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4, 51-53 (1994)

Book Reviews

USERINTERFACE SOFTWARE.Len Bass and Pra- practising professional who wants a snapshot of
sun Dewan (eds). Published by John Wiley most of the major user interface issues in 1993.
and Sons Ltd., Chichester, U.K., 1993. ISBN On a bookshelf, this book would sit comfortably
0 471 93784 3, 201 pages. Price: f19.95, Soft between User Centered System Design by Nor-
Cover. man and Draper (1986) and Designing Interac-
tion by Carroll (1991).

This collection of articles is part of Wiley’s

Trends in Software series and, as such, attempts References
to provide a comprehensive, state-of-the-art set Carroll, J. M. (ed.) (1991) Designing Interaction:
of papers on a single topic: in this case, user Psychology at the Human-Computer Intetjke,
interface software. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
Considering that anything to do with ‘the user’ Norman, D. A. and Draper S. W. (eds) (1986)
cannot be a unified, discrete field of study, this User Centered System Design: New Perspec-
is a very unified presentation. The collection tives on Human-Computer Interaction, L.
begins with an article by H k and Hartson on Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, New Jersey,
formative evaluation which, together with their U.S.A.
copious footnotes, provides an excellent intro-
duction to analytical and empirical issues in inter-
face evaluation before, during, and after inter-
face design. Len Bass’s following article presents THOM GILLESPIE
various system influences on the architecture of School of Libraries and Information Studies
interactive systems which leads into two detailed Indiana University
design articles: Mark Linton and the Interview Bloomington,
toolkit, and Gansner and Reppy’s multi-threaded IN 47406, U.S.A.
eXene user interface toolkit. Next, John Stasko
speculates on why animation has not been used
more in interfaces and then discusses various
design goals that can be accomplished with ani-
mation. Virtual Reality is examined by Chris
Espisito in terms of difficulties, architecture and DEVELOPING USER INTERFACES:ENSURING
implementation issues. Then ‘a scheme for ana- USABILlTY THROUGH PRODUCT AND PROCESS,
lysing the functionality of synchronous group- Deborah Hix and H. Rex Hartson. Published
ware’ is proposed by Olson et al., which leads by John Wiley and Sons, New York, U.S.A.,
into Prasun Dewan’s description of the main con- 1993. ISBN 0 471 57813 4, 381 pages. Price:
cepts behind a variety of multiuser applications f27.95 (U.K.), $49.95 (U.S.A.), Soft Cover.
such as databases, distributed systems, message
servers, shared object systems, toolkits, etc. In
the final article, Scott Stevens discusses multime-
dia computing: applications, designs, and human Usability and fitness-for-use are becoming
factors. increasingly important, and many design teams
If there are any areas of weakness, I would are including usability professionals on their
staff. However, there is a great deal of current
say they are sound and speech interfaces and, research into the best way for the usability
maybe, adaptive interfaces for the handicapped. specialist to be integrated into a structured design
This collection would be useful for upper environment. One problem is determining the
undergraduate education, a beginning survey best methods to document and communicate the
course in graduate software design, or for any
user interface design in a non-ambiguous man-
~~ ~ ~

@ 1994 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


ner. Many times I have explained an interface The second section, ‘The Process’, deals with
to a colleague by using a combination of draw- introducing UAN, and integrating it with the
ings, text, and hand gestures, and have left think- development of the user interface and the rest
ing that I had expressed myself well, only to of the project. This is the main focus of the
find that some key piece of the interface was book, and this section is treated in much greater
misinterpreted. Also,during verification the lack detail than the first. The section starts with a
of a common notation to describe the interaction description of the activities that make up the
between the user and application makes the veri- development of the interface and non-interface
fication process more difficult to manage. parts of an interactive system. The authors make
Deborah Hix and H. Rex Hartson have for a good case for development as an iterative pro-
some time been promoting the idea of a common cess, making use of prototypes and user-evalu-
notation that can be used by a usability pro- tion, especially concerning the user interface.
fessional to communicate user behaviour and The need for effective communication between
feedback to the implementor of a user interface. the user interaction developers, working in what
This method, called ‘user action notation’ the authors term the ‘behavioural domain’, and
(UAN),breaks the different components of user the implementors of the interface, working in the
behaviour and feedback into a structured ‘constructional domain’, is portrayed accurately
notation that can be interpreted in a non-ambigu- and convincingly.
ous way by anyone who understands the UAN The calendar management system is also intro-
syntax. The present book shows the UAN fitting duced in the second section to help put the ideas
into their view of the ideal development project. introduced in the text into practice. The sample
As an example project they include, by way of application is helpful, as the text did a good job
exercises, the development of a calendar man- of bringing up the sorts of issues that arise when
agement system. designing an interface. The authors suggest that
The authors seem to be aiming for quite a group participation by a development team is a
wide target audience with this book, offering an useful way of learning their process. This section
overview of many areas that may be new ground would serve as a lightweight introduction project
for those not completely familiar with human for any teams that are considering introducing
factors. The text is written in a style that will be this notation, prior to using it on a ‘real-world’
accessible to anyone interested in the develop- project.
ment of user interfaces. The UAN itself is introduced slowly, with
The book is divided into two major sections, many exercises included to aid in understanding.
‘The Product’ and ‘The Process’. The text begins When followed in a group setting, these sections
with a short chapter on usability, and an intro- could be expanded to cover scenarios that match
duction to the authors’ views on how the work the needs of the team. The UAN syntax can be
of designing and developing a user interface verbose at lower-levels of interaction description,
should be partitioned, namely into behavioural but the authors give several helpful methods for
and constructional domains. The behavioural structuring the abstraction levels to make the
domain is the user’s view of the interface, while notation easier to read. Those familiar with reg-
the constructional domain is the view of the ular expressions should find themselves becom-
software developer. The majority of the text con- ing very proficient in reading UAN by the end
centrates on the behavioural domaid, with the of the example project.
exception of one chapter that focuses on develop Information on formative evaluation tech-
ment tools. niques is also included. These are particularly
The first major section, ‘The Product’, is a helpful, as the biggest problem when using an
summary of the components that make up the iterative design method, as put forth in this book,
human interface mmponents of a system, as well is guaranteeing that sooner or later a product
as a discussion of style guides, guidelines, and will emerge that meets the customer’s needs.
standards. Readers familiar with these issues will Their rapid prototyping methods, as well as the
probably tend to skip these chapters, as the methods for tracking any usability improvements
material here seems to be included primarily for that occur between iterations, can help show that
those readers with little human-factors experi- the team is converging on the development goal.
ence. The authors do a g o d job of compressing Development teams looking for ways to docu-
this information into only two chapters, however, ment and improve their user-interface design will
and include an excellent reference section to find a great deal of useful information in this
other sources for detailed information, if in- book. Those that are new to the field will prob-
depth study of these issues is desired. ably want to seek out more background infor-

mation in regard to human factors and interface

styles, but this book is one of very few that
attempt to integrate human factor design into a MIKEY WILLIAMS
structured development environment, and it has Ericsson Business Communications
been done quite well, and in a style that should 5757 Plaza Drive
appeal to a wide audience. Cypress, C A 90630-0007,U.S. A .

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