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Nutrition and Student Performance at School

Howard Taras

ABSTRACT: This article reviews research from published studies on the association between nutrition among school-aged children
and their performance in school and on tests of cognitive functioning. Each reviewed article is accompanied by a brief description of
its research methodology and outcomes. Articles are separated into 4 categories: food insufficiency, iron deficiency and
supplementation, deficiency and supplementation of micronutrients, and the importance of breakfast. Research shows that children
with iron deficiencies sufficient to cause anemia are at a disadvantage academically. Their cognitive performance seems to improve
with iron therapy. A similar association and improvement with therapy is not found with either zinc or iodine deficiency, according to
the reviewed articles. There is no evidence that population-wide vitamin and mineral supplementation will lead to improved academic
performance. Food insufficiency is a serious problem affecting children’s ability to learn, but its relevance to US populations needs to
be better understood. Research indicates that school breakfast programs seem to improve attendance rates and decrease tardiness.
Among severely undernourished populations, school breakfast programs seem to improve academic performance and cognitive
functioning. (J Sch Health. 2005;75(6):199-213)

P arents, educators, and health professionals have long

touted the association between what our children eat
and their school performance. Evidence for this correla-
ies of the impact of nutritional intake in children prior to
school age were not included. Studies were identified
using MedLine and similar Internet-based searches. If a full
tion is not always apparent, and biases on both sides of article could not be retrieved, but a detailed abstract was
the argument sometimes override data when this topic available, the research was included. Outcomes other than
is discussed. Understanding existing evidence linking stu- academic achievement, attendance, and cognitive ability,
dents’ dietary intake and their ability to learn is a logical although considered major by the authors, may not be
first step in developing school food service programs, pol- described at all or are only briefly alluded to in the tables
icies, and curricula on nutrition and in guiding parents of of research descriptions.
school-aged children.
The National Coordinating Committee on School LITERATURE REVIEW
Health and Safety (NCCSHS) comprises representatives of The body of literature on child nutrition and its poten-
several federal departments and nongovernmental organi- tial effects on school performance are categorized in 4
zations working to develop and enhance coordinated subject areas: (1) nutritional supplements and micronu-
school health programs. The NCCSHS has undertaken a trients, (2) iron deficiency and supplementation, (3) food
project to enhance awareness of evidence linking child insufficiency, and (4) effect of eating breakfast. This cate-
health and school performance and identifying gaps in our gorization is intrinsically artificial since nutritional prob-
knowledge. NCCSHS has conducted a search of peer- lems, chronic hunger, iron deficiency, and poor breakfast
reviewed, published research reporting on the relationship patterns are frequently interrelated. Nevertheless, the
between students’ health and academic performance. In major variable of evaluation, as described by each article’s
addition to nutrition, NCCSHS has sponsored research re- authors, naturally led to this classification, with only a
views of the association between academic performance few articles falling into more than 1 category.
and asthma, diabetes, sickle cell anemia, sleep, obesity,
and physical activity. Nutritional Supplements and Micronutrients
Articles listed in Table 1 examine the relationship
SELECTION OF ARTICLES between academic or cognitive performance and vitamin/
Articles meeting the following specific characteristics mineral supplementation, zinc deficiency, and iodine
were selected. (1) Subjects were school-aged children (5 to deficiency. Researchers in the United States and United
18 years), (2) article was published after 1980 in a peer- Kingdom have investigated giving multivitamin and min-
reviewed journal, and (3) findings included at least 1 of eral supplements to normal populations of school-aged
the following outcome measures: school attendance, aca- children to determine their effect on intelligence and per-
demic achievement, a measure of cognitive ability (such as formance on standardized tests or levels of school achieve-
general intelligence, memory), and attention. Students’ ment. Results have varied. Studies indicate there are no
level of attention was only acceptable as an outcome mea- effects of multivitamin supplementation on the intelligence
sure for purposes of inclusion in this review, if attention or performance of most children. Improvements on nonver-
was measured objectively in the school environment. Stud- bal intelligence of certain subpopulations of children are
possible, but there are no predictable characteristics of
these subpopulations. Commenting on this body of litera-
Howard Taras, MD, Professor, School of Medicine, (,
Division of Community Pediatrics, University of California, San Diego, ture, Smith points out there may be a fundamental problem
Gilman Drive #0927, La Jolla, CA 92093-0927. This article is 1 of 6 ar- with the research. The lack of a theoretic foundation as to
ticles that are part of a project of the National Coordinating Committee on how minerals/vitamins improve intelligence, the small
School Health and Safety (NCCSHS). This NCCSHS project was funded by number of researchers in this field, and the uncertainty
the US Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Educa-
tion, and US Department of Agriculture. Opinions expressed in this article about the potential connection between the vitamin-mineral
are not necessarily shared by these federal agencies or other institutions supplementation industry and the research further limit
that comprise NCCSHS membership. what can be concluded.1

Journal of School Health d August 2005, Vol. 75, No. 6 d 199

Zinc naturally occurs in foods such as meats, lentils, athletes.3 In one Chinese study (Sandstead et al. 1998;
rice, potatoes, and grains. Marginal zinc deficiencies occur Table 1), supplementation with zinc was helpful to improved
in low-income groups as well as among those eating performance only when it was combined with multiple
unbalanced diets that are deficient in fat as well as in pro- nutrients. The study’s finding may be specific to the diets of
teins, especially those of animal origin. Zinc is not as well Chinese children. Its relevance to school-aged children in
absorbed from carbohydrate-rich foods.2 Mild zinc defi- the United States is unknown. Zinc studies in Canada and
ciency is thought to be more common among endurance Guatemala also suggest that zinc supplementation alone is

Table 1
Articles That Address Micronutrients and Nutritional Supplements and School
Performance and/or Cognitive Ability* (Continued on next page)

Reference Experimental Design Outcome

van Stuijvenberg ME, Kvalsvig JD, 115 children (age 6-11) were matched In addition to improved blood tests
Faber M, Kruger M, Kenoyer DG, with a control group (115 children) of nutrition, there was a significant
Benade AJ. Effects of iron, iodine, and for 12 months given biscuits between-group treatment effect
and beta-carotene fortified biscuits fortified with iron, iodine, and (P < .05) in cognitive function with
on the micronutrient status of beta-carotene. Control children the digit span forward task
primary school children: a received nonfortified biscuits. (short-term memory). Fewer school
randomized controlled trial. Micronutrient status was assessed days were missed in the intervention
Am J Clin Nutr. 1999;69:497-503. as was cognitive function, than in the control group because
(South Africa) growth, and morbidity. of respiratory- (P = .097) and
diarrhea-related (P = .013)
Sandstead HH, Penland JG, Alcock NW, 740 children (age 6-9) were given In the group receiving both zinc and
et al. Effects of repletion with zinc zinc therapy or zinc and other other micronutrients, there was a
and other micronutrients on neuro- micronutrients or micronutrients significant improvement in fine and
psychologic performance and growth alone (randomized) for a period of gross motor skills, sustained
of Chinese children. Am J Clin Nutr. 10 weeks. Tested with Cognition attention, and capacity for concept
1998;68(suppl 2):470S-475S. Psychomotor Assessment System. formation and abstract reasoning.
Cavan KR, Gibson RS, Grazioso CF, In a randomized, double-blind No difference on mental concentration
Isalgue AM, Ruz M, Solomons NW. controlled study, 162 children or short-term memory was found
Growth and body composition (age 7-8) were given zinc despite changes in body composition
of periurban Guatemalan daily, for 25 weeks. of zinc.
children in relation to zinc status: a
longitudinal zinc intervention trial. Am J
Clin Nutr. 1993;57:344-352.
Gibson RS, Vanderkooy PD, 60 relatively short boys (<15 Although boys with zinc deficiencies
MacDonald AC, Goldman A, percentile) whose height could given supplementation improved in
Ryan BA, Berry M. A growth-limiting, not be explained by parental height, there was no improvement in
mild zinc-deficiency syndrome in height were given either zinc or a attention span or other subscales
some South Ontario boys with low placebo for 1 year. All had zinc of this test.
height percentiles. Am J Clin Nutr. hair measurements and the
1989;49:1266-1273. Detroit Test of Learning Abilities.
Bautista A, Barker PA, Dunn JT, 100 children with goiter from a region After 22 months, urinary iodine had
Sanchez M, Kaiser DL. The effects with low iodine in diets were increased in the treated group. Those
of oral iodized oil on intelligence, given iodized oil or plain mineral oil. who showed goiter reduction
thyroid status, and somatic growth in Both groups were studied for (regardless of treatment or control
school-age children from an area intelligence (Stanford Binet group) showed improvements in
of endemic goitre. Am J Clin Nutr. and Bender tests). overall IQ. The effect was strongest
1982;35:127-134. in girls. Correcting iodine
(Bolivia) deficiency may improve mental

* WISC, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; WRAT, Wide Range Achievement Test; WISC-R, Wechsler Intelligence Scale
for Children-Revised.

200 d Journal of School Health d August 2005, Vol. 75, No. 6

Table 1
Articles That Address Micronutrients and Nutritional Supplements and School
Performance and/or Cognitive Ability* (Continued from previous page)

Reference Experimental Design Outcome

Sankar R, Rai B, Pulger T, et al. Four villages were randomly selected 82 of the 90 children had goiter, and 87
Intellectual and motor functions in from many known to have high urinary iodine studies revealed
school children from severely iodine prevalence of severe iodine severe iodine deficiency. Test results
deficient region in Sikkim. Indian deficiency and 90 school children showed impairment in language,
J Pediatr. 1994;61:231-236. selected from these villages. meaningful and nonmeaningful
(India) Children were assessed for goiter, memory, conceptual thinking,
acuity of hearing, and signs of nonverbal reasoning, numerical
cretinism, and urine iodine levels. reasoning, motor skills, social
Children with cretinism were intelligence (from 69% to 91% of
excluded. The Bender Visual Motor population found to be below normal)
Gestalt Test, the Binet-Kamal Test and 34% of population with an IQ
for Mental Ability (IQ), and between 70 and 84. Correlations of
Raven’s Coloured Progressive degree of iodine deficiency with degree
Matrices were used. of neuropsychological impairments
were not studied.
Benton D, Roberts G. Effects of vitamin 90 school children (age 12-13) kept Average intake of vitamins was close to
and mineral supplementation on a dietary diary for 3 days. A the recommended daily allowance,
intelligence of a sample of school multivitamin/mineral supplement or although for a minority the intake was
children. Lancet. 1988;1:140-143. a placebo was administered double low. The recommended daily allow-
(United Kingdom) blind for 8 months to 60 children; 30 ance for minerals was rarely achieved.
received nothing. The supplement group, but not the
placebo group or the remaining 30
who took no tablets, showed a signifi-
cant increase in nonverbal intelligence.
Crombie IK, Todman J, McNeill G, 86 school children (age 11-13) were A small, nonsignificant difference
Florey CD, Menzies I, Kennedy RA. randomly given either vitamin and between the control and supplemen-
Effect of vitamin and mineral mineral supplements or placebo for tation groups was found in a nonverbal
supplementation on verbal and 7 months. A nonverbal performance test. Vitamin and mineral supplementa-
non-verbal reasoning of schoolchildren. test of reasoning was studied. tion does not improve the performance
Lancet. 1990;335:744-747. of schoolchildren in tests of reasoning.
(United Kingdom)
Nelson M, Naismith DJ, Burley V, 227 children (7-12 years of age) No correlation was found between
Gatenby S, Geddes N. Nutrient consumed food and drinks, and test scores and micronutrients
intakes, vitamin-mineral weight was recorded for 7 consecutive consumed with weighted records.
supplementation, and intelligence in days. Nonverbal and verbal IQ tests No significant differences were
British schoolchildren. Br J Nutr. were performed. Each child was found in performance between
1990;64(1):13-22. randomly allocated to 1 of 2 groups; those taking placebo and
(United Kingdom) matched for age, sex, IQ, and height; those on supplements.
and given either vitamin-mineral
supplement or placebo for 28 days.
Schoenthaler S, Bier ID, Young K, Vitamin-mineral supplementation When studying the data by matching
Nichols D, Jansenns S. The effect of (vitamins A, D, E, C, B1-6, B12, pairs (placebo-supplement), there was
vitamin-mineral supplementation on iron, folate, zinc, chromium, no difference in nonverbal IQ gain.
the intelligence of American manganese, molybdenum, However, because 24 children taking
schoolchildren: a randomized, selenium, copper at 50% of daily supplements had a 16-point higher net
double-blind placebo-controlled trial. recommended allowance) or a gain in IQ than remaining 19 placebo
J Altern Complement Med. 2000; placebo was given at school daily controls, an increase in overall relative
6(1):19-29, 31-35. for 13 weeks to 245 children increase of 2.5 IQ points in those
(United States) (6-12 years of age). Nonverbal receiving supplements (vs placebo)
IQ (from WISC-R) was given existed and was statistically significant.
pre- and postintervention. A significantly higher number of those
with supplements gained .15 IQ
points compared to placebo group.

* WISC, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; WRAT, Wide Range Achievement Test; WISC-R, Wechsler Intelligence Scale
for Children-Revised.

Journal of School Health d August 2005, Vol. 75, No. 6 d 201

Table 1
Articles That Address Micronutrients and Nutritional Supplements and School
Performance and/or Cognitive Ability* (Continued from previous page)

Reference Experimental Design Outcome

Schoenthaler S, Amos SP, Eysenck HJ, 615 school children were assigned to There were significant improvements
Peritz E, Yudkin J. Controlled trial 1 of 4 treatment groups (placebo on the nonverbal WISC-R
of vitamin-mineral supplementation: and 3 different strengths of vitamin- (3.7 points), but no improvements
effects on intelligence and minerals) for 12 weeks. Pre- and for verbal tests. Supplementation
performance. Pers Individ Dif. 1991; postmeasures included measure with 100% of recommended daily
12(4):351-362. of intelligence (WISC-R), the allowances (RDA) was superior
(United States) Eysenck Junior Personality to placebo 50% or 200% of RDA.
Questionnaire, and the Matrix
Analogies Test.
Schoenthaler S, Amos SP, Doraz WE, 26 delinquent children from a Preintervention showed no differences
et al. Controlled trial of vitamin-mineral psychiatrically oriented facility in IQ scores of placebo and
supplementation on intelligence and were given either a placebo or treatment groups (IQ 100). At end
brain function. Pers Individ Dif. nutrition supplements (consisting of 13-week trial, placebo group
1991;2(4):343-350. of all vitamins and 11 minerals) for (11 children) remained the same
(United States) 13 weeks. Measures included a and supplement group (15 children)
nutritional assessment (7-day food IQ rose to 107. Gains in excess
record), blood analysis of vitamin of normal test-retest variation
concentrations, intelligence testing (8 points) were limited to 6 children.
(WISC-R), and brain electrical
activity mapping (computerized
Carlton RM, Ente G, Blum L, Heyman N, 19 learning-disabled children (age Intelligence tests did not change
Davis W, Ambrosino S. Rational 7-14) were recruited via significantly after Year 1 or Year 2,
dosages of nutrients have a advertisements and then tested but all 19 improved academically
prolonged effect on learning baseline at end of study: or were mainstreamed after Year 1.
disabilities. Altern Ther. 2000; WISC, WRAT 6 additional Twelve children completed the
6(3):85-91. standardized measures of closed trial at Year 2. All had
(United States) intelligence and/or achievement, improvements in grade scores.
blood and urine tests (chemistry, During Year 2, no differences
blood cell tests). Class grades and existed between months on
any level of mainstreaming were also placebo versus months on nutrients.
measured outcomes. In Year 1, all All students continued to improve
children were given 1 or more academically during Year 3, on or off
nutrition supplements (vitamin B, the nutrients. During Year 4, those
zinc, magnesium, etc.) at 2 to 10 remaining on nutrients further
times recommended daily increased grade averages, while
allowance—only investigators knew those discontinuing nutrients had
which child received which nutrient. lower grade averages. Authors
Child required evidence of academic concluded that (a) nutrient
improvement during Year 1 (higher supplementation improves
grades, increased mainstreaming) to achievement, not intelligence, and
remain in study. Year 2 consisted (b) longer than 2 months off of
of a closed random trial of 4 rotations supplements is necessary to lose
(2 months per rotation) with child supplements’ beneficial effect.
receiving either active nutrient
supplements or placebo. In Years 3
and 4, all children received only
nutrition supplementation (no
intermittent placebos) and all
intakes became open labeled to
investigators families and

* WISC, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; WRAT, Wide Range Achievement Test; WISC-R, Wechsler Intelligence Scale
for Children-Revised.

202 d Journal of School Health d August 2005, Vol. 75, No. 6

Table 2
Articles That Address Iron Deficiency in School-Aged Children and School
Performance and/or Cognitive Ability* (Continued on next page)

Reference Experimental Design Outcome

van Stuijvenberg ME, Kvalsvig JD, 115 children (age 6-11) were matched In addition to improved blood tests of
Faber M, Kruger M, Kenoyer DG, with a control group (115 children) nutrition, there was a significant
Benade AJ. Effects of iron, iodine, and and for 12 months given biscuits between-group treatment
beta-carotene fortified biscuits on the fortified with iron, iodine, and effect (P < .05) in cognitive function
micronutrient status of primary school beta-carotene. Control children with the digit span forward task
children: a randomized controlled trial. received nonfortified biscuits. (short-term memory). Fewer school
Am J Clin Nutr. 1999;69:497-503. Micronutrient status was assessed days were missed in the intervention
(South Africa) as was cognitive function, than in the control group because
growth, and morbidity. of respiratory- (P = .097) and
diarrhea-related (P = .013)
Walker SP, Grantham-McGregor SM, 452 girls (age 13-14) were assessed Girls who were anemic were significantly
Himes JH, Williams S, Duff EM. for school performance (WRAT), more likely to have poor academic
School performance in adolescent nutritional status (height/weight for achievement (multiple regression
Jamaican girls: associations with age, hemoglobin), and health analysis). Poor school attendance,
health, social and behavioural behaviors (questionnaire on early sexual activity, and not living
characteristics, and risk factors hunger, sexual activity, violence). with both parents were also
for dropouts. J Adolesc Health. associated with school dropout
1998;21:109-122. in the subsequent year.
Halterman JS, Kaczorowski JM, Aligne Data were taken from National Health Average math scores (score
CA, Auinger P, Szilagyi PG. Iron defi- and Nutrition Examination Survey III approximately 87) lower for children
ciency and cognitive achievement (6-16 years); blood samples were with iron deficiency with and without
among school-aged children and available to determine iron deficiency anemia compared with children with
adolescents in the United States. in 3% of 5398 children. Standardized normal iron status (score 94).
Pediatrics. 2001;107(6):1381-1386. test scores for intelligence (WISC-2 Children with iron deficiency had
(United States) subtests) and achievement (WRAT- more than twice risk of scoring below
reading and math) are available. average in math than those with
normal iron. No difference was
found on other test scores for
iron deficiency.
Hutchinson SE, Powell CA, Walker SP, 809 fifth graders (age 9-13) were School achievement (arithmetic) was
Chang SM, Grantham-McGregor SM. randomly selected from 16 schools. associated with height for age.
Nutrition, anaemia, geohelminth infec- WRAT achievement test, attendance School achievement was not
tion, and school achievement in rural records, a questionnaire to associated with body mass index
Jamaican primary school children. determine socioeconomic status, (measure of relative weight). Anemic
Eur J Clin Nutr. 1997;51(11):729-735. height, weight, blood test for anemia children and those with parasites
(Jamaica) (hemoglobin), and stool specimens in their stool had lower attendance
were measurements. and achievement scores (reading
and spelling).
Lynn R, Harland P. A positive effect of 208 children (12-16 years of age) were An initial correlation between
iron supplementation on the IQs of matched with 205 controls for age, hemoglobin levels and IQ was
iron-deficient children. Pers Individ Dif. sex, and IQ. Treated group received found to be small but significant.
1998;24:883-885. iron and ascorbic acid for 16 weeks. There was no significant difference
(United Kingdom) The Ravens Progressive Matrixes between treatment and control groups,
test was used to measure IQ. excepting for those with low ferritin
(measure of iron). In this group,
the treated group gained 3 IQ points,
whereas the placebo group lost
2 IQ points.

* WISC, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; WISC-R, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised; WRAT, Wide
Range Achievement Test.

Journal of School Health d August 2005, Vol. 75, No. 6 d 203

Table 2
Articles That Address Iron Deficiency in School-Aged Children and School
Performance and/or Cognitive Ability* (Continued from previous page)

Reference Experimental Design Outcome

Abalkhail B, Shawky S. Prevalence of 800 students were selected for blood Anemia (20% of population) was most
daily breakfast intake, iron-deficiency tests for anemia (based on prevalent among those greater than age
anaemia, and awareness of being hemoglobin levels). Of these, 12. Menstruating girls had twice the rate
anaemic among Saudi school students. 42 boys and 42 girls (age 9-21 of anemia than males. Anemia was
Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2002;53:519-528. years, mean 14) were surveyed for significantly more prevalent among
(Saudi Arabia) nutritional habits. those who failed school performance
examinations. Of those surveyed,
skipping breakfast was reported by 15%
(same for all ages, sex, body mass
index, and social classes). Skipping
breakfast was significantly associated
with poor school performance.
Otero GA, Aguirre DM, Porcayo R, 33 children (6-12 years of age) who Iron-deficient children had lower values in
Fernandez T. Psychological were iron deficient but not anemic WISC items of information, comprehen-
and electroencephalographic study and 33 controls with normal iron sion, and verbal performance, and
in school children with iron (matched for socioeconomic full-scale IQ scores than children with
deficiency. Int J Neurosci. 1999;99: variables) were given psychometric normal iron levels. EEGs showed
113-121. tests (WISC-R for IQ and a computer- slower activity among the iron-deficient
(Mexico) ized test of learning, dynamic children as well, suggesting develop-
evaluation of learning as well as an mental lag and/or a central nervous
electroencephalogram (EEG). system dysfunction.
Pollitt E. Iron deficiency and This article reviewed 4 studies. Study 1: No significant differences were
educational deficiency. Nutr Rev. Study 1: 41 children without anemia found on Raven IQ tests between
1997;55(4):133-141. and 78 with iron-deficiency anemia nonanemic and anemic students at
(Indonesia, Thailand, (8.2-13 years of age) were given either baseline, but anemic children performed
Egypt, Guatemala) iron supplements or placebo at school. significantly poorer in achievement tests
Cognitive tests (Raven test of nonverbal than nonanemic. Those who received
intelligence), Bourden-Wisconsin test for iron improved their hemoglobin counts
concentration, and another standardized and improved significantly more on
test of achievement were administered. achievement tests than those receiving
Study 2: 1358 children were classified as placebo. Study 2: At baseline the mean
iron-deficiency anemia (101), iron- IQ was 94 (iron-repleted children), 91
depleted anemia (47), or iron repleted (iron-deficiency anemia). Those with
(1210). All children then received either just iron depletion had IQs that did not
iron supplements for 16 weeks or pla- differ significantly from either group. The
cebo. IQ, language, and math tests were 3 groups differed significantly for
given at baseline and after treatment. language scores, favoring those with
Study 3: 28 children with iron deficiency more iron stores. Iron treatment had no
and 40 nonanemic children (age 8-11) difference on IQ, math, or language
(anemia was determined by response to scores. Study 3: At baseline, no differ-
iron therapy) had measures of hemoglo- ences were found between iron-
bin, various iron studies, a cognitive- deficiency anemia and nonanemic
performance test (CPT), Peabody children in CPT and Peabody tests, but
Picture Vocabulary test, and Matching more errors on matching test among
Familiar Figure Test. Iron treatment was those with anemia. No major differences
given. Study 4: 1203 children and adults were found on these tests after treat-
had iron determinations and were ment except that among anemic
divided into iron replete, iron deficiency children, those treated with iron selected
but no anemia, and iron-deficiency information faster and with fewer errors.
anemia. Arithmetic, reading, other complex Study 4: Iron-depleted and iron-repleted
cognitive processes, simple reaction time, groups were similar in all but 1 test:
short-term memory, and other elementary faster responses in memory for iron
cognitive processes were measured. repleted.

* WISC, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; WISC-R, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised; WRAT, Wide
Range Achievement Test.

204 d Journal of School Health d August 2005, Vol. 75, No. 6

Table 2
Articles That Address Iron Deficiency in School-Aged Children and School
Performance and/or Cognitive Ability* (Continued from previous page)

Reference Experimental Design Outcome

Seshadri S, Gopaldas T. Impact of iron Four studies. Study 1: The study Study 1: Anemic children had lower test
supplementation on cognitive consisted of 94 children (age 5-8) scores at beginning of experiment.
functions in preschool and of whom one third were randomly Nutrition therapy improved IQ/WISC
school-aged children: the Indian assigned to control; Experimental group scores for both anemic (11 points) and
experience. Am J Clin Nutr. was given oral iron and folic acid for 60 nonanemic students (4 points) for chil-
1989;50:675-686. days, and pre- and posttested with dren aged 7 and 8 years. Study 2: Blood
(India) blood tests (for anemia) and intelligence tests for anemia (hemoglobin levels)
(WISC). Study 2: 14 children (age 5-6) improved for treatment group and
with normal intelligence, weight for age worsened for controls. Both groups
.60% of median value, and blood work showed statistically significant improve-
demonstrating iron-deficiency anemia ment in IQ scores (WISC), but higher
were matched with 14 controls (same increases for treatment (10 points
intelligence, weight, and blood work). verbal, 17 performance) than controls
All children were treated with (5 points verbal, 7 performance). Iron
antiparasitic agents (parasites often therapy improved cognitive
cause anemia), but only experimental performance among anemic children.
group was given iron and folic acid Study 3: Overall cognitive function
supplementation. Study 3: 16 subjects scores improved with either dose of iron,
were matched for age, hemoglobin except maze test for the lower dose.
levels, and baseline scores with 2 other The 40-mg group was significantly
groups of 16 each. Double blinded, 1 better than control, indicating higher
group received a placebo, another 30 dose had better impact on cognition.
mg of iron, and the third group received Study 4: On supplementation for 1
40 mg of iron. Visual-recall tests, digit school year, anemic, iron-supplemented
span, maze cognitive function test, and group did significantly better on all
tests of visual discrimination and cognitive tests than nontreated group.
perception were given preinitiation and Nonanemic group only improved on
4 months postinitiation of therapy. Study maze test, as compared to controls.
4: 65 pairs of subjects were matched for
age, hemoglobin, and total cognitive
function scores and 1 group received
iron, the other placebo. Cognitive tests
given were same as Study 3.
Sever Y, Ashkenazi A, Tyano S, 14 nonanemic boys (age 7-11) with Iron measures increased, and parents’
Weizman A. Iron treatment attention deficit hyperactivity disorder scores for attention problems improved,
in children with attention (ADHD) were assessed by parent and but teachers’ scores remained
deficit hyperactivity disorder. teacher for symptoms of ADHD using unchanged after iron therapy.
A preliminary report. a standardized questionnaire (Conners)
Neuropsychobiology. and for anemia (blood test) before and
1997;35:178-180. 30 days after the intervention. All chil-
(Israel) dren received iron supplements daily.
Sungthong R, Mo-suwan L, Two schools thought to have high Cognitive function increased with
Chongsuvivatwong V. Effects of anemia-risk students were chosen. increased hemoglobin concentration in
haemoglobin and serum ferritin on Children (427, average age 9.6) were children with iron deficiency but did not
cognitive function in school children. tested for cognitive function (Test of change with hemoglobin concentration
Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2002; Nonverbal Intelligence), hemoglobin, in children with normal iron stores.
11(2):117-122. iron, and height/weight. Language and Those with iron-deficiency anemia
(Thailand) math scores were collected. consistently had poorest cognitive func-
tion (IQ 75) and below-average math/
language achievement. Those with iron
deficiency but not anemia had higher
cognitive function (IQ 86) and above-
average math/language achievement.

* WISC, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; WISC-R, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised; WRAT, Wide
Range Achievement Test.

Journal of School Health d August 2005, Vol. 75, No. 6 d 205

Table 2
Articles That Address Iron Deficiency in School-Aged Children and School
Performance and/or Cognitive Ability* (Continued from previous page)

Reference Experimental Design Outcome

Bruner AB, Joffe A, Duggan AK, 98 adolescent girls (13-18 years) found to Level of ferritin (iron deficiency) was not
Casella JF, Brandt J. Randomized have nonanemic iron deficiency were correlated with results of girls’
study of cognitive effects of iron randomly assigned to iron therapy or performance tests prior to intervention.
supplementation in non-anaemic, placebo for 8 weeks. Study measured Treatment group improved significantly
iron-deficient adolescent girls. Lancet. Brief Test of Attention, Symbol Digits more than placebo group in 3 free recall
1996;348:1789-1792. Modalities, Visual Search and Attention, items, but not in other performance
(United States) and Hopkins Verbal Learning Test. measures.

* WISC, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; WISC-R, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised; WRAT, Wide
Range Achievement Test.

unlikely to change cognitive ability or school performance, achievement were found for math only). Certainly for
even in children with zinc deficiencies (Gibson et al. 1989, those school-aged children with iron-deficiency anemia,
Cavan et al. 1993; Table 1). a preponderance of evidence demonstrates an association
Iodine deficiency in a population causes increased prev- with poorer cognition and/or lower academic achievement.
alence of goiter and, more importantly, may increase the However, it cannot yet be concluded that students
risk for intellectual deficiency in that population. Iodine with iron deficiency but no anemia are at greater risk
deficiency has been demonstrated to affect children’s intel- for diminished cognitive ability and/or poor academic
ligence and performance. Of the studies that have looked performance.
at this issue, most were conducted outside the United There is a need for large-scale studies that employ
States and in regions where iodine deficiency is endemic. carefully matched socioeconomic control groups and mul-
Urinary iodine studied in large national samples (National tiple standardized tests of cognition and academic ability
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey [NHANES] to better elucidate subtle effects of iron deficiency and to
I and III) indicates that there is adequate iodine intake for more precisely define the effects on learning. It is encour-
the overall US population, but that urinary iodine levels are aging that when iron supplements are given to school-aged
dropping over time. A trend toward iodine deficiency must children as therapy for depleted stores, academic perfor-
be monitored in school-aged populations.4 Iodine replace- mance seems to improve. On the other hand, iron supple-
ment through dietary supplementation appears to at least ments do not appear to benefit those whose iron stores are
partially reverse cognitive adverse effects among foreign already normal.
populations of children who are severely iodine deficient. School districts distribute medical forms to families
that elicit information on students’ health status. Some
forms include inquiries for students’ hemoglobin or hem-
atrocrit (blood tests that screen for anemia), and they call
Iron Deficiency and Supplementation
attention to the association between anemia and school
Table 2, which includes 12 articles, describes the results performance. The American Academy of Pediatrics rec-
of 18 studies. Knowledge regarding the link between iron ommends that blood tests for iron-deficiency anemia only
deficiency and school achievement or cognitive ability is need to be performed routinely if the student is a menstru-
derived primarily from observations and evaluated inter- ating adolescent female or history reveals that the child is
ventions of populations of youth who live outside the at risk for anemia.6 This recommendation is based on the
United States. Two studies were found that are based on belief that a good medical history of children’s dietary
US populations of children. intake and/or blood loss is sufficient to identify those likely
Some studies make an important distinction between to be anemic.
children who have iron deficiency but are not anemic and Evidence listed in Table 2 highlights the importance of
children with iron deficiency who have iron-deficiency assessing school-aged children for iron-deficiency anemia.
anemia. In the first group, children with iron deficiency In any geographic region of the world with a high preva-
have normal hemoglobin values (ie, not anemic) probably lence of iron deficiency, public health programs that effec-
because the severity or duration of their iron deficiency is tively prevent, detect, and treat iron deficiency likely help
inadequate to cause anemia. National large sample data to improve the academic performance of their school-aged
(NHANES III, 2001) indicate that 3% of school children populations.
in the United States have iron deficiency and that iron de-
ficiency may still be relatively common in adolescent
girls (9% of adolescent girls of childbearing age).5 Studies Food Insufficiency
in Table 2 demonstrate that iron deficiency may be associ- Table 3 lists published research studying whether food
ated with poorer academic outcomes (lower scores on insufficiency (ie, the limited availability of nutritionally

206 d Journal of School Health d August 2005, Vol. 75, No. 6

Table 3
Articles That Address Food Insufficiency in School-Aged Children and School
Performance and/or Cognitive Ability* (Continued on next page)

Reference Experimental Design Outcome

Hall A, Khanh LN, Son TH, et al. Measured test result of 3055 Low test scores in both math and
An association between chronic third-grade school children in language were significantly
undernutrition and educational test mathematics and Vietnamese associated with low height for age,
scores in Vietnamese children. Eur language, height for age, weight weight for age, but not weight for
J Clin Nutr. 2001;55(9):801-804. for age, and weight for height. height. Chronic undernutrition affects
(Vietnam) educational achievement.
Ivanovic D, Vasquez M, Aguayo M, 550 school children (13-19 years of age) Achievement was significantly and
Ballester D, Marambio M, Zacarias I. were chosen from various positively correlated with frequency of
Nutrition and education. III. communities. Food habits were consumption of dairy, meats, and
Educational achievement and food determined through a questionnaire eggs in both elementary and high
habits of Chilean elementary and high by trained interviewers. Educational schools. Significant and inverse
school graduates. Arch Latinoam achievement was determined by correlations were found between
Nutr. 1992;42(1):9-14. test results of various academic tests academic achievement and
(Chile) taken routinely at these ages. Multiple consumption of fruits and vegetables.
regression between academic Food habits explained 24%
achievement (dependent variable) (elementary) and 17% (high school)
and consumption of different foods. of variance in academic achievement.
Dairy products had greatest
independent influence on achievement.
Ivanovic D, Olivares MG, Castro CG, More than 523,000 students in first, Head circumference for age is the most
Ivanovic RM. Nutrition and learning second, fourth, and eighth grades important anthropometric parameter
in Chilean school-aged children: and 2 grades of high school were associated with scholastic
Child’s Metropolitan Region Survey studied. Scholastic achievement achievement. Signs of chronic
1986-1987. Nutrition. 1996;12(5): was measured using a previously undernutrition are associated with
321-328. piloted language and mathematics educational achievement.
(Chile) test. This was compared to head
circumference for age, weight for
age, and height for age.
Murphy JM, Wehler CA, Pagano ME, 204 children in grades 3-8 (and their Hungry and at risk for being hungry
Little M, Kleinman RE, Jellinek MS. parents) were interviewed. Ninety-six children were twice as likely to have
Relationship between hunger were reinterviewed 4 months after impaired functioning (by parent or
and psychosocial functioning a free breakfast program was initiated. child report). Teachers reported
in low-income American children. Assessments included psychosocial, higher levels of hyperactivity,
J Am Acad Child Adolesc academic, and food sufficiency/hunger absenteeism, and tardiness among
Psychiatry. 1998;37:163-170. measures. hungry/at-risk than among nonhungry
(United States) children. Intermittent experiences of
food insufficiency are associated with
poor academic functioning in
low-income children.
Alaimo K, Olson CM, Frongillo EA Jr. Data on 5344 children (age 6-16 Regression analysis (and adjustment for
Food insufficiency and American years) from a large database confounding socioeconomic and other
school-aged children’s (NHANES III) were studied for factors) showed that food
cognitive, academic, and families who reported not getting insufficiency was significantly
psychosocial development. enough food to eat as compared associated with WRAT arithmetic
Pediatrics. 2001;108(1):44-53. to those families who were food scores (0.4 points lower), grade
(United States) sufficient. Regression analysis was repetition (1.44 times as likely), but
conducted to test this food not associated significantly with
insufficiency against cognitive cognitive outcomes, reading scores.
(WISC-R), academic (WRAT It did not appear that diminished
subtests), school attendance, health status was the cause of food
suspensions, and other measures. insufficiency’s effect on these
outcomes. Effect was found on
children aged 6-11 years, not on
those aged 12-16 years.

* NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; WISC, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; WRAT, Wide
Range Achievement Test.

Journal of School Health d August 2005, Vol. 75, No. 6 d 207

Table 3
Articles That Address Food Insufficiency in School-Aged Children and School
Performance and/or Cognitive Ability* (Continued from previous page)

Reference Experimental Design Outcome

Upadhyay SK, Agarwal KN, 1336 rural school children (age 6-8) Increasingly higher grades of
Agarwal DK. Influence of were evaluated for malnutrition malnutrition were associated with
malnutrition on social maturity, visual (grades I, II, III) and for visual increasingly lower scores on social
motor coordination and memory in motor coordination and competence. Memory scores were
rural school children [abstract]. memory function. weakly associated with malnutrition,
Indian J Med Res 1989;90:320-327. with some differences between boys
[Abstract] and girls on memory for picture and
(India) memory for words.
Walker SP, Grantham-McGregor SM, 452 girls (age 13-14) were Girls who were sexually active, anemic,
Himes JH, Williams S, Duff EM. assessed for school performance or aggressive were significantly more
School performance in adolescent (WRAT), nutritional status (height/ likely to have poor academic
Jamaican girls: associations with weight for age, hemoglobin), and achievement (multiple regression
health, social, and behavioural health behaviors (questionnaire on analysis). Poor attendance, early
characteristics, and risk factors hunger, sexual activity, violence). sexual activity, and not living with
for dropouts. J Adolesc both parents were associated with
Health. 1998;21:109-122. school dropout in the
(Jamaica) subsequent year.
Hutchinson SE, Powell CA, Walker SP, 809 fifth graders (age 9-13) were School achievement (arithmetic) was
Chang SM, Grantham-McGregor SM. randomly selected from 16 schools. associated with height for age.
Nutrition, anaemia, geohelminth WRAT achievement test, attendance School achievement was not
infection, and school achievement records, a questionnaire to associated with body mass index
in rural Jamaican primary school determine socioeconomic status, (measure of relative weight).
children. Eur J Clin Nutr. height, weight, blood test for Anemic children and those with
1997;51(11):729-735. anemia (hemoglobin), and stool parasites in their stool had lower
(Jamaica) specimens were measurements. attendance and achievement
scores (reading and spelling).
Kleinman RE, Murphy JM, Little M, 328 families (parent with at least 1 child Of this sample, 56 were described
et al. Hunger in children in the younger than 12 years of age) were as hungry, 157 described as at
United States: potential behavioral identified from a large Community risk, and 108 described as not
and emotional correlates. Childhood Hunger Identification hungry. Hungry children had higher
Pediatrics. 1998;101(1):e3 Project database. Parents completed scores than at-risk and not-hungry
(United States) questionnaires (Pediatric Symptoms children for school problems and
Checklist, standard food insufficiency attention problems, but the findings
questions, and questions on did not reach statistical significance.
repeating a grade and receiving Aggression and anxiety had the
special education). strongest (and statically significant)
degrees of association with
experiences of hunger.
Mukudi E. Nutrition status, education Data collected from 851 students from 29% of students fell below 90% cutoff
participation, and school achievement 5 elementary schools included height, of acceptable weight for height
among Kenyan middle-school weight, attendance records, and (described as a measure of nutrition).
children. Nutrition. 2003;19:612-616. raw scores from standardized tests. The measure of "weight for height"
(Kenya) was the second strongest predictor of
achievement on standardized tests
(school attendance was the strongest

* NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; WISC, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; WRAT, Wide
Range Achievement Test.

adequate and safe foods) affects cognition in school-aged and/or reported school achievement were found in the for-
children. Of 10 articles found, 7 were conducted on popula- eign studies. In some of the studied populations, poverty
tions outside the United States. The majority describe and parasites confounded the effects of undernutrition.
impoverished school-aged populations of foreign countries, In 2 of the 3 studies conducted in the United States,
where food scarcity was sufficiently severe to alter chil- food insufficiency was associated with significantly poorer
dren’s height-weight ratios. Effects on cognitive ability cognitive functioning, decreased school attendance, or

208 d Journal of School Health d August 2005, Vol. 75, No. 6

Table 4
Articles That Address Role of Breakfast in School Performance and/or Cognitive Ability*
(Continued on next page)

Reference Research Design Outcome

Abalkhail B, Shawky S. Prevalence of 800 students were selected for blood Of those surveyed, skipping
daily breakfast intake, iron deficiency tests for anemia (based on hemoglo- breakfast was reported by 15%
anaemia, and awareness of being bin levels). Of these, 42 boys and 42 of girls of all ages, sex, body mass
anaemic among Saudi school girls (age 9-21 years, mean 14) were index, and social classes. A signifi-
students. Int J Food Sci Nutr. surveyed for nutritional habits. cant association was found
2002;53:519-528. between skipping breakfast
(Saudi Arabia) and poor school
Chandler AK, Walker SP, Connolly K, 97 undernourished (low weight for age) Undernourished children’s performance
Grantham-McGregor SM. School and 100 adequately nourished improved significantly on a test of
breakfast improves verbal fluency in children (third and fourth grades) verbal fluency when they received
undernourished Jamaican children. were given either a full breakfast breakfast. Adequately nourished
J Nutr. 1995;125:894-900. or a quarter of an orange. A battery children did not change. Other test
(Jamaica) of 4 cognitive tests were given. scores did not change as a result of
After a few weeks, the treatments breakfast.
were reversed and tests
Cromer BA, Tarnowski KJ, Stein AM, 34 adolescents (mean age 14.2) were Cognitive tests did not discriminate
Harton P, Thorton DJ. The school selected, of which 18 were randomly between breakfast and low-energy
breakfast program and cognition in assigned to get breakfast (doughnut, breakfasts.
adolescents. J Dev Behav Pediatr. chocolate milk, orange juice); others
1990;11:295-300. consumed a low-energy breakfast
(United States) (diet gelatin, powdered milk). All
were given cognitive tests 4 hours
after breakfast (Peabody Picture
Vocabulary, auditory-verbal learning,
matching figure test, continuous
performance test, an anxiety
Edward HG, Evers S. Benefits and Focus groups were held after Parents and teachers of children
barriers associated with participation initiating a food program at attending a ‘‘breakfast club’’ noted
in food programs in three, low- schools in 3 communities. improvements in behavior at
income Ontario communities. Can J school: teachers felt children
Diet Pract Res. 2001;62:76-81. who had eaten breakfast were
(Canada) better inclined to study and listen
better, concentrate better. Parents
felt the children were absent
less often.
Grantham-McGregor SM, Chang S, 100 undernourished children (based on Nutritional status had no significant
Walker SP. Evaluation of school weight for age) aged 8-11 years in 4 effect on the cognitive function test.
feeding programs: some Jamaican schools were matched for school, Undernourished children performed
examples. Am J Clin Nutr. class, and sex with a child with better after they had received
1998;67(suppl):785S-789S. normal weight for age. Children breakfast, whereas adequately
(Jamaica) were randomly assigned to receive nourished children showed no
breakfast or a slice of orange. This change in scores. Children’s
continued for 1 week. Two weeks attention to task in school
later, the breakfast and nonbreakfast increased significantly with
groups were reversed. A battery of breakfast, and in 1 school, gross
cognitive function tests were given motor behavior declined.
and classroom behavior was Authors postulate that the quality of
observed. a school may modulate the
effects of breakfast and
no breakfast.

* WISC, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; WRAT, Wide Range Achievement Test.

Journal of School Health d August 2005, Vol. 75, No. 6 d 209

Table 4
Articles That Address Role of Breakfast in School Performance and/or Cognitive Ability*
(Continued from previous page)

Reference Research Design Outcome

Jacoby ER, Cueto S, Pollitt E. When More than 500,000 school children School breakfast significantly increased
science and politics listen to each received school breakfast under this energy intake, protein, and iron.
other: good prospects from a new program, but the numbers from 1 School attendance rates improved
school breakfast program in Peru. town used for this study were not substantially (not defined).
Am J Clin Nutr. 1998;67(suppl): provided in this published paper. Nutritionally at-risk children in the
795S-797S. program improved their performance
(Peru) in the short term (not defined) on a
vocabulary test (1 of 4 tests given).
Lopez I, de Andraca I, Perales CG, 279 children (age 8-10) from low Stunted children performed poorer than
Heresi E, Castillo M, Colombo M. socioeconomic backgrounds were others in attention test. No associa-
Breakfast omission and cognitive categorized as normal, wasted, or tions were found between consuming
performance of normal, wasted, and stunted. Children were randomized as breakfast and children’s short-term
stunted school children. Eur J Clin receiving breakfast and others in visual memory, problem solving, or
Nutr. 1993;47:533-542. a fasting situation. Children were given attention tasks in normal, wasted, or
(Chile) 3 cognitive tasks on a microcomputer. stunted children.
Meyers AF, Sampson AE, Weitzman M, More than 1000 students in third through Participation in the school breakfast
Rogers BL, Kayne H. School sixth grades attending 6 elementary program contributed significantly to
breakfast program and school schools were selected (in a school higher CTBS scores (5 points on the
performance. AJDC. 1989;143: district with a new school breakfast total score) and to lower tardiness
1234-1239. program). The school tested all grades and absence rates.
(United States) in the spring using the Comprehensive
Test of Basic Skills (CTBS); tests were
given in the mornings. Attendance and
tardiness data were collected from
district administrative records. Data
were collected for the year before and
year after implementation of the school
breakfast program.
Murphy JM, Pagano ME, Nachmani J, In 3 elementary schools, parents and Students who increased their participa-
Sperling P, Kane S, Kleinman RE. students (133 in grades 3 and higher) tion in the school breakfast program
The relationship of school breakfast were interviewed and school data had significantly greater increases in
to psychosocial and academic were collected both prior to and after their math grades (10.3 grade),
functioning: cross-sectional and implementation of a school breakfast decreases in rates of school absen-
longitudinal observations in an program. ces (ÿ0.1 days), and decreases in
inner-city school sample. tardiness (ÿ0.4 days). Students who
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. decreased their participation in school
1998;152:899-907. breakfast had lower math grades
(United States) (ÿ0.9 of a grade), higher absences
(11.6 days), and higher tardiness
(10.9 days).
Kleinman RE, Hall S, Green H, et al. Information was gathered from 97 Prior to the school breakfast program,
Diet, breakfast, and academic students (grades 4-6) prior to start of study children classified from
performance in children. Ann Nutr a school breakfast program and after questionnaires as being nutritionally
Metab. 2002;46(suppl 1):24-30. the program had been in place for at risk had significantly poorer
(United States) 6 months. Validated dietary recall attendance, punctuality, and grades
instruments were used, as were at school. Six months after the free
hunger indices and other symptom school breakfast program, those
checklists. Students’ daily atten- students who decreased their
dance records and participation in nutrition risk showed significantly
breakfast program were collected. greater improvements in attendance
and improvements in math grades
than children who did not decrease
their nutritional risk.

* WISC, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; WRAT, Wide Range Achievement Test.

210 d Journal of School Health d August 2005, Vol. 75, No. 6

Table 4
Articles That Address Role of Breakfast in School Performance and/or Cognitive Ability*
(Continued from previous page)

Reference Research Design Outcome

Pollitt E, Leibel RL, Greenfield D. 32 children (age 9-11) ate dinner and Interaction between having breakfast
Brief fasting, stress, and cognition slept at a clinical research center for and IQ score accounted for a
in children. Am J Clin Nutr. 1981; 2 nights (1 week apart). Each was significant portion of variance in
34:1526-1533. randomly assigned to either break- errors on a test of competence in
(United States) fast in the morning or no breakfast discrimination of similar visual
(reversed at next night’s stay). stimuli. As measured glucose
Blinded psychologists administered concentrations dropped, the number
memory, matching, attention, and of errors increased. Correct recall of
other standardized tests. Blood incidental objects in the memory test
samples were tested for beta- was better among those who did not
hydroxybutyrate glucose, lactate have breakfast.
fatty acids.
Pollitt E, Lewis NL, Garza C, 39 children (age 9-11) ate dinner and Errors on a test of competence in
Schulman RJ. Fasting and slept at a clinical research center for discrimination of similar visual stimuli
cognitive function. J Psychiatr 2 nights (1 week apart). Each was were greater among those without
Res. 1982-1983;17:169-174. randomly assigned to either breakfast. Correct recall of incidental
(United States) breakfast or no breakfast (reversed objects in the memory test
at next night’s stay). Blinded was better among those who
psychologists administered memory, did not have breakfast.
matching, attention, and other
standardized tests. Blood samples
were tested for glucose and insulin.
Pollitt E, Cueto S, Jacoby ER. Fasting 23 undernourished and 29 well- Only performance on a memory search
and cognition in well- and nourished boys (age 9-11) enrolled in test (speed of scanning memory)
under-nourished school children: fourth or fifth grade were chosen was slower in the ‘‘no breakfast’’ than
a review of three experimental based on weight or height as a sign in the ‘‘breakfast’’ group for
studies. Am J Clin Nutr. of nourishment. They were either undernourished boys. Nutritionally
1998;67(suppl):779S-784S. given breakfast or no breakfast at-risk boys were vulnerable to
(Peru) (sugar-free soda). Blood samples adverse effects of fasting as
and a battery of psychological tests compared to well-nourished children.
were given (Number Discrimination,
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test,
Raven Progressive Matrices, and
computer tests of reaction time,
stimulus discrimination, and memory).
Powell C, Grantham-McGregor S, Seventh-grade children (all in bottom Those receiving a school meal
Elston M. An evaluation of giving the one third of scholastic ability) were performed better on arithmetic
Jamaican government school meal divided into 3 groups, those receiving test and had better attendance.
to a class of children. Hum Nutr Clin (1) a school lunch (milk and cake or Provision of a meal in school was
Nutr. 1983;37C:381-388. meat-filled pastry), (2) a syrup drink, determined to attract some students
(Jamaica) and (3) nothing. Students were to attend. When attendance
tracked for 2 semesters: baseline was controlled, arithmetic
measured during first and interven- scores were still higher
tion occurring during second. School among those who had
achievement was measured using received a meal.
the Wide Range Achievement Test.
Powell CA, Walker SP, Chang SM, All students (grades 2-5) in 16 schools Breakfast group (compared to control
Grantham-McGregor SM. Nutrition were weighed. The 405 students group) had improved height,
and education: a randomized trial identified as undernourished by low weight, and attendance. Neither
of the effects of breakfast in rural weight for age were each matched breakfast nor control group improved
primary school children. Am J Clin with a same sex, age, schoolmate in WRAT achievement test.
Nutr. 1998;68:873-879. who was not malnourished.

* WISC, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; WRAT, Wide Range Achievement Test.

Journal of School Health d August 2005, Vol. 75, No. 6 d 211

Table 4
Articles That Address Role of Breakfast in School Performance and/or Cognitive Ability*
(Continued from previous page)

Reference Research Design Outcome

Attendance, a breakfast question-

naire, and socioeconomic status
measures as well as tests for
achievement (WRAT; reading, spell-
ing, arithmetic) were study
instruments. Researchers also made
home visits. All were assigned to
either control or breakfast group
(at-school breakfast every day for
1 year).
Richter LM, Rose C, Griesel RD. 108 children from a school known to Between the pre- and postintervention
Cognitive and behavioural have undernutrition (second and third periods, both experimental and
effects of a school breakfast. grades) were divided into the experi- control groups improved in overall
S Afr Med J. 1997;87:93-100. mental class (55 students, mean age performance (as well as coding and
(South Africa) 10.5 years) and control class (53, vigilance) on the WISC, but the exper-
mean age 8.3 years). Attention, dis- imental group improved more on the
tractibility, and short-term memory vigilance tests. Only the experimental
were measured (pre- and postinter- group improved significantly on digit
vention) using teacher ratings, stan- span. Changes in absenteeism were
dard psychomotor tests, and video not significant. School breakfast was
recordings of classroom. All children felt to improve cognitive performance
in the experimental class received of socially disadvantaged, undernour-
breakfast for period of 6 weeks. ished children.
Simeon DT, Grantham-McGregor S. Subjects included 3 groups of 30 children Performance on the fluency test and
Effects of missing breakfast on the each (age 9-11) who were (1) hospital- mental arithmetic were poorer for
cognitive functions of school children ized for malnutrition during first 2 years the undernourished groups when
of differing nutritional status. of life, (2) stunted in growth (height for breakfast was omitted. Omitting
Am J Clin Nutr. 1989;49:646-653. weight), and (3) nonstunted. All were breakfast made no difference on
(Jamaica) given cognitive battery (WISC and the nonstunted group. Unexpectedly,
Peabody), matching figures, and the nonstunted group performed
others. Half received and half did not better in arithmetic when breakfast
receive breakfast after sleeping over- was omitted.
night at research center.
Wyon DP, Abrahamsson L, Jartelius M, 195 families with 10-year-old children Children’s energy intake when offered
Fletcher RJ. An experimental study recruited from 5 schools (10 classes) a higher energy breakfast (20% of
of the effects of energy intake at altered their children’s breakfast regi- recommended daily values) was
breakfast on the test performance of men over a period of 4 successive always higher than when offered
10-year-old children in school. Int J days for 1 week. Standard breakfast a lower energy breakfast (<10% of rec-
Food Sci Nutr. 1997;48:5-12. was delivered to each boy’s home, ommended daily values). Among
(Sweden) with uneaten food quantitatively eval- those who ate the higher energy
uated. Children, not parents, were breakfast, there were fewer errors
blinded to purpose of study. Over 4 made on the following tests: number
days, different breakfasts were checking (boys) and addition (girls and
offered (high vs low nutritional value). boys) and higher scores for creativity
Teachers blinded to nature of break- (boys). Girls worked faster on number
fasts assessed physical endurance, checking. No differences were found
mathematical and creativity tests, for multiplication or grammatical rea-
and other measures of mood and soning with high-energy breakfast.
behavior. Physical endurance was also better
among those with higher energy
breakfasts. Intake at school lunch was
not affected by type of breakfast.

* WISC, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; WRAT, Wide Range Achievement Test.

212 d Journal of School Health d August 2005, Vol. 75, No. 6

diminished academic achievement. The 3 studies employed base of 500,000 students, which is far bigger than
different research methodologies and measures to form published studies that precede it in this field, and therefore
their conclusions; for example, 1 used parent report to cannot be ignored.
gauge academic achievement. The volume and quality of In summary, there appears to be a positive impact of
data from research in this field are modest. This may be breakfast on various cognitive skills in the short term.9
partially explained by the fact that prospective, controlled Long-term effects of healthy breakfasts on a student’s
studies on chronic undernourishment (which require that school performance are still unknown. Long-term studies
clinicians not intervene in cases of hunger) are not ethi- are recommended as an important next step for researchers
cally feasible. Modest evidence in this small body of liter- in the field of school nutrition.
ature should be sufficient to raise concern that food
insufficiency exists among school-aged children and that
the issue must be addressed. Academic outcomes appear CONCLUSION
to be among the important consequences of inaction. Children with iron deficiencies sufficient to cause ane-
mia are at a disadvantage academically, unless they
Breakfast receive iron therapy. Students with mild iron deficiencies
Of the 18 articles identified here (Table 4) that describe the and no anemia do not routinely exhibit problems in cog-
effects on school-aged children of eating, or not eating, nition or academic performance. There is no evidence that
breakfast, fewer than one-half studied populations in the micronutrients such as zinc and iodine are deficient in US
United States. school children in amounts that affect their academic per-
Research studies of populations in Jamaica, Chile, formance. There is also no evidence that population-wide
Peru, and South Africa typically included children known vitamin and mineral supplementation will lead to any
to have signs of undernourishment, such as low weight benefits for academic performance in this country. Food
for age. Populations studied in the United States, Sweden, insufficiency is a serious problem affecting children’s
and Canada were not reported to have signs or symptoms ability to learn, but its relevance to US populations needs
of undernourishment. Studies of absenteeism rates among to be better understood. School breakfast programs seem
students offered breakfast at school found that children to improve attendance and decrease tardiness. Offering a
are more likely to attend school and have low rates of tar- healthy breakfast is an effective measure to improve aca-
diness when a school breakfast program exists.7 demic performance and cognitive functioning among un-
Positive short-term effects of eating breakfast on stu- dernourished populations. Eating breakfast, in contrast to
dents’ school performance are almost consistently found fasting, may improve performance on the morning eaten.
among severely undernourished populations. The specific The long-term effects of eating breakfast on the perfor-
function that improved as a result of having had breakfast mance of school children who do not have physical signs
was inconsistent. Improved functions found in studies of severe undernourishment is less certain. j
were verbal fluency, arithmetic, tests of attention, mem-
ory, creativity, physical endurance, and general tests of References
academic achievement and cognitive functioning. Some 1. Smith WB. Commentary on Schoenthaler et al: vitamin and mineral
studies looked at the effects of missing breakfast on stu- supplements—is the methodology sufficient to support the conclusions?
dents’ performance on the same day the morning meal J Altern Complement Med. 2000;6(1):31-35.
was missed. Others studies investigated the positive ef- 2. Egli I, Davidsson L, Zeder C, Walczyk T, Hurrell R. Dephytiniza-
fects of instituting a school breakfast program over longer tion of a complementary food based on wheat and soy increases zinc, but
not copper, apparent absorption in adults. J Nutr. 2004;134(5):1077-1080.
periods of time. Others investigated breakfast versus fast-
3. Micheletti A, Rossi R, Rufini S. Zinc status in athletes: relation to
ing, while yet others investigated the quality of breakfast diet and exercise. Sports Med. 2001;31(8):577-582.
eaten. These vastly different study designs may explain 4. Hollowell JG, Staehling NW, Hannon WH, et al. Iodine nutrition in
the variation found in cognitive functioning and school the United States. Trends and public health implications: iodine excretion
performance associated with eating breakfast. data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys I and III
It is not clear from research on US populations that (1971-1974 and 1988-1994). J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1998;83(10):
breakfast prior to school actually improves academic per-
5. Looker AC, Dallman PR, Carroll MD, Gunter EW, Johnson CL. Prev-
formance or cognitive ability. Those US studies that did alence of iron deficiency in the United States. JAMA. 1997;277(12):973-976.
find improvements among students who had eaten break- 6. American Academy of Pediatrics. Recommendations for preventive
fast were usually not carefully controlled. One California pediatric health care. Pediatrics. 2000;105(3):645-646. Available at:http://
study found a strong association between percentages of
students eating breakfast and schools that had higher aca- 7. Fernald L, Ani CC, Grantham-McGregor S. Does school breakfast
demic scores.8 This study is purely retrospective, is without benefit children’s educational performance? Afr Health. 1997;19(6):19-20.
8. Hanson TL, Austin GA. Student Health Risks, Resilience, and Aca-
a control group, is not yet published in a peer-reviewed demic Performance in California. California Healthy Kids Survey Fact-
journal, and its research methodology has yet to be fully sheet 1. Los Alamitos, Calif: WestEd; 2002.
described and exposed to objective critical analysis. How- 9. Cueto S. Breakfast and performance. Public Health Nutr. 2001;
ever, the information is derived from an impressive data- 4(6A):1429-1431.

Journal of School Health d August 2005, Vol. 75, No. 6 d 213

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