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 Most fundamental subset of polygons
 Although triangles are polygons with the
least number of sides, these polygons are
widely used in the field of mathematics
and engineering
 3 sided polygon
Classification of Triangles
According to Sides
 Equilateral – a triangle with three
congruent sides and three congruent
angles. Each angle measures 60 degrees.
 Isosceles – a triangle with two congruent
sides and two congruent angles
 Scalene - a triangle with no congruent
sides and no congruent angles
Classification of Triangles
According to Angles
 Right – a triangle with a right angle (90
degree angle).
 Oblique – a triangle with no right angle.
 Acute – a triangle with three acute angles (less
than 90 degrees)
 Equiangular – a triangle with three congruent
angles. Each angle measures 60 degrees.
 Obtuse – a triangle with one obtuse angle
(more than 90 degrees but less than 180
degrees) and two acute angles
Parts of a Triangle
 Has three possible bases and vertices
 Any of the three sides of a triangle may
be considered as the base of the triangle
 The angle opposite the base is called
vertex angle
 The two angles adjacent to the base are
called base angles
Parts of a Triangle
 Altitude– (orthocenter)
 Median – (centroid)
 Angle bisector – (incenter)
 Perpendicular bisector of a side –
Altitude, Median, and Angle
Bisector Formula


Angle Bisector

[ ]
Formulas for the Area of a

Find the altitude and the area of an
equilateral triangle whose side is 8 cm
long. (3)
The base of an isosceles triangle
whose perimeter is 42 units
measures 10 units. Find the area of
the triangle. (4)
The ratio of the base of an isosceles
triangle to its altitude is 3:4. Find the
measures of the angles of the
Find the area of a triangle if its two
sides measure 6 in. and 9 in., and the
bisector of the angle between the
sides is 4 (12)

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