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Name: Bintang Felix Jatmiko Firmansyah


Rombel C

Racism in The Kite Runner

Discrimination against racists is one of the biggest remaining social problems. It is often
the case with some countries which are socially, ethnically, culturally and religiously diverse.
The more diversified the religious people of a country are, the more severe their domestic
disputes are. Afghanistan is one of the developed countries that in its contemporary history
have suffered from strife and war. Though Afghanistan is an Islamic state that maintains the
bonds of parenthood, there is also strife and prejudice here. The existence of racial discrimination
portrayed by the Hazaras in The Kite Runner makes it interesting to be analyzed. The story of this novel
could show how unfair and destructive the racial discrimination could be to human being as well as

In the Kite Runner, racial discrimination is caused by the way of society views the
Hazaras people. Physical appearance becomes important in this case. Genetically, Hazaras
related to Mongola Western Chinese uygurs who give them Chinese and flat-nose
characteristics. They have distinct looks than Pashtun, which tends to be very bright, sharp with
varied hues of the eye; Bones with high cheek. " They dubbed him flat because of the
characteristics of Ali and HassanFeatures of Hazara Mongoloid. That's all I knew for many years
about the Hazaras. Mughal offspring, who looked a little bit like the people of China" (Hosseini,
2003: 9).The Hazaras are considered to have several similarities, notably physical, with the
Mongolians.The look, the language and the system of kinship. The Hazaras are Mongol-Persian
in other terms blend.

Disrimantion take control in this novel. The Hazaras are the lower class in Afghanistan
cause they are the poorest race in Afghanistan. The Kite Runner, Amir finds that the Hazaras have
been brutally suppressed by the Pashtuns when he encounters information about the Hazaras in the
history book. Throughout this book, Amir knows that the Hazaras are not equally treated and often
disrespected in society. Pashtuns are always stereotyped and insulted them as “mice-eating, flat-nosed,
load carrying donkeys” (Hosseini, 2003: 10) due to the differences in their physical appearance and
social status.

Racial prejudice has certain negative effects both on those who encounter it and on
society. Racial prejudice, for the person, has certain negative effects on mental health. Racial
prejudice impacts the mental health of Hassan in The Kite Runner. When raped, Hassan is
actually hollow.
Sexual abuse has a lot to do with Hassan inside, but he does not reveal how he feels
outside. Hassan decides to disregard his experience and lives as if nothing occurred. Hassan
continues. Hassan had a really difficult accident. Hassan has become someone with no faith in
Hassan's case because of the discrimination that he is being discriminated against. The
conclusion is we should be tolerance for many people different from you in terms of his ethnic,
religion, race, or whatever it is. Because the impact when you doing the racism is not just
pyshical and material things you ruins. It will affect to mental health too.

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