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My name is Milton Chulan Rosadio. I was born on May 19, 1999. When I was one-
year-old, I had a small cyst on my tongue, unless I had surgery I would lose my
speech. Fortunately, I have never had problems from that again until now that I am
22 years old.
When I was 3 years old I started school. They rarely admit children of that age
however the principal admitted me to the school due to my academic performance.
After entering school, I made many friends who accompanied me for many years,
definitely it was a good social time in my life.
I broke my foot playing soccer when I was in third grade. Sitting on my bed I had to
wait more than 1 month to be able to walk again, although it did not have serious
consequences, it was something very serious for me as a child, since I was a bit
sensitive. For example, I was afraid to go to the dentist because the slight pain it
caused when checking me out it scared me a lot.
After finishing elementary school, a very important opportunity presented itself to
me. One academy offered to educate me all through high school instead of going
to college so that I could prepare for the college entrance exam. Talking with my
parents I concluded that if I missed that opportunity, I would regret it in the future
so I gladly accepted
While I was studying at the cram school I met many of my current friends that I
studied with for 5 years. I would travel almost an hour and a half to get to the
academy at 7:30 am and left at almost 8:00 PM. Even though it was a pretty big
effort, luckily it was fun to study with my friends who were my own age.
Trying not to neglect my body, I started playing soccer with my friends from school
on the weekends. The atmosphere when I played soccer was very pleasant since I
spent time with my friends from school whom I did not see on weekdays.
Finally, after five years I had to take the entrance exam. Thinking about it now, I
can say that it was the most important moment of my life up to that moment, I was
very nervous in those days before taking the exam so I tried to leave school for a
while and went out with my friends to relax. Having given myself that respite, I was
able to face the admissions test the following week.
To be continued in part 2
That the exam was difficult was to be expected, however with the preparation that I
had the previous days I was able to solve the exam calmly. If I hadn't tried to calm
down, I would have failed the exam. Finally, after 3 days, I managed to pass the
exam, otherwise I would have had to prepare for another year and I would waste a
lot of time
My friends told me that university life was easier since the number of courses per
year was less, what I will say will sound obvious but even if the number of courses
is less, it does not mean that it is easier, since the courses are more difficult
What I did was obvious, I had to study more and attend the psychologist in order to
create a study habit. The psychologist asked me: "How many hours do you
dedicate to studying?" "Where do you study?" And other questions of that style.
However I ended up failing a course. If only I had put more effort, I could possibly
have passed all the courses.
My friends suggested that I study with them in my spare time, that was of great
help to be able to learn faster. I think the answer as to why I had learning problems
was because I studied alone, since before studying at the university I always
studied in a group. After that I was able to recover and lead my university life better
At the end of 2019 my friends planned to travel for 2 weeks, I told them that I would
accompany them wherever they wanted to go. We decided to go to Cuzco and I
was lucky to have enough money to go, if I had missed that trip I would be
regretting it to this day. It was one of the most memorable experiences I have ever
had and my friends insisted that we repeat the experience the following year.
Unfortunately, the pandemic occurred and that could not happen, without the help
of tools such as Zoom or Discord, I would have spent more than a year without
seeing my friends. If I hadn't been able to use virtual systems, I wouldn't have been
able to take my classes either. My parents told me to continue my classes at the
ICPNA that I had left 3 months before the pandemic began and that is how I ended
up in the advanced 6 class
I have learned many things during the pandemic, otherwise I would have been lazy
all year and I would have wasted a lot of time which is important during university
That I have taken advantage of the time is one of the things that I am happy to
have achieved since for several weeks I was completely lazy and I didn’t learn
anything important, besides that it caused great annoyance to my relatives since
they continued working even during the pandemic
These days I am studying at the university, at Icpna and at the French Alliance.
What I can say from my experience is that the pandemic is that if you don't waste
time you can learn many things that before due to lack of time you would not have
been able to. I have also asked my parents what days I can help them with their
work to learn more about my profession

… Unit 20 … Unit 21
… Unit 22 … Unit 23

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