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1 Character traits

Study the following adjectives and complete the sentence below:

confident fair hardworking honest

immature incompetent naive negative

1. Rob keeps making silly and childish jokes in the office. He’s so .
2. Sophie is very — she can’t complete a task without making lots of mistakes.
3. Kim is always the first person to arrive and the last person to leave the office. He’s very
4. Tony knows that he has a lot of skill and experience. He’s very .
5. Bill believes everything he reads on the Internet. He’s very .
6. Oliver complains non-stop. Everyone in the office thinks he’s a person.
7. Alan treats all his employees the same way. He’s a very boss.
8. Janet is an person — she’s not afraid to tell the truth.

In pairs make conversations about the people above like in the example below.

A: What’s Rob like?

B: He’s very childish.
A: Why do you say/think that?
B: Because he keeps making silly and childish jokes in the office.

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2 Specific skills

Now match the sentences the left to the jobs on the right.

1. She’s good at creative design. a. a computer programmer

2. He has a good eye for detail. b. a graphic designer

3. He’s able to make difficult decisions. c. a manager

4. He really enjoys talking to people. d. an accountant

5. She enjoys working with numbers. e. an HR manager

6. She knows how to resolve worker conflicts. f. a salesman

What skills are necessary for your job? Make sentences like in the example below.

"In my job you have to be good at negotiating and selling."

3 Expressions for describing feelings

When we aren’t sure about how another person feels we can use expressions with ‘seem’, ‘appear’ or
‘look’ and a suitable adjective. Study the sentences and match them to the pictures below.

a. He seems to be confused. d. He doesn’t seem stressed at all.

b. It looks like he’s annoyed with her. e. He looks nervous.
c. It seems like he’s really bored. f. He appears to be very unhappy.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Look at some pictures from a magazine, newspaper or website. Describe how the people are feeling
using the expressions from this exercise.

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