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. ,..


VOL. 28 - No. 34

M'erchantsB'ack WarlimeProgram;
Gear Business For Future Demands
Report Shows Council Collection for Soldier
Christmas Boxes Was 100 Percent; Shown
Inflation Picture; Entertained' by Sieight-
of-Hand Performer

Rotarians Hear
Rev Kirkland

The Rev. Bryant M, Kirkland,

p,~.t~f_ c;>!}J:1~ .~~~~rth~re.>bYterian
Church, addressed the ~tnelJ1bers of
~he Bala-Cynwyd·Narberth Rotary
Olub at their weekly luncheon on
SpeakmJ on the toPIC, "Armis-
'-ice," Mr. K.rkland saId:
"We must devrlop a broader
:11oral conrc·pl. sO that we can keep
'he next Armhticc, Otherwise the
.lmc lapse betw('('n armIstices will
;radu.llly become less and less un·
i! 011(' Imm~diatrly follow~
Wilham H, Durblll was
:Jf the m~'ctillg which was held at
:he Ovcrb:'ook Golf Club,
Ralph S, Dunne told thc club o[
~he hundreds of Christmas box!':,
wh;ch arc being sent by the people
~f Nl1I'bcrth to servicemen in thi3
cJuntry and all OI'er the world
The Narberth Busines.... Council
COMMUNITY SPIRIT PREY,AILS IN received $144,63 from this Sum- 88_5,,1er(~nt whose homes arc in Narberth,
mer's Fourth of July community
NARB,ERTH'S CHRISTMAS PLANS celebration. 'lIccording to Walter N.
Communities lamenting the fact that we will have to curtail' Case, president of the Council.
our Christmas celebrations should ta ke a war-time tip from Nar- The receipts came from dona-

berth merchants.
U:>ns and the sale of sandwiches.
Expenses of the celebration were
Instead of wringing their hands over the scarcity of Christ- $72.13 which leaves a balance of
mas trees an~ the shor~age of candy canes, they met the other $72.50 in the Council's Fourth-of- $2789.64 was received from property declslon Frye pointed out that a
nIght to conSider substitute proposals. July fund. , taxes, and $83.92 from occupational municipality has the responsibility
This is the samoe town, you will note, whose eitinns raised
more than $200~ to send every man in the armed forces from
Keystone Promotion taxes. '
Out of a total property tax dupl!·
William C. Thompson. managel cate Of $84,715.20 only $10.844.47 re-
of a property owner in taking
necessary protection precautions,
c:mtended that these precautions
Narberth a Christmas box. The fact that this had never been \ of the Montg·:>mery County Divi- mains to be collccted and out of an had been taken in the erection of
done on a community.wide basis only served as a stimulus. What sian of the Keystone Automobile occupational tax duplicate of $3625.- a groundstand backstop and fences.
they accomplished, the quality and originality of the gifts, the Club. has been promoted to Assls- 96 on!)' $1130.20 rEmains. He said that Mill Mulligan walking
spirit with which the money was given and the atmosphere in tant Ficld Director 'Jf the entire nearby was aware of the risk in-
which the boxes were prepared will serve adequate notice that Keystone organization. with offices Sell Meriori Home volved.
Narberth remembers her fighting men. ' I n three states lind the District of To avoid such Incidents in tht
. , . Columbia, Mr, Thompson has been Main Line office, representing the future Frye suggested that the
.. Perhaps It was WIth the thought ~f perpetu~tlOg such a trad- associateq with Keystone for the I Girard ,Trust Company of Phila- BOl'~ugh might take out lla,bUity
'tlon that merchants met the other night and d,lscussed plans to last 16 years, 14 of which have been dl!phia, reports the sale of 121 Mer· insurance.
make the observance of Christmas a community celebration. ,pent as Club manager in t01! \ brook Lane, Merion, to Robert L.
Th I th d' I d . Ch I county, with h~l1dquarters in Nor· Zulllngu, and Anna Sailer Zulllng-
.e p an~ ey ma e fOC u e a community r stmas tree listown, cr, his wife. •Squ-Ier's Pup-lis M-ISS
that will be ble.:! enough to fill the hearts of those unable to buy
them for their homes: a community -choral sing in which all resi-
dents of the Borough will be invited to partlcipate and'a Santa
- Ch'mtmas ,.,.,Q I'n.P-lano Reel-t'aI
C01~nl'nuntty',," ,

Urge Mothers To Take Children
Claus. to walk the main business street and visit the stores.
' '
Miss Margaret Squier gave an
To Well Child Health Center
Narberth's philosoph~ of fighting this war at home has drawn
its citizens, c Ioser toget er in mutual community enterprises.
Fostering this spirit has been an aid in the civilian defense pro-
Ce lera, . o¥hte
I' ome
t "o,ns: "., n B 0 ro
~T.JI Informal piano concert
daY afternoon at her last
araylang av" Narberth.

The following boys and girls

In order to reliev" some of the dren up to scho~1 age may be
strain of overwork, the doctors of brought for the doctor's care and
grc\ITI • as hwell
h as 'a source ofd inspiration
. and consolation to r e s i - . . . . ... played original compositions and N,arberth h ave j 0 1n cd 'iN ith the thus release a little more of the
ents w 0 ave participate • ' , Narberth merchiln~ are discuss· one WOUld, be Invited. ' other selections: Nal'berth Board of Health in urging
d .nil' a substitute_for the elaborate Theile plans to preserv/! the spirit . , mothers t:> tako their well children other doctors' time.
, Narb«)rth's Business Council is not noglocting its part whon family cele!>ratiOn. of Christmas of Chrlstm~s
and,at' the, same Jean M 1\ 1.1' e Gold. MarJorie to the Ohild Health Center for Narberth.'s Health Center is made
, itprop(lses a ,program to fill in that part Qf the Christmas cole. wh'ch will be curtailed tills year by time. to keep the ce,lebratlon', within ~hank.R1chaTd ,BI~german,
Rose- periodic Clheck-ups. This plea is possible by the Welfare Committee
',bretton which will be lacking ,in mariyhomes ,this ,yeai'. the scar~ity of Christniastrees alictthe bOunds'ot a Nation at war, were Qtary Mabevitt, MaJg'lre: Gotman, necessary due to the added burden of the Women's Community Club.
.w "II h' d ' the absence ofmal1Y ,santa olahses disc~tuesdaY niQlht ,at oameet- 8Uly ,Davies,and Ann 0 Brien. caused by so many doctors ..:ntering whose chairman is Mrs. C. Arley
, e rec~t 0 war s o'f the hard boiled Milrinocorpor~t who have joined the armed forceli. lng.of'the Naroert"h:BUsinesilCoUzl- others participating were Sven the service. 'Fanner. and, bY the Board of
.aft!rthe benefit .bas~ball game had raised nearly $800 for N~Yr. Th~y belleve it Shouldbea com- ell li1~heA1'cadlaRestaurt\nt. 'Hansell, Gra'~~ Taylor. Deirdre The Well Child Health Cepter. Health.
Relief., If you remomber; in a lotter addre$sed to "Our Town' munltY o.~stmas, more' serioUs' In ~rts ',rOPl the lrierehantli In- Ryan. Nanc~ Orr. Ph1llp Shreinel, held each Wednesd3Y -afternoon All Narberth citlz,ens eagei'ly ac-
he'saici: " " 'meaning, In ,Which ~vci-y resident dicated th~ much of the ,Chr~tmas Llsvet Hansell, Roger .Young, Elea- from 2 to 3 p. m. at Conw3Y and ccpt such B:Jsrd of Health services
"When the boys left the Navy Yard many remarks we e of the Borough will participate. st:lcJt had been curtailed' andr'tbat nor Konzer. AStrid Hansell. Dianne Haverford avs., is a service open to as control of communkable 'discas-
heard' to the effect that they were going t~ a little bump on the The commUt11ty Ohristmas pro- there would be· a, scarcity of sueh Klingman. and Dorot41)' Senft, (lny mother of Narberth. Dr. Emilie cs; inspection and sanitation of
, 't tv d ' f th d f th ht b gra~ would inclUde a community things as candy. canes. certain toys 0 t b B -Ide Maxwell is bhe attending physician milk and water; collection and dis·
map!,,~ s ereo. pe ,copy 0 ousan so 0 er su,~ owns a out, Santa. Cl",us W Interview' 'thll and.,onilments assOciated wltb ,the ' C 0 .r,· UI lng' and'Mrs. W. P. Himes, Community p:lsal of garbage and refuse. The
but -:-:, how differently .they al~ spoke whe~ the~ returne~. Your children; one ,llirge community nlletlde 1"rlod. ' ' :Pive bUllding permits. bringing H~ltil and Civic Association Nurse, ,Health Center is another .means of
Cha,~~.r ,~f Comm_r~~ tBUII~~,1l C~unclll has ;m~re. boosters ~W-tas"tree to' be' erec;~ In ,tile .Narbe1't~' ~8 "never,' had '8 &mts tn: .fees of _~, were iS8~ed In Nar' ,Who is alsO Narberth's P,ubliC controlllng the communl'tY's health ..~
~#.,~:r~';~'!ljlli!J$,rJn,e ,9~rp",t~~"l! ~~;s_~'.-.Na",~~;~~.!.~!t~!.!:;.~~~,_!!,at., .r:aUroa~ &~llt.l~~ aq~'llrc:. Il,n~
..' com· ~I,aU8 '~O' '~e' ,buallie~ !ltr~tiJ,
.be",th, durlrtg. octob8t'. post of the Health ~urse.1'5 aiding the' doctOr and In the present cl'~/!
should be
,~Q1,ijil Wt~"! e,,,~~gh~. 'mun~'earur~~""":b1bh78Wf7'~' ~~IIIl;f.jr~~Fl'1l'o.J~~~~~---aD19.~k,cl.JIL'12~ -,-~ ~~,,:£~g ·f~!.,tq~.J~,!:~l~ ~~!1.~~~ N.a~~
'P,¥!! '\;'
"'" " : , , ' ,': , " -:-:- :. .. ... .VSt;d by every ,," .

."·C·' ·:.',c, .. ;;.iL~:~:jii,: 1i\;j':;!i'l~';0~;;i";;.¥/.i:' ", :;';S':.:ic:, i;:',),.:;;·:j::i:: ~Y~::;;i)~'H~lir;i~~'::j;\~';', ,.,' .. . .'. c .. - ~- ~:~. - ,:' • c': '.::~
T OW N~,=========:::::====~=======~NOVbMBER
12, 1942
PAGE TWO===================~===:::::::::I·-====~!~·:' 0 UR :t motion against Christmas Ilghtlng
of the busin<'ss section ,bkause Of
the scarcity of ornamental mate-
OUR TOWN 1101s.
"ter.d . . second clallis mottp.T O,:tob~r. 1~1~!. at the PORt Ofnoe at
N&rberth, Pl. .• unddr the .ot or Muoh I, 1171,
-------------- - - - - ._~ -- -
Founded 'in 1914 by the Narberth Civic Association


RUSSELl. E. fRANZ. AdHTlhing Mana~~!. ..- __,
-.--- ---_. - ---- - ' - -
PublIShed Every Thursday
Deadline for advertising and news copy-Wedne5day. 5 p, M.
subscription rate-$2 per year In advance

Publlcatlon Ofllce-Eight Cricket Avenue. Ardmore. PIt..

~ Phone--Ardmore 5120 and 57::! I ; Lin'enwood 7740


The link Between Forest a-nd Home

25 Bala Avenue, Bala-Cynwyd

1'1'-": ,t""!11 ,.1 "''\11' II

Closed 12 o'Clock Sat. Cynwyd 662
.\ pfll.' \ "'! I It 1-: "I I, 01 .. ~ "f '\, ,.\ "!III" I
.\ II 1"1:,
\r I! .1.1 :1:.
I II' l-" ~,
t •• n n e , ••
• e e, •• te. t , n , ,
"I 111-'

L. -
-: .~

Changes Are to Be Made for the Greater

'.. Comfort and Convenience of Our Customers


$1.25 and Sf .60

Call Narberth 4270 OPI'I1 Thurs.
\11 r.1,1': n. For Appointment &: Fri. EI'l's.
: ..
~.'" . _ ,",-1~:~ . 3 ,

For the convenience of

the many engaged In ,var
work during the daytime

.,:: : ,:~
-:' .',



Will be open Fridays from

12 NOON until 9 in the EVENING


Our Annual Sale of Royal Family
••• u •

• •• u
Gloves: and Knit Underwear
Our Own for Women
. . .r.'~

,SWEET' CIDE:R Says Major General C. p, Gross, Chief of

Transportation of the United States Army:
In the first ten months alone, they haVe
moved al?proxiln~telY' 8,OOO,OOOCfOO PS, . \ Gloves
, ofimportant leathers i.n the Sale at .

Made daily from

sound,washed apples
of good quality
"Transportation is the life blood
of this great Army.
"Night and day the railways. have
not countlRgsoldrers on leave; '.
That's over thrte times as many as they cap;1ed
in the same period' of the last war! , t ••• : .• ' \ '
$'2 . 69 $3.19· $3.5,9 83.98 a pair
50, II gallon .been On the job, cansistendy. meet·
ing increasil1g1y difficultiequire.
ments, for (reight and pas.senger
For al this. the credit goes j~intly to the
-railioal:ls; the War Depattment· -l!ild the Rayon Underwear in the Sale from
(lOc retiU'Ded on jug)
equip1lie ntand. service. They have ~Jlic~ ~f. De~ens~' !~porta~on,+-it's a
d . b' B ' Job of ~effett cooJ:diriatlon. Whetithe need.
one ~. super 1,0·.' fofquiqi p£ trOops came"
.HOME ~*'I). Yes, and·d~y,inclliding~un~ays·· a plan;J'Jhic:l!~perlenced.~ild pien had.
and ~olidays; the ~adsofM1~tlca nave '. ·beeri~deVelop1Dg.:.fOt'twe.nt1·Yeats; ~t
. Ap~le';:B~ter been,speed4lg ttoopsto wherever the . instandt.i(itb'operation.That's 'Why Uncle Make ·you,r Friday •
Army commands",,", Sam~s WlU'triachinerolls! .


NOYEMB£R 12, I q42 =.::C· U,R· .. ~.? W ti~~:O~~~===~::::=~~==:::!::=:.======:::=::=====~=:::;::::=::.
Page 'i'hre.
R. C. Fernow TO'1 '. d. 'S' f D Juniors Welcol1t€ I

I;It:. .Deh1Btnifl' R.~l Chnpter,

Speak On T1-ee FI-'.E' . E 2S New Members

onuglitJrs 01 the Aci'e.rll!lln ReVmu-
.tion. will hold Its. monthly l11~tl1tg

Mrs. Robert E. Bakel' and her
iIlf:mt son. Robel'l. Jr.. who hav('
A t Bridge Pa1'ty; at the· horile' Of ul/! ~ ..~t Mrs:
Harold c. FeIlWJ. N::U-lX'rUl. on N')\' .
>,Jarberth Women to
I UI'I'I1 \,i,;ltlng her pat'pnts, MI'. ancl
. M,.,; Josf'ph WJ11te. 113 J':ssex al·.
CI'ubwomen CanvCils '16 t*t 2 p. m.
Hear Mrs. Biester at Nil l'IJ<"1'lh, will It'a\'t' IH')(I \\'I'ek to Borough for Siood The guest spcDker \\1U be 11 TC'm- .
pIli Cllpt'lin Bilkl'r ~lt C.unp Donors: Danee Is /; p,le University student. Miss Helt'n
Tuesday Meeting 11011'7". Tl'xus. Myl, who wll1 talk 011 h('I' escape
'Tit!. (on~I'I,\"dioll and h'1\rdf'n
f'llIlllll;lll'e of ,lit· \\'0111/·11·.... Com-
'* * *
Mrs Daniel L('itch. Jr.. 105 Ard·
The Narberth Juniors :held a
'. from Chinn.
Mrs. Joseph H. Bnkt'r, first viC('- Yeur
"Get Acquainted" bridge party for regent Will prt'slde In place of MI's.
IlIIUlIl.\ ('1111l of NIl\'bNth lind Ihe morl'
. . II ilL AI·elmorp. entel·tained
hr melllb('rs of hf'r bridge club
Hod and GIIlI ClulJ 01 Lower Mer, ~fondl1r aftenl0on. Attellding were
the 25 new m('mbers of the clUb
last Thursday. Admission was, tWo
Vtll1\1l WoOOcoel~. who is suffel1nl;
from i& rencerit fall.
ion wtll pn'sl'nl Mr. R C. Ferno\\'. Mrs. COl'llelius Alexander. 31'd. Mrs.
or lilt, Ullltrd gtales Fo\,pstn' &'I'\,- Gr~hD.m Arthur", Mrs. William
It I'. who w:1l spl"lk about l'on Sf' 1'\ a- Clt'llr. Mrs. Joseph D:>ugherty. Mrs.
new galwents for the Needlework
Guild and 104 .garments were col-
lected. Mrs. Norton, of the Ameri-
Hostesses. Mr;;. Oeorge Marrott.
Mrs. H. Rona.ld Paigt> ll:nd Mrs. W.
T' Pearce will serve tea. All mem-
ti011 In Ihf' forrst ilnd timlJf'r ('ut- Roy Gowland. Mrs. Robert WaL'h. can Red Cross, made an appeal fot bel'S are requested to bring their
OUr Ardmore Store will
II11R. on NO\'l'mlJl'r HI. at 8'30 p.m .. and Mrs. M. 11:inrst,lf'k. all of Nar- blo:xl donors fm' the blood. banI( Ohristmas gifts for the TamllS5et' D.
Prize winners for tile evening Were ,A. R. SChool, Tamassee, South gladly extend thiJl cour-
nl tlll' Ll'gion Room of lIll' Com- berth.
lllllnit\· Bllildin'.'
The board of dil'pctor~ of till'
* * *
Elmer KlaPPl'r. son of MI'. and
Mrs. Hany Walts, Mrs. H. C. Fray.-
er. Mrs. W. E. Clear, Jr., Mrs.
Cnrolina. tesy without obligation.
no matter where your
Thomas MitcheIl. Mrs. Richard 1:.. Glassf'S were purchasl:'d.
club met lIt the 11On11' of the Mrs. Walter Klapper. 727 Mont.-
pr("idl'nt. Mrs. L. G. ernter. TupS- ~om£'ry a\' .. Narberth, is spending Titnm. Mary Phillips and Mrs. "'BUY U. S. WAR BONDS~' Should you desire new
Lenses or Frames cur
eLI;' morning and nppro\"'d of the a tpn day fllr1:>ugh \l"lth his fam- Willlam C1lhUI.
11JllowlIlg' new men~bers' .' . I ill' HI' hus complelt'cl pIl11 of his Members of the Narberth Juniors modt'I'nte prices wUl sur-
MI ... S 1£. Mfllsh. MI' A r. nan1l training fli N&wpol't. R. I .. rl'cclltly mad(' a house-to-house ')rlo;e YOH.
Martin. Mr,. Cro~lJy lhr'3r. Mrs H : and I\'ill lea\'e for Il fOllr month'~ cal1\·as.~ for bhod donors for the
Delma Tees, 'Jane Kirk' and Flor- ·help with thl' 3d-acre job. Their as-
,1 L:\l'ralWI'. l\~rs J... E Clark. Mr,.;.! pnginl'E'rinR courst' at COr11£'ll Unl- blood bank 'which th(' American
L \. Homsllt'l. Mh. H. L Plllcll. \'I'l'"ilv 1Il'xt week. Red Cross is building. The Nar- eneI"Scheetz, all members. of Girl sistance saved a fine crop which Opl'n Mon.• Wed., Fri.
Mrs. A F.. Sllll"Il \fh 'T \". I
Bhlkp. I
. * *
Mrs. !-vL R. WallE'r and Dixie
bel1.h tw'nout was excellent, with Scout Tr'oop .No. 264, whlen meets
at tile OverbrOok p'resbyterlan
due to labor shortage was in dan-
Eves. '7 to 8:30
donations being made In Narbertn Church undi!r the direction' of Mrs ger of being entirely lost.
'Thr projl'l'l ('oIllmit lp(' held :l, Wallrr. S~7 Dudley HI'" Narberth.
Il1r(-tmg MOlIda'.· aftl'rnoon at the I tlttl'nded the Noh'p Damt' Army
last Thursd'l1y and others at head-
Malvin Wallace, 189 S. Highland av. The trip was ·arranged by Mrs. J. WINFIElD
UUSJl" to.
Merion. n!Cel'\,e Instructions frOtl1 L. P. Vollmer, Rosemont. Others who
lion:.. of Mrs. B£'nJ~rd W Salmoll ~ f:lothal! game in New York last !Mt'm'bers making the house-tt.>- A. 'Dlesender'fer,' Paoli' fanner, be- went with the girls were Mrs. John
Mrs. Ralph Gill'S rt>I'!f'w(,o Ann i Snturdal' house canvass were: Mr;s. George fore starting to help him harvest Bradb1 from SCout headquarters:
s,.g~1t':·~· "Se\'pnlh cros~". al. tllP i Jean ·Slmpl;on. daughter of MI'. Albel1., Mrs. L. V. Hamsher, Mrs. his popcorn crop saturday mornitlg Mrs. Uenry C. Smith. of Merion. ~ildr;.~
mrplin!~ TlIl',J.l; .,fll'l· I rind Mrs. Harl'\" Simpson. 20 Avon
. i I'd. Nnrbel'\ 11. sPent last week-end
K. E. BUrchileld. Mrs. Harry
Watts. Betty Grace. Miriam SChle-
More t1lan 50 Olrr SCout.~ from
Main Line troops went to Paoli to
I and Mrs. Stanley D. ltartshom and
Mrs. Dexter Shaw. from Wayne. 24 E. Lancaster
Mrs. William H. Blester. .11'. with Ml1ri,ln 'Thompson. of Bloom- gel. Mrs. Ralph Dickie, Mrs. Vin- A~ende
prpsidenl of tlll' Phi\;ldl'lphia Fpd- lield. N. J.
k piU·hI·'le A·d
Pl'atiOll of Women's Club. will be
tlle guest spl'nker at thp meellng
* * '*
Mis.~ Julia BE'rnice WOlTe11. daugh-
cent Pardo, Mrs, Fred 8egermark,
Mrs. James Pollock, Mrs. 'John
F'lynn, Mrs. RobNt W. HigWey,
r05ttnaSler A'':S'S t:
Inside and out. upside own
and all around! That's the
attention and care we 8'\ve

Tuesda;' at :! p.m. Mrs. M. A. Mat- tel' of Mr. and MI's. Le Roy Worrell.

i:~~n~r~r;' ~O~'eo~:~'
Mrs. Harry Dal'js, Mrs, M. A. Mat- to making your old p~('es lenldn&.own
111 Speedt1'lg X 1naS Ma i'1i1:zg
tuon. rhairll1Hn of the house com· I.H Upland Ave .. Balll. will be the west Chester
ll1iltpl' is in ('har~p af the dl'cor~- I gUl'st Df honor at H bridge and tea illt~ new.
;. rer:ri oerma~tOwn
tiOlh which will haw ::t 'Thanksgi\'- I which Mrs. Charles W. Walton. of
ill[: 1IIottf Mrs. Gl'orge Gilpin. Jr .. ,SI. D:wids. and her daughter:'· Mrs.
George, Mrs. Chas. C. Offenhauser,
Lucy Cramer. Mrs. Robert Fetter.
Narberth Postmaster Joseph L,
of Com"me"""". And sales are ris-
.~~ HOISON at C().
and Mrs.•10hn W Jo;'cp will be John A Baird. Jr.. of Baltimore wil1 man. Mrs. William E. Clear. Jr.• Kelley has Issued ad uigl!ht pih irig, Such hea\>' purchases always 105 Pf. HARIEt'rH AYE.
ho~tesst's. gil'p 0'11 Thursday aftenicoll. Mrs. Robert M . . Tatterfield. and this week that all.ChristmM pllc- presage heavy m:l.ilingl', Nat-tiertb 2340
I Harriet Rogers.
kages be malled" as early as p:>ssl- "If th<>u,sands of our soldiers.

T11l'rt' shouldn't b., am' difficult I' \·r,.1'
Jrlrrlllining which team dr.,l'n·"s ~c It isn't likely the Maroon will
A musical el1:ning witil enter-
tainll1ent pro\'ided by three mem-
; bel'S of the Drexel Hill Music Club
i will bl' hl'ld on N:n1:mber 19.
: M£'mbers of the Women's 'Com-
munlty Club.' Eenlor sponsors of
Many· &torI's Qlre~<1y have their
sollars, marines a.nd civiliD,n f1"iends
Christmas stocks and, gift buying are not to be disappOinted at
may be suceessfu~' started weeks Ch,ristmns time, the public must
earlier thari in- pre'Vi.:>us years.
"Tite Post omce
cooperate by nulling earlier than
oepartment now ever before and by addressing Ie-to 'r ~fi!"..W"rC.6

V fAe ~'" "'Wt,yl


<)" rrowI1I'd myt hlcal champion 01 I finish with such a splurge, but the group. will be guests:>f honor. is starting the most gigantic task and parcels propt'rlv. The
lilt' Sl1blllb~n Conferelll'l' this y('ar I we m('ntion it in passing just to : Mrs. L. M. Eluderman will be in its history-the movement of n .. I
AlL.I'r thflt 4';·0 paslmg h::l'I1dl'd Nor gin' the boys soml"1hinl: to sho01 ! hostess. deluge of Ohristmas parcels, cards best efforts of the P?st Offlce De-!
l'l,t"wn laq wl'ek. Lawn Menon at in ('as~ the)' ar(' w('aryill~ of The first dancE' of the season I
and letters While m'9~ntalning the partment alone cannot be enough.:
\) l1 hht to win 11flnd;, down l'\'I'll if II winning too ea~ily, _I will be held this Saturday at the regular flow of millions of pieces of in view of wartim~ difficulties I
:)ar:: y squt'l'zes by Up!X'r Darby and ST.\SDTSG OF TIlE TEAMS I Cynwyd Club. mall dally to and from our armed faced by the postal system. TIle I Telephone lines are
Racnor III Its flllal gan11'.-;. "':I-
~I III Itll \:\ 1111: 'I' I',. ! MUll ER-ES ELECT forces all over the world," said I public must assi~t.
Please keep crOWded with calls
Thp Suburban Sports \Vrilpl" A,- \\ , ,. . the p:JStmaster. "The Post Office Department is YOur teJeh •
P one calls Btl,EFI
s('(·lation. which lIas bl'en naming \' .... , "\\,, ., : '~FFICERS MONDAY "Indications are that the VOlume I maRing strenuous efforts to avoid:
tht' Suburb.1Il ClJ'ilfl'rrl1<'l' challlpioll ., pTl1~ Mulleres of the ~arberth of Christmas mail will be the lar-lSUCh a terrific jam as it faced in!
P\'(11' ~ln~'{~ tilt' ('o,l{'h('~ dlll'kt~ tl1(' I' ',',':' ' ;,: Ire , ompany elected the following gest on record. Already in Sep- .1918 under Similar conditions. dur-'
job ~)mp h:.i1f dozen yl'ar" ago I: ,,' I"" EHE"( F I' .1ff!cels at thell' meeting Monday tember, latest monUl for which Ing tile First World War. It can
eouldn', a~]'('l' on :1 rhoi~'e l<l't ;'(,lll - 1",:,''''\':,
T '. mOI~lmg fl gures are M"alla?le, retail sales succeed. in th:>se efforts-and avoid
h v/
\I ,. Mrs H 1 .
and j;I'it 1ikijJprd tile thing clIlir£,ly " .. ,. ,,,_ ,; -{j<e 3., p:1:s1dent: Mrs. had reached a . level second only t:> \ many heartaches for its p'ltrons-
Glen-Nor wa~ undefeated but Illany 1."'1' .\1 I")
'." 1" 1- .;J .lIte. filst vice presld~nt; the record month of December if ,the public will {)ooperate by
scribes believed th~t Phoenixvilll' and 'I~'l::.l.:~ ;1,1" .,(1 ~~ I\frs. W P. Sche~ck, second vice 194.1 accord1J;1g to the Departmeut malling 'earlY."
Lower Melion. both of whom lost one ..;\\ ~J' bin" (' " 1 ~~ 1. presldent; Mrs. E. H. Ooekrill, t~-, .~~.,,",~~......~.~.~~~=~..:,-~-+:~~~~;;;:..~+~.,..:-~.;.,.. .....;...-,........

ware County tl'am and for that rea- ,"",ltl"ll

game, w~rl' slrCJngel' tlun lhe Dela, 1'1 'IroIllt'l'( 1'0111, " Iq I
:t;: urer; Mrs. Arthur GOldsmith,. seer;'.' ;'
l':,t~n': 1\fl"'. John ,\Vetzel'and 1\rt-s.'·'
son wit hl1l'lcl rE'cog'l1ition of the In· \,1,':' "I
dians. 'Thr~' wl'rl' abh' to Rl't out '1,:"'1 II, :"':'l!-
I .: 1 George OTth. board members,'
;'" • Mrs. Lloyd B. Edgerton presented' :
25 WORI)S POR SOc (I n On ePa per J .
from IIndt'r I'pn' nlc('ly b"l'au&> thrrp . ". ,."" I. , .~ '.'; : a new amendment to the constitt1: -
was no t10phy award as in thr past, :~,::'~\""'I I· ,., ~" lion which was voted on and passed.. OUR TOWN. BALA-CYNWYD & MERION NEWS
thp Spaulding Bakil1~ Company 11~\" ",'1 i : ; .:.:" Any widow paying $3.00 per an.. MAIN LINER. HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP NEWS
lng decidl'd 10 d:scontillue Its annual :;':~':', I.::' '" num to the Narberth Fire Company'
presHl1ation to tl1l' conferpnl'l' win- ," "1'. ,,' .. , ., ';,'. automatical1y becomes a member of $1.40 FOR 4 PAPERS
ne}' '\ I ' : , l '" \' 1,1
":-I,h ~1,d,,· , :", ',; the Mulieres:' ask about special monthly rates
LoI"er l\l(,l'jOn has beatNl I'\'rr)' 1 -"." .. " I; " '" I'" The December meeting wlIl. be Tou may Rflnd rnOf\(')' ordf'r. 8t~i1npR. Of" twrSllnnl ,'llp('k Aclllrpq!ll
~uburban rival so thoroughly and I).' ·dl.·, T."" ;1 omitted. all C011ltnunJcations to L.ow~r Mprlon X(,W"')J3TWT'!l, ,\rdml.rt', 1';\,

dTil'il"ntl~· that there just isn·t ;.':;~':~.,,' ,', ", ):,~ . CALL'
:1I1yargumf'11tastoitscoml)ll'tl' i~::·.',I.~'",,, I" :,~ WILL MEET NEXT MONDAY
~upt'rlo\'It~· over till" lil"ld. I 1'.,1"" :;; "'. The monthly meeting of the
Ardmore 5720 Greenwood 7740 Hilltop UOO
* * * 1\\ "'1 ,"".",.. Waldron Mothers ClUb will be held
Co:;.tesl·ll1r is aL~o und('f('ated in ·I~··.':,',':;;:~:·"l':" ,,' ~~ November 16 at 3 p.m_ at Waldron HOM! IMPROVEMENTS RIAL ESTATE
conlerence competition but it,1i re\:- 'I" "."". '01
ord no where near approal'hl'B the \~ ,.\"", I I
~', ·1; Academy. Merion. The Mothers
l' I:"·: wll! have as their guest st>eaker AMO;O: & 80S. Pll.p..rhnnglng an,l pnlnt· MEN IN THE S....·VlCE

IIIII' Hardwood 11001'> >omped. Hpn- '
Maroon's achievements. Th1'11 the ,;,':.',: ~","" , ~~. I';; Mother Mary LaWrence ~f Rose-' ovatlng ot an)' kind. IS month. to Let rent your house for the dura-
Contes play only five conference ~i" I'''''''''' '''1'''1 1'" mont Col1ege. ·va)·. Call Oronlt" 4100 bl'lween G'00
and 8:0& P. M. . Itlon. Clients waiting. Immediate
games and six have always be~n Wasted money Is wasted Mrs. Thomas J. Sullivan is cha1r~ . possession.
Heeded for title consideration. Upper lives. Don't \\\ste precious man 0 f thI' re f res11m en t com~lttee HOME FURN.SHINGS HIGHLAND HAl ESTATE
lVlerion. too. 1., unb('aten but. has been _ lives. £very doUal' you can and hostess\!s at the tea follow,;. Newtown Square 0777
tied twice and plays only four con- spare should be used to buy ing tile meeting will be the
Ardmore 0580
ference games. War Bonds. Buy your ten 'ttt.:>thers of the seventh grade stu-.
Unquestionably Lower Merion's d t.s! MAlN LINl!;
eleven is the finest since AI Adam'~ __ . percent~~y ~a.:_~a!:_ en .. _. -.. --.----.-.-.- DESIRABI.E HOM-E!!
FOR !lAI.E ott RF:.:OO:T
g"'eat undefeated. untied and U1lScor· MIRRORS & GLASS WlT.mA~f rt1mf
315 Montvomer)' A,·e.. Cynwyd
cd on club of 1933 The present ~NOW iii· til" time to reju\'enale yolU C>·n.
'Jheflilional'gollli qf)6rlJerlh
7·.&11 Ore. 3300
I'lel'l'n has the same versatility. lacks \ home, CLASl'l SHOP, ,fOHN S. TAOYE,
13U Weill Chester Plkio, U.pper DIlrb7, LOST
thl' crunching power of that dazzling CUllom inade mlrrOMI: rullvel'lnlt'; re-
ou:t1t but prObably is faliter and modeling; pletV..... tramed; turnltun
,tops. Phone Blvd, . 30n. [,I:U'!\: ~\1IH'Rlll' ,·.lntalnln..: l.\·t·nill~

tnl'kier. ell)l.I!'S, LORt at \\~)'lln'-'\\'ooll HII p. f/..'
The present Maroon team hasn't a Sd~e By Bori'C)wi..'CJ ~"', Station Frl<1ny nHthl ~O\', ti, H"·
wu.rd, Ph()ua \Vu',"nf' :!:is~~ \V,
perfect defe'nsive record. but it migb ..
NEEDillD by the Aiiii,,:ican Red Cro'"
possibly come very close to equal1lng Are )'JU paying 6% interest on a. ",uhlnl' macblne, .Iugle bed and mat- l.()3T-LlldY'N BIf::;ln ,,·riMt "'ntrh Of,1
the 1933 team's tremendous feat of Loan on yJur Life Insurance Policy? tTe,_: Call Red Cro/l. Readquarte....·
Atitmore ltOO.
'\"(\tlne14da)', 1".0\", :'. lwtwt"f"n (·IH..~tnut
..\\'e-. nntl ~ul't){'rth :--:111tton, l'}I",UI.· ..' .

scoring 323 points In' nine games. If so. this 101m can be transferred. caJI N'fll'hpllh :1Ii()!.·\T. nOfl n"el'h'"
LowfI' Merion has already amassed to our bank and you pay only 4% !'\in:D~D It)o. Ibe' Ma'!n IAne Fellernt!on rew(II'd.
of GJiurch~8. an exptNIR wagOfl, t w~
221 points. which means that it needs interest-a direct saVing for you. bureaus In a dark color, al1d ont~ lweI·
103 in its final two games to set a It's confidential. of C\Jurse, .1<1.table, Televhon" A,·amOl·.
5~:,1. ROOM~ .FOR RENT
n('\,/, record.' After last week's amaz.\ O\,D BOOKS WANTED-Htl\'he.t ra,," ("4ln~
C:-:Ft"n~]i"lH F:n room,. fnr rf"llt,
t"g reut of an undefeated rival. thili J'nld tor otll bonk" on all B .. h-
Yt>nh.'nt \0 tl'nUNportl'lIlCin. ('a It UrYlI
sl1ollidn't be impossible against the jt'o'..Slnll'lo book. Ill" ..."tln· lIbrn"le~ 1\1llwr ~S1t..
MIBMBS1t OP THB PIU)SR.AL R.BS'BR.VS'S-YSTBII purchased, PhOne Cl'nW)',1 O"t!. Will
mediocre and poor teams represent· call. (""olt\rottnbl~' tUTnlahp.d 1'0011\, t\pxt. t61
ing Upper Dal'by and Radnor this "talh tilt Il""nllemnl\. Ilontd or>t1ollnl.
l.".4luv"nh,.ont to t,.tnnsport:ttltJtJ. ~2~ 1.lan~
"'1',,/1 fv.... Llanol'cb. l.'h~ll~ UJlltnp
12~9'''. H room: 'l~ ronon ·1l11ltbnllrd.
CYNWYD-Private' borne room with
prl\'ale bath. \'0'111 ren.t (IIrnl.h~d or·
U!l'(lIrriished to reflUed woman. Oarlll(e
available, Jo'l"e minute. to train or
rwo B1llDnOOMS Ilnd .BOARD wlmtl>d bu.. Phone cynwYd 1993-J.-
by refined. couple With .prt"llte t"mlll'
11\ \'It-/nlty ot Narb/>rth. Ardn\ot", or
llnU.-('ynw)·i1. . nnte nenoonabl... bl'
the' month. Pbone Nnrbel'lh a~9,n. UPHOL8TllI'RlNO 'AND RmPATRINO-
81lrlhSt or S-plee'e sulteli repaIred.
Uo'.OO: chatrs recovered. $5.00. 00
•.it"wbere. call I.ewlo. Wayne 149.d.
Ut' miA' Lanea.ter A ve., Wayne. I'll


, , ~ ,,'

:,.~' . '.'~
0:.- ~,',
>.' ' .. t:.

PAGE FOUR ======================0 UR TOWN ======:::;:::=;=:=====::::::::========.== NOVEMBER. 12, 1942


'Burn with Caution' Upper Darby, Lone '41 Victor Over L.M.,
Says Fire Marshal Faces Maroon Eleven Here Saturday;. "SUN RISES 'OVER ALL"

w~::tTB~~nAlt~~~d_ Norristown Handed First Defeat, 4S to 0 DUPONT PER-CLENE

The improved process of Dry Cleaning for garments and
Household FurniShings by 'Sc1ent1fto Methods
once Havlllg made its claim for Sub-
lIow Series Stands
. l.'

Fire Marshal Harv~y W. Benson urban C<mference honors with a

of Lower Menon Towru:.hlp, Issued ,tunning 45-0 victory over unbeaten 1921-L. M., 52; Upper Darby 0, dll¥ U.S••A. BONDS
a warnllll( for tile ob:,ervanee of the out tWice tied Norristown last week. 1922-L. M., 71; Upper Darby, O.
TOWllblllp ordlllilnce which govenls Lower Menon HIgh School's football 1923-L. M., 52; Upper Darby, O.
the bUrllmg of leaves and brush. learn resumes 115 Big SIX title drive 1924-No game. PAINTING

3aturday against Upper Darby a[ 1925-No game.
"TillS year more than ever be· - ~ Wilbur S. Muffet ~ • ~ J I

Pennypacker FJeld. 1926-L. M .. 14; Upper Darby, O. HAR·BERTH BALA· MERION

fore," Ile <.ald. "Ill View of our need ... DECORATING
In recent years Upper Darby ha~ 1927-L. M., 19; Upper Darby, 7. 219 HAVERFORD AVE. .:. 54th and CITY LINE
of vital matenak lor the war ef· JO\ I'ORRI<.:MT A\'I~,
oern a ~IllX for Lower MeriOn. 1928-L. M., 8; Upper Darby, 7. . NARRt.:RTII, 1'.\. Main Plant - 206 EAST LANCASTER AVENUE, Ardmore
fort everYOlle should be l'xt!"t!mely ,par thr Maroon dropped It.s O[l;y l'h"De Narb..rlh 24\0-11
, 1929-L. M., 13; Upper Darby, 2.
careful oj fire III the burillng 01 ~ame to the Royals, 7-6, and the 0
leavcb ana brush."
He called atlenllOn to the ordm'
:<ll; Jlne only w11l be shootllig br
rC\l'llge but for tlll'lr first victory
1930--L. M., 46; Upper Darby, 6.
1931-L. M .. 13; Upper Darby, O.
JilT Upp~r Dal by U1 five years.


1932-L. M., 45; Upper Darby. O. OF GASOLINE
llllce whIch givps him pt'rmlsblon to
Luwer Merlun won 15 straight 1933-L. M. 45; Upper Darby, O.
IbsUt' a gl'nl'ral }lrrnllt \0 burn ,,'Illl', Jrom the Ro~als III a series 1934-L. M., 15; Upper Darby, 6.
lpave" and brush with pi opel' Sdk WI'lCh ,tarted Jl1 1921. The lattel 1935-L. M., 25; Upper Darby, 2. CARBURETOR
~ lIards 1'111.') gCllnal prrmlt. Ill' "·a"n·t able to beat the Maroon until 1936--L. M., 13; Upper Darby, 6. ADJUSTMENT
,ald. would be good U1Illi December 19J8 wllell tlwy tnumphed by 25-6. 1937-L. M .. 7; Upper Darby, 6.
In.'p';( d by tIllS l"l',')ult the Royals 1938-Upper Darby, 25; L. M .. 6 To get just the right
I bUI lie C,llltJOlled th,,\ ,Idulls Ql.' mixture of gas and air
In .Ill('ndallel' :"lilt! th,lt llres be ex, lla\'l'll t bO\\<'d to L M. Slllce. In 1939-Upper Darby, 6; L. M .. O.
which means efficient,
Illl\;lll"hl'd belol r darkllc~s 1939 tl~(' UPI Dalls tnumpllrd by 6-0; 1940-Upper Darby, 0; L. M .. O. economical operation of
'!le lulJu\\ m~ ~e,lr t!ley hrld the Ma- 1941-UJlI)('r Darby. 7; L. M .. G.
"Natlllally" Ill' added .. no burn-
llll~ sllllUld i.,lke plM (. Oil wlIldy days 10011 10 0-0 ,lnd la.,t season created Ganws won: Lower Menon. 15:
.lne 01 ttle year's UP5Cts with their Upper Darby, 3; TICS-I.
your car, it Is necessary
to have the carburetor
adjusted properly. Our
pn'n III an melll"rator 1I1lc! ['XIITIlW
"anu\\' \'1ct01"\·. skllled mechanics will
eall' slwuld tX' tdk.'n ,It all tllne' check and repair for you.
to "l'e Ill,' t fire doe~ not "el bl'YUIHI I
Tl.llS. one ·can rest assured the uside on. the 16 by a holding penalty. II
('Oil tru!. or ,pread to hl'ld 01 \\'uolib \1,11'0011 WOld be overconfident de-I L. M. tall1l'd on the next play when

Merion Civic Elects

,p.te tIll' ndlculous case by which It Jack Well' passed to Powell. sub end, ,
'o.,-,;cd Nornstown out of the rank~ Who In turn laterallcd to Don Evans'
,[ tIl(' unbeaten. Ion the g~al 11l1e.

Three Vice-Presidents Tllat Lower Menon wlll be an I Dan Poore, who handled hiS block-
J\'erwhelmmg f;wonte goes without 11I1g assignments With exceptional
Th1'l'c n('w vice-pl'l'sidents allld SI); ,aYlnt;. Upper Darby has won only I ,klil. booted two extra points from
directors wer~ elecl<'d at ttll' annUl;] I
~hree gaml's. two in the Big Sxx from placl'ment. Heindel accounted for SERVICE STAttON
Orgallizattoll mcctll1g oj Ihl' Merloll
CIVIC AS""XI.Illoll la"t wepk 111 tll::
~1a(!nor and Cheltenham. and an- anotner by receiving a pass.
.'Illrr Irom Medl.<l. The Royals' 12-0 I Whiting and Greer Heindel teamed When Your Car Won't Start,
Call ARDMORE 1825
McnOll War Tnblltl' Huu"e on Hazel-
IIUr.,t A\<'
VICl'-pre"ldl'lll, eit'elpel \wre Fran!,
1lctvry O\'er Cheltenham last week up on a 22-yard forward-lateral pass
,"9.0; cOllsldered an upset. Chelten· play for the third slx-pomter. Helll-!
:,am. II Will be rl'nwmbered, was del needed to run only three yards
304 W. Lanc:aster Ave.
PLENTY OFl Fuses are the "safety valves" of your
II. M.Jnr:ll Latcll's Lan.. ; li<'nl'\' R :Iounced by the Maroon, 39-0. after takll1g the lateral from Whit_I Ardmore electrical circuits, When a wlr1ng circuit is
H.dlowrll • Gr,l\,,,'.one Rd. and T
lJl.1] Bl'11Il'1d. Highland Ave
The \'1ctory over Norristown was mg.
ile .,Ixth straight lor Lower MerIOn Hemdel tallied again in the tlllrd
EXTRA FUSES HANDY overloaded or "shorted", the fuse blows.
DIrectors electcd werr lJ: Frpdel n t!.e Suburban Conference an d I.' J1.'- quarter when he took a 20-yard Pabf --- --- --- - - ~--- - - - - - - Keep a supply of extras on hand (30 amperes for main current; 15
H'k A BJt!1r. Syc,111l0re Lane; Jo~epll \ aled It to tIl<' head of the circuit tram DeFe1Jce. Anoth~r pass. Stu- I CV"~ amperes for branch lines). It takes but a few minutes to restore
C.IllIlS. Jr. Graystone Rd.; Gt'raid l aim gave Lowt'r Merion the edge art to Wllltlng accountrd for the I
J Hall>;' n. Sycamore Rd.: John B. .!I It.' old feud with the Eagles. the ".,\\ .. , ),lo'rli'll service if you follow these suggestions.
E I'H"'d'''Il'' ;\.ulI1:,1 'u 0,

K('!l)'. Hazelhurst A\·e.; George . \,cU'lI'Y bemg the 14th against 13 trl- rI, ,,,oi, 1 1."11 .'"'' .~".,,'
Lallou. Wlndmg Way; and T Max- .II,lph~ or Nornstown. Two games I: 1\,,,,,,,, I." ,.,·1,:" lL,,-1 ".~ . ..../.-4/. _ 01 - . (1) Know where your main and branch circuit fuse boxes are lo- in tlcs. :~:l,JlI\':ll;'l i.'lfl'I~:j:',d l:tJ';:~~:'~"

well Stnllll, Woodley Ave

Undl'r the c1lalnnallli!1lp oi PerCY Lower Merion marched to a toueh- I I'''",' I) I: _ "I "",' 01 ~l., ' .
giving nlY children
cated in your home, (2) Before replacing a fuse, disconnect the appli-
G Madd02k. ,I cDmmlltre prl'sentect Juwn With the open1l1g kickoff :1 ,~:::',:~" li:,__I;,'. I.':,,~·' ,;,\::;1.'",.,,"'\ ance you think caused the fuse to blow. (3) Look for the blown fuse ...
"1\'1"1'101\ 011 P,1l'ade" which <.llOwed 'lb<llllst Nornstown and kept pounn[l I·.... ·, 1-1" "I' ", " i, \\ Ii " GUERNSEY MILK now thaI usually the mica window is smoke-blackened. (4) When removin~ or
lhe Itctl\lllt·~ uf all Menon ;!roup~ in I', on relentlessly the rest of the \ 11~1'·II,~'.I~11 11:~'~'lt, l:lt,:~:l~'fl.~,hl\ t ~,;:~I::l'~': meal is so high and net so inserting a fuse, grasp just the rim between the thumb and forefinger.
tlll' delellse program anel 11,ly. The Maroon "cored two touch- I', I'"...
1'1\111,11l 1·'"11', ... ,, :'\.'/1.01.", plenliful."
(5) Replace the blown fuse with one of proper size.
other ('1\11' proJect.,. jowns III "ach of the first two \)e- I., ,..' ".,l " ' r "~I·" .. ·, ' ' " I : 1.. 1--I'.

H,lrold W Scott. pre,ldellt of th" r1od~ Jar a 26-0 halftime lead and

"1'"",1,,,,,,,,,- ·1',1',1", 11""'1,1

_ II

A""oclal1oll. pre~lcted. :llen added two more sixp0ll1ters In :::,I,':;i:I.~""_"·I>'I'·I.,,,I:;~.• ,,- /;:;.I::.:~". ;~~:,'
l- • • • "to •• flhe third penod and a s1I1gle tally 111 11,,,,,,,1 ""''-' ~"I"I""I'''''" ,-"",-,,,,,,,
- 1';",1-. 1'.1>/'. ~1."Ii,·\\": 'HoI,l, -. 1. .,,,,,
·.he fourth.

I·' 1'01\,11" .. " "".,,01-. \\""1,,,1. ,',,,,,, ."1". West Lancaster av., Wayne
Co-captain Joe DeFl'liee started "II'" I:, nlli". 1,.leI,-. :,\""'. ,.,,,1,..1.1.
-lie rout of the Eagles with two first ".-jl1,". I ;nn-II Ii . •\ ",,,.'. ~hll r." ",.. "I, ". Phone Wayne 112 I ..'
SCHOOL NOTES \\-j~~~2~~a~~~;;;~~~~~~~;;;;~~~:=~;#===~:~::~:~::::::::~:=:=

period touchdowns. He dashed 20 Mill., I' WIIII.tI" •. >'. y"",,~. Fo·,,,,,n. ~~

A'M·USE' '. -'. 'E'I" S

~'ards off tackle for the first tOUch· ,'11 " •. tn,-l,,,· •. 1...,1'h"I1"""".
\\ III" .. ;\1.·rlllll--1;;1I I·:, Ill"'. 1', 11
0..... '1>. • '); .'
1. 1,'I\\ll
f .down on the seventh play of the ~.UI~t~~:.~' 1/)i.1q~I~~~~~·.tt~:1\1:'1~~a~:~~': ,(:.4.;";~~:~~:~:
"-M'~':-" ..'
n .. , • . , ,

game. a dash that capped a drive 01 ",,,"rt. 11.,"11<,. T ..I'l.... lIe,'nn, \V,·II. :-;,.,-
On Saturday, OCtobeIl :. pupils J
- .'
from grades 4-8 went to 1-:>\\'11 Hall GO yards. Later in the same period ,II,., .,11,,,,. ,'""", ,. '1 Ii"'" 1>. It '\\" 1t"I- ': .;.,.. .... .' . .... .
theater to see ·'Hansel and Gretel." 1 ,,1 -~t"lltzl'r 1l11·1,,11l:-1l1l. l'I1III'Il'- I.",',c.
he faked a fourth down punt and I' .•. ,,,,,,,,,h H... 01 Ill" "Ill.'" - I: '''' I.
There werl' about 100 pupils
I who
d ,t:ampered 4 yards d own t h d e- n,,, 1'''''11. TI/II" "f 1'\.,'"J.·-I ~ .. 1"\I"·s _
e ' Sl
went wilh Mr. R. L. I..I2 Iml'n an line for anotl;er tally.

Ma~1 l.lg~~~·;S\O:;~l ter~~~~h~nsl:~~~~:n~~ ~~.~'o.'c"

Mrs. Huns;ker.
Till' a>scmbly probr;Ull Oil
1-, Wile tUllled a!jldc the Maroon on
dJy, November 6. had as Plest the olll'-vard Ime 11l the second
spraker, Mr. Newton Hartman. 'iUHrter b;fore Marshall Stuart, Dick
.ft, " ~A
ft' ...
A WEEKLY GUIDE to Lectures. Exhibi-
tions. Theatres. Sports. Music. Motion
EH'l1ing Bulletlll
who told about hIS expcnences
plntographer. !ourth touchdown In the first half.
One of IllS pIctures showed an ele-
. .
Sophomore Fra11k. BasIle prOVIded
" . .~ , .
_ . . PZ.~
1A Pictures. Restaurants. and Cafes.
. t lllg a b 0 ut 8 gallons
p11a11 t squlr ,
or aile of the outstandmg plays of the
water 0n a trumpet player, be- gamrs WIth a sparkling 45 yar
Xutt-: At! ~l niL'i' ~h'n In UIIl[llJl1I will
1((>,O()rd(.d {"",,,,,,,h'1l1 ~Iu,..i,·. n, rt:,tlu A
I rlllll.\ • 'O\"llIltC'I' 1.1:
1.1',( '1 l III';S
11 I ''OJ'I,lll
A("'uh'r Ii.'nt ~IUI",·unl. 1;, R. 7th ~t.­ I' ,
cause he kept plaY1l1g a sour note. ~.~u~hdO\\n scamper m the third pe' J. J. WHIT£SIDE }';xldhlllUlll'l or h){·,tI h.~lor."'·. Exhibits LJ(· aUlIIllted tv ~tUM'UIl1 null 1'1.llll~1l1lItll1l I Slt"lI!wri,L C!IOIl1lclital u l. lit y
fl'lt't'. I Y\VHA. Uillad lind I'llh' :"'t~. ·llJl,t'd.I\~"
~f ,Iflft

r ""
\ h. I " III" tI. I" II'

I~ I'"

Another object he had was a o. KET II·liltifl/•.; 1'11)':0; 11111'UItHlil role III tho war

. '"
E,hihU Itt ChI' \Iunth _ ":\h"'hllllh'lil I :J J'. ~L Fr£>c. I I
I \\ I
" I

l, l" I" I.
!. I,'".
,oj ,\ •
11\111 1
camera for taking pictures of any- With everyonc but the water boy FOOD MAR ~Jlt'l'\al ExhIbit!",
"Fin' FlghllllJ:;"
I'hdadtlphla.·· ()llgjllal }'llIhu \\'ar Car-
(flIIUtU ..; : P'-'lllIllIlIl'lll
ItA M,·tuvhtm,'
C rl'lt'l'otr"
IlllllJ lI J!lI l '.·
t '''111 \'1 I
t'\PTY Tut'Mlluy. ~,;ll 11. III .It :\1111'11
\ I

one who didn't want his picture III the game, the Maroon marched 51 Narberth 3668 lUOll:-l; "\Ion:.; Ttlt'st' SlI I ,·t~·' - }'hlla_ Ill.II]LII!'''' Iliull. Bluad IUlll Ul't1\.~ ~l~. ::'1. " .. :1
eonsl~.ted ~I",a~r~ds~~f~o;r~lts~:fi~n~a~l~s~co~r~e~.;Tu~~r~n~e~d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I;rotlilld )'111111 ("'/lldOI ! tH'I\I'1 '\'" I ":'''\'111.''
Illlll'lIla a~ ~t'('11 tt\' l:J1Illrllll,ulaIY Iilerary
,trli..:l~. 1)1111)' ~I lo :'.:10; '\'ctlll~8tlays. 9
1111 11.111 \. I .. II IIll'l) Crue. 1 1'1 II t: .\1, .... 11 J': I'll' d \ ~l "II'"
laken. It af a couple of '~(!dnE'.d8Y. " , .I:'!·\ !'I,llll\1I1I
firecrackers. a doorbell, and a bulb ;;; ltl ~; Sund.tys. ~ tu a. MUKt"unl lIollr,..

Tu('acJay. \\ 1".\ S.\ mllhun.\ Urd...... tru. 1 \ IIi'
Illd'llIl1I. .: It II ,lilt! :-'i'l \It. :-1, '\. ,\
\ 11
1 I. I, .. ( II III',

that squIrted water on the person SAVE FUEL rl~nOM)'h'AnIR A,·laclrnl.\" uf thp 1'1of' "!'ta,
HT"lld :'1 lll,,,q' .\rl It. 1 11111 .\111111.11
Thur~\la)', }<"~'lilay antI HUlitlay. t to' I .~II P :\1. ::,~, ;-:l'l \1" ;\o1l II II' "\. '''\''ll1h''r II:
I: ,,,' .. \
J.I 11' •• ' l'''ll

who was posing. The program STORM SASHES \'hIIHdl'll'ldn \\ all'r ,'''lor allu l'rllit 1';';:-
1;1. N.: SAturday, 10 A. M, to R P. M l'hUnd..-I._hia.. Ur•• h4.... trll (nlh-.'rl" 'hl ,I. I' ."'1 .
" \\ 'I
I . , "I!
..... ,q I' I'.
I 01' ! .,1

was in charge of Mr. Philip Cap- INSTALL hlhllllll1

alit! Fill lv-til st A nllual Exl11UI·
pt'lIlJa. of l\1tnlatul'U J'ulnl-
Hlld Til,lld<"'~'I\ III;':
.\dllllro.~IHI1. ;,: .• (·-t-'ntN.
1l.1\. ('llll"I'.1 ~t"lIda)!l ~ I ::. ;:tl It
1 1,1111
111 III I
:-Oh'lllllt'I M
.: I " ,'I J'.
t"Il,lu~[lll ...
\\11 I;,' \\
J: I!'
-'j .1
1111, :-:

palonga. Save as muc11 as 25% on your fuel l'IN: UI'L ::;1 to :'\0\'. :!~. i),Illy. 10 tu 5. J';n'nina: Jlllfjr HI \I " ... ie· : I I III I' '1
:--11 lid 11\ '1I\,'lnhl'I' 11 Itll l '(If .... ull~
In tl..- 1.'1" 1-IIIJI.·tllrlulII-"~IIIJI lu.d lib, !l L' \\, I· II I. I, I ... ' ~ , :, fli -
-Margaret Robb, School Reporter bill! Properly and efficlently installed ::iunuar, 1 to r...
1I1ht>r"'.·.. : ~IIII" lIe tll,~ lu,»"l -1110111'111
J'll'!fIl\ l' 11,111 I '!llll, II. l. 111-01" • '" \ \'
I"" .... J: 1 I' 1 I I ' I'" ... , ~ II 1 I .'
A.'tutt-nJ,'· of Naturlll S(~(·IIl'.·H. l~til and lid P,lI I, ltd \ II .. I I l \\ 'I i ,dill"
Bob Hnckman's team won the Storm Sash and Stonn Doors will help dl~('It\.tll'~ tlf uPilrlll"'llll~al ~Hl'Jl'" v.ln
I.' 1 " I'· 1 \,,01 It lollll:" •
you do the "trick." For a completE', lIlO I'arlt\\'ay - 1"1"'c exhlbltlltn o( the J:.lIIJJMt, Jl.llI 1.. IHltth" :-lo111'l,!II". U,.lllll·' _ d' \ I '\I I. 1:1.1 \\ III 'II \1 t .\IB-
Fourth game of the soccer seasan satisfactory job ... 1\8hes or the wOJ'ld. Ol)en dally lit· 1',pl,lllllti In IIII' :'\lndlllJl r lIatdl. 111~"11!'t1. ... ' Ijlll

O\'er Jim KeighUn team. The PHONE HILLTOP 3226 ,\lIdnbun lIull. AI'a~"'U1Y 1'If Naillful lallll111 lll·lIhlll:;tr.llloll. J··ruul,lIn In",tlcut,. ("nltt',·re... 'H' 1, -;'n I: It" ,1,,1 Ill' II, \. 11I1'H1I lit ,,(
Sc-h.·I1l."'t! Hlrd1't 1I1 tllf' dlfTl'!"'lIt t:lIutin- I P III. t '1111 .._ :'tt lll~ I.!U.t1I' I ..Illd 1:"1111 " I' I., ,I _ I' ,,' '" t ,"11"· \ 1,,1, I 11.1 k I, \ .

first intramural soccer was a tie

score. The second. third, and
('litH an: rlISI'I,I~ ,'d ngalluH JlillOtJ..·U hahl~
tal ltlt·}q..tI·OUlldM.,-:,. ...$IlJhilH flilIO\\
PI JIJ 01 1-'" 1I allOIiK C\tl)' di:l\ at ;; aJlri s :;11
P :\1., ("xlla f>lwws :',ltunlll\H SUIUI.J\·H
alltl Iwllda~8 Oil 4 II. It . l'IJlJd~t'IJ'" 110111
~lltJ:o\ JlrauH
\\ dl
dl~l 111-
j J·... flJ'11
:'\1I\.·lllh,·r IH:
11'11'1 ..
_ I. l'lll I' III

hllw IJlltI:-l ,"\l'llIjI.tI rllllll Il~ptllliln au· lilt' )lIOJ.:.I.IJIl. t'll ,lltl"I1-. ,ll"l '\.1,'.1111 1.".11\- I )'''11 :--1111'1, J 1'llI-
{'l't;tnl'K, IIIIW th,,~ ,~Hvc_ ·w",·' HlId \\ h"If'
Th.lnk~;';I\II1J.: 1Ju~
HI 11 A, M.
~ ~C1
J'. ~f
IlwJI lllMtrUlllllilK.

I!' I I j , ,til
I" :,\,\\

team. TheWere sc.:>res
won were
by Hackman's
0-0: 2-0: , tlll'\' II1lglllll·. Hlld.~ Hf 111,' PlJllalklphht 1, I:, . ' I I 1, I \\ .. I, l" 111111"
1'('~lllll 1Jall~' U tu a. :-'ullda) s 1 ttl & I-hntu ~llIun"': ~ta'llIlr.: :"11\ t-I'nlll~
MiSCELLANEOUS j (~. ,I. \ I' 'L I I . , I It L" .\' l'I, Ill.' til
and 1-0. Jim F:-lltantoni made the IIbiturl"al SO"h'ly uf 1·..-nnM,) h'.nlft. l:1th hv :-lud"lIl:i o( tilt, ='cw YUII( 11II'lllul" ,. III II :-.' I' I " ... \"1,1 -I ,1,1'1 1"111,,\\'.• ,
goal In the last game. lull Locust ~t!'\.-"Th,· lJl!'iIIJI \. lit tilt "I l'III1IHl.:ra pll)' Hlld Ii\' 1l1t'1I11t"11"\ "f till Uuo.·i ....-Hruuklinc C'JUIIlr30' ('Iull, Mal' ';.t, ... dn.\. :'\U, .'llIlwr Ii: 1I :11 1;01" 111
:\l1\Y alld \.'H,I~t (:11,,,11" 111IHIIgll :'\0\ l'h'lto;';luplJlc t;ulltl fI! !Jl.'lllllt. Hd.. lJrovklinc. \1 !I~. I ,,1, I."" 1,,1" "l I :Ill.: l1l'd•.
The third Intramural llockey Flr!"t or a :-;,'IH·tf 111,11111"; 111 Jll'-I'H\ 01 lnd('pe1Jdeuce lIall. Flh and Che.. tnul \ ,111'1 I J 'II I I I ' ~. I, I, I .'Ill! • ,I., ..t
~ame WllS played on Tuesday. For lIalb. 1: t "1, .".

.\IU"IIl ..t .. \\·:ll:-l. ,'XI'. :O:UIJ, ,llld Til i:.lTJU'; ,-;19 -Upen d.a
. lly Bud SuniJay. 8.4& A M \.,llt ' I I , ] \.. t ' '. I'

\Iull. !l ttl 10 4.:0 1'. M. FriisE'. .. II, \lddlL 11,1",,:, 1·.ldll;;:'·~

the thlre! time tile Grays were ,·1.
I m'rl·".-· Jll·II:f.~JltlPI'III.·' Ll \V .'.tl k(",
II \ "11 1,,,\, I'ho'''.
victorious. The score was 3-1. Joyce J\Inerlt'uu to'\\'c,lh.h "I,,(urh'lll ''II1",.-nnl. 'J 1101 .I11l "'l~ (i'l·a:--lln, Th~ A'I.uniunl. Iltlrth or Art MIHU'UI1, '11'111'" \, 1'1 I"

bank or thp. f.'chu\lklll-(t,\er, _1.110)1[' l i "01, 1"1 I l I' II J I I: :-:

19th ~C MIIt.l 1"Oltl"ol1 AH' -\Val limo 'n I~H-sl
"·II'nu(--·'Llf,· wtlll l'l'!,I')

To Our
"'lilh'I" \'lllJ : 1~ t
B:>ardman nnd, Jnne Miller made 1~lIlllh'"H of (J. 1':. C'c~aIO, ~'alloun edt lor
\\':lIal1 ,Ind :\t.IIl-:llJu l;tllllI'llI :-;t,ttllll_
,lolly 9 A.M. 10 4 30 P. M.; Hunda) :-- '
I' . I: ,. ! ii' .. ' '1"1.11,·
Gray goals and by means of n free 01 :"l'\V 1'01 k TIIlIt M. Ut t. 2t> to Dec. 10. 9 A. M. I" 5 P. M. Free.
'"\. 1 1•• " Y , t t l ! t l l ' f'tlln'" ";0111,1 13,~t ,I 'II ~'" I' I' \\ .111 .... ·,jlllla.1
Ulllly, 10 (0 u: ~un .• 1 to b. UIII... ln.. - l'a:--Illo U,tlllllllJlI. \\'111<1\\
l.l I

shot Virginia Bailey made the Red -tlld I,,·.tll .JlIl-.::J.:t·l. I .• d'nl 1:,JIl' '1 II, ." I''ll! ~I.
\\'atrrl,,,lnr E~hibition hy }·lill.u1dllhl.1 I'IU\" I'ltd< e't'I)' Fr,lI,l)' alld ~.\lllld,I'·

L.U'u",t-.\I(n d LlInt nlld 1.:'1I11t' 1",111-
goal. 3.rtlKts at 1'1111111 HUJ.;utl ,\hMuclntl'M, Bftlad
In "'nit· I'll ~U''''
\"lllkiIiK Tnurtl-I'ull,llll'll'd 11\ 11,1\1" I 1M: • f1,l .... , Jil-
~L Suuulhun tilnlloll lJltlg .. Id17 l'cuua. (,\llIlt'
:\1'1111 t·. TIIII·t' htltll' IHur~ ,,! 1i1"'1"lll,1
John Cappelli's tellm won over BI ...1, J'llJllltlclphla. 8t,tlllll~ at l.;lH I'. :1.1. I \I'r)
1"'''111111 I"" I, I II' '" t
L'll,', L 1'1,,10.
Ed McQuiston's team in intra- Th(\' "rint ~lulJ. lliI' I.:lllrtll'r ~l. Orsl LITTLE THEATRE w("l'ltllay !roll' 9th ~l. t·IJII.IJJt.' til 1:'-0 , I. '1 I"
1.111 \I~: 11111 \ I Ex .It'da........ w Tht'at.rp. Moylafl, Jlft,-nrp IUI'IJin F'rallliliu Hutt'l.
mural football on WednesdJy. The h,'IIl\\ II 1l1!.1 ,JUl' \<111 J '1 \ 1111 II' I' J:OI ... 0111 11
scoi'e was 21-19. For McQuiston's War regulallolls has re- Illlllt Ill11 l,f "111110;; II" t·JIII,.. :11 ll",tt": I"~ ertol'y Wedncllday lhruu~h ~8lurdUY '·1I.UltlO. SUPlit ~J(t\'h''''. yl I 11,1 TIIII"~ Ill" :"-'111' "11,111 \\11 h,,," (lIl =--I'llil
Xu,. J l. 1111I!>'ll,llhl'I'" 1"1 ":'ullth"rJl Curtain al 8,30 ahnq). Scht'dulc tur "'eek: )"heal1''', :\11(,11'" l.l'I(' arid 1\{,·t:alllllTl NI ","", I " .j '''' l' I Itt '"',..II.d 1',ln·
teRm BUl Buchanan, C h a r 11 e duced our delivery mileage IIIH\l'~I" b~ c.·litl~ Ldghtoll, :\0\. ~ 'I'1<'kelo, U.S" $1.21 & 710 aVllllllltl. 0., :'\0\1 11. _:IHulttl t·jl.ljdlll . TIll' .\It.II' \ lIlt·, It III

l 11lt .11 II i 111"~ 1 dill 1'11' l/l,l-

10'iI,. Priorities o£ materials Iv::1. \\·cd"da~l:'l. U to :i; :-:a.tuIUa)N. thealrd or at Gtml...1 DrOll. \d\'·lItur~." (il"II.1 .\1111 11"",11 :--'1 "I· III !II lI .. u"· l',,·. "1'1"" .... \,
Peters, and Ed McQuiston made ~ to I. :'\1I\ 1::, "TIll' 1'1t'1I('''' ;"0\. II. "TIle' tHllldll'II.··.
":'1 1'-" lll<.11 I:.,.., .1" I I! ~ 111"1"1 \
touchdowns. JC'llll Cappelli and and equipment has caused (·nh·er.lly 1IIu",',uII, 33rd & :>)lI'UC" S18. 1"1t\~ll IHII III :-;Plll' 1)( 111111HI,I(;" ~lJ\ 1~. Untlro - {'OIl\llltlull 11.111 :Irll 1I1111 Illd I:, !J' II't... II 'I ~ I \1 I II ". ;-:',
Tjll~ "'I'll H"d)!'<I Uj!'<ldpll.'," ~II\. I :1. ~llrU('C I :." 1~ 1 I
Patsy Scomettl made touchdowns drastic reductions in our -I':" IIlhftloll 011 1_'1111111, Pt'ntia HUt! t. "Till, 8tJc . .:'\0\, !I-I. .: ill .11101 " ,II I II " ' I ' Ill' I l · j , .. t II III -I
111l'IIUJ,;h :\ot\. 11.1I1~t Cll.\,:t:Jll MOlld.-IYM. 10 I'l'nt lnl! lJtI~·.'· r·. ~1. <ltul!,. ...hllr.... II~. ;\u\f'IHIU'r 111; .' :" r;.llj,1\
(or CapPelli's team . supplies. 10 ;,; ::,ut1\lu!'s, 1 Itl :i. UII,'k" ('Ullllt,· ,lltt, hou!'l." llt,l1t'\'IH'- UIIU.. t TllI'ntrl', .\l·.td'llt\ ,.f :\111":' 1',111\ 1., II, I'! \ ",I /, d' lj" \ 111111.11 1':,-
-Jane MlIler, School Reporter l"nh·,'r.I\3· nr J',·nn.,'"'''J''' ~,'I"",l or ~II''tI Hold-Fnll HI'UHol1 opl'n~ ;'\llV "l\lf\. I::. 1:1, t I. ~1111"l"" illl I I II ddt '''11 "f \'; ,II"" 1'"1",,, l't 1111.- :111,1
All this has tetided to up· Fioll .\rtM. 3:lrtl and )~ocuBt 8lN.-"1'''lvc 10 :O:yhl.l ~hlJwy III "l'q';l11allulJ."
with ('u1lnnll ()I~1111...·.. I' t·.... 1"1.1 n( tit,· .\11111,1 Ill.' ... \ 1,101· In \ ": II, 1'111' .\ rt ~
l'l'Ul urics O( Men and Manners In Dru,\v- :\tullnl.'l'H on \\'cu .. 1"r-I., llnd 8al. 'Inr,·hit.. 11I11Id", :\h'''''\llli I~J' 101 :':':lld F,·, I'" 'lollll ~ .. l '11 I" '11< . " \ , ,1"lil'1'
set oW" work schedule and ~UUtt, ~L~,
has caused slowing down of
lug." O,·t. 5 tu :!:i.
t:lulul'lla~'" 9 to I,
'Veckda)'s_ 1) to u: XelKhhurhuod Illa,).-r", Jllj :-:. "'III :-<,- JIIIJ ;\0\' II. )11.1 1I1.

.'\0'\'t'UI1It'I' 13. 11, J-" ',,'u(l' I·ruwn."

operations in our plant. ~1111l .. r~ lIrtl.'r "r ,~!I'" W~.l. k~u" ..1 ,;;.... s:.... 1tI'SI'I'\·ulllin., N.I'k.-t 113·1. SPORT!'
Help us meet these prob- U~.I 111It... ~ Nt.ubIM•. ""r"~~~.rap,, :\Iu. Til., l·bl).·rN ('111h of K\\"artlllnClr.·~Tlw To SOPHISTICATED
HI'UUI, l1\tI.) 11nu Ht..~J' ~-.~~9!hl.&Jlay III It 'Iuh Jlhmw.. ·1".uIlTI,'w atHI ~"1Jt h .... JIt'M-
lems by having your bun· It')' J:II.. ~WUl'thIIlUI·C. ='o\". 17-.:.a. s:J:, APPETITES
P. 111.
die ready when out driver
calls, imd allow us time to
do yoW" work RIGHT.
YOur ep-operatlon IlS a 1'0'11- -....;
tribution to VlctorYl
nothing tl quIte .0 lotlsfylng
of our dellciQul meal.,
01 on.
pared and promplly ierved,

LUNCH-Ill. 55e • DINNER·-lt•• 85c


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