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All NON EU students are required to have a bank account in France to apply for their residency.
Only under 18 NON EU students are temporary exempted to provide a bank justification (from a French
bank) for their first residency application since minors are not allowed to open a bank in France account
until they turn 18.

1-Students who have a bank account in France

This provides proof that you hold a bank account in France. It must include:
• Your full name
• YOUR address in Paris
• A minimum €615 balance on your account – Required by the French Authorities
This certificate must be printed on official bank letterhead, and be signed and stamped by the bank.

WARNING- If you gave your bank (Société Générale, BNPP, CIC, Crédit Lyonnais, La Banque Postale, etc) the
address of the University (102 Rue Saint Dominique- 75007 Paris) on the day you opened your bank account, you
must be aware this address is not accepted as a valid one by the French Authorities (= the Préfecture de Police).

Therefore, you must immediately update your address with your bank, and inform them about the address
where you are actually housed in Paris/ outside of Paris.
This way, the bank justification “Attestation de solde bancaire” will be issued under the correct address (as
required by the French Authorities).

- Note a bank justification which is issued under the address of the University will be automatically
- Make sure the housing address is the same one on both the bank justification AND the proof of
WARNING- A different address on both documents will automatically affect the residency application and both
justifications will be denied.

2-Students who are under 18 (and do not have a bank account in

France yet on the day they start their residency application)

Minors are not allowed to open a bank in France account until they turn 18. This is the reason why the NON EU
under 18 students - who enter France to study at AUP- are temporary exempted to provide a bank justification
from a French bank for their first residency application.
WARNING- On the day the NON EU turn 18, and they need to apply for their residency renewal, they must open a
bank account in France.
Indeed, a proof of banking (from a bank in France) is required by the French Authorities (the Préfecture de Police)
for the residency renewal.
In order to complete the residency application with a proof of banking, here is how to process:

The student must contact their parents and ask them for their last bank statement + a copy of their passport+ a
letter in French stating how much money the student gets per month to meet their needs.
Once done, the letter must sent back to SIS at in order to complete the residency application.

BELOW- Example of the letter the parents must write and send back to SIS
Note, the template can be download from the website- WORD FORMAT (to make the necessary adjustments)
3a-Bank certificate template- Feel free to bring it to your bank in order to show them what you
3b-Bank certificate template- English version to show the students what’s needed from the
4-Bank certificate examples- Feel free to bring it to your bank in order to show them what you

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