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[Adeline Hyansalem Wicaksono/ Faculty of Engineering/ 2021]

Military Coup of Myanmar

Myanmar, the land of generals. On Monday, February 1, 2021, the Myanmar military
ousted the government due to allegations that members of the National League for Democracy
(NLD) party rigged elections in November 2020. The President of Myanmar, namely Win Myint
and Aung San Suu Kyi as government advisors and Myanmar democracy leaders, was under
confinement by the Myanmar military. The military wants to maintain power even though people
are not giving votes to the military in the election. They declared that they won and formed the
government. So, it can be said that the military gives space for democracy only theory or in
paper only. (Revisi: it can be said that the military provides space for democracy only on paper
just as a cover to show that they’re uphold democracy, when in fact they don’t) atau (it can be
said that the military provides space for democracy on paper only to be used as their cover)

Public demands the democratic process to elect the future president of Myanmar should
no longer be influenced by various interventions from the military and should create a safe,
comfortable, and peaceful situation. Millions of people poured onto the streets against the
military coup. Along with activists, civil servants, bank workers, doctors, and day laborers joined
the military boycott extended for months despite a formidable threat from the military.
(berdasarkan sumber apa?)

The effects of the military coup in Myanmar, coinciding with the Covid-19 pandemic,
have undermined Myanmar's progressed over the years. The UNDP report said 12 people could
potentially experience dire economic hardship as business activity shuts between military
pressure from the Junta Military and the Movement for mass civil disobedience. This results in
reduced access to food, basic needs, and social protection. The military also severely restricts
internet access. UNDP says conditions could deteriorate by early 2022 to the amount of poverty
in Myanmar in 2005 when half of Myanmar's population was poor. (ini juga sumbernya dari
The stock market reacted negatively to this coup. The author finds some of the impacts
of the 2020 Myanmar election and also the 2021 military coup. Myanmar is a low-middle-
income country. Myanmar's economy is one of the fastest growing economies in the world
(World Bank, 2021). The gross domestic product (GDP) growth rates were 5.9%, 6.8%, and
6.5% in 2017, 2018, and 2019, respectively (Trade Economy, 2021). While world GDP fell by
4.36% in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic (Plecher, 2021), Myanmar's growth rate is
2%. But, Myanmar's stock market, the Yangon Stock Exchange (YSX), is still young and very
small. Due to its young age and small size, the market has received little interest from
researchers. Also, young stock markets tend to be informationally inefficient (Lim & Brooks,
2011). Moreover, the 2020 general election and the 2021 military coup occurred during the
COVID-19 pandemic. During this period, the stock market has undergone structural changes
(Khanthavit, 2021a).

The 2020 Myanmar election and the 2021 military coup have attracted worldwide
attention (Marston, 2021). Within the November 8, 2020 election, the NLD, led by Aung San
Suu Kyi, won a majority of 258 seats within the House of Representatives. Despite the NLD's
large margin of victory, the military did not accept the results.  This lead (revisi: leads to) the
nationwide protests demanding the government's restoration of democracy and justice. (mana
kesimpulannya? Kok malah balik lagi ke awal? Yg di highlightin kuning kan kurang lebih udah
di jelasin di paragraph awal?)

Untuk cara penulisan daftar Pustaka dan referensi, besok gw ajarin biar lu sekalian belajar
caranya gimana.

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