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Jonathan Dela Cruz BSAIS 2C


1. Look back on the chronological table list given in Week 1’s Activity. Not only were the
inventions stated there, but also their inventors. From the table, select your top five (5) inventors
who you think are the greatest contributors to humanity and explain your selection according
to the definition of an intellectual.

Archimedes' inventions have brought a great relief to the lives of humanity. The
Archimedes Screw has been widely used over the centuries, especially to raise irrigation
water and for land drainages, often being powered by people or animals. Besides being of
simple construction, it has also additional advantage of being able to move water that
contains mud, sand, or gravel.

In 1906, Frederick Gardner Cottrell, however, developed a very helpful electrostatic smoke
precipitator. It is a device used to filter the air by removing the smoke, dusts, and impurities.
This precipitator canal is being used for air pollution control, particularly for removing
particles from waste gases at industrial facilities and power-generating stations. This
invention is beneficial for the welfare of humanity as it minimizes the risk of getting sick
from the pollution; it is, as well, makes the environment cleaner and better for us.

Joseph Niepce makes the first modern photography in 1827, and personally, I consider his
creation as one of the best inventions the world has ever created. One benefit is people can
make it a business and can earn a living through rendering photography services. Second
is, some people who encounters emotional distress can use the said gadget to pass time or
escape reality. Lastly, photography is crucial in attaining justice as photographs and
recorded stuffs are used as a solid evidence to give end to a crime.

Meanwhile, a power plant is an industrial facility used to generate electricity was first
opened by Thomas Edison in 1880s. This invention is of great help to people as it provides
electricity which enables machines and other inventories to operate. As such, world would
not be as productive and industrious today without this myth being turned into reality. In
the absence of this, we would not have enjoyed the blast of the first-mentioned inventions.
Furthermore, the said discovery is now the widely used and greatly needed in our daily

Lastly, the mobile phone which shocks everyone with its drastic impacts to the society; the
invention of Martin Cooper in 1973 is named as one of the most intelligent inventions the
science has ever produced. Who would have thought that you can almost do everything
with this handy gadget anytime and anywhere? A device which can do various tasks and
lets you interact with other people in all parts of the world, share and receive data, and
stream your favorite song. Today, it is not just the most needed thing, but also the most
demanded product in the market. Life without this is truly unimaginable.
Jonathan Dela Cruz BSAIS 2C

2. Among the intellectual (scientific) revolutions known in history, select one (1) that
you think is most related to your course and explain how this revolution defined the field
of your course today.

- The information revolution has been of great aid in attaining the technology we enjoy
and utilize today; it is the era where technologies started to build nations, strengthens
humanity, and develops the entire world. It did not only help us revolutionize almost
every aspect of the society, but it also embarks us in a world full of possibilities and
infinite discoveries. Meanwhile, this era has also helped the business and accounting
industry to be productive, efficient, and futuristic. Accounting has never been this
convenient without the accounting information systems which enables us to do more
with the help of information technologies. As such, computers and internet are now
doing the tasks which are complicated to do manually which enables the business to
cut cost and to maximize its wealth for greater returns.

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