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Assignment 1

Do You Truly Know Yourself?

Answer the following questions about yourself as fully and precisely as you can. Maximum of 200
words per question, but should be at least 100 words.

1. How would you characterize yourself?

Characterizing myself is not as easy as it seems. I can go about a thousand ways to do it

because I have developed innumerable attributes from the experiences that I have encountered in
my eighteen years of existence. If I were to determine my characteristics, I like to look at myself
as an independent and hardworking young lady. Growing up, I always believed in the idea that
independence is our key in surviving the harsh reality of life. This thought allowed me to accept
the fact that at the end of the day, we only have ourselves to fall back on to. Even if we have built
inseparable bond and relationship with other people, our happiness and decisions in life should
always come from us because whether we like it or not, relationships end at some point or another.
This trait gave me the opportunity to grow mentally and taught me how to work hard on my own
to achieve the level of success I desire. Being independent motivated me to push my limits and be
my own boss. The only relationship I consider and validate to be everlasting is the one that I share
with God.

2. What makes you stand out from the rest? What makes yourself special?

This is a tricky question because at some point in my life, I can somehow see my own
reflection from the people around me. It’s hard to determine what sets me apart from them but I
always believed that we are our own person. From the moment we are born, uniqueness is a natural
feature that is given to all of us.
I would say that my experiences made me special because it shaped the way I think and
act. I may have shared some of it with other people but it created a different impact to me than it
did to them. Now, I became more fearless than ever. I am no longer afraid to try new things and
stretch out from my comfort zone. My experiences unleashed the better version of myself that I
did not expect to see. This is something that I consider as my unique trait because many people let
fear hold them back.

3. How has yourself transformed itself?

My eighteen years of existence taught me that we are all capable of making the biggest
change to our self. I was able to transform myself by thinking positively and learning how to take
risks. The moment I started stepping out from my comfort zone and embraced new habits, I was
able to unleash the better version of myself. My mind and commitment were my instruments in
achieving the greatest possible expression of who I am. It gave me a clarity of my own life purpose
and I was able to discover some skills that I did not expect to be capable off.
4. How is yourself connected to your body?

I am connected to my body because it is the temple of my mind, heart, spirit, and emotions.
All mental events take place inside my brain and my brain is very much a part of my body. This
means that my thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes can either positively or negatively affect
my biological functioning. Every emotion I feel inside translates and reflects my actions. If I get
depressed and anxious, my physical functioning becomes sluggish. It is the same the other way
around. If I exercise and eat healthy, my mental state would flourish. This is through the complex
interrelationship between my mind and body.

5. How is yourself related to other selves?

Humans may possess different traits from each other but one way or another, we share
something in common that binds and relates us together. No matter how independent we are, it is
hard to deny that we are social butterflies by nature. If not for the wonderful relationships we have
with others, we would have to live with ourselves in a sad lonely state of existence at some point.
I am related with others through my emotional attachment and affection for them. My
feelings served as chains for the relationship that I have built with others people. It gave me a
panoramic perspective on the importance of adjusting to different personalities. As the saying goes,
“No man is an island”, we need to share our extreme emotions to lift a burden off our chest every
time we feel lonely and depressed.

6. What will happened to yourself after you die?

I grew up in a Christian family where death is considered as the beginning of an eternal

life. I was taught that after the moment we die, our soul would depart from our physical body to
await the Resurrection. I couldn’t help but still ponder this question even though the Bible tells us
both where we came from and where we are going to after death. Human as we are, we tend to
seek answers with visible proof and I am not an exception to this.
In my religious point of view, I think that when I die, I will be united with our Creator and
reap everything that I sow during my lifetime. I may not be certain with where I am going after
this life but one thing that I know for sure is that my soul remains while my body perishes in ash.
I just need to put my faith in Him and all my doubts will be lifted.

Were you able to answer the questions above with ease? Why? Which questions did you find
easiest to answer? Which ones are difficult? Why?

At first glance, I thought I could get it done right away but when I started to construct my
sentences, I realized how complicated they were. Although I don’t have to browse the internet for
answers, the questions needed a lot of personal evaluation and self-questioning. I did find it hard
because it took me a while to come up with a rational answer since I had to examine my entire
The first and second question were easy to me because I have thought about those for quite
some time. I am at the stage of my life where I can already determine who I really am as a person.
The third, fourth, and fifth question were a little challenging to answer because those questions
have not crossed my mind before. The last was one was the trickiest to me because I don’t know
what to expect after death. Although I have heard numerous theories about it, I still can’t clearly
envision what will happen to me after I die.

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