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Animal Abuse

Good morning teachers and my dear friends.I Gaurav Sagar Reddy of grade 10th A is here to speak on
my topic animal abuse.


Animals, just like human beings, deserve a peaceful life. Animals are an important part of our ecosystem
and are very useful to us. But, we sometimes forget that they are also living creatures. We keep on
harassing them and these poor creatures can't even express their feelings and grief. Cruelty towards
animals have become an international matter of concern.

We become cruel towards animals for two reasons - one to fulfill our needs and other for fun.

In some of the zoos, the animals are kept in a dirty cage with unhygienic methods of feeding. This
treatment has to lead to unfortunate deaths of animals due to diseases and poor standards of

The animals in these laboratories are injected with trial medicines and often kept at freezing
temperatures. These harsh actions on animals lead to their painful death.

The textile industry uses animal skin and their body hairs to make fabrics and accessories. Some
décoration elements are made from animal skin, teeth, fur, horns, etc.

The cosmetics industry contributes to animal cruelty by testing their products on these animals. These
tests allow the researchers to apply and inject chemicals into the animal’s body. Chemicals are also
injected in an animal’s eyes to test reaction to eyes. In this process, many animals died with pain and
failed trials.

Elephants, tiger,and other animals that circuses use to entertain audiences do not perform stunts on
their own and they do it because they’re afraid of what will happen if they don’t. They are forced to
perform, circus trainers abuse them with painful tools.

Intiatives to stop:

However, there are organizations like PETA(people for the ethical treatment of the animals), are taking
initiatives to ban animal cruelty. Recently there are many cruelty free clothing brands, cosmetics brands
and many Vegan products coming into the existence, which is the good sign showing that animal cruelty
will be reduced in the upcoming years.


Cruelty to animals has become a nationwide problem nowadays. The government has already imposed a
few laws and a few more are needed. Along with that, social awareness is also required. Students should
learn how to treat animals in schools. Parents should also treat their pets well and teach their children.

As an individual, there are several ways in which we can reduce animal cruelty, like adopting pets instead
of buying them, donating money and resources for the orphan animals and purchasing cruelty free

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