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Mata Kuliah/Kode Seksi Perkembangan Anak/ 0246

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a. Judul artikel asli Kegiatan Melipat Kertas Dapat Meningkatkan

Keterampilan Motorik Halus Pada Anak Usia 4-5

b. Abstrak The purpose of this research is to study

paper folding activities that can improve fine
motor skills in children aged 4-5 at Kindergarten
Tunas Cita Sidoarjo in the Academic Year
2017/2018. The study was conducted in 3 weeks
with pre-cycle, cycle 1, and cycle 2. The research
subjects were children in grades 4-5 at Tk Tunas
Cita Sidoarjo in the Academic Year of 2017/2018
consisting of 24 children 9 children 9 boys and 15
girls. The research instrument used was an
observation sheet. Qualitative descriptive data
analysis techniques (sentence translation) with the
cycle model. The results obtained are obtained by
adding stars in the fine motor aspects and folding
paper divided by 3. While for calculating the
percentage obtained by adding up students who
received 4 stars consisting of the number of
students who reached and multiplied by 100. This
way is obtained obtained in Fine motor skills of
children at 50% pre cycle, cycle 1 only 21%,
cycle 2 increased to 70% in the fine motor aspects
of children and 42% pre cycle, cycle 1 25%, cycle
2 rose to 80% in the paper folding aspect. Thus it
can be denied that folding can increase fine motor
skills in children aged 4-5 in kindergarten Tunas
Cita Sidoarjo. Suggestions can be given about
Early Childhood teachers and parents can use the
folding program as one way to improve fine
motor skills in children.

c. Abstrak bahasa indonesia Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk

mengetahui kegiatan melipat kertas dapat
meningkatkan keterampilan motorik halus pada
anak usia 4-5 Di Tk Tunas Cita Sidoarjo Tahun
Pelajaran 2017/2018. Penelitian dilaksanakan
dalam 3 minggu dengan pra siklus, siklus 1, dan

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