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A Camping Adventure!

Fill in the blanks with the right parts of speech to complete this outrageous story!

Name 1: Marian and Name 2: Erika went on a exiting camping trip.

They packed their adjective: big plural noun: tents and

started –ing woring adverb: rapidly to build a noun:camping site . They knew
they needed to collect a lot of sticks and stones before it became too dark so
they moved : very Adverb: quickly . For a snack they decided to make
Plural noun: sandwished on a Noun: pot and cook up a can of plural noun: beens . As
it got dark outside, Name 2: Erika heard a Animal 1: wolf make a sound in the woods!
Name 1: Mariam was scared and past tense verb: hid a Noun: bush !
Outside, Name 2: Erika Past tense verb: lit a noun: lantern from inside the
tent. The Animal 1: wolf Past tense verb: left but not before –ing verb:
moving over all the Adjective: quiet Noun: campinng site ! When the
morning came, Name 1: Marian and Name 2: Erika left to go Verb: climbing up a

Adjective: big Noun: tree and gather Plural noun: fruits .

It truly was a adjective: great camping trip!

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