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Interactivity and Multimedia

Interactive multimedia allows the user to control, combine, and manipulate a variety of media
types, such as text, computer graphics, audio and video materials, as well as animation
Interactive media, also called interactive multimedia, any computer-delivered electronic
system that allows the user to control, combine, and manipulate different types of media,
such as text, sound, video, computer graphics, and animation. Interactive media integrate
computer, memory storage, digital (binary) data, telephone, television, and other information
technologies. Their most common applications include training programs, video games,
electronic encyclopaedias, and travel guides. Interactive media shift the user’s role from
observer to participant and are considered the next generation of electronic information

A personal computer (PC) system with conventional magnetic-disk memory storage

technically qualifies as a type of interactive media. More advanced interactive systems have
been in use since the development of the computer in the mid-20th century—as flight
simulators in the aerospace industry, for example. The term was popularized in the early
1990s, however, to describe PCs that incorporate high-capacity optical (laser) memory
devices and digital sound systems
E-commerce websites are often a media rich environment with a wide range
of interactive features to help shoppers complete transactions.
E-commerce websites frequently make use of images, video and text to display product
information. The websites will often combine multimedia with high levels of user interaction,
including product reviews, recommendations, wish lists, shopping baskets and personalised
Personalised accounts allow users to manage orders (cancel, view or update), access tracking
information and save shopping lists for future use.
Feature Purpose

Search box Allows customers to quickly search for the

Feature Purpose

product that they are looking for

Informs customers of top selling products

Allows customers to enter their email address to

Newsletter stay up to date with offers and promotions. This
subscription allows companies to build mailing lists for use
in marketing campaigns.

Allows visitors to see the minute details of your

Product zoom /
products. It attempts to replace the touch and
product video
feel of high street shopping.

Clear and accessible navigation will be available

Navigation from all pages. Breadcrumbs and universal
menu icons should be used.

Payment Provides a secure and intuitive interface for

gateway payment.

Allows prospective customers to read about the

experience of past buyers. Positive reviews can
help sales.

Social media Allows shoppers to share their purchases with

integration others via social media.

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