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Idioms and Proverbs


Smell a rat- Meaning:

 sense that something is not right
 suspect trickery or deception
 realize that something is not as supposed to be
 suspect that something wrong is happening
1. When he made that offer, I smelt a rat. It sounded too good to be
2. His wife smelt a rat when he suddenly started working late for the
past few weeks.
3. I don’t think these files were deleted by mistake. I smell a rat. Maybe
he has something to do with it.
4. The minute I walked in for the scheduled interview, I smelt a rat. Sure
enough, it was a phoney company and intended to rip me off.
5. He smelt a rat when his wife said she didn’t want to go on a vacation
with him.
6. The investment scheme looked a good one, but I smelt a rat when the
adviser could not answer a few of my questions satisfactorily.
7. I smelt a rat when I found some items missing from my desk.

2. Straight from the horse’s mouth- Meaning:

 from a dependable or reliable source
 from the highest authority
 from someone who has personal knowledge
 from a direct or firsthand source
1. What you heard is true. I know since I heard it straight from the
horse’s mouth.
2. I don’t believe it that he’s leaving. I’m going to go to him and hear
it straight from the horse’s mouth.
3. You need not believe me. Go talk to him and hear it straight from the
horse’s mouth.
4. I know that they are getting married. I heard it straight from the
horse’s mouth.
5. Don’t trust what you hear on the grapevine. Its best to hear
it straight from the horse’s mouth so you know its true.
6. Why do you want to go to the rumour mongers when you can get
it straight from the horse’s mouth?
7. That news came straight from the horse’s mouth, so its true.

3. Green with envy- Meaning:

 extremely jealous of another person
 to be unhappy about something
 upset because someone else has something that you do not have
 being envious
 wishing to have someone’s possession
Example Sentences

1. Sally was green with envy when he saw my brand new car.

2. Why are you getting green with envy?
3. All the participants were green with envy when John was delivering
his speech.
4. I was green with envy when I came to know that my enemy got into
a relationship with my recent crush.
5. I could see that all the girls were green with envy when I came out in
my new dress.
6. When I told Emma about the confirmation letter – she was green with
7. My engagement ring made my friends green with envy.

Jump the gun- Meaning:

 start something too soon or early, especially without thinking
 do something before it should be done
 act before the proper time
 begin something before preparations are complete
1. The media jumped the gun and gave out their verdict of the scandal
even before the investigation was complete.
2. Don’t you think you are jumping the gun by talking about marriage
so soon? You’ve only just met.
3. I don’t want to jump the gun and give out my conclusions until I have
all the information required.
4. He jumped the gun and booked a seat for me even before I had
confirmed that I was coming.
5. I think he jumped the gun when he made that investment without
doing proper research first.
6. The new executive jumped the gun by sending out the appointment
letter too soon.
7. She didn’t want to jump the gun and make a statement until she had
all the facts of her case.
8. If we publish this sensitive article, the masses will be quick to jump
the gun and give their own verdict based on half truths and
unconfirmed news.

Spill the beans- Meaning:

 disclose a secret or reveal something prematurely

 unintentionally reveal a secret, often spoiling a surprise
 to tell someone about something that should have been a secret
 inadvertently divulge something you shouldn’t
 disclose private information, sometimes maliciously
 let slip something before you were supposed to
Example Sentences

1. Lauren finally spilled the beans. She has been promoted to manager,

and it’s going to upset some people in the office.
2. Have you heard that Mike is having an affair with his secretary? His
colleague just spilled the beans.
3. If you see Patsy at the weekend, get her to spill the beans on her
date with Carl.
4. We had managed to keep the party a secret from Bill until
Katy spilled the beans yesterday.
5. We didn’t want to reveal the gender of the baby, but I spilled the
beans to my mother that we were painting the baby’s room blue.
6. Olivia spills the beans on her brother’s love story in front of
everyone in the classroom.
7. The Scotland Yard Police have been trying to get him to spill the
beans about the anomalies in the department, but he won’t tell them
a thing.

1. The early bird catches the bird- Meaning
 it refers to people who arrive earlier are the ones who get the best
 show up early to get the best of the stock
 to get better deals because you got there sooner
Example Sentences

1. The admissions in this college get filled in very early. If you really
want to enroll your son here then you should remember that the
early bird catches the worm.
2. I am usually among the first people to bid for such construction
contracts since all my documentation is complete and I firmly believe
that the early bird catches the worm.
3. I had told you that only the early bird catches the worm in this
organization. Why did you wait for the last minute to send your
application out? The seat is already taken now.
4. She got the position because the early bird catches the worm.
5. I got to watch the movie in spite of there being a tremendous rush
because the early bird catches the worm.

2. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

 what you already have is more valuable than the prospect to have
something greater
 it is better to be content with you have than risk losing it by trying to
get something better
 it is better to have something small but certain rather than the mere
possibility of a  greater one
Example Sentences
1. You may not like your job, but don’t quit merely on the hope of
finding a better one. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
2. I might have got a better offer if I had waited for some more time,
but I decided to take the one I had. After all, a bird in the hand is
worth two in the bush.
3. He decided against selling off his small business for the prospects of
starting a bigger one. He realized that a bird in the hand is worth
two in the bush.
4. Do not put your life’s savings into risky investments in the hope of
higher returns. You may lose everything. Don’t you know, a bird in
the hand is worth two in the bush.

3. Birds of a feather flock together-


 to form groups with people with similar interests and tastes

 people of same flavour or interest gets together in groups
Example Sentences

1. The team is divided into people of the same region batting against
the others. Birds of a feather flock together.
2. The lawyers who attended the seminar were like birds of a feather
flocking together. They have not even spoken to anyone outside their
3. “Hey, Mom I want to visit grandmother’s house, I want to play with
kids there, you know birds of a feather flock together.”
4. I love to talk to the people who know about the computers, do you
know why? Because birds of a feather flock together.
5. Every evening many drinkers get together in a Bar near our home.
You know Birds of a feather flock together.

4. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch- Meaning:

 do not count on something that has not yet happened
 don’t make plans based on a good thing happening before it has
actually happened
 don’t expect all your hopes to come true
 don’t base your plan on a future event happening
 don’t assume to have everything you want until you have them
Example Sentences

1. Before committing to make the payment, wait till you receive the
money from the bank. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.
2. Though he was leading the race, he had started celebrating even
before the finish line, and in the process lost his lead. He had counted
his chickens before they hatched.
3. You may get the job, but don’t count your chickens before they
hatch; wait till you get the offer letter before you throw the party.
4. Why not wait till you get the confirmation? Aren’t you counting your
chickens before they have hatched?
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5. Kill two birds with one stone- Meaning:

 accomplish two different things at the same time
 solve two problems with one single action
 achieve two things with a single action
 achieve two ends with a single effort
Example Sentences
1. I have to go to the bank, and on the way back, I’ll pick up the
groceries as well, killing two birds with one stone.
2. He had gone to London on a business trip, while there, he killed two
birds with one stone and visited his relatives as well.
3. Cycling to work kills two birds with one stone. It saves money and
gives you some exercise.
4. I read the newspaper while sipping my morning cup of tea, killing
two birds with one stone.
5. When I went for the interview, I caught up with a few old colleagues
who now work there, killing two birds with one stone.
6. He dropped his kids to school while going to work, killing two birds
with one stone.
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