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Written by Tutorial 1
Tutor :
Satria Argadhika
Aisyah Zahra
Alfan Al Ghifari Sudarmanto
Farhana Hanifati
Ismiralda Pratiwi
Nadya Putri Indriani
Yudhitya Fairuz Dwinta Putri
Ibrahim Surya Aryana Wiratama
Dito Mahardika Prambudi
Kamila Sedah Kirana
Nabila Ardia Pramono

Praise the presence of Allah S.W.T, because of His blessings we can finish the tutorial
report well.
Hence, this paper is written for several aims; the first is to fulfill the assignment
instructed by Philosophy of Science in Islamic Perspective lecturer, Mr. Masyhudi Muqorobin,
Ph. D., and the second is to solve Blok 1 Scenario 3 problem.
Hopefully, this writing could give much benefit for many people including us as the
authors for having better understanding and perspective in seeing the knowledge of every subject
in Islamic perspective.

Aamiin Allahumma Aamiin…

Yogyakarta, October 4th 2016

1. Unfamiliar terms
1. Academic disintegrity (nabila)
An act of dishonest used in formal academic institution; cheating, plagiarism, etc
2. Blok examination (aisyah)
To test how much student understand about material
Evaluation for every student after doing their work
3. Cheating (tya)
Answer using any dishonest act
4. Academic supervisor (nadya)
Person in academic to manage, like lecture
5. Academic dishonesty (ismi)
Effort to achieve academic achievement not good
6. Valid learning resources (hana)
Reliable resources and example like textbook etc
7. Time management (arya)
Manage their schedule to maintain their stability in life

2. Problem definition

1. How to learn more effective and efficient? (nabila)

2. What is punishment for student that have academic disintegrity? (aisyah)

3. What kinds of academic disintegrity? (kamila)

4. What is mechanism of doing academic disintegrity? (alfan)

5. How is the way to prevent this disintegrity? (dito)

6. Are resources in journal 6-10 years or more is not valid anymore? (nadya)

7. How to manage time? (arya)

8. What’s the effect of doing academic disintegrity in the future? (arga)

9. What kinds of academic dishonesty? What’s the difference between dishonesty and

3. Brainstorming

1. How to learn more effective and efficient? (nabila)

 Learn effectively : Use planner, try to be consistent, regularly study blok

 Learn effectively : Study hard, it’s not about how long we study but it’s about
how much we understand the material

2. What is punishment for student that have academic disintegrity? (aisyah)

 The worst punishment of disintegrity is drop out

 Example case in America : they track down the income of doctor who did
 When there is disintegrity, CCTV is only for make the student scary, there is no
real punishment

3. What kinds of academic disintegrity? (kamila)

 Academic disintegrity is not in just academic institution (nadya)

4. What is mechanism of doing academic disintegrity? (alfan)

5. How is the way to prevent this disintegrity? (dito)

 Prevent of disintegrity : depends on student, not only depends on the external

 Study, Be yourself and be confident (nabila)
 Secure exam condition, tell the punishment before exam (hana)
 For cheating, it’s better to use cctv because it’s clear and we can replay,
We can use finger print
Guilty feeling will disappear because we usually do that disintegrity

6. Are resources in journal 6-10 years or more is not valid anymore? (nadya)

 Valid learning resources : depends on the material, when the material like
anatomy that don’t change much, it is ok but if the material is like EBM it’s not
 Newer is better, but if the newest is 10 years ago, we will use (arga)

7. How to manage time? (arya)

 RAC steps (hana) RAC, recording, analyze, changing schedule

 Priorities (ismi)
 About time management : we have to make ourselves to be strict
 Manage time : Categorize activity to 4 criteria : urgent and important, urgent
non important, important non urgent, non important and non urgent

8. What’s the effect of doing academic disintegrity in the future? (arga)

 Harms performance in clinical stage (dito)

 Competence, lie to get money from people (arya)
 Falling to the lowest grade (aisyah)
 Effect of disintegrity is we will not good to face patient in future, the goal of
being doctor is only money, bad effect in the future
 When doing disintegrity it means that you don’t have much knowledge and
skills, lose humanity, don’t care about patient
 We can lose our patient lives, if we lose it we will
 Suspect of disintegrity is not only teacher, we have not to be blind to only see
the teacher and student

9. What kinds of academic dishonesty? What’s the difference between dishonesty and

 Dishonesty is a part of disintegrity (ismi)

 Different but same effect like breaking the rules (tya)
 Do something which is not according to the rules (nadya)
 Inpersonating the absence in class is part of dishonesty (nabila)
 When you are not in the rules (out of the rules) (tya)
 Kinds of academic dishonesty are cheating and plagiarism (copy from internet
but not put the resources)
 Kinds of academic disintegrity is also from journal writers, like journal writer is
cooperate with medicine company
 Academic disintegrity and dishonesty : everyone who facilitate all dishonesty
actions are included in doing disintegrity
 Academic disintegrity is the opposite of academic integrity
 Kinds of academic disintegrity are cheating, bribery, conspiracy, plagiarism

4. Learning Objectives

1) How is the most effective way to prevent this disintegrity?

 Informing why they should not do that disintegrity, inform what the
consequences (dito)
 Used the online test, randomize question every student seat (arya)
 University have to make the statistic of the disintegrity/take a part (tya)
 Inform why they should not do that because we need the knowledge, not the
score, inform what the consequences like losing trust from the lecturer, (ismi)
 Effective policies and intervention are required to control these misbehaviours
 Instructure should give the information of regulations before start exam, use
blank paper to distribute (hana)
 Change the subject behaviour, telling about the punishment, telling about how
to be good student and having good time management (arga)
 When there is student who cheats and his friend knows but not reporting, is
there any consequences? (aisyah)
2) What makes us do the academic disintegrity?
 Main cause is distress and pressure (ditto)
 Various reasons like they want to be see to study, not understand what teacher
said, and pressure (arya)
 Various factor like gender (males were more likely to cheat), student with low
GPA usually likes to cheat, following the others to cheat (nadya)
 Achievement motivation, lower education, attitude (nabila)
 Parents education : students do not have education from parents usually do
more disintegrity and pressure to have good grades in the class (aisyah)
 Following the others to cheat, not enough preparation for exam, habbits
(several students think that it is ok to not to be ok) (ismi)
 Students perspective to this misbehavior : it’s ok to cheat (tya)
 Pressure to be good as their friends, lazy to understand the concept, overlapping
activities (hana)
 Behaviour of student like bad time management, opportunities to do that
disintegrity like copy-paste, lecturer who does not interest to the low GPA
student (kamila)
 Student’s habbits, different culture make they feel difficult (alfan)
3) What is the function of academic supervisor?
 Advise student and students can ask help to them (nabila)
 Does the parents job in university, guide the students to study at the university
 Help student to arrange plan from first year, help student to understand about
knowledge, improve study behavior and attitude (aisyah)
 Offers guidance to study program until graduated and get sertificate from
university, encourage student to increase academic activity, help students to
make decision (ismi)
 Guide and assist the student, student can share problem with them, accept the
suggestion from student to university/as a connector (arga)
 Person to discuss idea and help student to study independently (kamila)
4) How about disintegrity in Islam?
 Truthfullness lead to rightenous, rightenous lead to paradise, man who telling
truth will recorded by Allah, also the man who lie (nadya)
 “…dusta akan mengantar pada kejahatan, dan kejahatan akan mengantar pada
neraka…” (HR. Muslim) (ismi)
 People who lied is not among of muslim (arya)
 Allah does not guide people who lie (nabila)
 A man who gave his words and betrayed it, will oppose rasul on the day of
resurrection (aisyah)
 If we do honest it will recorded by Allah and if we do lying Allah will give
punishment (tya)
 “Who put the gun to us is not us, who tricks and lie to us is not us” Islam very
forbid cheat and other disintegrity, because disintegrity will make
uncompetence person in the social community (arga)
 Shidiq : to be honest, amanah : fullfil promise, if we can not follow what Nabi
Muhammad attitude, are we the people of Nabi Muhammad followers? Cheat
means lie, lie is the opposite of honest. Honesty is one of most important
philosophy of doctor (alfan)
5) How to manage time from Islamic perspective?
 Pay attention at this things : Life, youth/wealth, knowledge. How we get it and
how we spent it. (hana)
 Start everything with bismillah, follow Nabi Muhammad attitude, focus and
consentrate in one project, wake up early in the morning (ismi)
 Arrange the priority, classify about urgent-inurgent things (tya)
 Time can’t get back (nadya)
 “Jika ingin memperbaiki hidupmu maka perbaikilah dulu sholatmu”, try to fix
sholat, on time to pray (kamila)
 Health before sick, rich before poor, life before dead (ingat 5 perkara sebelum
perkara) (alfan)
 Make fardhu praying as a foundation, subuh on time make us get up early, if do
pray duhur on time we will have break time, maghrib time is time to gather with
family, invest time (don’t be in rush), don’t postpone something, fast but not in
rush, evaluation (arga)
 We can have short-time sleep before duhur about 30 minutes, because it can
improve energy but don’t do sleep in class (ismi)
 Change the life direction to the afterlife, not only about this richness of world
6) What will the student do to face the exam, how we can help to find valid sources?
 RCT and meta analysis is most valid resources (arya)
 Tips to study : Have a break when we study, having cardio to increase healthy,
superfood to support energy, having good time management, minimize stress,
listen instrumental music (hana)
 Face exam : learning, have relax, keep relations to senior to ask difficult
questions, motivation from friends is important (aisyah)
 Recite today’s class, don’t prepare the exam only one day before the exam,
make a resume, check knowledge and skill development, search answer from
internet and practice at home (nadya)
 Journals is not free because making journal is not easy (alfan)

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