpa.zi;u.

a) got, your teacher, Has, a computer?
b) his, Tom, house, Does, like, new?
c) doll, on, Is, her, the floor?
d) got, the children, Have, a desk?
e) his, sons, this room, Do, play, in?
f) balls, under, Are, his, the table?
g) you, a sofa, draw, Can?

315. BcTaBL apTHKJIL a, an HJIH the, ecJIH uymuo.

a) He has got .1!.. house.
b) It is big.
c) It is big house
d) My books are in bookcase.
e) I can see dog. dog is under the table.
f) What's this? - It's armchair.
g) Sam has got bed. bed is little.
h) We have got three windows in the classroom.

316. IIepeBe.zi;u.
a) TBO.H KOMHaTa Kpac1rna.H? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
b) Ee KHHrH B IIIKacpy?
c) Mom.eT MaiiK BH,ZJ;eTb CBOIO (ezo) pyqKy rro,ZJ; KpoBaThro? _ _ _ _ _ __

d) EcTb y HHX ,ZJ;Ba HOBbIX KpecJia? (HMe10m OHu •• ?)

e) EcTb y ero ,ZJ;.H,ZJ;H 6oJibIIIOH ,ZJ;oM? (HMeem OHO.fl •• ?)

f) 8TH KOT.HTa 6eraIOT Ha KOBpe? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

g) TBo.H co6aKa rrpb1raeT Ha ,ZJ;HBaHe? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

317. BcTaBL: My. His, Her, Your, Its.
Model. My granny has got an armchair.
Her armchair is blue.
a) I have got a room. - - - - -. room is nice.
b) He has got a chair. chair is near the desk.
c) She has got a house. _____ house is big.
d) You have got a mirror. mirror is little.
e) My cat has got a carpet. _____ carpet is short.
f) Peter has got a bookcase. bookcase is brown.
g) Nina has got a sofa. _____ sofa is new.

318. HcnpaBL omH6KH.

1) Do you like the chair? - No, I do.
2) Does Mike and Liz play on the carpet?
3) Ann has got a mirror. His mirror is nice.
4) The book on the desk.
5) Liz has got new house.



319. IlpoqHTail.
[e] t~n, p~t, p~n (py 1uca), p~ncil (~apauiJaw), pencil-case (neuaJt) 0 I've
got a green pen. It's nice. Has your friend got a pen? Yes, he has. He has got
a pencil, too. What colour is his pencil? It's blue. His pencil is in the pencil-
case. His pens are in the pencil-case, too. My brother has got many coloured
pencils. He can draw in pencil ( pucoBamb 1eapauiJawoM) very well ( 01leub
[A] hungry, puppy, jump, run, rubber ( Jtacmu1e, cmup1ea) O Where is
your rubber? - It is in the pencil-case. Where are your pencils? -They are
in the pencil-case, too. And where is your pencil-case? - M-m-m .. ~ - Look!
It's in the bag!
[u] Belarus, ruler ( Jtuueu1ea), a ruler - rulers, five rulers O Have you
got a ruler? - Yes, I have. I have got a long ruler in my pencil-case. What
colour is it? My ruler is black.
[u] good, look, school, book, exercise-book (mempaiJb ), an exercise-
book - exercise-books O I have got seven exercise-books in my school-bag.
What colour are your exercise-books? They are blue.
[i] big, little, pink, give ( iJaBamb) I give, we give, you give, they give, he
give§., she give§., it give§. O Give me a pencil-case, please.

320. BcTaBL no;z::i;xo;z::i;H~He no CMLICJIY CJIOBa.

a) I want to read. Please, give me
b) I want to write (nucamb). Please, give me
c) I want to write. Please, give me
d) I want to underline (noiJ1lep1euymb). Please, give me - - - - - - -
e) I want to draw (pucoBamb). Please, give me
f) I don't like my picture (1eapmun1ea). Please, give me ----~--

g) I want to sit. Please, give me

h) I want to see my nose. Please, give me

321. IIOCMOTPH Ha pHCYHKH H HanHmH, r;z::i;e qTo uaxo,;z::i;HTCSI.

on (na)
in (B)
under ( noiJ)

1. The bag is _ _ _ _ _ _ the table.
2. The books are the bag.
3. The pencil-case is the bag.
4. The pencil is the pencil -case.
5. The ruler is the pencil-case.
6. The rubber is the bag.
7. The pen is the bag, too.
8. The exercise-book is the bag.
9. The pencil is the table.
322. )I;aii KpaTKHH OTBeT.
1) Is your book on the table? Yes, it is.
2) Are his pens in the pencil-case? Yes, they
3) Can you see your bag under the desk? Yes, I
4) Has she got coloured pencils? Yes, she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5) Does her brother go to school? Yes, he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6) Have you got a big classroom? Yes, we _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
()Do his friends like to dance? Yes, they _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
323. B1t16epH npaBHJI:&H:&Iii BapHaHT.
1) My bag isn't I aren't new.
2) Tom haven't I hasn't got many colored pencils.
3) He don't I doesn't draw in pencil very well.
4) We don't I doesn't read books under the desk.
5) My friend don't I doesn't give me a ruler.
6) They haven't I hasn't got three exercise-books.
324. 06BeAH BCilOMoraTeJILHLIH rJiaroJI H H8.IlHIIIH OTpiln;aHHe.

am - am not has - hasn't

is - isn't have - haven't
are - aren't can - can't

06paaeq: My pen is red.

My pen isn't red.
a) The pencil-case is new. The pencil-case ______ new.
b) We have got a big bookcase. We a ~ig bookcase.
c) His friend can write on the board. His friend write on the board.

325. HanHIIIH oTpHu;auHe (HcnoJIL3yii don't HJIH doesn't).

06paaeq: Tom run~ in the lesson.
Tom doesn't run in the lesson.
a) The children want to play computer games~
The children to play computer games.
b) The girl likes her new school-bag.
The girl
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - her new school-bag.
c) Mary reads well.
Mary - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - w e l l . .
d) Mary and Sam read well.
Mary and Sam _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ well.

326. HanHIIIH.
06paaeq: My pen is (Ha cmo.n.e) on the table.
My pencils are (BoaJte Kopo6H:u) near the box.
1) His pencil (Ha napme)
2) Her rubber ( noo cmoJtOM)
3) My pens ( B neHaJte)
4) His ruler ( B03Jte wKa<Pa) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5) Her dolls ( B Kopo6Ke)
6)Thebooks (HacmyJte)~~~~~~~~~~~~~
7) Your chair ( B03Jte napmbl)
8) The bags (noo ouBanoM)

327. Paara,11;aii Kpoccnop,11; ( CJIOBa - aaanaHHH mKOJILHLIX npHaa,11;Jiemao-

328. IlpoquTaii.
[au] brown, sit down, how (Ka IC), how many ( cKoitbICO)
[i: ] green, three, see ( euiJemb) <> I see one dog, she see§ two cats
How are you? I'm fine.
How old are you? I'm eight.
How many books? Five.
How many pupils can you see? I can see three pupils.
How many pens have you got? I have got four pens.
How many pencils have you got? I've got six grey pencils and one red pen-
cil. Where are your pencils? They are in the pencil-case. And where is your
pencil-case? It is on the desk.
How many pupils can you see? I can see seven boys and nine girls. Where
are the boys? They are near the door. Where are the girls? They are near the
How is Pam? She is fine, thanks. How old is she? Pam is eight. How many
English books has she got? She has got ten English books. She likes to read.
Where are her books? They are in the bookcase and in her bag. And where is
her bag? It is near the table.
Bob can see his ruler, but he can't see his rubber. Look! His ruler is on the
floor and his rubber is under the chair. His pen is near the box and his pen -
cil-case is under the bed.
329. IlpoqHTaii H aanHmH CKOJILKO npe,11;MeTOB.
Ivly name is Dasha. I have got seventeen pens. I have got sixteen rulers. I
have got thirteen books. I have got twelve rubbers. I have got eighteen pen-
cils. I have got a bag but I haven't got a pencil-case.
D books D rulers D rubbers
D bag D pens D pencils
330. 06Be,i:i;u BcnoMoraTeJILHLIH rJiaroJI H uanumu OTpuu;auue.

am--+ am not has --+hasn't

is --+ isn't have --+ haven't
are --+ aren't can --+ can't

06paaeiF My pen is red.

My pen isn't red.
a) The pupil has got five pencils.
The pupil _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ got five pencils.
b) The rubbers are little.
The rubbers - - - - - - - - - - - little.
c) I am a teacher.
I ateache~
d) Her brother can dance on the chair.
Her brother dance on the chair.
331. Hanumu oTpuu;auue (ucnoJI1>ay:H: don't HJIH doesn't).
a) My little brother sleeps on the sofa.
My little brother on the sofa.
b) Liz speaks English at the lesson.
Liz English at the lesson.
c) The pupils look at the board in the lesson.
The pupils at the board in the lesson.
d) The boy listens to his teacher in the lesson.
The boy to his teacher in the lesson.
332. ,ll;a:H: KpaTKHH OTBeT.
1) Is your ruler on the floor? No, it isn't.
2) Are his pencils in the pencil-case? No, they - - - - - -
3) Can you give me an exercise-book? No, I - - - - - - - -
4) Has she got a new bag? No, she - - - - - - -
5) Does her sister go to school? No, she - - - - - - -
6) Have you got a rubber? No,we - - - - - - -
7) Do your friends like to draw? No, they - - - - - -
333. IlepeBe,i:i;u.
1) MoH pyqKH B rreHaJie.
2) Ero rropT<l>eJih Ha rrapTe.
3) y JIH3 eCTh ,n;Be JIHHe:HKH. ( Jiu3 UMeem ... ) - - - - - - - - - - - -

334. IlpO'IHTaH.
[u] Belarus, ruler, put (1CJtacmb, noJtoJJCumb)
[ei] snake, cake, pencil-case, table, take (6pamb, 63.Hmb)

I take a rubber. We put the pens.

She take_ a pencil. He put_ the ruler.
He a bag. She the book.
Put his ruler in the bag, please. Put his rubber in the bag, too. Than,ks.
My mum puts my dolls, cats, robots, bears in the box.
I haven't got a pen. - Please, take my pen.
And I haven't got a pencil. - Please, take my pencil.
And I haven't got a rubber. - Please, take my rubber.
And I haven't got a ruler. - Please, take my pencil-case.

[J:] four, board ({}oc1Ca), near the board, under the board, on the board,
one board - two boards O What is under the board? - Look! It's a rubber!
My desk is near the board. Mary is at the board. She can write ( nucamb) on
the board very well. Can you write on the board well? My friend can draw
( pucoeamb) on the board well.

335. HanHmH oTpHn;auHe.

a) I am in the lesson. I in the lesson.
b) They have got three exercise-books. They __________ three
c) Mary can draw on the board. Mary _ _ _ _ _ _ _ draw on the board.
d) His friends sleep in the lessons. His friends in the
e) The girl writes tests well. The girl tests well.
336. IlpO'IHTaH. (I'm sorry - H3BHHH, them - HX, with - c,
toy - HrpymKa)
Mother: Jack! Look! Your big bear is on my table!
Jack: Oh! I'm sorry, Mum.
Mother: Take your bear and put it in your box.
Jack: And where is my box?
Mother: Oh, Jack! Your box is under the chair. And your robot is near the
bag. Take your toys and put them in the box.
Jack: O.K.
Mother: And put the box with your toys under your little table .
Jack: O.K., Mum!

a) Where is the pencil-case? It's on the desk.

b) Where is the pen? --------------------~

c)Whereisthebag? --------------------~
d)Whereistheruler? _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _~---
e) Where is the exercise-book? --------.,---------~

f) Where is the chair? ---------------~-----

g) Where is the rubber?

h) Where is the pencil? -----------------~-~ ' 1

i) Where is the book?

338. BcTaBL: My, His, Her, Its. Your.

Model. Ann has got a pencil-case.
Her pencil-case is nice.
a) I have got a pen. - - - - - - pen is blue.
b) He has got a rubber. rubber is on the desk.
c) She has got a ruler. ______ ruler is long.
d) You have got a desk. desk is near the door.
e) Mike has got a pencil. - - -- - - pencil is short.
f) My doll has got a bag. bag is new.
g) Liz has got an exercise-book. exercise-book is little.

Ypo"I(, 49

339. IIpoqHTail.
[ei] plf!,y, df!,y, S!!Y (zoeopumb) O They say, «Good bye» . She say~, «Hi!».
He say~, «0.K. »
[i:] eat, meat, read, speak (pa3zoeapueamb), speak English, Don't speak!
0 The teacher says, «Don't speak at the lesson!»
[~u] no, open (omKpbtmb) <> I open my pencil-case. We open the the books.
Do they open the exercise-books? - Yes, they do. She open§ the window. He
doesn't open the box. The teacher says, «Open your books, pupils!»
[~u] nose, close ( 3aKpbtmb) <> We close the books. She close§ her eyes. Does
he close his bag? - No, he doesn't. Please, close your exercise-books!
[i:] three, green, sweet, sleep ( cnamb) <> Don't sleep!
Mum says, «Sleep, my little son! Close your eyes, please!»
[i] milk, drink, pink; listen ( c.nywamb ), listen to the teacher <> Listen!
They speak English. Look! They are from Britain.
[ai] five, nine, white, write (nucamb) <> I write a letter to my friend. She
write§ on the board. Her brother write§ in his exercise-book. Sam likes to
read, but (HO) he doesn't like to write.
draw (pucoBamb) <> I like to draw. They draw in pencil. She draws well.
He doesn't draw on the board. The pupils draw in the lesson.
[au] how, how old, how many, brown, sit down <> The teacher says, «Sit
down, please! Put your hands on the desks!»

340. BcTaBi. apTHKJIL a, an HJIH the, ecJIH uymuo.

a) Let's go to-=-- school!
b) We have got pen.
c) It is blue.
d) It is blue pen.
e) I can see pencil. pencil is in the bag.
f) Please, open books!
g) She has got rubber. rubber is grey.
h) Nick has got two rulers.

341. Bi.16epH H o6Be,ll;H npaBHJILHLIH BapHaHT.

1) My sister draw I draws very well. She open /opens her pencil-case and
take I takes her coloured pencils. She have I has got ten pencils.
2) His aunt have I has got two little sons. They want /wants to sleep. Her
sons go I goes to bed and close I closes their eyes.
3) Her sister Ann speak I speaks English well. She read/ reads very well,
too. Ann write I writes letters ( nucbMa) to her friends.
4) Do I Does you like black pens? No, I don't I doesn't. Do I Does his sister
like to dance? No, she don't I doesn't. Do I Does her friends listen to the te-
acher in the lesson? Yes, they do I does.

342. CocTaBi. npe,ll;JiomeHHH H uanHmH Hx B TeTpa,ll;H.

1) books, Open, the, please
2) has, five, She, pencils, got
3) under, My, is, ruler, the chair
4) your, Take, pencils, draw, and
5) read, We, and, at school, write
343. CocTaBL npe,IJ;JioaceHHH co CJIOBOM HO H aanumu ux B TeTpa,IJ;H.

1. Liz likes to read he can't jump.

2. My brother can run she doesn't like to write. ·
3. The pupils open the books they close the exercise-books.
4. I listen to my friend but we haven't got a rubber.
5. My friend and I have got ten it doesn't eat meat.
pencils I don't listen to my teacher.
6. His little kitten drinks milk


344. Ilp011HTaH.
(favourite - JII06HMa.a, food - e,n;a, good - xopoIIIHH, bad - rrJioxo:H,
Let's - ,Il;aBaliTe!).
Fred, Dan and Kitty are friends. They are five. The children don't go to
school, but they want to be pupils. Kitty says, «Let's play school!» The boys
say, «0.K.»
Kitty: I want to be a teacher.
Fred: I want to be a good pupil.
Dan: I want to be a good pupil, too.
Kitty: Stand up! Good morning, children! Sit down, please.
Fred, go to the board and draw a cat. Oh, it's very nice!
Dan, go to the board and draw a parrot.
Dan: I can't draw a parrot!
Kitty: Open your books, children. Fred, read! O.K. Dan, read!
Dan: I can't read!
Kitty: Close your books and put your pencil-cases on the desk. Take Y?U~
pens, please. Let's write.
Dan: I haven't got a pen, but I have got a sandwich. It is my favourite
food. ,
Kitty: Dan! Don't eat at the lesson!
Fred: Listen to the teacher, Dan!
Kitty: Fred, you are a good pupil, but don't speak at the lesson! And you,
Dan! You are not a good pupil, you are a bad pupil!
345. HanHmH oTpHu;aHHe.
a) The pupil has got a red pen.
The pupil __________ got a red pen.
b) The rulers are short.
The rulers - - - - - - - - - - short.
c) Sam opens the book.
Sam the book.
d) My friends draw on the board.
My friends on the board.

346. CocTaBL npe,IJ;JIO~eHHH H HanHmH HX B TeTpa,IJ;H.

a) ,got, The children, haven't, a desk
b) his, Sam, room, like, new, doesn't
c) ball, under, isn't, His, the table
d) book, your, can't, I, see, the bookcase, in
e) hasn't, five, She, pencils, got
f) near, My, aren't, rulers, the pencil-case
g) sleep, We, at school, don't

347. IlepeBe,IJ;H.
a) H He KJia,n;y MOH py't!KH B MOH rreHaJI.

b) 0Ha He 6epeT CBOIO (ee) KHHry B IIIKOJiy. (to ,s chool)

c) Ero IIOPT<l>eJib He B03Jie KHHmHoro IIIKa<t>a. -----------~

d) 8TH KapaH,n;aIIIH He KpaCHbie.

e) TOM He MomeT BH,n;eTb CBOIO (ezo) JIHHeHKY rro,n; CTYJIOM.

g) Y aToro yqeHHKa HeT KH11r11 Ha rrapTe. (:Jmom y1lenwc ne uMeem ... ) _ _

348. IlpO"llHTaH TeKCT H BbIIIOJIHH aa.zi;aeHH.
very much - 011eHb after - rrocJie
every day - Ka.JK,n;hIM ,n;eHh then - aaTeM, rroToM
one day - o,n;Ha.JK,n;hI with - c
What a pity! - KaK maJih! sad - rpycTHhIM
now - ceii11ac, Terrepb favourite - mo611Mb1:H:
does her homework - ,n;eJiaeT ,n;oMaIIIHee aa,z:i;aH11e

A. Ilpo"llHTail.
Flop is a frog. He likes to sing and dance very much. He sings and dances
every day. He swims every day, too. But he doesn't go to school. He doesn't
read books. What a pity!
One day he sees a Mouse. The Mouse goes to schoo~. She has got a blue bag.
She has got five books, three exercise-books and a pencil-case in the bag.
She has got twelve coloured pencils, eight pens, a long ruler and a white rub-
ber in the pencil-case.
The Mouse is happy. She has got many friends at school. The Mouse and
her friends read, write, count and draw at school. They sing and dance at
school, too. After school the Mouse does her homework. Then she reads
books. It's interesting! Then the Mouse goes to the park and plays with her
friends. It's fun!
The Frog is sad. He wants to go to school and have friends, too. The Mouse
says, «Flop, let's go to school!» The Frog is very happy. He is a pupil now.
His favourite lesson is Music. He likes to sing with his school friends.
B. BcTaB1> npony~eee1>ie CJIOBa.
1) The Frog got friends.
2) After school the Mouse books .
3) She to the park.
4) The Frog to sing.
5) His favourite lesson ~------~
C. True(+) or False(-)
1) The Frog likes to sing and dance. _ _
2) The Frog reads books every day. _ _
3) The Mouse hasn't got many friends. _ _
4) The Mouse goes to the park with her friends. _ _
5) After school the Mouse plays computer games. __
6) The Mouse doesn't go to school. _ _
D. 0TBeTL Ha Bonpoc1>1.
1. Is Flop a frog or a dog?

2. How does he like to sing?

3. Does the Frog read books?

4. Where does the Mouse go?

5. What colour is her bag?

6. How many books has she got?

7. How many pencils has she got?

8. Is her ruler short?

9. What colour is her rubber?

10. Is the Mouse happy?

349. HcnpaBL oIUH6RH.

1) Let's go to a school!
2) My friends doesn't draw well.
3) Is your pens good?
4) Misha don't read English books.
5) The pupil open his pencil-case.


YpoK 51

350. IlpoquTail.
[o] mother, father, brother, weather (nozoaa) <> The weather is good.
What's the weather like? ( KaKaJl nozoaa?)
[A] puppy, funny, sun ( c0Jln4e), sunny ( coJlHe1lHbtu) <> It's sunny! (CoJl-
ne1lno!) I like it when it's sunny. The children are happy when it's sunny.
They go for a walk ( xoaHm na npozyJlKY ). Is it sunny today ( cezoanH)?
What's the weather like today? It's sunny.
[:J] dog, frog, cold ( XOJlOOHbtu ), hot ( :»eapKuu ), hot-dog <> What's the we-
ather like today? It's hot and sunny. What's the weather like today? It's
cold but sunny. The white bears like it when it's cold. My granny doesn't gQ
for a walk when it's hot.
[au] mQuse, cloud (o6JlaKo), clQudy (o6Jla1lHbtu) <> It's cloudy. (06-
Jla1lno.) What's the weather like today? It isn't sunny, it's cloudy today.
[i] sunny, cloudy, wind ( Bemep )windx ( BempeHbtU }_,fog (my.Man) foggx
(my.MaHHbtU) <> What's the weather like today? It's windy. Little children
don't go for a walk when it's windy. I can't see my dog - it's foggy today.
This little tree doesn't like it when it's windy.
[:J:] warm (menJlbtu) <> It's warm. (TenJlo.) What's the weather like
today? It's warm today but it isn't hot. Boys like to play badminton when
it's warm. Mary doesn't like warm milk.

351. 0TBeTL Ha BOilpOCLI.

1) What's the weather like today?

2) What weather do you like?

I like it when it's ~~~~____.....,...,......~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

352. B1>16epu H o6Be~H npaBHJILHLIH BapuaHT.

a) The®>! likes to go for a walk when it's warm.
b) Her brothers don't /doesn't play tennis when it's foggy.
c) Do I Does the white bears swim when it's cold?
d) The parrots is I are from hot Africa.
e) The hare have I has got long ears.
f) We listen/ listens to the teacher at school.
g) The little kitten drink I drinks warm milk.
h) Kate skate /skates when it's cold and sunny.
353. 06Be)J;H BCilOMOl'aTeJILBLIH l'Jl31'0JI H eaqeu c aero BOnpoc.
a) The days are sunny. Are the days sunny?
b) The weather is warm.
c) His brother can swim. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
d) We have got a new ball. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
e) The parks are green. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
f) His father can run very well. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
g) She has got a nice mirror. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
h) I am from Minsk.
354. Haqeu Bonpoc c Do HJIH Does.
C.J1wmpu ma6JlU"4Y <(Present Simple» B Unit 5 na c. 63.
a) Boys play football. Do boys play football?
b) Betty plays t e n n i s · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - -
c) Children swim in summer.
d) Nancy skates in winter. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
e) Pupils write in the lessons. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
g) Bob draws on the board well.
h) My friend drinks cold juice. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

355. IlepeBe)J;H.
1) KaKaSI rroro,n;a?
2) XoJio,n;Ho H o6JiatIHO cero,n;HSI.
3) .H xomy Ha rrporyJIKy.

356. IlpoquTaii.
[i:] teacher, eat, tea, season ( ce3oH, BpeMJl zoiJa), a season - four season~,
a warm season, a cold season, a nice season 0 How many seasons have we
got? We have got four seasons.
[:J:] autumn._(oceub) a cold autumn, a warm auumn, a nice autumn 0 In
autumn trees are yellow, red and brown. What's the weather like in au-
tumn? In autumn it's cloudy and foggy. My mother doesn't like autumn.
[i] winter ( 3UMa ), a cold winter 0 In winter it's cold and windy. What's
the weather like today? Today is a sunny winter day. Children can go for a
[IJ] spring ( Becua) 0 What's the weather like in spring? In spring it's
warm and sunny. Spring is a nice season.
[A] sunny, summer (Jtemo) <) It's hot and sunny in summer. In summer
parks are green. Do you like summer? Oh, y~s, I do! Summer is a good sea-
son, we don't go to school.
4 3aK. 2775 97
[ei] rain (aoJICOb) <> Do you like rain? No, I don't. It's rainy. This little
girl can't go for a walk - it's rainy. It's rainy in autumn in Belarus. In
Britain it's rainy in winter. In hot Africa it's rainy in summer.
[~u] snow ( cnez ), white snow <> Do you like snow? Yes, I do. It's nice. It's
snowy. In Belarus it's snowy in winter.
357. ,ll;a:U KpaTKHe OTBeTLI Ha BOilpOCLI.
1) Do you like summer? Yes, I do.
2) Do you like winter? - - -.- - - - - - - - -
3) Does your mother like autumn? _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4) Does your granny like spring? _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5) Is spring a nice season?
6) Is it snowy in summer? ___________

358. CocTaBL npe,zJ;nomeum1 H uanHmH Hx B TeTpa,zJ;H.

The weather is hot and sunny in winter.

warm and cloudy in spring.
windy and rainy in summer.
cold and snowy in autumn.

359. 06Be,zJ;H BCilOMOraTeJILHLIH rnaroJI H HanHmH OTpHu;aHHe.

am~ am not has ~hasn't

is ~isn't have ~ haven't

are~ aren't can ~can't

a) His son can play volleyball. His son can't play volleyball.
b) Sam has got two rulers.
c)Springiswindy. _______________________
d) The trees are brown.
e) I am at school.
f) His brother can play table tennis.

g) They have got three robots.

h) Winter is rainy.
360. Hanumu oTpuu;auue c noMOID;LIO don't HJIH doesn't.
C."flwmpu ma6Jtuiw «Present Simple)> e Unit 5 na c. 63
a) Girls play football. Girls don't play football.
b) Dick skates in spring. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
c). Children go to school in summer.

d) My brother goes for a walk when it's rainy.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for a walk when it's rainy.
e) Her friend swims when it's snowy.
----------------------~when it's snowy.
f) Pupils play snowballs at school.

361. Paara,n;a:H KpoccBop,n; (cJioBa o noro,n;e ).

YpoK 53

362. IlpO"llHTaH.
a+ l = [:l:] ball (Mall), foot (cmynna), football, basket (1cop3una),
basketball, volleyball O I like to play football. My friend likes to play
football, too. We can play football very well (o?tenb xopowo). Boys play
football in summer. Can his brother play basketball? Yes, he can. He can
play basketball very well. Can his sisters play volleyball? No, they can't.
ball ( M.H1l ), snow ( cnez ) , snowballs ( cne]ICKU) O The pupils play snowballs
near the school. When can you play snowballs? In winter!
ck= [k] black, Nick, hockey, ice( Jle{) ), ice-hockey ( xoKKeu) o My friends
and I like to play ice-hockey. We play ice-hockey in winter.
[e] p~t, r~d, t~n, tennis, table tennis 0 Does your friend like to play
tennis? Yes, she does. She likes to play tennis in spring and in summer. Boys
and girls like to play table tennis.
[re] rf!t, Cf!t, badminton 0 His sisters can't play volleyball, but they can
play badminton. They play badminton very well.
[ei] snf!ke, Cf!ke, table, sk,!!te ( Kamambc.H na KOHbKax)
[i] milk, little [i:] ski (Kamambc.H na Jlbt]!CaX) 0 My father likes to ski. He
can ski very well. Does your mother like to ski? No, she doesn't. But she
likes to skate. I like to skate, too. We can skate well. In winter children can
ski and skate.
363. ,ll;aii KpaTKUe OTBeTbl ea BOilpOCbl.
a) Do you like summer? Yes, I do.
b) Can you play tennis? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
c) Does your mother skate? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
d) Is spring a nice season? - - - - - - - - - - -
e) Are the trees green in winter? _ _ _ _ _ _ __
f) Have your friends got two pens? _ _ _ _ _ __
g) Does your teacher swim well? _ _ _ _ _ _ __
h) Do you play ice-hockey well? _ _ _ _ _ _ __

364. CocTaB1> 5 npe,ZJ;Jiomeeuii u eanumu ux B TeTpa,ZJ;H.

My friends and I skates in summer.

Liz play snowballs in autumn.
The children plays table tennis
His sister swim in spring.
Boys play football in winter.

365. BnHmH ee,ZJ;OCTarom;He qacTH eaaBaeHii Hrp c MH"llOM.


366. Coe,ZJ;HHH no CMI>ICJIY.

It's hot and sunny. --------...1 can't see the house.
It's foggy. We want to swim.
It's windy. Little Anny doesn't go for a walk.
It's cold and sunny. Let's play badminton.
It's warm and cloudy. They want to skate or ski.

367. IIpo"llHTaii H eanHmH, KaKoe aTo BpeMH ro,ZJ;a.

a) The weather is hot and sunny. Children don't go to school. They play fo-
otball and badminton. They swim.
What is the season? It's
b) The weather is cloudy and rainy. The trees ( iJepeBbJl) are yellow and red.
We can't go for a walk every day.
What is the season? It's
c) The weather is cold and windy. It's snowy. Boys and girls can play snow-
balls, skate and ski.
What is the season? It's
d) The weather is warm and sunny. The trees are green. We can go to the
parks. Pupils can run and jump near the school.
What is the season? It's
'Nhat isyourfavouriteseason?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

368 . BcTaBI.: M y . His. Her. Your.

Model. Sam has got an u ncle.
His uncle likes to ski in winter.
a) I have got a mum. mum likes to skate.
b) He has got a brother. brother plays football.
c) She has got a sister. sister is a pupil.
d) You have got a friend. friend can't play tennis.
e) Dick has got an uncle. uncle can play ice.:. hockey.
f) Mary has got a dad. dad swims very well.
369. BL16epH H o6Be,n;H npaBHJILBLIH BapHaBT.
1) Children like I likes to go for a walk when it's sunny.
2) Her friends don't /doesn't play football when it's rainy.
3) Do I Does you swim in summer?
4) The pupils is I are from my school.
5) The girl have I has got long hair.
6) His father drink I drinks cold juice.
7) Her aunt don't I doesn't skate when it's windy.
8) Kate go /goes for a walk every day.
9) We have I has got a big classroom.
370. HanHmH Bonpoc.
a) The trees are yellow. Are the trees yellow?
b) Her sisters like autumn. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-
c) His teacher can read very well. very well?
d) Liz has got a good friend. a good fr.i end?
e) My mother sings when it's spring. when it's spring?
f) The weather is cloudy. cloudy?.
g) Your friend draws green trees. green trees?
h) The boys ski in winter. in winter?
371. HanHmH u;mppy, pacKpach KBa,n;panrK HYlliHbIM n;BeTOM.
1) fou r 4)red 7) thirteen 10) grey
2) eight 5) yellow 8) seventeen 11) brown
3) twelve 6) blue 9) nineteen 12) green I I

372. flpO'IHTaii.
[ei] skate, table, favourite ( Juo6u.MblU ), a favourite book, a favourite sea-
son, a favourite pet, a favourite lesson, a favourite room
[o] mother, father, brother, with ( c ), with my mother, with my ball, with
your friend, with her family, with his teacher
373. flpO'IHTaii.
a). My name is Nick. My favourite season is winter. The weather is cold
and sunny. It is snowy in winter. I can ski and skate in winter. I like to play
ice-hockey. My friends and I play snowballs near the school. It's fun!
b). My name is Sally. My favourite season is spring. The weather is warm
and sunny in spring. I can go to the park. I like to play badminton in the
park. It's nice in the park in spring!
c). My name is Alex. My favourite season is summer. In summer the
weather is hot and sunny. Children don't go to school. I go for a walk every
day (KaJICOblU oenb). I play football with my friends. I swim in summer. It's
d). My name is Andrew. My favourite season is autumn. The weather is
foggy, cloudy and windy in autumn. It's rainy. The trees arered, yellow and
orange. In autumn my grandfather and I go fishing. I like it very much
( 01leHb)!

374. HarrHmH B TeTpa,u;H 0 CBOeM JIIOOHMOM BpeMeHH ro,u;a.


375. 0TBeT1>: Yes, I do./ No, I don't.

a) Do you like to ski? ---------------------~

c) Do you like to swim? --------------------~

0TBeTL: Yes, I can/ No, I can't.

d) Can you play football?
e) Can you play ice-hockey?
f) Can you play badminton?
0TBeT1>: Yes, I have./ No, I haven't.
g) Have you got a mum? ------------~---"-"------
h) Have you got an aunt?
i) Have you got a friend?
0TBeTL: Yes, I am./ No, I'm not.
j) Are you a pupil?
k) Are you twelve?
1) Are you from Britain? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
376. HarrHmH oTpHu;auHe.
a) Summer is cold. Summer isn't cold.
b) His sons go to school in summer.

c) Mike plays basketball in winter.

d) His dog can run in the park.

f) Dave likes to swim in winter.

g) They have got a house near the park.

h) The girls play ice-hockey. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

377. IlpO"llHTaH.
Sandy: Hello, Jim! Are you at home? ( iJo;;na)
Jim: Hi! What is the weather like today?
Sandy: Oh! It's a nice summer day! It's warm.
Jim: Is it cloudy? Is it windy?
Sandy: It's cloudy but it isn't windy. Let's swim.
Jim: That's a good idea. Oh, no! Look at the window! It's rainy!
Sandy: What a pity! ( Kmc JICa.llb!) We can't go for a walk!
Jim: Let's play table tennis at home.
Sandy: Sorry, I can't. I can't play table tennis.
Jim: Let me see. Let's draw. I have got twelve coloured pencils.·
Sandy: 0. K. I like to draw! That's a good idea.

378. B:&16epH H o6Be,IJ;H rrpaBHJI:&H:&Iii BapHaHT.

1) Girls like I likes to play badminton.
2) Her sisters don't /doesn't play ice-hockey.
3) Do I Does you go for a walk every day?
4) The pencils is I are on the desk.
5) The boy have/ has got short hair.
6) His pet eat I eats meat.
7) Her son don't I doesn't ski when it's cold.
8) My granny go /goes to the park every day.
9) We have I has got a nice teacher.

379. IlpO'IHTaii IlHC:bMO H B:bIIlOJIHH 3a,IJ;aHHH.
letter - IIHCbMO with - c
stadium - cTa,z:i;noH very much - o~eHh
swimming pool - 6acceliH about you - o Te6e
A. Read the letter.
Hi, Alex!
Thank you very much for your le.t ter. My family likes sports games, too.
I like to play tennis. I go to the stadium to play tennis. I play tennis with my
good friend Sam. He can play tennis very well and I can play tennis well, too.
I can swim well, too. I like to swim very much. I go to the swimming pool
with my father and my little sister Kate. She is five. She can't swim well,
but she likes to go to the swimming pool. My father can swim very well. He
likes to swim. We are happy in the swimming pool.
My mother likes to skate. She can skate very well. She can dance on the
ice. But she can't play ice-hockey.
My brother Bob likes to play football with his friends from school. They
go to the stadium to play football. They can play it well.
Write about you.
Bye. Your friend Mike.
B. cTrue( +) or False(-).
1. Mike has got a family.
2. His family likes sports.
3. Mike plays tennis in the swimming pool.
4. His sister Kate can swim very well.
5. His mother skates well.
6. Bob likes to play badminton.
C. CocTaBL 5 npe,IJ;Jio:nceHHii, cooTBeTCTByrom;Hx TeKcTy. HanHmH B TeTpa,IJ;L.

Mike play football.

His sister Kate likes to ski. volleyball .
His father can skate. tennis.
His mother can't swim. ice-hockey.
His brother Bob jump. badminton.

380. HanHmH u;ml>p:bl.

2 1
4 3
11 8
13 17
19 15
381. CocTaBL rrpe,z:i;Jio~eeus H3 CJIOB H earrumu ux B TeTpa.z:i;u.
a) can, His, ski, well, father
b) two, got, balls, Sam, has
c) weather, cloudy, the, Is?
d) plays, My, football, friend
e) are, in, The trees, yellow, autumn
f) haven't, The boys, a sister, got
g) swim, don't, We, winter, in
h) play, brother, ice-hockey, her. Can?
382. IlepeBe,z:i;u.
a) MaJihtnIKH mo6HT HrpaTh B <):>yT6oJI. -------------~-
b) ,z::t;eBO't!KH HeXOTHT HrpaTb B XOKKeiL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
c) 0HH yMeroT 6eraTh O't!eHh xoporno. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
d) ,z::t;epeBhH 3eJieHhie BeCHOH. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
e) Y MaliKa HeT 6oJihrnoro MH't!a. ----------------~
f) YMeernh ThI rrJiaBaTb? --------------------~
g) Xo't!eT Bo6 HrpaTb B TeHHHc? __________________

383. BcTaBL apTHKJIL a, an HJIH the, ecJIH ey~eo.

a) Let's play football. e) I can see box. box is big~
b) We have got ball. f) That's good idea!
c)Itis nice. g)Wegofor .walk in spring.
d) It is nice ball. h) My favourite season is su:r:nmer.
384. ,ZJ;aii Kpa TKHH OTBeT.
a) Have you got a family?
b) Is your family from Minsk?
··· ..
c) Are you fine?
d) Do you go to school?
e) Does your mother read books? --------------'---~
f) Can your friend play badminton?
g) Has your granny got two children? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
h) Are your friends teachers? ---------------~

i) Does your father like to swim?

385. llcrrpaBL omu6KH.
1) Children doesn't go to school in summer.
2) Is trees green in spring?
3) Can you play volleyball? - No, I can.
4) It cloudy today.
5) My brother haven't got a ball.


386. IlpoqHTaii.
[~:]girl, circus (~upK), go to the circus <> We like to go to the circus. We
can see dogs and bears, snakes and parrots at the circus. This little girl goes
to the circus every day. It's fun!
[A] sQn, mQther, m2nkey ( o6e3bJu-ta), a brown monkey, a funny monkey
<> We can see a funny monkey at the circus. This monkey can jump and
dance. It dance§ well. Can this monkey climb a tree? Yes, it can. The monkey
can climb a tree very well.
[ai] nine, fine, lion (lleB), tiger (muzp), hide (npRmambcR) <> You can
see two lions and four tigers at the circus. They can run, jump and hide in
the big box. My dog hides under the bed. Where does your cat hide?

387. 3a1wuqH B pHC)lMY.

a) I've got a kitten. b) The tiger is in the box.
It's in the box. The lion is on the chair.
She's got a monkey. The monkey is near, too.
He's got a _ _ __ But where's the ?
388. 06ne,n:H BCilOMOI'aTeJILHLIH l'Jl3I'OJI. IlocTaBb Bonpoc H OTPHD;aHHe.
a). The monkey@climb a tree. Can the monkey climb a tree?
The monkey can't climb a tree.
b).Thetigerishungry. ____________________;__

c). Mary has got a brown bear. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

d). Wecanseehipposatthezoo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

e). His friends have got a horse. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

f). The crocodiles are green. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

g). The lion can hide under the tree. ________________

h). The lion and the tiger are at the circus. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

389. IIpo'IHTaii.
ck=[k] black, Nick, trick (mp10K), one trick - many tricks
animal (:JJCuBomnoe), one animal - many animal§
Maggie: Hello, Steve!
Steve: Hi, Maggie!
Maggie: Do you like to go to the circus?
Steve: Yes, I do. I like it very much ( ottei-lb ). I like big animals: white and
black horses, yellow lions, red tigers and brown bears. They can
jump and do tricks. It's fun!
Maggie: I like little dogs. They can dance. And I want to see monkeys. They
climb a tree. They do funny tricks. Let's go to the circus today.·
Steve: I'm sorry, but I can't.
Maggie: Then let's go to the circus on Sunday ( 6 60C1Cpecenbe).
Steve: That's a good idea!
Maggie: OK. See you onSunday!
Steve: Bye-bye!
390. CocTaBL npe,ri;Jio~eumi.
1) the circus, His, goes, to, sister
2) run, The lion, jump, and, can, well
3) hasn't got, This, a ball, monkey
4) two, see, You, at, can, the circus, tigers
5) the circus, Let's, to, go!
391. ,IJ;onHmH uaaBaHHH n;BeTOB H pacKpacL.


392. IIpo'IHTaii.
[u] book, school, good, zoo ( 3oonapK ), go to the zoo. <> I want to go to the
zoo every day. You can see lions, tigers, tortoises, monkeys, bears and sna-
kes at the zoo. My friends see monkeys at the zoo. They say, «The monkeys
are funny!»
[:)] dog, frog, fox, crocodile ( 1Cp01CoiJu.n), one crocodile - two crocodile§,
a green crocodile <> We can see six green crocodiles at the zoo. They like to
swim. Crocodiles can hide in the water.
[d3] orange, sausage, giraffe ( :JJCupa<jJ ), one giraffe - three giraffe.$_, a
yellow giraffe <> Do you like giraffes at the zoo? Yes, I do.
ph=[f] elephant ( CJlOH ), one elephant - three elephants, a big elephant;
dolphin ( aeJlb<jJUH)' one dolphin - four dolphin§, a grey dolphin 0 Can you
see dolphins at the zoo? Oh, yes! They swim and do tricks : An elephant has
got a long nose. Elephants are from India.
[h] happy, hide, horse ( Jloiuaob) hippo ( zunnonomaM, 6eze.Mom ) , one
hippo - five hippo§, a big hippo 0 Hippos are very big animals. Does your
friend like to draw hippos? No, she doesn't.
[ i:] eat, meat, ice-cream, leaf (Jtucm), a leaf - leaves, green leaves, yellow
leaves 0 This tree has got nice little green leaves in spring. Elephants eat
[a:] grass ( mpaBa), green grass 0 You can see green grass in the park in
summer. Horses like to eat grass. Giraffes eat grass and leaves.
393. IIocTa~Lrrepe,n; CJIOBOM apTHKJIH g_ HJIH an.
a)- potato e) fox i) ~_hippo
b) apple f) tiger j) elephant
c) cucumber g) giraffe k) bear
d) orange h) animal 1) monkey
394. BcTaBL apTHKJIH a .an HJIH the, ecJIH HY*HO.
Mike likes to go to _ _ zoo. At the zoo he can see_-_-_ giraffe. _ _ gi-
raffe is yellow and brown. At the zoo Mike can see _ _ elephant, too. _ _
elephant is from _ _ Africa. Mike likes _ _ big animals. '

What? (Cf mo? Kmcou?) How? ( Kmc?) Where? ( Kyoa? I'oe?)

Who? (Kmo?) How many? (C1COJLb1CO?) When? (Koioa?)

Coe,n;HHH Borrpoc H OTBeT.

1. When do you go to the zoo? Spring.
2. How many bears can you see at the circus? On Sunday.
3. What is your favourite season? Three.
4. \Vho goes for a walk every day?---------- Very well.
5. Where do you go on Sunday? ,,.,.? . ---------.._To the zoo.
6. How can the monkey climb a tree? My granny.
7. Where does your friend ski? O.K.
8 . How are you? In the park.

396. IIocTaBL Borrpoc, ucrroJILays Do HJIH Does H oTpu:u;aHHe,

HCIIOJIL3YH don,t HJIH doesn,t.
a). The dolphins want to swim. Do the dolphins want to swim?
The dolphins don,t want to swim.
b). The monkey likes bananas. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

c) The fox hides near the trees. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

d)Giraffeseatgrassandleaves. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

e) This crocodile swims w e l l . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

f) The hippos drink cold water.----~------------

g) The elephant takes apples.

h) The lions play ball at the circus. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

397. BcTaBi. to TaM, r,11;e aTo ueo6xo,11;HMO.

like to play can M play
want to dance can't ~ dance
a) Ann can __ sing and dance well.
b) We like_ play badminton.
c) Do you want_ play basketball? No, I don't.
d) I can't_ play volleyball, but I can_ play tennis.
e) Can she __ play ice-hockey? No, she can't.
f) Does she like __ play ice-hockey? No, she doesn't.
g) Does he want_ play football? Yes, he does.
398. IIepeBe,ZJ;H.
1) TPH KpaCHbIX THrpa - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2) BOCeMh cepb!X CJIOHOB
3) ,n;Ba 3eJieHbIX KPOKO,D;HJia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4) ,n;eBHTb meJITbIX JibBOB
5) o,n;HHHa,n;n;aTh KOPH"tIHeB1>1x Me,n;Be,n;eli

YpoK 57

399. IlpO'IHTaH.
every day - Kam,n;1>1li ,n;eHh animal - mHBOTHoe
today - cero,n;HH honey - Me,n;
My name is Mike. I am eight. I'm a pupil and I go to school every day.
Today is Sunday. It is my favourite day. I don't go to school. My mother
and I go to the zoo.
We can see many animals at the zoo. We can see two giraffes. They are
yellow and black. They are big. The giraffes are from Africa. They eat grass
and leaves. We can see three bears. They are brown. They are from Belarus.
They like to eat honey. We can see four monkeys. They are brown, too. They
can run, jump and hide near the tree. They like to eat bananas. We can see
one tiger. It is black and orange. It is from India. It likes to eat meat. I like
monkeys - they are funny! My mother likes bears. It's fun to be at the zoo!
0TBeTb Ha BOnpoci.1.
1) How old is Mike? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2) Is he a pupil? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3) Does Mike go to school on Sunday?

4) Where can he see many animals?

5) How many giraffes can he see?

6) What colour are the giraffes?

7) How many bears can he see?

8) Where are the bears from?

9) How many monkeys can he see?

10) What do the monkeys eat?

400. IlocTaBi. Bonpoc H oTpun;auue.

a). The elephant has got a very long nose.
Has the elephant got a very big nose?
The elephant hasn't got a very nose.
b). Hippos eat grass.

c). The bear is brown.

d). The tiger can run very well.

e). The horse jumps well.

f). The lions are yellow.

g). The rabbits have got long ears.

h). The dog dances at the circus.

401. BcnoMHH BonpocuTeJI1»H1»1e CJIOBa.

When?(Kor,n;a?) Where?(Ky,n;a? I',n;e?) What?(qTo?)
CocTaBb 5 npe,zi;Jio~eHHH H Hanumu ux.

you like at the zoo?

When do her brother go on Sunday?
What does your friends go to the circus?
Where can Liz see at the zoo?
the girl play football?

402. CocTaBb npe,zi;Jio~eHHH ua cJIOB H Hanumu ux.

a) hair, haven't, Hippos, got

b) runs, The tiger, jumps, and, well

c) the zoo, The children, are, at

d) like, Do, crocodiles, water, cold?

e) carrots, Does, eat, the fox?

403. 06Be,zi;H npaBHJibHbIH BapHaHT.

a). The monkey<@; are from Africa.
b). Bears have I has got short noses.
c). Lions don't I doesn't climb a tree.
d) We isn't I aren't at the circus.
e). The tiger don't I doesn't hide in the grass.
f). The crocodile hasn't I haven't got ears.
g). Do I Does the monkey eat bananas?
h). Her kittens sleep I sleeps on the floor.
i). Do I Does the hippos eat meat?
j). The lion hide I hides under the tree.
404. BcTaBI.: My, His, Her, Its. Your.
Model. Sam has got a giraffe. His giraffe is yellow.
a) I have got a dog. dog isn't hungry.
b) My dog has got a puppy. puppy is little.
c) He has got a rabbit. rabbit likes carrots.
d) She has got a bear. bear is white.
e) You have got a crocodile. crocodile is long.
f) Nick has got a monkey. monkey is funny.
g) Ann has got a hippo. hippo is in the box.

YpoK 58

405. IlpO'l:IHTaH TeKCT H BbIIlOJIHH aa~aHHH.

A. Read.
very much - oqeHh games - nrphI
with - c now - ceftqac
or - HJIH together - BMecTe
away ( npo1lb) go away, run away,
swim away, fly away
Chitais a little monkey. She is from Africa. She is brown. Chitais funny.
She likes to jump, run and climb a tree very much. Chi ta can sing and dance
very well. She can play volleyball and basketball, too. But she hasn't got
friends. Chita wants to have many friends. She wants to play with friends.
One day Chi ta sees two big green frogs. The frogs can jump and swim but
they can't run or play games. «We can't be friends,» says Chita and goes
Then Chi ta sees a dolphin, a big grey dolphin. The dolphin can swim and
jump. But it can't play volleyball or basketball. «We can't be friends,» says
Chita and goes away.
One day Chi ta sees a little black and white kitten. The kitten is funny. It
can run, jump and climb a tree. It has got a ball and likes to play with it.
Chi ta likes the kitten very much. «Do you want to be my friend? Let's play,»
says the monkey. «0.K.,» says the kitten. Now Chita has got a good friend.
They play volleyball and basketball together.
B. B1>16epH npaBHJILHLiii BapHaHT:
1. Chita is/ are a little monkey.
2. The monkey haven't/ hasn't got friends.
3. Chita want/ wants to have a friend.
4. The frogs isn't/ aren't little.
5. The frogs swim/ swims well.
6. They don't / doesn't play basketball.
7. The kitten have /has got a ball.
8. The rp.onkey and the kitten play/ plays together.
C. True / False
1. Chi ta is a little monkey. _ _ _ _ __
2. She can't climb a tree. - - - - - - -
3. She wants to have friends. - - - - -
4. Chita sees two grey frogs. _ _ _ __
5. The frogs can play basketball. _ _ __
6. The kitten isn't funny. _ _ _ _ _ __
7. The kitten has got a ball. - - - - - -
8. Chi ta likes the kitten. - - - - - - -
D. 0TBeTL Ha Bonpoc1>1:
1. Is Chita a monkey?
2. Is she from Belarus? -------------------~

3. Can Chi ta dance? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4. Can she swim? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5. Does she want to play with the frogs?

6. Does Chita want to play with a kitten?

7. Has Chi ta got a friend now?

8. Have they got a ball?

406. CocTaBL npe,n;JIO:)KeHH.a: H uanHmH HX B TeTpa,n;H.

I draw in pencil.
Liz go volleyball.
Liz and Sam goes computer games.
My friend play to the swimming pool.
Her brothers plays to school.

407. IlepeBe~u. (CJioBa amom, ama M03tHO aaMeHHTL apTHKJieM the)
a) MbI MOJKeM BH,D;eTh 6eJihIX Me.n;Be.n;eii B aoorrapKe.

b) 8TOT JKHpa<lJ 60JibIIIOH. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

c) CJioHbI cephle.
d) y KPOKO,D;HJIOB HeT IIIepc·rH. -----------------~

e) 8Ta o6e3bHHa TaH:a;yeT B :a;HpKe. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

f) TbI mo6HIIIh xop;HTh B aoorrapK? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
g) YMeeT aTa JIMCa rrph1raTb? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
h) JlbBbI He e.n;.aT JIHCTbH.
i) T11rphI rrp.aqyTc.a B TpaBe.
j) 8TOT XOMHK IIheT MOJIOKO? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
408. Ilp01IHT3H H pacKpacL u;ucl>pLI.

Jl5 JlJl Jl~ Jl1 Jl2

Jl(6) Jl(Q) Jl3 Jl4 Jl§
ten is pink fifteen is yellow
eleven is black sixteen is brown
twelve is orange seventeen is blue
thirteen is grey eighteen is green
fourteen is purple nineteen is red

409. HcnpaBL omu6KH.

1) The friends is at the circus now.
2) The tiger don't eat grass.
3) The crocodile haven't got ears.
4) Do the monkey like bananas?
5) Tom has got two kittens. Her kittens sleep on the carpet.
English 4


f JiarOJI-CBH3Ka to be

Coicpam;eeeas: Coicpam;eeeas:
Iloneas: «t>opMa IloJieaH «t>opMa
«t>opMa «t>opMa
lam I'm Weare We're
He is He's You are You're
She is She's They are They're
It is It's

1. HarrHmH rroneyro «t>opMy.

Model : They're happy. - They are happy.
1) I'm nine. - I nine .
2) He's fine. - He fine.
3) She's Helen. - She Helen.
4) You're pupils. -You pupils.
5) We're friends. -We friends.
~- HarrHmH icpaTicyio «t>opMy.
Model : We are happy. - We're happy.
1) You are from Belarus. -You from Belarus.
2) They are nice girls. - They nice girls.
3) I am eleven. - I eleven.
4) She is my friend. - She my friend.
5) He is my brother. - He my brother.

f JiaroJI-CBH3Ka be

y TBep.m,n;eHHe Borrpoc 0TpH:u;aHHe

I am fine. Am I fine? I am not fine.
He is fine. Is he fine? He isn't fine.
She is fine. Is she fine? She isn't fine.
It is fine. Is it fine? It isn't fine.
We are fine. Are we fine? We aren't fine.
You are fine. Are you fine? You aren't fine.
They are ·fine. Are they fine? They aren't fine.
3. BcTaBL is I am I are:
1) She is from Belarus. 6) He seven.
2) They my friends. 7) We pupils.
3) You happy. 8) Bob and Tom friends.
4) Liz my sister. 9) My Granny old.
5) The dogs funny. 10) I a good pupil.

4. BcTaBL Is I Are
1) /she a pupil? 6) _ _ _ they good friends?
2) we from Belarus? 7) · Ann beautiful?
3) it a brown lion? 8) Ann and Nina sisters?
4) she nice? 9) your granny fine?
5) · you kind? 10) her brothers naughty?

5. 06Be,IJ;H rJiaroJI-CBH3Ky. IlocTaBL Bonpoc.

Model He@a teacher. Is he a teacher?
1) She is kind. kind?
2) We are good friends. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ good friends?
3) I am fine. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fine?
4) It is a big school. _ _ _ _ _ _ _·a big school?
5) They are from London. from London?
6. Hanumu oTpu:u;aaue.
Model : We are happy. - We aren,t happy.
1) Mike is clever. - Mike clever.
2) The boys are naughty. - The boys naughty.
3) I am lazy. - I lazy.
4) His uncle is kind. - His uncle kind.
5) Sam and Pam are bad pupils. - Sam and Pam bad pupils.
7. 3a,IJ;aii BOilpOCbl H ,IJ;aii KpaTKHe OTBeTLI.
Model: He is fine. - Is he fine? - Yes, he is.
1) Tom is a pupil. - a pupil? - Yes, - - - - -
2) Liz is from London. - from London? - No, - - - - -
3) They are clever. - clever? - Yes, - - - - -
4) Her sons are naughty. - naughty? - No, - - - - -
5) Polly and I are good friends. good friends? - Yes;

8. IlepeBe,IJ;H. 06Be,IJ;H rJiaroJI-CBH3KY( am I is /are).

1) H yqeHMK.
2) 0Ha yYIMTeJibHR:u;a.
3) OHM cYiacTJIMBbI.
9. fipO'llHTa:if.
nice ( .MUJlbtU, ICpacuBbtU), a nice girl, a nice woman, a nice doll <> My
mother is a nice woman. She has got long fair hair and big blue eyes. Is your
sister nice, too? .
clever ( y.Mnbtu), a clever boy, a clever girl <> My father is clever, he reads
a lot ( .MHOZO ). '
Mike is a good pupil, he is very clever <> Sam isn't clever, he is a bad pupil.
naughty (nenocJiyu.tnbtu}, a naughty boy, a naughty baby, a naughty
puppy <> Nick has got anew friend. It's a puppy. It's very naughty, but very
nice and funny. Nick likes his naughty puppy very much. My teacher
doesn't like naughty pupils.
lazy ( JienuBbtu), a lazy girl, a lazy pupil<> Nina is a bad pupil. She is
clever, but very lazy. Pam is lazy, she doesn't want to read.
kind ( ao6pbtu), a kind woman, a kind old man <> My granny is kind. She
gives me a cake. The man is kind - he gives meat to his dog. My friend is
very kind.
10. BcTaBL is I am I are.
1. She six. 6. They _ _ _ friends.
2. He happy. 7. You from Minsk.
3. I · a pupil. 8. Mymum _ _ _ a teacher.
4. Sam clever. 9. Sam and Tim funny.
5. Her sons naughty. 10. His grandad kind.
11.Coe~HHH npe~JioateHHJI no CMLICJIY.
a) My mother is nice; · He doesn't read books.
b) This baby is naughty.--------... She has got long fair hair.
c) Her brother is lazy. It wants to play.
d) His family is happy. She gives milk to the kitten.
e) Her granny is kind. They have got a funny puppy.
f) Tom is clever. Heis a good friend.
g) This ball is bad. He reads a lot.
h) Mike is my friend. We can't play football.
12. HcnpaBL omH6KH.
a) His school are big.
b) I is a good pupil.
c) They isn't friends.
d) Her sister aren't lazy.
e) Am her sons naughty?
f) Is his brothers clever?

YpoK 2

13. IlpO'IHTaH H nepeBe)l;H.

girl ( iJe601lKa ), one girl, two girls, a kind girl, a clever girl, a naughty
girl, boy ( .MaJlb1lUK ), a boy - boys, a funny boy <> She is a nice girl. This
girl is lazy. Mike is a funny boy. These naughty boys are my friends. Boys
like to play football. Girls like to play with nice dolls.
eye ( ZJla3 ), an eye - eyes, blue eyes, brown eyes, green eyes <> His mum
has got fair hair and blue eyes. Her cat has got green eyes. My eyes are grey.
Her eyes are blue.
ear (yxo ), an ear - ears, long ears, short ears, big ears <> A mouse has
got little ears. Elephants have got big ears. Snakes haven't got ears. ,_
nose ( noc), a nose - noses, my nose, his nose, her nose, your nose <> It's
an elephant, its nose is long.
mouth (pom), a red mouth, a big mouth <> What .animal has got a big
mouth? A crocodile has got a big mouth.
hair ( BOJtOCbt ), fair ( cBemJtbt-U ), fair hair, long hair, short hair <> I have
got long fair hair. Her uncle has got short fair hair. Frogs haven't got hair.
dark (me.MHbt-U), dark hair, dark eyes <> Polly has got fair hair and dark
eyes. Are his eyes dark? - Yes, they are. Has he got dark hair? - No, he
long ( iJJtUHHbt-U), long ears, long hair, short ( -,copom-,cuu, nu3-,cuu ), short
hair, a short boy <> Th~ girl has got long dark hair. Boys haven't got long
hair. Sam is short. He has got short hair. This dog has got short ears.
tall ( Bbtco-,cuu ), a tall boy, a tall girl <> My father is tall. Liz isn't a tall
girl, she is short.
I'JiaroJI have (got) (u.Memb)
IloJIHa.a cpopMa CoKpaw;eHHa.a cpopMa
I have got I've got
You have got You've got
We have got We've got
I They have got They've got
He has got He's got
She has got She's got
It has got It's got
14. HanHmH coKpa:w;eHHyro <t>opMy.
Model: He has got blue eyes. - He's got blue ey~s.
1. She has got dark hair. dark hair.
2. We have got fair hair. fair hair.
3. You have got two eyes. two eyes.
15. HanHmH noJiayro cl>opMy.
Model: She's got green eyes. - She has got green eyes.
1. They've got long hair. long hair.
2. He's got short hair. short hair.
3. I've got two ears. two ears.

I'JiaroJI have (uMemb)

have not =haven't has not = hasn't
YTBepm,z:i;eHne Borrpoc 0TpH:u;aHHe
I have got a dog. Have I got a dog? I haven't got a dog.
We have got a dog. Have we got a dog? We haven't got a dog.
You have got a dog. Have you got a dog? You haven't got a dog.
They have got a dog. Have they got a dog They haven't got a dog.

He has got a dog. Has he got a dog? He hasn't got a dog.

She has got a dog. Has she got a dog? She hasn't got a dog.
It has got a dog. Has it got a dog? It hasn't got a dog.

16. BcTaB:& have got I has got.

Model: Mike has got a pet.
1. I dark hair.
2. Liz _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ green eyes.
3. We fair hair.
4. The cat little ears.
5. The boys short hair.
6. They a tall father.
7. The boy got a big nose.
8. The girl long hair.
9. You a little mouth.
10. Liz and Ann a tall brother.
17. HanHmH oTpH:u;aTeJI:&HLie npe,n;Jiomeami.
Model: We have got a friend. We haven't got a friend.
1. The dog has got big ears.
The dog big ears.
2 . .The boys h.a ve got short hair.
The boys short hair.
3. Dave has got a little mouth.
Dave a little mouth.
4. You have got a red nose.
You - - - - - - - - - - - a red nose.
18. 3a.zi;aii BOilpOCbl H .zi;aii KpaTKHe OTBeT:&I.
Model: I have got fair hair. - Have you got fair hair? - Yes, I have.
1. The boys have got a tall father.
- - - - - - - - - - a tall father? - Yes, - - - - - - - - - -
2. We have got dark hair.
- - - - - - - - - - dark hair? - No, - - - - - - - - - -
3. They've got little ears.
- - - - - - - - - - little ears? - Yes, - - - - - - - - - -
4. Liz has got a pink mouth.
__________ a pink mouth? - Y e s , - - - - - - - - - -
5. He's got a long nose.
__________ a long nose? - No, __________

19. IlepeBe,D;H. (IloMHH, 't!TO rro-pyccKH «Y Mena I Y neto ecmo ... »,

a rro-aHrJIHHCKH «HI On uMeem ... », a TaK.iKe
rro-pyccKH «Y Mena I Y nee nem ... »,
a rro-aHrJIHHCKH «HI Ona ne uMeem ... »)
1. y MeH.H eCTb BbICOKHH 6paT.

2. y Hero I'OJiy6bie I'Jiaaa H KOpOTKHe CBeTJibie BOJIOCbl.

3. Yee m;eHKa HeT ,ll;JIHHHbIX yrneii.

20. HcnpaB:& omHOKH.

1) Frogs hasn't got hair.
2) Tim has got a blue eyes.
3) Have the snake got ears?
4) Mike haven't got a red mouth.
5) My sisters has got long hair.
6) Has your friends got dark hair?

YpoK 3

21. IlpO'llHTaii.
ski and skate Children ski and skate in winter. My father likes to ski.
He can ski very well. Does your mother like to ski? No, she doesn't. But she
likes to skate very much. I like to skate, too. We can skate well.
roller-skate, to roller-skate. In winter I like to skate and in slimmer
I like to roller-skate. My brother can roller-skate very well. Can you roller-
ride, to ride, like to ride. His uncle can ride a horse very well. Can this
girl ride a pony? They can ride an elephant in India.
bike, a bike - bike§, one little bike - two big bikes. Her little sister has
got a pink bike. I want to have a big bike. To ride a bike. I like to ride a bike
very much. I ride a bike in spring, in summer and in autumn. My friend can
ride a bike very well. It's fun to ride a bike! Let's ride a bike or roller-skate!
That's a good idea!
The verb can (zJlaZOJl MO'tb, yMemb)
cannot= can't
YTBepm,n;eHHe Borrpoc 0TpHn;aHMe
I can play Can I play? I can't play
\Ve can play Can we play? We can't play
You can play Gan you play? You can't play
They can play Can they play? They can't play
He can play Can he play? He can't play
She can play Can she play? She can't play
It can play Can it play? It can't play

22. BcTaBi. qacTHn;y to TaM, r,zi;e aTo Heo6xo,zi;HMO.

1. Sam can swim. 2. I like swim. 3. The children want
- - - swim. 4. Fred can't ride a bike but he wants ride a bike
very much. 5. She doesn't like_ play tennis. 6. Do you want _ __
dance on the ice? 7. Dogs can't climb a tree.
23. HanHIIIH oTpHn; npe,zi;JiomeHHH.
Model: Tom can play hockey. - Tom can't play hockey.
1. They can dance. They dance.
2. Twinky can roller-skate. Twinky roller-skate.
3. Parrots can swim. Parrots swim.
4. Liz can sing. Liz sing.
24. HanHIIIH o6:w;He Bonpoci.1.
Model: She can skate in winter. - Can she skate in winter?
1. Steve can draw.
- - - - - - - - - - - draw?
2. These boys can ski. ski?
3. Frogs can jump. · jump?
4. Helen can read. read?
25. 3a,zi;aii BOUpOCbl H ,zi;aii KpaTKHe OTBeTbl.
Model: She can ski in winter. - Can she ski in winter? - Yes, she can.
1. Ann can roller-skate. 1'.' ?
2. My mum and I can play tennis. ?
3. The girls can dance very well. ?
4. His brother can sing. ?
5. Mike and Ted can draw. ?
26. Ilepene,11;u.
1. Ee rrana yMeeT KaTaThCSI Ha Jihl.iKax xoporno.

2. MoSI MaJieH1>KaSI cecTpa He yMeeT 1IRTaTh.

3. Ero co6aKR yMeroT 6eraTh, rrp1>1raT1>, rrJiaBaTb R TaHI.i;eBaTh.

27. HcrrpanL omu6Kn.

1) Sam can to run.
2) Polly can swim well?
3) Can you play tennis? - No, I can.
4) His brother can't to sing.
5) Ann cans dance very well.

YpoK 4
28. IlpoquTaii.
Monday, on Monday, every Monday. I have got
five lessons on Monday, and then I do my home-
Tuesday, on Tuesday, every Tuesday. We have
English on Tuesday. I listen to music with my fri-
end Sam on Tuesday.
Wednesday, on Wednesday, every Wednesday. How many lessons does
he have on Wednesday?
Thursday, on Thursday, every Thursday. Do they have four or five les-
sons on Thursday?
Friday, on Friday, every Friday. Mary goes for a walk every Friday.
Saturday, on Saturday, every Saturday. Mike plays computer games on
Sunday, on Sunday, every Sunday. We don't go to school on Sunday. We
watch TV and go for a walk on Sunday.
29. B1>16epu H o6Be~H npaBHJI1>H1>1:H BapHaHT.
1. My brother play I plays computer games on Monday.
2. The pupils do I does homework very well.
3. She watch I watches TV with her granny on Wednesday.
4. Peter listen/ listens to music with Pam.
5. My granny and grandad watch I watches TV on Saturday.
6. The boys go 7 goes for a walk together.
7. His brother roller-skate I roller-skates in the park.
8. Sam ride I rides a bike on Saturday and Sunday.

30. IlpO'llHTaH H Bl>IIlOJIHH aa~aHHJI .

week - neaeJtH count - c1lumamb at two o'clock - 8 aea 1laca
together - B.Mecme write - nucamb favourite - Jt106u.Mbtu
very much - 01leHb
Hi! My name is Alex. I'm from Minsk. I am nine. I go to school five days
a week: on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday, on Thursday and on Friday.
I am a good pupil. I can read and write well. And I count well, too. I can
speak English very well, too. My favourite lessons are Maths and English.
But I can't sing well and I don't like Music.
I come home at two o'clock and do my homework.
On Monday I roller-skate with my friend Mike. We can roller-skate very
On Tuesday I ride a bike with my brother. We ride bikes in the park to-
On Wednesday I do my homework and then I listen to music with my fri-
end Ann.
On Thursday I play football with my school friends. I like to play sport
games very much!
On Friday I watch TV or play computer games.
On Saturday and Sunday my family and I go for a walk together. It's fun!
True(+) or False(-).
1) Alex is from Belarus. - - - - 4) Alex has got a bike.
2) Alex can sing very well. _ __ 5) Alex has got two friends. _ __
3) Alex can roller-skate. 6) Alex hasn't got a family. _ __
0TBeTI> Ha BOilpOCl>I no Te:KCTY.
1) Where is Alex from? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2) ~ow old is h e ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3) Is he a good pupil?
4) Does Alex go to school on Saturday?

5) What are his favourite lessons? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

6) Can Alex count well?

7) Does Alex like English?
8) Whyaoesn't Alex like Music? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
9) When does Alex roller-skate? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
10) When does Alex ride a bike? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
11) What sports game does Alex pl~y with his school friends?

12) When does Alex play computer games?

13) When does Alex watch TV?

14) What does Alex do on S u n d a y ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
31. CocTaBL 6 rrpe,i:i;JiomeuHii H uarrHmH HX B TeTpa,i:i;H.
I go to music on Tuesday
Nick does for a walk on Wednesday
Nick and Mike listens homework on Thursday
My friend play TV on Friday
Her brothers rides computer games on Saturday
The girl watch abike on Sunday

32. BcTaBL rrpe,i:i;JiorH (with/ to/ on I for/ in), ecJIH OHH uymui,1.
go a walk, listen music, watch TV _ _ Sunday, roller-skate
____ friends, play computer games, ride a bike _ _ the park, li-
sten the teacher, do homework Tuesday
33. BcTaBL apTHKJIL a, an HJIH the, ecJIH uymuo.
a) Let's go to school! e) I can see ___ boy. boy is tall.
b) We have got fair hair. f) Ann goes for walk every day.
c) She is kind. g) She can ride bike.
d) She is kind girl. h) Nick can play table tennis.
34. IlepeBe,i:i;H.
1). H ~eJiaro Moe ~oMamHee 3MaHHe B rroHe~eJihHHK.

2). JlH3a XO~HT Ha rrporyJIKy B IIHTHHIJ;y.

3). M1>1 KaTaeMCH Ha poJIHKax BMecTe.

4). CaM CMOTpHT TeJieBH30p co CBOeli (c ero) cecTpo:H:.

5). AHHa cJiymaeT MY3hIKY B cy66oTy.


IlpHT.ff:jK3TeJILHLIH nap;ejK op;ymeBJieHHLIX cyw;eCTBHTeJILHLIX

(qeii? q1>s? q1>e?) + 's }

the girl's doll Ann's dolls

KYKJta iJeB01lKU Anunbt KYKJtbl
Bo MHomecTBeHHOM qucJie
(qLH?) +'
the girls' dolls my parents' room
KYKJtbl iJeeo1leIC KOMnama poiJumeJteu
! EcJIH cy~eCTBHTeJibHOe no MHo.mecTBeHHOM qHcJie
He HMeeT OKOHqaHH.H -s + 's
the men's bags the children's toys
cyMKu MY:JIC1lUH uzpywKu iJemeu

35. IlpoquTaii.
parents (poiJumeJtu), my parents, his parents, her parents O My mum
and dad are my parents. My granny and grandad are my grandparents.
These are my parents. His parents are kind. Her parents are clever.
children ( iJemu ), one child - two children, many children, my children,
his children, her children 0 Her children aren't naughty. Are these children
lazy? - No, they aren't. Children like to play with toys.
son ( CblH ), her son, his son, your son O Mr. Green has got two sons. Her
son's ball is red. My grandmother and grandfather have got a son. My gran-
ny's son is my father.
daughter ( iJo1lb ), a daughter - daughters 0 Sally has got a daughter but
she hasn't got a son. Have you got a daughter? - No, I haven't. His daugh-
ter is beautiful. Her daughter's doll is big.
aunt (mema), an aunt - aunts, my aunt, her aunt, his aunt, your aunt
0 My aunt Mary is my mother's sister. My aunt Polly is my father's sister.
My aunts are nice and kind. I love my aunts.
uncle (iJaiJa), an uncle - uncles, my uncle, his uncle, her uncle, your
uncle 0 His uncle Bob is his mother's brother. His uncle Tom is his father's
brother. His uncles are tall.
cousin ( iJeo10poiJHblU 6pam uJtu cecmpa ), a cousin - cousins 0 Helen
hasn't got a cousin. Jerry has got three cousins. My aunt has got two child-
ren: a son and a daughter. My aunt's son is my cousin. My aunt's daughter
is my cousin, too.
husband ( MYJIC ), a husband - husbands <> My mother has got a husband.
He is my father.
wife (J1Cena), a wife - wives <> My father has got a wife. She is my mot-
36. HanHmH no o6paau;y. (IloMHH: Ha rrepBoM Mee Te BJia,n;eJie:o;/ xoa.HHH Be~H.)
Model: co6a1rn Te,n;a - (dog, Ted) - Ted's dog
1. AHHH M.Hq - (Ann, ball ) -
2. KoTeHoK HHHhI - (kitten ,Nina)
3. IIHTOMe:o; ,Il;sBH,n;a - (pet, David) -
4. KaTHHa KHHra - (Kate, book)-
5. HMH Moeil ,n;Boropo,n;Hoil cecTphI - (name, my cousin) -
6. M.Hq ero ,n;pyra - (ball, his friend) -
7. ~eHOK ee 6a6yIIIKH - (puppy, her granny) -
8. MaIIIHHa Moero ,n;e,n;a - (car, my grandad) -
37. IIepeBe,z:i;H. Model: 6a6yIIIKa CTHBa (Steve) - Steve's granny
1. MaMa HHKa (Nick)-
2. 6paT BeTTH (Betty) - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3. ,ZJ;.H,ZJ;.H 8MMH (Amy) -
4. ChIH ,Il;:>KHMa (Jim) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5. po,n;HTeJIH ,Il;moHa (John) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
6. TeTH Boffa (Bob) -
7. ,n;oqh MHCCHC BeJIJI ( Mrs. Bell) -
8. ,n;Boropo,n;HhIH 6paT MailKa (Mike) - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
38. IIepeBe,z:i;H. Model: yqHTeJih ero ,n;pyaeil - his friends' teacher
1. aepKaJio Moeil MaMhI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
mirror / my mum
room I my parents
3. ,n;oqh TBOeH TeTH
daughter/ your aunt
4. ,ZJ;eTH ee ,ZJ;.H,ZJ;H ---------------------~-~
children / her uncle
5. KapaH,n;aIIIH ero ,n;eTeil
pencils I his children
6. cyMKH HX ,ZJ;BOIOpO,ZJ;HhIX cecTep
bags/ their cousins
car I this driver
8. KHHrH 3THX yqHTeJieH
books I these teachers
9. IIHIJ;IJ;a 3TOro IIOBapa
pizza I this cook
10. CBHHhH 3THX <t>epMepoB - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
pigs I these farmers


work (pa6oTaTh) + ~ (cycpcpm<e) ~worker (pa6o"CI11ii:)

39. 3arroJIHH Ta6nuu;y.
,n;eiiCTBHe rrpo<t>eccH.H
1. Y't!HTh teach teacher 1. y11,umenb
2. rreTh sing 2.
3.TaHIJ;eBaTh dance 3.
4. 6eraTh run 4.
5. IIJiaBaTh swim 5.
6. rrph1raTh . jump 6.
7. BO,ll;HTh MamHHY drive 7.
8. KaTaThC.H Ha JlhDKax ski 8.
9. KaTaThC.H Ha KOHhKax skate 9.
10. 't!HTaTb read 10.
11. IIHCaTb write 11.
12.HrpaTh play 12.

40. Harrumu rrpe,u;no~eHHH BO MHO~eCTBeHHOM qucne.

He aa6yiJb ucKn,1011,enuR. 8 o6pa3o6auuu MKO:J1Cecm6euuozo 11,ucna.
MeH.HIDT r JiacHyro B cepe,n;HHe
a man- men
a wom~n - wom~n
a sportsm~n - sportsm~n
a snowm~n - snowm~n
a businessman - businessm~n
MeH.HeTc.H Bee cJioBo
a mouse - mice a child - children
A. Model: The shop-assistant is nice. -The shop-assistant~ are nice.
1. The cook is hungry.
2.Thesportsinanistall. _____________________
3. The doctor is clever.
B. Model: The puppy has got .a tail. - The puppies have got tail~.
4. The teacher has got a book. -----------------~
5. The businessinan has got a bag.
C. Model: The mouse eat~ cheese. -The mice eat cheese.
6. The child drinks Inilk. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7. The woinan likes her daughter.
8. The girl listens to Inusic.


Jhr"CJHhie (Personal) IlpHT.HmaTeJihHhie (Possessive)

KTo? qTo? qeft? qh.H? qhH?
I .H Illy MOR
you Th! your TBOll
he OH his ero
she OH a her ee
it ( ne 11,eJt.) OH,OHa,OHO its ero, ee ( ne 11,eJt.)
we MhI our Ham
you Bbl your Barn
they OH;li their HX
rro,z:i;Jiemaw;ee yrroTpe6JI.HeTC.H c cyw;ecTBHTeJihHhIM


1) InUin - she m uin' s eyes - her eyes
2) dad - dad's hair - hair
3) InUin and I - InUin's and InY pen - - - - - pen
4) InUin and dad - InUin and dad's rooin - rooin
5) Polly - Polly's doll - doll
6) Toin - Toin's bag - bag
7) cat - cat's ball - ball
8) girls - girls' Inirror - - - - - Inirror
9) Ann and I - Ann's and InY granny - ____ granny
10) Bob and Steve - Bob and Steve's desk - desk
5 3aK. 2775 129
42. 06Be)J;H npaBHJILHLie CJIOBa.
I .Nick has got a wife.@/ Her wife is kind.
2. These children have got a dog. Our I Their dog is funny.
3.Maggie has got many friends. His I Her friends are naughty.
4. This boy has got a ball. His I Her ball is yellow.
5. These are Dominic and Victor. His I Their mum is a cook.
6.I have got a sister. Our/ 1l1y sister is a student.
7.My sister and I have got a father. Our I My father is clever.
8. You are pupils. Are your I our friends pupils?
9.We go to school 30. Our I Their school is big and nice.

43. BcTaBL My. His. Her. Your. Their. Our.

1. You have got many friends. Your friends are from Belarus.
2. Mary has got a daughter. daughter is a nice girl.
3. This is my uncle. name is John.
4. I am a pupil. cousin is a pupil, too.
5. We are from Minsk. family is big and happy.
6.Pavel and Dima are brothers. parents are kind.
7. You have got a mother. mother isn't a teacher.

44. HcnpaBL OlliHOKH BO BTOpOM npe,IJ;JIO~eHHH Ka~,IJ;OH napLI.

1) Mrs. Bell has got a husband. His husband is clever.
2) Ann and Liz are sisters. Her parents are nice.
3) I'm ten. Our cousin is twelve.
4) My mother and I have got a cat. Their cat is lazy.
5) You have got a family. My family is from Belarus.

45. IlpO'llHTaH.
My name is Mike. I am nine. I am from Britain. I am a tall boy. I have got
short dark hair and brown eyes. I like to roller-skate.
I have got a family. My dad's name is Dave. He is a tall man. He has got
short black hair and grey eyes. He can ride a bike well. And he is a good
skier. My father is clever. He is a businessman.
My mum's name is Mary. She is a beautiful woman. She has got fair hair
and green eyes. She can skate very well. My mother is a teacher. She works
at school. She has got nineteen pupils in her class.
I have got a sister, Helen. She is not a pupil. She is five. She is naughty,
but funny. Helen is very nice. She has got long fair hair. Her eyes are dark.
She has got a little nose and a little red mouth. She can draw and dance very
I have got a granny and a grandad. Their names are Kate and Nick. They
are kind. My granny is a dentist. My grandad is a vet.
I have got an aunt and an uncle. Their names are Mary and Paul. Mary
is a shop-assistant. Paul is a driver. My aunt and my uncle have got two
children: a son and a daughter. They are my and my sister's cousins. We
love our cousins.
I love my family.
True or False.
1. Mike is a·short boy from Britain. _ __
2. Mike's dad is a businessman. - - -
3. Mike's father has got a wife. - - -
4. Mike's mum is a beautiful man. - - -
5. Mike's sister is a teacher. - - -
6. Mike's grandmother and grandfather are doctors. _ __
7. Mike's cousins are good boys. _ __

Ypol(, 7


this eA.q.(3TOT,3Ta,3TO) rrpeAMeT HaXOAHTCH 6JIH3KO

these MH.q. (3TH) rrpeAMeThl HaXOAHTCH 6JIH3KO

46. BcTaBL This is L These are

1. This is my friend. 5. - - - - - - - her cousins.
2. These are our friends. 6. - - - - - - - its ball.
3. his parents. 7. - - - - - - - Bob's bike.
4. their mother. 8. - - - - - - - Helen's children.
47. BcTaBL This L These His Lare.
1. This boy is naughty.
2. These girls are lazy.
3. teacher kind.
4. doctor clever.
5. workers bad.
6. cooks good.
7. man tall.
8. puppies funny.

48. IlepeBe~H.
2. 8To Hamn POAHTeJIH.
3. 3To TBOH BeJioc1u1ep;?
4. 3TOT 6HaHecMeH yMHhIH.
5. 3TH p;eTH HeIIOCJIYlliHbie. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
49. HcnpaBL omHOKH.
1) This farmers are from America.
2) These is our teacher.
3) This are good sportsmen.
4) These shop-assistant is nice.
5) This boys are brothers.

IlpHTHacaTeJibHl>IH na,IJ;eac O,IJ;ymeBJieHHbIX cym;eCTBHTeJibHbIX

! EcJIH rrpep;MeT rrpHHap;JiemHT cpaay HecKOJihKHM JIH~aM, TO + ' S TOJihKO

Nick and Mike's mother
.Mamb H U1Ca u M au1Ca
the boy and the girl's desk
nap ma ( amozo) .MaJtb1lU1Ca U ( amou) Oe801l1CU

50. IlepeBe,11;H. Model: BeJiocHrrep; ero ,zi;pyra - his friend's bike

1. KpecJio Moero ,zi;e,zi;ymKH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
armchair I my grandad
2. lliKOJia MOHX )J;BOIOpO,ll;HhIX OpaTheB - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
school / my cousins
3. rrapTa JlH3hI H HHHhI
desk /Liz and Nina
4. JiacTHK ToMa
rubber I Tom
5. co6aKH 3THX BeTepHHapOB
dogs I these vets
6. 6a6ymKa Maii:Ka H HHKa
granny I Mike and Nick
51. IlepeBe,11;H. Model: cecTpa ToMa H BHJIJia - Tom and Bill's sister
1. r Jiaaa Moe:H co6aKH
ears I these elephants
3. KOT MOHX 6a6ymKH H p;ep;ymKH
cat / my granny and grandad
4. Mara3HH 3TOro 6H3HeCMeHa
shop /this businessman
5. KpecJia 3THX CTOMaTOJIOI'OB ~~--------------~

armchairs / these dentists

6. BOJIOCbI 3TOH meH~HHbI ~-----------------~

hair / this woman

bike/ this boy
8. rrarra 3TOI'O MaJibqHKa H .n;eBoqKH
dad I this boy and this girl
9. KopoBhl3THxcpepMepoB~-----------------~
cows I these farmers
10. yqHTeJibHHIJ;a ee 6paTa H CeCTpbl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
teacher / her brother and sister
52. HcnpaBL omu6KH.
1) My uncle dog is clever.
2) His parent's names are Ann and Mike.
3) This is Nina brother.
4) She is Nina's and Sam's granny.
5) Her cousins's kitten is nice.


Cardinal numerals
KoJIHqecTBeHHbie qHcJIHTeJihHhie ( ·cKoJibKO ?)
1 one 11 eleven
2 two 12 twelve 20 twenty
3 three 13 thirteen 30 thirty
4 four 14 fourteen 40 forty ;

5 five 15 fifteen 50 fifty

6 six 16 sixteen 60 sixty
7 seven 17 seventeen 70 seventy
8 eight 18 eighteen 80 eighty
9 nine 19 nineteen 90 ninety
10 ten 100 hundred
31 thirty-one
52 fifty-two
87 eighty-seven
103 one hundred and three
53. HarrHmH :u;ml>pLI.
a) eighteen - 18 e) eighty - _ _ i) eighty-three - .
b) twelve- f) twenty - _ _ j) twenty-one -
c) thirty- g) thirteen - _ _ k) thirty-nine - _ _
d) hundred- h) fifty-six - _ _ 1) seventy-two- .

54. IIepeBe)J;H. IIHmH :o;H<l>PLI cJioBaMH.

Model: 26 rrpo,n;aBIJ;OB - twenty-six shop~assistants
a)32yqeHHKa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
c) 53 BeJiocnrre,n;a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

e) 71 rroBap~
' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
g) 95 yqnTeJieli
55. HcrrpaBL omH6KH B OTBeTax rrpHMepoB.
1) twelve and three is sixteen
2) eleven and twenty-four is thirty-three
3) fifty-nine and forty is eighty-nine
4) seventy- two and thirteen is ninety-five
5) sixty and forty-one is one hundred
56. IIpo11HTaii.
My name is Nick Brown. I am from Great Britain, from London. I a:m
eight. I am a pupil and go to school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday. My favourite lessons are Maths and Music. I can sing
very well.
I've got a mother. Her name is Helen. She is thirty-six. She is a teacher
and works at school. She likes to read books and watch TV. On Saturday my
mother plays tennis. She can play it very well.
I've got a father. His name is Robert. He is forty-two. He is a doctor and
works in the hospital. He likes to play football. On Sunday he goes to the
swimming poof'( 6acceun ). My father can swim very well. I like to go to the
swimming pool with him ( c HUM). We swim together.
I've got a sister. Her name is Ann. She is not a pupil. She is five. She
likes to play with her toys ( uzpywKu). Ann has got thirteen dolls and many
toy animals. We play together.
We have got a pet. It is a cat Puss. He is a big grey cat. He can run and
play with a ball. Ann and Puss are good friends.

1. Where is Nick from?
2. How old is he?
3. Is Nick a pupil?
4. Does Nick go to school on Saturday?
5. What are Nick's favourite lessons?
I 6. What can Nick do very well?
7. How old is Nick's mother?
8. What is her name?
9. What is his mum's job?
10. Where does she work?
11. What does she like to do?
12. What game can she play well?
13. How old is Nick's father?
14. What is his name?
15. What is his dad's job?
16. Where does he work?
17. What sports does Nick's father like?
18. What can he do well?
19. Is Nick's sister a pupil? Why?
20. What does she like to do?
21. How many dolls has Ann got?
22. What pet have they got?

57. IlepeBe,ri;H.
1. 8TOT BeTepHHap ,n;o6pbIH.

2. 8TH ,Zl;BOIOPO,ZJ;Hble 6paTb.H XO,ZJ;.HT B IIIKOJIY HOMep (number) copoK BOCeMh.

4. HaIIIHM po,n;nTeJI.HM 3 9.

5. y HX ,Zl;.H,Zl;H KOpOTKHe TeMHbie BOJIOCbl.

6. 8TH ,n;eTH JleHHBbie?

7. Rx ,n;Bmopo,n;Hhiii 6paT He Bo,n;nTeJih.


Ypol(, 9

58. IIpoquTail.
get up ( BcmaBamb, npocbtnambc.fl), get up - get§. up 0 I get up at seven
o'clock. My parents usually ( o6btttHO) get up at six thirty in the morning.
make a bed ( 3acmuJtamb nocmellb) 0 I make my bed. Kevin usually
makes his bed. My little sister doesn't make her bed.
brush - brushes, brush teeth (1lucmumb 3y6bt) 0 I brush my teeth at
seven fifteen in the morning. When do you usually brush your teeth?
brush hair (pac1leCbt6amb 60JlOCbt) O Helen has got long fair hair and she
brushes her hair every morning.
wash ( Mbtmb, YMbtBambC.fl) - washes 0 I wash my face and hands every
day. Ann usually looks at the mirror when she washes her face.
exercises, do exercises, does exercises ( aeJtamb 3apHaKy) 0 I usually do
my exercises at six twenty. My friend does his exercises at six oh five.
breakfast, have breakfast. has breakfast ( 3aempmcamb) 0 When do you
usually have breakfast? I have breakfast at seven forty-five.
dress, get dressed ( oaeeambC.fl) - get§. dressed 0 I do my exercises and
get dressed. Fred gets dressed after ( nocJte) breakfast. My baby brother gets
dressed with our mum.
school, go to school ( xoaumb 6 wKoJly) 0 The pupils go to school on Mon-
day, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
work, go to work ( xoaumb Ha pa6omy) O Her parents go to work at eight
thirty every morning. Does your grandad go to work? Yes, he does. He
works at school and goes to work at seven fifty.

12.00 12.05 12.15

It's twelve o'clock It's twelve oh five It's twelve fifteen
12.30 12.45 12.55
It's twelve thirty It's twelve forty-five It's twelve fifty-five

59. ,U:onoJIHH npe,n;Jiomeum1.

1. I get up at
2. My mum gets up at
3. My parents have lunch at
4. M y friends go to school at
5. I come home at -----------------
6. My favourite film is on at
7. I start doing my homework at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __
8. I finish my homework at __________________
9. My dad comes home at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
10. I go to bed at

Oco6euuocTH npaBonHcaHHJI rnaroJIOB

B 3-M JIH:u;e e,n;HHCTBeHHOrO qHcJia (he, she, it)
play- plays
-e +s
<lane~ - danc~s
lik~ - lik~s

sh, ch, s , o +es

wash - washes
teach - teaches
dress - dresses
y (rrocJie corJiaCHhix)~ i +es
fly- flies
tidy - tidies

60. ,I(onHmH OKOHqaHHJI rJial'OJIOB.

+s +es
Model: swim - swims_ Model: brush - brushes
run - _ run ride - ride wash-wash
get up- get_up love - love watch - watch
play - play_ like - like dress - dress
eat - eat make - make teach - teach
listen - listen take - take go-go_
sing-sing_ drive - drive do-do
want-want skate - skate brush - brush
have- - - - - - -

61. 06Be,IJ;H npaBHJILHLIH BapHaHT.

1. I usuall@! gets up at seven o'clock.
2. You play !plays with your friends every evening.
3. He make I makes his bed every morning.
4. Helen have I has breakfast at six thirty in the morning.
5. We wash I washes hands before (nepeiJ) dinner.
6. My parents go I goes to work at eight twenty.
7. They usually do I does morning exercises.
8. Polly usually eat I eats sandwiches at school.
9. She read I reads books every day.
10. The children run I runs in the park.

62. PacRpoii CR06RH.

Model: I skate (to skate)
David skates (to skate)
1. She _ _ _ _ (toget) 7. You _ _ _ _ (tobrush)
2. We _ _ _ _ (to ride) 8. Teddy (to go)
3. They (to help) 9. His parents (to watch)
4. Nick (to take) 10. Her children (to play)
5. Nick and Bob - - - - - (to wash) 11. Helen (to have)
6. Our mum - - - - - (to cook) 12. My parrot (to fly)

63. HcnpaB1> omH6RH.

1. Liz get up at 7 o'clock.
2. His parents works together.
3. We goes to school in the morning.
4. Nick and Mike rides a bike well.
5. The children has lunch at 12.15.


64. fipO'IHTaH.
[e] bread, breakfast, have breakfast, has breakfast ( 3aempmcamb)
[i] pizza, drink, milk, dinner, have dinner, has dinner (yJJCunamb)
[A] hungry, yummy, very much, lunch, have lunch, has lunch (o6eilamb)
I usually have breakfast at seven twenty every morning. When do you
have breakfast? I like porridge, eggs, yoghurt and tea for breakfast. What
do you like for breakfast?
My mother doesn't have lunch at home. She likes pasta and meat for
lunch. She likes tomatoes, cucumbers and orange juice, too. What do you
like for lunch? When does your father have lunch? He usually has lunch at
one thirty in the afternoon.
My father has dinner at six forty-five in the evening. He eats fish and po-
tatoes, and then he drinks coffee and eats cheese sandwiches. What do you
like for dinner?

65. BcTaBL HYatHLie MecTOHMeHHH. CMoTpII Ta6Jim:i;y «MecTOIIMeHIIH» Ha
c. 129. 06paTH BHHMaHne: MecTOIIMeHIIH my I his I her I your I our/
their B STIIX rrpe,n;JiomeHIIHX rrepeBO,ZJ;HTCH KaK «C60U/ C6010/ C60U)> .
A. 1. I brush my teeth. B. 1. They make bed.
2. We brush teeth. 2. He makes bed.
3. You brush teeth. 3. I make bed.
4. He brushes teeth. 4. She makes bed.
5. She brushes teeth. 5.Wemake bed.
6. They brush teeth. 6. You make bed.
c. 1. He does exercises. D. 1. We brush hair.
2. You do exercises. 2. I brush hair.
3. She does exercises. 3. He brushes hair.
4. They do exercises. 4. You brush hair.
5. Ido exercises. 5. They brush hair
6. Wedo exercises. 6. She brushes hair.
E. 1. Bob washes hands before lunch.
2. The children make beds every morning.
3. When do you brush teeth?
4. My sister and I wash faces in the morning.
5. Nina does exercises at six o'clock.
6. I don't brush teeth in the afternoon.

66. IIepeBe)l;H. 06paTH BHHMaHHe: CJIOBa «CBOH/ CBOIO/ CBOH» B STIIX rrpe,n;Jio-
meHIIHX rrepeBO,z:t;HTCH MeCTOIIMeHIIHMII my! his/ her I your lour I their
1. H qIIrn;y CBOII ay6h1 Kam,n;oe yTpo.

2. 0Ha pacqechrnaeT CBOII BOJIOChl Kam,z:t;hIH Beqep.

3. OHR aacTIIJialOT CBOII KpoBaTII Kam,n;n1:ii ,n;eHh.

4. ToM MoeT cBoe JIIIIJ;O yTpoM II BeqepoM.

5. MoII ,n;pyah.a II H MOeM CBOII pyKII rrepe,n; aaBTpaKOM. _ _ _ _ _ _ __

67. HcrrpaBL omn6KH.

1. My brother brushes my teeth every morning.
2. Ted and.Nick usually make his beds at 7.30.
3. We wash. her.faces in the morning.
4. I don't brush our hair in the afternoon.
5. Do you usually do my exercises?
YpoK 11

68. IlpoquTail.
come home (npuxoiJumb iJoMou), we come home, they come home, she
comes home, he comes home <> I go to school at seven thirty and come home
at one thirty. My mother doesn't come home in the afternoon. Does your
father come home at eight o'clock in the evening? - No, he doesn't.
take a shower ( npunuMamb iJyw), I take a shower, we take a shower, she
takes a shower, he takes a shower <> Mrs Read takes a shower in the morning
and in the evening. Do you take a shower every day? - Yes, I do. Every eve-
ning I brush my teeth and take a shower. ·
go to bed ( .TWJICUmbCJl cnamb), I go to bed,. they go to bed, he goes to bed,
she goes to bed <> Her little sister goes to bed at eight thirty. When do you
usually go to bed? - I go to bed at nine forty-five. Willy usually takes a sho-
wer and goes to bed at ten fifteen in the evening. ·
wash the dishes ( Mbtmb nocyiJy ), I wash the dishes, we wash the dishes,
she washes the dishes <> My mum washes the dishes after ( noc.TLe) breakfast
and I wash the dishes after lunch. Does your dad wash the dishes? - Yes, he
does. My dad usually washes the dishes after dinner.
tidy the room ( y6upamb JCOMnamy), I tidy the room, we tidy the room,
they tidy the room, she tidies the room, he tidies the room <> Do you usually
tidy your room? - Yes, I do. My parents tidy the house every Saturday.
Sam is lazy, he doesn't tidy his room.
do housework ( iJe.TLamb pa6omy no iJoMy ), I do housework, they do ho-
usework, he does housework, she does housework <> Mary isn't lazy, she does
housework every day. She makes her bed, washes the dishes and tidies her
room. Do you do housework? - Yes, I do. I wash the dishes. Does your co-
usin do housework? -Yes, she does. She tidies her room.

Present Indefinite
do not = don't, does not= doesn't
y TBep.m,n;eHHe Borrpoc 0TpH:u;aHHe
I like to play. Do I like to play? I don't like to play.
We like to play. Do we like to play? We don't like to play.
You like to play. Do you like to play? You don't like to play.
They like to play. Do they like to play? They don't like to play.
She like~ to play. Does she like to play? She doesn't like to play.
He like~ to play. Does he like to play? He doesn't like to play.
It like~ to play. Does it like to play? It doesn't like to play.
69. ,ll;mailH roBopuT o ce6e. PaccKamu o Heil.
My name is Jane. Her name is Jane.
1. I am a pupil.
2. I have got white teeth.
3. I get up in the morning.
4. Then I wash my face.
5. And I brush my fair hair.
6.Thenlgotoschool. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~---~
7. I sing in the afternoon.
8. I have apples for lunch.
9. I brush my teeth in the evening. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
70. 0TBeTL Ha BOIIpOCLI (CM. ynp. 69).
1. What is her name? 5. What does Jane do in the afternoon?
2. What colour is her hair? 6. What does Jane have for lunch?
3. What colour are her teeth? 7. What does she do in the evening?
4. What does Jane do in the morning?
71. BcTaBL Do I Does.
1. Does she tidy her room every Sunday?
2. the boys go to school at seven thirty?
3. - they do morning exercises?
4. Helen wash the dishes every day?
5. you help your mum every evening?
6. Pat and Sam come home at 3 o'clock?
7. Ann take a shower in the evening?
8. he go to bed at nine forty?
72. BcTaBL don't I doesn't.
1. Molly doesn't wash the dishes at school:'
2. You go to school on Sunday.
3. These girls do housework.
4. His dad come home at 6 o'clock.
5. I do my exercises in the afternoon.
6. This boy brush his hair at 3. 15.
7. Nan take a shower in the morning
8. The children have sweets for lunch.
73. IlocTaBL BOIIpoc H OTpu:u;aHHe.
Model: Ann gets_ up at 8 o'clock. Does Ann get_ up at 8 o'clock?
Ann doesn't get_ up at 8 o'clock.
1. His parents tidy their house every Saturday.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ their house every Saturday?
His parents their house every Saturday.
2. Bob gets dressed at seven thirty in the morning.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - dressed at seven thirty in the morning?
Bob dressed at seven thirty in the morning.
3. Tom's friends go for a walk at three o'clock in the afternoon.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - for a walk at three o'clock?
Tom's friends three o'clock.
4. Tom makes his bed every morning.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ his bed every morning?
Tom his bed every morning.

7 4. BcTaBL do I does H nepeBe,n;H npe,n;JiomeHHH.

1. Where do the girls roller-skate?
2. When Steve usually come home?
3. Why your sister get up at 7 o'clock?
4. What the children do in the afternoon?
5. Where his friends play football?
6. What Nick eat for breakfast?
7. When Polly get dressed?
8. Why her parents go there?

75. BcTaBL When I Where I Why I What.

1. Where does Maggie play? - In the park.
2. do they watch TV? - In the evening.
3. do the children get up at 10 o'clock? - Because they have
4. - - - - - does he like to eat? - Sandwiches.
5. do Tom and Jerry live? - In the house.
6. does Tom come home? -At eleven o'clock.
7. does Bob go? - To school.
8. is Tom ill? - Because he doesn't do exercises.

76. IlpoqHTaii H COCTaBL paccKa3 0 CBOeM ,IJ;He.
I usually get up at 7 o'clock. Then I make my bed and do my exercises.
After that I brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I get dressed and have
breakfast. At eight o'clock I go to school. At school I usually have four or
five lessons. After lessons I come home at one thirty. I wash my hands and
have lunch. After lunch I usually wash the dishes. Then I go for a walk with
my friends. At four o'clock I do my homework. In the evening I usually help

my parents - I do housework. I usually tidy my room. Then I read books,
watch TV or play computer games. At nine thirty I take a shower and go to
77. PacKpoii c1eo61e11.
1. My parents _______ (to come) home in the evening.
2. Sally usually (to have) breakfast at home.
3. They (to help) their parents every day.
4. The children (to g,o) for a walk every afternoon.
5. My sister (to make) her bed in the morning.
6. This girl (to take) a shower every evening.
7. These boys often (to play) computer games.
8. I (to do) my homework at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
78. Han11m11 B TeTpa,ZJ;u oTpu:u;aTeJILHLie npe,ZJ;JiomeHHH 1106:w;11e Bonpoci.1.
1) She washes the dishes. 4) He listens to music.
2) I go to school on Sunday. 5) Liz brushes her ·hair.
3) We like housework. 6) You have breakfast at 7.30.

79. IlepeBe,ZJ;H.
1 . .H o6bPIHO rrpOCbIIIaIOCb B ceMb copoK IIHTb.


3. MbI o6e.n;aeM B .n;BeHa.n;u;aTb TpH.n;u;aTb.

4. Ero .n;Boropo.n;HaH cecTpa He MOeT rrocy.n;y rrocJie ymHHa.

5. Moir 6paT H H y6HpaeM HaIIIy KOMHaTy B BOCKpeceHbe.

6. TbI aacTHJiaeIIIb cBoro KpoBaTb Kam.n;oe yTpo?

80. HcnpaBL om1161e11.

, 1) Does you tidy your room on Monday?
2) Alex don't help his mum.
3) Little Ann doesn't make his bed.
4) They have dinner on 6 o'clock.
5) My mum take a shower every evening.


YpoK 13
81. IIpo1.1HTa:U . .
a museum ( .My3eu) - museums, at the museum, the History Museum,
the Art (ucKyccmBo) Museum<> We have got a lot of (.M1wzo) museums in
Minsk. My friends and I visit the History Museum every month. We go to
the museum with our teacher.
a theatre ( meamp) - theatres, go to the theatre, at the theatre <> My
parents go to the theatre every week. They listen to music at the theatre.
Does your mother like to go to the theatre? Oh, yes, she does!
a cinema (Kunomeamp) - cinemas, at the cinema, go to the cinema<> My
friends want to go to the cinema every day. I don't want to go to the cinema
today. This film isn't interesting! His uncle likes to :watch films at the cine-
ma. Her little brother likes to watch cartoons [ka:'tu:n] (.MYJlbm<ftuJlb.M) at
the cinema.
a circus (lftupK ), at the circus, go to the circus<> It's fun to watch animals
at the circus! They do funny tricks. Little children like to go to the circus very
a disco (aucKomeKa), at the disco<> Does your sister like to go to the
disco? Oh, yes, she does! She likes to dance and listen to music. Can she
dance well? Yes, she can. When does she go to the disco?- Every Sunday.
an amusement park (napKpa3BJle1lenuu), in the amusement park<> Let's
go for a walk to the amusement park! You can ride a horse or a pony in the
amusement park. We can go on the big wheel (KoJleco o6o3penu.H) in the
amusement park.
a swimming pool ( 6acceun) - swimming pools <> Can you swim? - Yes,
I can. I go to the swimming pool on Tuesday and on Thursday. When does
his brother go to the swimming pool? - On Wednesday.
82. OoBe.zi;u npaBHJILHLIH BapuauT.
1. I usually et ets up at seven o'clock.
2. You wash washes your hands before (rrepe,n;) lunch.
3. Ted take I takes a shower every morning.
4. My cousin have I has breakfast at six forty in the morning.
5. My parents come I comes home at six twenty-five.
6. The children usually visit I visits the theatre with their parents.
7. Her daughter watch I watches cartoons at the cinema.
8. We do I does homework in the afternoon.
9. The girl ride I rides a pony in the amusement park.
10. The boys swim I swims in the swimming-pool.
11. Sam and Pam watch I watches elephants at the circus.
12. His aunt work I works at the History Museum.
83. IlocTaBL BOrrpoc H OTpH:u;aHHe.
Model: Ann get§ up at 8 o'clock.
Does Ann get_ up at 8 o'clock?
Ann doesn't get_ up at 8 o'clock.
1. His parents go to the theatre every Sunday.
to the theatre every Sunday?
His parents to the theatre every Sunday.
2. Nina dances at the disco very well.
at the disco very well?
Nina at the disco very well.
3. The pupils visit the Art Museum with their teacher.
the Art Museum with their teacher?
The pupils the Art Museum with their teacher.
4. The vet watches the monkeys at the circus.
the monkeys at the circus?
The vet the monkeys at the circus.

84. PacKpo:H CKOOKH. HarrHmH oTpH:u;auHe.

Model: Ann get§ up at 8 o'clock.
Ann doesn't get_up at 8 o'clock.
1. His daughter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (to lay) the table before lunch.
His daughter the table before lunch.
2. Her cousins (to help) their mum on Sunday.
Her cousins their mum on Sunday.
3. I (to walk) my dog at six thirty.
- - - - - - - - - - - - my dog at six thirty.
4. My mum (to feed) our cat every morning.
My mum our cat every morning.

85. PacKpo:H CKOOKH. IlocTaBL Borrpoc.

Model: Ann get§ up at 8 o'clock.
Does Ann get_ up at 8 o'clock?
1. His sister (to lay) the table before breakfast.
- - - - - - - - - - - - the table before breakfast?
2. Her children ----------~
(to tidy) their room on Sunday.
- - - - - - - - - - - - their room on Sunday?
3. Peter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (to walk) his dog in the evening.
- - - - - - - - - - - - his dog in the evening?
4. We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (to feed) our parrot every morning.
- - - - - - - - - - - - our parrot every morning?
86. CocTaBi. rrpep;Jio~eHHH H uarrumu ux B TeTpa.zi;u.
1) brothers, naughty, Ann's, are
2) seven, usually, have, at, We, breakfast, o'clock
3) washes, the, Our, dishes, after, granny, dinner
4) children, His, watch, at, cartoons, the cinema
5) to, My, amusement, friend, I, park, and, go, Saturday, the, on

87. IIpoquTan.
usually - OOhFIHO, always - Bcer,n;a, often - qacTo, seldom - pe,n;Ko
help (no.Mozamb), helps <> I usually help my mum. She often helps her
granny. He seldom helps his grandad. We always help our parents. The chil-
dren often help their aunt.
lay ( naKpbtBamb ), lays, we lay the table, they lay the table, you lay the
table, he lays the table <> I usually lay the table in .the evening. Polly lays
the table every day.
tidy ( y6upamb ), tidies, I tidy my room, we tidy our room, they tidy their
room, she tidies her room, he tidies his room<> I seldom tidy my room in the
morning. They often tidy their room in the afternoon. Kate always tidies
her room in the evening. Mike usually tidies his room on Tuesday. When do
you usually tidy your room?
walk ( BbtZyJiuBamb), walks <> Ann often walks her dog. Bob and Steve
walk their dogs every evening. We usually walk our dog at 6 o'clock in the
feed (Kop.Mumb), feeds, feed the hamster, feed the budgie, feed the
guinea-pig<> Helen feeds her goldfish every morning. John always feeds his
tortoise at eight thirty.
88. PacRpou CROORH. Harrumu oTpHn;auue. IlocTaBi. Borrpoc.
Model: Ann get~ up at 8 o'clock.
Ann doesn't get_up at 8 o'clock.
Does Ann get_up at 8 o'clock?
1. This girl (to dance) at the disco every Friday.
This girl at the disco every Friday.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the disco every Friday?
2. His parents _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (to listen) to music at the theatre.
His parents to music at the theatre.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - to music at the theatre?
3. This boy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (to go) to the swimming pool.
This boy to the swimming pool.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the swimming pool?
4. My friends _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (to watch) cartoons at the cinema.
My friends cartoons at the cinema.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cartoons at the cinema?

in on at
in the morning on Sunday at night
in the evening on the 17th at 7 o'clock
in the afternoon of November at weekends
in summer on my birthday at Christmas
in November on holyday at the end
in 2005 on TV -----------------------
----------------------- ---------------------- at home
in a picture at work (Ha pa6oTe)
in a book at school
in the world (B MHpe) at the table
in a city at a party
in a street at the theatre
in a room at the cinema
in hospital at the circus
in the park at the museum
in the swimming pool at the disco

89. BcTaBL npe,ll;JIOrH in, at.

a) at the circus d) _ _ school e) _ _ the amusement park
b) _ _ themuseum c) _ _ home f) _ _ the swimming pool
1. Jerry is _ _ the cinema. 2. My friends are __ the swimming pool. 3.
My mum is _ _ home. 4. Are you _ _ the disco? 5. Kate's family is _ _
the amusement park. 6. Mrs. Bell is _ _ the theatre.
90. BcTaBL npe,ll;JIOrH (to/ at/ in/ on/ for/ with), ecJIH uy:acuo.
1. Mrs. Read goes to the theatre Saturday. She is the the-
atre now. She likes to listen music.
2. Steve's dad goes the swimming-pool Thursday. He is
_ _ _ the swimming-pool now. He usually swims his friend.
3. Kate goes the disco her cousin Ann. The girls are
_ _ _ the disco now. They like to dance boys.
4. Sam often goes a walk to the amusement park. He rides - - -
a bike and roller-skates the amusement park.
91. HcnpaBL omH6KH.
1) Mary goes to the circus in Sunday.
2) Ted likes to swim; he is at the swimming pool now.
3) Liz and Mike are in the disco today.
4) Let's go in the amusement park!
5) My granny wants to go on a walk.
YpoK 15

92. Ilpo11uTaii.
Tom is a little boy. He is from Britain. Every day he gets up at seven
o'clock. He makes his bed, brushes his teeth, washes his face, brushes his
hair and has breakfast.
One day Tom gets up and doesn't want to have breakfast. He doesn't eat
porridge, he doesn't drink tea. At eight o'clock Tom goes to school. He is a
good pupil. But today ( cezoihui) he can't read well, he can't write well. He
is sad ( zpycmnbtu) and hungry.
At two thirty Tom comes home. He is tired (ycmaButuu). He lays the
table and has lunch. He eats fish soup and bread, he eats meat and potatoes.
Then he eats two sausages, cucumbers and tomatoes. After that Tom drinks
orange juice and has chocolate cake.
Every afternoon Tom and his friends go for a walk. But today Tom do-
esn't want to go for a walk. He can't run, he can't jump, he can't play fo-
otball. He is full. (On 06-oeJtcR)
0TBeTI> Ha BOilpOCl>I no TeKCTY.
1. When does Tom get up? 5. Can Tom read and write well today? Why?
2. What does he do then? 6. When does Tom come home?
3. When does he go to school? 7. What does he eat for lunch?
4. Is Tom clever? Why? 8. What does he drink?
9. Where does Tom usually go in the afternoon?
10. Does Tom go for a walk today? Why?
93. PacKpoii CKOOKH. Hanuwu oTpu:u;aHHe. IlocTaB1> Bonpoc.
Model: Ann get~ up at 8 o'clock.
Ann doesn't get_up at 8 o'clock.
Does Ann get_up at 8 o'clock?
1. Nancy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (to want) to have a cat.
Nancy to have a cat.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - to have a cat?
2. The boys _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (to swim) on Wednesday.
The boys on Wednesday.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - on Wednesday?
3. My parents ____________ (to visit) the theatre every week.
My parents the theatre every week.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ thetheatreeveryweek?
4. His mum -------------~
(to cook) the dinner at 6.30.
His mum the dinner at 6.30.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - the dinner at 6.30?
Cneu;1m.11bHhIH Bonpoc
- - - - 061Il;HH BOII poc
BonpoCHTeJibHoe ·BcnoMoraTeJib- no,n;.11e- CKa-
CJIOBO HbIH r .11aro.11 .maru;ee 3ye:M:oe

What? (qTo? Ka1wli?)

What colour (KaKoro n;BeTa?) am
When? (Kor,n;a?) is
Where? (r,n;e? Ky,n;a? 0TKy,n;a?) are
Why? (Ilo'IeMy?)
How? (KaK?) have
How old? (CKOJibKO .11eT?) has
How many? (CKOJibKo?)
How much? (CKOJibKo?) can
Whose? (qe:H:?)
Whom? (Koro? KoMy?) do
With whom? (C KeM?) does
Who ... with? (C KeM?) ··

94. CpaBHH.
You have@a ball. , We have lunch. She has juice.
Have you@ a ball? Do we have lunch? Does she have juice?
95. IlocTaBi. oom;uii Bonpoc, a aaTeM cne~uan:&H:&Iii Bonpoc K no~epKHy­
TLIM cnoBaM. Model: Ann get§ up at 8 o'clock.
Does Ann get_up at 8 o'clock?
When does Ann get up?
1. His parents come home at six thirty.
_____________ home at six thirty?

2. Bob has lunch at school.

3. The children have meat for dinner.

meat for dinner?

4. Tom takes a shower every morning.

--------"'----a shower every morning?

96. IlocTaBL o6w;uii Bonpoc, a aaTeM cneu;uaJILHJ>IH Bonpoc, uaquuan c )J;aH-
Model: Ann gets_ up at _8 o'clock.
Does Ann get_up at 8 o'clock?
When does Ann get up?
1. His friends come home at two thirty.
home at two thirty?
When ~---------------~---------~
2. Bill reads books at home.

Where -------------------------~
3. The children have juice for breakfast.
juice for breakfast?
What ~-------------------------~
4. Nancy brushes her teeth every morning.
her teeth every morning?

97. CocTaBL iJ:nTL npe)J;Jioaceuuii H Hanumu ux B TeTpa,ll;H.

you like to watch at the circus?

When do her brother go on Sunday?
What does our friends go to school?
Where Liz dance?
the girls do-in the amusenient park?

98. IlocTaBL o6w;uii Bonpoc, a aaTeM. cneu;uaJILHLIH Bonpoc K no)J;'tlepKuy-

Model: Ann gets_ up at 8 o'clock.
Does Ann get_ up at 8 o'clock?
When does Ann get up?
1. His friends watch cartoons at the cinema.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - cartoons at the cinema?
2. Bob goes to the swimming pool.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the swimming pool?

3. The children dance at the disco every Friday.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the disco every Friday?

4. Tom rides a pony in the amusement park.
a pony in the amusement park?

99. HcnpaBb omH6KH.

1) When you go to the circus?
2) What Liz has for breakfast?
3) When do Tom gets up?
4) Where does they watch cartoons?
5) What does Ann washes after lunch?

YpoK 16
100. IIpoqHTa:H.
My name is Alex. I'm from Britain. I am twelve. I go to school on Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I don't go to school on Saturday
and Sunday. It's cool!
On my days off I usually get up at 10 o'clock. I have breakfast and watch
TV. On Saturday I do my homework in the morning. Then I go for a walk
with my friends. After lunch my cousin John and I go to the cinema to-
gether. We like to watch cartoons and new films there. In the evening I do
housework - I tidy my room. Then I play computer games. On Saturday I
go to bed at eleven thirty.
On Sunday my family and I usually go to the zoo or to the circus. We can
see a lot of animals there: big and small, nice and funny, clever and lazy.
It's interesting! Sometimes I ride a.pony or a horse. Then we go to the cafe.
It's great!
0TBeTb Ha BOilpOCbl.
a) How old is Alex?
b) Where is he from?
c) When does he usually get up on his days off?
d) What does he do on Saturday morning?
e) Who does he go for a walk with?
f) Where do Alex and his cousin go after lunch?
g) What do they like to watch at the cinema?
h) Where does Alex's family go on Sunday?
i) Why do they like to watch animals?

101. Hanuillu o6m;ue BonpocL1, a aaTeM cnen;uaJILHLie BonpocL1 K no,11;qepK-
1) They tidy their room on Sunday. 4) We have soup for lunch.
2) He has dinner at school. 5) Ann gets up at seven o'clock.
3) His mum dances well. 6) You take a shower at home.

102. IlocTaBL cnen;uaJILHLIH BOnpoc K no,11;qepKHYTLIM CJIOBaM.

Model: Ann get§. up at 8 o'clock.
(Does Ann get_ up at 8 o'clock? - o6~nli Bonpoc noMomeT Te6e)
When does Ann get up?
Hanumu BonpocLI B TeTpa,11;u.
1. His parents listen to music at the theatre.
2. Robert walks his dog at seven thirty.
3. Kitty wants a cat.
4. The boys go to the swimming pool.
5. Liz lays the table every evening because she likes housework.

103. Hanumu oTpun;auue. IlocTaBL o6m;u:U Bonpoc, a aaTeM cnen;uaJILHLIH

BOnpoc, uaquuaH c ,11;3HHOro BOilpOCHTeJILHOro CJIOBa.
Model: Ann get§. up at 8 o'clock.
Ann doesn't get_ up at 8 o'clock.
Does Ann get_ up at 8 o'clock?
When does Ann get up?
1. My mum feeds our cat every evening.
My mum our cat every evening.
our cat every evening?
When ?
2. His cousins walk their dog in the park.
His cousins their dog in the park.
their dog in the park?
Where ?
3. Her dad drinks coffee for breakfast.
Her dad coffee for breakfast.
coffee for breakfast?
What ?
4. Tom and Bob read books at home.
Tom and Bob books at home.
books at home?

104. IlepeBe,IJ;H npe,n;JI03CeHHH. (IIOMHH, 'llTO CJIOBO <•CBOH» M03CeT nepeBo-
,IJ;HTLCH CJIOBaMH my / your / his / her / our I their)

1. MOH ,n;py3b.H IIOMOraIOT CBOHM po,n;HTeJI.HM.

2. Anna He xo,n;HT B rrapK paaBJie11eHHH Kam,n;hIH ,n;eab.

3. ToM 06b111ao Bb1ryJI1rnaeT CBOIO co6aKy B ceMb ,n;Ba,n;n;aTb.

4. Tb! KOpMHillb CBOero ,ll;OMamaero IIHTOMD;a YTPOM?

5. Ona HaKpbIBaeT Ha CTOJI Kam,n;hIH Be11ep?

105. BcTaBL MecT011MeHHH My I Your /His/ Her I Its I Our I Their.

1. I have got a brother. brother is tall. ·
2. My brother and I have got a granny. _ _ _ _ _ granny is kind.
3. The cat has got a kitten. kitten is funny.
4. Mrs. Bell has got two children. . children are naughty.
5. Tom and Mike have got a sister. sister is lazy.
6. You've got a mother. mother is nice.
7. I've got an uncle. - - - - - son is my cousin.
106. HcnpaBL omHOKH.
1) Tom go to the zoo on Friday.
2) When your sister go to the disco?
3) Where do you have lunch? - At 12.30.
4) Liz and Mike goes to the theatre every Sunday.
5) What Alex has for dinner?


Ypo"' 17
107. IT po11uTa:H.
[a:] grass (mpaBa), long grass, short grass, green grass, to eat grass
0 Cows eat grass. Horses like grass. Tigers and lions don't eat grass.
[i:] leaf, a leaf - leaves ( JlucmiiR), red leaves, yellow leaves, orange
leaves O What animals eat leaves? - Giraffes eat leaves. Do lions like
leaves? - No, they don't.
[i:] seed (ceMR), a seed - seeds (ceMeHa), yellow seeds 0 Does your pet
like seeds? - No, it doesn't. Do chickens like seeds? - Yes, they do.
[au] bone (Kocmb), a bone - bones, eat bones 0 What pets eat bones? -
Dogs eat bones. Do cats like bones? - No, they like fish and meat.
[ei] tail (xBocm); a tail - tfills, a long tail, a short tail 0 Monkeys have
got long tails. Steve's hamster has got a short tail.
[ea] hair {utepcmb}, long hair, short white hair 0 His dog has got short
black hair and a long tail. What colour is your pet'~ hair?
108. PacKpo:H CKOOKH.
/eat /don't eat
(to eat)~eats (not to eat)~doesn't eat
1. Dogs (to eat) bones .
2. Dogs (not to eat) seeds.
3. My granny's cow (to eat) grass.
4. My granny's cow (not to eat) meat.
5. Hens (to like) seeds.
6. This chicken (not to like) leaves.
7. Her cat (to drink) milk.
8. The monkeys (not to drink) tea.

109. 06Be,ZJ;U BCilOMoraTeJILHLIH rJiaroJI, eCJIH OH eCTb. HanHIIIH OTpu:u;aHHe.

IlocTaB1> ooi:u;u:H Bonpoc, a 3aTeM cne:u;uaJI1>H1>1:H Bonpoc K no,11;11epKHy-
1. His puppy has got a big bone.
His puppy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a big bone.

2. This friendly dog can swim very well.

This friendly dog _____________very well.
very well?

3. Her kitten is on the table.
Her kitten op the table.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -on the table?

4. They watch interesting films in the evening.
They interesting films in the evening.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. .____. interesting films in the evening?

5. Sam washes his horse every day.

Sam his horse every day.
____________________his horse every day?

110. HaniimH. IloMHH: ua nep:BoM MecTe BJia~eJie:u;, xoa.a:HH.

Model: qepenaxa ee lIBOIOpOlIHOH cecTpbI _ .her, cousin's tortoise
a) JIOIIIa,n;h HaIIIero ,n;e,n;yIIIKH _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
b)xBOCT3TOPOTHrpa ---------------------~
C) YIIIH HX KpOJIHKOB ---------------------~
d) cooaKa Te,n;a H MaliKa
e) rJiaaa BaIIIeli o6eab.HHhI - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
f) IIIepCTb 3THX Me,n;Be,n;eli
g) M.Hl! ero :w;eHKa H KOTeHKa
h) 3YObI 3TOPO KpOKO,ll;HJia

111. BcTaB:& apTHKJI:& g, an HJIH the, ecJIH uymuo.

a) What's matter?
b) It has got red hair.
c) This is boring hippo.
d) This hippo is boring.
e) It's got long ears and short tail.
f) I can see tortoise. tortoise is lazy.
112. HcnpaB:&· omHOKH.
1) Big dogs likes big bones.
2) His pet not eat seeds.
3) These elephants's tails are long.
4) What do her cat drink?
5) Where their friends go?

113. IIpotIHTaii:.
beautiful, a beautiful woman, a beautiful girl O I think ( H ayMaro) my
cat is beautiful. -My aunt has got beautiful eyes.
ygly, an ugly snake, an ugly frog, an ugly monster 0 His brother draws
ugly monsters. Caterpillars are ugly. Butterflies aren't ugly. They are beau-
fast, a fast runner, a fast animal 0 Dogs are fast. They can run fast. Are
lions fast animals?
slow, a slow swimmer, a slow animal 0 Are these animals slow? Tortoises
are very slow. Little Ann is a slow reader.
noisy, a noisy boy, a noisy child, noisy children 0 Ann's brother is noisy.
What animals are noisy? Monkeys are noisy.
quiet, a quiet game, a quiet girl 0 Are you quiet at the lesson? Are the~e
children quiet? - No, they are noisy.
friendly, a friendly girl, friendly children o Nick is a friendly boy. Is your
puppy friendly?
angry, an angry tiger, an angry lion 0 I think this big wolf is very angry.
I don't like angry people.
interesting, an interesting book, an interesting game 0 Let's read this
interesting book.
boring, a boring book, a boring film, a boring day 0 I like to read but I
don't like this book - it is boring. I like to read interesting books. It is a
boring film and we don't like it. We want to watch an interesting film.
old, an old man, an old woman 0 Can you see this old man? Helen's granny
isn't old.
young, a yoµng man, a young woman, young parents 0 Are your parents
young? Alice is a young girl.
sad, a sad boy, a sad girl, a sad child 0 Bob's mum is sad because her son
is ill. Pupils are usually sad when they have got bad marks ( OUteHKU ).
small, a small pet, a small house, a small tail, a small bone 0 Mike's rat
is small. Butterflies are small and beautiful.
114. CocTaBL npe,n;Jiomeeun. 3anumu ux B TeTpa,n;u.
1. Our cat quiet
2. Her parrot angry
3. Crocodiles noisy
4. Monkeys fast
5. Snakes slow
6. Its tail ugly
7. His tortoises friendly
8. Their dog boring
115. CocTaBi. npep;JiomeeHH H eanHmH HX B TeTpap;i..

1. Ann feed fast dog.

2. The children washes his slow tortoise.
3. The boy brush her friendly goldfish.
4. My parents walk their quiet parrot.
5. My friend and I plays with our noisy snake.
6. The girl likes ugly cat.

116. HcnpaBi. omH6KH.

1) Crocodiles is boring.
2) The kitten are quiet.
3) Tina feed her noisy parrot every morning.
4) This snake tail is ugly.
5) Does you wash your dog?



CTerreHb cpaBHeHHH CTerreHb cpaBHeHHH CTerreHb cpaBHeHHH
111ui oiJnoc1w:J1CnbtX u iJBycno:JICnbtX npunazamenbnb£X na -y, -ly, -w
I\ /'-..
... +er the.;. +est
,ll;JIHHHbIH long · longer the longest
(,n;JIHHHee) (caMbIM ,ll;JIHHHbIH)
KOPOTKHH short shorter the shortest
6bICTpbIH fast faster the fastest
Me,n;JieHHblM slow slower the slowest
,n;o6pbIM kind kinder the kindest
CTapbIM old older the oldest
MOJIO,ll;OH young younger the youngest
MaJieHbKFIH small smaller the smallest
BhlCOKHH tall taller the tallest
TFIXFIH quiet quieter the quietest
YMHbIH clever cleverer the cleverest
~OJIO,ll;HbIM cold colder the coldest
TeIIJibIM warm warmer the warmest
,n;erneBI>Ili cheap cheaper the cheapest
Ha.a CTeneHb
1COHe1lnaH e +er - er KOHe-qHa.H e + est
M~JlbIH nice nicer ( MuJtee) the nicest
( caMbtu MUJtbtU)
II03AHHH late later ( no3onee) the latest
( caMbtU ll030HUU)
OiJunoKaa couiacnaa nocne KpamKoii znacnoii
yiJBauBaemca nepeiJ cy<]"]JuKcoM
60JibIIIOH big bigger the biggest
(6oJtbUJe) ( caMbtU 60JtbUJOU)
mapKHH hot hotter the hottest
rpyCTHbIH sad sadder the saddest
y-1. +es
. /\
y-1 +er
3JIOH angry angrier the angriest
( 3Jtee) ( caMbtU 3JtOU)
CMeIIIHOH funny funnier the funniest
C"t!aCTJIHBbIH happy happier the happiest
IIIYMHbIH noisy noisier the noisiest
HeIIOCJIYIIIHbIH naughty naughtier the naughtiest
YPOAJIHBbIH ugly uglier the ugliest
Apymemo6HbIH friendly friendlier the friendliest
JieHHBbIH lazy lazier the laziest
l( Jl,Jl, 06YCJ£0:JICH,bl,X u M,H,OZOCJ£0:JICKb£X npunazameJ£bllb£X
more+ Haq. <PopMa the most + Haq.
IIPHJI. <PopMa np1rn.
CKyqHbIH boring more boring the most boring
(cKyqHee) ( caMbtU C1CY1lHbtU)
HHTepeCHbIH interesting more interesting the most interesting
KpaCHBbIH beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful
AOporo:B: expensive more expensive the most expensive
H cKnro11,enua
xopOIIIHH good better ( Jty1lme) the best ( nauJty1lmuu)
IIJIOXOH bad worse ( xyJ1Ce) the worst
( nauxyowuu)

117. IIo.zi;qepKHHTe npHJiaraTeJILHLie B cpaBHHTeJILHOH CTeneHH.
Beautiful, taller, the noisiest, nicer, more interesting, the shortest, fun-
nier, slow, quieter, better, the worst, cleverer, the most boring, friendlier,
118. IIo.zi;qepKHHTe npHJiaraTeJILHLie B npeBocxo,zi;Hoil cTeneHH.
The tallest, the most interesting, happier, the smallest, kind, the angri-
est, more beautiful, sad, warmer, the best, the oldest, quieter, the ugliest,
! Ilpn cpaBHeHHH HCIIOJib3yeTCH CJIOBO than.
He rryTaii:
th~n - 3aTeM, IIOTOM

119. BcTaBLTe npHJiaraTeJILHLie B cpaBHHTeJILHOH cTeneHH.

Model: Tigers are bigger than dogs. (big)
1. Caterpillars are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ than butterflies. (slow)
2. Helen is than Nancy. (beautiful)
3. The cat's tail is than the kitten's tail. (long)
4. Spot is than Rex. (friendly)
5. Wolves are than foxes . (angry)

! B rrpe,n;Jio.meHHHX c rrpHJiaraTeJibHbIMH B rrpeBocxo,n;Hoii cTerreHH qacTo

of all - H3 Bcex;
in the world - B MHpe;
in our class/ in his family- B HameM KJiacce/ Bero ceMbe H T.rr.

120. BcTaBLTe npHJiaraTeJILHhle B npeBocxo,zi;Hoil cTeneHH.

Model: Tortoises are the slowest animals. (slow)
1. Elephants are animals. (big)
2. Monkeys are animals. (funny)
3. This film is of all. (boring)
4. Ted is boy in his family. (tall)
5. I think this book is . (interesting)
121. BLI6epHTe npaBHJILHhlH BapHaHT.
1. Kate is nice I nicer /~girl in our class.
2. My mum is a kind I kinder !the kindest woman.
3. Tom is noisy I noisier !the noisiest than Polly.
4. Who is quiet I quieter /the quietest pupil in your class?
5. I think, this book is interesting I more interesting I the most interesting
of all.
6. Tigers are angry I angrier !the angriest than cats.
7. Summer is the hot I hotter I hottest season.
8. Tortoises are the slow I slower I slowest animals.
9. I have got a good I better I the best friend.
10. Bob is young [younger /the youngest than Tom.

122. Hanumu npuJiaraTeJILHLie B HYatHoil cTeneHH cpaBHeHHH.

old / older / oldest
1. My granny is . My grandad is than my
granny. Jerry's grandad is the - - - - - - -
fast/ faster/ fastest
2. Dogs are animals. Horses are than
dogs.Cars are the _ _ _ _ _ __
noisy / noisier / noisiest
3. This is a parrot. The puppy is than
the parrot. The monkey is the - - - - - - -
big / bigger / biggest
4. Elephants are the animals. Giraffes are _ _ _ _ __
than horses. My dog is very - - - - - - -
123. PacKpoil CKOOKH. 06paTn BHHMaHne Ha BhI~eJieHHhie cJI0Ba-11o~cKa3KH.
1. Frogs are uglier than kittens. (ugly)
2. This book is the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (boring)
3. Helen is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ girl. (sad)
4. Giraffes are the animals. (tall)
5. This film is than that one. (interesting)
6. My rabbit has got a tail. (short)
7. This snake is of all. (long)
8. Winter is than summer. (cold)
9. Nick is boy in our class. (old)
10. Polly is than Ann. (beautiful)
124. HcnpaBL o.muo.KH.
1) Tigers are more angrier than crocodiles.
2) Cheetahs are fastest animals in the world.
3) Puppies smaller than dogs.
4) The monkey is the most interestingest animal.
5) Liz is tallest than her brother.

YpoK 20

125. IlpoqHTaii.
Alex has got a dog. His name is Ricky. He is friendly and clever. He is
usually very nice, but he can be naughty. Ricky has got short brown hair, a
black nose, brown eyes, little ears and a funny tail.
In the morning Alex and Ricky have breakfast. Ricky likes dog food very
much. After breakfast Ricky wants to walk in the garden. Then Alex goes
to school.
In the afternoon Alex comes home from school and Ricky is very happy.
He jumps and wags his tail. Alex gives him· a bone and some water. Then
they play ball together.
In the evening Alex walks his dog. When they come home Alex washes,
brushes and feeds Ricky. The dog sleeps in the hall.
Ricky is the pet of Alex's family.
True(+) or False(-).
1. Ricky is always quiet and friendly. _ __
2. Ricky has got short brown hair. _ __
3. Ricky likes to walk in the garden. _ __
4. Alex and Ricky walk before ( nepe{)) breakfast. _ __
5. Ricky eats only ( moJlblCO) dog food. _ __
6. Ricky can't play with a ball. _ __
7. Alex brushes, washes and feeds Ricky in the evening. _ __
8. Ricky sleeps in Alex's bed. _ __

126. 0TBeTL Ha BOIIpOCLI 110 TeKCTy.

1. Is Ricky a friendly dog?
2. Can he be naughty?
3. What colour hair has he got?
4. What colour are his eyes?
5. Where does Ricky want to walk in the morning?
6. What does Ricky like for breakfast?
7. Where does Alex go in the morning?
8. Why is Ricky happy in the afternoon?
9. What does Ricky do when he is happy?
10. What does Alex give Ricky in the afternoon?
11. What do they do together?
12. When does Alex walk Ricky?
13. What does Alex do when they come home?
14. Where does Ricky sleep?
15. Is Alex a good pet owner ( BJla{)eJte~, X03RUn )?
6 3aK. 2775 161
127. PacKpoil cKOOKH.
1. Nick's rubber is smaller than Mike's one. (small)
2. Monkeys are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ than hamsters. (funny)
3. Tortoises are animals in the world. (quiet)
4. Mary is the woman. (beautiful)
5. My brother is very . (clever)
6. Nelly is than her sister. (young)
7. I think dogs are the pets. (good)
8. What animals are than parrots? (noisy)
9. Summer is season of all. (hot)
10. The film is than the book. (boring)
128. PacKpoil cKooKH.
1. The horse's tail is longer than the pig's tail. (long)
2. The elephant's ears are of all the animals.(big)
3. This tortoise is than that one. (slow)
4. I think this book is the . (interesting)
5. Our dog is than his dog. (friendly)
6. This tiger is in the zoo. (angry)
7. My mum is a woman. (kind)

129. PacKpoil CKOOKH.

1. My granny is kinder than my father. (kind)
2. Robert is pupil in his English group. (clever)
3. At the zoo we can see an snake. (ugly)
4. This doll is of all Mary's dolls. (beautiful)
5. Little boys are than little girls. (naughty)
6. Mary's test is than Nick's test. (good)
7. Ann's test is in their class. (good)

130. PacKpoil CKOOKH.

1. April is warmer than January. (warm)
2. A cheetah is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _animal in the world. (fast)
3. Sam's test is than Mike's test. (bad)
4. Bob has got a new puppy. He is boy now. (happy)
5. Her sister is a girl. (nice)
6. Elephants are land (HaaeMHbie) animals. (big)
7. His brother is than his father. (tall)
8. I think this book is of all. (boring)
9. I like pizza very much. It is food for me. (good)
10. She thinks cartoons are than books. (interesting)

131. IlepeBe,zi;H.
1. .H ,zi;yMaIO, 3MeH ypo,zi;JIHBee, qeM JI.HrylllKH.

2. 3Ta KHHra caMa.H HHTepecHa.H H3 Bcex.

3. :iKHpa<l>hI - caMbie BbICOKHe )KHBOTHhle B MHpe.

4. qeperraxH cKyqHee, qeM rrorryraH.

5. ToM - JiyqlllHH yqeHHK B HallleM KJiacce.

6. 3TOT TeCT - XY,ll;IllHH H3 Bcex.

7. THrphl aJiee, qeM KOThI.

8. HerrocJiylllHhie yqeHHKH xyme, qeM yMHble yqeHHKH.

132. HcnpaBL omHOKH.

1) Giraffes taller than monkeys.
2) The sloth is the most slowest animal.
3) Mike is youngest than his cousin.
4) Snakes are more uglier than tortoises.
5) Whales are biggest animals in the world.


133. Ilpo'IHTaii.
house ( doM ), my house, her house, our house, their house <> Mike's house
is big.
flat [flret] (KBapmupa), his flat, your flat, in the flat <> We have got a
big flat. He hasn't got a flat. Do you live in a house or in a flat?
bed, bedroom ( cnaJlbnH), one bedroom - two bedrooms <> Polly has got
two bedrooms in her flat. Liz has got a pink bed in her bedroom.
living-room (zocmunaH), a living-room - living-rooms <> We watch TV
in the living-room. We have got a blue sofa and two blue armchairs in our
bath, bathroom ( BannaH), a big bathroom <> I wash my face and take a
shower in the bathroom. Do you brush your teeth in the bathroom? - Yes,
I do.
kitchen (KyxnH), our kitchen, in the kitchen <> We cook in the kitchen.
My mum lays the table and we have dinner in the kitchen.
hall ( Kopu{)op) <> She has got a mirror in the hall. They have got two
chairs in the hall.
downstairs ( Bnu3y) <> The hall is downstairs. The kitchen is downstairs,
too. Let's go downstairs. Our mother is downstairs now.
upstairs ( naBepxy) <> The bathroom is upstairs. Two bedrooms are up-
stairs, too. Let's go upstairs. Liz and Mike like to play upstairs.
garden (ca{)), in the garden <> My granny has got a garden. The garden is
near the house. Look! She's got a nice red flower [flaua] (~BemoK) in the
garden. We like flowers.
134. ,IJ;aii KpaTKHH OTBeT.
Model: Does Steve live in the house? Yes, he does .
1. Do the children play in the garden? Yes, ----------~
2. Does Mary have three bedrooms? No, ~---------~

3. Has David got a big bathroom? No, ~---------~

4. Have your parents got a car? Yes, ~---------~

5. Can Liz cook in the hall? No,----------~
6. Is their house old? No,----------~

135. BcTaBL rrpe,n;JiorH.

near 1... --1
in ...
1. The chair is - - - - - the mirror.
2. The carpet is the floor.
3. The computer is the desk.
4. The lamp is the computer.
5. Nick's room is the nicest the house.
6. The old box is the bed.
7. The books are - - - - - the bookcase.
8. The armchair is the sofa.

There is / There are Y Ka3hIBalOT Ha HaJI1Prn:e qero-JIH6o

(e;n;.q.) (MH.q.) B HaCTO.arn;eM BpeMeHH.
IIepeBo,z:i;.aTc.a c KOH:a;a.
There is a box on the table. C HeUC1lUCJUleMblMU cy14. ecezi}a
Ha cmoJte -,copo6-,ca. There is ( eo.1l.)
There are two pens in the box.
B "ICOpo6-,ce oea -,capanoauta.
There is some water in the glass.
B cma-,cane neMnozo eoobt.

There is = There's There is not = There isn't

There are not = There aren't
Y TBepm;n;eHHe Borrpoc 0TpH:a;aHHe
There is a pen ... Is there a pen ... ? There isn't a pen ...
There are two pens ... Are there two pens ... ? There aren't pens ...


There is/ There are aaBHCHT OT qHcJia rrepBoro cy:w;ecTBHTeJihHoro.
There is a table and two chairs in the room.
There are two chairs and a table in the room.

136. BcTaBL There is I There are H aanoMBH npaBHJIO.

- - - - - - - - - - - a table and four chairs.

four chairs and a table.

137. BcTaBL There is I There are.

1. There are two beds in the bedroom.
2. There is a bathroom upstairs. .·.
3. a garden near the house.
4. many trees in the garden.
- - - - - - - - - - a computer on the desk.
6. a lot of books in the bookcase.
7. four chairs in the kitchen.
8. three bedrooms upstairs.
9. a hall downstairs.
10. a lot of flowers in the vase.
138. PacKpoii cKo6KH H nocTaBL npHJiaraTeJILHLie B HyatHoii cj>opMe.
CMoTpH Ta6JIHD;y «CTeneHH cpaBHeHHH npHJiara TeJILHLix »
Ha C. 157-158.
1. Our flat is the best (good) of all.
2. The kitchen is - - - - - - - - (big) than the bathroom.
3. This tree is - -- - - - - - (tall) in the garden.
4. The armchair is (old) than the sofa.
5. This carpet is (beautiful) in her flat.
6. This old chair is (ugly) in the kitchen.
7. The armchair is (nice) than the chair.
8 . Ted's house is (small) than Mike's house.
139. HcnpaBL omH6KH.
1) There are a table in the kitchen.
2) The living-room is the most biggest room in our flat.
3) There is two carpets in the bedroom.
4) This is a bathroom upstairs.
5) There's is a mirror in the hall.

140. IlpoqHTaii.
wardrobe ( uuca<P nJtamRnou), a tall wardrobe , a black wardrobe <> This
wardrobe is in the hall. There are three wardrobes in our flat . Where are the
wardrobes? The wardrobes are in the bedroom and in the living-room.
cupboard (uu-ca<P OJl.H nocyiJbt, 6y<Pem ), a cup (1lauu-ca ), a white cupboard
<> There is a big cupboard in the kitchen. What is there in the cupboard?
There are thirteen cups in the cupboard.
fridge ( xoJtoiJUJlbHUIC ), a new fridge <> Jim has got a fridge. The fridge is
near the cupboard. There are some apples in the fridge.
cooker (nJtuma), a cooker - cookers <> There isn't a cooker in the bath-
room. There is a cooker in the kitchen.
television (meJteBu3op) <> Our family likes to watch TV. We have got a
new big television. Where is the television? Our television is in the living-
141. IlepeBe,ZJ;H. :Qu<l>pbI IIHmH CJIOB3MH.
1) 38 mKa<l:>oB ,D;JUI o,n;em,n;1>1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2) 52 xono,n;HJihHHKa -----------------~,~---
3) 94 mKa<l:>a ,D;JI.H rrocy,n;hl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4)13IIJIHT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~
5)41TeJieBH30p _______________________~

142. BcTaBL Is there I Are there.

1. ls there a garden near your house?
2. Are there two mirrors in your hall?
3. _________ any armchairs in your bedroom?
4. a TV in your bedroom?
5. a carpet in your kitchen?
6. a cooker in your living-room?
7. any flowers in your room?
8. a fridge in your kitchen?
9. a sofa in your bedroom?
10. three wardrobes in your room?

143. BcTaBL Is HJIH Are H ,ZJ;ail KpaTKHH OTBeT Ha Borrpoc:

1. ls there a fridge in your kitchen? Yes. there is.
2. ls there a cooker in your hall? No. there isn't.
3. there any wardrobes in your bedroom?
4. there any armGhairs in your bedroom?
5. there a cupboard in your living-room?
6. there a TV in your bathroom?
7. there any carpets in your kitchen?
8. there a cooker in your living-room? ___________
9. there three rooms in your flat?
10. there many books in your bookcase? ___________

144. BcTaBL There isn't HJIH There aren't:

1. There isn't a nice carpet in the living-room.
2. There aren't many beautiful flowers in the garden.
3. two armchairs in our living-room.
4. a lamp on the table.
5. a TV in my bedroom.
6. any books in the bag.
7. three wardrobes in his hall.
8. ' , · · · · · .. , . a cupboard in the bath:room. . ,
9. . many pupils in the classroom.
10. a new fridge in the kitchen.
145. HanHmH B TeTpa,ZJ;H oTpH:u;aHHH H Bonpoc1>1 K ,ZJ;aHHLIM npe,ZJ;JiomeHHHM.
1. There is a garden near the house.
2. There are three sofas in her living-room.
3. There is a fridge i:µ the kitchen.
4. There are two wardrobes in the hall.
5. There are four chairs in the bedroom.
6. There is a bath in the bathroom.
146. HcnpaBL omH6KH.
1) This is a hall downstairs.
2) Their is a chair in the bathroom.
3) There aren't a wardrobe in the kitchen.
4) The bedroom is the most smallest room in the house.
5) Is there two cupboards in the living-room?


147. IlpoqHTaii TeKCT H BblilOJIHH 3a,ZJ;aHHH.

My name is Helen. I live in a flat.

There are three rooms in the flat. My
room is the smallest of all. There is a
table, an armchair, a sofa, a bed and a
bookcase in the room. There is a carpet
on the floor. I like my room.
<> <> <>
I am Robin. I live in a big house. My
room is upstairs. It is very nice. There
is a desk, a chair, a bookcase, a bed and
a small table in my room. There is a
computer on the desk. I have got a tel-
A. evision. It is near the bed. I like to
watch TV.

My name is Linda. I have got a room. It is the best room in our house.
There are three chairs, a table and a bed in my room. But there isn't a tele-
vision or a computer there. I read and play in my room.
I. IIo,ZJ;nHmH, 1ILH KOMBaTLI ua pucyuKax:
A. This is room.
B. This is room.
C. This is room.
II. True(+)/ False(-):
1. There are three chairs in Linda's room. - - -
2. Linda has got a computer. _ __
3. There is a carpet in Linda's room. _ __
4. There are three rooms in Helen's flat. - - -
5. Helen's room is the biggest in the flat. _ __
6. There are many flowers in Helen's vase. _ __
7. Robin lives in a small house. - - -
8. Robin has got a computer and a television. _ __
9. There aren't any books in Robin's bookcase. _ __
III. ,lJ;aii KpaTKHe OTBeTLI.
1. Does Helen live in a flat? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2. Is Helen's room the smallest? ----------------~

3. Is there a sofa in Helen's room?

4. Is Robin's room downstairs? -----------------~

5. Is there a television in Robin's room? -------------~

6. Does Robin like to watch TV? ----------------~

7. Has Linda got three chairs?
8. Does Linda watch TV in her room? --------------~
9. Is there a carpet in Linda's room? ________________
148. 3a,ZJ;aii cneu;uaJILBLie Bonpoci,1:
How many 1£ezo+s are there ... ?
1. There are two wardrobes in the hall.

2. There is one ball on the floor.

3. There are four chairs in the kitchen.

4. There is f! cupboard in the living-room.

_______________________in the living-room?
5. There are three rooms in the flat.
in the flat?
149. IlepeBe,z:i;H.
1) CKOJibKO KOMHaT B HX ,ll;OMe?

2) CKOJibKO xoJIO,ll;HJibHHKOB Ha KyxHe?

3) CKOJibKO :u;BeTOB B BameM ca,z:i;y?

4) CKOJibKO ,ll;HBaHoB B cnaJihHe ToMa?

5) CKOJibKO mKacpoB ,ll;JI.H nocy,z:i;hr B Hame:H rocTHHo:H?

150. 0TBeTb Ha BOIIpOCbl.

1. How many rooms are there in your flat?
2. How many carpets are there in your flat?
3. Is there a bathroom in your flat?
4. Is your bathroom big?
5. How many armchairs are there in your living-room?
6. What colour is your mum's favourite armchair?
7. Where does your family watch TV?
8. Where does your family have breakfast?
9. Where do you do your homework?
10. How many beds are there in your parents' bedroom?
151. BcTaBL MeCTOHMeHHH My I Your I His I Her I Its I Our I Their.
1. We have got a wardrobe. wardrobe is tall.
2. I have got a room. room is small.
3. The dog has got a puppy. puppy is in the garden.
4. Liz has got two armchairs. armchairs are in the living-room.
5. My aunt and uncle have got a house. house is blue.
6. You've got a flat. flat is nice.
7. This man likes to eat. fridge is big.
152. HcrrpaBL omHoKH.
1) How many bathroom is there in your flat?
2) Are there a chair and a table in the kitchen?
3) There isn't two fridges in the kitchen.
4) My parent's bedroom is nice.
5) They have got a new house; our house is big.

YpoK 24

153. ,ll;onOJIHH TeKCT H paccKa~u 0 CBOeii KBapTnpe.

I live in a nice flat. There are rooms in my flat.
They are . There is a hall, a kitchen
and a bathroom in my flat, too. The biggest room is our living-room. There
is in our living-room. There are

___________ in our living-room. In the evening we usually get

together, watch TV and talk(pa3Z06apuBaeM) in our living-room.
My room is the smallest of all rooms. There is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ inmyroom.Thereare_ _ __
in my room. I do my homework and
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _in my room.
Our kitchen is small but very nice. There is a fridge, a cooker, _ _ _ __
in our kitchen.
In the evening my mother lays the table and we have dinner in the kitchen.
I like my flat very much.

154. Hanumu. IIoMHH: ea nepBOM MecTe BJia,n;eJieu;, xoasuu.

Model: aepI<aJIO ee .rmoropo11Hoii cecTpbr - her cousin's mirror
b) crraJibHH HamHx po,n;HTeJieii
c) ,n;oM ToMa H HHHhr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
d) KYXHH HX 6a6ymKH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
e) BaHHaH ero cecTep - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
g) mKacp ,D;JIH o,n;eJK,LJ;bI 3TOH JKeH~HHbI

155. CocTaBi. npe,n;Jio~euus u uanumu ux B TeTpa,n;u.

1. the hall / isn't / There /in / a mirror / .
2. Is/ in/ the room/ a wardrobe/ there/?
3. aren't/ carpets / any/ the flat/ There/ in / .
4. a bookcase I my/ in I There's I room/.
5. there / chairs / the bedroom / in / Are / any /?
156. IIepeBe,n;u. HcnoJii.ay:H: There is/ There are.
Model: B cyMKe ecTb tieThrpe H6JioKa. - There are four apples in the bag.
1. B KBapTHpe ecTb 3 KOMHaTbr.

2. B ca,n;y MHoro cTaphrx ,n;epeBheB.

4. B ,n;oMe ecTh ,n;Be cnaJihHH H rocTHHaH.

5. Ha KyxHe eCTh XOJIO,ll;HJihHHK.

6. B np1rxome:H: ecTh KpacHBhlli KOBep.

157. 0TBeTL Ha BOilpOCLI.

1. Are there six desks in your classroom?
2. How many bookcases are there in your classroom?
3. What colour is the board?
4. Where does your teacher sit?
158. HanHmH oTpHn;aHHe. IlocTaBL ooin;Hii Bonpoc, a aaTeM cnen;HaJILHLiii
1. There are two wardrobes in the bedroom.
There two wardrobes in the bedroom.
two wardrobes in the bedroom?

2. Our cat drinks milk in the kitchen.

Our cat milk in the kitchen.
milk in the kitchen?

3. They watch TV in the living-room.

They TV in the living-room.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TV in the living-room?

4. Sam's puppy can run in the garden very well.

Sam's puppy in the garden very well.
____________ in the garden very well?

5. Nina tidies her bedroom in the morning.

Nina her bedroom in the morning.
__________her bedroom in the morning?

159. HcnpaBL omHoKH.

1) There isn't two beds in the bedroom.
2) Sam's room is more bigger than his brother's room.
3) What colour the carpetis'? ·
4) How many hall is there downstairs?
5) Are there a sofa and an armchair in the living-room?

YpoK 25

160. fipO'IHTaH.
wear [WE:;)] ( nocumb oiJe:>1eiJy), I wear, we wear, you wear, they wear, he
wear§, she wear§ O What do you usually wear at school?
clothes ( oiJe:>1eiJa ), nice clothes, ugly clothes, old clothes, new clothes,
O What clothes do you like? What colour clothes does your granny usually
wear? Why does Mr Smith wear ugly clothes?
dress (nJtambe), a red dress, a white dress, a beautiful dress, Maggie's
dress 0 What colour is your new dress?
blouse (6Jty3Ka), a blouse - blouses O My mother's new blouse is beau-
tiful. Does your friend wear blouses? ·
skirt ( ro6JCa), a long skirt, a short skirt, a skirt and a blouse 0 Does Sally
like to wear long skirts or short skirts? Boys don't wear dresses and skirts.
shirt (py6awICa), a blue shirt, a grey shirt 0 Liz wears blouses and Mike
wears shirts. Do you wear shirts or blouses?
T-shirt (MailJCa , <jJym6oJl1Ca), my uncle's T-shirt 0 When do people wear
T-shirts? They wear T-shirts in summer.
shorts (wopmbt), a pair of shorts 0 We don't wear shorts in winter. Her
grandad hasn't got shorts. Has your sister got a pair of shorts?
jeans ( iJ:>1euHCbl ), blue jeans, black jeans, a pair of jeans, old jeans, new
jeans O Boys and girls like jeans. Tom has got a new pair of jeans.
trousers (6proICu), brown trousers, a pair of trousers (napa 6pro1C) 0 Do
you wear trousers or jeans to school? We usually wear trousers. His aunt
doesn't like trousers. She always wears skirts or dresses. But she has got a
pair of blue trousers.
shoes (my<jJJtu), a pair of shoes 0 Where are my shoes? Your shoes are
near the door. Take these new shoes. Have you got a pair of black shoes? -
No, I haven't.
trainers ( JCeiJbl, ICpoccoB JCU), their trainers, her trainers 0 Are these
trainers new? Does Ann wear shoes or trainers?
tights (KoJlzomKu), warm tights 0 Who wears tights? Girls and women
wear tights. My brother doesn't wear tights.
socks (nocICu), white socks O These socks are old. Mum, where are my
socks? Bob's socks are on the floor. Tom has got three pairs of socks. ,

161. 3aMeHH Ha3BaHHH o.n;e~.n;LI MeCTOHMeHHHMH it HJIH they.
CMoTpH Ta6Jiu:u;y «MecTOHMeHHH» B Unit 2 Ha c. 129.
a) tights they e) blouse i) socks _ __
b) shirt it f) trainers j) trousers - - - -
c) shorts g) dress k) shoes _ __
d) jeans h) skirt 1) T-shirt - - - -

162. PacKpoii CKOOKH H nocTaBL rJiaroJILI B HY~Hoii cI>opMe.

CMoTpH Ta6Jiu:u;y «Present Simple» Unit 3 Ha c. 140.
1. The girls have (to have) got a lot of nice dresses.
2. Bob (to have) got grey jeans.
3. Mary's favourite skirt is (to be) blue and yellow.
4. Their tights (to be) green.
5. Sally (to like) blouses.
6. His brothers (to like) trainers.
7. The pupils (to wear) blue trousers.
8. Maggie (to wear) shorts in summer.

163. 3a.n;aii oo~ue Bonpoc1>1. CMoTpH TaOJIHD;LI rJiaroJIOB «To be)>,

<'To have)>, <,Can)> B Unit 1 H Ta6Jiu:u;y <,Present Simple)> Unit 3.
1. They like T-shirts. - Do they like T-shirts?
2. Helen has got a blue dress. - Has Helen got a blue dress?
3. The sweater is brown. - brown?
4. Polly can buy jeans. - jeans?
5. You have got green gloves. green gloves?
6. Nan wears tights. - tights?
7. Mike's socks are small. small?
8. Mary buys shoes in summer. ~---------
shoes in summer?

164. Hanumu OTpu:u;aHHe. CMoTpH TaOJIHD;LI rJiaroJIOB <'To be)>, <'To have)>,
<'Can)> B Unit 1 H TaOJIH:u;y <'Present Simple)> Unit 3.
1. This sweatshirt is old. This sweatshirt isn't old.
2. He likes his trainers. He doesn't like his trainers.
3. Sam can wear shorts.
Sam ~------------
shorts in autumn.
4. We wear coats in summer.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - coats in summer.
5. She wears the old jacket.
the old jacket. 'l ; I

6. We have got new boots.

We new boots.
7. Bob has got a red scarf.
Bob ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
a red scarf.
8. There are two hats in the hall.
There ~~~~~~~~~~~~
two hats in the hall.

165. HcnpaBL omHOKH.

1) This trousers are long.
2) Sam has got a blue jeans.
3) There is two socks on the floor.
4) Ann likes her tights; it is nice.
5) He often wears this T-shirt; they are white.

166. Ilpo'IHTaH.
buy [ba1] (n01cynamb), to buy clothes, to buy tights, to buy trousers
<> Jerry wants to buy a T-shirt. He doesn't buy blouses. It' s very hot. -
Let's buy a pair of new shorts.
sweater ( cBumep), a sweater - sweaters, a warm sweater, a black and
grey sweater, to buy a sweater <> My sister likes to wear sweaters. We wear
sweaters when it's cold. This is Tom's sweater.
sweatshirt (1w<jJma , <jJy<jJazuca) <> I don't wear sweatshirts in summer. Do
pupils wear sweatshirts at school? Is it your sweatshirt? No, it isn't. I want
to buy a sweatshirt. My sweatshirt is yellow and brown.
jacket (nuiJJ1CaK, KypmKa), a new jacket, an old jacket <> Nick likes his
purple jacket. This jacket is very warm. Let's buy that jacket, please!
coat, (naJlbmo ) , a coat - coats, a new coat, an ugly coat, the nicest coat,
to wear coats, to buy a coat <> Ann likes to wear coats in autumn.
scarf, {wap<jJ), a scarf - scaryes, a long scarf, a short scarf, to buy
scarves <> Mary likes her new yellow scarf. It is warm. What colour is your
new scarf? My new scarf is green.
boots ( 6omunKu), a boot - boots, warm boots, Sam's boots <> These boots
are not clean ( 1lUCmbte). Mike wan ts to buy a pair of black boots.
hat (wanKa, UtJlJlna), a hat - hats, a beautiful hat, my brother's hat
<> Mum wants to buy a new hat. I don't wear hats.
gloves (nepttam.K u), red gloves, a pair of gloves <> I've got a new pair of
gloves. When do you wear gloves? I buy and wear gloves in autumn and in
winter. 1 ·

mittens ['mitnz]_( BapeJICKU ), a pair of mittens <> Does Helen wear mittens
or gloves? She doesn't buy mittens. She usually wears gloves.
167. PacKpoii CKOOKH H nocTaBL npuJiaraTeJILHLie B HY~Hoii <l>opMe.
CMoTpH TaoJIHD;Y <cCTeneHH cpaBHeHHH npHJiaraTeJILHLIX» B Unit 5
Ha C. 157-158.
1. Her new dress is the most beautiful (beautiful) of all.
2. Trousers are (long) than shorts.
3. Liz has got a (nice) blouse.
4. His blue jeans are (good) than my old jeans.
5. This jacket is (big) of all in the wardrobe.
6. His sweater is (warm) than the sweatshirt.
7. These gloves are (small) than these mittens.
8. What season is (cold) of all seasons?

168. BcTaBL yKaaaTeJ11>H1>Ie MeCTOHMeHHH This I These H rJ1aroJ11>1 is I are:

1. These tights are white.
2.This dress is beautiful.
3. trainers - - - - - - -red.
4. socks little.
5. shirt - - - - - - - -nice.
6. trousers big.
7. skirt short.
8. shoes black.
9. blouse _ _ _ _ _ _orange.
10. jeans blue.

169. Hanumu. IloMHH: Ha nepBOM MecTe BJia~eJie:u;, xoaHHH.

Model: rnJiarra 3Toli meHmHHhI - this woman's hat
a). KOcpTa CTHBa (Steve)
b). KOJirOTKH 3THX ,n;eTeH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
c). Ke,ZJ;bl ee ,n;oqepeH
d). rnapcp MaliKa 11 H11Ka - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
e). 6pIOKH 3Toro MaJih"tJHKa
f). 6Jiy3KH 3THX ,n;eBO"tJeK

g). MaliKa 3Toro MY:>K"tJHHhI - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

h). Ii:JiaTbe Harneli MaMbI
i). rr11,n;maK Moero rrarrbI 11 6paTa

170. HanumH B TeTpa,ZJ;H cne:u;uaJILHLie Bonpoc1>1 (What colour is/are ... ?).
CMoTpH cxeMy Bonpoca B Unit 4 Ha c. 149.
Model: Her dress is red. His trainers are white.
What colour is her dress? What colour are his trainers?
1. This skirt is blue.
2. These boots are black.
3. This blouse is orange.
4. These trousers are grey.
5. Mary's coat is yellow.
6. Tom's shorts are brown.
7. Her sweater is red.
8. Our gloves are green.
171. HcrrpaBL omHOKH.
1) What colour is his shoes?
2) I've got a brother. My brothers' sweater is brown.
3) There are a nice dress on the chair.
4) It's the most beautifulest skirt.
5) This shorts are red.

Ypo1' 27
172. IIpo'llHTaii.
1). Nick is from Minsk. His favourite season is winter. The weather is cold
and windy. It often snows in winter. Nick wears warm clothes: a sweater
and a sweatshirt, warm trousers and tights, boots, gloves, a jacket, a
scarf and a hat. Nick skates in winter. He likes to ski in the park. Nick
likes to play ice-hockey at the stadium. Nick and his friends play snow-
balls near their school. It's f uni
2). Sally is a beautiful girl. Her favourite season is spring. It's warm and
sunny in spring. Sally wears a nice blouse and a short skirt, nice shoes
and small socks. Sally can go to the park. She likes to ride a bike and
roller-skate in the park. The trees are green. It's nice in the park in
3). Alex is eight. His favourite season is summer. In summer the days are
hot and sunny. Children don't go to school. Alex goes for a walk every
day. He wears shorts and a T-shirt, a cap, trainers and dark socks. He
plays football or badminton with his friends. Alex swims in the lake
. ( o3epo) in summer. It's f uni
4). His name is Andrew. His favourite season is autumn. The trees are red,
yellow and orange. It's foggy, cloudy and windy in autumn. It often
rains. Andrew wears a rain-coat, a shirt, jeans, boots and a hat. In au-
tumn Andrew and his grandfather go fishing to the river (pe-,ca). An-
drew likes it very much!
173. HarrHmH o cBoeM JIIOOHMOM BpeMeeH ro~a. BorrpocL1 rroMoryT Teoe.
What is your favourite season? My favourite season is ....
What is the weather like? The weather is ....
7 3aK. 2775 1 77
What do you usually wear? I usually wear ... .
What do you do? I go for a walk, ... , ....
174. HarrHmH B TeTpa,D;H crre:u;HaJILHLie Borrpoc1>1 (How much is/are ..?).
CMoTpH cxeMy Borrpoca B Unit 4 Ha c. 149.
Model. How much is the green coat?
It is thirty-two pounds.
How much are the grey trousers?
They are fifteen pounds.
1. How much is the grey sweater? (£39)
2. How much are the green trousers? (£84)
3. How much is the pink sweatshirt? (£48)
4. How much are the brown trousers? (£65)
5. How much is the blue coat? (£97)
6. How much are the red boots? (£102)
7. How much is the yellow scarf? (£13)
8. How much are the blue shorts? (£8)
9. How much are the brown tights? (£21)
10. How much is the white shirt? (£36)

175. BcTaBL is I are H this I these:

1. How much are these boots?
2. How much is this sweatshirt?
3. How much - - - - - - - - - - green dress?
4. How much - - - - - - - - - - blouses?
5. How much - - - - - - - - - - skirt?
6. How much - - - - - - - - - - pair of tights?
7. How much - - - - - - - - - - trousers?
8. How much - - - - - - - - - - scarf?
176. Read.
expensive (aopozou), expensive shoes, an expensive coat
Mike's sweater is more expensive than Steve's sweatshirt. My mum's new
blouse is the most expensive of all her blouses.
cheap ( iJeweBbtu ), cheap shorts, a cheap T-shirt.
The children's socks are cheap.Her mittens are cheaper than her gl0ves.
This hat is the cheapest.
this e,n;. q, 3TOT,3Ta,3TO rrpe,n;MeT HaXO,ZJ;l:ITC.H 6.JH:l3KO
these MH,q, 3Tl:I rrpe,n;MeTLI HaXO,ZJ;.HTC.H 6.JIH3KO
that e,n;. q, TOT, Ta, TO rrpe,n;MeT HaXO,ll;l:ITC.H ,n;a.JieKO
those MH,q, Te rrpe,n;MeTLI HaXO,ZJ;.HTC.H ,n;a.JieKO
177. BcTaBL.
This is/ These are That is/ Those are
1. ________ a sweatshirt. 5. ________ a cheap coat.
2. Nick's jeans. 6. his trainers.
3. grey trousers. 7. Bob's scarf.
4. her skirt. 8. Tom's gloves.
178. IlepeBe,n;H CJIOBa B c1m6Kax.
1. This (8Ta) woman is my mother.
2. - - - - - - - (8Tn) shoes are expensive.
3. (Te) children are naughty.
4. (Ta) water is cold.
5. (8Ta) hat is cheap.
6. (8To) coat is in the wardrobe.
7. (To) tree is green.
8. (8Tn) tights are the best.
9. Who is (TOT) man?
10. Can you see (Tex) butterflies?
11. Do you like (:nnx) caterpillars?
12. (8ToT) scarf is long.
13. Do yo~ know (Tex) people?
14. I don't like (3TOT) cartoon.
179. HanHmH npe,n;JiomeHHH BO MHomecTBeHHOM "llHCJie.
Model. This coat is new. These coat§ are new.
1. This sweater is white. 3. This blouse is nice.
2. That jacket isn't cheap. 4. That T-shirt isn't expensive.
180. IlepeBe,ZJ;H. ll;H<l>PLI IIHIDH CJIOBaMH.
a)39KypTOK -----------------------~
b) 100 map<PoB
C) 84 KO<ilThI
d) Ilapa 6proK
e) 3 rraphI Ty<PeJih
f) 5 7 py6ameK
181. HcnpaBL omH6KH.
1) How much is these trainers?
2) What colour are this blouse?
3) That gloves are cheap.
4) It's the most expensivest jacket.
5) Those sweater is warm.

YpoK 28

182. HanHmH o CBoeii JII06HMoii o,zi;eat,zi;e.

My favourite clothes
1. I like my ...
2. It is new, old, beautiful, warm

They are
3. It is cheap, expensive
They are
4. It is black, red, yellow, blue, white,
They are green, brown, purple, orange
5. I wear it to school
I wear them to parties
at home
for walking

183. BcTaBL this HJIH these.

1. My mother wears - - - - - blouse for parties.
2. His father wears trainers for walking.
BcTaBL that HJIH those.
3. The pupil wears----"'------ shoes to school.
4. Sam wears T-shirt at home.
184. IIocTaBL Bonpoc What colour .. ? CMoTpH Model ex. 170.
1. This dress is white.
2. Those mittens are blue.
3. That jacket is grey.
4. These trainers are black.
185. IIocTaBL Bonpoc How much .. ? CMoTpH Model ex. 174.
1. These boots are 75 pounds.
2. That blouse is 19 dollars.
3. This hat is 23 pounds.
4. Those trousers are 45 dollars.
186. PacKpoii CK06KH H nocTaBL npHJiaraTeJILHLie B uyatuoii cl>opMe.
CMoTpH Ta6JIHD;y «CTeneHH cpaBHeJIHH npHJiaraTeJILHLIX» B Unit 5 ua
1. This red blouse is the most beautiful (beautiful) of all.
2. These trousers are (long) than those jeans.
3. These blue tights are ---~-----(good) than my old tights.
4. This coat is (bad) than that one.
5. What season is (warm) of all seasons?
6. In autumn the weather is (sad) than in spring.
7. This hat is (small) in the wardrobe.
8. These gloves are (expensive) of all.
9. This T-shirt is (cheap) than that shirt.


Model A: Kate wears red gloves.
What colour gloves does Kate wear?
1). Nick wears white trainers.
2). David likes green sweaters.
Model B: Kate has got red gloves.
What colour gloves has Kate got?
3). Mary has got pink shoes.
4). The boys have got black trousers.

188. 3a,ZJ;aii cnen;HaJILHLie BonpocLI K BLI,Zl;eJieHHLIM cJioBaM. CMoTpH cxeMy

Bonpoca B Unit 4 Ha c. 149.
Model. Ann wear~ shorts at home.
Does Ann wear_shorts at home?
Where does Ann wear_shorts?
1. They wear shorts in summer.
2. He buys socks in the shop.
3. The sweatshirt is green.
4. The tights are 4 pounds.
5. She wears gloves in winter.
6. Sam has got a new iacket.
7. Ted wears a warm scarf because he is ill.
8. Boys wear black trousers to school.

189. Ilpo1IHTaii TeKCT. HanHmH 0 ceoe.

My name is Helen. I live in London. My favourite season is summer.
The weather is usually warm and sunny. I wear a nice blouse, a short skirt
and nice shoes.
It is spring now. Spring isn't warm in London. It often rains. I usually
wear a sweater, warm trousers, boots, gloves, a scarf and a hat. -
Now I am wearing (ceu1lac na Mne naoemo) my favourite blue dress. It is
beautiful. It isn't expensive. I wear my dress to school.
190. BcTani. apTHKJIL g, r,ZJ;e Heo6xo,ZJ;HMO.
CMoTpH Ta6JIHD;y «ApTHKJIH» B English 3 Unit 5 Ha c. 61
a)= jeans i) jacket
b) g_ pair of jeans j) __ pair of gloves
c) __ boots k) trainers
d) _ · socks 1) _red scarf
e)_blouse m)_pairoftights
f) __ skirt n) __ green sweatshirt
g) _two coats o) _black hats

191. BcTaBLTe apTHKJIH g_ /an, ecJIH HymHo.

CMoTpH Ta6JIH~Y «ApTHKJIH» B English 3 Unit 5 Ha c. 61
1. John has got blue jeans and orange sweater.
2. My sister likes dresses and skirts.
3. I have got beautiful coat.
4. There is orange T-shirt on the chair.
5. There are Sam's trainers under the chair.
6. There is pair of boots near the door.
7. Ann often wears trousers.
8. Now she is wearing old jacket and hat.

192. IlepeBe,ZJ;H.
1. 8TH 6plOKH ,n;emeBhie.
2. CBHTep Moero rrarrh1 TeIIJihIH. _______,.-~----------
3. I06Ka Moe:H cecTphl KOpOTKa.H.----------------~
4. TycpJIH Moe:H MaMhI ,n;oporHe.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_-
5. Ka Kor o~BeTaSTa6Jiy3Ka? __________________
6. CKOJihKO CTOHT Te rrepqaTKH?

193. Hcrrpani. omH6KH.

1) That mittens are expensive.
2) When does you wear this coat?
3) Those hat is funny.
4) How much are this scarf?
5) What colour is these trousers?


English ( aniJtuucH:uu .R3btK) 0 We have English on Monday, Wednesday
and Friday on our timetable. I speak English well.
Russian (pyccH:uu .R3blK) O Ann's favourite lesson is Russian. They have
Russian on Thursday and Friday.
Belarusian ( 6eJtopyccH:uu .R3btK) 0 Liz likes Belarusian very much. She
can speak Belarusian very well.
Reading (1lmenue) 0 Do you like Reading? - Yes, I do. I like Russian
and Belarusian Reading. On Tuesday we have Russian Reading and on
Thursday we have Belarusian Reading. We read and listen to stories ( cJty-
waeM paccH:a3bt).
Maths (MameMamuKa) 0 When do you have Maths? -We have Maths
every day. Nick's favourite lesson is Maths. He can do sums (pewamb npu-
Mepbt) well. What do you do in Maths? In Maths I count ( C1luma10) and solve
problems ( pewa10 3aiJa1lu).
Music (MY3btKa) 0 Sam has Music on Wednesday. Pupils listen to music
and sing songs in Music.
Art (pucoeanue) 0 Art is Steve's favourite lesson. Steve can draw (pu-
coeamb) very well and he likes to paint ( pacH:pawueamb, pucoeamb Kpac-
KaMu) very much.
Science ( ocnoBbt ecmecmeennbtX nayK) 0 These pupils like Science.
In Science they learn about nature (y1lam o npupoiJe). They have Science on
Fri~y. .
IT (Information Technology) ( unrj>opMamuKa) O Does Pavel have IT
every day? No, he doesn't. He has IT on Monday. There are thirteen com-
puters in the IT classroom. Does he play games or solve problems in IT?
Technology (mpyo) 0 Nick doesn't like Technology. He is lazy and can't
make things ( iJeJtamb Bell{u ceouMu pyKaMu) well.
Man and the World ( 1leJtoBeK u Mup) 0 Is Man and the World your
favourite lesson? -Yes, it is. I want to have Man and the World every day.
I like to learn about nature and read stories about Belarus.
P.E. (Physical Education) ( rj>u3KYJtbmypa) 0 What is your PE teacher's
name? Her name is Mrs Ball. Nikita likes P.E. He can run, jump and I!.illY
sports (uipamb B cnopmuBnbte uipbt} well.
195. CpaBHH.
They havee@Pa book. They have Music on Monday.
Have the~a book? Do they have Music on Monday?
They haven'~a book. They don't have Music on Monday.
196. IlocTaBb BOnpoc H OTpH:u;aHHe.
Model. We have Maths on Monday. Do we have Maths on Monday?
We don't have Maths on Monday.
1. We learn about nature in Science.
about nature in Man and the World?
- - - - - - - - - - about nature in Maths.
2. Sam solves problems best of all in class 4 «C ».
problems best of all in class 4 «C»?
Sam problems best of all in class 4 «C».
3. Liz can make things well in Technology.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ things well in Technology?
Liz things well in Technology.
4. The pupils have got many coloured pencils in the Art classroom.
many pencils in the Art classroom?
The pupils many pencils in the Art classroom.
5. They have English on Wednesday.
___________ English on Wednesday?
They English on Wednesday.
197. CocTaBi. H aanHmH B TeTpa,z:i;H 8 npe,z:i;JiomeaHii.
Do you learn things on Monday?
Does Kate speak sports on Tuesday?
Can Bob and Tom solve sums on Wednesday?
his cousin play about nature on Thursday?
your friends sing to stories ·on Friday?
the boy do English on Saturday?
her children make problems on Sunday?
this pupil listen songs
Cardinal numerals Ordinal numerals
KoJrn:1IeCTBeHHhie 1IliCJHITeJibHhre IlopH,n;KOBbie 1IliCJiliTeJihHbie
(CKOJibKO?) (KoTOpnrii?)
1 one 1-ii the first
2 two 2-ii the second
3 three 3-:H: the third
4 four 4-ii the fourth
5 five 5-ii the fifth
6 six 6-ii the sixth
7 seven 7-ii the seventh
8 eight 8-ii the eighth
9 nine 9-ii the ninth
10 ten 10-ii the tenth ·
198. IIocMoTpH Ha pacnucaHue H ,11;onumu npe,11;JioateHHB.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

1. English 1. Maths 1. Maths l. English · 1.Art
2. Maths 2. English 2. English 2. Maths 2. Maths
3. Art 3. IT 3.PE 3. Science 3. Science
4. Science 4. Music 4. Technology 4. PE 4. English
5. PE 5. Maths 5.Art 5. Music 5. IT

1. The first lesson on Monday is English.

2. The fifth lesson on Wednesday is _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3. The fourth lesson on Tuesday is _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4. The second lesson on Thursday is - - - - - - - -
5. The third lesson on Friday is _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6. The first lesson on Wednesday is _ _ _ _ _ _ __

199. IIocMoTpH Ha pacnucaHHe (ex. 198) H BnHmH CJIOBO no o6paa:u;y.

1. Maths is the second lesson on Friday.
2. IT is lesson on Tuesday.
3. PE is · lesson on Monday.
4. Technology is lesson on Wednesday.
5. English is lesson on Thursday.
6. English is lesson on Wednesday.

HacTosun;ee npo,n;oJimeHHoe BpeMH ( {)eucmBue npoucxo{)um B MOMe-Jtm pe1lu)

CJioBa - no,n;cKa3KH
now cenqac
Look! IIocMoTpH!
Listen! CJiyma:H:!
at the moment B ,n;aHHblll MOMeHT

+ing e+ing tt, mm, nn + ing
(HeMaH - e- Hcqe3aeT) (y,n;BaHBaeTCSI O,ll;HHOKaSI

read - reading take - taking get - getting

play - playing ride - riding swim- swimming
200. 3anHmH rJiaroJILI H OKOB'laHHeM -ing
+ ing, "!{_ + ing tt, mm, nn + ing
a) read - reading f) skate - skating k) ge.1_- getting
b) listen - g) take - _ _ _ __ l)swim- _ _ _ __
c) play - h) ride - - - - - - m)run- - - - - -
d) buy - i) write - _ _ _ __ n) sit- - - - - -
e) wear - j) have - _ _ _ __ o) put- - - - - -

Present Continuous is not =isn't --

-- are not = aren't
Y TBepm~eHRe Borrpoc 0TpRn;aHRe
I am playing Ami playing? I am not playing
We are playing Are we playing? We aren't playing
You are playing Are you playing? .You aren't playing
They are pl.aying Are they playing? They aren't playing
She is playing Is she playing? She isn't playing
He is playing Is he playing? He isn't playing
It is playing Is it playing? It isn't playing

201. 3anHmH rJiaroJILI B Present Continuous

(am/ is/ are + ing)
1) I am doing (do)
2) She (go)
3) We (make)
4) He (wear)
5) They (play)
6) You (help)
7) Nick is swimming (swim)
8) the dogs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (eat)
9) my friend (draw)
10) the children (buy)
11) Steve (get up)
12) Steve and Ted (read)

202. PacKpoii CKOOKH B Present Continuous.

1. I am wearing (wear) shoes now.
2. Look! Liz _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (make) nice things.
3. The boys (swim) now.
4. Tom (get) up at the moment.
5. They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (learn) about nature now.
6. The pupils (paint) a house now.
7. Now I (speak) English.
8. Bob (do) sums at the moment.

203. HcnpaBL omHOKH.

1) English is second lesson on Tuesday.
2) On Monday we have fifth lessons.
3) Tom do sums in Maths.
4) The pupils draw on Art.
5) The third lesson Russian Reading.

Ypo"" 30


My name is Sasha. I study at school number 20 in Vitebsk. My school is
new. It is three years old. My school is not big but it is very nice. There are
forty-six classrooms in my school. We have got a library ( 6u6JluomeJCa).
There are a lot of books in our library. We have got two gyms ( cnopm3a!lbl).
My friends and I like to play sports there. My classroom is very beautiful.
There are many flowers and pictures in it.
School starts at 8 o'clock in the morning. Today is Wednesday. I have five
lessons on my timetable today.
The first lesson is Maths. We count, do sums and solve problems. Maths
is my favourite lesson. I'm clever.
The second lesson is Russian Reading. We listen to stories or read Russ-
ian books. I like to read very much!
The third lesson is Man and the World. We learn about nature or read sto-
ries about Belarus. It's interesting!
The fourth lesson is Art. It is my favourite lesson. I like to draw and paint
· The fifth lesson is IT. Sometimes we play computer games. But I like to
solve problems in IT.
I'm a good pupil.


1. Sasha's school is ...
a) old b) new c) ugly
2. The school isn't ...
a) nice b) small c) big
3. Sasha's school is ...
a) 20 years old b) 3 years old c) 13 years old
4. There are ... classrooms in Sasha's school.
a) 45 b) 46 c) 16
5. There are... gyms.
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3
6. School starts at ...
a) eight o'clock b) eleven o'cloek c) at seven o'clock
II) 3aKouqu npe,zi;Jiomeuun:.
1. Sasha studies at school number - - - - - -
2. There are a lot of
- - - - - - - - - - - -in the library.
3. The pupils in the gym.
4.Todayis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5. The first lesson is
6. The fifth lesson is
7. Man and the World is the - - - - - - - -
8. Sasha's favourite lesson is
9. The 2nd lesson is
111) 0TBeTLTe Ha BOilpOCLI:
1. Where does Sasha live? ------------------~

2. How old is his school? -------------------~

3. How many classrooms are there in the school? - - - - - - - ' - - - - - -

4. How many lessons does Sasha have on Wednesday? _ _ _ _ _ _ __

5. Does Sasha like to solve problems? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

6. What is the 3rd lesson on Wednesday? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Present Simple (Indefinite) Present Continuous
usually - o6hrrrno now - ceii"Ciac
always - Bcer,n;a at the moment - B ,n;aHHbIH MOMeHT
rarely - pe,n;Ko Look! - CM0Tp11!
often - -qacTo Listen! - CJiyrnaiil
seldom - pe,n;Ko
sometimes - HHor,n;a
every day/ week/ month/ year -
Ka.iK,ZJ;hIH ,n;eHh / He,n;emo / MeCj'IIJ;/ ro,n;
I I am swimming
We He
You swim She is swimming
They It
He We
She swim~ You are swimming
It They
I I am not swimming
We He
You don't swim She isn't swimming
They It
He We
She doesn't swim You aren't swimming
It They
I Am I swimming?
we he
Do you swim? Is she swimming?
they it
he we
Does she swim? Are you swimming?
it they

205. BL16epH npaBHJILHLiii BapHaHT. YKamH BpeMH (Present Simple or Pre-

sent Continuous). IIo,z:i;qepKHH cJioBo-no,n;cKaaKy.
1. Terry usually~/ is getting up at 8 o'clock. Pr. S.
2. My parents watch l<Jifiwatch~TV now. Pr. Cont.
3. At the moment I do I am doing my homework.
4. Ann drinks I is drinking tea every morning.
5. Maggie and Steve always help I are helping their mum.
6. These pupils often write I are writing tests.
7. We have I are having dinner now.
8. Look! Carol eats I is eating bananas.
9. My friends wash I are washing the floor at the moment.
10. Fred runs I is running every evening.
206. Ilo,IJ;qepKHH cJioBo-no,IJ;cKaaKy. YKamu BpeMH. 0TKpoii CKOOKH.
Model. Liz is speaking (to speak) English now. Pr. Cont.
Liz usually speaks (to speak) English in the lesson. Pr. S.
1. The pupils (to write) the dictation now. _ _ __
2. The pupils (to write) dictations every Monday.

3. Bob often _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (to ride) a bike. _ _ __

4. Bob (to ride) a bike in the park now. _ _ __
5. Sam usually (to do) sums well in Maths. _ _ __
6. Look! Sam (to do) sums. _ _ __

207. IIocTaBi. Bonpoci.1 B Present Simple u Present Continuous.

Present Simple: Present Continuous:
Do /Does ... V? Am /Is /Are ... V-ing?
Does Tom ? (buy)
Is Tom buying ?
a) I _ _ _ __ ? (swim) a) I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?(swim)
b) it - - - - - - ? (play) b) it _ _ _ _ _ _ ?(play)
c) we _ _ _ _ __ ? (eat) c) we _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?(eat)
d) you _ _ _ __ ? (draw) d) you _ _ _ _ _ _ ?(draw)
e) Liz - - - - - -? (write) e) Liz _ _ _ _ _ _ ?(write)
f) they _ _ _ __ ? (wear) f) they ------~?(wear)
208. Ilo,IJ;qepKHH CJIOBO-IlO,Il;CKa3Ky. YKamu BpeMH. IIocTaBh oom;ue BO-
Model. Ann is singing now. Pr. Cont.
Is Ann singing now?
Ann often sing~ in Music. Pr. S.
Does Ann often sing_in Music?
1. His sister is wearing her new skirt now. - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - her new skirt now?
2. His sister wears her new skirt for parties. - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - h e r new skirt for parties?
3. The pupils are writing a test now. - - -- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a test now?
4. Her friends solve problems well in Maths. _ _ _ __
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - problems well in Maths?
5. Tom learns about nature in Science. - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - about nature in Science?
6. Liz is speaking English. Listen! _ _ _ __
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - English?
7. The girls are drawing dolls at the moment. _ _ _ __
- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - dolls at the moment?
8. We read stories every Russian Reading. - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - s t o r i e s every Russian Reading?
209. BcTaBL apTHKJIH a I an , ecJIH HymHo.
1) orange pencil 9) brown board
2) orange pens 10) ugly snake
3) blue jeans 11) old books
4) red T-shirt 12) old letter
5) pair of socks 13) cheap rubbers
6) yellow ruler 14) expensive bag
7) clever pupils 15) naughty children
8) angry teachers 16) new desk

210. BcTaBL apTHKJIH a I an HJIH the, ecJIH HymHo.

1). There is board in our classroom. board is green.
2). She is reading old letter. letter is from America.
3). Mrs. Read can see naughty children. children are in the
yard. They are playing football.
4). Sam is wearing ugly shirt and ___ pair of trousers.
5). I want to be businessman. businessmen work in an office.
211. HcnpaBL omHOKH.
1) The pupils read now.
2) Liz is speaking English now?
3) Tony sing songs in Music.
4) Do the pupils counting at the moment?
5) Russian is first lesson today.

212. IlpoqHTaH.
His name is Alex. He is from Minsk. He is eight. He goes to school five
days a week: on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday, on Thursday and on
Friday. He is a good pupil. He can read and write well. And he counts well,
too. Alex speaks English very well, too. His favourite lessons are Maths and
English. But the boy can't sing well and he doesn't like Music.
Alex comes home at two o'clock in the afternoon. He has lunch and does
his homework.
On Monday and Wednesday Alex goes to the swimming pool. He can swim
very well. Look at him! He is swimming! He is fast!
On Tuesday Alex plays football at the stadium. Look at him! He is playing
very well! He is the best footballer!
On Thursday Alex plays basketball with his school friends. He likes to
play sport games very much! Alex is a good sportsman!
On Friday Alex draws. He can draw very well and he likes it. Look at him!
He is drawing a nice house with a big garden.
Alex comes home in the evening. Then he watches TV or plays computer
games. It's evening. Look at Alex! He isn't watching TV. He is reading a
book now!
On Saturday and Sunday his family goes to the amusement park. It's fun!
213. BL1110JIHH aa,z:i;aHHH 110 TeKcTy. Test.
I. 3aKoHqu rrpe,z:i;JiomeHHH.
1) Alex counts well in~-------------------~

2) Alex speaks English in ~------------------

3) Alex doesn't sing in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4) Alex plays sports in - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5) Alex goes to the park with~----------------~

II. True or false?

1) Alex can sing very well and likes Music. _ __
2) Alex counts and speaks English very well. - - -
3) Alex is the best footballer. - - -
4) On Thursday Alex plays tennis with his friends. - - -
5) On Sunday his family goes to the zoo. - - -
III. What is Alex doing now?
1) Alex _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (to swim) now.
2) Alex and his friends (to play) football now.
3) He (to draw) a house now.
4) Alex (not to watch) TV now.
5) He (to read) a book now.
214. Harrumu OTpu:u;aHHH B HYatHOM npeMeHu
Present Simple: Present Continuous:
don't' V /doesn't am not/ isn't/ aren't V-ing
Liz doesn't skate (not to skate) Liz isn't skating
a) I (not to listen) I
b) She (not to read) She
c)We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (nottolearn) We
d)You (nottorun) You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
e) Nick (not to count) Nick _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
f) the children (not to speak)
the children
215. Ilo;:i;qepKHH cJioBo-no;:i;cKaaKy. YKamH BpeMH. HanHmH oTpHu;aHHH.
Model. Mary is speaking English now. Pr. Cont.
Mary isn't speaking English now.
Mary often speak§ English. Pr. S.
Mary doesn't often speak_English.
1. Her sister is painting the picture now. _ _ __
Her sister the picture now.
2. Her sister paints pictures every Art lesson. _ _ __
Her sister pictures every Art lesson.
3. The boys are making things now. _ _ __
The boys things now.
4. Her friends usually count well in Maths. _ _ __
Her friends well in Maths.
5. Anna often sings songs in Music. _ _ __
Anna songs in Science.
6. Look! Sally is listening to an interesting story. _ _ __
Sally to an interesting story.
7. The girls are playing with dolls at the moment. _ _ __
The girls with dolls at the moment.
8. They play sports in PE every Wednesday. _ _ __
They sports in PE every Wednesday.

216. Ilo;:i;qepKHH CJIOBo-no;:i;cKaaKy. YKamH BpeMH (Pr. S. or Pr. Cont.)

1. Mary reads stories every evening. Pr. S.
2. Mary is playing games now. - - - - - - -
3. They often solve.problems. - - - - - - -
4. They are counting at the moment. - - - - - -
K Ka:>K,!J;OMY npe,!J;JIO:>KeHHJO HanHmH B TeTpa,!J;H BOnpoc H OTpHu;aHHe.

217. Ilo;:i;qepKHH cJioBo-no;:i;cKaaKy. YKamH BpeMH. 0TKpou c&o6KH.

Model. Liz is speaking (to speak) English now. Pr. Cont.
Liz usually speaks (to speak) English in the lesson. Pr. S.
1. The pupils (to write) now. _ _ __
2. They (to like} Science. _ _ __
3. Where is Sasha? - He (to take) a shower. _ _ __
4. Mike usually (to have) lunch at school. _ _ __
5. At the moment he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (to have) dinner at home. _ _ __
6. Nick's sister (to wear) skirts every day. - - - -
7. Look! She (to wear) trousers! - - - -
8. My friends (to play) board games every
Sunday. _ _ _ _ __
9. Her parents
- - - - - - - - - - - - - (to work) in the garden at the
moment. - - - - - -
10. Tim and David usually_ _ _~---~___ (to solve) problems in
Maths. - - - - - -
11. His dog always _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (to drink) water. _ _ __
12. My cat (to eat) fish now. _ _ __
218. IloCMOTpH Ha CBOe pacnHCaHHe H OTBeTL.
l. What is the first lesson on Monday? - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2. What is the fifth lesson on Wednesday? _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __
3. What is the fourth lesson on Tuesday? - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - -
4. What is the second lesson on Thur<Sday? -----------~

5. What is the third lesson on Friday?

219. fiOCMOTpH Ha KaJieH,zi;apb H BilHlliH CJIOBO IlO OOpaa:u;y.
1. Monday is the first day of the week.
2. Tuesday is day of the week.
3. Wednesday is day of the week.
4. Thursday is day of the week.
5. Friday is day of the week.
6. Saturday is day of the week.
7. Sunday is day of the week.
220. IlepeBe,zi;H.
1. IloHe,z:t;eJibHHK - rrepBbIH ,z:t;eHb He,z:t;eJIH.

2. PyccKoe "lJ TeHHe - BTopoli ypoK B cpe,n;y.

3. KaKoli TpeTHli ypoK B lJeTBepr?

4. Tpy,n; - IIHThili ypoK B IIHTHn:a;y.

221. HcnpaBL omHOKH.

1) The pupils learning about nature every Science lesson.
2) Linda isn't make things now.
3) Tina don'tsolve problems well.
4) His friends aren't paint at the moment.
5) Technology is three lesson today.
YpoK 32
···························································· - - - -

222. ,ll;onOJIHH TeKCT H IlO,LJ;rOTOBb paccKaa 0 CBOe:ii

study [stAdi] - y1lumbCJl
I study at school number __ . My school is __ years old. It is big and be-
autiful. There are a lot of classrooms in my school. They are nice. There are
three gyms ( cnopm3aJtbl) in my school and a big stadium near it. My friends
and I like to play sport games there(maM).
· I am in class 4 «_ _ ». There are _ _ pupils in my class: boys and
___ girls. I study many interesting subjects (npeiJMemoB) at school: Rus-
sian, Russian Reading, Maths, English, P.E., and

My favourite lesson is - - - - - - - - -. I like to - - - - - - - - - -

We usually have four or five lessons on the timetable. My favourite school

day is- - - - - - - -
The first lesson is . We
The second lesson is - - - - - - -. We .- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The third lesson is - - - - - - -. We -------------

The forth lesson is - - - - - - -. We -------------
The fifth lesson is - - - - - - -.We -------------
After lessons I like to play with my friends. I like my school very much.

223. Ilo,r:s;qepKHH CJIOBO-Il0,LJ;CKa3Ky. 06oaHa'lb BpeMH.

HanHmH B TeTpa,LJ;H Bonpoc H OTpHu;auHe.
1. Bob solves problems every Maths lesson. Pr.S.
2. Tom is counting apples now. - - - - -
3. Listen! The children are speaking Russian. - - - - -
4. Bob and Tom often sing songs together. - - - - -
5. Steve plays sports every P .E. lesson. - - - - -
6. Tim is reading a story at the moment. _ _ _ __
7. Her sons tidy their room every Saturday. _ _ _ __
8. Ann is brushing her teeth now. _ _ _ __
9. Look! My parents are walking our dog. _ _ _ __
10. His brother makes his bed every morning. _ _ _ __
224. Ilo~epKHH cJioBo-no.zi;cKaaKy. YKaatH BpeMH. 0TKpoii cKo6KH.
Model. Liz is speaking (to speak) English now. Pr. Cont.
Liz usually speaks (to speak) ~nglish in the lesson. Pr. S.
1. The pupils often (to play) computer games in I. T. _ _
2. The wolf (to eat) a rabbit now. _ __
3. Look! They (to watch) TV.- - -
4. The businessman (to work) in his office ~ - - -
5. Sam (to listen) to music now. _ __
6. The girls always (to wash) the dishes after lunch. _ __
7. Bob's sister (to ride) a bike every day. _ __
8. Listen! They (to speak) English. _ __

225. Ilo.zi;qepKHH CJIOBo-no.zi;cKaaKy. YKaatH BpeMH. 0TKpoii cKo6KH.

Model. Liz isn,t speaking (not to speak) English now. Pr. Cont.
Liz usually doesn,t speak (not to speak) English in the lesson. Pr. S .
1. Kate (not to read) at the moment. _ __
2. These girls (not to go) to school on Sundays. _ __
3. Steve (not to wear) jeans now. _ __
4. The children (not to write) the test at the moment. _ __
5. We (not to draw) in P.E. lessons. _ _ _
6. His uncle (not to like) cheese. _ __
7. Look! Your brother (not to sleep)! _ __
8. You (not to watch) TV at night (Ho-cr1>10 ). - - -
9. Now the cats (not to eat) meat. _ _ _
10. Little children (not to write) well. - - -

226. BcTaBL npe,zi;JiorH on. in, of. at. about, to

1). Nick has a lot lessons his timetable.
2). They learn nature Science.
3). Ann has Russian Reading Wednesday.
4). This boy is listening the story Mowgli.
5). Her cousin speaks English well.
6). We don't often play games school.
7). Do you listen music Music?
8). I have three English lessons my timetable.
9). Mike always play sports P.E.
10). How many lessons do you have Thursday?
11). Sam likes to draw a plan his flat and write his room
_ __ English.
12). The children want to watch cartoons the cinema.
227. IIepeBe,n;H.
1. Ee JI106HMb1ii: ypoK - Tpy,n;. - - - - - - - ' " - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2. 0HH rOBOpHT no-aHrJIHHCKH ceftqac.

3. Mbl pemaeM aa,n;aqH H npHMepb1 Ha ypoKe MaTeMaTHKH.

4. Ceftqac JlHaa C"llHTaeT KompeThI.

5. Ero 6paT Bcer.n;a pHcyeT KpacKaMH Ha ypoKe pHcoBaHHH.

6. 9TH yqeHHKH qacTO CJiyIIIaIOT paccKa3bl Ha ypoKe pyccKoro "llTeHHH.

7 . .H IIHIIIY npe,n;JiomeHHH (the sentences) ceftqac.

8. Ero ,n;pyr HrpaeT B CIIOPTHBHbie Hrpbl Kam,n;hIH ypoK cpli3KYJibTYPb1.

228. HcnpaBi. omH6KH.

1) Her brother play sports in PE.
2) Andy isn't read about animals now.
3) Does Ted listening to the story now?
4) Mrs Bell is Sam's and Mary's teacher.
5) They make nice things on Technology.


229. IlpoqHTail.
year ( zoiJ), this year O There are four seasons in a year. This year we go
to the fourth form.
month ( MeC.Hlf ), a cold month, the hottest month, winter months, spring
months, summer months, autumn months 0 There are twelve months in a
January, in January O January is the second winter month. W~at's the
weather like in January? January is the coldest month in a year. ·
February, in February O February comes after January. The weather in
February is usually cold and windy. There are twenty-eight or twenty-nine
days in February.
March, in March 0 March is the first spring month. We have a party
( Bettepwuca) on the 8th of March.
April, in April, the first of April 0 My brother usually plays jokes
( wymKu) on the first of April.
May, in May 0 May is the third spring month. What's the weather like in
May? May is the warmest .s pring month. Are the trees green in May?
June, in June 0 How many days are there in June? There are thirty.
What's the weather like in June? It's sunny in June.
July, in July O There are 31 days in July. July is the hottest month in a
year. Mary's birthday is in July.
August, in August 0 What's the weather like in August? It often rains
in August. June, July and August are summer months.
September, in September, the first of September 0 Pupils go to school on
the 1 st of September.
October, in October 0 October comes after September. Mike's birthday is
on the second of October.
November, in November 0 It often snows in November. I don't like
November, it is cold and cloudy.
December, in December 0 Is December an autumn month? No, it isn't.
December is the first winter month. Christmas is on the twenty-fifth of


Cardinal numerals Ordinal numerals

Ko;rn:tiecTBeHHbie tIHCJIHTeJibHbie IIopH,n;KoBhie tIHCJIHTeJibHhie
(CKOJibKO?) (KoTOpbIH?)
1 one 1-li the first
2 two 2-li the second
3 three 3-li the third
4 four 4-li the fourth
5 five 5-li the fifth
6 si;x 6-li . the sixth
7 seven 7-li the seventh
8 eight 8-li the eighth
9 nine 9-li the ninth
10 ten 10-li the tenth
11 eleven 11-li the eleven th
12 twelve 12-li the twelfth
13 thirteen 13-li the thirteenth
14 fourteen 14-li the fourteenth
15 fifteen 15-li the fifteenth
16 sixteen 16-li the sixteenth
17 seventeen 17-li the seventeenth
18 eighteen 18-li the eighteenth
19 nineteen 19-li the nineteenth
20 twenty 20-li the twentieth
30 thirty 30-li the thirtieth
40 forty 40-li the fortieth
50 fifty 50-li the fiftieth
60 · sixty 60-li the six tieth
70 seventy 70-li the seventieth
80 eighty 80-li the eightieth
90 ninety 90-li the ninetieth
100 hundred 100-li the hundr edth
31 t hirty-one 31-li the thirty-first
52 fifty-two 52-li the fifty-second
87 eighty-seven 87-li the eighty-seventh
103 one hundred and three 103-li the one hundred and third
230. )J;onumu HaaBaHue Mecsu;a.
a) The first month is January.
b) The ninth month is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
c) The sixth month is
d) The tenth month is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
e) The twelfth month is
f) The fifth month is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
g) The seventh month is
h) The eleventh month is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
i) The third month is
j) The eighth month is
k) The second month is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1) The fourth month is

231. 3anumu ,D;aTLI CJIOBaMH.

Model: the 19th of March - the nineteenth of March
a)the12thofJune- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
b) the 22nd of May - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
c) the. 15th of August - -----------------~-
d) the 30th of April -
e) the 31st of December -

232. 3anumu ,D;aTLI CJIOBaMH.

Model: March, 19' -· the nineteenth of March
a) September, 3 - ----------------~---'----
b) July, 13 - -------------------~
c) January, 1 -
d) March, 28 -
e) November, 17 -
233. IlepeBe,D;n.
a) 8 MapTa-
b) 23 cpeBpaJIH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
c) 1 arrpeJIH -
d) 15 HIOHH -
e) 30 OKT.H6p.H -
234. BcTaBL npony:w;eHHLie npe,D;Jioru in I on I of.
CMoTpu Ta6Jiuu;y «Ilpe,D;Jioru» B Unit 4 Ha c. 147.
Model. We usually go fora walk on Sunday.
1. Do you like the weather May? Today is the 4th May.
2. My mum's birthday is the 10th August.
3. Children go to school - - - the 1st - - - September.
4. Helen's birthday is the 20th June.
5. What day is the thirtieth ___ January?
6. Do you buy flowers the 8th March?
7. What's the weather like April?

235. HcnpaBL omuoKH.

1) Today is twelfth of April.
2) My birthday is on the twenty-eight of December.
3) What day is the seventieth of June?
4) Ted is more older than his brother.
5) They buy flowers in the 8th of March.


236. IlpoquTaii.
party (ee1tepwuca), a birthday party, have a birthday party (ycmpau-
eamb 6e1lepw-ucy), come to a birthday party ( npuxoaumb Ha ee1tepuHicy).
O Do you always have a birthday party? Oh, yes, I do! My friends and I have
fun! ( eece.numbcH) O My mum usually has a birthday party in the evening.
invite (npui.nawamb), invite friends, invite grandp~rents 0 I am having
a birthday party on S~turday. Come to my party! I invite you! - Thank you.
I usually invite my friends and we have a lot of fun at my birthday party.
cake, a birthday cake (u.MeHUHHbtu mopm) 0 Tom's granny always cooks
a birthday cake for his birthday. Yummy! Does his sister buy a birthday
cake? - No, she doesn't. She usually makes a birthday cake.
card, a birthday card ( omKpbtmJCa KO OHIO poJtCaeHuH), a nice birthday
card, to get a birthday carg (no.ny1lamb omKpbtmKy ), to buy a birthday
card, to send a birthday card (nocbt.namb omICpbtmKy) 0 My granddad usu-
ally gets many birthday cards. I always send·him a birthday card, too. My
uncle lives in America and sends me nice birthday cards every year.
candle ( cee1la ), one candle - two candles, eight candles 0 It's Sam's
birthday today. He has a big birthday cake with eight candles on it. Liz
wants to buy a nice yellow candle for her room.
present (noaapoK), a birthday present, a present - presents, to give a
present, to get presents, to buy presents 0 His little brother usually gets a
lot of birthday presents. My parents often give presents for me. A book is
the best present. Today is Mary's birthday. She has a lot of presents, many
birthday cards and a birthday cake with eleven candles on it. How old is
Mary today?
balloon ( BoaiJyutnbtU utapwc), a balloon - balloons, a lot of balloons <>
This little girl has got three red balloons, thirteen blue balloons, nine orange
balloons, twelve pink balloons and two green balloons. Look! She is flyingt
237. Ilo~epKHH CJIOBo-110,ZJ;CKaaKy. YKaatH BpeMs. 0TKpoii CK06KH.
Model. Liz is speaking (to speak) English now. Pr. Cont.
Liz usually speaks (to speak) English in the lesson. Pr: S.
1. My mum usually (to have) a birthday party in the
evening. - - -
2. My mum _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (to make) a birthday cake now. _ __
3. At the moment I (to buy) flowers for my mum. - - -
4. Helen always (to invite) her cousin to a party. _ __
5. My parents often (to give) me presents. _ __
6. Mrs. Read and her daughter (to cook) birthday
dinner now. - - -
7. His uncle
- - - - - - - - - - - - (to send) him birthday cards from
America every year. _ __
8. Look! Sam----~---- (to give) his teacher a nice card. _ __
9. Ann's granny always (to come) to her party. _ __
10. Listen! They (to sing) a birthday song. _ __

238. Hanumu o6~uii, a aaTeM cneu;. Bonpoc K 110,ZJ;'lepKHYTLIM cJioBaM.

1. Helen comes to the party at 8 o'clock.
__________ ' _ to the party at 8 o'clock?

2. There are ten candles on the cake.

- - - - - - - - - - ten candles on the cake?
3. The boys are writing birthday cards at home.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ birthday cards at home?

4. Molly is wearing a new skirtnow.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - a new skirt now?
5. Mary gets flowers on March 8.
- - - - - - - - - - - flowers on March 8?

239. IIo,11;qepKHH CJIOBo-no,11;cKa3Ky. YKamH BpeMs. 0TKpoii: CK06KH. ·
1. Bob often (to send) cards to his uncle. - - - -
2. Bob _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _· (not to send) cards to his aunt. _ _ __
3. His friends (to buy) a present now. _ _ __
4. His friends (not to buy) candles now. _ _ __
5. His cousins usually (to come) to the party. - - - -
6. His cousins (not to come) to the party every month. _ __
7. She usually (to invite) all her friends. - - - , - - -
8. She usually (not to invite) all her friends. _ __
9. Look! The pupils (to give) flowers. _ _ __
10. Look! The pupils (not to give) flowers.--~-
11. His friends (to have) a party every month. - - - -
12. His friends (not to have) a party every month. _ __

240. BcTaBi. MeCTOHMeHHH My I Your I His I Her I Our I Their:

1. I have got a brother. brother's birthday is on the 6th of July.
2. My cousin and I send cards to granny.
3. Liz has a party tonight. Are you going to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ party?
4. Mrs. Bell's children make a present for 'mother.
5. Tom has a birthday party and invites _ _ _ _ _ _ _ friends.
6. Do you often give flowers to------~ teacher?

241. HcnpaBL omH6KH.

1) Today is the twenty of May.
2) Sam's birthday is in the eighteenth of October.
3) Tom and his brother send cards to our grandad.
4) There is ten candles on the birthday cake.
5) They usually have a party on the 9th for August.

YpoK 35

be going to (do)
co6upambcJl iJeJtamb (1lmo-Jtu6o)

I am going to the cinema.

JI co6upa10cb B JCulio.
Are they going to watch TV?
Onu co6upa10mcH CMOmpemb meJte6u3op?
We aren't going to read this book.
Mbt ne co6upaeMCJl 'lumamb amy KHuiy.

242. IlpoqHTaii.
tonight [t::i'na1t] ( cezoihui Be1lepoM, cezoih-lR H01lbKJ) I am going to watch
TV tonight. Sam is going to have a party tonight. Sam and his brother are
going to invite their friends tonight.
tomorrow [t::i'mJrnu] ( 3aBmpa) I am not going to school tomorrow because
tomorrow is Sunday. Are you going to buy a present for your granny tomor-
row? Tomorrow Liz is going to send a birthday card to Ted.

YTBepm,zi;eHne Bonpoc 0Tpm::t;aHne

I am going to read Am I going to read? I am not going to read
He is going to read Is he. going to read? He isn't going to read ·
She is going to read Is she going to read? She isn't going to read
It is going to read Is it going to read? It isn't going to read
You are going to read Are you going to read? You aren't going to read
We are going to read Are we going to read? We aren't going to read
They are going to read Are they going to read? They aren't going to read

243. BcTaBL am I is I are going to.

1. The children are going have holidays in summer.
2. Helen visit her granny on Sunday.
3. They invite all their friends.
4. Who cook a birthday cake?
5. Steve's uncle give him a bike as a present.
6. It rain next week.
7. Ted's friends to his birthday party.
8. You send invitation cards.
244. ,ZJ;onOJIHH OOm;He BOilpOCLI H ,z:i;aii KpaTKHe OTBeTLI.
1. Is Jim going to have a party tomorrow?
-Yes, he is.
2. the girls going to buy food?
3. _____ Maggie going to write a test next Monday?
4. _____ you going to watch TV tonight?
5. _____ Alesya going to open her present?
6. _____ this man going to drive a car tomorrow?
-No, - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7. _____ you parents going to tidy the house tonight?
-No, - - - - - - - - - - - - -
245. HanHmH OTpH:u;aHH.JI H oow;ue BOilpOCbl.
a) Mike is going to invite his friends.
Mike invite his friends.
invite his friends?
b) They are going to buy presents.
They buy presents.
c) I am going to have a party.
I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
have a party.
have a party?
d) You are going to send cards.
You ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
send cards.
send cards?
246. 3a)l;aii cne:u;HaJibHbie BOilpOCbl K Bbl)l;eJieHHbIM CJIOBaM.
Model. Sam is going to write a test. What is Sam going to do?
1. Helen is going to eat some birthday cake.
2. They are going to Russia.
3. Mike is going to invite his friends because he is going to have a birthday
4. These boys are going to play basketball.
5. We are going to buy trainers tomorrow.
6. Kevin is going to send a card to his aunt.
247. IlepeBe,ll;H.
1. Mbr co6npaeMc.H BeceJIHTbCH cero)l;HH Be"CJepoM.

2. TeTH C3Ma "CJacTo rrpnchrnaeT eMy (him) OTKpbITKH n rro)l;apKM.

3. Po,ll;MTeJIH AJieKca H AHHhI co6nparoTCH rroKyrraTb HOBhiii ,ll;OM.

4. Ceii"CJac OHM )l;ap.HT cBoeii y"CJHTeJihHH:a;e :a;BeThI.

5. Ee APY3h.H co6nparoTc.H B KHHo.

248. HcnpaBL omHOKH.

1) Ann and her sister is going to have a party.
2) Today is my cousin birthday.
3) Is Tom going invite his friend?
4) Helen's birthday is on the thirty of September.
5) Does your granny going to make a birthday cake?
YpoK 36

249. IlpO'IHTaH.
invitation card - rrpnrJiarneHne get - IIOJiyqaTb
a lot of - MHoro life - )!UI3Hh
tasty - BKYCHhIM whom-Koro


Today is the tenth of May. Today is Ted's birthday. He is happy. ~e writes

invitation cards. Ted invites his friends Mike and Liz to his birthday party.
Ted invites his brother Willy, too. Ted is going to have a birthday party to-
morrow, on the eleventh of May.
Ted buys a lot of tasty food: thirty-nine sweets, jelly, twenty-five bana-
nas, chocolate, thirteen apples, orange juice, ice-cream, jam. Yummy!
The children come to Ted's house at twelve thirty on the eleventh of May.
There are a lot of balloons in his house. They see a nice big birthday cake
with candles on it.
Ted gets many presents. Liz gives him a nice book and a birthday card.
Mike gives him a red ball. Willy gives him a green bike.
Ted, Willy, Liz and Mike eat tasty food, dance, sing and play games. They
have fun. Today is the happiest day in Ted's life.
True(+) or False(-).
1. Today is May, 10. - - -
2. Ted's birthday party is tomorrow. - - -
3. He is going to invite his parents. - - -
4. Six children come to the party. _ __
5. They can see candles everywhere. ( ee3oe) _ __
6. Ted and his guests (zocmu) sing, dance and play. _ __
7. They aren't going to be sad. _ __


1) When is Ted's birthday?
2) What does Ted write?
3) Whom does Ted invite to his birthday party?
4) What does Ted buy?
5) How many apples does Ted buy?
6) How many balloons are there in Ted's house?
7) What does Liz give Ted?
8) Who gives Ted a green bike?
9) What do Ted, Willy, Liz and Mike do at the party?
251. HanHIIIH B TeTpa~H IlOJIHbie OTBeTbl Ha BOilpOCbl.
1. What's the weather like today?
2. What do you do at school?
3. What are you doing now?
4. What presents does Sam often get? (little cars)
5. What presents is Sam getting at the moment? (eight balloons)
6. When does your father have a birthday party? (in the evening)
7. Where does your father have a birthday party? (in the cafe)
8. Why do you often send cards to your granny? (because I love her)
9. What do the sons usually buy for their mother? (flowers)
10. What are the sons buying for their mother now? (a nice mirror)

252. BcTaBi. no~xo~Hm;He no CMLICJIY CJIOBa.

stadium disco amusement park theatre cinema swimming pool

circus zoo museum shop park

1. Mr. Johnson likes to play football. So he _ _ _ __ (to be) going to the

2. I want to see spring flowers. So I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (to be) going to the

3. Her brothers like to swim. So they - - - - - - - - (to be) going to the

4. Billy and Willy want to watch anew film . So they _ _ _ _ _ _ (to be)
going to the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5. His grandad likes to watch pictures. So he - - - - - (to be) going to the

6. We want to ride a pony. So we - - - - - - - - - - (to be) going to the

7. Liz wants to dance. So she (to be) going to the - - - - - -

8. Her mother wants to listen to an opera. So she (to be) going
to the---------~

9. The children want to watch animals. So they (to be) going

to the

10. I want to see a clown. So I (to be) going to the - - - - -

11. My mum wants to buy shoes. So she (to be)going to the

253. HanHmH oTpH:u;aHHe.
IlocTaBL oo~HH Bonpoc, a aaTeM cne:u;HaJILHLIH Bonpoc
Model. Mary is reading a booknow.
Mary isn't reading a book now.
Is Mary reading a book now?
What is Mary reading now?
Mary often read~ books.
Mary doesn't often read_books.
Does Mary often read_books?
What does Mary often read?
1. Tom always invites his friend Sam to his birthday party.
Tom always his friend Sam to his birthday party.
his friend Sam to his birthday party?

2. Nelly is writing a birthday card now.

Nelly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a birthday card now.
a birthday card now?
3. Sam's parents are painting their house at the moment.
·Sam's parents . their house at the moment.
their house at the moment?

4. We often listen to stories in English.

We often _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to stories in English.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - to stories in English?

254. HcnpaBL omH6KH.

1) Henry's birthday is in the third of November.
2) Does your sister going to buy a new skirt?
3) Ann's friends is going to give presents.
4) Today is my dad birthday.
5) Is Tom going make his bed?

English 3
UNIT 2. My family
49. LQndon, gQ, frQg, doll, nQ, dog, SQn, fox, lov~.

50. 1) dog; 2) frog; 3) doll; 4) love

57. 1) Tom is fine. 2) His son is from Britain. 3) Bob is from London.
4) Liz is five.
64. Britain, nig, big, little, nine, kitten, lik~, swim, fine, liQn, nink.
66. 1) Tom is five. 2) His son is nice. 3) His frog is little. 4) I like Minsk.
70. I'm Liz. I'm from London. I'm six. I like nice dolls. I am fine.
71.1) five nice dolls; 2) nine little frogs; 3) six pink pigs
75. NQ, swim, six, like, fox, fiv~, niQe, nine, SQn, fine, little, .doll, kitten,
B!:itain, loye, Hi!
76. 1) I like big dogs. 2) It is a kitten. 3) Bill is from London. 4) His robot is
77. 1) I like big dogs. 2) I like little kittens.
98. a) she e) we i) she
b) he f) she j) we
c) it 'g) he k) it
d) he h) it 1) he
m) he, she
110. a) 2+5=7 d)7+2=9
b)5+1=6 e) 5+5=10
c) 9+1=10 f)1+6=7
111. 1) one pink pig; 2) two grey dogs; 3) five black horses; 4) seven yellow par-
113. b) I am c) It is d) She is
114. b) I'm c) He's d) It's
115. 1) She is my sister. 2) His grandad is fine. 3) I like little kittens. 4) We like
to play.
119. b) I am not c) He is not d) She is not
120. b) It isn't c) She isn't d) I'm not
121. a) No, he isn't. b) Yes, he is. c) Yes, he is. d) Yes, he has. e) No, she isn't.
f) Yes, he has. g) Yes, he has. h) No, it isn't.
123.a)2+4=6 b)5+4=9 c)4+6=10 d)4+1=5
8 3aK. 2775 209
127. mum- mother; granny- grandmother; dad- father; grandad- grand-
128.a)he f)they
b)we g) he
c)they h)she
d)they i) he
e) she j)we k) he, she
131. b) You are c) They are
132. b) We're c) You're
140. b) You are not c) They are not
141. b) We aren't c) You aren't
143. a) eight · e) eight
b)ten f) nine
c) ten g) eight
d) six h)ten
144. a) We are from Belarus. b) How old are you? c) She has got a brown ham-
ster. d) I love my little brother. e) His puppy likes to jump. f) This is a yellow
146. 1) Who is he (she)? 2) How is she (he)? 3) What is your name? 4) Where is
he from?
147. a) is f) are
b) are g{ are
c) am h)'am
d) is i) are
e) are j) is
149. 1) I like to swim. 2) They are from America. 3) We have got a friend. 4) This
is my mother. 5) Her frogs are green 6) Where is he from?
154. a) isn't f) aren't
b) am not g) isn't
c) aren't h) aren't
d) isn't i) aren't
e) aren't j) am not
155. a) He@ my friend. b) We§from Minsk. c) I@seven.
158. a) eleven d) four
b) ten e) twelve
c) twelve f) eleven
160. a) Is f) Are
b) Are g) Is
c) Is h)Am
d)Are i)Are
e) Are j) Is
161. a)@; Is she funny? b)@; Are we good friends? c)@; Am I fine?
164.c) are; d) aren't; e) is; f) isn't; g) are; h) aren't.
165. 1) He is from America. 2) He is 8. 3) His cat is white and black. 4) Yes, it
is. 5) Henry is from America. 6) His telephone number is 915-84-67. 7) He is
12. 8) Yes, they are.
166. 1) She is my friend. 2) Bill isn't from London. 3) I am fine. 4) His robot is
little. 5) They are from America. 6) Is it a kitten?
168. a) My b) His c) Herd) Your e) Her f) His
170. 1) My name is ... 2) I am seven (eight/ nine). 3) I am from Belarus.4) Yes,
I have. 5) Her name is ... 6) Yes, I have. I have got a brother (sister). 7) He (She)
is ...
171. a) am not; b) isn't; c) aren't; d) isn't; e) aren't.
172. a) Is this school... b) Are we ... ; c) Am I .. ; d) Is your doll...; e) Are her
snakes... ·
173. a) twelve d) four
b) ten e) twelve
c) eleven f) ten
174. 1) Vova is from Belarus. 2) Yes, it is. 3) Yes, he has. 4) His name is Nick.
5) Yes, he is. 6) Yes, he has. 7) Her name is Anna Ivanovna. 8) Yes, she is. 9) Yes,
he has. 10) Yes, they are.
176. 1) are~ is 2) is ~are 3) is~ are 4) get 5) Are They tH"e friends?

UNIT 3. People around me

179.b) I've got; c) We've got; d) He's got; e) They've got.
180. b) He has got;'c) They have got; d) She has got; e) You have got.
181. c) is
d) She has
e) He is g) is
f) He has h) is
183. c) is; d) She has; e) He is; f) He has; g) is; h) is
185. a) have f) has
b)has g)have
c) have h) has
d)have i)have
e) have j) has
186. a) Has f) Has
b) Have g) Has
c) Has h) Have
d) Have i) Has
e) Have j) Have
187. a) haven't f) hasn't
b) haven't g) haven't
c) hasn't h) haven't
d) haven't i) hasn't
e) haven't j) haven't
188. c) have; d) they haven't; e) has; f) he hasn't; g) has; h) she hasn't
189. 1). granny, grandfather, sister, mother, father, dog
• 2). 1. F; 2. F; 3. T; 4.F; 5 F; 6.T; 7. F
3) a) Yes, he has. b) Yes, she is. c) Yes, he is. d) No, he hasn't. e) Yes, they
are. f) Yes, he has. g) Yes, they have.
190. 1) Has Joe got; 2) Have Joe and Rob got; 3) Has she got; 4) Have you got;
5) Have her sons got
191.1) haven't got; 2) hasn't got; 3) hasn't got; 4) haven't got; 5) hasn't got
192. a) We have got fair hair. b) My brother hasn't got a long nose. c) Tom and
Ann have got blue eyes. d) Has she got a beautiful doll? e) Has your dog got
short ears?
193. 2)1.T;2.T;3.F;4.F;5.T;6.T;7.F.
3) 1. Yes, he has. 2. No, he hasn't. 3. Yes, sheis. 4. No, she isn't. 5. Yes,
they are. 6. No, they aren't. 7. Yes, they have. 8. No, they haven't.
4) 1. He is from Britain. 2. He is 9. 3. His hair is brown. 4. Yes, he has.
5. Her name is Liz. 6. She has got long hair. 7. Her eyes are green. 8. She
is fine.
195. 1) haven't got; 2) isrt't; 3) aren't; 4) hasn't got
196. 1) Is your nose; 2) Are her eyes; 3) Has this dog got; 4) Have her brothers
197. 1. I have got a pink mouth. 2. Her sister has got long fair hair. 3. Has his
dog got short ears? 4. My mother is beautiful. 5. My eyes are blue.
198. a) My; b) Its; c) Your; d) Her; e) His.
201. 1) have - has; 2) has - have; 3) No, I haven't. 4) get; 5) she - it
UNIT 4. Our pets
204. a) rats f) a parrot
b) hamsters g) a pet
c) budgies h) a snake
d) kittens i) a rabbit
e) guinea -pigs
205. a) one white puppy; b) eight grey rats; c) twelve green parrots; d) sixteen
red kittens
207. 1) Has this dog got .. ; 2) Have frogs got .. ; 3) Has he got .. ; 4) Have you got .. ;
5) Have her sons got ..
208. 1) haven't got; 2) hasn't got; 3) hasn't got; 4) haven't got; 5) hasn't got
210. a) eleven hamsters; b) sixteen parrots; c) nineteen tortoises; d) twelve kit-
tens; e) eighteen rabbits; f) thirteen guinea-pigs
212. 1) have; 2) I haven't; 3) have; 4) they haven't; 5) has; 6) he hasn't; 7) has;
8) he (she) hasn ' t
215. 1. Can she .. ? 2. Can frogs .. ? 3. Can they .. ? 4. Can parrots .. ? 5. Can his
hamster hide? 6. Can her puppy jump?
216. 1. Liz can't climb a tree. 2. Tortoises can't run. 3. Guinea-pigs can't swim.
4. Snakes can't walk. 5. My rabbit can't dance. 6. Her horse can't sing.
217. 1. frog; 2. rabbit; 3 . snake; 4. parrot (budgie); 5. cat
218. 3) can; 4) I can't; 5) can; 6) it can't; 7) can; 8) he can't; 9) can; 10) they
219. 1) My hamster can hide. 2) Budgies can fly and jump. 3) A tortoise can't
jump. 4) Her mum can't climb a tree. 5) Can you dance? 6) Can his pet swim?
222. a) I can dance. b) Parrots can fly. c) Hamsters can hide. d) He can't swim.
e) Rabbits can't run. f) Can his puppy jump?
223. a) My; b) His; c) Her; d) Your; e) Her; f) His
224. 2)1.T;2.F;3.F;4.F;5.T;6.T;7.F;8.F
3) 1. Yes, heis. 2. No, he isn't. 3. Yes, he has. 4. No, he hasn't. 5. No, it
isn't. 6. Yes, it can. 7. No, it can't. 8. Yes, they are.
225. a) is; b) are; c) am; d) are; e) are; f) are; g) is; h) are
226.a)has; b)have;c)has;d)have;e)have;f)have;g)has;h)have
227. a ) S Have you got a cat? b)@ Is her dog red? c)~ Can a frog swim?
d)@Has Linda got a rat? e)@; Are his parrots blue? £)@Can my hamster
hide? ,
231. 1) Yes, he is. 2) No, he isn't. 3) Yes, he can. 4) No, he can't,. 5) Yes, he has.
6) Yes, they are. 7) Yes, they can.
232. 1) My brother has got a goldfish. 2) His budgie is from Africa. 3) Parrots
can sing and fly. 4) Snakes haven't got big ears. 5) A horse can't hide. 6) Her
guinea-pigs are white and brown.
233. 1) I have got a kitten. 2) It is little. 3) My kitten can run. 4) Liz has got two
rats. 5)Her rats are grey. 6) Rats can hide. · "'
235. 1) No, she can~. 2) Can his sister climb a tree? 3) I have got two budgie§.
4) His hamster is brown. 5) is~ are '
238. a) like f) drink k) eat p) wants
b) likes g) drinks 1) eats q) want
c) likes h) drinks m) eat r) want
d) like i) drink n) eats s) wants
e) likes j) drink o) eat t) want
239. ,h) run; c) jumps; d) dances; e) sing; f) go; g) swims; h) hide

240.a)a c)a e)a g)an

b) a d) an f) an h) a
242. b) an - apples; c) a - sausages; d) a - carrots; e) a - bananas; f) a- foxes;
g) a - tomatoes; h) a - potatoes
243. a) fifteen; b) eighteen; c) nineteen; d)thirteen; e) seventeen
244. a) thirteen yellow lemons; b) fifteen red tomatoes; c) eighteen brown pota-
245. c) some; e) an; f) some; g) some; h) a; i) some
247. b) Does; c) Do; d) Does; e) Do; f) Does; g) Does; h) Do
249. b) don,t; c) doesn,t; d) doesn,t; e) don,t; f) don,t; g) doesn,t h) don,t
252. b) The; c) a; The: d) - ; e) a; The; f) The; g) an; The h) The
254. a) a; b) some; c) some; d) an; e) some; f) an; g) some; h) a
255. c) any; d) any; e); f) any; g) some; h) any
256. 3) do; 4) I don,t; 5) does; 6) she doesn,t; 7) do; 8) they don,t
258. a) Liz drinks green tea. b) My sister doesn ,teat fish. c) His sons like sweets.
d) Tigers don,t drink milk. e) Do rats eat cheese? f) Does your mum -like oranges?
259~ a) twelve white eggs; b) fourteen pink sausages c) fifteen blue sweets;
d) seventeen green cucumbers
262. 1) is; 2) are; 3) is; 4) has; 5) has; 6) have; 7) drinks; 8) drink; 9) drinks;
10) likes; 11) like; 12) like
263. 1) a; 2) some; 3) a; 4) some; 5) an; 6) some
264. 1) doesn,t; 2) don,t; 3) doesn,t; 4) don,t; 5) doesn,t; 6) don,t; 7) doesn,t;
8) doesn,t;
265. l ) S , haven,t got; 2)@ isn,t; 3)@, aren,t; 4)@, hasn,t got; 5)@,
cart,t; .
266. 1) my; 2) His; 3) Her; 4) His; 5) Your; 6) Her; 7) Its
267. a) I am hungry. b) We like potatoes. Yummy! c) Arln 'likes red apples. dj
His rabbits eat carrots. e) Her uncle drinks black coffee. f) My brother doesn,t
like cheese. Yuck! g) Dogs don,t drink tea. h) Do cats eat fish? ; -
269. a) doesn't; b) don't; c) don't; d) doesn't; e) doesn ' t; f) don't; g) don't; h)
270. a) Do; b) Does; c) Does; d) Do; e) Do; f) Does; g) Does; h) Do;
271. c) any; d) some; e) some; f) any; g) some; h) any; i) some; j) some;
274. 1). ~;Have they got a family? 2).@ Is she from Minsk? 3).@ Can
cats climb a tree? 4).@Has Tim got a puppy? 5).§ Are the apples red?
275. 1) is; 2) are; 3) is; 4) has; 5) have; 6) has
276. 1) eat; 2) eats; 3) eats; 4) drinks; 5) drink; 6) drinks
279. 1) a-. an; 2) some-. any; 3) a-. some; 4) don't-. doesn't; 5) doesn't-.

UNIT 6. My home
281. 1) I have; 2) it, isn't; 3) she has; 4) she can; 5) he does; 6) I do.
282. 1) is; 2) are; 3) is; 4) has; 5) has; 6) have; 7) likes; 8) like; 9) likes
285. l)a,The;2)an,The;3)-,the
286. a) four green sofas; b) eight brown carpets; c) eleven white tables; d) twelve
blue chairs; e) thirteen red armchairs
289. 1) is; 2) are; 3) is; 4) has; 5) has; 6) have; 7) likes ; 8) like; 9) likes
290. b)@Is the table new? c)@Can Bob see a window? d)@; Has Tim got a
nice room? e) §;Are the chairs yellow?
291. a) Does; b) Do; c) Do; d) Does; e) Do; f) Does
292. a) Do the pupils like .. ; b) Does his teacher want .. ; c) Do the children play .. ;
d) Does the dog sit ...
293. 1) Yes, I have. 2) No, I haven't. 3) Yes, I have. 4) No, I haven' t. 5) Yes,
I have. 6) No, I haven't.
295. b) Is the door; c) Can Bob see; d) Has Ann got; e) Are the boxes
296. a) Do the boys play ... ; b) Does his sister want .. ; c) Does your friend draw .. ;
d) Do the kittens walk ..
297. a) is; b) have; c) are; d) is; e) has; f) go; g) drink; h) swims; i) dance; j) goes;
k) likes
299. 1) Yes, I can. 2) No, I can't. 3) Yes, I can. 4) Yes, I can. 5) No, I can't. 6) No,
I can't. 7) No, I can't.
300. a) fifteen b) eighteen c) nineteen d) seventeen
302. a) Do the children play; b) Does his mum want; c) Does Liz like; d) Do the
kittens drink; e) Does the rabbit eat
303. a) The carpet is on the floor. b) His dog is under the bed. c) My book is 'in
the bookcase. d) The armchair is near the sofa. e) Where is your bag?
304. a) on; b) near; c) under(near); d) on; e) under; f) near; g) in; h) near; i) near;
j) under; k) on
305. a) My computer is on the table. b) My lamps are near the computer. c) Her
doll is in the bookcase. d) His rat is under the armchair.
306. 1) are; 2) likes; 3) have; 4) Does,; 5) dances; 6) hid~; 7) Do; 8) Is; 9) Do;
10) jump.
307. 3) does; 4) she doesn't; 5) does; 6) it doesn't; 7) do; 8) they don't

' .
309. b) The cat is in the bookcase. c) The rabbit is under the table. d) The hamster
is on the bed. e) The rat is under the armchair.
310. l)@Can Polly see; 2)@Has his father got; 3 ) 9 Are the desks.
311. 1) Does Tom run; 2) Do they like; 3)Do the pupils e~t; 4) Does your teacher
sit; 5) Does Ann want; 6) Do my mum and dad read.
312. 1) are; 2) likes; 3) have; 4) Does; 5) sings
313. b) Can Nancy see ... ; c) Are the carpets ... ; d) Have his friends ,got .... ; e) Has
Ann got ... ; f) Does my cat jump .. ; g) Do we read ...
314. a) Has your teacher got a computer? b) Does Tom like his new house? c) Is
her doll on the floor? d) Have the children got a desk? e) Do his sons play in this
room? f) Are his balls under the table? g) Can you draw a sofa?
316. a) Is your room nice? b) Are her books in the bookcase?c) Can Mike see his
pen under the bed? d)Have they ·got two new armchairs? e) Has his uncle got a
big house? f) Do the kittens run on the carpet? g) Does your dog jump on the
317. a) My; b) His; c) Her; d) Your; e) Its; f) His; g) Her
318. 1) No, I don't. 2) Does---+ Do; 3) His---+ Her;' 4) The book@ on the desk.
5) Liz has got@ new house.

UNIT 7. In the lesson

320. a) a book; b) a pen; c) an exercise-book; d) a ruler; e) a pencil; f) a rubber;
g) a chair; h) a mirror
323. 1) isn't; 2) hasn't; 3) doesn't; 4) don't; 5) doesn't; 6) haven't
324. a) isn't; b) haven't; c) can't
325. a) don't want; b) doesn't like; c) doesn't read; d) don't read
326. 1) is; on the desk; 2) is; under the table; 3) are; in the pencil-case; 4) is;
near the bookcase; 5) are; in the box; 6) are; on the chair; 7) is; near the desk; 8)
are; under the sofa
330. a) hasn't got; b) aren't; c) am not; d) can't
331. a) doesn't sleep; b) doesn't speak; c) don't look; d)doesn't listen
332. b) aren't; c) can't; d) hasn't; e) doesn't; f) haven't; g) don't
333. 1) My pens are in the pencil-case. 2) His bag is on the desk. 3) Liz has got
two rulers. 4) Tim can see his rubber under the chair.
335. a) am not; b) haven't got; c) can't; d) don't sleep; e) doesn't write
337. b) It's in the pencil-case. c) It's near the bookcase. d) It's in the bag. e) It's
on the chair. f) It's near the desk (table). g) It's under the desk (table). h) It's in
the pencil-case. i) It's in the bookcase.
338. a) My; b) His; c) Her; d) Your; e) His; f) Its; g) Her

341. l)draws;opens;takes;has
2) has; 'want; go; close
3) speaks; reads; writes
4) Do; don't; Does; doesn't; Do; do
342. 1) Open the books, please 2) She has got five pencils . 3) My ruler is under
the chair. 4) Take your pencils and draw. 5) We read and write at school.
343. 1. Liz likes to read but she doesn't like to write. 2. My brother can run but
he can't jump. 3. The pupils open the books but they close the exercise-books.
4. I listen to my friend but I don't listen to my teacher. 5. My friend and I have
got ten pencils but we haven't got a rubber. 6. His little kitten drinks milk but
it doesn't eat meat.
345. a) hasn't got; b) aren't; c) doesn't open; d) don't draw
346. a) The children haven't got a desk.
b) Sam doesn't like his new room.
c) His ball isn't under the table.
d) I can't see your book in the bookcase.
e) She hasn't got five pencils.
f) My rulers aren't near the pencil-case.
g) We don't sleep at school.
347. a) I don't put my pens in my pencil-case. b) She doesn't take her book to
school. c) His bag isn't near the bookcase. d) The pencils aren't red:· e) Tom can't
see his ruler under the chair. f)We haven't got a new exercise-book. g) The pupil
hasn't got a book on the desk.
348. B. 1) hasn't got 2) reads; 3) goes; 4) likes; 5) is
C.l)T2)F3)F4)T5)F6)F ,
D. 1) Flop is a frog. 2) He likes to sing very much. 3) No, he doesn't. 4) The
Mouse goes to school. 5) Her bag is blue. 6) She has got five books. 7)
She has got twelve pencils. 8) No, it isn't. 9)'1t is white. 10) Yes, she is.
349. 1) Let's go to)( school! 2) doesn't~ don't 3) Is---+ Are 4) don't---+ doesn't
5) open ---+ opens

UNIT 8. Seasons
352. b) don't; c) Do; d) are; e) has; f) listen; g) drinks; h) skates
353. b)@; Is the weather warm? c)@; Can his brother swim? d)S; Have we
got a new ball? e)@Are the parks green? f)Grii: Can his father run very well?
g)@; Has she got a nice mirror? h)S Am Ifi'.'~m Minsk?
354. b) Does Betty play tennis? c) Do children swim in summer? d) Does Nancy
skate in winter? e) Do pupils write in the lessons? g) Does Bob draw on the board
well? h) Does my friend drink cold juice?
355. 1) What's the weather like? 2) It's cold and cloudy today. 3) I go for a walk.
357. 2) Yes, I do (No, I don't) 3) Yes, she does. (No, she doesn't.) 4) Yes, she
does. (No, she doesn't.) 5) Yes, it is. 6) No, it isn't.
358. 1) The weather is hot and sunny in summer. 2) The weather is warm and
cloudy in spring. 3) The.".Veather is windy and rainy in autumn. 4) The weather
is cold and snowy in winter.
359. b)S; Sam hasn't got two rulers. c)@ Spring isn't windy. d)B The
trees aren't brmY'n. e)§; I am not at school. f)@; His brother can't play table
tennis. g)S; They liaven't got three robots. h)@ Winter isn't rainy.
360. b) Dick doesn't skate in spring. c) Children don't go to school in summer.
d)My brother doesn't go ... ; e) Her friend doesn't swim .. ; f) Pupils don't play
snowballs at school.
363. b) Yes, I can. / No, I can't. c) Yes, she does./ No, she doesn't. d) Yes, it
is. / No, it isn't. e) No, they aren't. f) Yes, they have. /No, they haven't. g) Yes,
she does. / No, she doesn't. h) Yes, I do./ No, I don't.
364. 1. My friends and I play snowballs in winter. 2. Liz skates in winter. 3. The
children swim in summer. 4. His sister plays table tennis in spring. 5. Boys play
football in autumn.
367. 1) summer;
2) autumn; 3) winter; 4) spring
368. a) My; b) His; c) Her; d) Your; e) His; f) Her
369. 1) like; 2) don't; 3) Do; 4) are; 5) has; 6) drinks; 7) doesn't; 8) goes; 9) have
370. b) Do her sisters like; c) Can his teacher read; d) Has Liz got; e) Doescmy
mother sing; f) Is the weather; g) Does your friend draw; h) Do the boys ski;
376. b) His sons don't go to school in summer. c) Mike doesn't play basketball
in winter. d) His dog can't run in the park. e) The boys aren't happy.f) Dave
doesn't liketo swim in winter. g) They haven't got a house near the park. h) The
girls don't playice-hockey.
378. 1) like; 2) don't; 3) Do; 4) are; 5) has; 6) eats; 7) doesn't; 8) goes; 9) have
379. B. 1) T 2) T 3) F 4) F 5)T 6) F
C. 1. Mike can play tennis. 2. His sister Kate can't swim. 3. His father likes
to swim. 4. His mother can skate. 5. His brother Bob likes to play foot-
381. a) His father can ski well. b) Sam has got two balls. c) Is the weather cloudy?
d) My friend plays football. e) The trees are yellow in autumn. f) The boys
haven't got a sister. g) We don't swim in winter. h) Can her brother play ice-
382. a) Boys like to play football. b) Girls don't want to play ice-hockey. c) They
can run very well. d) Trees are green in spring. e) Mike hasn't got a big ball.
f) Can you swim? g) Does Bob want to play tennis?
383. a)-; b) a; c)-; d) a; e) a; The; f) a; g) a; h)-
384. a) Yes, I have. b) Yes, it is (No, it isn't.) c) Yes, I am. d) Yes, I do. e) Yes,
she does. f) Yes, he can (No, he can't) g) Yes, she has. (No, she hasn't) h) No,
they aren't. i) Yes, he does. (No, he doesn't)
385. 1) doesn't~ don't; 2) Is~ Are; 3) No, I can~. 4) It~ cloudy today.
5) haven't~ hasn't

UNIT 9.1 love animals

388. b) is; Is the tiger hungry? The tiger isn't hungry.
c) has; Has Mary got a brown bear? Mary hasn't got a brown bear.
d) can; Can we see hippos at the zoo? We can't see hippos atthe zoo.
e) have; Have his friends got a horse? His friends haven't got a horse.
f) are; Are the crocodiles green? The crocodiles aren't green.
g) can; Can the lion hide under the tree? The lion can't hide under the tree.
h) are; Are the lion and the tiger at the circus? The lion and the tiger
aren't at the circus.
390. 1) His sister goes to the circus. 2) The lion can run and jump well. 3) This
monkey hasn't got a ball. 4) You can see two tigers at the circus. 5) Let's go to
the circus!
393.a)a e) a i) a
b)an f) a j) an
c) a g) a k)a
d)an h)an 1) a
394. the; a; The; an; The;-; -
395. 1) On Sunday; 2) Three; 3) Spring; 4) My granny; 5) To the zoo; 6) Very
well;•7) In the park; 8) O.K.
396. b) Does the monkey like bananas? The monkey doesn't like bananas. c) Does
the fox hide near the tree? The fox doesn't hide near the tree. d) Do giraffes eat
grass and leaves? Giraffes don't eat grass and leaves. e) Does this crocodile swim
well? This crocodile doesn't swim well. f) Do the hippos drink cold water? The
hippos don't drink cold water. g) Does the elephant take apples? The elephant
doesn't take apples. h) Do the lions play ball at the circus? The lions don't play
ball at the circus.
397. a)-; b) to; c) to; d) -; - e) -; f) to; g) to
398. 1) three red tigers; 2) eight grey elephants; 3) two green crocodiles 4) nine
yellow lions; 5) eleven brown bears
399. 1) He is 8. 2) Yes, he is. 3) No, he doesn't. 4) He can see many animals at
the zoo. 5) He can see two giraffes. 6) They are yellow and black. 7) He can see
three bears. 8) They are from Belarus. 9) He can see four monkeys. 10) They eat
400. b). Do hippos eat grass? Hippos don't eat grass. c). Is the bear brown? The
bear isn't brown. d). Can the tiger run very well? The tiger can't run very well.
e). Does the horse jump well? The horse doesn't jump well. f). Are the lions yel-
low? The lions aren't yellow. g) . Have the rabbits got long ears? The rabbits
haven't got long ears. h). Does the dog dance at the circus? The dog doesn't
dance at the circus.
401. 1) What do·you like at the zoo? 2) Where does her brother go on Sunday?
3) When does the girl go to the circus? 4) What can Liz see at the zoo? 5) When
do your friends play football?
402. a) Hippos haven't got hair. b) The tiger jumps and runs well. c) The chil-
dren are at the zoo. d) Do crocodiles like cold water? e) Does the fox eat carrots?
403. b) have; c) don't; d) aren't; e) doesn't; f) hasn't; g) Does; h) sleep; i) Do; j)
404. a) My; b) Its; c) His; d) Her; e) Your; f) His; g) Her
405. B. 1) is; 2) hasn't; 3) wants; 4) aren't; 5) swim; 6) don't; 7) has; 8) play
C. 1) T 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) F 6) F 7) T 8) T
D. 1) Yes, she is. 2) No, she isn't. 3) Yes, she can. 4) No, she can't. 5) No,
she doesn't. 6) Yes, she does. 7) Yes, she has. 8) Yes, they have.
406.1) I draw in pencil. 2) Liz goes to school. 3) Liz and Sam go to the swimming
pool. 4) My friend plays computer games. 5) Her brothers play volleyball.
407. a) We can see white bears at the zoo. b) The giraffe is big. c) Elephants are
grey. d) Crocodiles haven't got (any) hair. e) The monkey dances at the circus.
f) Do you like to go to the zoo? g) Can the fox jump? h) Lions don't eat leaves. i)
Tigers hide in the grass. j) Does the hamster drink milk?
409. 1) is~ are; 2) don't~ doesn't; 3) haven't~ hasn't 4) Do~ Does 5) Her~
English 4
Unit 1. <(My friend»
1. 1) am; 2) is; 3) is; 4) are; 5) are
2. 1) You're; 2) They're; 3) I'm; 4) She's; 5) He's
3. 2) are; 3) are; 4) is; 5) are; 6) is; 7) are; 8) are; 9) is; 10) am
4. 2) Are; 3) Is; 4) Is; 5) Are; 6) Are; 7) Is; 8)Are; 9) Is; 10) Are
5. l)@; Is she kind? 2)~ Are we good friends? 3)§ Am I fine? 4)@; Is it a
big school? 5)0 Are h(ey from London?
6. 1) isn't; 2) aren't; 3) am not; 4) isn't; 5) aren't .
7. 1) Is Tom; he is; 2) Is Liz; she isn't; 3) Are they; they are; 4) Are her sons;
they aren't; 5) Are Polly and I ; we are
8. l)I@apupil. 2)She@a teacher. 3)TheyShappy.
10. 1) is; 2) is; 3) am; 4) is; 5) are; 6) are; 7) are; 8) is; 9) are; 10) is
11. a) My mother is nice. She has got long fair hair. b) This baby is naughty. It
wants to play. c) Her brother is lazy. He doesn't read books. d) His family is
happy. They have got a funny puppy. e) Her granny is kind. She gives milk to
the kitten. f) Tom is clever. He reads a lot. g) This ball is bad. We can't play
football. h) Mike is my friend. He is a good friend.
12. a) are---+ is; b) is---+ am; c) isn't---+ aren't; d) aren't---+ isn't; e) Am---+ Are;
f) Is ---+ Are
14. 1) She's got; 2) We've, got; 3) You've
15. 1) They have; 2) He has; 3) I have
16. 1) have got; 2) has got; 3) have got; 4) has got; 5) have got 6) have got; 7) has
got; 8) has got; 9) have got; 10) have got
17. 1) hasn't got; 2) haven't got; 3) hasn't got; 4) haven't got
18. 1) Have the boys got; they have; 2) Have we got; we haven't; 3) Have they
got; they have; 4) Has Liz got; she has; 5) Has he got; he hasn't
19. 1. I have got a tall brother. 2. He has got blue eyes and short fair hair. 3. Her
puppy hasn't got long ears.
20. 1) hasn't---+ haven't; 2) Tim has got a blue eyes. 3) Have---+ Has; 4) haven't---+
hasn't; 5) has---+ have; 6) Has---+ Have
22. 1) - ; 2) to; 3) to; 4) - ; to; 5) to; 6) to; 7) -
23. 1) can't; 2) can't; 3) can't 4) can't
24. 1) Can Steve .. ; 2) Can these boys .. ; 3) Can frogs .. ; 4) Can Helen ..
25. 1) Can Ann roller-skate? - Yes, she can. 2) Can my mum and I play ten-
nis? - No, we can't. 3) Can the girls dance very well? - Yes, they can. 4) Can
his brother sing? - No, he can't. 5) Can Mike and Ted draw? - No, they can't.
26. 1) Her father can ski well. 2) My little sister can't read. 3) His dogs can run,
jump, swim and dance.
27. 1) can«>; 2) Can Polly swim well? 3) No, I can't. 4) can't«> 5) Ann cans
dance very well.
29. 1) plays; 2) do; 3) watches; 4) listens; 5) watch; 6) go; 7) roller-skates;
8) rides
30. 1) T; 2) F; 3) T; 4) T; 5) T; 6) F
1) Alex is from Belarus. 2) He is 9. 3) Yes, he is. 4) No, he doesn't. 5) His
favourite lessons are Maths and English. 6) Yes, he can. 7) Yes, he does. 8) He
can't sing well. (Alex doesn't like Music because he can't sing well.) 9) Alex
roller-skates on Monday. 10) Alex rides a bike on Tuesday. 11) Alex plays foot-
ball with his school friends. 12) Alex plays computer games on Friday. 13) Alex
watches TV on Friday. 14) Alex goes for a walk on Sunday.
31. 1) I go for a walk on Tuesday. 2) Nick does homework on Wednesday. 3) Nick
and Mike play computer games on Saturday. 4) My friend rides a bike on Thurs-
day. 5) Her brothers watch TV on Friday. 6) The girl listens to music on Sun-
32. for/ to/ on/ with/ - / in/ to/ on
33. a)-; b) -; c) -; d) a; e) a; The; f) a; g) a; h) -
34. 1) I do my homework on Monday. 2) Liz goes for a walk on Friday. 3) We
roller-skate together. 4) Sam watches TV with his sister. 5) Ann listens to music
on Saturday.
UNIT 2. My family
36. 1) Ann's ball; 2) Nina's kitten; 3) David's pet; 4) Kate's book; 5) my cousin's
name; 6) his friend's ball; 7) her granny's puppy; 8) my grandad's car
37. 1) Nick's mother; 2) Betty's brother; 3) Amy's uncle; 4) Jim's son; 5)John's
parents; 6) Bob's aunt; 7) Mrs Bell's daughter; 8) Mike's cousin
38. 1) my mum's mirror; 2) my parents' room; 3) your aunt's daughter; 4) her
uncle's children; 5) his children's pencils; 6) their cousins' bags; 7) this driver's
car; 8) these teachers' books; 9) this cook's pizza; 10) these farmers' pigs
39. 2) singer - rreBen;; 3) dancer - TaHu;op; 4) runner - 6eryH; 5) swimmer -
rrJioBeu;; 6) jumper - rrpb1ryH; 7) driver - BOAHTeJib; 8) skier - JibDKHHK;
9) skater - KOHbKo6e:meu;; 10) reader - "t!HTaTeJib; 11) writer - rrncaTeJib;
12) player - nrpoK
40. 1. The cooks are hungry. 2. The sportsmen are tall. 3. The doctors are clever.
4. The teachers have got books. 5. The businessmen have got bags. 6. The child-
ren drink milk. 7. The women like their daughters. 8 . .The girls listen to mvsic.
41. 2) he / his; 3) we / our; 4) they/ their; 5) she / her; 6) he / his; 7) it / its;
8) they/ their; 9) we/ our; 10) they/ their
42. 2) Their 3) Her 4) His 5) Their 6) My 7) Our 8) your 9) Our
43. 2) Her 3) His 4) My 5) Our 6) Their 7) Your
44.1) His~ Her; 2) Her~ Their; 3) Our~ My; 4) Their~ Our; 5) My~ Your
45. 1) F; 2) T; 3)T; 4) F; 5)F; 6)T; 7)F
46. 3) These are 4) This is 5) These are 6) This is 7) This is 8) These are
47. 3) This/ is 4) This/ is 5) These/ are 6) These/ are 7) This/ is 8) These/ are
48. 1) This is their cousin. 2) These are our parents. 3) Is this your bike? 4) This
businessman is clever. 5) These children are haughty.
49. 1) This ~ These; 2) These ~ This; 3) This ~ These; 4) These ~ This;
5) This ~ These
50. 1) my grandad's armchair; 2) my cousins' school; 3) Liz and Nina's desk;
4) Tom's rubber; 5) these vets' dogs; 6) Mike and Nick's granny
51. 1) my dog's eyes; 2) these elephants' ears; 3) my granny and grandad's cat;
4) this businessman's shop; 5) these dentists' armchair; 6) this woman's hair;
7) this boy's bike; 8) this boy and this girl's dad; 9) these farmers' cows; 10) her
brother and sister's teacher
52. 1) My uncle's dog is clever. 2) His parents' names are Ann and Mike.3) This
is Nina's brother. 4) She is Nina_ and Sam's granny. 5) Her cousin~ kitten
is nice.
53. a) 18 e) 80 i) 83
b)12 fr20 j) 21
c) 30 g)13 k)39
d)lOO h)56 1) 72
54. a) thirty-two pupils; b) forty-seven books; c) fifty-three bikes; d) sixty-nine
children; e) seventy-one cooks; f) eighty-four drivers; g) ni'nety-five teachers
55. 1) fifteen; 2) thirty-five; 3) ninety-nine; 4) eighty-five; 5) one hundred and
56. 1) Nick is from Great Britain. 2) He is eight. 3) Yes, he is. 4) No, he doesn't.
5) His favourite lessons are Maths and Music. 6) He can sing very well. 7) His
mother is thirty-six. 8) Her name is Helen. 9) She is a teacher. 10) She works at
school. 11) She likes to read books and wateh TV. 12) She can play tennis well.
13) He is forty-two. 14) His name is Robert. 15) He is a doctor. 16) He works in
the hospital. 17) He likes to play football. 18) His father can swim very well.
19) Nick's sister is not a pupil. She is five. 20) She likes to play with her toys.
21) Ann has got thirteen dolls. 22) They ha:ve got a cat.
57. 1) This vet is kind. 2) These cousins go to school number forty-eight.3) Liz's
mum is a teacher. 4) Our parents are thirty-nine. 5) Their uncle has got short
dark hair. 6) Are these children lazy? 7) Their cousin isn't a driver.
UNIT 3. Daily life
59. 1) H BCTaro B ; 2) MoH MaMa BCTaeT B; 3) Mo11 po,n;11TeJI11 o6e,n;aroT B; 4) Mo11
,n;py3hH 11,n;yT B IIIKoJiy B; 5) H rrp11xomy ,n;oMoli B; 6) Moli JI10611Mh1li cpHJihM 11,n;eT
B; 7) H HatIHHaIO ,n;eJiaTh ypoKH B; 8) H 3aKaH"CJHBaro ypoKH B; 9) Moli rrarra
rrp11xo,n;11T ,n;oMoli B; 10) H Jiomych crraTh B.
61. 2) play; 3) makes; 4) has; 5) wash; 6) go; 7) do; 8) eats; 9) reads; 10) run
62. 1) gets; 2) ride; 3) help; 4) takes; 5) wash; 6) cooks; 7) brush; 8) goes;
9) watch; 10) play; 11) has; 12) flies
63. 1. get up---+ gets up; 2. works---+ work; 3. goes---+ go; 4. rides---+ ride; 5. has---+
65. A. 2) our; 3) your; 4) his; 5) her; 6) their
B. 1) their; 2) his; 3) my; 4) her; 5) our; 6) your
C. 1) his; 2) your; 3) her; 4) their; 5) my; 6) our
D. 1) our; 2) my; 3) his; 4) your; 5) their; 6) her
E. 1) his; 2) their; 3) your; 4) our; 5) her; 6) my
66. 1) I brush my teeth every morning. 2) She brushes her hair every evening.
3) They make their beds every day. 4) Tom washes his face in the morning and
in the evening. 5) My friends and I wash our hands before breakfast.
67. 1. My brother brushes his teeth every morning. 2. Ted and Nick usually
make their beds at 7.30. 3. We wash our faces in the morning. 4. I don't brush
my hair in the afternoon. 5. Do you usually do your exercises?
69. 1) She is a pupil. 2) She has got white teeth. 3) She gets up in the morning.
4) Then she washes her face. 5) And she brushes her hair. 6) Then she goes to
school. 7) She sings in the afternoon. 8) She has apples for lunch. 9) She brushes
her teeth in the evening.
70. 1) Her name is Jane. 2) Her hair is fair. 3) Her teeth are white. 4) Jane gets
up, washes her face, brushes her hair and goes to school in the morning. 5) She
sings in the afternoon. 6) She has apples for lunch. 7) She brushes her teeth in
the evening.
71. 2) Do 3) Do 4) Does 5) Do 6) Do 7) Does 8) Does
72. 2) don't 3) don't 4) doesn't 5) don't 6) doesn't 7) doesn't 8) don't
73. 1) Do his parents tidy; don't tidy 2) Does Bob get; doesn't get; 3) Do Tom's
friends go; don't go 4) Does Tom make; doesn't make
74. 1) do; r.zi;e ,n;eBO"llKH KaTaIOTCH Ha pOJIHKax? 2) does; Kor,n;a CTHB o6hI"llHO
rrpHXO,D;HT ,D;OMOH? 3) does; Ilo"tJ:eMy ero cecTpa BCTaeT B 7 l:.JaCOB? 4) do; "lJTo 3TH
,n;eTH ,n;eJiaIOT ,n;HeM? 5) do; r.zi;e ero ,n;py3h:H nrparoT B cpyT6oJI ? 6) does; "lJTo H11K
ecT Ha 3aBTpaK? 7) does; Kor,n;a lIOJIJIH o,n;eBaeTCH? 8) do; Ilo"lleMy ee pO,D;HTeJIH
H,D;YT TY,n;a?
75. 2) When; 3) Why; 4) What; 5) Where 6) When 7) Where 8) Why
77. 1) come; 2) has; 3) help; 4) go; 5) makes; 6) takes; 7) play; 8) do
78. 1) She doesn't wash the dishes. Does she wash the dishes? 2) I don't go to
school on Sunday. Do I go to school on Sunday? 3) We don't like housework. Do
we like housework? 4) He doesn't listen to music. Does he listen to music? 5) Liz
doesn't brush her hair. Does Liz brush her hair? 6) You don't have breakfast at
7 .30. Do you have breakfast at 7 .30?
79. 1) I usually get up at seven forty-five. 2) Nina goes to school at eight fifteen.
3) We have lunch at twelve thirty. 4) His cousin doesn't wash the dishes after
dinner. 5) My brother and I tidy our room on Sunday. 6) Do you make your bed
every morning?
80. 1) Does-+ Do; 2) don't-+ doesn't; 3) his-+ her; 4) on-+ at; 5) take-+ takes

UNIT 4. A day off

82. 2) wash; 3) takes; 4) has; 5) come; 6) visit; 7) watches; 8) do; 9) rides;
10) swim; 11) watch; 1 2) works
83. 1) Do his parents go; don't go; 2) Does Nina dance; doesn't dance; 3) Do the
pupils visit; don't visit; 4) Does the vet watch; doesn't watch
84. 1) lays; doesn't lay; 2) help; don't help; 3) walk; don't walk; 4) feeds; doesn't
85. 1) lays; Does his sister lay; 2) tidy; Do her children tidy; 3) walks; Does Peter
walk; 4) feed; Do we feed
86. 1) Ann's brothers are naughty. 2) We usually have breakfast at seven
o'clock. 3) Our granny washes the dishes after dinner. 4) His children watch
cartoons at the cinema. 5) My friend and I go to the amusement park on Satur-
88. 1) dances; doesn't dance; Does this girl dance; 2) listen; don't listen; Do his
parents listen; 3) goes; doesn't go; Does this boy go; 4) watch; don't watch; Do
my friends watch
89. b) at; c) at; d) at; e) in; f) in -
l)at;2)in;3)at;4)at; 5)in;6)at
90. 1) on; at; to 2) to; on; in; with 3) to; with; at; with 4) for; - ; in
91. 1) in-+ on; 2) at-+ in; 3) in-+ at; 4) in-+ to; 5) on-+ for
92. 1) Tom gets up at seven o'clock. 2) Then he makes his bed, brushes his teeth,
washes his face, brushes his hair and has breakfast. 3) Tom goes to school at 8
o'clock. 4) Yes, he is. He is clever because he is a good pupil. 5) No, he can't.
Tom can't read and write well today because he is sad and hungry. 6) Tom comes
home at two thirty. 7) He eats fish soup and bread, meat and potatoes, two
sausages, cucumbers and tomatoes for lunch. 8) He drinks orange juice. 9) Tom
usually goes for a walk in the afternoon. 10 _-o. he does ·-.To c
a walk today because he is full.
93. 1) wants; doesn't want; Does X ancy "Wan:: 21 :=: ' " ; : cior:.·- :=:
swim; 3) visit; don't visit; Do my parents visit·-!) cook.5: d ~·:
mum cook
95. 1) Do his parents come; When do his parents come home? 2) Does Bob ha -e ~
Where does Bob have lunch? 3) Do the children have meat; What do the children
have for dinner? 4) Does Tom take; When does Tom take a shower?
96. 1) Do his friends come; When do his friends come home? 2) Does Bill read;
Where does Bill read books? 3) Do the children have; What do the children have
for dinner? Does Nancy brush; When does Nancy brush her teeth?
97. 1) When do you go to school? 2) What does her brother like to watch at the
circus? 3) Where do our friends go on Sunday? 4) When (Where) does Liz dance?
5) What do the girls do in the amusement park?
98. 1) Do her friends watch; What do her friends watch at the cinema? 2) Does
Bob go; Where does Bob go? 3) Do the children dance; When do the children
dance at the disco? 4) Does Tom ride; Where does Tom ride a pony?
99. 1) When do you go to the circus? 2) What does Liz have for breakfast?
3) When does Tom get up? 4) Where do they watch cartoons? 5) What does Ann
wash after lunch?
100. a) Alex is 12 . b) He is from Britain. c) On his days off he usually gets up at
10 o'Clock. d) On Saturday morning he does his homework. e) Alex goes for a
walk with his friends. f) After lunch Alex and his cousin John go to the cinema.
g) They like to watch cartoons and new films at the cinema. h) On Sunday Alex's
family goes to the zoo or to the circus. i) They like to watch animals because it's
101. 1) Do they tidy their room on Sunday? When do they tidy their room?
2) Does he have dinner at school? Where does he have dinner? 3) Does his mum
dance well? How does his mum dance? 4) Do we have soup for lunch? What do
we have for lunch? 5) Does Ann get up at seven o'clock? When does Ann get up?
6) Do you take a shower at home? Where do you take a shower?
102. 1) Where do his parents listen to music? 2) When does Robert walk his dog?
3) What does Kitty want? 4) Where do the boys go? 5) Why does Liz lay the
103. 1) doesn't feed; Does my mum feed; When does my mum feed our cat?
2) don't walk; Do his cousins walk; Where do his cousins walk their dog?
3) doesn't drink; Does her dad drink; What does her dad drink for breakfast?
4) don't read; Do Tom and Bob read; Where do Tom and Bob read books?
104. 1) My friends help their parents. 2) Ann doesn't go to the amusement park
every day. 3) Tom usually walks his dog at~seven twenty. 4) Do you feed your
pet in the morning? 5) Does she lay the table every evening?
105. 1) My; 2) Our; 3) Its; 4) Her; 5) Their; 6) Your; 7) His
106. 1) go - goes; 2) When does your sister go to the disco? 3) Where - When
4) goes - go; 5) What does Alex have for dinner?

UNIT 5. Pet of the family

108. 1) eat; 2) don't eat; 3) eats; 4) doesn't eat; 5) like; 6) doesn't like; 7) drinks;
8) don't drink
109. 1) hasn't got; Has his puppy got; What has his puppy got? 2) can't swim,;
Can this friendly dog swim; How can this friendly dog swim? 3) isn't; Is her kit-
ten; Where is her kitten? 4) don't watch; Do they watch; When do they watch
interesting films? 5) doesn't wash; Does Sam wash; When does Sam wash his
110. a) our grandfather's horse; b) this tiger's tail; c) their rabbits' ears; d) Ted
and Mike's dog; e) your monkey's eyes; f) these bears' hair; g) his puppy and
kitten's ball; h) this crocodile's teeth; i) these elephants' noses
111. a) the; b) -; c) a; d) -; e) -; a; f) a; The
112. 1) likes - like; 2) not - doesn't; 3) elephants's - elephants' 4) do - does;
5) Where do their friends go?
114. 1. Our cat is friendly. 2. Her parrot is noisy. 3. Crocodiles are angry.
4. Monkeys are fast. 5. Snakes are ugly. 6. Its tail is quiet. 7. His tortoises are
slow. 8. Their dog is boring.
115. 1. Ann washes her slow tortoise. 2. The children feed their quiet goldfish.
3. The boy likes his ugly snake. 4. My parents walk our fast dog. 5. My friend
and I brush our friendly cat. 6. The girl plays with her noisy parrot.
116. 1) is - are; 2) are - is; 3) feed - feeds; 4) This snake's tail is ugly.
5)Does- Do

117. nicer; more interesting, funnier, quieter, better, cleverer friendlier

younger ' '

11~. the most interesting, the smallest, the angriest the best the oldest th
ugliest ' ' , e

119. 1) slower; 2) more beautiful; 3) longer; 4) friendlier; 5) angrier

~20.1) t?e biggest; 2) the funniest; 3) the most boring; 4) the tallest· 5) the most
mterestmg '

121. 2) kind; 3) noisier; 4) the quietest; 5) the most interesting; 6) angrier;

7) hottest; 8) slowest; 9) good; 10) younger
122~ l.old I ~lder/.oldest; 2. fast I faster/ fastest; 3.noisy /noisier/ noisiest;
!. biggest/ bigger/big ·. . .
123. 2) most boring; 3) sad; 4) tallest; 5) more interesting; 6) short; 7) the
longest; 8) colder; 9) the oldest; 10) more beautiful
124. 1) Tigers are fft6Pe angrier than crocodiles. 2) Cheetahs are the fastest an-
imals in the world. 3) Puppies are smaller than dogs. 4) The monkey is the most
interestingest animal. 5) tallest ~ taller
125. 1. F; 2.T; 3.T; 4.F; 5.F; 6.F; 7.T; 8.F
126. 1) Yes, he is. 2) Yes, he can. 3) He has got brown hair. 4) His eyes are
brown. 5) Ricky wants to walk in the garden. 6) Ricky likes dog food for break-
fast. 7) Alex goes to school in the morning. 8) Ricky is happy in the afternoon
because Alex comes home. 9) Ricky jumps and wags his tail when he is happy.
10) Alex gives Ricky a bone and some water in the afternoon. 11) They play ball
together. 12) Alex walks Ricky in the evening. 13) When they come home Alex
washes, brushes and feeds Ricky. 14) Ricky sleeps in the hall. 15) Yes, he is.
Alex is a good pet owner.
127. 2) funnier; 3) the quietest; 4) most beautiful; 5).clever; 6) younger; 7) best;
8) noisier; 9) the hottest; 10) more boring
128. 2) the biggest; 3) slower; 4) most interesting; 5) friendlier; 6) the angriest;
7) kind
129. 2) the cleverest; 3) ugly; 4) the most beautiful; 5) naughtier; 6) better;
7) the best
130. 2) the fastest; 3) worse; 4) the happiest; 5) nice; 6) the biggest; 7) taller;
8) the most boring; 9) the best; 10) more interesting
131. 1) I think snakes are uglier than frogs. 2) This book is the most interesting
of all. 3) Giraffes are the tallest animals in the world. 4) Tortoises are more bor-
ing than parrots. 5) Tom is the best pupil in our class. 6) This test is the worst
of all. 7) Tigers are angrier than cats. 8) Naughty pupils are worse than clever
132. 1) Giraffes are taller than monkeys. 2) The sloth is the mes4i slowest animal.
3) youngest~ younger; 4) Snakes are ffi6f'e uglier than tortoises. 5) Whales are
the biggest animals in the world.

UNIT 6. My house
134. 1) Yes, they do. 2) No, she doesn't. 3) No, he hasn't. 4) Yes, they have.
5) No, she can't. 6) No, it isn't.
135. 1) under/ near; 2) on; 3) on; 4) near; 5) in; 6) under; 7) in; 8)near
136. There is; There are
137. 3) There is; 4) There are; 5) There is; 6) There are; 7) There are; 8) There
are; 9) There is; 10) There are
138. 2) bigger; 3) the tallest; 4) older; 5) the most beautiful; 6) the ugliest;
7) nicer; 8) smaller
139. l)are -*is; 2) The living-room is the meet biggest room in our flat. 3) is :-*
are; 4) This---"* There; 5) There's :is a mirror in the hall.
141. 1) thirty-eight wardrobes; 2) fifty-two fridges; 3) ninety-four cupboards;
4) thirteen cookers; 5) forty-one televisions;
142. 3) Are there; 4) Is there; 5) Is there; 6) Is there; 7) Are there; 8) Is there;
9) Is there; 10) Are there
143. 3) Are; 4) Are; 5) ls; 6)Is; 7) Are; 8) Is; 9) Are; 10) Are
144. 3) There aren't; 4) There isn't; 5) There isn't; 6) There aren't; 7) There
aren't; 8) There isn't; 9) There are.n't; 10) There isn't
145. 1. There isn't a garden near the house. Is there a garden near the house?
2. There aren't three sofas in her living-room. Are there thr ee sofas in her liv-
ing-room? 3. There isn't a fridge in the kitchen. Is there a fridge in the kitchen?
4. There aren't two wardrobes in the hall. Are there two wardrobes in the hall?
5. There aren't four chairs in the bedroom. Are thei::e four chairs in the bed-
room? 6. There isn't a bath in the bathroom. Is there a bath in the bathroom?
146. 1) This ---"* There; 2) Their---"* There; 3) aren't ---"* isn't; 4) The bedroom is
the meet smallest room in the house. 5) Is---"* Are
147. I. A. Linda's; B. Helen's; C. Robin's II.l) T; 2) F; 3) F; 4) T; 5) F; 6) T; 7) F;
8)T; 9)F III. 1) Yes, she does. 2) Yes, it is. 3) Yes, there is. 4) No, it isn't. 5) Yes,
there is. 6) Yes, he does. 7) Yes, she has. 8) No, she doesn't. 9) No, there isn't.
148. 1) How many wardrobes are there; 2)' How many balls are there; 3) How
many chairs are there; 4~ How many cupboards are there; 5) How many rooms
are there;
149. 1) How many rooms are there in their house? 2) How many fridges are.there
in the kitchen? 3) How many flowers are there in your garden? 4) How many
sofas are there in Tom's bedroom? 6) How many cupboards are there in our liv-
150. 1) There are 2 (3,4) rooms in my flat. / There is one room in my flat.
2) There are 2 (3,4) carpets in my flat. / There is one carpet in my flat. 3) Yes,
there is. There is a bathroom in my flat. 4)Yes, it is. My bathroom is big./ No,
it isn't. My bathrqom isn't big. 5) There are 2 (3, 4) armchairs in my living-
room. /There is one armchair in my living-room. 6) My mum's favourite arm-
chair is blue (green, red ... ). 7) My family watches TV in the living-room. 8) My
family has breakfast in the kitchen. 9) I do my homework in my bedroom.
10) There are two beds in my parents' bedroom. /There is one bed in my parents'
151. 1) Our; 2) My; 3) Its; 4) Her; 5) Their; 6) Your; 7) His
152. 1) How many bathrooms are there in your flat? 2) Are ---"* Is; <3) isn't"-+
aren't; 4) parents'; 5) our---"* their
154. a) Ann's room; b) our parents' bedroom; c) Tom and Nina's house; d) their
granny's kitchen; e) his sisters' bathroom; f) your uncle and aunt's living-room;
g) this woman's wardrobe
155. 1) There isn't a mirror in the hall. 2) Is there a wardrobe in the room?
3) There aren't any carpets in the flat. 4) There's a bookcase in my room. 5) Are
there any chairs in the bedroom?
156. 1) There are three rooms in the flat. 2) There are many old trees in the gar-
den. 3) There is a wardrobe in the bedroom. 4) There are two bedrooms and a
living-room in the house. 5) There is a fridge in the kitchen. 6) There is a beau-
tiful carpet in the hall.
157. 1) Yes, there are./ No, there aren't. 2) There are two(three) bookcases in
our classroom. 3) The board is green. 4) Our teacher sits on the chair(at the
158. 1) aren't; Are there; How many wardrobes a,re there in the bedroom?
2) doesn't drink; Does our cat drink; What does our cat drink in the kitchen? 3)
don't watch; Do they watch; Where do they watch TV? 4) can't run; Can Sam's
puppy run; How can Sam's puppy run? 5) doesn't tidy; Does Nina tidy; When
does Nina tidy her bedroom?
159. 1) isn't_____,. aren't; 2) Sam's room is mere bigger than his brother's room.
3) What colour is the carpet ts? 4) How many halls are there downstairs? 5)
Are --->-ls

UNIT 7. Clothes
161. a) they e) it i) they
b) it f)they j)they
c)they g) it k)they
d)they h) it 1) it
162. 2) has; 4) are; 5) likes; 6) like; 7) wear; 8) wears
163. 3) Is the sweater ; 4) Can Polly buy; 5) Have you got; 6) Does Nan wear;
7) Are Mike's socks; 8) Does Mary buy
164. 3) can't wear; 4) don't wear; 5) doesn't wear; 6) haven't got; 7) hasn't got;
8) aren't
165. 1) This----->- These; 2) Sam has got a: blue jeans. 3) There is_____,. There are; 4) it
is----->- they are; 5) they are_____,. it is
167. 2) longer; 3) nice; 4) better; 5) the biggest; 6) warmer; 7) smaller; 8) the
168. 3) These/ are; 4) These/ are; 5) This/ is; 6) These/ are; 7) This/ is 8) These/
are; 9) This/ is 10) These/ are;
169. a) Steve's sweatshirt; b) these children's tights; c) her daughters' trainers;
d) Mike and Nick's scarf; e) this boy's trousers; f) these girls' blouses; g) this
man's T-shirt; h) our mum's dress; i) my dad and brother's jacket
170. 1. What colour is this skirt? 2. What colour are these boots? 3. What colour
is this blouse? 4. What colour are these trousers? 5. What colour is Mary's coat?
6. What colour are Tom's shorts? 7. What colour is her sweater? 8. What colour
are our gloves?
171: 1) is - are; 2) My brother's swe'a ter is brown. 3) There are - There is;
4) It's the most beautifules-t skirt. 5) This - These
174. 1) It is thirty-nine pounds. 2) They are eighty- four pounds. 3) It is forty-
eight pounds. 4) They are sixty-five pounds. 5) It is ninety-seven pounds.
6) They are one hundred and two pounds. 7) It is thirteen pounds. 8) They are
eight pounds. 9) They are twenty-one pounds. 10) It is thirty-six pounds.
175. 3) is this; 4) are these; 5) is this; 6) is this; 7) are these; 8) is this
177. 1) This is; 2) These are; 3) These are; 4) This is;
5) That is; 6) Those are; 7) That is; 8) Those are; -
178. 2) These; 3) Those; 4) That; 5) This; 6) This; 7) That; 8) These; 9) that;
10) those; 11) these; 12) This; 13) those; 14) this
179. 1. These sweaters are white. 2. Those jackets aren't cheap. 3. These blouses
are nice. 4. Those T-shirts aren't expensive.
180. a) thirty-nine jackets; b) one hundred scarves; c) eighty-four sweatshirts;
d) a pair of trousers; e) three pairs of shoes; f) fifty-seven shirts
181. 1) is - are; 2) are - is; 3) That - Those; 4) It's the most expensives-t
jacket. 5) Those - That
183. l)this;2)these;3)those;4)that
184. 1. What colour is this dress? 2. What colour are those mittens? 3. What
colour is that jacket? 4. What colour are these trainers?
185. 1. How much are these boots? 2. How much is that blouse? 3. How much is
this hat? 4. How much are those trousers?
186. 2) longer; 3) better; 4) worse; 5) the warmest; 6) sadder; 7) the smallest;
8) the most expensive; 9) cheaper
187. 1) What colour trainers does Nick wear? 2). What colour sweaters does
David like? 3) What colour shoes has Mary got? 4). What colour trousers have
the boys got?
188. 1) What do they wear in summer? 2) Where does he buy socks? 3) What
colour is the sweatshirt? 4) How much are the tights? 5)When does she wear
gloves? 6) What has Sam got? 7) Why does T.e d wear a warm scarn 8) Where
do boys wear black trousers?
190.a)- f) a k)-
b)a g)- 1) a
c)- h)a m)a
d)- i) a n)a
e) a j) a o)-
191. 1) - / an; 2) - / - ; 3) a; 4) an; 5) -; 6) a; 7) -; 8) an/ a
192. 1) These trousers are cheap. 2) My fathe:(s sweater is warm. 3) My sister's
skirt is short. 4) My mother's shoes are expensive. 5) What colour is this blouse?
6) How much are those gloves?
. .
193. 1) That---+ Those; 2) does ---+ do; 3) Those---+ That; 4) are---+ is; 5) is---+ are

UNIT 8. School
196. 1) Do we learn; don't learn; 2) Does Sam solve; doesn't solve; 3) Can Liz
make; can't make; 4) Have the pupils got; haven'; 5) Do they have; don't
197. 1) Do you learn about nature on Monday? 2) Does Kate speak English on
Tuesday? 3) Can Bob and Tom make things on Wednesday? 4) Does his cousin
solve problems on Thursday? 5) Do. your friends sing songs on Friday? 6) Can
the boy play sports on Saturday? 7) Can her children do sums on Sunday?
8) Does this pupil li.s ten to stories on Wednesday?
198. 2) Art; 3) Music; 4) Maths; 5) Science; 6) Maths;
199. 2) the third; 3) th e fifth; 4) the fourth; 5) the first; 6) the second
200. a) reading f) skating k) getting_
b) listening g) taking 1) swimming
c) playing h) riding m)running
d) buying i) writing n) sitting
e) wearing j) having o) putting
201. 2) is going; 3) are making; 4) is wearing; 5) are playing; 6) are helping;
8) are eating; 9) is drawing; 10) are buying; 11) is getting up; 12) are reading
202. 2) is making; 3) are swimming; 4) is getting; 5) are learning; 6) are paint-
ing; 7) am speaking; 8) is doing
203. 1) English is the second lesson on Tuesday. 2) fifth---+ five; 3) do---+ does;
4) on ---+ in; 5) The third lesson is Russian Reading.
204. I. 1. b) 2. c) 3. b) 4. b) 5. b) 6. a). II. 1. 20; 2. books; 3. play sports; 4. Wed-
nesday; 5. Math; 6. IT; 7. third; 8. Maths; 9. Russian Reading. III. 1. Sasha
lives in Vitebsk. 2. His school is 3 years old. 3. There are 46 classrooms in: the
school. 4. Sasha has five lessons on Wednesday. 5. Yes, he does. 6. The 3rd lesson
on Wednesday is Man and the World.
205. 3) am doing (Pr. Cont.); 4) drinks (Pr. S.); 6) ne{p (Pr. SJ; Ofwrite{iT. S:!f
7) are having (Pr. Cont.); 8) is eating (Pr. Cont.); 9) are washing (Pr. Cont.);
10) runs (Pr. S.)
206. 1) are writing (Pr. Cont.); 2) write (Pr. S .); 3) rides (Pr. S.); 4) is riding
(Pr. Cont.); 5) does (Pr. S.); 6) is doing (Pr. Cont.)
207. a) Do I swim? / Am I swimming?
b) Does it play? / Is it playing?
c) Do we eat?/ Are we eating?
d) Do you draw? / Are you drawing?
e) Does Liz write? / Is Liz writing?
f) Do they wear? / Are they wearing?
008. 1) Is his sister wearing (Pr. Cont.); 2) Does his sister wear (Pr. S.)
3) Are the pupils writing (Pr. Cont.); 4) Do her friends solve (Pr. S.);
5) Does Tom learn (Pr. S.); 6) Is Liz speaking (Pr. Cont.);
7) Are the girls drawing (Pr. Cont.); 8) Do we read (Pr. S.)
W9. 1) an; 2)-; 3)-; 4) a; 5) a; 6) a; 7)-; 8)-; 9) a; 10) an; 11)-; 12) an; 13)-;
.4) an; 15) -; 16) a
1 10 . l)a;The;2)an;The;3)-;The;-;4)an;a;5)a;~

Il l. 1) read~ are reading; 2) Is Liz speaking English now? 3) sing~ sings;

,) Do~ Are; 5) Russian is the first lesson today.
:1a. I. 1) Maths; 2) English; 3) Musfc ; 4) P.E.; 5) his family II. 1) F; 2) T; 3) T;
,) F ; 5) F III. 1) is swimming; 2) are playing; 3) is drawing; 4) isn't watching;
f) is reading
114. a) I don't listen / I am not listening
b) She doesn't read/ She isn't reading
c) We don't learn/ We aren't learning
d) You don't run/ You aren't running
e) Nick doesn't count/ Nick isn't counting
f) the children don't speak/ the children aren't speaking
:15. 1) isn't painting (Pr. Cont.); 2) doesn't paint (Pr. S.); 3) aren't making
Pr. Cont.); 4) don't usually count (Pr. S.); 5) doesn't often sing (Pr. S.); 6) isn't
istening (Pr. Cont.); 7) aren't playing (Pr. Cont.); 8) don't play (Pr. S.)
:1 6. 1) Does Mary read stories every evening? Mary doesn't read stories every
vening. 2) Is Mary playing games now? Mary isn't playing games now.
Pr. Cont.); 3) Do they often solve problems? They don't often solve problems.
Pr. S.); 4) Are they counting at the moment? They aren't counting at the mo-
!lent . (Pr. Cont.)
:17. 1) are writing (Pr. Cont.); 2) like (Pr. S.); 3) is taking (Pr. Cont.); 4) has
Pr. S.); 5) is having (Pr. Cont.); 6) wears (Pr. S.); 7) is wearing (Pr. Cont.);
8) play (Pr. S, ); 9) are working (Pr. Cont.); 10) solve (Pr. S. ); 11) drinks (Pr. S. );
1-2 ) is eating (Pr. Cont.)
218. 1) KaKoii rrepBbIM ypoK B rroHe,z:i;eJibHHK? 2) rr.aTbIM B cpe,z:i;y? 3) 't!eTBepTbIM
BO BTOPHHK? 4) BTOpoii B 't!eTBepr? 5) TpeTHM B II.HTHHD;y?
219. 2) the second; 3) the third; 4) the fourth; 5) the fifth; 6) the sixth; 7) the
220. 1) Monday is the first day of the week. 2) Russian Reading is the second
lesson on Wednesday. 3) What is the third lesson on Thursday? 4) Technology
is the fifth lesson on Friday.
221. 1) learning~ learn; 2) make~ making; 3) don't~- doesn't; 4) paint~
painting; 5) three~ the third
223. 1.Does Bob solve problems every Maths lesson? Bob doesn't solve problems
every Maths lesson. (Pr. S.) 2. Is Tom counting apples now? Tom isn't counting
apples now. (Pr. Cont.) 3. Are the children speaking Russian? The children
aren't speaking Russian. (Pr. Cont.) 4. Do Bob and Tom often sing songs to-
gether? Bob and Tom don't often sing songs together. (Pr. S.) 5. Does Steve play
sports every P.E. lesson? Steve doesn't play sports every P.E. lesson. (Pr. S.)
6. Is Tim reading a story at the moment? Tim isn't reading a story at the mo-
ment. (Pr. Cont.) 7. Do her sons tidy their room every Saturday? Her sons don?t
tidy their room every Saturday. (Pr. S.) 8. Is Ann brushing her teeth now? Ann
isn't brushing her teeth now. (Pr. Cont.) 9. Are my parents walking our dog?
My parents aren't walking our dog. (Pr. Cont.) 10. Does his brother make his
bed every morning? His brother doesn't make his bed every morning. (Pr~ S.)
224. 1) play (Pr. S.); 2) is eating (Pr. Cont.); 3) are wat_c hing (Pr. Cont.);
4) works (Pr. S.); 5) is listening (Pr. Cont.); 6) wash (Pr. S.); 7) rides (Pr. S.);
8) are speaking (Pr. Cont.)
225. 1) isn't reading (Pr. Cont.); 2) don't go (Pr. S.); 3) isn't wearing (Pr. Cont.);
4) aren't writing (Pr. Cont.); 5) don't draw (Pr. S.); 6) doesn't like (Pr. S.);
7) isn't sleeping (Pr. Cont.); 8) don't watch (Pr. S.); 9) aren't eating (Pr. Cont.);
10) don't write (Pr. S.)
226. 1) of; on; 2) about; in; 3) on; 4) to; about; 5) -; 6)-; at; 7) to; in; 8) on; 9) -;
in; 10) on; 11) of; about; in; 12) at
227. 1) Her favourite lesson is Technology. 2) They are speaking English now.
3) We solve problems and do sums in Maths. 4) Now Liz is counting sweets.
5) His brother always paints in Art. 6) The pupils often listen to stories in Russ-
ian Reading. 7) I am writing the sentences now. 8) His friend plays s~orts every
228. 1) play~ plays; 2) read~- reading; 3) Does~ Is; 4) Mrs. Bell is Sam'z and
Mary's teacher. 5) 0n ~in
UNIT 9. Birthday party
230. b) September; c) June; d) October; e) December; f) May; g) July; h) Novem-
ber; i) March; j) August; k) February; 1) April
231. a) the twelfth of Juhe; b) the twenty-second of May; c) the fifteenth of Au-
gust; d) the thirtieth of April; e) the thirty-first of December
232. a) the third of September; b) the thirteenth of July; c) the first of January;
d) the twenty-eighth of March; e)the, seventeenth of November
233. a) the eighth of March; b) the twenty-third of February; c) the first of
April; d) the fifteenth of June; e) the thirtieth of October
234. 1) in/ of 2) on/ of 3) on/ of 4) on/ of 5) of 6) on //of 7) in
235. 1) Today is the twelfth of April. 2) My birthday is on the twenty-eighth of
December. 3) seventieth ..- seventeenth; 4) Ted is fftef'e older than his brother.
5) in..- on
237. 1) has (Pr. S.); 2) is making (Pr. Cont.); 3) am buying (Pr. Cont.); 4) invites
(Pr. S.); 5) give (Pr. S.); 6) are cooking (Pr. Cont.); 7) sends (Pr. S.); 8) is giving
(Pr. Cont.); 9) comes (Pr. S.); 10) are singing (Pr. Cont.)
238. 1) Does Helen come; Where does Helen come at 8 o'clock? 2) Are there;
How many candles are there on the cake? 3) Are the boys writing;, Where are
the boys writing birthday cards? 4) Is Molly wearing; What is Molly wearing
now? 5) Does Mary get; When does Mary get flower$?
239. 1) sends ( Pr.S.); 2)-,poesn't send ( Pr.S.); 3) are buying (Pr. Cont.); 4) aren't
buying (Pr. Cont.); 5) come (Pr.S.); 6) don't come (Pr. S.); 7) invites (Pr. S.);
8) doesn't invite (Pr.S.); 9) are giving (Pr. Cont.); 10) aren't giving (Pr. Cont.);
11) have (Pr.S.); 12) don't have (Pr.S.)
240. 1) My; 2) our; 3) her; 4) their; 5) his; 6) your
241. 1) Today is the twentieth of May. 2) in..- on; 3) our..- their; 4) is..- are;
5) for..- of
243. 2) is going; 3) are going; 4) is going; 5) is going; 6) is going; 7) are going;
8) are going
244. 2) Are; they are; 3) Is; she isn't; 4) Are; I am; 5) Is; she is; 6) Is; he isn't; 7)
Are; they aren't
245. a) Mike isn't going to invite his friends. Is Mike going to invite his friends?
b) They aren't going to buy presents. Are they going to buy presents? c) I am
not going to have a party. Am I going to have a party? d) You aren't going to
send c~rds. Are you going to send cards?
246. 1. What is Helen going to eat? 2. Where are they going to? 3. Why is Mike
going to invite his friends? 4. What sports game are these boys going to play?
5. When are we going to buy trainers? 6. What is Kevin going to do?
247. 1) We are going to have fun tonight. 2) Sam's aunt often sends him cards
and presents. 3) Alex and Anna's parents are going to buy a new house. 4) Now
they are giving their teacher flowers. 5) Her friends are going to the cinema.
248. 1) is~ are; 2) Today is my cousin's birthday. 3) Is Tom going to invite his
friend? 4) Helen's birthday is on the thirtieth of September. 5) Does~ Is
250. 1) Ted's birthday is on May, 10. 2) Ted writes invitations cards. 3) He in-
vites his friends, Liz and Mike, and his brother, Willy. 4) Ted buys a lot of tasty
food. 5) He buys 13 apples. 6) There are a lot of balloons in Ted's house. 7) Liz
gives him a nice book and a birthday card. 8) Willy gives him a green bike.
9) They eat tasty food, dance, sing and play games at the party. (They have fun.)
251. 1) It's warm and sunny. 2) We read, write, solve problems and draw at
school. 3) Now I am writing. 4) Sam often gets little cars. 5) Sam is getting eight
balloons at the moment. 6) My father has a birthday party in the evening. 7) My
father has a birthday party in the cafe. 8) I often send cards to my granny be-
cause I love her. 9) The sons usually buy flowers for their mother. 10) The sons
are buying a nice mirror for their mother now.
252. 1) is; stadium; 2) am; park; 3) are; swimming pool; 4) are; cinema; 5) is;
museum; 6) are; amusement park; 7) is; disco; 8) is; theatre; 9) are; zoo; 10) am;
circus; 11) is; shop
253. 1) doesn't always invite; Does Tom always invite; Where does Tom always
invite his friend Sam to? 2) isn't writing; Is Nelly writing; What is Nelly writ-
ing now? 3) aren't painting; Are Sam's parents painting; What are Sam's pa-
rents painting at the moment? 4) don't often listen; Do we often listen; What
stories do we often listen?
254. 1) in~ on; 2) Does~ Is; 3) is~ are; 4) Today is my dad's birthday. 5) Is
Tom going to make his bed?

IIpei}uc.lloBue .................................................. -. .......'..•..... 3

The ..A.:BC ••..••...•..••.••...••.••..••.••..••..• , .•• ~ ~ 4 !' • • • • • • • • .............. ••••

Oco6bte ana1lKU mpancKpum.'1uu . •.•..•....•...•.....••.••.......••.•.... 5

English 3 ............................ ·-~-· .................. : .".................... 7

UNIT 1. Hello! ................................................... .......... 8
UNIT 2. My family ......................•..... , ..... _.._.......... ~ ..... 16
UNIT 3. People around me . ....................................... . 40
UNIT 4. Our pets! .................................................... . 49
UNIT 5. Food ..-........·................................................. 59
UNIT 6. My home ..................................................... 72
UNIT 7. In the lesson ............................ .-................... 84
UNIT 8. Seasons ....................................................... 96
UNIT 9. I love animals ............................................. 106
English 4 .................................................................. . 115
UNIT 1. «My friend» ............................................... 116
UNIT 2. My family .................................................. 126
UNIT 3. Daily life ................................................... 136-
UNIT 4. A day Off ................................................... 144
UNIT 5. Pet of the family ......................................... 154
UNIT 6. My house ................................................... 164
UNIT 7. Clothes ..................................................... 1 73
UNIT 8. School ....................................................... 183
UNIT 9. Birthday party ........................................... 198
K.1110qu ...................................................................... 209
English 3 ............................................................... 209
Unit 2. My family ................................................ 209
Unit 3. People around me ...................................... 211
Unit 4. Our pets .................................................. 212
Unit 5. Food ....................................................... 214
Unit 6. My home .................................................. 215
Unit 7. In the lesson ............................................. 216
Unit 8. Seasons ................................................... 218
Unit 9. I love animals ................ ........................... 219

English 4 ................... .......................................... .. 222
Unit 1. «My friend» ............................................. 222
Unit 2. My family ............................. . .................. 223
Unit 3. Daily life ................................................. 225
Unit 4. A day off ................................................. 226
Unit 5. Pet of the family ....................................... 228
Unit 6. My house ................................................. 229
Unit 7. Clothes .................................................... 231
Unit 8. School ..................................................... 233
Unit 9. Birthday party .......................................... 236
r. MHHCK, TeJI. (8- 10-375- 17) 237-29-75;
r. MocKBa, 000 «11J,nareJTucKH:tl:,noM «Eemrnnra»,
rene<t>oH (495) 276-06-75; e-mail:,

AlJACOBA KceuuJt 3.IU'ap,ll.oeua

llocoifae NlJl yqamJJXCH
OcjJopMJJeHHe o6JIO)!(J(ll - M B. /(paKo
IIo.nrrncaHo B rreqaTh 23.08.2013.
Cf>OpMaT 84 X 108 1/ 16· DyMara o<f>ceTmUI. IJeqaTh o<f>ceTHaR.
Yen. rreq. JI. 25,20. Y'l.-113.l(. JI. 10,49. THpIDK 5100 3K3. 3aKa3 2775.
CaHHTapH0-3IUl,!(eMHOJIOrJ[qeCKoe JaKJI10qeH11e
N2{.002684.02.10 OT 18.02.2010 r.
000 «IIorryppH». 1IHI1eH3IDI N2 02330/0548529 OT 03.02.2009.
Pecrry6JIHKa Eenapych, 220113, r. MHHCK, yn. MeJie)l(:a 5, Koprr. 2, K. 403.
Ilp11 yqacTHH 000 «XapBeCT». JIM N2 02330/0494377 OT 16.03.2009.
·, Pecrry6.Jrirxa £enapych, 220013, r. MHHcK, yJI. KyJibMaH, ,n. 1, Koprr. 3, 3T. 4, K. 42.
Pecrry6JIHKaHcKoe JHHTapHoe rrpe,arrpIDITHe «f!J,aarellbcTBO "BeJiopyccKHit 4oM Jie'laTH"».
JIII Ng 02330/0494179 OT 3.04.2009.
Pecrry6JIHKa EeJiapycb, 220013, r. MHHCK, rrp. He3aBHCHMOCTH, 79.
Baw pe6eHOK np111Hoo1T nnox111e o'-'eHKlll no aHrn111iilcK0My?
TorAa 3Ta KH111ra AflSI eac!

c Helil Bbl CMO>KeTe caMlll, 6e3 noMOW.111 peneTlllTOpOB,

Hay4111Tb AeTelil 4111TaTb, n111caTb, nerKo ycea111eaTb
cno>KHble npae111na 111 Apyrolit Sl3b1Koeolit MaTep111an.

OCHOBHaSI '-'enb noco6111S1 - noM04b y4eHlllKaM Ha4anbHOVt WKOflbl

B OCBOeHllllll npae111n np01113HOWeHlllSI Ill rpaMMaTlllKlll aHrnlllVtCKOro Sl3b1Ka,
cnoco6cTBOBaTb pa3BlllTlllK> Ill aBTOMaT1113a'-'111111 y HlllX
HaBblKOB 4TeHlllSI, a TaK>Ke yMeHlllSI npaBlllflbHOro ynoTpe6neHlllSI
rpaMMaTlll4eCKlllX ct>opM B ycTHOVt Ill nlllCbMeHHOVt pe'-1111.

3aHlllMaTbCSI no 3TOVt KHlllre 6yAeT lllHTepeCHO Ill AeTSIM

111 poA111TenS1M, a pe3ynbTaT He 3acTaB111T ce6S1 >KAaTb!

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