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Department Of textile Engineering

Assignment on
Basic Tools of TQM

Course Code: QTEX4012

Course Title: Textile Quality Management

Textile to: Muzahidur Rahman Chowdhury
Quality Management
(Lecturer DTE, SEU)

Submitted by:

Nakib Ibna Bashar

Batch: 37th
Specialization: Wet processing Technology

Submission Date: 18.08.2021

Total quality management (TQM) is the continual process of detecting and reducing or
eliminating errors in manufacturing, streamlining supply chain management, improving the
customer experience, and ensuring that employees are up to speed with training. The seven
basic tools of quality which can be used to analyze and subsequently intervene to eliminate the
problems from the production system. The 7 quality tools are simple graphical and statistical
tools but very powerful in solving quality problems and process improvement. These statistical
tools are very easy to understand and can be implemented without any complex analytical
competence or skills.
However, which seven tools should be included in the listing varies a little from an expert.
Thus, alternative eight commonly found tools are listed below:

Flow Chart Histogram

Scatter Check
Diagram Tool Of sheet
Pareto TQM Cause and
chart Stratifica Diagram

Fig: Basic Tools of TQM

2. History of 7 Basic tools of TQM
The seven quality tools were originally developed by Japanese professor of engineering Dr.
Kaoru Ishikawa in 1968 by publishing a book entitled “Gemba no QC Shuho”. They were
implemented by Japan’s industrial training program during the country’s postwar period as it
turned to statistical quality control as a means of quality assurance. Their goal was to
implement basic, user-friendly tools that workers from various backgrounds with varied skill
sets could implement without extensive training.
Today, these quality management tools are still considered the gold standard for
troubleshooting a variety of quality issues. They’re frequently implemented in conjunction with
today’s most widely used process improvement methodologies, including various phases of Six
Sigma, TQM, continuous improvement processes, and Lean management.

3. Objective of Basic Tools of TQM

 Problem Solving – making decisions & judgments.
 For Process Measurement.
 For continual improvement in products, processes, and services.
 To improve Quality, Productivity, and Customer Satisfaction.
 To analyze and solve quality problems effectively.
 Improve product and process quality.
 Enhance customer satisfaction.
 Reduce cost due to poor quality.

4. Application of QC tools in Problem Solving

 Identification ofproblem
 Defining theproblem
 Record of facts
 Detecting causes ofproblem
 Develop Improvement method( Solution )
 Implementation
 Evaluation of result
 Process control( Standardization )

5. Flow chart
Flow charts are perhaps the most popular out of the 7 quality tools. This tool is used to visualize
the sequence of steps in a process, event, workflow, system, etc. In addition to showing the
process as a whole, a flowchart also highlights the relationship between steps and the process
boundaries (start and end). 
Flowcharts use a standard set of symbols, and it’s important to standardize the use of these
symbols so anyone can understand and use them easily. Here’s a roundup of all the
key flowchart symbols. 

5.1. Objective of using flowchart

 To build a common understanding of a process
 To analyze processes and discover areas of issues, inefficiencies, blockers, etc.
 To standardize processes by leading everyone to follow the same steps

5.2. Flowchart basic Procedure

Materials needed: Sticky notes or cards, a large piece of flipchart paper or newsprint, and
marking pens.
 Define the process to be diagrammed. Write its title at the top of the work surface.
 Discuss and decide on the boundaries of your process: Where or when does the process
start? Where or when does it end? Discuss and decide on the level of detail to be included
in the diagram.
 Brainstorm the activities that take place. Write each on a card or sticky note.
 Arrange the activities in proper sequence.
 When all activities are included and everyone agrees that the sequence is correct, draw
arrows to show the flow of the process.
 Review the flowchart with others involved in the process (workers, supervisors, suppliers,
customers) to see if they agree that the process is drawn accurately.

Fig: Flow Chart

5.3. Standard Flowchart Symbols
To express different operations in the flowchart various standard symbols are used. All symbols
are connected among themselves in order to show the flow of information and processing.
Different symbols as prescribed by American National Standard Institute (ANSI) which are
frequently required while drawing flowchart are tabulated below:

Figure: Flowchart Symbols

5.4. Application of Flowchart in Textile

There are a lot of application in textile. It gets a process sequence of every department like
spinning, Fabric manufacturing, Wet Processing, apparel.
Fig: Flowchart of Garments Production

Fig: Flow chart of fabric Wet processing

5.5. Benefits of Flowchart

Drawing flowchart while solving any problem has following advantages:
 Effective Communication: Flowcharts are better way of communicating the logic of the
 Effective Analysis: Using flowchart problem can be analyzed more efficiently.
 Easy Debugging and Efficient Testing: The Flowchart helps in debugging and testing
 Efficient Coding: The flowcharts are very useful during program development phase.
 Proper Documentation: Flowcharts serves as a good program documentation, which is
needed for various purpose.
 Efficient Program Maintenance: Maintenance of operating programs becomes easy
with the help of flowchart.

6. Check Sheet
Check sheets provide a systematic way to collect, record and present quantitative and
qualitative data about quality problems. A check sheet used to collect quantitative data is
known as a tally sheet. 
It is one of the most popular QC tools and it makes data gathering much simpler. 

Fig: Check Sheet

6.1. Objective of using Check sheet

 To check the shape of the probability distribution of a process
 To quantify defects by type, by location or by cause
 To keep track of the completion of steps in a multistep procedure (as a checklist)
6.2. Check Sheet Procedure
 Decide what event or problem will be observed. Develop operational definitions.
 Decide when data will be collected and for how long.
 Design the form. Set it up so that data can be recorded simply by making check marks or
Xs or similar symbols and so that data do not have to be recopied for analysis. Label all
spaces on the form.
 Test the check sheet for a short trial period to be sure it collects the appropriate data and
is easy to use.
 Each time the targeted event or problem occurs, record data on the check sheet.

The figure below shows a check sheet used to collect data on telephone interruptions. The tick
marks were added as data was collected over several weeks.

6.3. Application of Check sheet in Textile

Check sheet or Inspection Format
To record or to collects defects during inspection you must use a simple check sheet. A check
sheet includes general details, details of fabric lot, fabric defects according their sizes, summary
of fabric defects, quantity inspected and total penalty points and result of the fabric lot after
inspection. Use tally marking for recording of number of defects. A sample 4 point system fabric
inspection format has been attached at the bottom.
Fig : 4 point inspection system format

6.4. Benefit of check sheet

Helps to analyze the data for corrective and preventive actions.
 Helps in making the Bar graph, Histogram and Pareto Chart.
 Helps to take decision at a glace to control the product and process related non
 Helps to detect how often a problem occurs.
 It facilitates systematic record keeping or data collection.

7. Control Chart
The control chart is a type of run chart used to observe and study process variation resulting
from a common or special cause over a period of time. The chart helps measure the variations
and visualize it to show whether the change is within an acceptable limit or not. It helps track
metrics such as defects, cost per unit, production time, inventory on hand, etc. Control charts
are generally used in manufacturing, process improvement methodologies like Six Sigma and
stock trading algorithms.
7.1. Objective of using control chart
 To determine whether a process is stable
 To monitor processes and learn how to improve poor performance
 To recognize abnormal changes in a process

7.2. Control Chart Basic Procedure

 Choose the appropriate control chart for your data.
 Determine the appropriate time period for collecting and plotting data.
 Collect data, construct your chart and analyze the data.
 Look for “out-of-control signals” on the control chart. When one is identified, mark it on
the chart and investigate the cause. Document how you investigated, what you learned,
the cause and how it was corrected.

7.3. Application of Control charts in textile

Four representative examples will illustrate the usefulness of each of the most widely used
types of control charts in various processing operations of textile mills
 Control Chart for sample Averages
A typical set of control charts used in controlling average weight of stock in a size-control
program, from drawing through spinning, .By plotting sizing test results in the form of averages,
any trends toward excessively high or low weights become apparent readily, and correction can
follow swiftly.
 Control Chart for Sample Ranges
In addition to control charts for averages, it may also be desirable to control ranges. Ranges
representing the difference between the highest and lowest test result in sampling indicate
whether or not variability may be excessive. A good example is seen in Figure 2, taken from a
fulling operation on a woolen cloth.
 Control Chart for Defects per Unit
The chart for warper stops per million yards, in Figure 3, is a typical application of the defects-
perunit type of control chart. The stops represent defects, and the million yards is the unit.
Other defects-per-unit types would be ends-down per 1000 spindle hr., neps per card web, and
many similar types of measurements in the textile mill.
 Control Chart for Per Cent Defective
The per cent defective control chart is most frequently applied to end product, such as rags and
remnants, seconds, and similar losses in first-quality merchandise. However, it can be applied
equally well to control processing performance and machinery efficiency, such as the control
chart for per cent idle spindles in Figure 4, obtained from random checks in the spinning

7.4. Benefits of using a control chart

Control charts can help you:
 Understand the variations that are always present in processes. Variations within your
control limits indicate that the process is working. Variations that spike outside of your
control limits indicate problems that need to be corrected.  
 See when something is going wrong or may go wrong. These problem indicators let you
know that corrective action needs to be taken.
 Notice patterns within plotted points. The patterns indicate possible causes, which can
help you find possible solutions.
 Predict future performance.
 Generate new ideas for improving quality based on your analysis.

A histogram is a type of bar chart that visualizes the distribution of numerical data. It groups
numbers into ranges and the height of the bar indicates how many fall into each range. 
It’s a powerful quality planning and control tool that helps you understand preventive and
corrective actions. 
Fig: Histogram

8.1. Objective of using Histrogram

 To easily interpret a large amount of data and identify patterns
 To make predictions of process performance 
 To identify the different causes of a quality problem

8.2. Basic Procedure of Histogram

 Collect data for analysis.  Record occurrences of specific ranges using a tally chart
 Analyze the data at hand and split the data into intervals or bins
 Count how many values fall into each bin
 On the graph, indicate the frequency of occurrences for each bin with the area (height)
of the bar. 

8.3. Application of Histogram in Textile

8.3.1. Fibreshape applications

 Wool

 Cotton

 Chipboard and paper industry (wood shred)

 Non-wovens (industrial fibres)

 Textile industry (wool)

 Applications: fineness measurement
 Parameters: fibre thickness
Fig: Fibre (wool) Thickness Histogram

 Textile industry (cotton)

 Applications: fineness measurement
 Parameters: fibre thickness
Fig: Fibre(cotton) thickness Hiatogram

 Non-wovens (industrial fibres)

 Applications: fibre wave length measurement
 Parameters: crimp frequency (ASTM), crimp ratio (ASTM)
Fig: Histogram of Fibre wavelenth

8.3.2. Evolution in textile inspection

Fig: Histogram evolution in textile inspection

8.4. Histogram also used as.
 Knitted fabrics inspection
 Braidings inspection
 Sewed braidings inspection
 Tubular fabrics inspection
 Laminated/coated fabrics inspection
 Carpet inspection
 Semi-finished textiles inspection

8.5.Benefits of Histogram
 The diagrammatic representation gives the outlook of data.
 It gives an easy understanding of a process line.
 Helps to make the decision-making process easy to deliver.
 Suitable in many fields like manufacturing, service sector, academics and so on

9. Cause and Effect Diagram

This tool is devised by Kaoru Ishikawa himself and is also known as the fishbone diagram (for
it’s shaped like the skeleton of a fish) and Ishikawa diagram.
They are used for identifying the various factors (causes) leading to an issue (effect). It
ultimately helps discover the root cause of the problem allowing you to find the correct
solution effectively.
Fig: Cause and Effect Diagram

9.2. Object of Using cause and effect diagram 

 Problem-solving; finding root causes of a problem
 Uncovering the relationships between different causes leading to a problem
 During group brainstorming sessions to gather different perspectives on the matter 

9.3. Basic Procedure of cause and effect diagram 

 Identify the problem area that needs to be analyzed and write it down at the head of
the diagram 
 Identify the main causes of the problem. These are the labels for the main branches of
the fishbone diagram. These main categories can include methods, material, machinery,
people, policies, procedures, etc. 
 Identify plausible sub-causes of the main causes and attach them as sub-branches to the
main branches. 
 Referring to the diagram you have created, do a deeper investigation of the major and
minor causes 
 Once you have identified the root cause, create an action plan outlining your strategy to
overcome the problem

9.4. An Ishikawa Cause and Effect (CE) Diagram in textile

(Also called fishbone or simply cause and effect diagram) is a simple but effective tool that is
used to identify different causes of a problem. A Cause & Effect diagram consists of a main
“bone” to which main causes of the problem are connected. Each main cause may have several
sub-causes that lead to the main cause (Bilsel et al., 2012).The causes were identified in
relations to People, Machine, Material, Methods (Procedures) and Environment factors through
brainstorming with knitting manager, production officer, floor supervisor, feeder man and
machine operator.
 Root Cause Analysis for Quality Control in the Apparel Industry
The quality of any apparel is depended a lot on the absence of any defects. And this can be
made possible and consistent only if the quality in the manufacturing is kept at a strict control.
Defects in apparel can arise from cutting, sewing, finishing etc. only to name a few and the key
job of any quality management team is to figure out the key source/cause of such defect to
rectify it. And Root Cause Analysis comes a great way to identify those defects and work on

 Quality analysis of textile

10. Stratification
Description Stratification is a technique used in combination with other data analysis tools.
When data from a variety of sources or categories have been lumped together, the meaning of
the data can be impossible to see. This technique separates the data so that patterns can be
seen. Most widely usedstratification tool is run chart.
Fig: Stratification

10.1. When to Use Stratification

 Before collecting data.
 When data come from several sources or conditions, such as shifts, days of the week,
suppliers or population groups.
 When data analysis may require separating different sources or conditions.

10.2. Stratification Procedure

 Before collecting data, consider which information about the sources of the data might
have an effect on the results. Set up the data collection so that you collect that
information as well.
 When plotting or graphing the collected data on a scatter diagram, control chart,
histogram or other analysis tool, use different marks or colors to distinguish data from
various sources. Data that are distinguished in this way are said to be “stratified.”
 Analyze the subsets of stratified data separately. For example, on a scatter diagram
where data are stratified into data from source 1 and data from source 2, draw
quadrants, count points and determine the critical value only for the data from source 1,
then only for the data from source 2.

10.3. Stratification Example

The ZZ-400 manufacturing team drew a scatter diagram to test whether product purity and
iron contamination were related, but the plot did not demonstrate a relationship. Then a team
member realized that the data came from three different reactors. The team member redrew
the diagram, using a different symbol for each reactor’s data: Now patterns can be seen. The
data from reactor 2 and reactor 3 are circled. Even without doing any calculations, it is clear
that for those two reactors, purity decreases as iron increases. However, the data from reactor
1, the solid dots that are not circled, do not show that relationship. Something is different
about reactor 1.

10.4. Stratification Considerations

 Here are examples of different sources that might require data to be stratified:
Equipment , Shifts, Departments, Materials ,Suppliers, Day of the week, Time of day o
 Survey data usually benefit from stratification.

10.5. Benefits of stratification

 We can go for root cause analysis by using stratified samples.
 Identification and control the existing problem.
 It helps in reduction of sampling error.
 Data can be a plot in graphical representation for better understanding.
 Stratification method is applicable in all fields whether it can be manufacturing, service,
R&D, quality control, etc. The main aim is to understand the data and eliminate the
11. Scatter Diagram
Also called: scatter plot, X–Y graph Description The scatter diagram graphs pairs of numerical
data, with one variable on each axis, to look for a relationship between them. If the variables
are correlated, the points will fall along a line or curve. The better the correlation, the tighter
the points will hug the line.

11.1. When to Use a Scatter Diagram

 When you have paired numerical data.
 When your dependent variable may have multiple values for each value of your
independent variable.
 When trying to determine whether the two variables are related, such as… o When
trying to identify potential root causes of problems. o After brainstorming causes and
effects using a fishbone diagram, to determine objectively whether a particular cause
and effect are related. o When determining whether two effects that appear to be
related both occur with the same cause. o When testing for autocorrelation before
constructing a control chart.

Fig: Scatter Diagram

11.2. Scatter Diagram Procedure
 Collect pairs of data where a relationship is suspected.
 Draw a graph with the independent variable on the horizontal axis and the dependent
variable on the vertical axis. For each pair of data, put a dot or a symbol where the x-axis
value intersects the y-axis value. (If two dots fall together, put them side by side,
touching, so that you can see both.)
 Look at the pattern of points to see if a relationship is obvious. If the data clearly form a
line or a curve, you may stop. The variables are correlated. You may wish to use
regression or correlation analysis now. Otherwise, complete steps 4 through 7. Divide
points on the graph into four quadrants. If there are X points on the graph, o Count X/2
points from top to bottom and draw a horizontal line. o Count X/2 points from left to
right and draw a vertical line. o If number of points is odd, draw the line through the
middle point.
 Count the points in each quadrant. Do not count points on a line.
 Add the diagonally opposite quadrants. Find the smaller sum and the total of points in
all quadrants. A = points in upper left + points in lower right B = points in upper right +
points in lower left Q = the smaller of A and B N = A + B
 Look up the limit for N on the trend test table. o If Q is less than the limit, the two
variables are related. o If Q is greater than or equal to the limit, the pattern could have
occurred from random chance.

Scatter diagram derived from Table I shows the linear relationships of yarn count, stitch length
and machine gauge with GSM individually for plain single jersey fabric.
11.3. Application of scatter Diagram in Textile:
 Quality Assurance system in garments industry

Fig: Quality Assurance system in garments industry by Scatter Diagram

11.4. Benefits of a Scatter Diagram

The following are a few advantages of a scatter diagram:
 It shows the relationship between two variables.
 It is the best method to show you a non-linear pattern.
 The range of data flow, i.e. maximum and minimum value, can be determined.
 Observation and reading are straightforward.
 Plotting the diagram is easy.

12. Pareto Chart

Also called: Pareto diagram, Pareto analysis Variations: weighted Pareto chart, comparative
Pareto charts Description A Pareto chart is a bar graph. The lengths of the bars represent
frequency or cost (time or money), and are arranged with longest bars on the left and the
shortest to the right. In this way the chart visually depicts which situations are more significant.
Fig: Pareto chart

12.1 When to Use a Pareto Chart

 When analyzing data about the frequency of problems or causes in a process.
 When there are many problems or causes and you want to focus on the most
 When analyzing broad causes by looking at their specific components.
 When communicating with others about your data

12.2. Pareto Chart Procedure

 Decide what categories you will use to group items
 Decide what measurement is appropriate. Common measurements are frequency,
quantity, cost and time.
 Decide what period of time the Pareto chart will cover: One work cycle? One full day? A
week? Collect the data, recording the category each time. (Or assemble data that
already exist.) Subtotal the measurements for each category.
 Determine the appropriate scale for the measurements you have collected. The
maximum value will be the largest subtotal from step 5. (If you will do optional steps 8
and 9 below, the maximum value will be the sum of all subtotals from step 5.) Mark the
scale on the left side of the chart.

12.3. Application of Pareto Chart in Textile

Pareto chart is a special type of bar chart where the plotted values are arranged from largest to
smallest. A Pareto chart is used to highlight the most frequently occurring defects, the most
common causes of defects, or the most frequent causes of customer complaints (Awaj et al., ).
In this research, the major causes or types of defects were identified through Pareto Chart.
From the Pareto Chart following major defects were identified.

 Fly Yarn
 Setup
 Hole
 Lycra Drop (This faults only occurred when fabric has lycra attachment)
 Oil Spot
 Loop
 Slub
 Among all, only these 7 defects are responsible for 95.56% of total defects.

 Pareto chart example in quality control in textile and apparel industry:

 Pareto chart example in cutting defect in textile and apparel industry
12.4. Benefits of a Pareto Chart
The following are a few benefits of Pareto analysis:
 Drawing a Pareto chart is easy.
 It helps you segregate the problems and their causes.
 It helps you focus on solving the few issues generating the most problems.
 It shows you the problems to focus on getting the most significant improvement.
 It helps you visualize problems, so it is an excellent visual communication tool.

13. Benefits of basic tool of TQM

The major benefits of QC tools are:

 To analyze and solve quality problems effectively.

 Improve product and process quality.
 Enhance customer satisfaction.
 Reduce cost due to poor quality.
 Helps in investigating the potential causes and real root cause of the problem for taking
effective countermeasures.
 Check sheet helps in data collection and recording for quality problem analysis.
 Identify and reduce the process variation using the SPC quality tool.
 Pareto QC tool helps to narrow down the quality problem using the 80/20 rule.
 Helps in identifying the various sources of variations present in the process.
 Improve the employee’s analytical and problem-solving skills
13. Reference

8. h

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