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Warehouse Racks Inspection Checklist

S No Check Point Status Remarks


1 Is there a safe load capacity on the racks provided?

2 Rack Cleaning is properly done? Is there any rust in corners? And Diagonal Brace Missing /

3 Rack is proper labelled / labels are readable in night?

4 Pallet is properly fit with metal frames or nut / bolts? it should be tight

5 Rack having guards? Is there any damage or unacceptable condition guard is found?

6 Either rack is born by metal, it is free from corrosion? Proper colored?

7 Are the materials stored on racks as per M.S.D.S. Requirements

Hazardous material rack should be labelled with material’s identification like … high
8 flammable materials, explosive materials - Labels are cleared & should be VISIBLE

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