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Students should not use a smartphone in class

Smartphones are playing a huge role in the trend of Internet development and
contributing to changing the lives of Vietnamese people.
- The 16-24 age group has the highest smartphone usage rate (58%). This
shows that people of school age (students, students) are the largest
smartphone users in Vietnam.
Thus, whether the use of smartphones by students or students affects their
results or learning process is an issue that needs special attention.
- The use of cell phones during class time is 70% of students distracted and
distracted during class time and the remaining 30% is used for learning
such as looking up documents.

Students' learning process is often interrupted by smartphone applications and

they have no control over their learning. The more time spent on smartphones,
the lower the academic performance.
Students who will be too dependent on their phones will not develop their own
thinking. They will overuse the phone and fail to try.

Using cell phones during class time also has many benefits, such as:
- Can help students find information or materials related to the lesson more
- Play more games to connect teachers with students,
- Easily exchange information and send documents to each other quickly
without losing much time, supporting learning, communication,
This problem is being done a lot in learning

In my opinion, the fact that students use phones in class

- I find using my phone in class quite useful, it can save me time and learn
more about things. I can easily learn more widely about the subject I
- But there will also be some cases that make it difficult to learn: there are
some students who use their phones during class to play games, surf
social networking sites like Facebook, Instargam, Tiktok,... Students will
be distracted, distracted by the phone, making them impaired in learning

There are many ways for students not to use cell phones during class time such
- Exchange knowledge with each other in class, share books and study
materials with each other. Focus on the teacher's lecture information and
discuss together to understand the lesson better
- Create paper games or fun classroom activities,
- Communicate with each other about problems encountered in life to
connect friends with each other
- Students can freely create, automatically give many personal opinions
- Have a spirit of solidarity with people, be sensitive and learn a lot from
people around
We need to find a way to overcome this situation, towards the positive, not the
negative, the use of phones by students in the classroom is not bad, but it needs
to be moderate, change the way they use phones in the class. To help the
students get better and better with higher learning results. Can give students
solutions, how to use phones in class is reasonable.

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