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Jeremy C.

1 In my opinion from the word “self” by the philosopher Socrates, is that one’s true self, is not to be identified with what
we own, with our social status, our reputation, or even with our body. Instead is that our true self is our soul.
2. In my opinion for the word “self” from my understanding of the philosopher Plato, is that the true self of human beings
is the reason or the intellect that constitutes their soul and that is separable from their body In other words, the human
person is a dichotomy of body and soul.
3. For me, for what “self” is, is that my relation to God. Commensurate for the philosopher Augustine what self is, in
recognition of God’s love and your response to it, achieved through self-presentation, then self-realization. I believed one
could not achieve inner peace without finding God's love.
4. For me,in my understanding about “self” is that self revolves around the idea of mind-body dualism. Corresponding
from the philosopher Descartes’ concept about self. In other words, it is the mind that makes us humans. Thus, the “mind”
is the “real self”.
5. In my persuasion for what “self” is that the self is just a bundle of perceptions, like links in a chain.Similar to Hume,the
philosopher, argues that our concept of the self is a result of our natural habit of attributing unified existence to any
collection of associated parts. Hence, If any impression gives rise to the idea of self, that impression must continue
invariably the same through the whole course of our lives, since self is supposed to exist after that manner.
6 .My comprehension about “self” is that we all have an inner and an outer self which together form our consciousness.
The inner self is comprised of our psychological state and our rational intellect. The outer self includes our sense and the
physical world. Compatible to the philosopher Kant,because according to him, representation occurs through our senses.
7. In my own conception about what “self” is,indistinguishable to the philosopher Ryle,,is that I strongly believe that self
comes from behavior.Therefore, we're all just a bundle of behaviors caused by the physical workings of the body.
8 .In my opinion or perception from the word “self” is that the physical body to be an important part of what makes up the
subjective self.Comparable with the philosopher Merleau-Ponty about his comphresion for what self is. This work asserts
that self and perception are encompassed in a physical body. The physical body is part of self. The perceptions of the
mind and the actions of the body are interconnected.

(300 Words Who I Am Essay)

My name is Jeremy C. Bernardo and I am currently 21 years of existence. I lived with my lovable parents, Janet
Bernardo, my mother and Rudy Bernardo, my father and I have two wonderful siblings,Joshua Bernardo and Jasmin
Bernardo.I am the eldest among the three us. Living with a complete and stable family is a greatest blessing I could ever
have and I couldn’t ask for more in my life.

My personality and character are two important features that make me who I am. Although I may have some
weaknesses in my character, I am basically the up beat type. I try to be as happy as I can most of the time. Everyone
cannot please each other but if everyone pleases themselves and are cheerful most of the time, I feel that it is a better start
to put yourself in life. Being down or depressed comes with everyone's character at some point. When I come across this
point in life, it is one of my weak situations. When something happens that hurts my feelings or makes me angry, the
outcome is always sadness. I let my emotions out but crying or keeping quiet to myself. Depending on what the situation,
the cause of my anger and hurt stays on my mind for a long period of time. Also, if somebody puts me down with
comments or actions, I try to ignore it but inside I know I am better than words or actions and I prove it by letting things
go. In some opinions it is a factor of jealousy so the result is usually anger. I most definitely resemble my character in
these ways. My personality is your average teenage personality. Kind or unkind when I need and want to be. Unless
someone really is on my bad side, I have respect for them and will always treat them exactly how I expect to be treated.
Otherwise, do not talk about me and play childish games. I come with my personality so if you like how I act you'll love
being around me. My friends usually consider my the goofy outgoing one. I am unique as well. I am not really a hard
person to please and I do not feel embarrassed much. I am not the type of person to judge anyone. Everyone has their own
opinions and styles and everyone should express them freely.Together personality and character are important to notice in
a person.

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