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Going to the cinema about 3-5 times a year is fine, if they are movies that you are really going to
enjoy or love, or for the first date, for three reasons in particular:

The first is that you are not in the comfort of your home, you sit in the chairs and you must share
where the arm is placed and you are limited to a somewhat small space.

the second you spend a lot, since tickets and food if you buy at least 10 dollars per person, and that is
spent for the duration of the film, which is quite a lot considering if a large group of people goes.

and third, you do not know who it is going to be, your accent partner and may fall asleep or a baby
and cry or a very caramelized partner.

On the contrary, if it is a long-awaited movie and you do not want to receive a spoiler, it is best to go
to the cinema, because of the sound and the big screen.

That is why I prefer to watch movies at home, but it is nice to go to the movies 3-5 times, especially if
you have good company.

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