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“A Term Paper on Organizational Leadership”

Organizations need strong leadership for optimum effectiveness. Leadership, as we

know, is a trait which is both inbuilt and can be acquired also. Organizational
Leadership emphasizes on developing leadership skills and abilities that are relevant
across the organizations. It means the potential of the individuals to face the hard times
in the industry and still grow during those times. It clearly identifies and distinguishes the
leaders from the manager. The leader should have potential to control the group of

Organizational leadership, then is a management approach in which leaders help set

strategic goals for the organization while motivating individuals within the group to
successfully carry out assignments in service to those goals. Organizational Leadership
is about leading and managing individuals toward achieving a strategic organizational
goal. So an organizational leadership is a change agent, somehow who sees the big
picture but also understands the processes or steps to making change happen.

It’s one thing to learn about a subject. But the essential skills and mindset of
organizational leadership can be learned ;( Ellington) include Problem solving and
decision making, Communicating ( especially listening effectively), Relationship-and
team- building ( including developing leadership potential in others), Identifying future
Innovations and opportunities , Using integrity and ethics and Thinking strategically,
system-wide holistically. Some people learn organizational leadership skills through
real-world experiences. Yet benefit of an education, either at the undergraduate or
graduate level, is the chance to study theories about motivation, strategy and leadership
and then put those theories into practice without the same level of risk. After all the
practice is when you make mistakes- and we all make mistakes,” ( Ellington) . The
difference is that in an education setting, no one is going get fired or lose their company
or go into debt. We provide a safe sandbox or playground for our students to try
simulations and develop confidence in their abilities.

Organizational leadership encompasses a broader scope of responsibility than

traditional management. Organizational leadership communicates the mission and
vision, establishes the strategic plan and inspires individuals to put forth their talents to
fulfill the goals aligned with the strategic plan and ultimately, the leader’s vision.
Organizational leadership requires developing an understanding of your own worldview
as well as the worldviews of others. Furthermore, organizational leadership requires an
understanding of the composite worldview of the organization, which consists of the
many diverse and sometimes conflicting worldviews of the individuals within that


Successful leadership requires capitalizing on strengths and managing around
weaknesses, strength can be defined as consistent, near perfect performance in an
activity. Strength is not necessarily the as ability. Ability is a strength only if you can
fathom yourself doing it repeatedly, happily and successfully.

Hence, organizational leadership requires ethics. Ethics aids leaders in balancing truth
and loyalty, individuals and communities, short-term and long-term, and justice vs.
mercy. Ethics is not an inoculation or a compromise. It is a process and a lens by which
leaders approach a problem situation. Ethics call on us to be impartial yet engaged.
Effective leaders utilize ethics to look for the hidden alternative in ethically questionable
situations. “A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do
well and to help those who are doing to do even better”. ( Jim Rhon)


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