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Thank you for choosing Medacs Healthcare!

You are one step closer to coming to the UK!

What to do next:

Step 1. Skype Interview - Choose your preferred Hospital from our list of employers and let your
recruitment consultant know that you are available for a Skype interview anytime! Your consultant will
prepare you for your interview and make sure you are successful.

Step 2. Create an NMC account – Register online at the Nursing & Midwifery Council website and follow the steps. You will receive a confirmation email with a link

Step 3. Book your CBT appointment – This is a nursing Computer Based Test, it is not very difficult, you
should be able to pass on your 1st attempt. Please create another online account at Person Vue following the
link received on Step 1. The appointment for the test is booked online and the results are sent in 24 hours.
The CBT test is £130. The hospital will reimburse this fee upon start.

Step 4. Submit your NMC application - Once you receive your CBT result you can go back to your online
account at the Nursing & Midwifery Council website and follow the
steps, submitting all requested documents online and sending hard copies of certain documents to them by
courier. The NMC registration fee is £140, the hospital will reimburse this fee upon start.

Step 5. NMC Decision Letter – Once all your documents are uploaded on the NMC website you will enter
decision queue. In approximately 2 months’ time (average 45 days), you will receive a decision letter from
the NMC allowing you to travel to the UK to complete the final OSCE exam (practical exam).

**If you have not cleared your UKVI academic IELTS with a minimum score of 4 for your VISA application,
now it would be a good time to book an appointment and clear this requirement.

Step 6. Compliance pack – One of our relocation consultants will be in touch with you to request a list of
documents you will need to send us (by email) for your hiring process. This file will be sent to the hospital for
review before we apply for your Certificate of Sponsorship.

Step 7. COS Application – When you receive your NMC Decision Letter your compliance pack will be
verified by your employer. They will apply for your Certificate of Sponsorship (COS) to the Home Office. The
COS is the actual document you need to apply for a VISA. It can take from 1 up to a few weeks, depending on
how quickly the hospital clears your compliance pack. (**The rule for applying for COSs only on the 5th day of
everything month is no longer in place. COSs can be requested any day of the month now).

Step 8. VISA Application – As soon as we receive your COS we will ask you to double check that all the info
in it is correct. Once verified we will guide you through the VISA online application which will take 3weeks.
Once it is cleared, you will be ready to travel.
The cost for the healthcare surcharge has increased and is now £1,200 for 3 years. The cost for the VISA +
the healthcare charge is now £1,664. Please note you will have to cover this cost but the hospital will
reimburse this fee upon start.

Step 9. FLYING TO THE UK – Upon reception of VISA, we will book your flight and cover the cost of your
first ticket to the UK. You will not need to pay for your flight in advance. We will pick you at the airport,
usually with other nurses who will be arriving on the same day, and you will start your induction with a
group of international candidates.

Please note the NHS cannot make any individual payments to random international bank accounts prior to
start date, hence why the candidate needs to cover some of the costs in order to comply with the
requirements. The hospital will book an appointment for you to open a UK bank account on your first
week in the UK, you will then be registered on the payroll system as an official NHS employee and the
Hospital will reimburse the fees mentioned above with your first salary.

Please see below the usual relocation package all our hospitals offer:

Relocation package

Costs reimbursed by the hospital upon Start

Competency Based Test (CBT) £130.00
IELTS/OET Fee Up to £220.00
NMC Initial Application £140.00
Visa Fees £464.00
Healthcare Surcharge £1,200.00
Paid by the Hospital (Candidate will not have to pre-pay)
Certificate of Sponsorship £3,199.00
Flight to the UK £600.00
2/3 months accommodation £800.00/£1,200.00
OSCE Exam £992.00
Covered by Medacs (Candidate will not have to pre-pay)
Airport pick up +
Ride to the hospital
accommodation £150

It is important to note that we are a free-of-charge agency. We do not charge anything for our services, we
work in collaboration with the NHS (National Health Service) in the UK and work directly with Trusts all over
England to help them in their recruitment projects. We will not be charging you anything along the process,
and if you decide to come to the UK please be aware that this process should be free (in case you are
contacted by agencies charging for these services).

Please let us know if you have any questions and we will be happy to give you a call.

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