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True love can withstand all odds

If both of you truly love each other, you don’t have to worry about separating for a few
years or having to spend less time with each other. Instead of worrying about love or
career, think of ways to make it work better.

2. You’ll always be ambitious

Will you ever settle down and be happy with what you have? All of us want more. And
sometimes, we decide to give up on a perfectly good job and pursue something that will
really satisfy us.

3. You will regret it later

Would you ever forgive yourself for letting go of a better love-life opportunity? Most
lovers who choose their job over love end up remorseful and regret their decision the
very next time they have a fight or argument with their lover.

4. Money can buy anything but not love

One can be the most wealthy and affluent person in the world and have all the
opulent comforts but if mental peace is missing all those materialistic comforts may
seem vague and fruitless at some point of time. The primary rule of happiness is it
increases manifold when shared. The idea of having a true comapanion, with whom
everyday can be a celebration in itself,whose mere presence is enough to fade out all
disappointments is no less appealing. 

5. The work is just there it's up to you whether you want to do it or not but a
good relationship only comes once in a lifetime

Jobs come and go. You can always get another job. A good relationship supports you
through everything and loves you no matter what. It’s much more worth it to have
“security” in your relationship than in a job.

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