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Name:________________________________________ Date:___________________________________


TEST I. IDENTIFICATION. Read the following statements and identify what is being described. Choose your answer from
the word pool.
_____________________1. It is a movement that believes sexism is deeply rooted in society that the only cure is to
Eliminate the concept of gender completely.
_____________________2. It is a framework for building theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work
Together to promote to promote solidarity and stability.
_____________________3. Through this study we are able to understand the structures and dynamics of our society.
_____________________4. An alternative that is limiting and uses a single individual or group.
_____________________5. It is a process whereby individuals learn the norms and values of the groups they belong so
That they are ready for social interaction.
_____________________6. It is the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities.
_____________________7. A choice that involves uncertainty about how choices lead to eventful outcomes.
_____________________8. An assumption when alternative A is preferred to B and alternative B is preferred to C.
_____________________9. An Approach to the study of politics that focuses on formal institutions of gov’t.
_____________________10. This is when people have clear boundaries in the society that prevent them from
Attaining equal status despite their work and effort toward attaining such goals.
_____________________11. It is a kind of socialization which is carried out by the family or first careers.
_____________________12. It is a social theory that focuses on developing a sociological view of institutions, the wat
They interact and the effects of institutions on society.
____________________13. Its institutions do the formal or informal procedures, norms and conventions embedded
In the organizational structures of the policy or political economy.
____________________14. It offers a useful insight into the conflict of class and regards everything in society
As being determined by one’s economic or class position.
____________________15. This theory is based on the idea that all humans vase their decisions on rational
____________________16. It is a kind of feminism who asserted that women are unable to be free due to their
Financial dependence on males in the society.
____________________17. He argued that people’s selves are social products, but that these selves are also
Purposive and creative.
____________________18. According to him, people act a certain way towards things they already have and
Their meanings are derived from social interaction and modified through interpretation.
____________________19. It is a method of analyzing psychic phenomena and treating emotional disorders that
Involves treatment sessions.
____________________20. It is a type of feminism that died out as a movement.
____________________21. It is a kind of feminism that suggests the use of technology to allow babies to grow
Outside of the womb for equality.
____________________22. It is the only component of personality that is present from birth which seeks immediate
Gratification on any impulse.
____________________23. Its standpoint is the idea that a person’s location in the social world impacts how they
See, understand and interact in the social world.
____________________24. It is a kind of feminism whose main aim is gender equality in the public sphere like equal
Access to education, equal pay, ending job sex segregation and the like.
____________________25.This is what we call our “conscience” which takes on the influence of the parents,
Educators, teachers and people chosen as ideal models.
____________________26. It is a social and political movement which unites environmentalism and feminism.
____________________27. It occurs when an individual prefers one over another and does not view them as equally
____________________28. It is developed from radical feminism but they hold many opposing views.
____________________29. It is an assumption that states that all pairs of alternatives can be compared.
____________________30. An ability that identifies and weighs each alternative against every other and may take
time, effort and mental capacity.

____________________31. Acts according to the reality principle which seeks to please the id’s drive in realistic
Ways that will benefit in the long term.
____________________32. It is the source of bodily needs, wants, desires and impulse particularly our sexual
And aggressive drives.
____________________33. It is an economic principle that states that an individual always make prudent and logical
____________________34. It argues that equality for women can be achieved through legal means.
____________________35. It occurs when an individual neither prefers A to B nor B to A.
____________________36. This aims for perfection and forms the organized part of the personality structure
Mainly but not entirely unconscious.
____________________37. It is a structural model where the conscious awareness resides.
____________________38. It is the disorganized part of the personality structure that contains a human’s basic
Instinctual drives.
____________________39. It reflects the internalization of cultural rules taught mainly by parents applying their
Guidance and influence.
____________________40. It looks at gender inequalities in society and the way that gender structures the social
____________________41. These are culturally-specific practices akin to the myths and ceremonies devised by many
____________________42. It rejects radical feminists’ main skim that patriarchy is the only primary source of
Oppression of women.
____________________43. An alternative that includes all possibilities.
____________________44. It is a theory that assumes all people try to actively maximize their advantage in any
Situation and constantly minimize their loses.
____________________45. This structural model attempts to mediate between id and reality.
____________________46. It is a frame of reference how to interact with one another to create symbolic words.
____________________47. Its origin of institutions is to realize or maximize actor’s value for survival of the fittest.
____________________48. It is where decisions affects choices at different points in time.
____________________49. It implies that an individual either strictly prefers A over B or is indifferent between
____________________50. Examples of this includes the family, education, religion, economic and political


Structural Functionalism Sociology Primary Socialization

Functionalism Socialization Process Inequality
Marxism Rational Choice Theory Feminism
Symbolic Interactionism Exhaustive Feminist Theory
George Herbert Mead Exclusive Liberal Feminism
Herbert Bloomer Completeness Cultural Feminism
Psychoanalysis Transitivity Radical Feminism
ID Strict Preference Socialist Feminism
Ego Weak Preference Eco-Feminism
Superego Indifference Institutionalism
Sociological Choice Institutionalism Choice under uncertainty New Institutionalism
Rational Choice Institutionalism Intertemporal Choice
Historical Institutionalism Limited Cognitive Ability



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