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Activity No 1

Name: _Jahnuel S. Mamalintao_________ Yr./Crse/Sec: ___1-BSEcE-A_

Professor: Emmanuelle Vios___________ Score: _____Equivalent: ______


Read each statement carefully and respond honestly by using the following scoring:
Almost always = 2 points
Sometimes/Occasionally = 1 point
Very seldom = 0 point
Physical Dimension
____1___1. I exercise aerobically (vigorous, continuous exercise producing a sweat)
for a minimum of 30 minutes at least four times per week
____2___ 2. I eat fruits, vegetables, and whole grains every day.
____2___ 3. I avoid tobacco products.
____1___ 4. I prefer to walk instead of riding a vehicle when time permits.
____1___ 5. I deliberately minimize my intake of cholesterol, dietary fats, and oils.
____2___ 6. I avoid drinking alcoholic beverages or consume no more than one drink
per day.
____1___ 7. I get 7-9 hours of sleep most nights.
____1___ 8. I have adequate coping mechanisms for dealing with stress.
____1___ 9. I maintain a regular schedule of immunizations, physical and dental
checkups (including Pap smears, blood pressure and cholesterol).
____0___ 10. I maintain a reasonable weight, avoiding extremes of overweight and
____12___ Total (physical)

Intellectual dimension
____1___ 1. I seek opportunities to learn new things.
____1___ 2. I try to keep updated of current affairs – local, national, international.
____1___ 3. I enjoy attending special lectures, plays, musical performances,
museum performances, museums, galleries, and/or libraries.
____1___ 4. I enjoy watching educational programs on TV.
____2___ 5. I enjoy creative and stimulating mental activities/games.
____1___ 6. I am happy with the amount and variety that I read.
____1___ 7. I make an effort to improve my verbal, writing, and expression skills.
____2___ 8. A continuing education program is/will be important to me.
____2___ 9. I am able to analyze, synthesize, and see more than one side of an
____1___ 10. I enjoy engaging in intellectual discussions.
__ _13___ Total (Intellectual)

Emotional Dimension
__ _ 1_ 1. I am able to develop and maintain close relationship.
____2___ 2. I accept responsibility for my actions.
____1___ 3. I see challenges and change as opportunities for growth.
____1___ 4. I feel I have considerable control over my life.
____1___ 5. I am able to laugh at life and myself.
____1___ 6. I feel good about myself.
____1___ 7. I am able to cope appropriately with stress and tension.
____1___ 8. I am able to recognize my personal shortcomings and learn from my
____1___ 9. I am able to recognize and express my feelings.
____2___ 10. I relax and enjoy life without the use of alcohol or drugs.
___12___ Total (emotional)

Social Dimension
____1___ 1. I contribute time and/or money to social and community projects.
____0___ 2. I am committed to a lifetime of volunteerism.
____2___ 3. I exhibit fairness and justice in dealing with people.
____1___ 4. I have a network of close friends and/or family.
____1___ 5. I am interested in others, including those with backgrounds different
from my own.
____2___ 6. I am able to balance my needs with the needs of others.
____0___ 7. I am able to communicate with and get along with a wide variety of
____2___ 8. I obey the laws and rules of our school and community.
____2___ 9. I am a compassionate person and try to help other when I can.
____1___ 10. I support and help with family, neighborhood, and work social
___12___ Total (social)

Finish the following statements:

After completing “Assessing Your Wellness”,

1. I discovered I am strong in
my Intellectual dimension. I’m shock by the result because I did not expect that in this
part of my wellness I would get a high points. Well I guess it’s very understandable that this
expected to happen because I now for a fact that I suck at my physical, emotional, and social
dimensions of my wellness.

2. I discovered I am weak in
____my Physical, Emotional, Social dimensions. In my mind this is expected to happen. I really
thought that all four dimensions in my wellness would all get low ponts, I guess I’m good at
something. Maybe I would try to improve more because my wellness assessment is very low. I
guess there’s a lot of room for improvement for me.

3. I feel I can change

_____all four of them. I’m very disappointed right now of myself especially by the result of my
wellness assessment. Change is really needed in myself. This changes will have a lot of impact
in my life, in a good way.It would be hard to change but I will. All things in this world are hard to
achieve but with discipline, hard work, and faith in our Almighty Allah nothing is impossible. I
can and I will change.

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