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Philosophical Ethics and

Week 003
Philosophical Ethics and
A moral structure is
simply an endeavor to
give a methodical
response to the central
moral inquiry: How
should individuals /Generic/Ethics-cloud.png; August 2, 2018

experience their lives?

Morals look to give a
normal justification to
why we should act and
choose in a specific
recommended way.

Morals of outcomes, morals

of standards, and morals of
individual character are the morals-1522241774-4511.jpg; August 2, 2018

three conventions in this

philosophical ethics.
Ethical relativism holds that
moral qualities are in respect
to specific individuals,
societies, or times.

Relativism denies that there

can be any soundly
you-believe-in-moral-relativism.jpg; August 2, 2018

legitimized or objective moral

Unlike religious moral clarifies human
prosperity in religious terms,
philosophical morals give
legitimizations that must be material
to all individuals regardless of their
religious starting points. The
justifications of philosophical ethics tend
to connect the “oughts” and

“shoulds” of ethics to some August 1, 2018

underlying account of human well-

Utilitarianism's key understanding is that
results matter, thus we ought to choose
what to do by thinking about the by and
large outcomes of our activities. In this
sense, utilitarianism has been known as
a consequentialist way to deal with
morals and social arrangement.
m/2015/05/utilitarianism.jpeg; August 1,
Utilitarian and Business
Utilitarianism answers the central inquiries of
morals—for instance, what should we do? — By
reference to an extremely straightforward
administer: boost the by and large great. This
administer may help you to remember the
monetary routine with regards to directing a ges/FB_trolley_problem_640_360_c1_c_c.jpg; August
1, 2018
cost– advantage investigation and settling
on a choice in light of augmenting net
advantages over costs.
Free markets achieve this objective most
proficiently, as per protectors, by
enabling people to choose for
themselves what they most need and
after that can hope for these products in a
free and aggressive commercial center.
This procedure will, after some time and
under the correct conditions, ensure the
ideal fulfillment of needs, which this content/uploads/2015/01/Utilitarianism.j
pg; August 1, 2018
custom likens with boosting general
Specialists in anticipating such
outcomes, normally prepared in
the sociologies, for example,
financial matters, political science,
and open strategy, know about the
specifics of how society
functions and they hence are in a
everybody_happy_by_zorkmode-d2ush8t.png; August 1,
situation to figure out which
approach will augment the
general great.
Ethics of Principles and Rights

Moral standards are decisions

that place good opinion
energetically. We may value
trustworthiness; however differ
with reference to how to place that
0791aba91388d14b82d401b7d5678f0d; August 1, 2018

without hesitation.
Basic leadership inside a
business setting will
include numerous
circumstances in which
one should obey lawful
notwithstanding when
the outcomes, monetary
and something else

appear to be undesirable. 018/01/2-lawfulness.png?w=525; August 1,

Human Rights and Duties
A common way of expressing this
insight is to say that each and every
human being possesses a
fundamental human right to be
treated with respect, and that this
right creates duties on the part of
every human to respect the rights hoto/55914518.cms; August 1, 2018

of others.
Human Rights and Social Justice

Libertarian understandings of social equity

contend that individual freedom—
flexibility from pressure by others—is
the most focal component of social equity.

This implies an equitable society is one

in which people are free from represent
mental interruption as long as they are
not hurting others.
Human Rights and Legal Rights

Three sorts of representative rights

are basic in business.

1. There are those lawful rights allowed to workers

based on enactment or legal decisions. For instance,
workers have a privilege to a lowest pay permitted by law,
approach opportunity, to deal all things considered as a
feature of an association, to be free from inappropriate
behavior, et cetera. ges/images/article-07@2x.png; August 1, 2018
2. Workers have rights to those
merchandise that they are qualified
for based on legally binding
concurrences with managers. In this
sense, a specific worker may have a
privilege to a particular human services
bundle, a specific number of paid rights-banner.jpg; August 1, 1018

occasions, annuity reserves, and so

3. Representatives
have rights grounded
in moral qualifications
to which workers have
a case autonomously
of a specific lawful or; August 1,
authoritative elements.
Challenges to an Ethics of Rights and Duties

There has all the dispute about what

rights really are essential human
rights and, given the variety of
perspectives about this, it is
indistinct how to apply this way to
deal with commonsense
circumstances, particularly in rights.jpg; August 1, 2018

situations where rights appear to

Virtue Ethics
Virtues can be comprehended as those
character characteristics that would
constitute parts of a decent and
significant human life.
Being inviting and happy; having
being straightforward, direct, and
having humble needs; and
being tolerant are a portion of the vector/virtues-word-cloud-concept-vector-260nw-
attributes that are ordinarily thought of as 723397114.jpg; August 1, 2018

being a piece of a decent and significant

human life.
The uprightness morals
center around character
development should lead us
to make inquiries about
the decisions we settle on
and how those decisions

influence our character. odavinci/124544/leonardodavinci1.jpg; August 1,

A Decision-Making Model for
Business Ethics Revisited

1. Determine the facts.

2. Identify the ethical issues involved.
3. Identify stakeholders.
4. Think about the accessible choices.
5. Analyze and measure the choices.
6. Settle on a Decision.
7. Screen and Learn.
Thank you!

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