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Unit 4: How Brain’s Differ

Student Guide Lesson 2

1. What are the objectives of today’s lesson?

Students may have varying answers, but their answers should reflect the following general

2. What is depression?
 A n___________ a___________ state, ranging from unhappiness and discontent to an
extreme feeling of sadness, pessimism and despondency, that i__________ with daily life
 Various p__________, cognitive, and s________ changes also tend to co-occur with
depression like:
- Altered e_______ and/or s________ habits
- Lack of e_______ or motivation
- Difficulty c_____________ or making decisions
- W__________ from social activities

3. What is the difference between sadness and depression?

Normal “Feeling Down” or Sadness Depression

 Experiencing sadness is a normal,  A person experiencing some of the
h_________ r___________ to following signs and symptoms
challenging times and eventually most of the day, nearly every day,
goes away for at least ______ weeks, may be
 Sadness may be classified as a suffering from depression
m_____ if the feelings are
t___________ - Lack of C________________
 Sadness is an emotion initiated by - Appetite and/or weight
feelings of: changes
- D_______________ - Overwhelming sense of fear
- Grief - Loss of i_________ or pleasure
- R_______ in hobbies and activities
- Fatigue - Other signs and symptoms

U4L2 Student Guide 1

4. List the risk factors for depression.
 H__________ (genetic) – personal or family history of depression
 Major life changes, t________, or stress
 Certain p___________ i___________ and medications

5. Why does depression occur?

 Sometimes depression appears “out of the b______” and sometimes it is associated with
l_____ e_______
o Someone important in a person’s life d______
o Their country is at war or they live in an unsafe or i____________
o In response to a life/h___________ s__________
o Still others become depressed for reasons that are unknown
 As far as we know, regardless of the cause, symptoms are the same and the s_______
t____________ work

6. List and define types of depression.

 P_____________ Depression – a depressed mood that lasts for at least ______ y_______
 P______________ Depression – experience full blown major depression during p_________,
after birth or both. It includes, anxiety, e_____________ etc.
 P__________ Depression: occurs when a person has severe depression plus some form of
psychosis, such as having disturbing, f______, fixed beliefs
 S__________ Affective Disorder – characterized by onset of depression during the
w________ m_______ when there is less sunlight
 B___________ Disorder – it is different from depression but experiences episodes of
e__________ l____ moods that meet the c_________ for major depression

U4L2 Student Guide 2

7. How prevalent are major depressive episodes for teens?
● An estimated ______ m_________ adolescents aged 12 to 17 in the United States had at
least one m________ d__________ episode in the past year.
o This accounts for ______% of the U.S. population aged 12 to 17
o ______% of teens do n____ get adequate treatment for depression

8. How is depression treated?

 C___________ B__________ T__________
 M_____________
 Or a c______________ of both CBT and medication

9. What are the main types of anti-depressant prescriptions?

 S_____________ S___________ R_________ I___________ (SSRI’s)
- Block neurons from r______________ s___________ through the reuptake transporter
- Leaves serotonin in the s__________ where it can repeatedly stimulate the receiving

 Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (_______’s)

- Block neurons from reabsorbing both s___________ and n_______________

 N________________ and D__________ R_________ I_________ (NDRI’s)

- Block neurons from reabsorbing both d___________ and n_______________
- Example: Wellbutrin

 Other Types of A______-D____________

- Tetracyclic
- Serotonin antagonist and r_________ i____________ (SARI’s)
- Tricyclics
- Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (________’s)

U4L2 Student Guide 3

10. What is the main focus of prescribed anti-depressant medication?
 All prescribed anti-depressants are aimed at e_____________ the signaling of
 All prescribed medications can:
- Affect people in d___________ ways
- Take a f____ w_________ before the results take effect
 It may take a while to identify the r______ m____________

11. What are some tips for teens in reducing the risk of depression?
● S_______ t______ face-to-face with friends and family who make you feel good
● Get involved in a__________ you enjoy
● V____________
● Cut back on s_______ m_______
● Maintain h_________ lifestyle habits
● Don’t o______________ yourself; take time for you = self-care

12. What are some tips for seeking help?

● Talk to an a______ you trust
● Try not to i__________ yourself – it makes depression worse
● Adopt h________ habits
● M__________ stress and anxiety

13. What is the summary?

● It is normal to feel “blue” or sad, stressed or anxious
● A person e_____________ d_____________ will have symptoms most of the day, nearly
every day, for at least two weeks
● Risk factors for depression include a f________ h_________ of depression (genetic), major
life changes, trauma, or stress or certain p__________ i___________ and medications
● There are d___________ t______ of depression and people become depressed for numerous

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● Scientists continue to c_________ r__________ to determine the cause of depression
● In 2017, 13.3% of the U.S population aged _____ to ______ reported experiencing a major
depressive episode in the past year
● C__________ B_________ T___________ and prescription medications such as SSRI’s, SNRI’s
and NDRI’s and a combination of both therapy and medication are the most common
treatments of depression
● All prescribed a_______-d____________ are aimed at enhancing the signaling of
● Mental h_______ s___________ and supports are available and the earlier a person accesses
them, the better the result

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