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nAmiBIA UniVERSITY T: +264 61 207 2552

F: +264 61 207 9024

Faculty of Engineering
Office of the Dean: lnStem



QUALIFICATION: Introduction to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


COURSE: Introduction to Biology COURSE CODE: IBL402S

DATE: November 2016 SESSION:

DURATION: 3 Hours MARKS: 100


EXAMINER: Mrs Funmilayo J John

MODERATOR: Mr Petrus Paulus




1. The number of marks is given in brackets at the end of each question or part question.
2. Answer all the question.
3. Please write and draw neatly and legibly.
4. Mark all answers clearly with their respective question numbers.
Section A- Multiple Choice Questions

Evaluate the statements in each numbered section and select the most appropriate
Answer or phrase from the given possibilities. Fill in the appropriate letter next to the
number ofthe correct statement/phrase in the ANSWER SHEET provided.

Question 1 [14]

1.1 About 25 of the 92 natural elements are known to be essential to life. Meaning
none of them should be toxic. Look carefully at the list below, which of these
elements below is toxic and is NOT part of the essential elements. (1)

A. Oxygen
B. Manganese
c. Magnesium
D. Molybdenum
E. Arsenic

1.2 Molecular shape is crucial in biology because it determines how biological molecules
recognize and respond to one another with specificity Which ofthe following
reasons is NOT a reason for the success of the bi-polar nature of water. (1}

A. V- shaped
B. reversible reactions
C. irreversible reactions
D. protons and electrons
E. delta

1.3 The atomic mass of an element can be easily approximated by adding together the
number of_ _ in an atom of that element. (1}

A. protons and neutrons

B. energy levels
C. protons and electrons
D. neutrons and electrons
E. isotopes

1.4 Which of the following is not a characteristic of prokaryotes? (1)

B. cell membrane
C. cell wall
D. endoplasmic reticulum
E. only D and C

1.5 Which of the following does not occur in mitosis? (1)

A. Condensation ofthe Chromosomes
B. Replication of the DNA
c. Separation of the sister Chromatids
D. Spindle formation
E. Separation of the centrosome

1.6 A human cell containing 22 autosomes and aY Chromosome is_ _ (1)

A. somatic cell of a male

B. zygote
C. a sperm cell
D. somatic cell of a female
E. an ovum

1.7 If an intestinal cell in a grasshopper contains 24 Chromosomes/ a grasshopper

sperm cell contains _ _ (1)

A. 3
B. 6
c. 12
D. 24
E. 48

1.8 The life cycle of a sexually reproducing organism includes: (1)

A. mitosis
B. meiosis
C. fusion of sex cells
D. band c
E. a1 b1 and c

1.9 Which of the following organelles modifies and packages for secretion the
materials produced by the ribosomes? (1)

A. the chloroplast
B. the golgi apparatus
c. the nucleus
D. the nucleolus
E. the mitochondrion

1.10 In human beings, what is mitosis necessary for? {1)

A. growth and repairs of tissues

B. formation of the gametes
C. maintaining ofthe chromosome number
D. the death of unnecessary cells
E. both a and c are correct

1.11 The termS phase refers to _ _ __ (1)

A. Synthesis of chromosomal proteins during prophase

B. DNA synthesis during interphase
C. active RNA synthesis in lampbrush chromosome.
D. synapses of homologous chromosomes fusion of gametes in sexual reproduction .
E. fusion of gametes in sexual reproduction

1.12 At which of the following stages do human skin cell nuclei have same DNA
content? {1)

A. Early mitotic prophase; mitotic telophase

B. G1; G2
C. G1:mitotic telophase
D. G1; early mitotic prophase
E. G2; mitotic telophase

1.13 ATP ...................... . {1)

A. is an amino acid
B. has a helical structure
C. is a high -energy molecule that can breakdown to ADP and phosphate
D. provides enzymes for metabolism
E. is most energetic when in the ADP

1.14 Cytokinesis is._ _ _ __ (1)

A. the same process in plant and animal cells

B. the separation of cytoplasm and the formation of two cells
C. the final stage of mitosis
D. the movement of kinetochores.
E. the merging of cytoplasm

Section B- Answer all the questions


2.1 Draw the structure of water molecule-- dipole. (2)

2.2 List all the classes of food. (7)
2.3 State the key points of the cell theory. (3)
2.4 Complete Table 1. (5)

Table 1
Micronutrient Deficiency disease/signs Food source
Vitamin A 2.4.1 Milk, liver
Vitamin C Bleeding gums 2.4.2
2.4.3 Anaemia Liver
Calcium 2.4.4 2.4.5

2.5 Define balance diet. (2)

2.6 Describe the food relationship between the following organisms in an ecosystem
use specific names:
2.6.1 Lion- Man (1)
2.6.2 Cow- grass (1)
2.6.3 Lice- Dog (1)
2.7 What do "self-feeding" autotrophs require from the environment in order to
make their own food? (3)
2.8 Which type of microscope would you use to study the detailed structure of an
organelle in a human liver cell? (1)

Question 3 [40]

3.1 Define Population. (2}

3.2 A named species of dolphins was studied in a mark-release -recapture method of
estimating population size. In the first photographs and mark programme 850
organisms were recorded. After one month another count of 350 was recorded
among which 225 were marked. Calculate the actual estimate population of the
dolphins in the ecosystem. (8}
3.3 Draw the nucleus enlarged and label it. (10}
3.4 List the six main features that characterize animal cells. (6}
3.5 List the four main features that characterize plant cells. (4}
3.6 Drosophila is a fruit fly often used in genetic research. Vestigial -short wing is
caused by mutation. The normal fly has full wings and has allele represented by
the symbol N and the short winged fly is represented n .In a breeding experiment,
pure bred normal-winged male flies were crossed with pure bred vestigial-winged
female flies. All the offspring had normal wings.
3.6.1 State the genotype ofthe male parents. (0.5}
3.6.2 State the genotype of the female parents. (0.5}
3.6.3 State the genotype of the offspring. (1}

3.7 In a second experiment, flies with the genotype Nn (for wings} were allowed to
mate together.
3.7.1 Used a genetic diagram to show this cross. (5}
3.7.2 Give the expected ratio of the genotypes of the offspring of the cross. (1}
3.7.3 Give the expected ratio of the phenotypes ofthe offspring of the cross. (2}

Question 4 [20]

4.1 Make a large representation of the nitrogen cycle. (12}

4.2 State three uses of microorganisms. (6}
4.3 Give one method to control breast cancer. (1}
4.4 Give one method of controlling prostate cancer. (1}

The End

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