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Reviewer for the Quiz Bee

Change the following statements into questions:

1. The players are tired.

2. She is in the changing room.

3. Rahul is walking on his treadmill.

4. The little girl is playing with her doll.

5. I have been to Manhattan.

6. There are ten apples in the basket.

7. It was a huge mistake.

8. She was badly injured.

9. He will be late for football practice.

10. She is arriving by the 3.30 train.

11. Durga is a famous classical dancer.

12. The birds are flying in the sky.

13. Alice is my best friend.

14. Honey is sweet.

15. Dad is reading the newspaper.

16. She will pass the test.

17. I will buy that dress.

18. My sister has passed her test.

19. Emily is my niece.

Each sentence given below contains an idiom/phrase. From the given alternatives, choose the one that best expresses the meaning of
this idiom/phrase.
1. He has the gift of the gab.

He is gifted

He is a chatterbox

He is a good conversationalist
2. Parental property has become a bone of contention between the siblings.

unifying factor

cause of quarrel

cause of rivalry
3. Once in a blue moon, we meet each other.



Very seldom indeed

4. He has been jobless for several months, and it is his wife who keeps the pot boiling.

Keeps the fire burning

Avoids starvation

Keeps firing

Gets angry
5. In the end he had to eat the humble pie.

apologize humbly

defend himself vigorously

adopt an aggressive attitude

6. To be a good orator, you don’t have to play to the galleries.

make a fool of yourself

offend the audience

appeal to the lower taste

appease select audience

7. The officer took him to task.

Praised him
Reprimanded him severely

Dismissed him

Promoted him

Answers :

1. c) He is a good conversationalist.
2. b) something that causes a quarrel
3. c) very seldom indeed
4. a) avoids starvation
5. a) apologize humbly
6. d) to appeal to the lower taste
7. a) rebuked him

Seventh Grade (Grade 7) Idiom Questions

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Grade 7Idiom
What type of figurative language is used in the statement below?

"It's raining cats and dogs"

a. Simile
b. Onomatopoeia
c. Hyperbole
d. Alliteration
e. Idiom

Grade 7Idiom
Which is NOT an example of an idiom?
a. A dog ran after a rabbit.
b. Those cards are a dime a dozen.
c. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
d. It's raining cats and dogs out there.

Grade 7Idiom
The following are examples of what type of figurative language?

- let the cat out of the bag

- play it by ear
- money talks
- cat got your tongue
a. metaphor
b. idiom
c. personification
d. oxymoron

Grade 7Idiom
The following sentence is an example of what type of figurative language?
"It's raining cats and dogs!"
a. Imagery
b. Hyperbole
c. Metaphor
d. Idiom

Grade 7Idiom
A phrase whose meaning cannot be determined by the literal definition, but refers instead to a figurative meaning that is known only
through common use is an/a:
a. metaphor
b. simile
c. idiom
d. personification

Grade 7Idiom
Which of the following sentences does NOT contain an idiom?
a. A dog ran after a rabbit.
b. Those cards are a dime a dozen.
c. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
d. It's raining cats and dogs out there.

Grade 7Idiom
My mom starts her new job and says we will be rolling in the dough very soon!

The phrase rolling in the dough means:

a. To have a lot of money
b. To roll pizza dough
c. Starting a new career
d. Roll in money

Grade 7Idiom
What type of figurative language is used below?

That test was a piece of cake. I know I made an "A"!

a. idiom
b. personification
c. metaphor
d. onomatopoeia

Grade 7Idiom
Which word best completes this common idiom?

I hate to                               around the bush, so I will be honest about your performance.

a. flash
b. beat
c. burn
d. jump

I. Read and answer the following carefully. Write only the letter of the correct answer on each line provided before the number.

_____1. Which of the following uses the appropriate preposition?

a. Mike lives at Baguio City.

b. Our cousins now reside at 277 Katipunan Street,Dampulan,Jaen,Nueva Ecija.

c. We bought a house at Tagaytay City.

_____2. Which sentence uses the preposition “besides” correctly?

a. The little boys sit besides their parents.

b. My sisters and I would love to go to Hongkong beside Japan.

c. Besides acting, I also love singing and dancing.

_____3. The newsletter is being published biweekly. This means _______________.

a. The newsletter is published once a week.

b. The newsletter is published twice a week.

c. The newsletter is published thrice a week.

_____4. In some countries, it is ____legal to keep a gun in your house. Which prefix can be used to complete the thought of the

a. il b. un c. dis

_____5. Add the correct prefix to complete the sentence.

You should never eat meat which is _______cooked.

a. mis b. anti c. under

_____6. Everyone was looking at me yet I was _____conscious. Which prefix can you add to the word “conscious”?

a. re b. un c. mis

_____7. Which preposition means “concerning”?

a. besides b. against c. about

_____8. Which sentence uses the preposition “among” correctly?

a. Ariel distributed the goods among Beth and Ted.

b. The teacher gave the snacks among her pupils.
c. Among my two friends,Sheila is my most trusted one.
_____9. Timmy seemed unusually happy. Which is the adverb in the given sentence?

a. seemed b. happy c. unusually

For numbers 10-14,choose the appropriate suffix to complete the thought of the sentence.

_____10. The council had an agree______ that the new rule will be abolished.
a. -able b. -ing c. -ment

_____11. Follow_____ the doctor’s suggestion made him feel better than yesterday.

a. -er b. -ing c. -ed

_____12. Excite_______ filled the arena when the favorite team entered.

a. -ment b. -ed c. -ing

_____13. The players are just waiting for the judges approv_______.

a. -al b. -ment c. -ing

_____14. The trapped mouse lay motion______ on the ground.

a. -ful b. -ed c. –less

For numbers 15-20,choose the appropriate prefix to complete the sentence.

_____15. It is completely ______acceptable to sleep during class hours.

a. mis - b. un- c. dis-

_____16. Her closet is in wide _____array.

a. mis- b. under- c. dis-

_____17. Going to Italy would be an _______whelming experience!

a. over- b. fore- c.under-

_____18. It wouldn’t be _____modest if you wear appropriate clothing during the mass.

a. un- b. im- c. non-

_____19. Workers who are _______paid usually leave their jobs.

a. over- b. under- c. non-

_____20. Margarita has _______grown her shyness.

a. out- b. mis- c. over-

For numbers 21-30,choose the preposition that would make the sentence correct.

_____21. Many Filipinos are ____________ the newly-proposed bill because they are afraid it would only cause trouble.

a. against b. through c. into

_____22. I have been studying at GJC _________ I was in Nursery.

a. from b. since c. during

_____23. Place the dish ______ the table.

a. in b. at c. on

_____24. They will be competing for the Quiz Bee _______ November 16,2018.

a. on b. in c. at

_____25. _____ 2019,you will be graduating from the elementary level.

a. at b. on c. in

_____26. The pupils will be having the examinations _______ 9 o’clock in the morning.

a. on b. in c. at

_____27. Guests were all present ______________ the program.

a. since b. during c. among

_____28. My new classmate lives ______ Magsaysay Street.

a. on b. in c. at

_____29. My best friend lives ____ Tokyo,Japan.

a. at b. on c. in

_____30. Creative minds can finish the project ______ an hour.

a. during b. since c. within

_____31. A preposition which means “one side to the other”?

a. beside b. in c. across

_____32. Which preposition means “away from”?

a. into b. off c. from

_____33. The tourists reached the island ______ boat. Which preposition will complete the sentence?

a. into b. from c. by

_____34. Which of the following sentences uses the preposition “through” correctly?

a. They escaped the building through the fire exit.

b. The passenger fell through the bus.

c. They packed the relief goods through the van.

_____35. It is a preposition which means “in addition to”.

a. among b. beside c. besides

_____36. It indicates an enclosed or contained space.

a. within b. during c. through

For numbers 37-40,identify the kind of adverb shown in each sentence.

_____37. I can vividly remember our childhood memories.

a. Manner b. Affirmation c. Degree

_____38. No,it does not hurt!

a. Negation b. Intensity c. Affirmation

_____39. Down the road,she waited for his school bus.

a. Place b. Manner c. Degree

_____40. She can indeed win the contest.

a. Negation b. Affirmation c. Manner

For numbers 41-45,identify the word being described by the adverb in each sentence.

_____41. The speech was very well said.

a. said b. speech c. well

_____42. Intruders went to the party forcefully.

a. intruders b. party c. went

_____43. Sam always prays before going to sleep.

a. before b. sleep c. prays

_____44. Crocodile usually eats everything it sees.

a. sees b. crocodile c. eats

_____45. Our sense organs usually work together.

a. work b. together c. usually

_____46. An adverb that describes the way of the occurrence of the action.

a. Intensity b. Manner c. Negation

_____47. An adverb which expresses the place of the occurrence of an action.

a. Place b. Time c. Intensity

_____48. It is generally cold during December. Which is the adverb in the sentence?

a. cold b. December c. generally

_____49. Which is NOT an adverb of degree from the following:

a. very b. much c. often

_____50. Which best describes an adverb?

a. An adverb describes a noun and a pronoun.

b. An adverb describes a verb,a noun and another adverb.

c. An adverb describes a verb,an adjective and another adverb.

I. Underline the dependent clause and encircle the independent clause in each sentence.

1. As a result of his passing the test,he will enter the PMA this coming June.

2. In case you forgot the money,you can give the payment by tomorrow.

3. He was punished by his parents as a consequence of his disobedience.

4. Assuming that the house is for rent,we can stay there for the whole semester.

5. We actually rented the whole place so that we can talk things more privately.

6. It took him a long time to read the whole sentence that I wrote yesterday.

7. Matthew accidentally poked his eye because his hands slipped.

8. Friends should be doing no harm to each other even if they have misunderstandings.

9. They were expensive and difficult to handle that we just chose to leave the place.

10. Although she did not make it to the Top 10,we still look up to her.
II. Identify the correct conjunctions that will complete the idea of the given sentences. Choose from the given choices and write them
on the spaces provided.

( until , since ) 11. Suzan could not eat her desert _____________ he had finished her dinner.

( before , after ) 12. The children hurried inside ____________ recess so they can continue their classes.

( eventhough , whenever ) 13. ___________________ I want to go to the cinema,I just call my friend.

( as if , as soon as ) 14. My family would like to travel to Europe _________________ I am able.

( while , because ) 15. We were distracted by the group of protesters _____________ going to work.

( since , and ) 16. Filipinos should look for something that can add up to their income ______________ prices of goods are
getting higher each day.

( if , since ) 17. Just ask me _________ you need help.

(either .. or , neither … nor ) 18. _____________ you are coming to the party __________ you will be staying at home.You decide!

( yet , for ) 19. The delegates waited long hours ________ the speaker did not show up.

( unless , while ) 20. You can finish preparing the proposal _________ you are on a vacation.

III. Identify the type of writing in each sentence. Write Descriptive,Narrative,Expository

or Persuasive on the blank.

____________________21. Smoking kills! Cigarette has chemicals which can harm our

bodies. It has long been proven that smoking has adverse effect to our lungs. If you

want to live longer,why smoke?

____________________22. We just had our educational tour last week. It was a lot of

fun indeed! We went to different places which offer a lot of attractions. It was even a lot more fun because I was with my classmates
and friends.

____________________23. Biology is the natural science that studies life and living organisms,including their physical
structure,chemical processes,molecular interactions,physiological mechanisms,development and evolution.

____________________24. In making strawberries and cream,toss 2 cups chopped strawberries with 1/2 cup brown sugar;let sit 1
hour. Top pancakes with the berries and their juices and sour cream;sprinkle with brown sugar.

____________________25. I can’t resist going to McDonald’s. The food is just irresistible. The McChicken tastes so crunchy while
leaving a jolt taste of spice and freshness. I will definitely want more!

IV. Read each sentence carefully and write A if it is a simple sentence,B for compound,C for complex and D for compound complex.

________26. The artist whose work “Spoliarium” become well-known abroad is Juan Luna.
________27. When their pet dog died,the eldest brother felt so helpless;but his siblings tried their very best to cheer him up.

________28. Jared usually helps his dad mow the lawn or prepare the dishes.

________29. Zerah and Precious are good friends;they often talk during break.

________30. He comes early;in fact,he arrives the earliest among all the employees.

________31. When I was young,my father used to teach me how to fire a gun.

________32. I am expecting a high score from you since your examination is quite easy.

________33. My father is funny,but my mother is serious in disposition.

________34. GJC held their Christmas program yesterday.

________35. My friends and I moved in back to our parents’ house because its rooms have become empty of boarders;however,our
return is not our idea but my sisters.

Read and answer each question.Write only the letter of the correct answer before the number.

_____1. Classes might be suspended.It’s raining cats and dogs! The underlined expression means____.

a. There are a lot of stray cats and dogs that need to be sheltered.

b. It is raining very hard.

c. Cats and dogs are found inside the classroom.

_____2. Have you tried seeing the latest marvel show in silver screen? Silver screen means________.

a. flat television b. new television c. cinema

_____3. The Grade 6 pupils will be having their Dance Festival on Wednesday and the Grade 5 pupils will have it Thursday next
week. This sentence is a kind of _______________.

a. Simple Sentence b. Complex Sentence c. Compound Sentence

_____4. This type of sentence has one independent clause and at least one dependent clause joined by a subordinating conjunction.

a. Complex Sentence b. Simple Sentence c. Compound Sentence

_____5. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the group?

a. alumni b. cactuses c. index

_____6. The plural form of the word medium is ____________.

a. media b. mediums c. medii

_____7. Which of the following sentences contains personal pronoun used as an object?

a. Have you met her before? b. They must be excited! c. You can now go.

_____8. _________________ pronouns normally refer to the person or persons being addressed to.

a. Third person b. First person c. Second Person

_____9. It is a kind of pronoun used when asking a question.

a. Relative Pronoun b. Personal Pronoun c. Interrogative Pronoun

_____10. The cyclist who won the race trained hard. What is being referred to by the pronoun in the given sentence?

a. race b. cyclist c. who

_____11. Spaghetti,_______ we eat at least twice a week,is one of my family’s favorite meals. The relative pronoun that will complete
the thought of the sentence is ________.

a. whom b. which c. where

For numbers 12-20,choose the appropriate verb that will agree with the subject.

_____12. The principal,along with the teachers,_______ going to the conference.

a. is b. are c. were

_____13. Either the scout leader or the boy scouts __________ towards the camp.

a. hikes b. hike c. hiking

_____14. Neither the children nor mother ________ the new mall exciting.

a. finds b. find c. are finding

_____15. Everyone ________ thinking if someone stole the car keys.

a. were b. are c. is

_____16. Neither she nor I ______ going to the festival.

a. is b. are c. am

_____17. Any 10-year old boy or girl ________ the character in the play.

a. fits b. fit c. fitting

_____18. Each of the boys at the gymnasium,_______ his own physical fitness exercise.

a. have b. is c. has

_____19. A colony of ants _________ living on that anthill.

a. are b. is c. were

_____20. Mang Andoy with all his animals __________ the animal parade.

a. joins b. join c. joining

For numbers 21-25,identify the kind of verbal shown in each sentence.

_____21. Running is my father’s favorite sport.

a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive

_____22. Father has special running shoes.

a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive

_____23.Hiking is good for building strength.

a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive

_____24. There are many hiking trail near us.

a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive

_____25. It’s important for him to run everyday.

a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive

For numbers 26-30,identify the tense of verb used in each sentence.

_____26. Have you seen my sister?

a. Present Perfect Tense b. Past Perfect Tense c. Future Perfect Tense

_____27. Danny and Stephen are flying a kite in the yard.

a. Present Progressive b. Simple Present c. Simple Future

_____28. Marion will be performing in the Metropolitan Theatre.

a. Future Progressive b. Simple Future c. Future Perfect

_____29. She has just blown the candle of her cake.

a. Simple Tense b. Present Perfect c. Present Progressive

_____30. Farmers harvested the rice in Jaen.

a. Simple Past b. Past Perfect c. Past Progressive

_____31. Which of the following sentences has a correct order of adjectives?

a. I love that old big green beautiful antique car,

b.I own a wonderful old Italian clock.

c. We saw a new amazing American movie.

____32. Her beauty is incomparable. What degree of adjective is shown in the sentence?

a. Positive b. Comparative c. Superlative

____33. We seldom see each other. The given sentence uses an adverb of __________.

a. manner b. frequency c. degree

____34. She honestly doesn’t know the answer. This sentence shows an adverb of _________.

a. Degree b. Affirmation c. Manner

For numbers 35-39,identify the appropriate conjunction that would complete the sentence.
_____35. __________ his long absence,he still managed to pass the class.

a. Because b. For c. Despite

_____36. He could not eat ______ talk.

a. nor b. but c. yet

_____37. Renz was vey hungry,______ he does not like to eat.

a. so b. yet c. for

_____38. _____ you have practiced hard enough,you should have been chosen to the stage play.

a. So b. Because c. If

_____39. We cancelled the event _________ everyone is not yet ready.

a. and b. since c. if

_____40. It is a kind of essay which gives the opinion or the point of view of the writer. It tries to convince the reader.

a. Expository b. Descriptive c. Persuasive

_____41. Textbooks are examples of a material which use this kind of essay.

a. Narrative b. Descriptive c. Expository

_____42. Which prefix means “before” or “previous”?

a. inter- b. re- c. fore-

_____43. Which prefix means “around”?

a. circum- b. mal- c. bi-

_____45. The name of the biggest dog is “Tiny” is an example of ____________.

a. Irony b. Synecdoche c. Hyperbole

_____46. “All hands are on deck because a lot of passengers are aboard the ship”. This sentence shows what kind of figure of speech?

a. metonymy b. synecdoche c. irony

_____47. Complete the given : system is to method as faith is to ___________.

a. trust b. discipline c. mistrust

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