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Areas/Characteristics/Parts Animal Cell Plant Cell

Size Usually smaller than plant Plant cells are larger

cells, ranging from 10 and than animal cells,
30 micrometres in length. ranging from 10 to 100
micrometres in length.
Presence/Absence of Plastids are absent. Plastids are present
Plastids and come in four
forms: chloroplast,
gerontoplast, and
Size of vacuoles Numerous tiny vacuoles, Huge central vacuole
which are far smaller than that can take up to
plant cells. 90% of the volume of
the cell.
Position of nucleus It lies at the center of the It is placed more on the
cell. cell's periphery– in the
Reserved food form Glycogen Starch
Cytokinesis (furrowing It takes place by It takes place in the cell
plate method) constriction. Formation of plates. Formation of
cell wall. cleavage furrow.
Presence of Lysosomes The lysosomes in animal Lysosomes are rarely
cells contain digestive seen in plant cells
enzymes that can break since the plant vacuole
down cellular and Golgi bodies
macromolecules. manage molecular
breakdown of waste
cellular products.
Amino Acid synthesis The synthesis takes place in Occurs in the plastids
mitochondria, and it can and is capable of
only manufacture 10 producing all twenty
essential amino acids that amino acids.
can be obtained from food,
whereas the other ten that
they can only
synthesize are unimportant.
Nature of spindle fibers These are produced in These are produced in
centrioles. centrosomes.

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