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"I~lsl' ; ; T I.
VOL. 28 - No. 22
. .~ "
It's Up to Him IFire House To Get '
CIVILIAM D·EFEN5E Air Raid- tails
INFORMATION plot was inaugurated several years Plan Will Relieve The
ago it was opposed by local mem-
bers of a peace association who
Necessity .For "Dog
CHANGE RULES ON CONTROL contended that the cannon as a. Watch"
OF INCENDIARY BOMBS symbol would only tend to keep The problem of who will man
alive warllke traits in Narberth I the "dOg Watch" at Narberth's air
residents. There were letters ex- raid control center in the Commun-
changed and protest meetings call· ity Bulldlng has been settled.
ed but the American Legion- won Burgess Richard L. Mlller told
the bout and the cannon was ob- members of the Borough Councll
tained from the Army's ordnance Monday night that hereafter air
department. raid alarms would be received at
The letter from Major Thomas the Narberth Fire Company. From
reads In part: this source, the Burgess said, the'
"Today this United states is en- .alarm would be passed along to
gaged in a struggle against lDeD)bers of the Defense Council
forces which threaten the very and the heads of other auxiliary
foundation of democracy. Every services notified.
bit of metal avallable is needed 00
produce modern and efficient wea- "Now," said Burgess Mlller, "the
pons of war 1J:l aufiJdent amount 00 question of Who is going to man
stamp out the present common the dog watch will not be involved."
danger." The Burgess explained that the
When the cannon is turned over Borough's fire company was the na·
BILL O'DONNELL tural place to receive these calls as
for salvage the letter directs that Veteran Gladwyne pitcher who
It be broken up In the presence of will face Narberth Sunday in an there is someone on duty there 24
representatives of the local veter· effort to give his team first place hours a day.
ans' organization. Also, It suggests In the final standings of the Main For the present, he said, the tele·
that the proceeds from its sale /15 Line Baseball League. He has won phone tha t was installed in the
scrap be used for the purchase of six games, more than any other Community Building control center
war bonds. hurler In the loop. will be maintained.
The Narberth Defense Council
attempted to set up a 24-hour watch
at the control center but was un-
able to obtain a suJDclent number
of volunteers faT the night hours.
Although 115 volunteered. only a
few were wtlling to accept duty from
12 midnight to 6 a. m.

Plan Instruction on
Triennial Assessment

• • •

launch Drive for Plan Course for

More Nurse's Aides .Girl Scout Leaders

, ...... ,t... ;.. .' ,. r"""Of t-:-· ,- ,r"""" .~, r. :. f) ~ ..'~ •.• ' .: '

';'::.':: 0; .: ••• ,

TOWN =========================AU~,V$T .13, 1941'

PAGE TWO =======================O.UR .
~ BAP'rtsT CHURCH THE ElVANGEL Qne. 'rvn.AC(epted

a'rd' No 4'f'o 'Send GOOD· . . . . OF

I 27' M' A· ust 20" .Rev. R~be::~~~~~~~o, PUlor ~er'R_Jec~~by
_-..:..---------.-:.---------------. Bo'

Church News
OUR TOW N en' ug . A. M.-The Church SchooL OUR 9:45
"'tend . . .econd cia.. matter october~ Montgomery County Local Board 1====:;.========== 11l:00 M.",""Worohlp ~rvlce.
Narberth, P ....
at tbe
uoder tbe Act of Marcil
1938. POtIt Ollloe III
J. 1IT1.
No.4. Bryn MlI>wr, will Induct the
.......Dd M.etlDe Bouae 7:10.
M..-Red Cro". cl....
,S. Amly· o.odors
Sweet: COI'Ii I&..
MerlOD It took the United States Army
'In 1914 by the Narberth Civic: Associatioa [ollowlng men on August 20: 10:0'
10 :30 A. v,.-,J't....
M.-M""t1ng t 0 ..,.fOt
(Bund.,.l BcbooL
\""rohlp. HOLT TRINITYaDd
Woodbine LUTHERAN ClHURCS to separ!1te the Gallagher twins, of
N..rberth a"'.
Founded William Rowland, 31, Havennrd ,
Rev. Cl.W. A.. •eDn. Putor
!'lUNDAY Bala-eynwyd.
GEORGE A. WALKER. P..blishn Trainee; John K. Jones, 31, Ard- FIRBT CHUI~CH or CHRISTl 9 :4fi A. 1If.-Blbl" School for all ages.
One, Francis J.. WaS called for
HELEN PITZPATRlCK, B,,,iMJI M..-gn more, Salesman; Karl G. ZeiBler, 8CIJiINTIBT 1100 A. lol.-~~~~~I(~,,~of S;;t'~I~':::nft~\.I~t ALSO
RUSSELL E. fRANZ. Adyerlising Manag~r d St d nt. Charles I1Lolon...o~ and Ath......VII,. Ardmor. \)utL>ornn "Ice Im,.lolent or physical eltamination recently by

Pub11.shed Every Thursday

21, Wynnewoo, u e •
p, Alston, 35. Gladwyne, Waiter;
11:00 ~ U.:=:'':.~:-:e 8.~~j~~
Ihe ('hu;'ch' ('ounrll. Will Montgomery County Draft Board
cun<1ut't Ih" "",,·Ice.
No.4 at Bryn Mawr. When Patrick
Deadline for advertising and news COpY-Wednesday, 5 P. M. James E. John.son, 29, Bryn Mawr, 1:00 P. V.-Illvenlnlr meetlnl'.
SUbscription rat,e42 per yelLl' in advance
Chauffeur; Francis J. Cooper, 28,
Readille room at 1 R1ttenbou.. Place
I. open ....ek·day. trom ':50 A. M. to
6:10 P.M.. Wedneaday frnm t to .,46
R"y, J ..
ReT. Cbarl_ ~ "'Connolt
r. Toner. Reetor J., heard n.b<>ut it. he volunteered
wi th the same bOard.
Lima Beans
Publication Office-Eight Cricket Avenue, Ardmore,
Phone-Ardmore 5720 and 5721; Greenwood 7740
Bryn Mawr, Unemployed; Ira W, P. M.• 'I'buuday from 7:'0
P. K. aD4 BUDda. frolll I to 6 P. II.
'0 .:.0 Hit\'. Cha~. T. Dinan
Bally mBJIn.. : 1 and 8 A. M. Both went to the .Armory at 32d Tomatoes
I -'! Rich. 21, Bryn Mawr, Clerk; Frank !'lundoy mo.o.eo: 8:30. 7:30, 9, 10:16 and
Unnecessary To
cout war sa
t R. Gane, 2l, Lansdowne, Parts-
man; John Wilkin, 21. Bryn Mawr,
Wlodaor ..04 GraYllnlr avo
Re... Bryant )(, KJrkland. Putor
:Jobo V ..o N.... D.D... Putor Illlleritua
11 A. M.
Holy Day mus".: 8. 7. 8, 9 ond 10
st. and Lancaster avo But Francis
was accepted and Patrick rejected
by Army doctors.
Janitor; Booker T. Dublin, 25. . SUJO\OAY
In Chadwick :Estate Apples
Prepare Teln Cans Camp Delmont' A
~:45 /1-. M.-!!unday flchoo1. The tWlns,both 21, are the sons
10:00 A. M.-M(On'. BlulA cia.,.
$1500 Co·,n Collection
Philadelphia. Chauffeur; Stanley J, 11 :00 A, M.-Mo..nlng Wor,hlp.
Kollmago, 21, West Conshohocken,
7:45 P. M."F:'·Anlng 'An·lce.
of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gallagher,
211 Ford raad. They are graduates Peaches
Galvanizer; James E, Boddie, 20, WED:-JE!!DAY
Will Be Picke d Up on List Boys f rom Th IS rea Bryn Mawr, LabOrer; W1l1iam G, 8:00 P. lIr.-Proyet MeAtI!lIi'. I A collection of various American. of St. Thomas More High School,
Regular Trash Collec·
tion Days
Receiving Badges
Last Week
Foley, 21, Ro~mont, Factory work-
er Leo F, Hage~iy, '41, Bryn Mawr,
- - - - - . - - - - - - - - English. foreign and ancient coins
NARBJIlR~~:~~~~~,",~RCH valued at $1.500 are Included In an
Rev. Carl R. Ho.mmArly. Mlnlster Inventory of the estate of J, Harker
where they played on the basket-
ball team, and both are members
of the Union Fire Co.• o[ Bala-
Rrsident.s o[ Lowf'r Mcrlcn and Art E. Towlson, chairman of the
William penn District. presented
Narbprth are no lon!(f'r being asked 1,100 advancement awards to the
Executive; Joseph A. Fleming, Jr"
20. Bryn Mawr, Helper; M, U.
Bruno. 38. Philadelphia, Truck
8U:"DA Y
':U A. If.~urcll Scbool
A. M.-M .... nlnl: Wo.... hlp.
ChadWick. Lower Merion, filed to-
l"Armnn day in the office of Register of
I,,· Ih" Rn. \)0""1<1 D,·a\'ell. Wllls at Norristown. The appraised
Wilbur S. Mulet
6:45 P. M.-Yoalh Fellow.hlp. value of the estate Is listed 115

to prep3re tlwlr discarded tin can.s Scouts at Camp Delmont during Driver; R. L. Boret, 41, Bryn Mawr, WED~F.!!DAY FARM' MARKETS
for special s31v3gf' callpclions. thE' past week. Hairdresser; Karl Dodge, Jr., 20, 8:00 P. M.-Mld·Week SArvlce. $8,815.54. ~ PAINTING
In cl'rtnin cit irs in the Stnte Boys from this area Included: Germantown. Operator; S. H. Prus- - . . DECORATI,.G Ardmore
rf'sidpnts h3\'e been asked to wash Ardmore T I' 0 0 P No. I-Ja~k
thf'ir t in cans. cut thf' ends out and Koser: Woodcarving. Cooking Merit
fbttf'n thf'm [or opecial detlnnlng
MePion Liberty Troop No. 1-
inowskl. 20. West COnshohocken,
Factory worker; Michael A. Burdo,
20. West Manayunk, Truck Driver;
Francis J, Gallagher, 20, Bala-
. /
PlloDe Narb..rtb 24411·1l . , .
Villanova .:. Malvern
. , .n." . . .
procf's,-;es. HoWf'vf'r, the State Sal- Samuel Robprts: 1st class. Wool!- Cynwyd, Salesman; Wllliam D. DUPONT PER·CLENE
VfI!(P Commit If'{' h3.s not dlrf'cted c:lr\'ing Merit Badge, Handicraft Wilson, 21. Merion Station, Stock- The Improved process of Dry Cleaning for garments and
this action for this :I rf':I , Including Coursp; Paul Erwin Leathercra[t man; Wilson L. Jones, 20, West Household Furn1shlngs by Scientific Methods
:Merit Badgp. Riflery Course; WIl· Manayunk: SOda Dispenser; Robert
Montgonlf'ry County. !iam HomE'r: First Aid, Woodcarv· J, Montgomery, Jr., 20'. Haverford,
Tin cans may t!lpre[are be ells- mg, cooking Merit BadgE'S; Duke Bank Clerk; Robert H, McOarey.
po.Sf'c! o[ in the regular way through Ulrich: Woodcarving Merit Badge; 20, Bryn Mawr, DIspa.tcher; John
t11f' trash disposal. Scrap materials Kenneth Trotter: Woodcarving R, Ammon. 39, Bala-Cynwyd, Clerk;
put in tllt' collpctlons wlll be sortpd Mprit Badge; Michael Creamer: James C. Anderson, 38, Gladwyne,
at thr inciIlf'rator and put \nto the Pioneering Merit Badge; Shane Clerk.
C rea m r 1': Pioneering. Nature
rf'gu13r s31vage channels. Course; Richard Young: Pioneering NA'8ERTH' 8ALA· MERION
219 'HAVERFORD AYE. .:. 54... and, CITY LINE ••• "Sprinkling as usual" just as
Re.-idrnts 5hould not a'sk t11f' First Aid Merit Badge.s. First Aid •
Township t collrction tf'nms to Course; Neil Brown: First Ald. Moin Plant - 206 EAST LANCASTER AVE"UE, Ardmore ~'Business as usual" is out for the
come into thelr houses to pick up Woodcarving Merit Badges, Erner-
matl'rbls. According t) W. E. i gency Srrviee Course; Rob e I' t duration_
ROSPl1g.1rten. Lower Merion Town-I Dav1.s: Canoeing. Life Saving Merit
ship enginpf'r. roulll1\' lI1Slructlons, B:ldgps. Rlnery CourSI'; James WII- CAUGHT NIPPING While sufficient water for War
gi\'l'n tllf' forces prOhibit tllf'sf' trips,l kinson: Wooc!ca.rvlng Merit Badge; How was your lettuce, tomato, cabbage and flower
and rpsidents are askC'd to comply Robrrt Erwin: Play way & Camp- crop? Did the rabbits or other animals get there Industries and all essential uses is
with them by sctt;ng all s3lvage flrrs Course,
outside in the regular manner. I
Bryn Mawr Troop No, 3-Henry
Protect your garden with a PICKET FENCE
probably available, there is no time
I Callaghan: Pioneering Melit Badge; or material to increase our supply.
• SI t df William White: Pioneering Merit
Epplnger ae or Badge. Nature' Course; Charles J.
Shall I.umbel' CompallY
Under these circumstances
Vice Presidency Of i~i~l~~~lser: Leathercraft Mer I t
"Sprinkling as usual" must stop.

Savings, Loan League rc

L. A. Eppinger, Ardmore, presi- 'II ather 0
f NarberthMan 29 Bala Av~n"e CYNWYD 662
Closed 12 o'ClocJc Saturday

dent o[ the Lowpr Merion Fedpral D-,es at Oh-,o Home

SU\'lngs nnd Loan AssonatlOn.
the nomlnet' for first \'ier president
. H. C. Ph1lllps, father of Roll W
PJ,ilaJelDhia Suhurhan
of the Pf'nns~'l\'ania Sa\,lngs and Phillips. 509 Essex av.. Narberth.
"'B• •S··. PI.ENTY I~~
Loan League \\'hi~h will hold Its
annual election of offierrs nex'
The League will have its 65th an·
died Wednesday morning at his
home In Ansonia, Ohio, of heart
trouble He was 80.
Mr. Phillips visited his son's fam-
BUT.. ;Have You Contiideloed'-How You Ate
. nual meeting and first war confer-
ence on. september 10 and 11 in
Ily here oftenlUld was weIl-known
In Narbertll, He Is survived by his
Wife. another son, a daughter and
.' .~.

.. ~oOtnr
to 'Get 'YourCqal ~-T:'~"
DeUverles Are Ourtailed-Coal May' Be'lta.tiobed· .
.' ::--'~;'r '~ "'" . . -
Harrisburg. a month earlier than
nine grandchildren. BE SAFE-oitDER NOW! .. ;And Not Onl)'lnsure Your-
originally schedUled, self Against Heatless Days Next'Wlnter-BUT
SAVE MONEY! *. Get the protein equivalent
BEEFSTEAK in delightful
BY Gium S_ANDl<otinllt~
,STOVE '10.50 PEA 'a·5095 of
*. The abOve ".70. BU'CK prices are considerably below our ceiling price.
TheYlIJ'e subject to /Withdrawal without notice. Place
, ABOUT six years ago newspaper headlines announced the your order now and save!
: spectacular trans-Atlantic flight of a young woman aviato: nam~d
: Beryt~-a.rk1i:ltn from the shores of England to North Amenca. Miss
!.. . .•( , f : ; . . Markham was the first woman to make
this East to West solo £light, the first per-
L·isE'RTY . CO'AL. CO'.
son. to fly from England to America. Yet SOOlWYNNt'!FlELDAVE, GRE.6400
this excursion was by no means Miss Mark- . ··pe,liver~d Anywhere
ham's most hazardous undertaking, we
learned from her recently autobiography, Budl'etJ Accounts SoUclted-No Red Tape
"West With The Night,"
Miss Markham was born in East Africa,
the daughter of an English gentleman

Keep Your )~Refrigerato·r

farmer. At the age of seventeen she was
earning her living training thoroughbred
horses. She later became the first profes-
sional woman air pilot in Africa.


. One night she £lew three hundred miles
• BERYL MARKHAM to carry an oxygen tank to a man who
as dangerously ill in a remote mining camp. On her way home ,from
THERE may be a difference of opinion about the meat
t is trip she searched foratlOtbet'-pikJi:t:JWao 'had bc'Cn missing for . .... ".'" . shortage. But there's no argument about what a satisfy-
~"veral days. In the midst of a herd of zebras she saw what looked
He a small pool gleaming In the sunlight. It was the silver wings of
the missing plane. She made a risky landing, rescued the pilot, who"
• ing protein supplement this Sea1test Special offers. For
this tasty and well-balanced food has protein equal to
w:s haggard but grinning. "Have you anything to eat?" he said. that in beef and more than in some other meats.
She took hiil;l back to headquarters~It was all in a day's work. ":M.' '. '., Try the individual salad pictured above. Serve this
One of Beryl Markham's earliest :nemories has to do with a Iion-a ~ . .


supposedly' domesticated lion who inhabited the farm of a £ric~d of cheese on crisp lettUce and garnish with olives and crunchy
You have a good re..
her father's. When they went visiting. strips of green pepper.
she trotted out to get a look at this ~.'" frigerotor. Make it work
Garden Salad Creamed Cottage Cheese is deliciously
famous anim;ll. She walited past him ~- for you to, stretch your
slowly, singing, because she had been ~ blended with chopped, fresh summer vegetables. Creamed
taught that one must not show fear. & .'. ~~ food budget by making cottage cheese, unflavored, is also available. Order from
But the lion reverted to type and
stalkedh~r. She was saved only by the
l; . left-overs attractive; to your neighborhood store, the Supplee milkman or phone
intervention of a native servant who prevent spoilage; to take BRYN MAWR 881
had felt it his duty to keep an eye on
her. The native tactfully informed het . . advantage of food spe- r------~--------------------,
father. of what 11a4 happened. "Your .• cials, to make summer I I
daughter," he said, "has been moderately eaten by a large liono" I .~
'. In the vacuum·sealed I
"West With 'rhe Night" is the story of an unusual woman, and is cooking easier. I ..' . jar w~ is retul'nable I .. i

I . ' '. like your milk bottle. I

also an unusual ,book-told with humor, with compassion and a rare
......~ /~.'
scmitivity to the wonders of life and nature. Look at the picture at I;.;' , I
. ~deDiamant,
.' author of
• one
• •of

the September Book-of-the- . theleft and use it as a

II w,~
ProteIn .qual to 1
,II. o' II
:~...:.~ . ) MOi1~~, Club sclectio~, "The Days of
_~ . , . ~. ....
.~ '."".::-'-'... . .~ ..
OfelIa . (the _other III Robert Tr:mn..
b~ .'S"Tlii: RI. ft~~), '~Y.'..' tha~.her. fa-...
vO,otc.: type of hU1il()~ IS what" ~s .
guide to keep,ing your re-
. f' ··:i.···d
rlgerolor oi"g its best.
for y o u . .
._ .

. I

. i" :}'. . .'. .

../ -
"Sha~gydog" jokes'.W1icQ wCluked .'
t : . ~ ,·_,(;jjbertJ)4¢fin~thatterm..Jhe$aid'some.,.
. . •$E.VI ·MC)iE::-DAIRr
~.: ~ . :....... .., .
~:e'" "~~'I!I!
.... " . _ . 0 .D.uc:Ts:aig·hiriiW-.. ·.,' : : :'01;'7;' . ·.M'A:;il'
U" ' .,.

, ~". "hai:~agiie~y . t hattlteY w e r c : - ' j o k e s t h . t · "'?~.PQ~~:tJ lot fr ." c'?pytritioliar....Ue~tow in. . ··:·}':;;'/"<i:'.<::":' )._\';;'i~,-::,"';i;>:;.r .,.>
.. ~h.n' ~Dle
~ i i 1 i e . t o l . d . : · · iJ' ~o~~/.,·,f(oW· lo"'G.,'".;,;:; , .. Order·. 'tom'.
cost,.. - your. .
nelsbbo~Jto~d" ~tot'. 'or"
~e'Suppl~enui~ .
,', *
lowing ~?"'ThC! mll9 paUUd'and t90k " . BU' 'v' .W·\. R:.' ' ". .... .', ...,''':: ... . ,:' .'•. ', '.-:' . ' '. , :. " . oS:i.~RUDY· VIlLis£ .
'." "o~ hi~' hat. "I;~g }'PUt ·par~()D;'·· b~', , ....• ' ....', '. ,,~~V·'N~.: .:rA.~. ~,".P.~ ,8fJ,NDS \,,'. S80WOY"'kYYI.ft~.·:·
" ..j:'.,.... '.:'.', "
.. ,

AUGUST 13. 1942~'==============::;:::========== .q·U It '( Q W.N ===========================PAGE

..-------:..- .,....-
THREI' director of the Ann Arbor Drama

Miss Rosengarten St~te, Now"._~4Y . "~Vinegar'Tree"

At Bu~ Pllyhouse
Festival, has staged the play, mak·
ing h1s debut as a Bucks Co~ty

Weds Saturday l_---F-IR-E-S-ID_.E

__ ToC_':pp~:-Culm director. Leo KeTZ bas designed
Edith' King, seen iIi Ph1111d.elphla the setting.
av., Narberth, has entered otr1cers Fear. Sc~'uylkil1Flash earUer this summer with Jane
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Peterson. of
In Christ Church Candidate School at Ft. Belvoir, Cowl in "Old Acquaintance," re-

To Be Bride in :Four
the Berkley Apts.. Narberth, are
spending 80me time at Pocono Va. He is attached to the Engineer-
ing Division. IDs brother James
.Ffoods May.Cause turns to the Bucks county Play.
house this coming week to co-star
Greater Damage
O'Clock Ceremony
Of W. Scott James

* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Weihman,
of 219 Narberth av., an·
who is in the U. S. Coast Guards is
stationed in New Jersey. They
spent last week-end with their
Reliable reports were circulated
this week that the State Sanitary
Water Board was preparing to ex-
with Donald Brian in Paul 0s-
born's comedy, "The Vinegar Tree,"
which Theron Bamberger, director
of the season at the Bellevue·

Miss Elizabeth R. Rosengarten, parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Collins.
nounce the engagement at their ercise the. authority it has always
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
E. Rosl'ngarten, 64 Rockglen rd.,
daughter, MiSll Jane Kemble Weih· • * • had by demanding that the an-
Private John B. Stoudt, son of tluaclte industry stop contaminat-
Stratford, wlIl present as the sev-
enth production of the Sumxner.
man, to Mr. ,Norman Bruce Gill,

-r1Ml: PlIYMEN'I'
Miss Klng and Mr. Brian will be
Overbrook Hill'!, will become the son of Mrs. Eleanor F. Oill and Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles lB. stoudt. 213 ing the Schuylkill River with culm supported by a cast including
bride of Mr. W. Beott James. of the late Mr. Mathias A. 0111, of Woodside av., Narberth, is at Camp from their collieries. Mildred Todd. Judith Abbott, Ed·
Moorestown, N. J., at 4 p.xn. this Forrest, Tenn., for his basic train- The reason for their determined
W}·nnewood. mon Ryan, Jack Cannon Bnd Don·
The cerl'mony will be performI'd
in Ihe Christ Presbyterian Church.
• • •
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lyndall
ing. • •• action at this time seems to be the
WilHam Stratton. Jr., son 'of Mr. fact that the heavy culm deposits
aid Keyes.
Robert Henderson, Broadway pro- PLAN
Smith, 114 Merion av., Narberth, and Mrs. William Stratton, 312 in the river bed were largely re- ducer and director and formerly
OVl'rbrook Hllls. by the pBstor, the left on Monday to visit Mrs. Ger- Merion av., Narberth. has ~en pro- spon~ible for recent :floods. '
Rl'v. Waltl'r Bruggeman. trude Dick, 1014 Wesley av., Ocean mated to the rank of corporal. Cor-
NOW YOU can purchase any
Members of the Board also saw
A rl'Cf'ption at the home of the City, for a week. In the winter, poral stratton has been stationed the possib1llty that greater storms type of repairs or merchandise

bride's parents will follow the cere· Mrs. Dick and Mr. and Mrs. Smith at Camp Pickett. Va., since June. might add to the gravity of the
mony. for your automobile or truck on
Miss Rosengarten wlll have as
live at the Ware Apts., St. Peters- Last week-end he spent a short situation and cause unmitigated ..
our easy payment plan.

burg, FIn.. leave with his parents. . damage and great suffering among
hpr attl'ndants Miss Ada ChAm·
Il(>rs. of Ardmore: Miss Ruth Aus- • • •
Mr. Paul Wohlert, of Narberth,
* • * the peoplewh'o live in the Schuyl- .
" General repairs. tires. retreads .
tE'rmuhl. of Wildwood, N. J., and Lie\ltenant Edward Bartlett, 131 kHI ~ver valley. " '
Miss Mary EIIE'n James, sister of
announces the engagement of his Merton av.. Narberth, is stationed The Board is awaiting a sub- Main Line Service bai!eries and all types of acces-
sister, Miss Cordelia Jeanne Woh- at Miami Beach, Fla. committee report and this report
the bridl'groo!n. of Washington. D. Il'rt, daughter of the late Mr. nnd • • * is supposed to teU them what can Plus quality sones.
C. Miss GailI' Killian. Salisbury,
Md.. cousin of the bride, will be
Mrs. A. E. Wahlert, of Narberth, to I
Private Dwight Mackell. son of be done about the coal mine silt
Mr. Arthur Otis Nibling. son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Mackell, 321 that is draining into the river. No red tape-your owner's card
t Iw f10wpr girl. and Mrs. J. B. Nibling, Jr.. of Fox Grayling av.. Narberth, has been Lower Merion. ToWnship and is your identification••
Mr. Waltpr E. Rospngnrten, Jr.,
brother of t hI' bride. wlll act as
Chase. * * * transferred to Madison. Wisconsin. I other adjacent subuI1ban xnunlcipal- B'ROOKMEAD
bf>st man. and thp ushl'rs will be Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. McAdoo, to take the Army Air Corps Radio ities have a stake in cleaning up GUEIUISEY DAiBIES DO NOT DELAY-Put your car
lYfr. Norborne HitI'. of Merchant· Jr.. and Miss JOan McAdoo, of 434 Operating Course after completing the SChuylk1l1 River. If. projected
villf', N. J,; Mr. John Spiers. ot Anthwyn rd .. are spending two weeks his basic training at Keesler Field, regional plans are carried through West LallCClSter aY.. Wayne or truck in A I shape and pay as
Moorpstowl1, N. J .. and Mr. John
at Pocono Manor.
•• Miss.
••• in the future, the river will be
used for swimming and other aqua·
VVayne 1121 you ride.
Rosf'l1g:utPI1. anothrr brother of
tic sPorts and its shores for park- I ;;~;;2;;;;;~~;;2~;;;;;;; I
til!' bridr. Hugh Speed. son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr.;. John J. Finneran, 336 Wood-
Thl' bridl' is a graduate of Lower H. B. Speed, 127 Chestnut av.. Nar-bine av.. Narberth, is entertaining at ways and outdpor recreation. CUlm!!
berth. received his commission as bridge at her home this Thursday deposIts and contaminated watl'r of
Mpl'ion High School and Hood
Collpgr. Frederick. Md., and was second Lieutenant at the graduationevening. Her guests are Mrs. Rob- the river now make this impossibl~. sr.. . COVERS
fornwrly assLstant dil'lltian at exercises of Officers Candidate ert Cameron, Mrs. Desmond Mc- 2552 HAVERFORD ROAD
Womrl1's Medical Coilege, Philadel- School, Ft. SUI, Oklahoma, last Tighe, Mrs. George Davies, Mrs.
phia. Rl'cl'ntly she has been teach- week. Lieutenant Speed has been Alec Hicks and Mrs. Karl Williams. Custom ARDMORE
ing home economics at the Ard-
more Avenue public school. * * *
stationed at Pine Camp, N. Y. all of Narberth; Mrs. JudsOn Laird.
of Rose Valley, and Mrs. DeWitt C. Anna M. Barrett, Bala-Cynwyd, (NEXT TO BOB WHITE FROSTED FOODS)

Mr. James. whose home is in Rowland R. Collins, 129 Chestnut Smith, of Ardmore. whose death occurred July 11, dis-
Greencastle. Pa., is a graduate of poses of an estate vallJcd at $41,500 : • Phone: ARDMORE 0849
Concerts at
New's I' Sunday
tl1l' university of Maryland. in her will filed for probate in the CARS PICKED UP and DELIVERED
The couple will live In Moores· . Ll·br~rv, office of Register of Wills at Nor- Materials
Woodside Park
town. N. J.


Woodside Park's free Sunday con,
certs wlll hea.dline Don and 'L~
ristown. A daughter, Anna, is
named recipient of all household
effects. Real estate is given in
- Also -


Narberth Community Library
The following books have been re- Dale, with Eddie Blum. wizard of
equal shares to her children Jo·
seph, Edward, Francis and Anne
By the Yard
The Auxiliary of the Salvation cenUy added to the Narberth Com- the Xylophone with a musical en- and the residuary estate is to be 25 WOflDS fOR SOc: lin One Paper)
Army Home and Hospital will give
B Sunday night ,;upper for sM'vice
rnunity Library:
Non-fiction: "'I:hrllls of a Natural-
semble and others. in Sylvan Hall diVided into 40 parts: eight each
for a son, Francis: 12 parts for a
at 4.15,715 and 9.45; Jack Steck
daughter, Anna: three parts for a 105 N. NARBERTH AVE, MAIN LINER. HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP NEWS
men at the headquarters, 701 N. Lst·s Quest," by R. L. Ditmars; "Dawn wlll present his Kiddies' Hour at 2.
Broad st.. Philadelphia, on August Over Chungking," by Met and Anor daughter, Sister M. Alicia; two
Narberth 2340 $1.40 FOR 4 PAPERS
23. Lin; "Dupont," by W. S. Dutton; Regular attractions include a spec- parts for a grandson. Joseph and I ask about special monthly rates
Mrs. Ralph D. MacOuffin. 290 "One Nation Indlvi!;ible." by ~ath­ tacular fireworks display every Fri- one part for a grandson, Edward. Tou mny s('nt} rnnnl)' urd"r, 9UI.JUr1!-'. Ill' lJl'I<;lollal ,'lH'('lc. A.l\lrc!'R
Brookway rd., Merion, chairman of leen Norris: "December 7th, the First day, and roller skating in the Rain- nil Cnl11lnUnlt'ations to L·\w,'r )1"11('1\ >':'·\\:"jl:·lpl.'IR. Arl!TnnrC'. }':1.

special events. is in charge of pians Thirty Hours:' "Under Twenty." by bcw Rollerdrome. Crystal pool fea- CALL
for the supper. Among the local May Lamberton Becker: "The South tures night bathing under flood- CLOTHES CRISP AND NEAT
members of the Auxiliary who Seas in the Modern World," by F. M. lights dally after 6 p. m. at reduced THRU SUMMER'S HEAT Ardmore 5720 Greenwood 7740 Hilltop 3600
will participate are Mrs. H. Childa Keesing; "Handa Off," by D. Perkins: rate3. 'J -- -- J"oo -- ~
Hodgens. Mrs. A. S. Hottel, Mrs.
Paul Knaus, Mrs. Clarence Bitting,
Mrs. H. C. Cook, Mrs. E. O. Tom-
"The Advancing Front of Science,"
by G. W. Gray; "Man Stands Alone,"
by J. S. Huxley; "She's 011 to Work,"

t.1~1I.. 1<
t'til nlll'
"'" IT!':
ItLtcli ~pol
F' 'x Tl:I:I: 1 1:11 "1'1'.
It h 'I
::1:' )1 \1:i.;.F:T :-:T:
1'1111..\ (';\u:nj.'f:,
t26 "'.
linson. Mrs. James Lee and Mrs. by M. F. Alsop; "Plague on Us," by SPARKLING, COLORFUL AND PAT- An~wt'r~ tn n:lnlP pf :·q:;lp,,,·r. 1: \' 'rd. 1,'1' \ t'I:', 1,ir,l:- I~;l.t.ldl>l guinea pl~o:::,

Leon Melcher. G. Smith; "~ok'lng for Trouble," by TERN CLEAR AFTER OUR EXPERT 1'1-(·as~ call Hllh" .. 11il·I:. \\ '111\' Illtr".
lllllh-", :\111:"::11"1'111.
('·'1.~. tll\L::~,
All :-l1flJl:h~!'J. 1... n1'1,:·

Seventy-five 'members of the Virgi~1a Cowles; "The N~w Testa.- DR'!' '. CLEJllIl'ING~' " . • l:It all" mnsL (:(J·!Ul'lctl,.' pel :;hop In
ment lp 13i1sic En.crUsh.... 'i~ (Closed at 1 O'Clock on Satu~days
WANTED TO BUY , 1 ~1 i I I.
Auxiliary attended a luncheon at ..
camp Uplands, near Chester last Fiction: "'l'bePink CameUla," by During August) WA:'\T8'D - nEFHlnI~H.\TOH~ WA!<H- t'\ II • h J; I ~ ~I'\:-":IE" l'Ullld.·~ I'.'n~(fn:lt.l\'
Ens, YArtn'~t (,Le.\>\Jo:H~. '''\11\' ( ' l i n · ~~I::'-\\·. .

('1 11 .\I.IIIlOrl·
Thursday. Temple Bailey; "Sheridan Road," by dltlon, C<tll us (lir the hlL:IH'~l ') rH· .. ~.
1"1., "

H. T. Miller; "The Little Secretary," C·I.::h at nu('p. "~ill 1.:0 nIlY\\ IWI ,. \'11'.
by L. P. Hauck; "Blow For a Land- 'jj3~, Aftt:r 6:00 P. ~t. "'a\'. {;1·.:1. WANTED
Penn Wynne Woman ing." by B. L. Burman; "For My
Great Folly," by T, B. Costaln; "The
;\"1':1·:111·:11 tht, ATllt~rh"nn RE"cl Cro.. ~.
\\ l"'hll~:.r nt~rhlnp. !tinglt> Ul"rl ani) m~t·

Appointed Registrar DamYllok," by W. M. Raine; "The

Uninvited," 'by DorQthy Macardle;
SKILLED VALVE Tailors .:. Cleaners .:. Furriers .:. Dyers T"'l}
snit .'\111
('all H, tl l'rnS8 heRdquarlcrs.

Mrs. Helen L. Wood, 1542 Brad-

"A Man A.bout the House," by' F. B.
102 Forrest Avenue - Narberth 2602 aud ~1I11., ... -~1 ;. I. l)ld lotiZt', B,,\ ~('''1.I1
dock lane, Penn Wynne, has been
Young; "One Small Candle." by Ce-
REGRINDING • • • lIl,ir'11111-]11
htlli:lltl tJh[,'
.\ r ,,1,1
Illl .'-1 "
appointed a Travellng Registrar by 228 Bala Avenue - Cynwyd 0928 \\ \'\'1'1.1) III J:'\1l ,\1:1\\1
or ViClnllY II"

cU Roberts; "Sergeant Lamb's Amer-

the Montgomery County Registra-
Ica," by RobertOraves; "Proceed THE "';LEI'TI:ll'
\\'",'1\.:::. ~]lln.
\\" III IlllWlt ,n'lI"
11,,·0\ 1\\·'
III ,til' I
1,Id I

1'''1 I .~!'<' !l1!:1!.

l"onltl OQ •
tion Oommission. f'lll!.·~1,

With the other registrars, Mrs. Sergeant Lamb," by Robert Oraves; An)mU1'I' tl,,'1 1:,I'·II·I1(·'·J'l. I'hun" 1l:l.t'IIlt.: :.'~''''.

Wood will visit various piaces ''King Tut-Ankh-Amen," by Archie ECONOMICAL DO YOU NEED MONEY? Fl"I~:"ITt'nE-ln Itl1fl,11l! l~ I"n I:'''~!­
Bell. any tllnlllK return ~lIil"

Trw·-t'I" 111 '1':" HOME FURNISHINGS

August 25, to enroll new voters and Mystery and detective: "The street WAY twdl'llonl
tr('H~, 3 pl"f'l'
11\ in:.! I "Hill
:In'1 nl;l!-
'llll" 'Ylntlow s.h~Hlcs - \'.encUan ,DUnds
Of the Crying Woman," by G. ('hln~!llf' hOol\f'd r1U:. ~I Ity 1~ Llnol<,um
conduct other registration business. EI~('tr'i(' Han~l', l!l~n Ill,"k!
.\11 in 1I0B!!ON It OWENS
The Registrars will sit at the Homes; "!4aliret and M. Labbe," by Don't think you must throw ~'('r'y good c-nnl1lt1'lll. ('all Iltl1tllll 11"'-;:': .J IOI:.·lol~ LA~(·.\!'Tl':n A\'F:.. nr~'n Mawr

Borough Hall, Narberth, on septem- G. SimeDOn. J'hone Bryn r.lnwr 1120 or '·"1
ber 15 and 16 and at the Lower
away those burned up valves
... let our skilled mechanics see
ro:xrYC'LQPE01A nrlltHu!l'n. l~ll:l t',JI~ ---_._._--------
Merion Township' BuUdlng, Ard-
more, Gn September 22 and 23. Urge Rotarians to them! Perhaps a regrinding job
Is what you need •.. to save Irll-S
(Jhe}lalionalBan/<. lI'lil.
\\'lth :;upph'llll'ntHIY
1~ \·,dUl1)I'S.
JlIIC'ud tllr qUid" sal('.
mor!!' 40~J1.
\'tdlll{l' <l.

('all .\1·1-

1'"1'1::\'["':1£1:1) Hflj)~f~ n1"111 2 aptRo \\llh

1 wltll ~ !'I}l'111P,

:: I" i.}rll!'1 (i:.IR, hl'llt

Compensation Bureau Master Letter Writing for yourself and your country, 11"40
II,lu\..' ('1111,
nO(l'! t·,111.11·11I11
f.I'·lllll·"·... f'{III\l'uil'ntly
,"ill. fP1l11 ~tatlun.
Apply ll\
;1\. ,d' 1J11"1J~ .\rdrnore :litO .
Mastel' letter writing and you ~I"\l·n J,.:'l"d lIl>'~,

1'11\.11,' o\'on,:

To Be In· Narberth . will master an easy way to solve

many of your buS1neaa preblems,
~::'ll~,. Tell'phone

:"UI1.,.llh _. II";'

One Day this Quarterly Ralph S, Dunne, Narlberth mer·

chant, told members of the Bala· MAIN LINE lllAI1'( UNE
It will be no longer necessary for Cynwyd-Na11berth &.0 t a I' y Club D1i:S1RARLE 1I0MF.!'l
employers with questions Ilibout their
Tuesday noon.
·BAnEIY.Aft' FOIt ~A 1.1': OR It IO:XT
qt1arterly employment compensation 315 'MontgOnll'r)' AJ.·c,. ("yowy,l
pa~'ments to go to Norristown.
The speaker go. ve the Rotarians SIRVICE STATtOJil Cyn. 3r.jlO Grc. 3300 TIl", I·I.r..I~.\"T FI'I:"I:-'IIJo:Il SI'ITI';S
__ .: '"UII)''' all,l halll: 1 "'Bolfl anti hath.
ten rules to follow in letter writ·.

The Bureau of Empioyment and When Your Car Won't 8tart, ~'·.Ir Ilall<tpoll:'tlon. Privale hUItH',
Ing. He told them a properly writ- MIRRORS & GLASS 4' d: \\'.1 \ n,· 1 f)\~.
Unemployment COmpensation, State 'can ABDMOal 1825
ten letter was often the earmark ~ow Is the time to rpju\·pnat.' your
Department of Llllbor anq. Industry, SITUATiONS WANTED
of a suceesaful business man. 304 W. ~c.ter Ave. home. 01.ASS RHOI'. JOH1'i S. "'.\':\'1>:,
announced this week that for the 7:116 W('st Chealer I'ike. {JP111'r P:lrhy .
accoiriodation of Main Line employ- Dr. F. Munro Purse, president, CUllom ,nade Allrrol's; r('~il\ ('rill:'::; 11'- HI ~1't\u~t1I](' mi,'-a;,:;,·d WlIInan, chllll'~

ers they would be in Narberth, Ard-

more and Bryn Mawr for one day
presided at the meeting which was
held at the Overbrook Golf Club.
• rclmore
DON'T rnodcllng; 'pictUrt~~ framed;
PIlonc BI"d, 11082.
1111' ~".
I,l) :\1;1111
\\1111 S:I'UI'
"~Hwllf'nt rook. 11
Lll1lll;'·, wants J)o!olltlOfl
EXI'I'111lo11:l1 ~·rprQnC't'!ol.
'''rll(' nux
Ill;, <,nn' nf thiN paper.
tl1is quarterly. .', PIANOS ml, nl. be 4t 8-13.
Representatives of the Bureau Grnntls & r°1'lrlghl!\ I.AI·"ORY WORK to take homo-bun-
will be in the COUllcll meeting room ,EDWARDW. PRESTON
In Na11berth Borough Hall on Aug-
ust 19 from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Oer- REALTOR CAUGHT Pianos Bourht
Qul('k H,f'ITItl\'al
Fair I'rh-('~
CourlPoll'" )Iron
dlC' or hampC'r, 1,j ProNpect av., Dryn
Mawr. Phnl1e Dryn ~lawr 1:195.
aId B. Livergood. field accountant,
will be the Bureau's representative.
RED & Careful
Plano Moving
IIl.'CiJlt:" & j;1()N
lIK40 !llarl",t 8t.
on CA 1.1. ;\1.\ X
Montgomery County omce of the ANNOUNCES THE OPENING All. 74110 \\,,'.1 lIt/14 \',1111:1111 .. \Ynl1dllR H()ut~ nnw :l\'nll~

Buteau has been on Swede st. in

E"coln,. Or... 41120 ahle' J 1 =',lIlwl"t 11.
pOlllIllll y (or rl;.;-ht
11('1 i"rH'"
"'Ondl,dul op-

man. :"\u {'x-
11(·I\I'1'l!llar~. .
:JII7 _t.\
- Wf> t("neh'" ~·OU.
~ewnrk, S, J.

. '
hore, beautify your h01ne.

we bave
Al(on.o DI
porches. lnlf:'rlor nnd ex-terJor work,
'CoplnK tread8. anything "" flagRtnn p -
EAthno.lPs gln(lIy J::i\',~n.
Marco, 2434 !C. Counly


.:,.\'i~s'bfi.~'··Wl1ne·i::··f~riiinine hands are
.Llne ltd" Ardmorc. Ard. 4la.
RITtenhouse 4192
AUGUST 19; 1942 ' BROOKL'Imil WALLPAPER, Sanltn. and can\'BO. IN MEIlION
Hilltop 2'764 ·.an.iiripod~nt' 'contribution .to When the.e material. aro hun" prop.
erly, It doe. mnke a dllferenee. Special
A MAO:'iIFICE:'\T corner rc.ldenco
u\'ni1tlhll' With 9f (l'pl or (ront-
summer prieM' now. J. J. Cullcn,
. ~.lt_II_D""_II~a"D_D_a_a_ . _a"D_D_n_D';"I- ....... ~~ ..... 'charm. ,Harsh. irrit,ating, hot HlIllop 229S-R.
n,t.::t'. hellutJrully planted InwOIIl,
Faer'l? 111l,\'l'l'flll'll Huotl-trp.OIfPQrt-

·.().~,Ry-~q~~.r·is" notcQnd4clve:to ,FEMALE HILP WANTED

allon ,'I",ht nl ·thc door. 111gh ele-
,·:ltihn. roxtrr'ln\IIY low tf\X rnl~. 3

.. lq~l~;:haJids.,·, . Puf~:ltt-·:.~"d to
)o\'C'ly bc(lrt)oms, Ule balh unll
YOU NO' ., WOl\f·Al'i....Soda eountnln "nd g-nrnl;e, O-E burner with
HUmmer ,. winter hookup. Prlcc
·ro·u.9~,::Cij~pped. '. rid' . 'h'anas' ,' wQrlt. E\18)', .pleasanl .Cull tlmo
Slo.IUoil, : Good u·i!Il'r'.. L. Stnuley 'S~1JO. Dlree,t1l)n~: F""m City Llno
I1ntl 1I11\'o.rCord Rd. norlh on lIB\,• .
NOW....· ... '. " ", ':l{lnif.. Phllrmney. Ncxt'to Posl OITlco,
,o"(Ol'd nil, on.. '
mile, 'lo illimple
homo' at. Hl1verCord' Rd. nn.d. Del~'

',,".: .' J"s1.';~~.~il~·~~RI~ '~~Q, Do' yo,u .-pal·e timo on your hanll.?
, . Wouid yoU be lblerl!8\od In pnl'l or Cull
tlmo work under' plcn.,ni .urround·
monl Orl\,e.
Warn"r·WcRt COlI)~+BuUd~~
. ,
Ing.? St. Mary'. Laun,lry has Deool for
IIKNOW'WHER~: y.o'UR LAUNDRY: G·OE.S .. women or girts. to mnrk.. ,nrt. or fin.

Ish. For nO\,o(nlmcnts Cl!on IIIr. Cromie,

A"dmore H~.· .

.' . ~1$CELI.ANEa...S
, ..' ~~AJ~UT!,FIED LA~NDRV"··
'. .' -
.' . .... .' .'..:~.R D.. ",. O·IlE: . ,~
., ,"


"",:r;" ·t'",·
" '.. ~. '~"

TOW N=====================:.===AUGUST 13, 1942

PAGE. FOUR,=========::::================O UR
LowerMerionHigh New Fibre Hunting Tags to I
MOotdel Playoffs
To Start Aug.23rd
It may be r-ather hard to believe stadium. There is very llttle, if
Issues:GridCall Save 10 Tons Of Tin Plate
Coach Mattis Plans
First Football Drill
. . .
Game CommIssIon 'Encourages County Hunters
NarbertJa 2430 . ..
..ledd.liplod :oaI
Eliminations for Four but football Is just around the any, expense connected with the
Tuesda Au ust 25 Montgomery County's hunters addresses on back of each. tag so
S~,·VacUq. Fuel Oil
rental of the stadium. Anything
Leading Teams Still corner. TaJdILg advantage of Sum-
realized from the school games is y, g need not worry Blbout ammunition they may be returned qU1ckly if loppers Coke
In Doubt
The start of the Montdel League
mer sessions. JlaveI10rd College al-
ready has s.tarted practice and
Clipper Smlll1 ha.s been holding
so much gravy. And surely it Is
only good business to have five
Lower Merton High SChool will
hold Its first football practice on
Tuesday, August 25 at 9 a.m. ac-
for the small game season next
Fall unless present war conditions
An. estimated 10 tons of coated llALI'H S. DUNNE •
games played there, say at a fee of 268 HAVERFORD AVE.
playoffs is set for the 23rd, just a Informal conditioning drills up at cording to an announcement Issued take an acute change for the tin plate and $12,000 was saved for
10 percent of the receipts, than NAR8ERTH.PA.
little over a week off, but the cir- Villanova COlLege so that there w1l1 by Coach Dick Mattis yesterday. worse. the State .and sportsmen respectlve-
II~y~b~y~th~e~li~b~r~e~ta~g~S~U~bs~t~l~tu~t~lo~n~. •~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
cult still has plenty of unfinished be a minimum of delay when for- only one or two at 20 percent.
buainess ahead. The regular league mal practice gets underway within Regardless of the financlal in- MaUis, Who win be starting his The State Game Commission has
season was supposed to end on Tues- a few weeks, ducement, you'd imagine V11lanova second year as head mentor, has
requested all candidates to report been advised by Federal offlcials it
day, but the rain cut such a wide Coach Dic)( Mattis, of Lower College would be happy to have
path through the list of scheduled
games that the teams will be hard-
pressed to get in the contests which
Merion, has issued a call for can-
didates on A..ugust 25 and Haver-
ford High e:lll:pects to start work.
iocal schools use Its stadium If 09 1y
for the purpose of promoting good
for physical examinations at the
high school on the morning of
August 24. Equipment wlll be
wants all sportsmen to enjoy the
hunt and, at the same time, keep
their marksmanship up for use In
Christian Science R'eading Room
will have to be made up. the same week. Due to the construction of new handed out to those who pass at
that time.
case of ciyillan emergencies. 8 Rittenhouse Place
No one position Is cllnched, nor In fact, :&m Stinson, coach of buildings, Lower Merion's foobball Pennsylvania's new fibre hunt-
are the four teams which will com- the Fords, h~ been holding little field Is not In the best of shape Morning anq afternoon practice Ardmore. Penna.
sessions will be held daily there- ing tags, replacing metal plates in
pete In the final playoff series de- get together!; at his home during nor wlll it be posslbe to accommo- after on new Chichester Field. the interest of natlonal defense,
termlne<i. St. Margaret's, of Nar- the Summer to stimulate enthus-
berth; Oood Counsel. of Bryn Mawr, iasm among the boys and to get
date the crowds tha t some of the
games are sure to draw this Fall.
Pennypacker Field will be used wilJ be avallable along With licenses READ THE CHAPTER ON
only for games. by August 25, the Revenue Depart-
and St. Denis, of oakmont, are sure
of appearing in the championship
series. but Annunciation, from
Brookline, wl11 have a battle on its
them thinkhlg and talking football.
Vlllanova stadium Is the answer to
the problem. The college and L. M.
authorities should get together and
arrange things for their mutual
A dlfflcult nine-game schedule
has been arranged, two games be-
Ing listed away, two for Vlllanova
ment sald.
First shipment of the new tags'l
authorized under an act approved
hands to make the fourth spot. When the boys get around to
stadium and the remalnder at at the wartime special session of in Science and Health with Key to the
The Brooks lost a chance to clinch ~~~;:rl~~e:htd~~~ti;hi~:eth~~;~ Pennypacker Field.
The schedUle foJlows:
the Legislature early this year,
moved to county treasurers today.
the fourth spot on Thursday when find one a~ywhere tougher than Board 3 Inducted Sept. 19-West Phlla., home. They will thus be available "earller
they bowed 10-6 to Sacred Heart, of that arrang~d for Lower Merion. oct. 3-<::hester, away, than ever before," Revenue Secre-
Manoa, in one of three games played (Continued from Page One) by
during the week. As a result 01 There Isn't Jl, soft spot on it, all 300 Essex a v., Narberth, Garage- Oct. IG-Ablngton. home. tary Edward B. Logan said. The
that reverse the lead .of the Annun- nine of the riVals being the strong- man; Joeph Patrick McManus, 2G Oct. 17-Havertord, away. 1941 llcenses expire August 31, MARY BAKER EDDY
ciation team was cut to one and est In the dlstrict year in and year 22 W. Spring av., Ardmore, Stock Oct. 24-<::heltenham, home. The new license tags, selected You may read It here - borrow the book
one-half games over St. Thomas, of out. Clerk: Constantine P. Bottos, 42. Oct. 31-Phoenlxville, Villanova. with aid of the State Game Com-
Villanova. And Sacred Heart, with In addiUo~ to me Big Six Con- 21 Cricket av., Ardmore, Restau- Nov. 7-Norrlstown, home. mission, are of heavy vulcanized, or purchase it
the same number of defeats as St. ference rival.s and the annual game rant Manager; Lawrence C, Still- Nov. I4-Upper Darby, home, moisture-resistant fibre. Samples
Thomas _ ten _ and with three WIth Norristown, an old and re- wagon, 20, 209 Greenfield av., Ard- Nov. 21-<Radnor, Vlllanova. soaked In water for 70 hours show- fWeekdays--9:30 to 5:30; Thursday Eve. 7:30 to 9:30
more games to play might con-I spected foe, the Maroon will be more, Office Clerk.
celvably figure in the playoff. called upon to face West Philadel-
phia. 1941 E'Ubllc League and co- Leo Clere Rountree. 43, 152 Cric- Surgical Dressing
ed no signs of deterioration, other
~a~ sa~:oming slightly pllBlble, it
t Wednesday Eve. 9 to 9:45; SWlday P, M. 3:00 Ul 5:00

Annunclatlon has three games yet champion oE Phlladelphia; Chester ket av., Ardmore, Helper on tanks;
to play. plus a fourth which may High, which. has been riding high Joseph Paul Dimidio, 21, 223 Hamp- Groups Organ-Ized orSince
run, the letteringofflclals
will not urged
fade - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
either be declared a forfeit or or- in th
dered repla e<i by the league head-
Y di
e gr
id VI ld i
ec t
n r en years;
den av., Narberth, Receiving Clerk;
th be rand PhoenilCville, perennial Chester WlJIlam Good Bartlett, 21, 15 Ard-
In response to the urgent need for hunters to place their names and I

quar te rs, d epen ng upon e a- more av.. Ardmore, FUe Clerk; 359,000 more surgical dressings in
lng it may have upon the pennant County champion. WilHam Gustave Meellhoff, 43, 1268 the Southeastern pennsylvania
raC{'. Should the Brooks beat either Most tealns have breathers here Chapter of the American Red cross'l
Montgomery av., Narberth, Interior
St. Laurence, St. Colman's or Good and there ~etJween. Its conference
Counsel they probably will clinch ga~es, but I.! anythmg Lower Mer-
the fourth spot, However, defeats Ion s Big Six Conference games
decorator; William Patrick Cusack,
20, 151 Roosevelt Terr., Ardmore,
in three of these games would place might very easily be less formlda- Machinist·s helper; WilJiam John
Hilliard, 21, 17 W. Athens av., ard-
two Main Line women have started
new auxiliaries.
Mrs. Frank 8heed LalJy super-
vised turning part of the basement

_ _
the issue squarely up to the league ble than the. other contests. Off of the Concord Arms in Haverford Night Bathing Sylvan Hall
For Smart ~.
upon the disposal of a twice-post- hand, we'd :lay any team would be more, Bank clerk; John O'Neill, ovrr to the making of surgical dress- .Under Floodlights 4,15, '7.15, 9.45
poned game with St. Denis.
Thl i I II
s game, or g na y a -
which had to be played off, was re-
scheduled for Sunday b'.Jt was rained
out. as were games between sacred
fortunate to win six games on a 39, 213 Park Terrace, Ardmore.
2 2 tI schedule suc:h as confronts Lower Moulder; Herbert Waldo Kurtz, 39,
e Merion ·n 1942
18 Ardmore av., Ardmore, Sales-
man; William Kirby Chandlee, 21,
7 E. Wynnewood rd., Actuary Ac·
ings, and Mrs. John C. Wlllever or-
ganized a group at the Haverford
Mansions. Despite the handicap 01
starting up during the summe1
months, both Mrs. Lally and Mrs
.. Women

After 6
Tax Jack Steck's
Incl. K1ddles' Hour, 2 P; M.
E~·Pr,. To..8I1o,' In ,\ugu.t. (;..t Fr..., aull l'lIrl-Pald Th'k.. te

from "our JAt°ul Ure"pf le'.- ('rrum J)(,-lIlp;. "'ark lind 1'..01
art' t;a"II,. l\('('f'""lblc b" Auto. Trolle,,', Butt Route E Bod

countant; Raymond Leonard Mar- .'alrmount I'ark Trolh,)',," . .

Heart and St. Margaret's, and St. The schedule has several excel- shall, 45, 330 Price av., Naroerth, Willever report enthusiastic re- .209 HAVERFORD AVE.
Colman's and St. Thomas. It was lent features. There is only one paperhanger; Quinton Joseph Giul- sponse, PHONE NARBERTH ZSOS
supposed to have been played at travel problEm; that·s the game at iani', 20, 301 10l1a aV., Narberth, HOURS: 0 ,;, 12:30 - l:ao - II .
Ardmore Tuesday, but Bob Martin, Chester on October 3. ThE' only Store clerk; Clifford Rainey. 21,
Annunciation manager, claims he other away game is that listed with LinCOln Apts., Ardmore, Newspaper
.KelierEstate Divided
did not have time to get his team Haverford :I1lgh at nearby Brook- rcporter.
together. line. All tiLe others wlll be played
Between Two C~ildren
VOC-These men volunteered for Elizabeth H. Keller, Merion, left
Regardless of what Annunciation either at PEnn)'Packer Field or at
service as olIicer candidates. other- all automobiles, furniture, and per-
does III its final games St. Thomas V1l1anova st.-adi urn. sonal effects to two children, J.
wlll have to win its game with St. Everyone of these hOllle contests wise they would not have been
called at thls:timO.' ('''.r· Waller Keller, and Ellzabeth K.
COlman's, and Sacred Heart must shOUld paclt lots of appeal and Gordon, and then directed they
triumph in all three of its remaln- ought to drll:w crowds of sufficient 'This mOan registered June 30.
6hould receive the residue of her
Ing contests to even tie for the size to help Lower Merion recover 1942, and volunteered for service at $65,000 estate in trust for Ufe, with
fourth spot.. AF. two of these·,three from the eoernic 1941 budget, crip- tiUle, their children as eventual heirs:
frays are With St. Denis and St. pled by t.he Infa'ntlle paralysis Mrs. Keller died July 29 in Ocean
Margaret's the outlOOk Is not too quarantine,
good for the Manoaltes. The Ph~enixvlJle and Radnor To Attend State City. The son resides at 249 Latches
lane, Merion, and the daughter, at
St. Denis Is making a determined games are slated for Vlllilnova
bid to gain first place in the league stadium. We have It on good au- Legion Convention 5844 Overbrook av., Philadeiphia.
standings, a bid which will be con- thority thn t at least two other Mrs. James A. McCaffrey, chair-
tested Sunday by the 81. Margaret's games woul<l be played there pro- man of the Auxlllary of the Harold
nine which has held to top spot vided a retter financial arrange- D. Speakman Post, American Le-
since the seas:n opened. The Nar- ment could be made with the col- gion, Narberth, wlll leave on Wed-
berth nine lost valUable ground lege. nesday to attend tne state COn-
Thursday when Bill Roger's St. It is our understanding that Vil- vention of the Legion at Pittsburgh
Thomas team handed Ted Finns' Janova COllEge gets 20 percent of Mrs. Elizabeth Wipf, alternate
club a 5-4 setback, but can put a the receipt.s of aU high school
serious crimp In the St. Denis plans games played at the stadium. convention.
delegate, also expects to attend the 111============::,::
by upsetting MarshaU Halphen's When you deduct this amount and FOR FINE MEATS
team Sunday at Ardmore. A win the federal tax from the receipts From the Post, Mr. McCaffrey Is CALL ,NARBERTH 3668
in this game and another In the' af- and give thE visiting team its guar' the delegate and 8. P. Welsh the
fair with Sacred Heart at Manoa antee there- isn't too much avall- alternate. J., ·J.WHITESIDE
next Wednesday would cJlnch the able for the school's athletic treas-
top spot for the borough clan. ury. Taxes Collected FOOD: MARKET
MON'rDEL LEAGUE Temple oniverslty, we are told,
How They Stand
charges Abington and Cheltenham
14 5 .737 only 10 percent of the receipts for
During Past Month
Property taxes amounting to $10,-
Denis 11 5 .688 the use of its stadium. If Vlllanova
od Counsel 12 6 .667 charged a similar fee it is definite B33.84 and occupational taxes of
nunclatiol1 _ 10 7 .588 that Lower Merion, and possibly $356.76 were c01lected by John R.
Thomas 10 10 .500 Radnor, would play more games Ha1l, tax collector, in Narberth Bor-
ough during July.
:red Heart .,. 8 10 .444 there.
6 14 .300
1 15 .063


This year's tax dupllcate shows
property taxes In the amOll.'lt of .A:\VEEt<LY'GOIDEto Lectures, Exhibi..
It looks to us as If VillanQva is $84,715.20 and occupational taxes
passing up a good bet in not en- amounting to $3,625,96 to be col- ,ions, Theutres, Sports. Music, Motion
~'Jtain Line League couraging the schools to use iUi lected. Pic;tllres, Restaurants, and Cafes.
(ConimllCd ITo", P.&e Olle)
to the fact that many playen ClONed MondaY.. .\dml••I"n, ~.; '·"nIH. MISCELLANEOUS
"II the leading teams only recent- HlJSIO .EXHIBITIONS In tbe J!'e18 "lon.~tarhlh'-";;OOO Yelln.1 J)ancinlt-Dro,'kllnc Country ('Iub, Mill
joined the league. Re~orded . Clas.lca1 Mush'. Dertram A.•. Atwater Kent Mu~eum,. 15 S. 7th St.- InLo tho Future. tort.·cast of the Rd.. lJl'uokllnc, (,'\"(.'ry SaLurtlaY nlght. ....
"Pblladelphla. Fights for Victory," eX- okle. of the 70th Century. De",on· ln~peDd""ce Hall Ith and ebHtallt
t Is quite llkely the first piace
lleadlock among Gladwyne, Manoa
and Narberth Will be broken this
IIELP CLEAR Stcrnber,;. commentator. at Y.
YWIIA, Broad and Pine Sis., Tue.sdays.
9 I'. ~I. Free.
M. and hlbltlo.n Iraclog clty'~ part In nation's
war... Also exhibl" on "Neighborhood.
of Philadelphia." "Marltlme 1118tory"
lind "Banking In pblladelphl.... Dally 9
.Ilratlo~ e"ery day at 3 an~ R:30 P- ~I.: Sta.-Open dally Rnd'Sunday. flU A. II.
extra .how8 Saturdaye. ~und"r8 Rnd to 4 :30 P. M. Fr..e.
holldaya at 4 p. m.; Children 8 1I0ur Tb., Aqunrlum, north or Art Muaeum
Saturday at 11 a. m. Adult8 admitted. on Eaat bank of the Schuylklll....-opea
ll'I'A S)'mpbolly Orebe8trll ('uncert to 5; Sun., 2 t- 6. datly 9 A .M. to 4 :30 P, II.; SUDday
Manoa f ace s the dangerous
fourth place Collegians In Satur-
THE TRACKS! ·every Tuesday, il.30 p. m. at 1I11tleo
HaU, Broad and Berks 8ts., 21'lc; servIce
men tree.
Fe_a)'lvanla AcadeDIT of the FIDe Arte,
Broad st. above Arch. Seleellons from
per.mauent prlot colloclloo. Through sum·
mer. Open weckdays 10 A. M. to S
(night RRhW I; Alhl .. t1n" \"8. :\~'w YtH k.
9 A. M. 10 6 P. M. Free.
Uom'lnlt - ('",.[110 Rltllronnl. 'VllJow
D"....ball: Phil. VB. II. oukl)"n. .\o~ l ' Gro\"f' Parl< ('1\'<"1")' Frlc!ttY illH..I $alunJay.
"'nlkll1J{ ..... ur"'-'·,'11duc·l4·d uy 1·'.1\'111 1.
WPA SymphoD)' Orche';tra. Outdoor (dnuLJlc~ ""l'!', or
day's headliner while Gladwyne concert avory Wednesday, 8.30 p. m., In P. M. and on Sunlla/, 1 to S P. M. Aug. 1t (nlghl l{""ll1('). I;) )1 1'111"'"lin III lllllr\lC ilhum Ivai
headprl and Iii (t!nuhli·-IH·al14'rL .\l l'hllHdt'll'hta. ~I;lr 1111;'; ,It I.;JU I'. ;\1, "'\l'ry
and N61'berth tangle at NaI' Grand Court of the Art Museum, 25th Free. W''l'ktla~ 1,ln" .... llllldll\·" dUll11~ .\IJJ,:Ut4l 1
8hlhc Park. :!hil nod Lehl .. h .\\l'. :'ic til
and Parkway. :Free. Academy 01 Natural SdeD.·.... 19th and I:1l1ll !ltll :-:t "1111'1111"\' ,II Bf'Il.l a l1lll1
on Sunday in an even more cruclal War has jammed telephone lines with the greatest the parkway - Free ex.hlbltion of the $1.71.
Fntllldill Hqt.·~. ,',U{' \\"f',·kdilYH; j;Jc.
game. REMEMBER ft8hc8 ot the world. Open dullY through- .·TC HBMl"btill l.pUIrnl:": ..\!I.·J,th\'I1Y \~.
flood of calls in history. Thousands of these calls out tho Summer. :--\/11 uldlt.n•.
l-In\:C!rturd, _\Uf,;'. 11; LUZI'llW \H, Ilkh.
~n1t"dlt., strtl('t Tuwn I-'uir r<l' l"'lIl'l\t
ManOa entertains Ovel'brook on
Sunday while Gladwyne plays host are vital to victory. Like army convoys" they must THE T~RESTAURANt
Hletorle&! Soe'lety af PeDnRyl\,aDla, 13th
and Locust Sts.-Elthlblt ot 60 paintings
by Sully, Pesle, Stuart. We8t and Copley. 11.1;; A. M. Fn·e.
montl. AUg. Is,; lJan'rfunl \"~. (',l!lu\\-
"r Jtu~l'tlalt \Y.u J:dit·1. :llll) htlJt'k H,
hill. AuH" 19, itt ooJ),' RIH.1 1"1""'41 :-ilM,.
~1l11'dlo'~' :--t, 1111'\\\1'1'11 :-:1'1'11l'\' lllld 1'1110

ha-ve the right of way. "\'5. !'ilh IIl1d 1";'111 ~tH.1 ,\u;.:. 1,-" 4 I'. ~L.
to Brookline and Narberth meets SPAGHml .:. STEAKS .Dally. eltC. Sun. and Mon.. 9 to 5. to ~ltdlll~hl ~,;It'.
Overbrook In Saturday tests. The "You can help. CHICKEN PLAnERS American SwedlHh lU8toricoi Musenm.
19th· St. aod Pattison A\'e-Qils by Car: LITTLE THEATIt.E l'1I1110U,.. SII."lIt ~Iuth·". Y,' (lid TI111f'9
other week~nd game pits Brook- Don't make unnecessary calls. Don't call "In· DeUclous Sandwlcbea .Sp,·lnchorll; pen druwlnl;8 bS Thornton He~erow Theatre, )Ioylan, Pll.-,Rep-
TIJ.'utrtl. _\llf'n'M IiUII' dnll ~1t'l'llllUI1l ~t •
l:.:\"l'I.\"n Un'IIl In "liroadwi.\)" .\u;.;. 1;1.
llne against· the Collegians on Fountam @erYlce Oakl~Y, J\1uelrallng Amy oakley'a "Scan- ertol'y Wedneeday throullh ~alurday. ~I 1', ;\1. ~:,t'.
for-mation" for numbers· which are listed in the 1.13 CITY I.INE dlna\'la Backbone"; permanenl cl'llecUon curtain ·at 8.30 Iharp..schedule for week:
Sunday. (JU8t South or Haverfor.d Ava.) of materia. relatlog to Swedlsh·Amerl- AuI;', II, "The Ph,n.. lt:h,n ill ~IHl(" of
dir-ectory. cads' contrIbutions to our national lllfli. Hlmt:wJr~" ~\UJt. l~.

MAIN LINE LEAGUE Before you call, think what you're going to say Dally, 10 to 5; Sun.. I to 5.
lValereol"r l!:"blbltloD by Philadelphia
Plums;" _\u~,
Hllitc or IIlm'Se!!;"
"I'udfllllj.; Filii
"The »h~'J'oll'lll11
AUH· I". "I'udllln.A
Wynnewood House
Baseball Leaders so that calling back will be unnecessary. To SOP.HISlICATED artlatB o.t Philip Ragan A~ti()clatt'8. Broad
Sl. suburban Station lllllA'., 1617 Penna.
l"ull of I J 1utJ1tc;" .\UJ(. 1!., .. ~ulut JUau;"
AuI;', :!O. "The EnqJl'!"or ,Jon,'""."
organ Mus.le for Pinner & Supper
Batting-Burns, Nar.berth, Avg. Keep yoUr conversations as short as possible- APPETITES Bh'd. Tbroughout Summer. 1"roe; "Jeketo, $l.RI. $1.21 '" 71" a\'allabl" at
.410.· theatr. or al Gimbel B'·08. - New Marine Bar - .
eSJ1ecially on party lines. . Duck" COUDI)' 1'Ja)'luIll8"-(:\~w
HI~Burns, Nanberth,· 34~ tlon, Ballroom nt tho B~lIe\'uP·!'lratro,.d
NARberth 9282 for.R~tloJia
If your call cail wait, make it in the "off-peak" FRANKLIN INSTITUTB
. Runs-Burns, Narberthi 21. Nute: Beginning Au~u ..t I, all Sprvlce IInh'., Phll..<lelphln -. "8k)'lark" C,){I-
h~urs-between ooO.n and 2 P. M; between 5 and
I Me" In .\,nllol'm will be admitted to !Inues through 8at.urd"~·; "TI", VJnegar

2-Ba8e Wt;s.;-Howlett, Narberth,
Museum and Plnoetarlum free. , '1'ree" opens MOII(tlIy fo,' one woek,
8. 7]), M.; ,between 9 P. ·~arid 9·..A. M. .--.;;

Jjl,.blbll oiUle Munth: Sun and Moon. 114

"·Ol'ftt.t Theatre-Jane co\\'1 III "Call-
..O:OK·...:• • ·:
3·Base Hits-Blong, Collegians; Your· Cooper~tio~ wilt·belp to give .imPbrtaait nO'h1n'i! r.: ~It. ,oiiiltrlfylnlJ a.on• TeleaCOlle consll'ueted by· the Astronoml- I.I~.;.';~~.~;o;o;;u;~u;. e~_.;;;tb;;';'Il;U.;ll'I;' ;;1:!;a;l;ut;d;Il;Y·;;;;i! . ·c:C"VivTR~":· CII~ •..
... Myers, trlad\\IYne, 3.
:iH~e;Runs--:Burrii;,.·Narberth, 3. war calls a cleat track andfull:~pi!ed'aheadl of ,our de,llcl~. ,1II.~li,.ldllflilly 'Pre" ' cal ..Starr of 11le IDs\ltuto to examIna '·1
iliJn· o,n<1 moon trQUi· Planetarium Lobby. ··;;:,,:.ala·. 'Chi"';'';' .
..... "- ._' ,.'.MtLIi ltD~ 'BBOOKLINE: .
StOlen Base&:-Henderson, Man- por.~ arid p~p"y .~"ed.·.
'l' , .•• I •
. 1.botO.....I'hlcl ,81l1onl colQr. PTln... by.
,the 1vcI Coloi'· Proce,1 on· dUlplay In
..,:ReStaurant : ,I
,:OPEN 'J,"O' TDE' l"1JBLlc:f .
oa; .. :B~, N~rth, 6, War Caliliti:onteMrstl lUNCB~~ e 55C DI"NEI-fI1l'UC lilxhlbJUOD Gallery at rhotb~raphlO See-· .~~ " I I
~~. Pa.' :EUa Fitzgerald andner
. . . . iiiJ. ..
'Pitching ..... ~uttli Gladwyne; tlon.· .. .
COCKrAIL .IIM•• a TO • P. II. C~OUnalrO for ChiliaD Defen_hl.
. orChl!6tra '
,W; 5; L. 1. P;O" ;&33.
VictorleS'-OlDonnell.. Gladwyne, . .._... lTW,NED . .
bit -of ··prhlolple, and appllcatlnn· Qf: pro·
'l1li.0. .OIU"\....
8...,..';..._D OUR
teotlva ellloration Ill! found In nature aDll· ... 8~T!' ' '
AdmlssJon, $2 Oouple. Plus tas

i~"[J' fA,•. i!£:::;:~:E:~~:~:'::=c",,~e-

' .. 6~·' :.' - '., .' WI M.M I N'G
, ,Defeats-"..steUber, Brookllm. 8. . OUR D~AtlTJlo·Vf. OVTUOoR
D " .... ...... POOL 18. NOW Ol!EN
Strlkeoutil-.Eltei.lbtlr•. Brookl1ne;
:.• He~~tti1j :OllLd,.;yne, .51. . . . 4.Coclttcr'f'Loun•• ·
. :tI,.. of • tully equipped . ~t!,go roo\O.· eta. E;N N IS
. .. ., - . . .. l ' . (Jroub~ tillor ·Dear ·Planetarlum·. lobby: . "~ . ' i" .'.' " " '


,:>~~;~: ,~~" ~.I.I"~'~~,Ll ..,~".lt.'i.".: IIu8eIim . Jltillrtll , Tlle,day.,· 1\'04D"41.7; ,. . . H1lltop· 100':_
" ._. ~,._~."",\\,_.,._ . _ _ .•_.#..<--.-~' T~~a~. '·:·Frlday"' aD4' sundat, 1: to· •

"., .•. :.;",;,;,(/>"/';",:\i~·,"""I"~P<'~L . ~~~104!!liI!t~!i>~~~~~~~~ :':':.: .. ,', ".

"'1~~~' .' _r· :t.'.~,~l',-

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