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Read the following passage and answer questions 1- 10.

Future employees need to develop all kinds of skills to survive in the 21st century. Skills like
ICT and knowledge of the digital world, are taught explicitly in schools in Britain. Here are
four less obvious ones for you to ponder upon. These are the sorts of skills that employers
may ask you in the interviews, so it is a good idea to be well prepared in these areas and
know what are your strengths and weaknesses.

In the age of technology that we are living in now, it is no longer enough to keep on making
the same products. Employers need people who can imagine new approaches and new
ideas. Employers will expect you to think of an object or gadget you use every day. How
could it be improved? Can you think of three improvements? All in all, employers strive to
find a worker that has the talent of an artist or inventor in order to turn obstacles to
opportunities in whatever situation they will be put in (Kasanoff, 2013).

Problem solving
Employers will value workers who are able to see problems before they happen and come
up with creative solutions. As Albert Einstein said “No problem can be solved from the
same level of consciousness that created it”, thus the solution for every problem varied
and none are the as the same as the one or the other. Let us imagine that you are
organising an end-of-term social event at school. For a creative and forward-thinking
employee, he or she will not be thinking “what to eat?” in the party but the problems that may
arise before, during and after the event and the immediate solutions to them. This will ensure
that the event success rate is 99.9%.

Communication skills
Employees will have to be good communicators. They will have to be able to negotiate and
discuss key issues and also write in a clear but strong without using too many words.
Besides, reflecting on how people communicate with each other in the 21st century, you will
find that all term of communication in soc-med like twitter, Instagram, Facebook, tick-tock
are short, simple and concise.

Critical analysis & decision making

In the midst of the advancement of technology, employers find it challenging to get the right
information that they want. As a result, they would likely to hire workers who are able to
recognise the difference between information that can be believed and false information. The
skills to browse through different media, extracting info, to evaluate a situation and to make a
right judgement confidently are a valuable asset to a every company in the future.
(Adapted from &
Circle the correct answer.


1. What is the future employee?
A. The one working with new skills.
B. The one that works in 21st century.
C. The one who make decision.
D. The one that has lots of imagination.

2. The essential skills needed are…

A. On how to build a website
B. On how to manipulate information
C. On digital and communication technology
D. On various skills

3. Based on the article, the phrase “to ponder upon” means…

A. to consider something
B. to think on something
C. to search on something
D. to inform something

4. The following statements are true except…

A. There are four type digital information skills.
B. Evaluating one potential and weakness are essential.
C. Repetitively making the same product is not acceptable in 21st century.
D. Engaging in gadget will open an opportunity to future employee.

5. What are needed to be a company inventor?

A. Future employee needs to be aware of their own ability.
B. An imaginative employee would be able to produce innovative product and approach.
C. An employee is encouraged to create the same product all the time.
D. An employee needs to solve all problems.

6. How does imagination fuel one success?

A. Find opportunity over adversities
B. Overlook troubles and find opportunities
C. To take opportunities of others misfortunes
D. To see obstacles as a lesson to learn

7. The saying by Einstein, “No problem can be solved from the same level of
consciousness that created it” is refer to,
A. The solution to every problem is in the problem itself.
B. The way to solve a problem might differ from the root of the problem.
C. There different way to solve a problem
D. The are no problem without solution.


8. A forward-thinking employee will…
A. Predicts things happen before and after an event.
B. Will always be prepared at all times.
C. Will ensure that the unforeseen event reduce to only 0.01%.
D. Predicts everything that will happen during the event.

9. The term soc-med refers to…

A. Medical society
B. Social Medicine Education
C. Special Operations Capable – Marine Corps
D. Social Media

10. What are the skills that the writer emphasizes towards the end of this article?
i. to surf through different media
ii. to extract information
iii. to evaluate a situation
iv. to make decision confidently

A. i & ii
B. i, ii & iii
C. ii, iii & iv
D. All the above


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