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Saving the environment in Germany.

Germany has a history of caring about the
environment, but that is a country with a lot of industry
that consumes enormous amounts of coal. When coal and
other fast of fuels such as petroleum are burned, they
send carbon into the air and carbon is the main cause of
climate change. In order to fight air pollution and climate
change, German have cut back of the amount of coal they
use. As part of this effort, they are also using cleaner
energy sources such as Solar and Wind Power. Innovative
forms of technology including enormous wind turbines
and huge number of Solar panels are helping Germany
reached goal of having only 20% of its energy come from
fast of fuels by the year 2050. The change has been
gradual beginning in the 1970s and it hasn’t been easy.
Many environmental groups as well as individual people
in Germany, have spent a lot of time in money on clean
Changing lives in India.
Around 1.1 Billion people worldwide live without the
electricity and about 25 % of those people live in India.
Solar energy in the form of small lights they get the power
from the sun is now solving problem for many of them.
This innovative technology like small businesses they
open at night so, people in India are earning more money.
In addition to the positive economic impact, the air inside
home is cleaner since people are not burning wood or
kerosene for light. Solar power is also a good alternative
to expensive batteries that need to be replaced. With the
help of innovative technology, people in rural villagers can
live more like people in large cities.

1. What are the advantages of using solar power?

 The advantages of using the solar power are can
control the air pollution because we don’t need to
burning the wood or kerosene for light
 No need the expensive batteries because we just use

the sun.

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